The Exeter Advocate, 1916-6-15, Page 1Russians capture 100,000 .Austrians. 6006 Canadians in latest casualty list
Germany lost !baby ships in battle.
Our Corner.
German aoss of %nein in the war
DOW reaches almost 3,000,000, as fol-
lows,—Dead 734,412, wounded 1,851,-
652, prisoners turd missing 338,522,
- 7G• t>.-7s
Thee Canadian casualty list from
the furious fighting at Ypres last
tvee!.- .3S expected to total 4000, a.
ver}: Marge per cent being wounded.
Twelve men of the Warship Hamp-
shire on which Earl Kitchener was
going to Russia when it struck a mine
and sank, have been saved, but Kit-
eirener was among, the drowned.
The Hughes family is some family-
Premier of Australia, Republican can-
didate for Aresident of United States
Our owl Sir Sam and the, two Can-
adian. Generals of the same name at
the front.
The Russians axe zplaying haves: with
the Austrian fosses in the East, 'hav-
ing captured over 120,000 men, hun-
dreds of cannonand machine guns
afid train loads of ammunition. No
less than three great Russian armies
are driving hard through the Aust-
rian front.
The latest reports state that Ger-
many last six large war vessels in
the great naval battle, and, vesicles
light cruisers, no less than seven-
teens destroyers, and yet they claim-
ed a victory. Just such a victory as
they Aro hearing at Verdun, where
they continue to sacrifice theirmen
'lit thousands for a few feet of terr
Verdun will Germanshe a to them claim
y Julthat.
Straw • Hats
SAILORS $1.00 to 33.00
PANAMAS $3,00 to . 36.00
Flannel and Duck
PRICES ' ...: $1.50 to $7.00
Negligee Shirts
PRICES .•.... $1.00 to $1.50
PER SUIT 50c. to $1.50
On Wednesday 'of this week the I
Canadians made a gallant charge
over a front of 1500 yards from San-
ctuary Wood to a point north pf
Hill 60, taking 1prisioners and inflict-
ing servere loss ort the enemy, as
well as recovering all the lost territ-
ory lost a fortnight ago. The Caned-
-ems consolidated the positions and
retain them against counter charges of
the enemy,
The Boys in Khaki
With .one military district, Alberta
to teem from, the total eadlistments, to
the Canadian forces no to June 1 were
Rev. Martin of London understands
that 'bis ;sou, Lietit. 1Beattie Martin,
is on his way home from .France after
a severe illness of rheumatic fever.
After a year's service its base hos-
pitals in 4reland, Dr. A„ H. Macklin
of Uoderieh, has returned home, hav-
ing been given the rank of captain
in the Canadian Militia.
The 24th of May sports committee
of Clinton has sh
and ed over scout
51.,100 to Lieut -Col. Combe of the
Huron Battalion.
t o
be used in buy-
iug mess tents and other supplies for
officers and men.
Tailor& Furnisher
Capt. C. E. Dowding', paymaster of
the 330 Battalion, most of whom axe
.now in France, has returned from
England; after a serious illness. His'.
home is in Clinton, and he was for-
merly en officer of the old 33rd Hu.-
ran Regiment.
Corp. Chester Harvey of Hamilton
was home ove Sunday,were
x as also
Privates Norman Mackey, A. Gam -
brill, Hector Heywood Wilbert Mille
son, Gordon Ford and Fred Wells,
Sergt, Brimacombe, Lieut. Torrance
and Major Heaman.'—
The casualty lists during the week
contain the names of the following,—
berate Robert N. Nesbitt of Goder-
icb killed; Private John, Groggins of
Nairn,, died of wounds; Private Ern-
est ,Huller and Private Wm. Jackson
of Clinton, wounded; Lieut, B. S.
Robinson, son of Rev. S. F. Robinson
of Stratford, formerly of Exeter,
wounded; Capt. D. D, McLeod of
Parkhill, :died of woau¢nds; Hugh .1i,.
Kyle of Seaforth, wounded,
Reported wounded.on Wednesday—
Private J. L. Russell of Russeldale;
Pte. Ernest T. Oke of Hensall, Pte.
Sidney Mara of Lucan.
"Why ,don't you get to Verdun?"
Said the Kaiser to his sane
"If you want to be a Field Marshall,
'Sou know it must Ile done;
All Germany is watching
And the blooming world as well
If you cannot get to Verdun
You had better go to—
Somewhere .else.
Oh daddy. dearest daddy,
Said Willie to his sire,
"The French have got some awful
They always go and fire
They ;fake a most terrific noise
When the send out a shell
If you were standing round, dad,
You'd think you were in-
Uinter der Linden.
"You silly ass," the Kaiser said,
"Your guns are bigger far,
And Bertha Itruapp declares that they
Could hit the northern star;
You've got asphyxiating gas
And stinking bombs as well
The smell of which shou:d make them
That they were dawn in— • i
A druggist's shop,
Oh ! daddy don't be cross with me
Poor little Willie said,
Old Hindenburg has got the. hump
Wurtemburg is dead;
And Tirpitz has retired because
He wasn't feeling well;
I wish 1 could retire like him
And go straight off to— •
A heatlt'h resort
The Kaiser stamped, the Kaiser swore
"I wouldn't 'care," said he, •
But you know in haughty England
They laugh at you and me
There's' .Asquith been to Paris
And away to Rome, as . well
I wish those 'badly English
Were safe away hv-
No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp
May 11 16
My Dear Friends,—
Your first and second parcels ar-
rived in good: condition. The boys
were delighted with the tobacco, as
it i$ so much superior to the issue
tobacco. The three night sttirts,
which had Miss Kinsman's name at-
tached were -not worn by a Tonuny
this time, but by our Assistant Mat-
ron. The heat Is very intense for
those who are sick, but the evenings
are delightfully cool—cool enough for
a wrap.
We have bad our first casualty in
our unit this last week, and we ell
feel so badly. Our adjutant, a
young physician of 29 years was
drowned in, the Vardar River, while
attemeting to ford it, He was an
Ms way to see the Zeppelin which
our navy had succeeded in iudnging to
earth an May Sth. It was a wonder-
ful thing as the cost of a Zepp is
$5,000,000. We mere rushed to our
dugouts at 2 •o"clock the other a,rn.
because of this air raid. 1 wish roe
could have seen the sky with all the
searchlights focused on this Zepp, and
chasing it all over, besides the star
shells. It looked as if all the heav-
ens bad been let loose. It was !,pec
tacular indeed, but a sight we aorta
want repeated. We lever think 'of
retiring, without first arrangingour
clothes for a hurried, exit, anfre-
quently sleep with part of thele*on.
Our greatest diversion. at present
is ,walking to a little village and
picking roses—such wonderful ones
and you pick all you can carat' and
pay ,lust whet you liken, It is :o
delightful getting those roses when
everything else around seems so far-
eign and uncivilized,
1 was called away just here to sea:
a snake that one of our orderlies had
killed under the beds. So many of
the sisters have discovered snakes in
their tents, and I am just sitting tight
for if I amse- unfortunate, lam sure
Macedonia won't hold me.
It is really awfully funny to see us
all in turn sitting up in bed, hunt -ng
for an animal with oat- flash -lights;
The imagination is a wonderful th ng
but the scone of needless .vorry
very often.
Diel I tell you before that the rea-
son the parcels take so long reach -
ung us, is because they go to Egypt,
while our letters come overlan•..
through France. Must thank voa ag-
ain for your !parcels, and it is surely
lovely having things come directly
from Exeter.
All good wishes to your Society,
Very sincerely,
M. Edna. Dow
Local Items
Marjory, the little • daughter of Mr.
and ;Mrs. Bert C,lnrk, is again very ill.
The ,first coat of oil was put on
Se1arin Street on Monday and rigs rop-
,edoff the thoroughfare for a few'
Reve B,annard of Elimville-occupied
the pulpit of , Jaanes Street church
opSunda r evening in the absence of
the, pastor.
Private .Fred Mallett, on active ser
vire with theCanadian Expeditionary
Force nu France, writes on Way,27th
a very interesting 1eetter to bis.; par-
ents Mr., had Mr. Frank Mallett;Sr.
Much of the letter is of a personal
a>,aittire. He reminds Dr. I yndman, for
whom the 'formerly worked, that the
excitement ove=r there is , even "great
er than, when they were going, through
the snow banks with that colt." He
says the w eiuthe :• in France is , Wender-
fully fine; end t'hee he .wants all the
letters and papers his' friends can send
Exeter Council
Mr. G. Holman olmatn; of Egmondville
has just received two very interest-
ing letters from his two sons Wilmot
and Gordon in France, telling of their
meeting at the famous battle ground
heat- fres. Needless to say it was 1
a happymeeting as they had not
seen each other for five years. W it -
mot ,enlisted in the Mounted Rifles
in the West in December, 1914, and
went over seas last January, and bas
been. in France about four months.
Gordon renlisted in January, 1915, and
went overseas in June last, and into
the trenches the 1st of September,
arid has thus seen over nine months
of war. They had just two hours
together and the time was well spent
in,, recounting the incidents of the war
and the past five years. The order
"fan in" separated them again, het
they both speak hopefully of the out-
come of the ,war and of their return
to dear old 'Canada.
Tee regular meeting of the Mutts
ioipal council was held on Friday
June 9th after the closing the :Court
of /Revision, The minutes of the meet=
ing held May 26th were ,read and
A communication .from the British
'America .011 Co., re. the shipment
of road oil and pump was read.
A petition from the rarepayers re-
siding on the east side of William
Street between Wellington and Nel-
son. also those along north side of
Nelson between Main and William
asking for a cement walk. Th'e pet-
ition was filed for farther consider-"
The Auditor's report for the month
of May was read and acoe'pted on
motion of 1 eavers and Roulston.
The tender of. Mr. 'W. T. Gillespie
to water a portion of the streets as
needed for 42c per hour of s.' • -ice;
was accepted on motion of Beavers
sec'd by Hind.
The following accounts were read
and approved,, T. lBroek 9.45; D. ilius.
set, Sr., 4.37; W. Westcott, 1.50; A.
Delve 2.00.; Henry Rumohr 3.15;
Harvey (Bros, 2.15; John Dunkin 4.30;
Fred East 2.10; Thos. Houlden 5.20;
Thos. G. 'Creech 75c.; John Norley
10;92; Geo. Searkner 20.00 Semi. Ross
1.05; Dr. Quackenbush 15.00; Hamil-
ton and Toronto Sewer Pipe Co. 6.81;
Exeter Electriq Light and Power (Co.
47.00; E. NorthCo. London 14.00; H.
Speakman 19.52; C. T. Brooks* 4.58;
Rd.Hunter 80.80; W ,J. Bissett 43.
75 John Ford 37.50; Jos. Senior 42.
50; H: W. Doerr 67.75,
Jos. Senior, clerk.
The !Court( of 'Revision for the As-
segment Roll of .the village .of-Exeteir
:met as per adjournment on June 2nd,
1916. Per :Roulston .sec'd • by; Hind-
That " the buildings on the Exeter
Canning. and Preserving Factory farm
property be reduced 5100. Carried.
All the appeals as. filed having
been heard, the, court confirms the
assessment as revised and on motion
of Beavers seed by Halton, the [Court
of Revisions for 1916 is cloyed.
Jos. Senior, clerk.
The Usboree council met June 'Ord
as a %art of Revision of the A:3sess-
;went 'Roll, There• was only one appeal,
bat, the following changes were made
Hunter's assessment ze3 c
Sam m r s. assessd a u e
tf,200,d0 and A. Eitiordon's, for loss of
aouae. 00.00-
E. Cu mores as-
eess hent on the yard, $200.00 was
struck raft. Tice court 'was then closed.
'Council met for business after'Court
of %Revision. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and approved,
Eive tenders were received Tor the
construction of tine rock Creek Drain
and 'branches -
The tender. of Jos,, Lawson Xor the
wlto1e worts; for the suss of 57095.00
was accepted, The clerk was instruct-
ed to prepare contract agreements
and have their duly executed as aeon
as possible,
The Council . decided to continue
dtttang "pleasure or council, to :grant
mortby to the died. Cross organization.
of'th =Township for the purchase of
,meteral" to be made tip, the total:
amount of said grant not to exceed.
$75,00 per month.
As a mark of appreciation or the
patriotic spirit of the men and "lays
stf the town,slrp who have, enlisted for
overseas ' eervice, it was decided to
present veasli one with a wrist watch
or some 'other useful article of equal
•A few accounts were passed and
orders issued in r payment. Council
then adjorned to meet again on June
20th. at 2 o'clock as Saturday is a.
P. Morley, -clerk.
We are pleased to repoar; rthat Mr,
John Shute of near Kvrkton, who re-
cently ,had his leg broken at the
thigh is 'recovering. ` nicely, and is
now able,. ,to move out around again,'
The ianniversary services and straw-
berry festival in ' conneptio s with
Fraser Church,.Biddullph will be held
on June 15th land 20th. Services both
morning and evening •on, Sunday. O,n.
Taesdlaay,a supper will be served fol-
lowed ,by 4 choice program.
Goderich; June 13. --The Huron
County Court sittings opened ncre
this afternoon, when his Honor Judge
L. 1-I. Dickson made his inaugural ap-
pearance on the bench as successor
to Judge R S. Doyle, recently sup-
erannuated. With the opening of the
Court Crown Attorney Seager, on
behalf of the bar, delivered a brief
address of cordal welcome 'to the
new senior judge of the county, His
Honor replied in a very feeling way,
returning thanks for the hearty con-
gratu'.ations offered and ex,pressed it
a privilege as well as an honor to sit
on, the bench of the county.
The case of -Levitz and Brown,
where the defendant was charged with
the. theft of some furs, was dismissed.
The case of the King vs. Bender,
was en'arged still December owing to
absence of defendant.
C, •Morlock of Rodney; Rev Becker
of this ,place, and Mi. Dan Schwantz
of Goderich. On Wednesday after-
fternoon a mass meeting, at which the
children were in attendance was ad-
dressed by Miss L. L. Meyer of
Dashwood and Mr. Geiger of Zurich.
Special musk was also rendered at
each meeting which was much apprec- Elvins Hodgson, daughter of Mr..
iated The election of officers result- and Mrs. Nathaniel Ogden, of Us-
ed as follows :—Rev. F. $. Meyer of borrle.
Zurich. President; Rev. J. C. Mor. Ryan—Guinan—.At Mt, Carmel on7ths
Sock Vice -Pres„ 14 R. M. Geiger June, Michael Ryan, to Miss Mary
of Zurich and Mr, J .H. tHottzman Gilman,
of Crediton the Teas. The conven- Martin—Bray—In Usborne, on June14
tion will prole a great help to all William Martin, sen. of George Mar
Sunday ,Schoul workers as some tineof Hibbert, to Miss Stelia,daugh-
splendid ideas were brought forth by ter of the late William Bray.
the different speakers.,*
Martyrs.—Clark--At Russeldale, June 7'
Viola, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. ,141ark M. Clark, to Mr. Ve rn
Martyn of Russeldale.
Squire—Hodgson— In Usborne, on,
June -14th, Francis C. Squire, to Miss.
BIRTHS 'ifade--In Stelzhen June 6, firs.
Culbert—I•n Biddu ph, on June 9th, to john Wade, aged an 86 years, 19 days
Mr. and Mrs. Myron M. Culbert, a Kilgailin. In London, on June 6, Brid-
son get ICrlgaliim +aged 91 years. Fund
era! at wilt. Carmel
Stritzer—In Blanchard, June lst, Mary
Bentley, reliet of the late Corneille
Switzer, aged 77 years, 10 months.
Hurdon—At the Woman's Hospital,
191 Georgia St, Buffalci, on June
8th, to fir, and. Mrs. R. Dyer Hur-
don. a son=Richard Groff Dyer
John Fahner bought a Chevrolet au-
tomobile last week. The car is be-
coming quite common around here.
Our farmers believe in enjoying Life
just tas well as the town folks.
The [local branch of the Red' Cross
contributed S35 towards equipping
the Western University Hospital at
the front.
Our band marched to Crediton East
an .;Monday and entertained the peo-
ple -with serveral fine selections. The
boys received a liberal collection and
a hearty invitation to repeat the
program in the near future
Tire school', drag has-been- a nag
mast the past week its memory of the
death of -the late Earl Kitchener.
We are ,pleased for learn that Mrs.
Wi'li'am Sambrook is im,proviarg nice-
ly after. her,gperatiojm in Victoria Hos.
vital, London, last : week.
Arthur •Benedict has secured -a sit
usarion as engineer and fireman in: a
Furniture Faactory in Berlin and leav-
es there some lime this week.
Henry Eilber, 14I P.P. had hisval-
uable spainiel "Nixie" run aver by an,
automobile and killed on Tuesday.
The dog was a friend of young and:
old and a great family pet.
Mrs. Ewald, son Otto, Godfrey Nic-
holson ,and Wm, Sambrook motored.
to Laindon on Sulidely.
Mrs, Gottlob Brown has returned
home after .being opeirated on in Ber-
lin. She is much unswayed and her
many friends hope she will soon he
herself again.
Miss 'Clarissa ' Hill of 'St. Joseph
Hospital staff is •home for a few.
wieei s: vacation.
On Tuesday and ' Wednesday .of this
week a' Sunday School of Crediton
District. was :held in the Evangelical
Ch°urcl,. The, 's,peciail' sessions were
well attended and ,proved very inter-•
e.stieg. Different topics .pentaining. to
Sunday School work was 'given by
Rev. F. B, Meyer' . and Me. R. M.
Geiger of Zurich; Rev. F. Meyer. and
Mr. G ottfrried Oestreicher of Dash-
wood; Rev. Litt of Berlin; Rev. 5.
We have u large stock of Room Rugs in Tapestries, Bruss-
els Velvets and Wilton's which we offer you at prices that
they cannnot be bought for at the Mills to day, besides you
will diet the old dyes. We carry a big range of sizes suit-
able for small rooms, as well as extra large ones. We also
have in stock Crex Grass Rugs for Verandahs in four sizes,
Lace Curtains and Curtain Nets
Including a splendid range of Curtains, Goods by the yard.
in Nets, Scrims, Muslins, Which ,make pretty curtains at low
cost at per yard 15c., 20c., 2Sc, 30c. to 75c. Also some
excellent values in Lace Curtains Zli yards long, at per Pair,
60c., 75e, $1;00, $I,50 to $5.50
Oilcloths and Linoleums
We are very fortunate to have Satz stock such a fine assort-
ment of Oilcloths and Linoleums in. the different widths in
pretty floral and tile patterns which the are selling at nearly:
the old prices. Also two pretty lie patterns in Nairns In-
laid Linoleums, Bring in your measurements and let us quote
you prices. We can save you money,
Renew your subscription to the Designer this month. The
price as 45c, a year. Every month thee. Designer gores into the
home of its subscribers bringing smn-t fashions. We carry in
stock the Standard Patterns, which are very simple to use
and are guaranteed to be correct in every detail. Try if for a
year at this low offer.
The Big Store with the Little Prices
Ford Touring Car
Price $530
The .Ford Runabout is $480; the Cou-
pelet $730 • the: Sedan $890; the Town
car $780• All .prices are f.o.b. Ford,
Ontario. • All cars completely equip-
ped, .including. electric headlights,
Cars .oat sale at•