The Exeter Advocate, 1916-6-8, Page 8EXE PER AmrEm1 TE, THURSDAY JUNE s:, I s i s EXETER MARKETS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY, Wheat 90 to 97 Barley 50 to 55 Buckwheat ,,.,,., .", 60 to 65 Oats ,.,, ,.. 47 to 50 Peas .. 95 to 1 00 Potatoes per bag 2.00' to 2.25 Hay, Per tort 1$ 00 Flour ,per cwt, fain y*3 10 Flour, low grade, per cwt. 1. 75 Shorts per ton Z7 Oa, Bran per ton .,..,.... 26 00 Eggs 23 25 Butter Creamery Butter 32 Hog u er cwt..,. 10 00 Private Isomer Arthur emote on of Clinton :appears in the list of killed at the front. SWAT THE FLY Slane s Se. and 10c. Wire My Traps 15c. TaigJel:oot 5 for 10c. Get your supply here. POWELL'S The Home of Edison Phonographs —0- FRAME, BARN FOR SALE. -40x 6a -2f; ft side; in first-class condi- tion. Good bargain for quick sale. Situated 1'= mires from Exeter. Apply Ito '-Nelson Staniake, Exeter. FLOWERS FOR SALE.-A1I kinds. o; Tlowers, such as GeraMulus, Fol- I.•e Canna etc., etc. also hanging bas leets and stands furnished and filled. Call or phone your orders. JOHN FORD, Exeter Cemetery. FOR S ALE. -A cement die plant complete in every part. Unlimited Supply of gravel. Close to river. Ap- ply on prem se;, Lot 30, Con. a, las ?core e. Mrs. S. Cudmore,. Helasall, Fant. TIRE AND.RIM LOST.=Between Hiilsgreen and .Exeter, by way Of E;piien and Chrselhurst, a, 32x3!: inch automobile Dominion tire. Finder will be suitably rewarded by phoning or communicating with G. I. DOW Exeter. The Lades Guild of Trivitt Mem- cral church will hold their Garden Party on the last Friday in June - the 30th. WANTED -Girl about 14 or 15, to t elp with young children; references •,fret sled, lat home; apply between 9 esti 10 alar. to Mrs. Trumper, rectory, Banter, YOUNG MEN Yousag,men or others who are un- able to 30itt for overseas service can serve 'their Kiatg and Country by helping on Munition Work. APPIy to THE ROBT. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER CO. Ltd. Seaforth, Ont. WANTED --Motormen and Conduc- tors. We can ,place some men in such positions if prompt in writing us fox application blanks.- McConnell & Fergusson London, Ontario. GRASS LANDS TO RENT. -The andexsigned has a quantity of grass lend to rent for a. term -swell, watered R. Drought. Lot 7, Corn, 5, Usborne, South Boundary. LOCAL DOINGS. �cais.•s . r•w-alic•e,ctc•akiegalkaA,c�li Monday was the finest dsy we have had since the 24th of May, For once Exeter misse,,d the Wash- ing rain storms, when the districts all around had heavy showers on Sunday Mliss Hilda who recently left E;ete.r for Detroit, has accepted a position as stenographer with the Commonwealth Sa'3ngs Bank •of that city, Andrew Porter, a former Exeterite who now resides in•Goderich, has been appointed Customs 'Officer at Goder- ich, owning tothe ill health of Mr, Asa. Farrow. Forest is having a Thursday half holiday ,through June, July and Aug- ust Arrangements for the weekly half holiday should be made in Exeter vert soon. Rev. D. N. '.Mecatnus as the new president of the London Methodist Conference by a large majority. Rev Muxworthy of Exeter stood second int the vote. There were many can- didates, Mr. A. Hastings of town received the sad and unexpected news Tues- day of the death of his brother,. Mr. James Hastings, who died sud- denly at his home in Port Huron, on alondsy night, He was aged 5Z }ears and leaves a wife and one daughter. The funeral takes place atPort blur on to -day Thursday. - atAixBeekia ars' JacoDay will beheld d leh, on Tuesday, June 13, at 10 o'- t:1oe1 ,in the Morning. A qualified lil- structot sent by the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture will show hots!' -to examine' hives, for diseases and discussions will take place. A. sim- s;taz day will be held at Irving Baas„ Clinton on the 14th: M. C. F. Smalley, o the Smalley Marluttteturing Ca„ Mlanitowac, Wis., was in Exeter this week with a view Of :establishing 1a branch factory in cm-eta:Zion with Connor Machine Co,; Owinc. to the scarcity of men, at presenr .he company -wall partly man- ufacture the goods and have them finsihed here. The Smalley Co. man- ufacture eiiskage cutters and won the gr,,rtd ;prize on their line at the Pen- man= Exposition last year. The Soldier's Aid Society intend havi,-iTa g Day on Saturdsy, June 10th, Proceeds to go to a Hospital for convalescent soldiers in Canada. A special meeting is called for Thurs dao 7 o'clock. All members are re- quested to attend. Donations receiv- ed, Miss Weekes $1.00, :firs. White 25e., Empire Day donation from Room, 4 Public. School $3.00, 2 dozen wash cloths from Room 6, Public School, 1 pair socks from Miss B. Idartnoll, 1 pair socks from Miss 1f. Weekes, Shipped to The LO.D.E„ London. 27.Z3 Hospital supplies and wash cloths, and: 40 towels. 400 THOUSAND PLANTS for SALE -Geranium, Fuchsia, Ferns, Asters. Stores `Verbena, Double and Single Petuna Salvia, Ageratum, Pans y Vince Dracena, Dusty Miller, Double and Single Gob.elia, Canna, Foliage, Silver Leaf, six kinds of Tomatoes, Celery Cabbage; Hanging Baskets. L. DAY, Florist. WOMAN WANTED. -At the Cen- tral Hotel, Exeter, a woman to work two days a week. PASH RE TO RENT. -The Can- ning Com zany has twenty acres at river flats to rent for pasture for the season. Apply at the Factory. BUGGIES AT COST. A whole ear load o: McLaughlin and Brock- ville. buggies to be sold at cast price. Every buggy must go sure. I handle all kinds of McCormick Farm Machinery and repairs for same; also will have h stock a large number of other makes of second-hand machin ery for s;.e. Repairing on all kinds'' of farm machinery promptly attended. to, especially Massey -Harris machin ery. SAMUEL BEAVER, Exeter. Ltd e e FARM FOR SALE A cho;.:e farm of 100 acres, excel- lent for pasture, for sale; possession ;lex*, sprit;. Apply at this office. x -o -x- 40C TON'a SALT -400 tons of tine Land an' Ca:tle Salt for sale.. All All grade $ ' 50 per ton; 5!1c. -per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co., J Sutton, Manager. -x-o-x- SALT FOR SALE: An excellent qua;:t, o Sarnia made salt fox :al. at •Old aemperance House, at th G T R. s•�tion. Sold in any quant- ity. You. patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. - - ED MAGUIR"i Exeter. ¥iso Stella Southcatt is visiting in London. Judge ;IDiekson, was in. Toronto Qn Saturday. Mr. :Becher was here from • New Hamburg aver Sunday. Mrs Stenbury 5s visiting. her "sone Mr. J. G Stanbury, here.. Mrs. Clarke of Hamilton is visiting her son, Mr ,W. 'D, Olaxke, Privates Gambrill and Southcatt of London were home this week. Mx. Wm. Welsh of London wasin town over •Sunday visiting friend', :Miss Edith Heideman went to Ber- lin on Saturday to accept a position. Mr, and Mrs. R, W. Dintrtey acid daughter visited in London this weak Mr, Coleman Moncur of Peterboro was borne for a few days during the week. W, R, Elliot left on: Tuesday to at- tend the session of County Council at Goderich. The Reeves and Deputy Reevesare attending the County Council meet- ing in Godexich this week. Mrs. Taman, Mrs, Fred :,lay, Mrs. G. Mantle and Mr, and Mrs. A. Kuhn motored to London Saturday. Mr, faW. F. Beavers and the Methodist ministers have returned from Conference at Kingsville. „Mfr. :nd Mrs, S las Handford left Tuesday on t; visit to their son, 1'fr. Thomas ilien,dford tat Dousman, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Ribt Keys and ;lir, and Mrs Arch. • Webb of Parkhill, vttsited with Mr and Mrs, jas. Law- son Sunday. Private 7', ,.Appleton was home last week and moved his family to the lath ,Mr, low's residence on Huron Street east, :Messrs Sam'i ;4larti@ and Thorne Havey returned Tuesday from at- tending the Methodist Conference at Kingsville, Mrs, Hobbs and MissDeIight after a visit with Mfrs, 0. Southcott left for Brantford on. Saturday, on their return. to Toronto. Trooper Gera?,d Hurdon returned to leis battalion at Hamilton on l'hursday after leave on the farm. Mrs. Uurdon returned with hint to the city. Dr. and Mtrs. Lindsay of ' orkton, Sask., arrived here last week. The former has already returned, and the /atter will visit at the home of her father Mir. A, Dow, for sometime, During the heavy electrical storm on Friday afternoon the homes of Mr, James Gould and Mr. David Mack were struck, but little damage done. At Mr. Gould's it apparently ran in an the wire as both the lighting and telephone ,there put out of business, and tt small hole was made in the hall ,door, M. Gould was in thehall at the time but was not injured. At Mr Mack's the lighting entered the window at the top of the house, damaging the sash some, and then went through the house and out a lower room. Mrs. Mack had lowered the upper window a minute previous- ly so that it ,was a ;narrow escape. Lightning else touched the hydro tpower', house but little damage was done. ' Dr. Quackenbush as medical officer et" health for Exeter, attended the Prov:in;i'ai Health Board meeting in Toronto last n -eek, when many d`s- cussions . in: regard to the health of the ,people of the province took placc A. recommendation was made that the term" of quarantine for measles be made 10 -days• from the tame of the appearance of the rash. The infective time of. measles appears to be the five clays :prior to the rash showing, and this trines the disease much b-ardee to-„ control than other diseases. A child -may during those five days befo_e ,it is ktn.awn. that it has the measres comeaan contact with several hundred children, and there you have the 'epidemic right away, with no chance of avoiding it, so that a ten- day quarantine .is considered long enough. .• ' . NEW STORY, -We comnience with this -issue the'' opening chapter of a:stew serial tstory, entitled, `:The Laps,e, of Enoch Wentworth, by Is- abelle Gordon 'Curtis, author of "The Woman from Wclvertans," The au-' tlxoress its too• well known to need comment, her talcs being told with a vividness and dash that make them peculiarly fascinating. Lavers of fic- tion wiil be well repaid to Iollow this interestingtale while it Masts. Grand Bend Park Under New Management After the 16th of June at this year tale Park a'; Grand. Bend will be trader new management, Grand Bend has cometo be acknowledged as one ,of the best hea''.h and -summer resorts .t a emen has Tbenew na Ontario. 1'h m ir, Orta i .a fixed up the cottages and rooms, and' invites-, all w'io contemplatea few weekssat the Lake side to commun- icate with him at Box 82. Exeter, un - (i the lata Tune after which he will be at; Grand Bend. The boarding bouse will be run can the American pla-n and "the best cook procurable will be in charge of the kitchen. H. J. GOULD, Exeter. Mr. 1111ton Russell bought aStud- ebaker car last week. Mrs, Geo E.ssterbrook is ill and under the doctor's care After two or three days of seeding ran fell in heavy doses on Wednes- day. ,Much seeding yet remains to be dome. The final draft of the London Con- ference enlaces Rev; McAllister at Ridgetown, Rev. Langford at 14ltchefl Rev, Uren et Kincardine, Rev. Lloyd at Parkhill;; Rev. C. W. Baker at Crediton; Rev. Snowden at Ailsa Craig, Rev. Jefferson at Wardsville, EXE TE.R PATRIOTIC LEAGUE, - The, regular monthly meeting was held in the Library Mlanday evening, Don- ations received, John. Hind 31.00, Mrs Wm Gardiner 35.00; offering boxes 52,30 • firs. Passmore and Mrs, West- lake ;membership fees 50c.; Miss Gretta Bennett Field, B.C. 2 ,pairs socks. TOWEL SHOWER. - A tow- el shower is to be given in the James Street Methodist church on Wednes- day afternoon, June 21st, from .3 to 6 Al: the ladies are invited, -Mrs. VV, J. Beer Sec, A GREAT WASTE, United States imports half a millino tans of rags and «-aste paper every year, and yet burns and destroys carelessly more •than she im•porfs. The people of Canada may well aro- fit by the informations All kinds of rags -white and colored -linen or cot- ton or woollen -are made into paper. All kinds of paper -sailed, inked or, clean -newspapers, magazines, books, or wrapping raper -have a ready market. Sir George Foster says: "It is of great importance now that this waste, should be stopped, and that the saved material should be used to re-' produce fresh supplies. A little at tention, to the saving of rags and old papers will mean a genuine relief to° au:: paper industry." ' The Soldiers' Aid Society will col lect rags rubbers, and paper again air a few months. • Will you save yours ?, MORE WEATHER FROM HICKS. -A regular storm period is central Oil th-a 16th, embracing the 14th to the 19th,-2ollowing • excessive electric- al disturbances from the 9th to 13th. There -be a cool spell early next week with probable frosts 'ins the north parts. Heavy rains well fall frpm the 14th to the 18th, almost deity. , .And .it..is not uncommon for these storms to repeat themselves a ,number of tis n,es .daily. After dinner thunde;• 'storms...aire a specialty at this time. Farm seeding should be com- pleted before these storms come on. REV. ' TRU•,MPER INDUCTED. Thio beautiful induction service of the En 1I b ,Church' was effectively and beautifully performed in the Trivitt r eiodal Church on Thursday even- ing by Ven. ,Archdeacon Richardson of London the occas o n beimg. the in- duction n- d otom el the new' rector, Rev. A. A T=uneper. The Vere. Archdeacon alsa`;i5t"ea.ched a very able and pleasing serntorvat the close of which he, pad a:.ademesaa :coraiplimnent .to Rev. sand. i�2 5 T rump•er as; ;church workers: ow::tos tC lame bninber Was present and thio: -15a utiiin ;service was enjoyed by all The. choir was well filled and the music re.ndere:l was excellent. 1 1 LUCAN. Rea ,liTm, Lowe bas returned to his duties againafter his holiday trip. - Miss Waugh of Bossevain is visiting 'friends in town -Miss Kathleen Lowe of Toronto is visiting with her par-: e,nts.-Mr. W. B. Yaungston has mov- ed into the residence of the late Wm, Ellwood -M:. L. Ellah is putting a residence -The two -year -cid laugh,. ter of Mr, and MTs. Walter L. Gibson hrucl tiremisfortune to fall while play- ing and 'break her collar bone. -Miss Vraomam. oaf the. Huish school staff had. the misfartunne to sprain her ankle while returning from school one, day Last week. -The moving picture show has been closed here and .will not lik- ely be reocosened. SCHOOL REPORT of S. S. No, .2 Hay, for themonth of May, -Sr. IV. Inez Tuckey 65, Jr: IV., Eddie Aids-' worth 71, Willie. Murray 65, Benson Tuckey 50; 'Sr III.,' peter Case \ab-: sent; Jr. III., Mauriice Ford 91, Tsa Murray 74, Percy Campbell 32; Sr. II> Homer Russell 77, Hannah Murray 75 Bruce Tuckey 68, Gretta Aldwofth 64 Frank Waalforcng 53; Jr. P., Oscar :rue - key 72; Pruner, Violet Murray t3, -Milton D.; Oestreicher, teaches-. BONES &1VIAY PEIONE NO. 32 SOMI JUNE SPECIALS For this Week we will offer Some Real `Special' Values in Summer Wear. ATTRACTIVE BLOUSES Fine Voile Waists, nicely trimmed With dainty collars. A splendid range $1 .UP TO 53 EACH. OUTING DRESSES Some xeal beauties in Blue, Palm beach, Flowered. Voice or white. All Prices,. DAINTY COLLARS For ,the warm weather, Dainty Voiles Organdies, or Georgette Crepe 25c,, 35c. 50;‘,. SILK HOSE White BlaCk bf Tari,. 25e, 50c., 75c. MtIDDEIS A brig range of Girls' and Misses' Daddies, Tan, Pa'lturbeacb or, White with :suita'b'le triMmtngl 75c. to 125 HOUSE DRESSES All Kinds. All Sizes. AU Color For 31, $1,25 each. EXTRA BATH TOWELS Wo are giving some special val- ues for this week in colors, fancy or white Bath Towels at 2 for 25c. 254„ and 50c, SILK GLOVES White or Black Kayser. 50e. 75c, 31.00 Special Values In Millinery Depart- ment. A charming range of Summer Hats,. smart and exclusive styles at popular prices. Sport Hats in colors and stripes, BOYS' WASH SUITS AT 75c, and $t'. GIRLS' WASH DRESSES 'AT 50C. Oliver lwis't lttyle in all. combine,. A nice range of colors to show tion colors Middy and Blouse you in several very pretty styles, Styles, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Oilcloth, Lace cur- tains, Curtain Nets, Tapestry Curtains, and Blinds a big range at old prices. • JONES & MAY headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing j • A SURE THING. ,, , ■ you down -hearted?" ? Bill- Are n - hearted. Tom -"No, but I am :fearfully tired. It's nervous exhauston, I guess." Bill -"'Well, 'there's no need to stay P ■, ■ ��� tired Tana. Go said get a box of Takake pills. They'll fix you up. Fifty cents' a Vox at your druggists, or by wail from the Georgian. Mfg. Co. Collistgwood, .Ont, -.-o-- Judge Dickson was in London en Friday on business Tenders Wanted Sealed Tenders will be received by the 'Council of the Township; , of Stephen up to noon on Thursday,the 15th dory of June, 1916, for the con- struction of certain cement bridges. Plans and 'specifications can be seen at the office of th-e undersigned. Henry Either, Clerk Crediton REMOVING THE CAUSE. Chiropractors have remarkable suc- cess in the cause of Appen - dicitis, Deafness, tAsithma,, Rheumat- ism. Lumbago, Larne Back, Constipa- tion Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach. and lidtiey-;Troubles, Nervous Pros-' tration' anld : Goiter.` See Dr. S. ' M.' Jones, 'Wednesdays and Fridays Of- fice 'Airs.' S. A. Harness, Main St, Ex- eter, Hours 10 to 4. ' Examination Free. ,, Corn Contracts The Exeter Canning & Preserving Co. would ask farmers having con- tracts to plant their corn at the earliest opportunity to avoid the dan- ger of fail frosts. EXETER CANNING CO, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED b� C• H Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice ',Strictly confidential;; no witness Sails for Ladies. PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring Fashions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, meeting the requirements for street wear and travel. It is unusual to present so early in the season. so great a variety, but styles were determined early, and the most favored shown. The present time is most advantag- eous for buying as all indications point to higher prices in the future. N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. Exeter Bargain Stogie Summer Goods Ladies' Blank Cotton Hose 10c. a pair- 2 pairs 'far 25c.; 15c a pair Cbildren s Tan Hose - 2 pairs for 25c. Liadties' Summer Vests. - 1Oc. to 25c. each. Men's Balbra.gan Underwear ear -40c, a garment: memt: r stock a good buy of tri e. ens sarn es I� e ,have just .passed into a� 5 v 11 pl Hosiery, Gloves., Sox, 'Towels; Underwear, Collars, Etc., which we sell: at Wholesale cost. Come early ,and get your• c,boice. SHOES -All the leading shapes and otir- ;prices are right. of will B. W. F. Beavers MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED bs G H Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly confidential; no witness Choice Furnitur& B. N. 80WE THE FUNERAL DIRBC'TOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Phone 20a. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits,. spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken aken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric Light PIant Fresh Meats Oured� l�V.Ieat Always on Hind, • Fred Robinson Butcher Phone 103