HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-5-25, Page 8t ve EXETER AllITOGATJJ T1111113DAY MAX 25, 1EILB EXETER MARKETS CHANGED BAC H WEDNESDAY Wheat 90 to 1,00 Barley 50 to 5$ Buckwheat .,. 60 to 65 Oats — 45 to 48 95 to 1 00 l'Otatoes per bag 2.00 to 2,25 la 00 Kay, per to. .. „.,„ Flour per cwt., lankily ... 3 10 Flour, low grade, per cwt. 1 75 Shorts per ton ,. . . 27 00, Rransser ton . 26 00 Eggs . 22 Butter .... . . ... ZS Crean -41y Butter . „e. .. 32 fins Per cert. „. .... e .„, ... , . 10.30 rbi,-sjs:blossom week and the fruit trees are a beautiful sight. Garrey Acheson of St. Thom- as and .141y friend Of London were here titer the holiday. M. Hobbs and Miss Delight of loronos r.tre visiting the former's deugilter "dies0. Southcott. n.. Fraser is attending the oii,sfather at Mooresville tsZi nett,: he basindied on Wednes- day. inn • Aetoria Day was spent sery quiet - is here The children had some fire - .F96.7, ,and that was about the Emit of celebration hero 'Airs. Eilward Snell received the sad inews Saturday of the death of her father. Mr. Sine:air, who resided near St. Marys Mr. and Mrs. Snell at- tended the funeral on Monday. EXETER PATRIOTIC LEAGUn,— Wo would like all those who have Seeks or handkerchiefs ready to bring them to the Tea Room on Saturday afternoen. All handkerchiefs to be laundried Mrs. W. J. Beer, Secretary. WANTED—Motormen td Conduc- tOrn We earl .place some men. in such pOsitions it peomPt in writing us for application blanks.— McConnell & Fergusson Lendon, Ontario. FOR SALE—Good frame stable — Apply to Sidney West, Main Street, GRASS LANDS TO RENT.—The undersigned has a quantity of grass land to, rent for a term—well watered R. Drought. Lot 7, Con. 5, Usborne, South Boundary, 400 THOCSAND PLANTS for SALE —Geranium, Fuchsia, Ferns, Asters. Stocks ;Verbena, Double and Single Peturia Salvia, Ageratum, Pans y 3ranca Dracena, Dusty Miller, Double ntid Gobelia, Canna, Foliage, Silver Leaf, six kinds of Tomatoes. Celery cabbage; Hanging Baskets. L. DAY, Florist. WOMA.N WANTED.—At the Cen- tral Hotel, Exeter, a woman to work two days a week. PASTURE TO RENT.—The Can- ning .Company has twenty acres at river flats to rent for pasture for the seas= Apply at the Factory, HELP WANTED—A number a good steady men wanted immediatelY —.The Robert Bell Engine & Thresh- er Co. L't'd, Seaforth, Ont. BUGGIES AT COST. --A whole car load of McLaughlin. and Brock- ville buggies to be sold at cost price. Every buggy must go sure. I handle all kinds of McCormick Farm Machinery and repairs for same; also will have in stock a large number of other makes f second-hand machin- ery for sale. Repairing on all kinds of farm machinery promptly attended to, especially Massey -Harris machin- ery. SAMUEL BEAVER, Exeter. FARM FOR SALE A choice farm of 100 acres, excel- lent 1 or pasture, for sale; possession next spring. Apply at this office. —x—o---x- 40. TONS SALT -400 tons of !me Land ) Cattle Salt for sale. All grade- 55.50 per ton; 50e. per bag. EXE ER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd j Sutton, Nlanager, --x-0—x-- SAL FOR SALE.—An excellent quaut,- Sarnia made salt for .F.ale at OW Temperance House, at the G T R. station. Sold m any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. — ED. MAGUIRE Exeter. • IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE There will will be sold privately by the undersigned the following farmminp3einens, implemees, all in good repair and workne crder:—Kemip manure spread er. Western 2 -mould riding plow, cul- tlivator horse rake, Massey -Harris binder Mower, 2 walking. plows, set harrows sugar beet cultivator, sugar scuffler, sugar beet digger, Massey - Harris fer'ilizer drill. Terms—Will be sold for cash or on time or exchanged for good bass- wood. en or maple logs. R GILLIES & SON, Exeter, Ont Announcement --- After rna.king only sixteen trips to the to vn of Exeter, many of nay pa- tios:es who have been taking Miro- prac`is Spinal adjustments are only deigb'e . to testify to you of the. wonderf C results already obtained by niy methods of a drugless road 16 health, which had seemed hopeless by all o'her methods. Now in making art rir-trieriaciwigrivrifirliormr.oppirl Tr LOCAL DOINGS. 11 Messrs. Sweet Bros. of the London( Road. lost a valuable work horse on Thursday of last week. Death was due to knotted bowels. The High School Entrance examinations will be held June 21st, Und and 23rd, and be Public School Graduation from June 16th to 23rd. "Mrs. ROI Sweet was in Listo- well last week, owing,' to the death of her uncle, George Wright, who died at 95 years of age."—Cilattoe News Record. Miss Anna Gardiner, nurse, daugh- ter a the late Robert Gardiner of Farquhar. Usborne, is among apart of nurses who lately left Toronto for the front. On Wednesday night Gerald Fit - ton's horse got the halter twisted a- round its neck in such a way that it was nearly choked to death before re - teased M the morning,. Mr. W. J. Murray of town, traveller for the Dowser Gasoline Tank Co., Leaves this week for Mon.cton, to which territory he haS been trans- ferred by the company. 1.1Ir, Henry Gould has disposed of is house and property on. Carling street to Mr, George Windsor: We understand Mr. Gould will move with his family to take charge of the Grand Rend Park shartly. firs. A. ti. Deavitt received on Thursday mast a message of the sud- den death the previous day from pneumonia oi a relative Mrs, Dixon at Colia.x. Iowa. The remains were taken, to Listowel, Ont., for interment, which toek place. on Friday afternoon The prices oa anthracite or hard coal will be advanced to the consums ers over the May prices of last year as a result ot the agreement reached with the Mine workers, which involves a wage inezease of ten per cent., or between ten 07. twelve million dollars annually London Conference of the Method- ist Chureh in Canada will open its thirty-third session in the Epworth Methodist Church, Kingsville, Onts OP Thursday morniarr June 1. Commit- tee meetings preAling the conference win commence on. Saturday morning May 27. and •preliminary sessions ol the ministers and IaYmen, separatels, will be held on May 31. HARRY FAIR DEAD.—Capt H. J. Fair, assistant principal of the Prin- cess Avenue School, London, died oa Wednesday of last week at St. Joseph's Hospital, after a short ills illness. Death was due to pernicious anaemia. Capt, Fair underwent an operation a week previously He was well known in this district, having taught school, at Varna, and his father Rev. H. J. Fair, 4tow of Arkona, hav- ing been stationed at Elhaville for some Y. ears, He was a. captain in the 7th Regiment of London, and was 40 years of age. Besides his parents he Ls survived by a wife and three children, three sisters and one brother Pte, Harold Fair, in France. Another brother Roy was killed in action, in France last June. Capt Fair was buried with military honors in Lon-, don on Friday, --- VESTRY ;NIEETING,—The Vestry meeting of the Trivitt Memorial Chur- ch was held in the School Hall on Friday night last, with the rector, Rev. A, A. Truntper in. the chair. The re- port of the wardens was read and showed the finances of the church to be healthy and progressive a state- ment of which will be published shottly and distributed among the members of the church. The follow- ing officers were telected :—People's Warden, T. G. Sanders; Rector's War- den J. H. Sanders; Financial Sec'y, j • L Burwell; Auditors, V. D. Hur- dan and J. L.. Burwell; Lay Dele- gates. Samuel Sweet and Adam Case; Substitutes .,N. D. Hurdon and L. Day ; Select Vestry—Judge Dickson, C. H, Sanders- Thos. Boyle, N. D. Hurdon, Samuel. Sweet, Tho -s. G. Sanders, Dr. McGillicuddy; Sidesmen—S. Sweet, T. Boyle, L. Day, G-. Crawley, Richard Murphy; ;Organist, John Markham; Sexton. G. R. Steer. A vote was pa.ssee: instructing fhe wardens to have ar electric blower for the organ installed and the organ repaired. A hearty vista of thanks was tendered Judge Dickson, the retiring Warden, for his faithful and untiring services rendered during his long term of of- fice. Votes of thanks were also pass- ed for the Rector's warden, Ladies' Guild 'Choir, Organist, Girls' Auxil- iary Sunday School workers and the bell ringers. HEARTY RECEPTION.—Rev. A. A. Trump.er, the new rector of the Trivitt Memorial Church, and his wor- thy. wife were given, a hearty and Car- dial reception and welcome to the parish in the School Hall an Thurs- day ,eveinin.g last. The hall waesvecome- fortably filled and the n5z throughout was most happily and Pleasantly, spent in kindly greetings, soclal chat and the rendition of a short program. The ladies of the congregation 'served a tasty luncheon, after which the ,program was render- ed consisting of short addresses, and soings and recitations. Judge Dick- son She People's Warden., was pres- ent, and in a few well-chosen re- marks opened the program by in- troducing the new rector, who in re- turn addressed the gathering for a few moments on his reception to the appea 'o the people of Exeter and parish, the hapny %and favorable con - district ar quad,1 wish to state that d;i4ons Under which he undertook the I do, no` expect at the present to duties in his new field of labor and 'reach any but the smelled Chronics cherished hopes for a bright, spirit - Or supposed 'to be ineurables by oth- ual and successful future fos the er methods, therefore I might say if church. A inoteworthy feature of the our are sick or ailing and have tried evening was the prese.ntation df a Court of Revision VILI.AGE OF EXETER The first sitting of the Court of Re- vision nor the hearing of appeals against 'the assessment roll of the :Village a Exeter for the Near 1916, will inn held itt the Connell nhamber on Friday, June 2nd, 3,916, 'at eigut o'clock in the evening, AU persons having businens at ,the sand Court will please tairei notice and govern them), selves accordingly. Jas. Senior, 'clerk. Exeter, !May 15th, 191,6. MEETING OF HURON COUNCIL. The council of the Corporation of County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the -Town of Gaderich, on Tuesday, June 6th next at 3 o'clock. All accounts against the county must be placed with the Clerk before this date, Dated :May 22nd, 1916 . W, Lane, Clerk FLOWERS FOR SALE—All kinds of Flowers, such as Geraniums, Fol- la.ge, Canna etc., etc. also. hanging bas kets and. steads furnished and filled. Call or /phone your orders. JOHN FORD, Exeter Cemetery. Takake (pronounced take -ache) is the surest and safest cure for rheuma- tism, sciatica, lumbago, sleeplessness, and all forms of nervous exhaustion. Takake are fifty cents a box at your druggist's, or by mail from the Georgian Mfg. Co, Collingwooci, Ont. wANTED—Girl about 14 or 15, to help with young children; references and sleep at home; apply between 9 and 10 a, in. to Mrs. Trumper, rectory, Exeter. COUNTY Rev, A. H. Brown of Ailsa Craig preaches in James Street Church next Sunday, RCN,' E. G. Powell preanbed James Street Church Sunday morning and inMain. Main Street Church in the evening. Mr. R. G. Seldon purchased a Mc- Laughlin car from J. A. Stewart this weel; and .went to London for it on Monday. Messrs, John Kenorr and Kenneth Ford got a shaking up Saturday, when the scaffold on which they were working at Mr. John Braund's resi- dence fell The former got his ankle hurt and the latter his hand and face bruised, BROTHER DIED.—Mr. J. A. Ste- wart was in Beaverton last week at- tending the funeral of his eldest bro- ther. tDaniel Stewart, who died nu Wednesday, ,l)rfay 17th of dropsy. De- ceased WaS 60 years of agte. —x—o—x— DISTRICT MEETING.—The minis- ters and laymen of the Methodist churches of the Exeter District met in Main Street church on ThursdaY and Friday last in annual session, the laymen's session being on Friday. A few a 'the statistics conipiled by the statistical secretary, Rev. G. A. Bar - nerd of Eliraville, show that there are 14 circuits in tire District with 29 churches. There are 4063 members, an, increase of 164 over last year, with 181(' families. The missionary contri- butions were, general $6458—Women's Society $2253; the total showing an an increase of 3128. The enlistments in overseas battalions numbered 181, 38 being from 'the two Exeter church • e, and 15 from Elionville. A consid- erable increase is sho.vn in the .3alar- les of all the ministers. Rev. Mr. Muxworthy was appointed to the sta- tioning committee for the London don Conference which meets at Kings- ville on June 1. Rev. Mr. McAlister was the chairman and Rev. Bakeraet- ine secietarv. The next meeting will bn laed fin Hensel'. all other known methods de not give Pocket Testament to the following m; in depair, but take Chiropractic ,Angelcan members of the 161t Bat - Spinal adjustments -and get well. Ad- talion,—Corp: H. Bissett, Corp. Rice inntments rernave the ca -use of (dis-'Rrivates R. Cornish, J, Cornish, S. ease. ,Chiroprac-tors do not treat ef- West. S. Smith, Fred 'rocker, A. H. fects 54rambriti, V(rilbert Pfaff, E. Hurdon mean your health and hap- L. Day A. S. Bonen, John W. Mal - Mrs. John Norry visited in London during- the week. Mrs McCreath 'returned Tuesday to her home in Lucknow. Mrs, Birney ;returned from a visit in. l\fichigan on Saturday. Miss Frances Davis is home from I.Vingham for 4 few days. Mrs. Samuel Sweet visited with her daughter in Stratford this week. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Dore motored to Mitchell Sunday t visit relatives. Miss Lily Davis of London visited her parents in Exeter North over Sun- day. Mr. Geo Holman of Esraondvilie spent Saturday and Sunday with rela- tives 'here Mr. S. C. Hanna left Monday on a business ;trip to Sarnia, Brigden and elsewhere Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunt of Lon - doe visited at Armstrong's Sunday, coming up in their car. Mrs McGillicuddy, Mrs. Amos, Mrs Kuhn Mr, and Mrs, F. Woods were in. London this vreek. Mrs .Thos. Norry. of Leamington and Mrs. Chas. Norry of Windsor visited Mr. and Mrs. John Norry this week. -Mrs. (Rev.> Tramper and two .chil- then arrived on. Thursday evening and all are now comfortably settled inthe rectory. ... Itik, Earl Browning left Wednesday morning for Brockville, where he will go on the road as. traveller for . a hardware firms Mr. Thos. Sanders, virlio has been attending the University at Toroeto, and recently passed his Pharmacy ex- ams., is visiting at his bogie, here - AU. A. D. r.)ucan of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber :Company of Toron- to, was here this weeAc attending the funeral of his father, - the Jain John - Duncan, Farquhar. ' - piness. lett E. Wm. Nunn, Fred_ see Dr. S. Jones, Monday, Wed- Wells • and Trooper Gerald Hurdon nwsday I Fridays. °nice: Mrs. S. of the Mounted Rifles. The happy . 4014ES- ..84. 'MAY: PHONE NO. 32 GIGANTIC SALE • OF MEN'S SUITS Hundreds to Choose From Wonderful Values IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT MATERIALS ARE STEADILY ADVANCING IN.PRICE, A PARTICULARLY • FORTUNATE EARLY BUY PERMITS US TO PLACE ON SALE THIS SEASON HUNDREDS OF MEN'S SUITS AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. THESE SUITS ARE WELL TAILORED IN EITURY RESPECT. AD OF FIRST- CLASS ENGLISH AND SCOTCH MATERIALS, COME AT ONCE AND GET FIRST CHOICE. Smocks & Overalls at Old Prices WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF MEN'S OVERALLS, WORK' PANTS AND SIsdOCICS, IN BLACK AND STRIPED DENIM, COTTON. ADE, ETC., IN PEABODY'S, BIG B. AND' SNAG PROOF BRANDS OLD PRICES FROM $1.00 UP. MEN'S HEAVY WOOL nHIRTS AT 500. MW 750. Boys' Odd snicker & 13loomer'Pants WE HAVE JUST RECEIV4D A iSHIPMENT OF BOYS' KNICKER AND BLOOMER PANTS, GOOD HEAVY CLOTHS, WELL made - 1 —MODERATE PRICES Men's Fine Straw Hats SPECIAL SALE AT $1.00 EACH WE PLACE ON SALE THIS WEEK SEVERAL DOZEN OF MEN'S STRAW SAILOR AND SWAG BRIM HATS ALL NEW SHAPES. WELL WORTH $1.50, FOR EARLY SUMMER SELLING AT $1.00 EACH, ammingn? Children's Straw Hats DOZENS TO CHOOSE FROM AT POPULAR PRICES. Linoleums and Oil Cloths WE OFFER OILCLOTHS AND HEAVY SCOTCH LINOLEUMS AT EXACTLY LAST SEASON'S PRICES GOOD PATTERNS AND COLORINGS. New Rugs, Curtain Nets, CURTAINS, MATTING, E TC., JUST ARRIVED. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing HURON OLD BOYS EXCURSION —The Huron '01d Boys Association of $ running an excursion to the county, thus giving former residents an Toronto have for several years been liii 111 op- portunity to visit their old home and many pleasant reunions have been enn able to run an excursion, many being Executive has decided to resume the joyecl Last year it was found inadvis- Silti Tor La.iiic disappointed -thereat. This year the excursion and 'though nothing defia- ite has yet been decided upon as to date. it is intended to run one, on or ;about tire 8th of July, if arrange- ment can be made accordingly. For- merly the excursion was run. to God- trich land Kincardine jointly, the lat- ter being to accomodate persons in the northern part of the county The destination this year will be Goder- ich and Sarnia, the southern part of the. county being served in this Wa.y. A boat trip from Sarnia to Detroit mid be arranged. CASTO R IA For Infants and Children. In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the A. Haeness' restdence. gathering brake uP by singing the Signature of rim -mina -ion Free. National Anthem. OVERWORKED MOTHER Finds Health Our Vinol Collinsville, Ill.—"I suffered from a nervous break -down and terrible head- aches, and was tired all over, totally worn out and discouraged but as I had a large family I had to work despite my suffering. I saw Vinol advertised and decided to try it, and within two weeks I noticed a decided improvement, and now I am a well woman.”--114.ra. Ann BECKER. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron 1.,onic, to strengthen and build up weak, run-down, overworked mothers. -PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring Fashions are arriving and coin -bine in Fabric and Style, a unique and interesting collection, meeting the requirements for street wear and travel, It is unusual to present,. so early in the season so great a variety, hut styles were determined early, and the most favored shown. The present time is most advantag- eous for buying as all indications point to higher prices in the future. N. Sheere ' LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR , Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central W S. Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont. Hotel. Exeter Bargain Store Men's Suits WE HAVE 'been fortunate in scoring a JOB LOT of itle,n's Suits in sizes 34, 35, 36, 37 alt prices much; below theirpresent value. We will be Pleased to show them to you. The ,prices are from $7.50 up. See out Made-to-me.asure samples and get one of our New Style Spring Suits, Boys Braces 10 and 15 cents a pair, CAPS 50c., 75c. and $1.00 'each About three dozen sample towels ,at less than present whOlesale price. BOOTS and SHOES--Soine attractive stiles and values in Ladies' and Children's Shoes. - . MEN ! buy .,rapakr of our Tan !Shoes, arcade alt the Military Last, •••••••.1, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUE C H Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly confidential; no witness Choice Furniture R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Phone 20a. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Fresh Meats Cured Meats Always on Hand. Fred Robinson Phone 103 B. W. F. Beavers Butcher sennen neseenesen -gene ,