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Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Hind You I? ave Always Bought, and which has been
in use for OTt'T 3O years, leas borne the signature of
and has been made under his Per..
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
AU Counter'.eits, Imitations and ".dust..as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
What is CASCO R I. A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatnlency,Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and.
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's I'"anacea—The Mother's Friend.
tzars the Signature of
111 Le For Over 30 Years
The Kind You clave Always Bought
SoltcitOra, Nm
Hank, etc.
Money tat
1. R. Caring,
a Conveyancers, Com
ra for the MSoisione
at lorotasates of interest
Ls H. Dickson
We ,have a large amount of private
funds to loan on farm and village prop-
ert:ea at low rates of interest.
Barristers. Solicitors. Ereter,
Dr. G. R'. RQULSTON. L.D.S., D.D.S.
riember of the R.C.D.S. of Ontarto and
Honor Oraouate of Toronto University,
Office --Over (Dickson & Carling's law
office. Closed Wedneaday afternoons.
Honor Graduate of Toronto University
Per r" extracted without pain, or any
Dart .rtecta. Oft:ee over Gladman R
Sta nbury'a Ore!ce, Maden Street, Exeter.
,,r+r„r•., . ,.
-,.� ice.-• .: _
A Christian college -home,
:iealthful situation.
For prospectu s an d terms,write the Principal
If you take a course with us. The
demand upon us for trained help is
many times the number • graduating.
Students are entering each week. You
may enter at any time. 'Write at
once for our •free catalogue of Com-
mercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy De-
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
gulating Pill for �+F* $b a tiog,pz thea or
$10 Sold at a1i tore's, or rh.e 101. t y
addres onrecall). pp is„Tse seogsLL DRUG
00„St ;,Cl tharutgAi 04t(Irio.
'panty for Nerpeeand irrair} increases "grey
matter” •a ToniewilibitiltrYou up. $3 a box, or
two for $5, at drug stir -Pi, or by,mail. on rgceipt
ofprice,-Trip SCOii$LL Dana co., St. Catharines.
` r'4' ,,SYST £ M
Are You Going West?
The Grand Trunk Railway
will run
E ach Tuesday, Mar. 7th to :Oct. 31
inclusive, Tickets valid to return
wdthin two months inclusive of date
of Sale'
Proportionate lone rates to other
points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
..ull particulars and tickets
plication to agents.
Clandeboye—P. Casey sold leis farin
to Burley Hodgins and has purchased
the farm owned by the late W. Reid
of Lucan.
Misery in Back, Headache
and Pain in Limbs.
Dear .fr, Ediiiar—For more than a
year I suffered with misery in the back,
dull headache, pain in the limbs, was
somewhat constipated and slept poorly
at night until I was about ready to col-
lapse. Seeing an account of the won,
aerial qualities of «Anuric,” prepared
by Doctor Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., 1
sent for a box, and before using the
whole box I felt and still feel improved..
My sleep is refreshing, misery reduced,
and life is not the drag it was before. I
most cheerfully recommend this remedy
to sufferers from like ailments.
Yours truly, W. A. ROBERTS.
Moen: You've all undoubtedly heard
of the famous Dr. Pierce and his svell-
known medicines. Well, this prescrip-
tion is one that has been successfully
used for many years bythe physicians
and specialists of Dr. Pierce's Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo,
N. Y., for kidney complaints, and dis-
eases arising from disorders of the
kidneys and bladder, such as backache,
weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, con-
gestion of the kidneys, inflammation
of the bladder, scalding urine, and
urinary troubles.
Up to this time, «Anuric" has not
been on sale to the public, but by the
persuasion of many patients and the
increased demand for this wonderful
healing Tablet, Dr. Pierce has finally
decided to put it into the drug stores
of this country within immediate reach
of all sufferers.
I know of one or two leading drug-
gists in town who have managed to
procure a supply of «Anuric" for their
anxious customers in and around this
locality. If not obtainable send one
dime by mail to Dr. Pierce for trial
package or 50 cents for full treatment.
EDITOR—Please insert this letter in
Some conspicuous place in your paper.
Fine Weather Brings Resump
tion of Aerial Fights.
German Machines Visit Port Said
and Drop Bombs There --Shells
Are Also Dropped by the Enemy
at Dunkirk and 13elfort—Several
Duels Result in Victory for the
Entente Birdmen.
LONDON, May 23,--1&n attack on
Port Said, the northernmost point on
the Suez Canal, by two Turkish aero-
planes resulted in the death of two
and the, wounding Of 13 civilians and
five soldiers, is announced in a state-
ment received by the War Office Sun-
day night from the British headquar-
ters at Cairo. The official report
""Two army aeroplanes dropped 16
bombs on Port Said Sunday morn-
ing, mostly on the Arab quarter. Two
civilians were killed and 13 were in-
jured severely. Five soldiers were
wounded. The aeroplanes were
driven array by anti-aircraft guns.'"
German aeroplanes carried out
since Saturday two bombardments in
the region of Dunkirk, About 20
shells were dropped Saturday even-
ing, killing four persons and wound-
ing 15. Sunday another enemy
squadron dropped about a. hundred
bombs in the outskirts of Dunkirk,
Two soldiers and a child were killed.
and 20 persons were wounded.
Allied aeroplanes pursued the
enemy machines and succeeded in
bringing down two at the moment
they were about to enter their own
I i nes.
Immediately after the first bom-
bardment 53 French, British, and
Belgian aeroplanes flew over the
German cantonments at Wrywege and
Gixisteiles, on which 250 shells were
German aeroplanes Sunday drop-
ped 15 bombs on Beltort, but the Ma-
terial damage was insignificant.
Saturday in an aerial fight oft
Nieuport a Belgian aeroplane brought
dawn a German machine, which fell
into the sea,
On Saturday the British aero-
planes again had several successful
encounters. An aviatik fell on fire
into some trees in the enemy's lines,
one of the occupants failing out.
Another fell in flames into the Ger-
man lines after an encounter with a
British scout, A third crashed to
earth in the British lines near Mari -
court. Sunday a fourth machine
landed undamaged in the British
lines, and the pilot and observer
were made prisoner. The British
lost one machine..
The weather again being favor-
able for flying there was much ac-
tivity in the air. A. raid was made
by enemy aviators in the region, of
Baccarat, Epinal, and Vesoul. The
material damage was insignificant.
Four persons were wounded slightly.
French aviators Saturday night
threw numerous bombs en military
establishments at Thionville, Etain,
and Spineourt, and on the camps in
the vicinity of Azannes and Damvil-
lers. The railway station at Lumes
was bombarded, causing the rapid
flight of trains and a large fire in
the railway buildings.
In an aerial engagement between
four French aeroplanes and three
Fokkers, over I3ezange forest, one of
the enemy machines was brought
down and another Fokker, being at-
tacked, was campelled to descend to
earth behind the German lines while
under the fire of the French batter-
ies, which destroyed it.
Tao lane. for last week
Mrs. Frank Gerinette went to St
Joseph Hospital. London, 'Tuesday and
I uni ^en. olp nett n. 'dr , 1Ma
THE sole head of a family, or any
mal- over 18 years old, may homestead
.luarrer sectinn or available Gamin-
�o r lane in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta The applicant must Nppear{
•n perso , a4 the Dominion Lance, e.g-
ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis-
trict Entry may be made at my
Dominion Lands Agency (but rot
s'ub-Agency) on certain conditions.
Duties—Six mop.ths' residence upon
and cultivation of the land in each of
three years. A homesteader may live
within rune miles' of his homestead cn
'arm of at least 80 acres, on certain
nndit,ons A habitable house is re-
,u,rrr .n every case, except when. le-.
Jeri performed in the vicinity.
1,- , ,-Tttaut districts a' homesteader in
,t)a(i rriridin may pre-empt aquarter
1'111 alongside his homestead. Price
uer acre Duties—Six. months resi-
lent'. to eai'h iii three years after
ern ninv homesread patent; also • 50
(t res extra cultivation, Pre-emption
Threw ma) he ,>huuned as ,inn as
h, n ead (latent. on certain condi-
:,"tile- who has exhauster] his
' me.1"•:iri • tlth niSV rake a i'lirrrhas-
1 holiesread -n, ` certain ' .iistricts.
price f3 oar acre. Duties -Must 'e-
;Idt. months in each of 3 years, ru-.
t,vatt CO acres; and erect a- house
nrtl $300,
The area of cultivaticiir''as ru}iiect
to reduction in case of 'Toilgh, cc-Tub-
bv.or stony land, Live stock may i'r'
tibcr;tuie, con .cultivation under "e'
rn :t•� ditio s
taiti n n
ap_ W W r'ORV, C MT.0
(iocu .nr tl, t1fltlarnr nt 'h intpNo'
N.ti t..r,t tito. '"pori (Whits -14 (tri 0'
ni , tslverUeot'u',, 'w tl int be. pa''d tor.
N. J. DORE, Exeter
She Must Aid Entente or Go Bank-
rupt, Says Venizelos.
ATHENS, May 23.—Former Pre-
mier Venizelos has contributed an
article to The Athens Herald, in
which he points out what he con-
siders the mistakes made by the
Greek Government. He condemns
the "blustering methods" of Premier
Skouloudis, and states that the army
which, he says, has worn out uni-
forms and boots, as well as part of
the equipment furnished at the mob-
ilization, could not take the field
within less than two months, and
then only if the Entente powers
undertook to furnish the necessary
equipment. The task of feeding the
army, he says, is becoming daily
more problematical. The former
Premier hints that Greece is on the
verge of bankruptcy, and says:
"While there is only one road to sal-
vation, it is precisely that which we
will not follow."
The article makes a strong bid for
closer relations between Greece and
the Allies "before it is too late."
darts k an a 'o — s aur -
ice Brezuter, who has been in Forest
was •brought here Friday to Mr. and
Mrs. Joe. Brenner's home. She was
accompanied there by her mother Mrs.
Taylor,: mfrs. iFrank . Mister went to
Thedford Monday to see her husband
who is leaving with the 149th for
L.osl;doti,--Mr. and Mrs, McMinn of
near Thedford visited at Asaph Gra-
velle's .Saturday. — ,Messrs, Levett and
el. Gould of Exeter were here Mon-
day ,Mr. Gould 'hashing rented Mr.
Levett's Park.
French .Minister Recalled?
BERLIN, May 23.—A Bucharest
despatch to the Overseas News
Agency says that . Camille Biondel,
French Minister to Roumania, is to
be recalled at his own request.
Roumania recently concluded com-
mercial treaties with the Central
powers. There has been no evidence
of friction between France and Rou-
mania, which has been represented
as sympathizing with the Entente
Allies. Russia, however, is reported
to view with suspicion the new
treaties to which. Roumania is a
puarty, believing they may be of a
political nature.
,Miss Hattie Fiakbeiuer is spending
a week in London with her sister Mrs
Thos. Ings.—Misses Minnie and Mar-
ion Sherritt axe visiting their sister
Mrs. Herbert Harltoau.—Ptes. George
and Walter Smith of the 48th High-
landers, Toronto, attended the wed-
ding of their sister on Thursday. --
Mr. and Airs. Wet. Yearley and Mr.
and Mrs Fred Sharpe spent Sunday
at 1' Ir. Albert Key es,—Mr. and Airs.
George Scott visited at Mr. George
Shepherd's Saturday.—Miss Margaret
Gower of Parkhill spent the week-
end at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Mitchell of Ste -
hen who are on their honeymoon, vis-
ited with Airs. Samuel Sweitzer, a
farmer well-known Shapka resident, at
Windsor last week.
Too late for last week
M1iss Mabel eiclsaac who underwent
a successful operation for appendicitis
in. St. Joseph's Hospital, London, re •
turned home last week. --.Milton Ratz
and Mathew Sweitzer spent Tuesday
London,—Mr. and Mrs. John Ratz
visited their daughter, Mrs. C. Me -
Pherson, in Parkhill last Thursday.—
Miss hate MacCormick of London is
spending a week with her parents here
—Mrs. Geo. Scott spent Monday in
Parkhill.—Miss Ethel Lynch returned
home last week.
Dillon Deplores Revolt.
LONDON, May 23.—John Dillon,
member of the House pf Commons
for East Mayo, has sent the follow-
ing message to Judge John P. Mc-
Goorty of, the, Irish Fellowship Club,
"The Irish insurrection has inflict-
ed serious' injtuy to the Irish cause.
All' hope of securing home rule in the
near future depends more than ever'
on the ' union of the Irish race
throughout the world, and especial-
specially on the support of the Irish in
It is proposed to make Dashwood
the lone distance central for Hay
Telephone Co., instead of Clinton.—
George McBride, who has conducted
the flour end feed store here for
some time, Inas disposed of the ,tock
,And Is now on active duty with the
16ist —Wm. Ruby purchased one of •
the Johnston Estate lots for MO
and will erect a house thereon.—Mrs.
H. Rapp has returned to Detroit, ttrr
iatg to the illness of her daughter,
Mrs. J. Taylor.—Mr. Daniel tGascho
has pun:'hased the house and lei girl"lt
he occupies, which was wetted by Mr.
Elmore Thiel, for the sum of $1150.—
Mrs L. (r. Beeman and son, Verno,'i
of Detroit are visiting at the home
of Mr. Ruetu!oh Heideman. --A iec:rult•
ung meeting was held here Friday
nigh , .,cl.; e sed by Captain Dan..e‘.
CLINTON—A quiet but pretty wed
ding was solemnized on Wednesday
at high noon, at the residence of Mrs.
Rich. Hammett, when her youngest
daub ter . Leila May, was united in
marriage to Mr. John Thomas Fell,
our •popular photographer.
MIT Ci-IELL—The Co:lis on Hotel,
which closed u,p when the C. T. A.
came in fortes, has been sold, Mr.
Charles Dungey of Bornholm, has
bought ,it from Mr. Collison. This ho-
o-tel has been in the Collison family
for many years. The ,prise paid fir
5 cents
all Grocers.
The inducements offered with common
soaps cannot make up for the purity of
Sunlight Soap, It costs US more to make
pure soap. But it costs YOU less to use
it, for Sunlight pays for itself in the clothes
it saves. It does not wear and rub the
fabrics as common soaps do,
15,000 guarantee of
purity with every cake
8 of Sunlight Soap
the property was $4.300. Mr. Dun.gey
is in possession.
P A RK,i1ILL—Although 'n good
health and sprits, and without any
known worries or difficulties, George
Fraser. of the 18th con. of East Wil -
thins, took his own life Thursday, by •
slashing his throat with a razor. His
lifeless body was found by members
of the family when he was passed
the help of a phy sieiian. The late lr
Fraser was a men of 50 years of age,
one of the wealthiest of the county,
and respected by everyone.
MITCHELL—Mitchell hos a white •
i ohin with a red breast.—Capt. W. I)
Per after several months in The
trenches, and his wife have returned
front England.—The 24th sports have
been postponed owing to seta w•trath-
er,—A very sad death occurred on
Tuesday last. Nearly two years ago
Mrs. Wm Avery was gent to Lon-
ondon and word reached town last week
that she had ;passed away, in her 53rd
year. It is a sad blow to her sur-
viving husband and family of three
STANLEY—The 14 -months' red ser
of Mr, and :Urs. W. Rohner, Stanley,
died on, nay 9th, from an attack of
the measles.—W. H. Talbot of Stan-
ley has purchased the fine 111, acre
farm of Mr. \Vzp. Evans on. the $'auble
Line, near Bayfield. The purchase
price. was 35,500 and gr. 'Talbo` gets
possession on January 1st.
Says Vinol 1 ade Her Strong
Grand Saline, Texas.—"I am an aged
tanman and for a long time was weak
. 1 .;:ale but Vinol restored my health
ea! strength so that I fse. almost young
again and am doing all toy housework.
t,,111 people who are weak and ft•. ble
should try Vinol and know its merits as
I do. It is the best medicine to create
strength and for chronic colds i have
ever taken.—Mrs.FANNIE.E.RODGERS.
Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron
tonic,is sold on our guarantee to benefit
or your money will be returned.
W S Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont.
The Harmless but Effi-
cent remedy for Headache
Ncuraigia,Anaemia,S ieep-
lessness, ervous Ex-
�l haustion, &p.
(Trid , MarteRK}rtsr.d, 1 600 AT ALL DRUGGISTS, or by malt trona
A Seaforth, Ont., Home painted with MartinSenour "100?o Pure" Paint
Unpainted wood means decay. Not to paint your house, means a
constant expense for repairs. Paint protects against wear and weather.
'When you take out our "1007o Pure Policy", your house is insured
against decay.
Such paint protection resists the destructive effects of climate and
temperature, besides adding beauty and distinction to the home and value
to your whole property.
means life insurance for your home. The genuine White_ Lead, Oxide
of Zinc, Pure Colors and Linseed Oil—ground to extreme fineness by
powerful machinery—.dorm a combination that protects against decay. ,l
"100% Pure" Paint makes protection sure. It spreads easily;;
covers oompletely and is the cheapcstin the end because it covers more
space per gallon. We have it in all colors for spring painting..
Call and get a copyof our amusing book, "The House
That Jack Built". It's full o£pictures, rhymes and reason,
that you will enjoy as ,well as the children. Free to ail.