HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-5-25, Page 4r
tt*er gktivotatz.
Sanders 8t Creech, Proprietors.
Subscription Price, --In advance $1
Canada; $1.50 in United
States. If not paid in advance the
price is 50c. recce per year.
1,7 RURSDAY,M4LY g4, 1916
All weather predictiorts appear to
be upset these days. It seems to
haht. every Other day. As yet very
littic seeding has been done. The
lids are too wet and it will require
w•eel.: ot sunshine fo make the
•earoinai at for 'cultivation.
Rev. Percy Banes of Toronto 'IS
r,:siting his iparentsfor a few weelese
A number from bete intendtaking
he, the County Sunday School Con-
,verttior. at the 'Plantes Road Churah.
Usberne Fridev of this week.
Lilian Geiser of the General
Hespitar staff, Buffalo, as home tor
ahe eeks' vacation.
acizeot was oiosed oa W ednesday,
ehetcoie Day. Several auto 'loads
atea: to Canton to take ire the big
athe'S....ry nee -eats. aad to particularly aid
tete. tanes Herne:as beitatint taietwee
erioe 1,e thee: di:Tartu:la for Lindefl.
weeze they will go into aatup this
O1 e eioaday aveneie .whiate Fatal:
'et Jaen,- tisroa aiea eh,
Leah toeh. at tre eeee
eel ree ae,..a. it was - Car.! -1 ;-• -
reereee s 3r44.'s.0.
' . 1.. • , • .1 • • •
'0,er 0e4 ecineel-t 1
ee "he Iowa ri
Juni ft- 11.be ha's
al t• an, Nee e.hentah A etalei -
eeth: _e . nee the reeeiete
to :Ft..' Reel. t7reies Seeee,e,
yet0a.,i reeeiveel aneere; net
B. hi.. Ciedivena teele proud en.
tai. ttni ever sinee they left our
P.;b: eohool their rapid advatve
and unsiersity hal!
w.th keen inte.es•
_ toe:toe:a aefer Mise
s.r‘:•t'eit.rt:a :41P,‘"r
nvernety hist the -lea!
aheina eztennt':.3.: Mod ,
sea- „tat, dieetnee.aa and ;via:ling tae
eeenaee General's
l'iledah The
et..her oen ee• Mies Lu O. Gaiehr.
• te..iavend !ter dethrene ;rota -.ate
es!ere.U.iiivee's-i"--e. 1.entloa, Thitrs
lee• ret beeales winnine sehoiarehhe
• eenteral area...tens... We
haothathite the ‘lissee (ti
-,-e n_ontiened eueeess.
'hlt- -raj- Nle- Harry leetteht 4111 tent -
late ot Yeero. ‘1. ednee lee • io
twee "4 atenots of hir, anti Nita. John
,nd M. ...thane? Either
znere.e. friends .we !net •
• ar. nti an•
Mt e anlersen itae heen do..
nee. e „jeering
ad decora.tina in
,• na...e lord "arse:13.4e the east
aoad eeeple ot e'rellinten ort
heturilay lee; tribute to 4wo
et' the e °line meta cf the. diet:lot
ehen nproseated Lloyd 1:nelead
tad eieve iatokenshire or: the Eeeter
Centralia W. J. Parsons spent Monday OD a
business trap. 'to Winghatne
Our soldier boys were tome three.
• • ... .••
Sunday saying .good-b.ye as they ex-
taa hl.ay 17th a, very pretty go. into training ,canp 3t Lon -
was eolexanized, at the home or ;Mr,
weddLng oeci to
%wale, Highgate, when theiron- •
ly daughter Eva was ;mated in. mated -
age to air Lloyd B. Hodgson of Cm- INIAXWELL CARS IN HAZARD-
tralia. 'ism bride wah •becoraingly at- OUS 'CLIMB.
tired w wenn Georgette crepe wIth-r4,nte 2.
nd aa 4.Maxwell ears have
satin trimmings Tedhengrin's wedding demonstrated thee superior powers as
hall clindeers, 'but the worlc of three
stock touring, ears in Mauritius, 3.0
island in the middle of the Indian
(mean th.c most gratifying Perferra-
arte Of its lend to be recorded.
News of the latest Maxwell feat, 'in
which es trio of touring cars climbed
•.the hazardous_ paths of Mount Chaeta
rel has just been, received by theea-
port depertment at Detroit. At the
011 tht' .eveartg train. for London and me the :Maxwells aucces.sfully made
points in western Ontario. Guests were .American
present from Granton, Alvinston, the climb, two other .cars of
make attempted the .ciefficult ascent
Gleacoe.. Inwood, Detroit and Ceue and bath were stalled. One of these
trails, The matte' beautiful presents ears Was a twenty .leorsepower tour -
received were costly and beshoa:e the beg ear and it was forced to abandon
popolaiity of the young people.-- Con-
gratuations. the climb when one-quarter of the
powerd way up. The other was a forty horse
very happy event oecurre seven -passenger car and . it
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Sirith
(al ed to negotiate half the distance.
. daughter'Wes Christen's
became the bride of Mr. E. Bruce;
of the 2nc.1 Coacession • •ef AIM( Z.F4.arfin unTurne
1 he c eremone was - .
[int mu inLno
fo:mzd Rev Cook a: 12 o'cloak . • • - • h • •
It is a grave mistake for mothersto neg.,
non. and Mrs. Coca; .ptayed the wed_
dine matoli. The bride was Alarm. lett thew zkbes and pains and suffer in
-Ugly gowned M white silk embroid- sien thjs only leads to elwaniel
cane; net. sk-
''r satin With oar! ness and often shortens life.
'.0L. Th eremony and 4ng. a •' .11, your whrle is tiring; if yon r nerves are
• ton, over' aa sat down to a stirto ex •• nn. . gra weary
weddine. dinner, after which the 41VP104.--iivit, you should know that Seott's
4.0n; esee-Xe left on
a trip to )eL l'i'ereleian aver 111 justsuellcouditiOos,
troet, -Toronto, Niegaea F.1ls,are!. ;t leehessvenhi coneentrated form the
other points. The brides travelling -..e.ey '....ents to invigorate the bleod,
at neheitun blue whit large ;a; -".411 the ti,eAteS, aourisle the nerve*.
bleak !vv. hat. On Oath :return they ai• 'ee• ' strength,
reside oa. the grokera's •.:11111- eitatiatbening thousands of ,
Con ril'aIr0ro and best wishes are --And help you. Try it.
the.les. t • 2,t, %P.2 44,1kii1142., TiPP2M2.22. 0114
a. few elne ia.,ee allowed the
ehenee to get busy agaia On the land.
e aunt t tney oontietee for some MOUNT CARMEL
Me. :ad Mrs. Thos. Ryan and sell
On: -nd aloe' them to get in the
• Miis 1itz,gez.a.'41 and Frank R a all
y n,
lartwe NithChea ;tild ot .are, visiting their parents,
(r 51r. and Mrs. Thos. RVal• nee reee.
aad Mr, Loyd Hodgson have
from thew lumey-moon trips
-Miasrs hialthew and. Henry Doyle
an.1 a: eoureevj now seetle down to -.01 'e4igazsY Atne sons of 014 .4'4
Henry. Dayl,e of Stephen. enlisted in
!in, sternal cealities of life.
that city and.,go to the tront
The holiday was an ideal one anti
way leak advantage. of it and N.isited ortly,-Miss Kathleen O'Bri.m let; ot.
la.tivelsewhere. Manche for St, Joseph Hospital. Lon-
don. le train for a nurse. -Mrs. John
McDonald's inany friends are sorry to
he I.* she •Is not improving in health.-
Th. 14. Hanlon and family motored Ellen Quinlan spent last week
to 1:7".inton and visited triends on the witb friends at Shipka.-Mrs. James
O'Rcurke of London spent a few
Mr area :tire., F. Colwill are attend- dey: ,Iast week with her mother, Mrs.
!eta me wedding of Wilfrid Hodgins Ellen Barry.
Guth this week.
Mr, Turner and children have ar-
,. rived and are moving into the house
Butt n property.
.'hit'eCesnsneiles.To be sure its
ane at the home.
march was ably rendered. by Mr. Earl
.1i-lodgson. 'brother of the groom,
• while Gerald Sala/a, ephew of the
bride acted as rine bearer. After the
ceremony sie$:•1 was performed by
Rea T. T. Geoege of 'Tharnesvilleell
Partoak of a sumptuous (1ner. The
test to the bride proposed by Rev.
George was ably responded to by the
groom. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson left
Mr. and Mrs. R. l'eleFall of London
are spending. the week. with Mr. and
hlene.."-tenent the lelet luron Bat-
Uien eith ()nit: I .dineas f
tenre nth' handsome :er to.
etateee.a. with the have that ;:s 1.1;•;;;;;
• • '1•;_ frem. time to time
tieeir i'emehts would tlX tot the ela
s'. ere eeeple ere with
end soul earnestly prayine
▪ sete return, The ad.iressxa
,-„rieel by W. R. Elliott, reece, lienry
hilber Alonzet Hodgins, end
S,ria,':e does not permit
the pz'eaine the address at this
,..lre.f.:nt:stiOn took place in the
Teem liaa ea Sunday afternoon and
Quite number were present.
1 Rev E. Brooks is Ilerommended
LONDON, May 23. -Lieut. E. J.
B k h
Falmouth, N.S., who as a machine
;tun eilieer distinguished himself in
crater neer near Ypres, has been
ahotamend 1 for a decoration.
Colonel Rexford. of the Grenadier
luards, was in Leedon Sunday.
; Major D. S. Bauld, who was
wounded and saved by his pocket-
book, which diverted the bullet, is
aiajor L. E. Hudon, 9f Montreal,
will sail for Caaada shortly.
Capta'n Charles G. D. Roberts, the
Canadian litterateur, was with the
Liverpool Regevernt Curragh, and
had a hre t: -ed several narrow
escapes in the Dublin fighting-. He
will join the steif of the public re-
eords office under Sir Max Aitken
next month.
Major Manley S:ramis, D.S.O., Sr
Max Aitken's represeatative at head-
quarters in France, has recently been
promoted lieutenant -colonel.
Lieut. Thomas H. Parker, of the
Dorainion Observatory, who was
wounded, is doing well at a West End
hcspital. His injury is not likely at
be perma.nent.
Lieut. George Simpson Bateman,
who was killed in the south of Eng-
land on Thursday, was formerly with
the 49th Hastinga Rifies, Marmora
for a Decoration.
s, t e Baptist minister from
Oeine to an outbreak c.' measles
thie vicinity the Green Tine Ciub
hes decidea postpene the eelebra-
than of June 3ed to a future 'ate.
Mr and Mrs. N. Kele:man accome
periled by Miss A. McDonahl and Mr.
Elmore Willert motored to Berlin an
Di. 'Schram has left for Londonand
ehere wi'71 continue his practice.
Mr, and Mrs. Smith of Crediton
visited in town Sunday.
Miss V. Brokenshire is visiting hl
London at present,
Mr. Jacob Willert has purchased a
Chevrolet car from E. Tiernan.
Mr. jack Hartleib of London visit-
ed here at hie home over Sunday.
Mrentead Mrs. Stade of Zurich visit -
cd • the. former's parents here Suiv2ay
Mr. Jacob Kuntz is very ill. It pres-
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wilis of Exeter
sheet Sunci.ay with Chas Gu.enther.
Mrs. G. Nadiger who has been.
eee ere ,pleased to S .IJ ; improv nee
Messrs E. Mcisaac and 1-V. \fusee..
left. for Detroit Saturday.
Mrs. Roy Neil of near Luean spent
last week with her mother, leirs, Wm.
Ogden. ---Mr, and Mrs. •George Mi,llson
'attended the funeral of their cousin,
Mr. John Duncan, near FarQuhar.-
Mrs Hazelwood is still confin-
ed, to her room with nerve trouble.
Miss Lucy Gunning is visiting this
week with her siste,r, Mrs. John Park -
insert at Granton. -Mr. and Airs. Lu-
ther Oke of near Exeter spent .SA11-
day wiela the latter's sister, Mrs. Thos.
Ivlorley.-Quile a number from a-
xe -end here attended the anniversary
services at Woodhara on Sunday.
R.ev. Sterling was the preachee-Rev.
Richardson of St. Johns conducted
-services rat Saintsbury Church on. Sun-
day and 'those from here who attended
-.were ,delighted with the interesting
and perjotie discourse.. -Owing tothe
econeintred Wet weather no farmers in
thee aocality have started seeding, -
gra /Olin Wright and Miss. Hilda
eGueriiii):ge,aee. visiting this week at
-Mrs. Se,1 ,Brown's, in. lieberne, near
'Mrs. W G. Wilson eleen.', the. •pas'.
-meek at Niagarae:Falls and St. Cathat.
hies visiting her daughter Miss Cora
end her sis'ees, Mrs. Prang and Mee,
Liberal Government in Quebec Re-
turned by a Larger Majority.
Rev. Sharp of Exeter conducted
preparatory service in Carmel Church
on Friday Ta,pp's driver
dropped dead while being driven a-
long the London Road. -H. Drake of
the West is visiting his mother here.
-Miss Sherritt is home after a visit
of some months in the West. -The
Deametic Club put on their play in
Luca.n and Zurich recently. -John Mc-
Greggor, another of our fine oldpice
MONTREAL, 2,Tay 23.-1Wr Lomer
louin's Liberal Administration was
eiturned yeste.rd•ay by an increased
aejority, gaining 10 of tiae, 16 r.eats
1?.1d by the Conservatives in the last
ag-eleture, 1.vhilie the Conservatives
.inel one s:.t, leeving a net loss et
th? Cre.-ervative leader, Philo-
. n Cousineau. himeelf being defeat-
.), iu Jacques Cartier, an old Conser-
vative riding, by more than 900, by
S. A. Ashby.
In the voting yesterday the Liber -
won 49 out of the 53 seats, and a
week ago 23 Liberals were returned
without a contest, leaving seven seats
nut of 81 for the Conservatives.
'rhree of these, were by acclamation.
l'here are two deferred elections,
i.e.epe and Iles , de la Madeleine.
riles° will probably return Govern-
-lent supparters. Consequently the '
etanding in the next House will be:
Liberals, 74; Conservatives, 7.
Seized German Vessels. •
ROME, May 23. -Portugal, with
the consent of Great Britain, is
ready to put at Italy's disposition the
German vessels recently seized in
Portuguese ports, says the Gazetta
del Popolo. • Captain Enriquez M -
Imelda, chief of the Portugal naval
mission, the newspaper says, has
been called by telegraph to ;Rome in
connection with the plan.
• Two lyloge, German. Ships Sunk,:
LONDON, May 23. -The German
steamers Hebe and Pera, carrying
'oat, were steak Saturday ,night by
'marine off the southern 'coast of'
Cape Oland, in the 13altie.
nee, -'s passed away last week at the
f3r.riy uved on a farra eaet of Kip- -1
:heat age of 7 years. e deceased
pen. Some :years ago he moved to ,.... _
fiensall ..where 'he resided till the
the death of his wife, six years ago,
since which he has resided with his
daughtee. airs, James Ross, of the
Znd Line „Hay,
Mr. John T. .1-iicks has purchased
a. tam fixe ;passenger Ford car from
Aflo Snell. of Exeter. John will be
able to take the wife end kiddies out
now. -Mrs, Geo. Kellett spent the
boliday in Clinton to see the soldier
sitobolize,-Pte. McFalls and brother,
Garnet -of Exeter spent Sunday with
their taunt, airs. Wes. Horne. -Percy
Cox 'rears a broad smile these days.
He has a gentlemen'e family_ now. -
Mr. Will Saiale and lady friend of
Toronto .spent last week with the
formees father,. Mr. Thos. Swale. -
Mr. Harold Pyra left an MOnday to
join ber husband 'in Midland, where
he has secured situeticee-Mr. and
Mrs John johns, Jr... Vent Sunday in
St, Marys, -Mrs. Sinclair is in St.
Marys attending the funeral Of her
brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. Sinclair. -
.and Mrs, Pollard of Corbett spent
Sunday with ;Mrs. Pollard's fatherand
mother, Mr. and Airs. Wm. • Ford. -
Quite a .number of the ladies from
Gran!ott last week.
h.itnviile attended the convention at
Mr Wm, 11. Woad of the 2nd Con.
of Vsborne. had the misfortune et
having his. leg broken last week •ley
'nine kicked by a co.v. He was milk-
ing when a strange dog entered the
yard and frightening the co -a' he was
milking he. was thrown over by her
end another eow near by also he -
came frightened and in the eorifuelon
ran 'over Mr. Wood, with the result
thea he sustained a brawl. leg near
the ank.le. It is an unfortunate thing
for Mr , Wood, it. happening at a time
when, his services will be required on
his ;arm.
What They Do
"I had rouble with myKidneys and Bladder
so I got a sample of Gin Pills and followed
direettons. 1 felt better after the first dose
and 1 kept taking them for a month,
One day, .Mr. Simpson, of this town, told
me about the trouble he had with his kidneys/
and 1 recommended him to try GIN PILLS,
and gave him one to take. The next day,
he bought some for himself, and both he
and his wife have derived great benefit from
Gin Pilis are soc. a box or six boxes for
$3,5o at all druggists. Sample sent free if
National Drug & Chemical Co.
of Canada Limited, Toronto.
. . •
BY JOHN W. 5. McOULLOUGH, M.D., D.P.H., 0... A t eat X
2 .2.
„ HIS COLUMN will contain from week to week some timely hints on
how to avoid sickness and. maintain good health. It is realized
• ;II
that since this newspaper visits many hundreds of homes and is
read by thousands of readers every week, no better means could
be taken by the Provincial Board of getting news relating to public
health before the people of the Province.
The waste of human life is incalculable. At the present time about
one-fifth of all the babies born die before they reach the age of one year.
About one-third of all deaths are deaths of small children. In a properly
regulated community there should. be no deaths among
WASTE OF babies. One-half the adult deaths are due to consump-
HUMAN LIFE tion, pneumonia, and colds. The best health authorities
are of the opinion that all deaths due to bacteria and to
other than accidents (carelessness) cau be prevented.
The Provincial Board of Health wants the people to know something
of the things it is doing for them. For instance, a young married woman
writing from Saskatchewan, where she went to live a few years ago, says:
".After I got home my husband and 1 both had diphtheria. We had the
doctor, and he gave the children (five in all) antitoxin, and .we ourselves
had. it and soon got well; but the antitoxin cost us $30.00." That big
outlay won't occur in Ontario, because the Provincial Board supplies
diphtheria antitoxin to doctors, hospitals, and every one requiring it, ab-
solutely free of charge, including the postage. Not only this, but
Pasteur treatment for rabies, smallpoi vaccine, anti -meningitis serum,
tetanus antitoxin, and typhoid vaccine are supplied free to the public.
The Board since the war began has supplied all the typhoid vaccine
(some 300,000 doses) used by the Canadian troops. The value of this ser-
vice to our soldiers will be appreciated when it is known that while over
8,000 men died of typhoid fever during the Boer War -
SAVING that is 700 more than were killed or- died from wounds
THE SOLDIERS there have been so far 452 cases of the fever in inocu-
lated men with 24 deaths, a mortality of five per cent.;
among those inoculated twice there have been 215 cases with 16 deaths;
or six per cent.; while itt those not inoculated there have been 117 cases,
with a death -rate of 20.6 per cent. Thus it will be seen that inoculation
reduces the death -rate to one-quarter of what it is in the uninoculated,
whilst the risk of contracting the disease is about 1-14 of what it is in those
not proteeted. The discovery has, it is said, already saved the British
forces a whole army corps. More thaii a million British troops are in
France. Up to the middle of January only 1,250 cases of typhoid fever had
occurred. Last SUM Me* the Niagara Camp, where the water suaply is taken
from the river carrying the diluted ewage of Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and
other towns, and where about 22,000 men were trained, was carried on
without a single case of typhoid fever arising in the camp.
*, *
Eight years ago seven small outbreaks of typhoid fever at various
places in the neighborhood of New York city were traced to a cook who was
found to be a chronic typhoid carrier -that is, a person who, while appar-
• ently quite well, was cultivating typhoid germs in her
THE CASE .OF bowels and infecting other people with them. This
TYPHOID MARY woman, who became known as Typhoid Mary, was de-
. tained itt a hospital several years by the New York City
Department of Health, but was finally discharged on her promise not to
engage again in the preparation of food. She disappeared from notice for
some time, but last January, when twenty-five cases of typhoid fever
occurred at a hospital in New York, suspicion pointed to a cook who turned
out to be Typhoid Mary.' '
* *
The Ontario Health °facers' Association will meet on May 30th and
31st in Convocation pall, University of Toronto. The progrdm, which
has been sent out, is perhaps the best yet placed before the Association, and
will include addresaes by Dr. W. H. Park, head of the Public Health 'Labora-
tories of New York City,eveho will lecture upon. Diphtheria, Captain Ruggles
George will detail some ..orhis elperiences at the front, Mr. T. Cbalkley
Hattori of Milwaukee, who e.111 deeeribe the new systaM of sewage treat-
ment by aeration? and Me:ler W. D. S. Sherpeepf Brampton, who will speak
from actual experience of sanitary coaditione in:Serbia.. There will be
practical and cnappy discussions upon Various public health problerns.
SIR EDMUND WALKER, G,V.O., LL.D. D.C.L., President
JON AIR.!), general Manager.. H. V. F. JONES, Asst General Manager
CAE' TAL $15 000 000 RESERVE FUND $13 500 NO
Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and
upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts
are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail.
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with-
drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. 850
EXETER BRANCH -A. E. Kuhn, Mgr. CREIDITON-S. f. johnston,Mgr
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
96 Branches in Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
Hank IVioneg Orders
interest allowed at highest current rate
W D. CLARKE, Manager.
•.• ******** ******** *** ** seart.104111014., ***** ******* **•11.**** ** SUMS. * OS *** 00.1
will go farther on one gallon of gasoline than any
other car made.
It will also prove the most economical car for
Oil, Tires, and, in short, is now the
"Proved Low Cost Car"
Power and Speed ? "Yes."
more than any other light four cylinder car can
Touring 8850 Roadster S830 -
We. challenge any other make on the foregoing; also any four-cylin-
dered car for power on. Mud, Sand Hills or for Speed.
W. E, Oestrieker, Distributor; A.W. Moriock, Expert Mechanic
Crediton, Ont
Ford Touring Car
Price $530
The Ford Runabout is $480; the Cou-
pelet $730 the Sedan $890; the Town
car $780. All prices are f.o.b. Ford,
Ontario All cars completely equip-
ped, including electric headlights,
Cate on sale at