The Exeter Advocate, 1916-5-18, Page 8e�. EXETER MARKETS CHANGED 'EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 90 to 1.00 Barley 50 to 55 Buckwheat .,.,...... . 60 to 65 Oats 40 to 45 ..s 95 to 1 00 Pota toes per bag �• '.00 to 2.25 Hay: per ten Flour per cwt„ family ••. Fleur, low grade, ,per cwt. Shorts per tan: Brain per ton .,,.,..., f' Eggs ,.. Butter . . Creamery Butter Hoas..per cwt. 18 00 31 75 10 -27 (la 26 00 25 32 10.60 FOR SALE -Goad frame stable — Apply to Sidney West, Main Street. GRASS LANDS TO RENT.—The enders gne 1 has a quantic of grass land to rein fora term—well. watered R. Drought. Lot 7, Con. 5, Usborne, South Boundary. Oil TH0I. r'.',N1) PLANTS for SALE —Geranium. Fuchsia, Ferns, Asters. Stoeee Verbena, Double and Single. Petun3 Sa via, Ageratum, Pans y Vinca [ara_ena, Dusty Miller, Double end Gobelia, Canna, Foliage, Sity e' Leat, six kinds of Tomatoes, Celery Cabbage; Hanging Baskets. I„ DAY , Florist, 'WOMAN WANTED.—At the Cen- tral. Hotel. Exeter, a woman to work two days a week. PASTURE TO RENT. -The Can- tanQ tT omp :nes has tw t my acres of aver fiats to rent tor pasture for the season. Apply at the Factory. .HELP WANTED—A number of good steady men wanted iremediateat -:late Robert Bell Engine te. Thresh- er Co. L't'd, Seaforth, Ont. BUGGIES AT COST.—A whole. car load of aleLaughlin and Brock- ville buggies, to be soli at cost price. Et, baat, Every gy mast go sure, , handle all kinds of hieCormiel: Farm ese.h;taer5 and repairs for same; :also Will have Le s:a;r: i,: a large number of tat;rer t» twee of se;:ond-hand nra.:lt:n- erg for sale. Repotting on all kinds of farm machinery ,promptly attended eyres AMLa,sn- . SMLEBE ERExeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED b C H Sanders at. the Advocate Of - flee. Strictly confidential; no witness ,_--.a,--- HORSEMEN ATTENTION— The aleason is here for horsemen to be considering their bilis and folders. We have a splendid line of .tuts to select froth and guarantee the best of sat- isfaction in every way. FARM FOR SALE — A choice farm of 100 acres, excel- lent for pasture, for sale; possession ;next spring. Apply at this pffice. —x—ox- 400 TONS SALT -400 tons aline Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per ton.; 50c. per bag, EXETER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd J Sutton, afanager. —x—o—x— SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt for sale at Old Temperance House, at the G T. R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. — ED. MAGLUIRE Exeter. WANTED—A young man to learn mould:arg also a young man to learn core making. Exeter elanf'g Co. IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE There will will be sold privately by the undersigned the following farm implements, all in good repair and work'ne crder:—Itiemp manure spread er. Wes -ern 2 -mould riding plow,cul- tiivator horse rake, Massey -Harris binder Mower, 2 walking plows, set harrows sugar beet cultivator, sugar snuffler, sugar beet digger, `lassey- Harris ier'ilizer drill. Terms—Will be sald tor cash or on time or exchanged far good bass- wood, elm or maple logs. R. GILLIES & SON, Exeter, Ont. Mone' propE.re3 MONEY TO LOAN to loan on farm and village at lowest rates. ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer dm., Exeter. C W. ROBINSON Li( E\zED AUCTIONEER AND VALUA ': Olt for Counties of Huron Pertl, :. ,ddlesex and Oxford. Farm Stacw Sakes a Specialty. Office at Cockohta: Warerooms, next door to Cent: , , artel, Main Street, Exeter. Cha: at ,poderate and satisfaction is guarau:,-:-a Announcement Aire.• making only sixteen traps to the to vn of Exeter, manyof my pe- lisses. ••'ao have been taking Clnro- practi' S ,inal adjustments are only de',ugh `e . to testify to you of the wonde-t•a results already obtained by my mel:ois of a drugless road to health which had seemed hopeless by all Ober methods. New in making an appea.. '.a the neaplse of Exeter and district: aund, I wish to state that I ,do.no' expect at the present to reach .any but the sacalled Chranies or supposed to be incurables by oth- er auethads, therefore I might say if your are, sick or ailing and have tried a1.1"athe known methods do not give up in de pair, but. take Chtro..iractiet ;Spinal adjustments and get Well.. Ad- justments . remove . the cause of _idis- ease. .'Chiropractors do riot treat ef- fects It will mean your health and hap- piness, See Dr. 5. M. Joules, Monday, Wed aiesday as ' Fridays, Office: Mrs. S. A. Harness' residence, Exramina`ion Free. ete r.s +t+ ExETiat AnIIurATE , THBR S7]AY MAY 18, 1818 Nr LOCAL DOINGS. 4 stlk.�s�,aek,ec,ek,ek�,C .�'r...d.,i8e.a8caat Mr. John Frayne is recovering from his recent illness. air. "Johan Braund is veneering his residence on Rain Street Farmers Institutes will • be known hereafter as Agraeuitural Boards. ;lir, G. J, Dow shiippe.d e. ear of 28 'hoses to Montreal on Tuesday. The water cart appeared on the street toe the first time this season on Saturday. Clinton has raised the poll tax from S1 to $3. The town will oil the• streets this year. The Huron. Battalion will mobilize ;n. Clinton on May 24th and a monster military qday has been arranged.. The Woman's Institute sent .251 pales of socks with "News" from home to the Canadian boys overseas. Mr. R. Phr'la,,s, for same years the efficient organist of James Street Church, has resigned, and Wray pos- sibly accept. a similar position, in Goderich. Ma her's Day was celebrated in Lamee Street Church and 'Sunday Se;hoal on Sabbath last. The ser, Zees end decorations were approprie :ate to the day. Next Wednesday is the 24th of May and a patella holiday. In consequence The Advocate will not be printed. ine till Thu: sday afternoon, instead iii a z Wednesday of ternoan. The Quebec Provincial elections are now on and on Monday 23 Liberals and 3 Conservatives were elected by ,tesaamation. There are 83 seats and it is believed the Liberals will have as large a majority as before. Coneratu:ations are due Thomas S ndire of Exeter, who has passed hi. Filen-natty examinations at 'Toronto wih honors. lie ranked equal with enother young man for fifteenth place at a latv class. Alan McCullough of e". Marys and Roger Roberts of Park f*'! also ,passed with honors. CARD OF T!-IANKS.--airs, W. W. Waiver and Tamil desire to drunk the friends 'and nee hbo-s for the corny iindr,esses shorn them subeee • quent to the death of the 'ate ttus- band and father FAX ON TICKETS.—The war tax on tax: l '3e'ket for admission to a shoat or any Pace of amusement, want in - 'o :fleet on clay 15th. The tax efts cent on an admission fee up to 15 cents, over that amount 2 cents, 1 he tax does not apply to tickets w•sea, the proceeds are to be devoted 'et ,patriotic purposes. OFFENDERS PAY THE COST. — Offenders against the law in Huron during the past year, May 1st, 1915, to !April. 25th, 1916, pay the full cost of teniorcing the Canada 'Temperance Act in this county, and then some. In .North Huron Inspector 'Mitchell collected $905 in tines from forty drunks and 51650 for thirty violations of the C. T. A. In South Huron In- spector Torrance collected $440 front twenty-two drunks and 51650 for thirty-one violations of the C.T. A. There is about $1000 of surplus after ;paying all costs. NEW RECTOR.—Rev. A. A. Trump.er, the new rector of the Trig. itt Memorial Church, commenced his duties in the parish on Sunday, having arrived Saturday evening. He had not uttered many sentences of the beauti' tui liturgy or the morning service be- fore he had impressed every person in. the congregation as to his gifts as a preacher, and as he advanced in the discourse rapt attention and ad. miration were given throughout. His clear and audible voice and his charming Cornish accent, his natural gestures, his Mild delivery, all unite to :make hint a favorite preacher. His sermon, morning tend evening, show- ed knowledge of the scriptures and he demonstrated a clear and com- prehensive .power of interpretation. Rev Trumper comes highly recom- mended as a man and a preacher, and the congregation of the Trivitt Mem- orial look forward to a term of con- tinued spiritual and numerical pros -- per -sty under his incumbency. DIED IN THE WEST.—The Fill- more (Sask.) Press contains the following aparticulars of the death of a former well-known resident of Ex- eter :--f'It is our sad duty this week to record the death of Richard W. Williams, one of the pioneers of Hur- cille district, who passed peacefully away at his home in Fillmore on Sunday, May 7th, at the advanced age of 74 years and 8 months. The .de- cease•d had been troubled with asth- ma; far the past fifteen, years or mare but be was always able to attend to his usual work, and considering his advanced age, was quite smart u,p to the last. During the past year, how- ever• .he has been more subject to weak spells resulting from heart trouble aiad asthma combined, and it was one of these which o•vertaok:him at eleven. o'clock on Sunday forenoon when he fell from his chair and. ex- pired -very suddenly before nnedical Assistance could arrive, and the only on /present was. his faithful wife. • It was only in.. Dec., 1915, that. MVIr. and awn, ,Williams retired from their farm and moved into town, where they had furnished a comfortable home in which to spend their declining; years. Mr. Williams was a native of Eng- land - but came to Canada when two years old. He and his family. lived in Exeter . for many years, but went West in• 1903, settling near Fillmore; P,es?des heis widow heis survived. by 'foal; `sans and three daughters. HICKS' FORECASTS,—A regular storm. period is central on ;the 24th. About the, he, 2 d ' Zan a falling barometer wit'] oe•vela,p 'wa western sections, winds wi;:l shift jet southerly, it will :gro,v steniy warmer, and storms of wind, rain and thundee will organize baud start eastward, By the 24th and 5th istot'm Ceuiaers will reach central saseas,..brealeing into terrific el.ec,trical stor-nns, on and next to the 25th. A series of daily )storms' for several suc- ce,ssive days is like/F. Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roil of the Township of Stephen will bold its first meeting in the 'Town Hall;. Creditor, on Friday the 28th day of May, A. D., 1916, at 11 o'clock a. nr. Henry Either, T. Clerk Court of Revision VILLAGE 011 EXETER The first sitting of the !Court of Re- vision :for the hearing of appeals against the assessment roll of the Village of Exeter for the yaeax 1916, wilt he held in the Council chamber on Friday, June and, 1910, at eight o'elock in the evening. All persons having businese at the ssaid, .Court will please take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. Jas. Senior, eler'.k, Exeter, May 15th, 1916. DEBENTURES FOR. SALE The County of Huron offers $60,006 of Debentures for sale. The debentures are first-class security and will be offered to residents of the County first. For particulars ap- ply to Robt. W. Livingstone, War- den„ W. J. R. Homes, Treasurer, or the undersigned. W. LANE, Dated May 10, 1916. Clerk LM.dRS MINSTREL SHOW — A. L dices' .Minstrel Show will be given in :the Opera House on Friday eves., May i9th at 8 o'clock, Rousing chor- uses with orchestra accompaniment will be in order. A One -Act Farce entitled "Those Husbands of Ours' will also bc given. A cushion will be on ?exhibition in the window of S. Martin 8 Son, and will be auctioned on the night at the show. Under the aats;uces of the Soldiers Aid Society. s.verybody come. Reserved S4ats, SOc., general admission 35c„ children' 25c. Plan. of Hall at W. S. 'alvei'~ Drug Store. _o— A SURE THING. Bill—"Are you down -hearted ?" Tour—"No, but 1 am fearfully tired. It's nervous exhauston, I guess." Bill—"Well, there's no need tostay' tired Tom. Go and get a box of Takake ,pills. They'll fix you up. Fifty cents tt box at your druggists, or by mail from ,the Georgian 11ifg. Co. Collingwood, Ont. The adjourned Vestry meeting of the Trivitt Memori'il Church will be held on Friday night, May 19th. Woe! will be some price this year in fact, it is too early to say, what the price will be but one thing is sure [that it will he high. A few days ago a load of wool was sold in London for 32c. per pound, the highest price paid in b0 years There seems to be no end to the rain, and it will be serious if seed- ing cannot be done very soon. Even then much will depend upon the weather following. Only a very little seeding has been done, and it is doubtful if that would not be bet- ter not done, as there is no growth, Exeter Lodge, No. 67, I. O. 0: F., spent a pleasant evening on Tuesday night when they were visited by eight or ten of the officers of Lucan Lodge, together with two third de- gree candidates from that Lodge, and the ,local brethren exemplified the work of that degree. The visitors were well pleased with the work. At the conclusion a number of short ad- dreaset were given and a lunch serv- ed Exeter Lodge is always ,pleased to do anythiae foe the Lucas' breth- ren. Any "home merchant" who isn't awake, aaad fails to tell the people about his wares, should read this startling statement 'made by the man- ager of a big Toronto mail order house recently: "We have a bureau whose duty it is to read the country newspapers. There is not a single newspaper of any consequence in our territory we da not get. tjh•e bureau locks over these .papers and when we find a town where the mer- ch.an:s do not .advertise in the local paper, we immediately flood that sec- tion with our literature_ It always brines results far in excess of the same effort taut forth in territory where the local anerchants use their local paper?' ELECTION.—At the regular sheet- ing of James Street . League Tues - evening 'the Election of Officers took place with the followeng result, — Pres. Dr. Roulston; 1st Vice -Pres., Christian .Endeavor, Miss Vera Leery Miss Pridham; 2nd Vice., Missionary, Kiss Irene Quackenbush; 3rd Vice., Literary and Social, Miss Alma May,. Hiss Stella Southcott; . 4th Vice., Te'mpexance and Citizenship, Miss Alice. Handfeed; Secretary, W. S. Cole; Treas.,, Hedley May; Pianist, Miss Hazel Bissett; Sec.-Treas., of Forward ;tVieveanent, Miss Laura Har-. vel; Look Out., Com. Hubert Jones. Harper Rivers is home for holidays iv1r. and Mrs. T. E. Handford, of Ingersoll visited herle this 'waft. • Mrs. McCallwm, guild two soaais of Lem don 'visited here this week with •el- aeives. Mrs.' McCreath of Lucknow isvis- ting rrnstxdiag. her •,parents, aVrr. and Mrs. J. iA Mr, E. Treble .and 'IVlisses Effie and Olive, Treble Were - in London this week owing to the illness of their sis- ter,.tMrs. Eyfitns. Mr, J. A. Swalwell, who was a mem- bet of the staff .of the Exeter branch of. the. Bank of Commerce, has been moved- to Sudbury, ` leaving last Fri- th y Mr. S. A. Poplestome of Blyth "was is 'town: on Tuesday. His mother, who has been spending the winter in Blyth sand Kincardine returned here for the summer: JONES .11VIAY ?HONE NO.. $3. GIGANTIC SALE OF MEN'S SUITS hundreds to Choose from. Wonderful Values IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT ,a1ATERIALS ARE STEADILY ADVANCING IN PRICE, A PARTICULARLY FORTUNATE EARLY BUY PERMITS US TO PLACE ON SALE THIS SEASON HUNDREDS OF MEN'S SUITS AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. THESE SUITS ARE WELL TAILORED IN EV:hRY RESPECT AND OF FIRST- CLASS ENGLISH AND SCOTCH MATERIALS. COME AT ONCE AND GET FIRST CHOICE. Smocks & Overalls at old Prices WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF ;MEN'S OVERALLS, WORT:: PANTS AND SMOCKS, IN BLACI... AND STRIPED DENIM, COTTON ADE. ETC., IN PEABODY'S, BIG B. AND SNAG PROOF BRANDS OLD PRICES FROM 51.00 UP. MEN'S HEAVY WOOL eHIRTS AT 500. AND 750. Boys' Odd Knicker & Bloomer 'Pants WI HAVE JUST RECEIVIsD A SHIPMENT OF BOYS' KNICKRR AND BLOOMER PANTS, GOOD HEAVY CLOTHS, WELL made- -MODERATE PRICES Men's Fine Straw Hats SPECIAL SALE AT $1.00 EACH \VC PLACE ON SALE THIS WEEK SEVERAL DOZhN OF MEN'S STRAW. SAILOR AND SWAG BRIM] HATS I- ALL \EW SHAPES, WELL WORTH 51.50, FOR EARLY SUMMER SELLING AT $1,('ia EACH. Children's Straw Hats DOZENS TO CHOOSE FROM .\T POPULAR PRICES. Linoleums and Oil Cloths WE ;OFFER OILCLOTHS AND HEAVY SCOTCH LINOLEUtiMS AT EXACTLY LAST SEASON'S PRICES GOOD PATTERNS AND COLORINGS. New Rugs, Curtain Nets, CURTAINS, MATTING, E TC„ JUST ARRIVED. JONES & MAY Ft e-adquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing Muss Diary Balktvill left Monday morning to spend a few weeks' holi- S1ff!ll days at Oshawa. Miss ;Ethel Piper of Chicago with her piephew of London, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Paper Miss Mabel Piper of Chicago is vis- uleS itting hex mother here; as is'' also Mas- ' ' ter tMarshall Gale of London, a grand llitS illf son. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Treble are in London this week owing to the seer- . ious illness of their daughter, Mrs. Adolphus Evans. IVIr, etnd Mrs. John. Clatng left this week an their way home to Darling - ford, ,Man„ after a visit of several weelzs here. They went by way of Deaver. Mrs Thos. Gregory has returned bonne• after a two weeks' visit in: Ber- lin with her son, ¥ajor W. K Greg- ory of the 118th Battalion of North 'Waterloo. VIRGINIA GIRL Gained 15 Pounds By Taking Vinol Norfolk Va.—,"I suffered from ner- vousness, had no appetite and was very thin. Nothing I took seemed to help me until one daya friend told me aboutVinol. I have now taken six bottles andhave gained fifteen pounds: have a good ap- petite and can eat anything. "—x,MATTIE ENNING, Norfolk, Va. Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, a constitutional remedy which creates an appetite, aids digestion and makes pure healthy blood. Try it on our guarantee. W S. Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont. PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring Fashions are. arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique arid interesting collection, meeting the requirements for street wear and travel.. It is unusual to present,so early in the season so great a variety, but styles were determined early, and the most favored shown.. The present time is most advantag- eous for buying as all indications point to higher prices in the future. N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. Exeter Bargain Store Men's Suits WE HAVE been fortunate am scoring a JOB LOT of Men's Suits in sizes 34, 35, 36, 37 at prices much, below their ,present value, We will be pleased to show them to you. Theprices are from ' $7:50 up, See out Made -to -measure samplesand get one of our New Style Spring Suits. Bays Braces 10 and 15 cents a ,pai'i. CAPS 5.0c,, 75c, and 5100 ;each About three dozen sample towels at less than present svholesaleP rice. BOOTS and SHOES—Some .attractive stiles and values in Ladies' and Children's . Shoes,• : MEN I buy a pair of our Tan ,!,Shoes, made on 'the IVIllitary East. B. W. F. Beavers Butcher Phone 103 het ar s MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED be 0 H Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice Strictly confidential; no witness Ch�'ice.. Furniture R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALXR Piiodre 20a. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould 'Opposite Electric light Plant Fresh Meats Cured Meats AlwaysOn Hand. Fred Robinson