HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-5-18, Page 7DIfD WORKING WOMEN Will Find New Strength Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. It is useless to tell a hard working woman to take life easily and nob to worry. Every woman at -the head of a home; every girl in .offices, shops sed factories is subjected to more or less worry, These cannot be avoided. But it is the duty* of every woman marl every girl to save .her strength as much as possible, and to build up her system to meet unusual demands. Her future health 'depends upon it. To guard against a. break -down in health the blood must be kept rich, red and pure. To keep the blood in this condi- tion nothing tan equal Dr. William's' Pink Pills. They strengthen the nerves, restore the appetite, bring the glow of health to pallid cheeks, and renewed energy to listless people. 'Women cannot always rest when they should, but they can keep up their • strength and keep away disease by the occasional use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs, A. Rhodes, Hamilton, Ont,,, says: "A. few years ago on com- ing to Canada, working long hours, and close confinement began to tell upon me. I was completely run down, and finally eould do no work, I was Teale, euffered from headaches, did not rest well, andfelt altogether very miserable. The doctor said that the trouble was anaemia, and after doe - tering for some weeks without get- ting any relief, I decided to drop the doctor and take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Very soon I began to notice a change for the better, and by the time I had used a half dozen boxes of the --bills I was again enjoying the best of health, I have never had any re- turn of the sickness and never felt better in my life than I do new. I give my experience, therefore, that it may be used for the benefit of others." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi - eine Co., Brockville, Ont. ENGLISH WOMEN DESERTING CITIES 2,000,000 MORE JOIN TRADES DUR- ING YEAR. Receive Better Pay and More Con- sideration by Employes in Munition Mills. Hardly less remarkable thanthe swift transformation of England into a powerful military nation has been the silent upheaval that has placed the civil work anti the industries of the workshops in the hands of women. It has been estimated from official figures that there were fully 2,000,000 more women in active employment on March 1, 1916, than on the corres- ponding day 12 months earlier. More- over, the number is increasing week by week. Every class of women, including those previously regarded as leisured with a perfectly equipped kitchen, al AT FRONT, GETS $400,000. recreation room and a same'' model -- �— hospital. As soon as these plans had French Count, Serving as Private,! been approved the firm had one of Has Good News From Home. the wouaen's organizations take up the There is in France a nobleman of, responsibilities for them in behalf of ancient lineage, a scholar, well vers -1 the girls employed, . ed in the law, who at one time was in Public imagination is more stirred the French diplomatic service as an at the idea of women's labor in shell, attache. He left service, and fuse and explosive making than ,}t is living a leisurely life the Paris and at' over the vast army ngagedn in the his magnificent ehateau in Brittany, more humdrum round of business rou-eexercised his knowledge of the law—" tine.hoBut the feet isthat the women he had passed the examinations ast all who is forcedvto work in the offices avocat-�-by assisting poorer people it of the Government, municipalities, w knotty law cases. When the banks, factories and stores is much brokput he was called up ase me, worse off than her sister in the muni- e ate, and was a great favorite in et tions works. She receives lesa pay arte, , hn, well favorite t a priv- and veryr.little attention u paid g her ate's rank, he 'became an interpreter welfare, But she is sustaining the �tvi#h the British army. fabric of the state to no less extent. While engaged in that work he at- ' tended by correspondence to the af- TAX ON MATCHES NOT NEW. fair:, of hie estate and to the details of a long inheritance dispute in the English Statesmen Borrowed Idea American courts, his wife being an From U. S. in 1871. American. In consequence of t • strong German attack the battalion t This is not the first time that a which he was attached was driven British Chancellor of the Exchequer from its billets and got "quarters" for has tried to raise money from the tax- some days in a 'field, There the ation of matches. The proposal Count lived in the shelter of a hedge. p p al was g put forward by Robert Lowe (after- sleeping under a cart sheet tied to ward Lord Sherbrooke) in 187, He poste. While he was occupying that suggested a halfpenny stamp on boxes simple residence he received the new of 100 wooden matches or less and a that the American action was at an penny on boxes of 100 wax snatches, end and he was the richer by be - or fuses, because they were "more tween 2,00,000 and 3,000,000 francs aristocratic," He estimated that the 0400,000 or $500,000). tax would yield for the first year His fortune brought only one little £650,000 ($2,750,000). break in his life as a private. He re The idea was borrowed from Amen- ceived twenty-four ]sours leave at a Better Muscle, Better Work—the power to do things comes frorn food that supplies the greatest amount GARRY THEIR OINK OATHS. ngenlous Devices for Soldiers Dia- An roSafe, An activetayed serviceat eCxhibitioaan is being ! d at Knightsbridge, in London, at of strength -giving nutriment I whichhelare displayed hundreds of in - with the least tax upon the gen1aus devices for the comfort, health and safety of officers and men digestive organs. Shredded at the front, The money raised by Wheat Biscuit contains all the sale of these articles goes to funds of the British Red Cross and the Order the muscle -making material of $t. John of Jerusalem. in the whole wheat grain— Among the devices on sale is a small the most. perfect food given I wa teoat razor at, will mpactihot bath to man --made digestible by `u ar "condi used haat,'11ie1�<will. steam -cookie shredt3ie raise the tcmpe:ature of 'Water to the proper dt?gT/e, n shower bath outfit. and baking. Contains. more and other toilet articles• real nutrirrient than meat or ` In order to enable the soldiers to a write in the dark a combination pencil eggs and costs inkuch less, •,ease sand electric tore', to throw light Being ready -cooked Hid oil the paper, 'las been invented The "nutshell canteen, as one little Case ready -to -serve, it is the ideal ie caned, eontains thirty-three assorted Summer food. Delicious for ,drink Tablets, tea, coffee. beef tea and breakfast,for luncheon or cordial ginger, six shields for corns, and a checkerboard.. any meal with milk or cream, or with fresh fruits. Made in Canada. A steel body shield, light but eftec- tile, also is for time. Cases of bath salts for disinfecting purposes are displayed. A trenching tool with nu- merous uses attracts much attention. It is shorter than a man's arm, weighs; ACROSS THE - _,_. • less than four pounds, and will cut: ER wire and dig up a macadamized road. BORD Wi1:4T IS GOIN>s ON OPER THE STATES. Not That Kind. Captain ---What! You want anoth- er furlough: two inside of a year? Why, I haven't been home once in a year and a half. '. Tommy Atkins—That's all right for you, sir; but me and my misrus ain't that kind. CHILDHOOD AILMENTS. geep =Ward's 3 ialment to the house IN -1 The ailments of childhood are many but most of them are caused by some derangement of the stomach and bow- els. Therefore to banish these trou- bles the stomach must be kept sweet (ley 4r, las swell ---"I should say 1 slid. No men with a poor memory hag LusinE ss to 'seems. z liar. Nowell "Du „Van believe in here - a, which at that time made $400,000 time when leave was generally sits- Latest liappcnings In To Repubilo and the bowels regular. To do this 1 married the daughter of :l :int gt?, $2,000,000) a year from, the tax. pended in order to see his wife at Cantlellscsl for limy cathing can equal Baby's Own rtes gelid she it the ughtr dt..;vr. ileo law Mr, Lowe's reason for suggesting it Calais and to sign certain important Rcadprs, lets. Thousands of mothers have to me." was that the "cost of matches was so documents. proved this. Among them is :firs, ; t inappreciable that they were wasted _ „e___....�,._ Boston children are to have 118 Thomas Holmes, Missfwld, N.B., who t rN in a most reckless and dangerous ,i 1 burros from Mexico to ride intthewrites: "Every mother in this locality 1 p roTnTr..tr ir:t to i tate way." He suggested as the motto forGrippeLeif lie parks. uses Baby's Own Tablets as we all '°f i,ie.a. I)ett .vae. <'arr„an Ur - the new stamp "Ex luce lucellum Chicago amloultces that it can ac- consider them the very best medicine I der at oo.a. sup:yty limited. tit.i.�e for (out of light a little profit) and he (tIll commodate 50,000 at its bathing for childhood ailments" The Tablet, Quo�att, e�, at. ` . r� tr. f.n -11,...;1,,n. wren. s thought this more appropriate than a ous y beaches this summer. are sold by medicine dealers or by the usual rather watery device of a "Noah's Ark." The match tax was regarded in 1871 as a frivolous measure, although it ED HER COMPLETELY, was at first favored by Parliament, A procession of tattered matchmakers to Westminster to protest against it ,.. gave the coup de grace to the meas- Mrs. Ualquist Tells Just Why She is ure, but not before trial proofs of the the Firm Friend of the Grand Cana - duty stamp printed in a pale blue, glen kidney Remedy, Dodd's Kidney and now become very rare, had been ;,ills prepared. The stamps were to be so pasted on as to be broken by the Bangsund, Sask., May 15th (Spe- opening of the match box. cial).--Mrs. Pete llalquist, a well - .e_ .-,,.,, known resident here, is a firm be- liever in Dodd's Kidney Pills, and is always ready to tell the reason why. Many of British Expeditionary Force "About a year ago," Mrs. Halquist says, emy little girl was taken ill with Will Settle There, the grippe. She was sick in bed for! three weeks with pains in the joints, The contact which the Indian troops They were swollen and stiff. have with western life, religion and I "She had cramps in her muscles, so customs during their stay with the it was awful hard for her to get British expeditionary force in France ; may have a far reaching effect on the around for the longest) time. After , religion and habits of the peopleof she was able to be around her skin India. became harsh and came off in scales. A correspondent of the Associated "After using two boxes of Dodd's Press was informed by British pfficers Kidney Pills she was as well as ever that the Indian troops -were so im- pressed with the superiority of the customs observed in France that many of them were preparing to re- turn and settle there after the war. It will be comparatively few of the Indian soldiers, of course, who will BU`T DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CUR. INDIANS LIKE FRANCE. she was in her life. She has been strong and healthy ever since," The after-effects of grippe are more to be dreaded than the disease itself. That is because they generally act on weak kidneys and put them out of working order. Sick kidneys are come back and it is from those who the cause of rheumatism, backache, remain in India that the influence on dropsy and numerous other diseases, their own people is expected to eman- i The one sure way to avoid them is to ate. How great a change the per- keep the kidneys toned up and able to and well-to-do, are adding to the total, suasion of these soldiers with ad- do their work, The best way to keep The call is reaching the remotest ham- vaned ideas will work on the people the kidneys healthy is to use Dodd's lets as well as the quiet market towns, as a whole remains to be seen. Kidney Pills. and the women and girls are respond- ing. The women are mobilizing in a MEAL -TIME CONSCIENCE. WHEN TIBETAN BATHES. great army, ready to serve wherever the ."are most needed—even to the al and labor of the tilling of tithe soil. Such changes in the national, com- merc ai and industrial spheres are naturally creating considerable read- justment of social conditions, with the result that the Young Women's Chris- tian Associatiton, Women'' Unions, suffragist organizations and scores of women's clubs are confrollied with many new problems in helping to care for the thousands of women suddenly thrown into a new environment. The Initial Difficulty To be dealt with has been that of What Do the Children Drink? There are times when mother or father feeds the youngsters something that they know the children should not have. Perhaps it is some rich dessert but more often it is tea or coffee. Soaks Himself for Hours, Removing Several Layers of Dirt. Near the ancient wall across the road at Yatung, Tibet, there are some remarkable hot springs, the water in some cases registering boiling point. It is better to have some delicious, Many Tibetans congregate around hot food -drink that you can take your- these springs chargedd and the water, which is highlyy I self and feed to your children, con- with sulphur, scious that it will help and strength- is considered specially efficacious in 1 1 en, but never hurt them. An Eastern lady says: "I used coffee many years in spite of the con- viction that it injured my nervous sys- tem and produced my nervous head - housing the workers in the munition aches." (Both tea and coffee are in - factories. All sorts of factories have furious to many persons, especially been requisitioned in the provincial children, because they contain the towns up and down the country, subtle, poisonous drug, caffeine.) ceiling for large drafts of workers "While visiting a friend I was serv- from oupside. Lodgings have been ed with Postum and I determined to hard to find, and of course, following get a package and try it myself. The all laws of supply and demand have result was all that could be desired— been costly, even . if they could be a delicious, finely flavored, richly found at all. Railway communica- colored beverage. Since I quit coffee, tion with places at any distance have Postum has worked wonders for me. been unsatisfactory, especially for "My husband, who had suffered those on the nightshifts. Only in from kidney trouble when drinking the larger centres of population has coffee, quit the coffee and took up the service' of tram cars or omnibuses Postum with me and since drinking been of any help to those living at a distance. Thousands upon thousands of young women and girls were suddenly shift- ed from their familiar surroundings in Postum he has felt stronger and bet- ter, with no indication of kidney trouble. "You may be sure I find it a great comfort to have a warm drink at the•iarger cities to the new life in the meals that I can give my children, country where many of the huge with a clear conscience that it will munition factories have been erected. help and not hurt them as tea or coffee would." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Postum comes in two forms: Postum Cereal—the original form -- must be well. boiled. • 15c and 25c pkgs. Instant Postum—a,solubie powder dissolves quickly in a cup of hot water,. Perhaps the. ideal conditions have and,with cream and sugar, makes a been reached by one famous firm' en- delicious beverage instantly.. 30c and gaged in the "manufacture; of cot;d'%,e. 50c tins. A colony for the workers was" erected Both forms are equally delicious in a long series of wooden huts each and cost about the same per cup. The manufacture of high explosives is not permitted in the vicinity of homes. Therefore, canteens had to be ese tablished close to such works so that the women Would not have to go long distances for their meals and relieve. them of much fatigue and strain. A Colony for Workers. cases of skin disease. Bathing is a simple proceeding on the part of the Tibetan. 'All that is considered necessary is to scoop out a depression in the deposit round any spring, and this, filled with water, makes the bath. A tent is sometimes thrown over it, and the:whole family —men, women and children sit for hours in the steaming water, and they look a different color after a prolonged immersion, the process rem moving several layers of dirt. CAPTURE WIVES IN FRANCE. British Soldiers Make Marital Alli- ances in. France. Army officers along the British front say that many hundreds of Brit- ish soldiers have married French girls since the expeditionary force landed in France, and hundreds of others have become engaged, a fact not gen- erally known even in London. Some of the Toinmies plan to take their wives back to England; but the ma- jority have declared their intention of settling in France when the war is over. . The' love affairs of Tommy cause his :superiors considerable amusement for he knows no Freneh, excepting the lit- tle that be has picked up since he came to France, and his sweetheart knows no English, save What Tommy has taught her. Two hundredenite 'Bary • prison- er p 1 s at Lansing; 'Ifan:- +attempted to mob "Frc:;' of Topeka, sus- containing some 28 two -bedded rooms.) "There's a Reason" for Postum: pected of murdering ten -year-old In the centre of all ;is a dining hall —sold by Grocers. Edna Dinsmore. For driving his horse while drunk, mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. a wealthy Atlantic City man was Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, sent to jail for thirty days. To take care of an old horse for the rest of his life. a $14 -a -week Hoboken barber is left est2,000 by Ont • Curious Effect of Shell Fire. Shell fire produces euriou; tffeets his aunt. at times, and not the least remarkable The City Commissioners of Pas- is the cross made by enemy fire over saic, N.J., have passed an ordinance the graves of soldiers in France. It prohibiting the serving of free lunch occurred between Barcy and Var- in a saloon. reties, where, according to the Illus - The Treasury Department at Wash- trated London News, the top of ;. tree . ington announces a $5,000 cheque was cut off by a shell. In falling the front a New York resident to con- severed part of the tree was caught science fund. en a projecting branch and hung bal- A Minneapolis hotel guest took off anced in a horizontal position at his hat when a lady entered the ele- right angles to the trunk, thus form- vator and was savagely abused by ing the transom of a cross. Near by a jealous husband. are the graves of thirty soldiers who Governor McCall, of Massachusetts, were killed there in September, 1914. vetoed the bill allowing "Billy" Sun- day to erect a wooden tabernacle, in violation of fire laws. Senator Knox and other prominent Republicans assailed President Wil- son at the Grant day dinner of the Americus Club in Pittsburg. Minard'e Liniment rminberman'a friend (ladle Different. "I thought I told you to quit using tobacco!" exclaimed the specialist, "I have quit it," replied the patient. Edward Dolphin), of Newi'o1lr, "Then what is it that I ::well on was fined $1 for "blocking traffic" your breath?" demanded the special while arguing about "neutrality„ with lst- a Frenchman, who disappeared. "Cigarettes," replied the patient. One woman was killed and 38 other passengers injured when a street car in- Cincinnati, 0., jumped the track and crashed into a telegraph pole. Charles H. Mansfield, engineer of a New Haven train which killed five passengers at Bradford, was indicted at Providence, R.I., for manslaughter. After vainly calling twenty pas- tors to a Paterson pulpit, vacant two years, the congregaion has succeed- ed in getting a preacher from Iowa. Mrs, Henry James Lamar Wash- ington, of New York, is plaintiff and defendant in a double divorce case. Her husband is a direct descendant of John Washington, brother of Am- erica's first president. 1Minard's Liniment ted by Phraictanrs. Welcome Intruder. The man in the next flat was pound- ing on the wall. "Look here!" he cried. "I can't sleep with that kid yelling like that. If you don't make him stop I will." "Come right in," said the baby's father. "You'll be as welcome as the towers in spring." Had ship's anchor fall on my knee and leg, and knee swelled up and for six days I could not move it or get help. I then started to use MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT and two bottles cured me. e PROSPER FERGUSON. Resemblance. Wife—Are my doughnuts like those your mother used to miake? Hub ... (sampling them) : Well.ser-. the.holes are just the same. Granulated Eyelids, g� Eyes' inflamed' by expo- ffi sure to SOH, Dust and Wlatii quickly relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. NoSniarting. hist Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's S0c per. Bottle. Murine Eye Salve inTubes25 c. ForDeolt of I heEyefreeask Druggists or Murine Eye RemedyCo.,Chicane•, Kid's Idea.. "It is called the altar because that's where a girl alters: her `naine when she gets married." explained one youngster to another. Ask tor 1Viinard's and takeao other. STOPS A EM€$3 from a Bone. Spavin, Ring Bone, Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or similar trouble and gets horse going sound. It acts mildly but quickly and good re- sults are lasting. Does not blister or remove the hair and horse can be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with each bottle tells how. $2.00 a bottle delivered. Horse Book 9 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings, En- larged Glands, Wens, Bruises,Varicose Veins; heals Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell you more if you write. $1 and $2 a bottle at dealers or delivered. Liberal. trial battle for IOC stamps, W, F. YOUNG, P. B. F., 518 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Gan. Absorblae and Abserbine, Jr.. ue made 14 Canada„ tn.._ QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Including Mining,Chemical, Civil, Mech- anical and elctrical Pngineertng. MEDICINE During tbe War there will be continuous sessions in Medicine. HOME STUDY The Arts Course may be taken by corre- spondence, but students desiring to gradu- ate must attend one session. SUMMER SCHOOL GEO.Y.cwowN JULY AND AUGUST REGISTRAR Machiry_For Salo Wheelock Engine, ,150 H.P., 18 x42, with double main driving belt 24 ins. wide, and Dynamo 30'K. W. belt driven. All in -first class condition, Would ould be sold together .ox separate- ly ara te- 1y also a lot of shafting at a verygreat bargain ain as room is required immedi- a toV �. Frank Wilson &.Sons 73 Adelaide Street Toronto. rale s.e ,{ -ft, ,t'i:11 1 Sit-:-iN,, '= ArNi suit.. LL repairing. kV l.. 1 tat:'t s ▪ - ttC:.', ton.. a ,IL GI i;l,r Ct'Tt + ii'1i\G JLt rifle ° + I -win ►i•r l.f ler Et', E', 21.11L1' r t :tr; . ' 1f f;'ttti 6 } s....nie•ri „It a t •, :•� ure;:ot t.,,,, da' t .,, , s t Ali. �'A � f .Yt t7 .1't. + 1. ti;v I • anti l,f;itt t. ,a.;; t l.., :1,. f..r&, U t, ire=t..1 ,'ct? x I t tart•'. t surges pail <�r particulars• txti,m ai ::c:• ?.t, , ::.:, . [warren•. a1rrntre,•1 Ali.: ATTI•DD �ANT:t. Ni.:Ni'i • f i�.t1j!lf Tr.ti:niug 5t•horrl. trittdr,:,•r .'t•1 h.ttelt.'' Mattis wanted fta f..t rc1. Apply' tt1 ; rtt,erinter.dert t i1 s:.• o ttuolph. ttntario. N}SWSP. EIir3 Per?: &AIME. )HGFTT-:li:tlillG Ni V3 .1.NIJ II)ir, .1 Offices fall sale in 80, ,d vnturlo towns. The most useful arta tett s::ni of all busttre*'nes., Full it nrrfltttn on application to �Wl1son Pu', u',Fti L-t,rn- pani•. tS \Vest Adelaide Street, t-,rorso. MISE L-Lt.AL120Ule, C.-kNCL•'R, TI :rinli5, I.T'1I1'S. 1- TU., internal and external cured wlth- 1 out pain by our ilrrne tr. :•'Ira t1''1 e us before too late. Dr• Deilnlun lletitcal Co., Limited, Cullingwood, Ont. 14) America's Pioneer Dog Remedies tWOiis 0". DOG DISEASES1 And How to Feed ;ticited free to' any r�.:ress by 1 the Amen' ii. CLAY GLOVER. V. 3. 118 West 31st S:reai, slew York I..ul iia Rock zSalt t --.. Ont.1.10. 'Vrr,a, :ar .r ..a'.+•�'t'r gh:s1"4+1d7�A"•u..c� ,, TORCi3•:iO SAYT w•€e2.-s, 60-e2 xarvis St.. Toronto. Ont. DEAFNESS IS MISERY 'know because I was Dcaf and bad Head Noises for over 30 rears. My invisible Anti -septic: Ear Drums restored my hear- ing and stooped Head Noises. end ivilldo it for you. They are Tiny Megaphones. Cannot Icemen when -worn. Easy to put in, easy to take out. Are `Unseen Cam - n,, Eons."Inexpensive. Write/ orBooklet and my sworn statement of how 1 recovered ' my hearing. A, ®. LrrOz.lARD 8uIte22S 1505thAve. - - N .Y Airy Pdebayoswarnslata' meats from patients cured of Fats,Epilep- sy, Falling Sickness or Convulsions by a tree sample at Dr. Hoof's remedy, We PAYEXPRESSAOtoa FREETRIALBOTtLE 11 you CUT OUT end RETURN TRISAll is your letter. Hun- dreds of testImonla s on Ilk. Oka age and full particulars. Dr. F. HARVEY 11008 CO.Dept.A 1.11.8 Ste. N, daew'Iorls i CURED MY CAT i 11 TOLD IN A SIMPLE WAY No Salves, idiom, Smoked Inhalers, or Electricity HEALS 24 MUDS 1-S OF THE DAY It is a new wag. It is something absolutely different, No lotions, sprays or sickly amolling salves or creams. Nal atomizer, or any apparatus of any kind. Nothing to smoke or inhale No grooming, or rubbing or injections. Na kketrleity r lbeni on or mnmaao. No powder. as pfaoter, Jon ur.Din11CCIn aha h u o. 5001,1 tr of that kipd at 011. tl>mothias npw end dtneraot You daltshttut and hcalthtal—aomethina la- ot0ntly auo, ,oral. You do not baso to wnit,'nntl tI,,go and'rity onto lot or m00,y': Ypu eau atop ¢ ,v,, nitcht-and t :to .m e 0,11 you bow—a'sti'r. r m nuts doctor and mye io not aha-culiod and • you eau u*ptlo cured. I am cured, and op friend* I era eurud and you eau be aures. lour'nni4nrfng will step at onto ilka music. I AM FREE—YOU CAN BE FREE Mycereus wqs filthy and Ioathsome. It made -ane ill. It dulled my mind. It undermined my health and was weakening my will. The hnwksag, coughing, spitting made me obnoxious to all, and mp foul breath and diewoetin e h beta made oven my loved nee avoid me oenretly. td dolfgh110 life Was dulled and my faculties Ito. F:frad. 1 know that in time It would britt mo teen nntlmoly grave peon... every moment of the -day sed night woo eloodyynt tore. mapping To vftaifty. But 1 Caned cure,. and am rawly to tett you no It FREE. Write me prbmptiy. RISK JUST ONE CENT Sand no moray. Jess vola name and bddrees on a postal card. say "Dear Sato Sate, Please tell mo low you cured your catarrh and how 1. can cure mine." 1'hat'eeil you Deed to nay. I will underetundr end I wilt tvr1Ye 1. €ha with uompleta l0fbrmetlon, FREE eto0,0. Ponotdelapp `Jan.. e ponce' erred 0. lie man lector teas,. non•CChld1, al iu tiles thin once anti' you have *eked for thin seaadcvtulttoslmant 0.. it tan.1. far you whatttl0.odune farm.. SAM IcATIS, Suite L 2584, 2909 Indiana. Ave, ,Chiearro, sir. ED. 7. ISSUE '21-.--'16