HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-5-18, Page 6i There's a Subtle Charm about the delicious flavour o 11 BIOG This flavour is unique and never found in cheap, ordinary tease Let us mail you a sample. Black, Mixed or Green. A LONE NAND; The Capture of a German Pirate tuxe they had maintained a sullen! f" silence when questioned about the; Cocos and her exploits. They would, be taken to England and tried, The, Cocos had been taken in tow by one, of the transports, and Crane oc- casionally saw her when, in the latter: days of the voyage, he was wheeled! out on deck by his nurse, to be lionise! ed by men and officers alike. } Farmers generally do not begin to The followiing is taken from stead-; realize the amount of power there ing London paper of lath September 1018; is .stored up in a big, vigorous bull, "The Victoria Cross has been award-1writes Joseph A. Carroll, of Massa - ed to Mr. John Crane for his brilliant ehusetts, in the Farm Journal, We services leading up to the capture of ,have here at the Elm Hill Farms a the German privateer Cocos, in the registered on of the great Cplantha Indian Ocean, last Judy, The details" Johanna Lad that we broke when he of this gallant exploit must still be?was three yearn old (he i$ five now), fresh in the minds of our readers.' and he is as useful as any horse we The raptured members of the Cocos's have. He weighs a little better than crew have been tried, sentenced as ° 1,?0O pounds in working order. We pirates, and hanged. Needless to plow with hint, harrow, furrow out, say, nothing could be found to connect cultivate, run the weeder, horse rake them directly with the German Gov-" ain`t tedder. On the horse fork he ernment. The men rtoutly maintain -1n a wonder. We have never been ed that they were acting on their olein° able to put a load on the. fork yet --- ON THE FARM q • Work for the Buil, THE CANADA STARCH G.O. LIMITED N,A' 11MOhrra Ai,. nRANTFORD, FORT WILLIAM'. Makers pf "Crown. Brand" anti "Lily Wits" Corn Syrcps, and Benson's Corn $!arch. More Blouses, Lingerie and Skirts—more Table Linen— more Sheets and Pillow Cases -- more Curtains.-, are starched with "Silver Close". than any other starch in Canada. Your grocer has it. au.ndry Starch 233 For PLINK EYE AgaTATEsan.osrvzs arm TIEETGOAT DISMAB e Cures the slot and acts as a preventive for others, Liquid given an the tongue. Safe for brood praxes an* all others. nest kidney remedy, ler the bottle. or dozen. Sold by al) druggists and turf goods houses, or sent express paid, by the manufacturers, Booklet, 'Distemper. Causes and Cure," free. SROM =DSCAY, CQ,, Chane, eetonaen, And.. nr.L&. initiative; that their boat Neal equip-` that would puzzle hrrn in the ast, and tion period. If heifers are allowed to t ls more than I can say for the b Id bmf they bred, or that isPRICELESS PLATINUM. become too o ore ey are ed , —._ F by parties fromor couldy dire estcahaares, there is a danger of them not breed More Titan Dour Times the Value of If pm instill �evidene Azbe found In hard going we put him in the ing. Some men claim that by breed-;,' ' aboardyncrthe ship. Trust German' the lend of a !lair of horses en rine ing the heifers when yentas and then Gold: "thorauglnness" for that. The men manure -spreader, and the a:mnbina, not breeding so soon the next titre; The war in Europe has cut off the t`liAPTER. I`",•-••--(1 e nt'd.i dodged around the deckhouse and ran;: went to their death unmoved. i tion exial es a pretty rugged team, that better milkers are produced. That- supply oa platinum. In December I`te ^ , s helay t atictl " on till he came to the foot of the' .+Aowevcr, tlttin6, to the informatsan this heaviest of sucrate reached the a two tense hours a, 1 }, We make freciuerit trips to totia'n pith may be possibla, but it stands t0 lea price of one hundred while the Clow. drove at full speed forward funnel, One o£ the men he uncovered by Mr. Crane, a second Yes -1 hem, with wood, produce, etc;T We son that if a young aminal groes birth dolmannaunee—four trines the price Vile -ugh the black night. `Then he hats passed was now following, firing; sel of similar character has been seiz-:have drawn one cord of hardwood at to offspring and is expected to pro-�in , and more than four flutes Oinked. into the ventilator and looked as he ran. Just as Crane started ed on the con =t of Borneo, where she a load from here to Milford, five miles, duce ,milk before she is fairly well de- tine value of an ounce of .gold, The out, .nio �ei of misty rain had up the ladder that led to the lookout , was tr•yint; to replenish her fuel sup-' and the bull carne home fresh as '.eloped, she will not make as good `vatting nations !nava forbidden thein team- u awl the wind was rising. A° another shoclt told him that a bullet lv, anti was disabled by lon rang;.+ daisy. For any work around the a cow as she would have, had growth citizens to export platinum, because p Id has! pierced his thigh. Still he ply, lona:one; place that requires only one horse we been obtained before commeneing tf tt is used in making nn tuitions, and atter urgent fol this aria entui a sou + climbed desperately, hi: ursuer, „ use tine bull, as he is Aust as handy and hardly h.we been imagined, He felt! F Mr, Crane bac entirely recovered , the seemingly out of cartridges, coming front the w and raistained in his muen strong, epEeding ship make a sharp turn, ' ••lati, train tak a I means able adventure, and the oxeagn produce. --Farmer's Advocate. ; the consequent shortage has greatly t inconvenienced manufacturers of tine up after him. As he reached the top 1 h .F • ' i We have a registered Fereheron jewelry and of electrical, phatogra- `" the lookout leaned over the edge. all:- !stallion that we fie Quick Milling Increases Yield., Fhir, dental and surgical supplies. In carve. And oft, to the lee, almost i Office has part in a request for mise quently latch at t,ermaua many manufacturers flava .tyre t-4 he caught sight of the !tattle- ing what the trouble was. He re -services, as he is too valuable amara; side of the bull to plow, and they "Quickness in milking is highly already substituted where they can ship's searchli;;hts playing like a gold- crzvrd the butt of the heart' aura•: to waste his time over a drafting- make as good a plow team as a man desirable. There is not only a an alloy of rhodium and palladium, en pencil t.n the mist. Behind her.` math pistol" full`astrals his forehead, board in the Navy Department. Icould ask for.. The bull was dehorn- saving of time, but there is also an two other metals of the platinum Enlist s<:'s:viv vets t;ts m.u1.. r the post-, and sant: bath without a sound. Crane "It is a source of teat pleasure to ed • when he was a year and a half old. increased yield," says an English ex- family, instead of platinum wire, out ' drRi of the titins orfs. Thi* • }nad,.'lri�pped safely over into the steel realize that England 1 ,till produces;; He can tae driven with reins, but we change, The Farmer and Stockbreed- own manufacturers tlfteelectrical le cit a Iw es ,. + , , er p ecen investigations axe g light-. a„ _ k•i xrt: al's.! they feel in these: sly to rllnnlr alovvn• - e#forts of • f;<erntany'M march vaunted would ori o�c. I or harxness vve turn at the Cxarforth Earm of heeds Univ-, chromium, metallic tungsten or malt' b- vstatc:r, i The earns, now; a'na'lt behind the ,'ntillitary preparation and thorough- a horde colla and hames upside ersity have shown that the increase denum. For the ignition points oaf the plane .f the C'ocos's eartain transport, had lost hetadway, and lay Hess," arid, single-handed, set their • dawn, may be as much as 10 per cent. in spark plus they are using tungeeten see: t,.„tine evident. He had het::!- wallowing in the choppy sea:. With efidarts at naught. Both England and': We have a herd of grade cows. the yield and from 80 to 40 per cent, and far the resistance wire: of On- ce/ t:, r: , •: the wake of the last tl - .. a blinding flash. a seaa•t:h-light from Au antes owe a 'debt of deep gists-; which NW breed to this bull and raise in the butter fat. Slow milking re- tele furnaces, niolybde±stmt. Most of a ct, is reef two mile: behind the the transport was brought into Play, tin+le to Mr. Crane for services that - all the heifer calves. He has sired sults. in a mustier yield, and the caws fiieeljlsnrntall area in _from u sin aoia compare.�� P enveloping the disabled vessel in t •.B:ui+, In tl>i, weather he c9uld called for resource, al►ili,y, and caol.som' gaol ones, About seventy per frequently: get restless. There is no Ural Mountains where the metal oc- t•<.nl:• t., ete: range without bei': die-' brilh.uit glare of light; anti the bag courage to a very extraordinary de-! cent, of his calves are heifers. Before' surer way of decreasing a cow's- yield curs in deposits of alluvial gravel i---- . --ed Then lie wcultd hurl Isis • '4"1.' :.wung round toward her, hardly gree. We tale Pleasure in extending this bull was broken he was slow at or to dry Iter oft quickly than by slow, along the bank., and beneath the bods a eeautiond to meek the it evtin ler while his put°suer began hast men who are able to face the , upreme use a whip ma tin• and drive as you Recentcarried out 711 electric lamp,. wire made of nickel t c i..1, teal race elf et full speed five hundred yards away. A hoarse our felicitations.” tt: ,le." z-. r. Same minutes must voice came across the water, asking in (The End.) t•l:el-« l rer.• ;lads battleship could get good English, 'What's the matter -•-®-••.- ,e,...._ , her i,a arrz;.g•. andturn round; mean-, there?' Utility, While hi tremendous speed would , Crane fumbled on the floor of 'his ' "Ditia- your audience throw you boo - rt -Ain -halite! hn 1 well lr•s and the reach of ght; Phone;e till thenfound he bellowed reply: quets after your speech?' iair•i,.l`i"ra.l se:trellli ;his. Ile might' F ' "No " replied the reckless orator, service, but now at five years he is as milking, which does not remove all of the rivers. quick and vigorous as a yearling, and the milk in the udder. 'b--- - a sure getter. He has never shown It is probable that the average any signs of being cross, and a twelve- number of cows milked per hour is PHO1. GHTS FOR THE DAY. Y. year-old boy can drive him anywhere, about seven; but there are many milk-' We are going to buy an on to work ars who will milk ten cow:' per hour,: Ambition breaks the tie.; of hl,tlad with him. .and there are probably others that and forgets the obligations of mane If farmers who make a practice of could do so if they tried, The time hood, ---Sir Walter Scott. , veal tad her out of the way, then, Thio a - a hostile Gel man torpedo- s, swing hack and awned() the remaining! boat, Send fifty armed men in your they brought only useful gifts, such{Beeping a bull would only buy spore taster to milk any one caw will, of It ie: often necessary and land ratlt- tr ,.. boated as brickg,. and other buildinmaterial." bred one and break him to work, then , course, vary with the quantity of milk er to write letters that amount to no- _ keep him until he is seven or eight and the ease with which the cow can thing than not to writ: at all: - Goethe. '--- Commercial relations between the Mulching. countries of the world are among There is far too little mulching done. the most powerful factors for the pre - Small fruits, trees and garden crops servationDnesawopeace.--Mwherer. WT. aSnone. are given a most favorable oppor- sec good devils Iere nor tunity for attaining the highest per- I see only. I have never known fection and development when their ta very bad man who had not : ome- roots are covered with a thick mat of thing very good tdld:ut him.—Wm. �"an, leaves, hay or other suitable material. {{ Blake. A good mulch keeps down weeds, I Life is but a light dream, which eon vanishe_• To live is to ufrer. and renders the soil loose, moist and • porous at all times, and that, too, with i The sincere man struggles incessant- ly to gain the victory over himself.— Napoleon. Men's destiny is towards progress. He cannot progress if he floes not milk and its products, there is a strong "Would you advise a young man to cultivate his mind. That has to be temptation to start the heifer work- marry before he has sown his wild watered and cared for_ juet as a plant. ing at as early an age as possible. oats?" —Peter Keary. - • .- Some dairymen make a practice of "I'd go further than that; I'd ad- Boys may be governed a great' deal breeding the heifers when 15 to 18: vise him to die before sowing them." by kindness and gentle methods, and months old, while others prefer to by appealing to their better feelings. eavatir argil silently the gray wraith' Tiley were shooting at him note . + hear.: ilevat•on the plaeid ship, with her' Bullets rapped sharply on the steel First Class in English. years on Mere, and raise all the boat be minted. pTeacher "Compo,,e a sentence heifer calves, they would And it a s eon a ,,; hunidieds of unsuspecting hu-, stack. Then one tore through his very profittYb1e investment, A. bull, masa lives. Doul+tie. s the troopers • forearm, and he almost lost his mega- which will containese three wordds' worked either as a stag or with an ll were fi'o1it•king in the saloons, wait-' phone. Ile dropped lower in his eage. ^Buys, bees, and bear.'fora mate, will do nearly as much ing, for the bugle -call of taps, little; Men were swarming around the Timmy Burns—`Boyd bees bare work on a farm as a pair of horses, th darning hat the sini. ter death -angel, boat: on the transportn decks. The when they go in swimmin'," Th.e time has come when we must ::o near et hand wee preparing their± davits swung out, boats dropped toraise more heifer calves; and any call to ;lentil. Crime saw the bright' the water, and men tumbled into them.' Paradox. farmer who is aa little bit ovine will .rot a.lr"t lit t h. haze grow: rapidly bright-; Tvvo boatloads pushed off and started eye; til,• eutliee of the chip, now a' for the Cocos. "There is only one way that people raise one from a scrub bull. Teach i scan live happily—that's together." the bull to earn his keep in the yoke, scan` half -mile. away, became distinct., `14lore men," shouted Crane. "There "�*, and there is only one vvav and make hint doubly profitable. He dropped hawk into his pit, fumbled' are thirty Germans here who will fight that people can live at peace --and for his , witch, and fixed eager eyes • to the death." He was getting very , t „ on the torpedo -crew. weak now from loss of blood, and he that's apart." How Old Should a Heifer be When little labor of cultivation. They stood still and ready at their i leaned back exhausted in the shelter"Then Ignorance is Bliss. She Freshens? stats4ut>, one at the porthole -cover, of the Mack. But when a fusillade of „ With the prevailinghigh price of His Advice. one at the tube lanyard. There was a , shots broke out below—as the Ger- Freddie —"What's s an optimist, Tow command; the cover slid back; the mans, with desperate courage, open- dad?" tube swung into position. With a: ed fire on the boats with rities—he ` Cobwigger--"He's the fellow who • hise of escaping atir, the slim black! slipped a fresh clip of cartridges into doesn't know what's coming to him." shape darted out. A moment passed; ; his revolver, leaned over the edge and • it was safely buried in the water, l commenced shooting down upon diem.' His Belief. but harmless. Crane's hands bridged' A volley of shots answered, and a red «What is his religion?" hi, ewiteh, and he droppedback flat, flame seemed to sear his brain. He "Get the money." allow the young animals to obtain, But deeds must second words when growth before they are bred. It is; Move to Incorporate. needful or words will be laughed at. on hi: face. There was a blinding crumpled down on the body of the Ger.', claimed that heifers bred too ! She—"I will have to be, a little firm flash and stoat that beat on his ear-< p young Dr. Arnold. man lookout, and knew no more. will never developpito the big -framed framed with you." It is the aggressors who ought to drums; the air tis':: full of flying; He recovered consciousness with the No girl who is able to bring a man' cows that they vould if allowed to' He—"Fine. Let us make it a par- make the first proposals for peace. splinters. A box rolled upon him, but sensation of lying on something cold to the point cares for leap year privi- obtain their growth before being fore-'tnership!" Why should we make overtures to a he struggled free and leaped to the; and hard. .Some one was talking. He leges. ed into the producing ranks. A stable country which has broken every con- fleor. The forward end of the deck, opened his eyes . cautiously, and saw was recntly visited where the cows Don't worry if your sins find .you vention and committed every atrocity? was gone, the hull at the bows split'a chip's surgeon in white, facing sev- While some men tell their wives � appeared undersized for the breed, out; they'll be sure to call again. —Mr. Walsh, British Labor M. P. and twisted. The hatchwayladder! eral officers in the uniforms of both, everything that happens, there are These cows had been bred to freshen was torn away at the floor, but still `: the British army and navy. some others who tell them a great l when about twenty-six months old, but Luing suspended. He leaped and "I think he will do very nicely now, many things that never did happen. , it is not known whether or not thils caught it, drew himself up, carrying a gentlemen," the surgeon was saying. I was the cause of the cows being un - heavy box in his free hand, and "He was most extraordinarily lucky. I They were discussing certain ac- dersized. Lack of proper feed and scrambled out on deck. Men were; removed the bullet from his Flint inquired— attention duringcalf-hood will have t quaintances when q running and calling out in the dark- ; shoulder, and those in his and i leg "Saunders and Harris are close a tendency tri prevent the proper de- re::s. He swung close to the lee rail arm passed through cleanly. The friends, aren't they?" "Yes; neither velpoment of the animal, so it would and raced to the stern, As he drew, wound on his head barely touches the can borrow a penny from the other," not be just to blame the early breed - near he saw that a gun was also! skull, and I think there is no con- Caine the reply. � ing for having been the entire cause mounted here, the crew standing stif- cussion." I of the undersized cows. However, t He dodged ed beh rad a "There'll � ,� h f h ki develop - fly a attention. o g i There 11 be some cussin soon, ,. there is a danger o c ec 'ngsteel ventilator funnel, seized one of Questionable Guest-- Waiter, I am' 1 spoke up Crane weakly, "if you don't in a great hurry, and ,;would like to meet by too early breeding. In cer- the bombs from his box, and struck a ,get me off this beastly cold table." tain herds the heifers were not bred match. The officer of the gun -crew He convalesced rapidly on board know what there is that you would re-� came toward him, asking what he' the Dauntless where he occupied a quire the least time to bring me• wanted. He cooly applied the match! cabin eagerly�wacated by one of the WaiterWell, I dunno, sir, unless it to the fuse, held the sputtering, thing; junior oti'icers. During the voyage mbe be your bill, sir. a moment, then hurled it toward the up the Red Sea, to Suez, and then. -- gun and stepped bark.. It burst al -l through the sunny Mediterranean, he' , "I told him there were dozens of most instantly, and when he stepped heard in detail how the German crew people right here in town who had the proper size. Twenty-eight to out only the officer was on his feet. I had fought like caged rats till the last never heard of him.' "I guess that thirty-two months is believedto be a He, however, had drawn a pistol and! man was down. Only ten had been took him down a peg." "I guess it Satisfactory age to have heifers fresh - came on firing. Crane felt a shock, taken alive, overpowered in a hand- didn't. He started right out to find en, and then keep them milking near - in his left show ler, and i eeled back. to -hand struggle.. Since their can- them and borrow money." ly a year, if possible, the first lacta- Then he recovered, laid his I,auger) agai;lsc the funnel, and emptied three (-- shots into the man's body. Picking up his box, he leaped over: the crumpled corpe.es and the wreck: of the gun, and stopped at the tats' -j rail. Quickly he lighted . another; bomb, held it a moment, and dropped , it in the foam of the wake, close under th•e stern. A great wave boiled up, and he grasped the rail to save hili- 1 self from being washed away. He knew .that the shock of the explosion,) reacting against the stream of water thrust back by the racing screws,. would &feet the propeller -blades" for' an hrtent, as though the water were. solid granite..' Thera was a grinding; wrench; the ship gave a leap like a` horse strucle, by a whip, then began to' Iose speed; while from below came' : the clatter. of engines suddenly re?oan- ed from their load and running wild. Dashing the water from his eye Crane started forward along the blaelre • Ci.VAC. Two niers, •nee? tAee .h,rni, bet ho.' „ until they were twenty-four or twenty- six months old, and they turned out to be big, strong -framed cones,, while hei- fers of the same breed in the same herds, freshening at the age the form- er heifers were bred, never grew to FTE V.0.*, 40,44 00.9 .04•0.0,944vAC'"r © 644 When digestion fails, whether from loss of tone, climatic changes, overwork, or errors of diet, nothing so soon restores tone and healthy activity to the digestive system as the root and herb extract—, Mother Seigel's Syrup. It tones and regulates the liver and bowels, and clears the system of the 'decayed products of indigestion—the fruitful cause of headaches, �� • TAKE THE. DIGESTIVE TONIC languor, acidity, heartburn, flatulence, brain fag, and biliousness.. sty makes food nourish you, and thus builds health on good digestion. u m The aehhElze contain* three limes as much as rho trlat size cold at 50c per bottle. U a GOA 4 44 ifEr- ZIA) SNOES EAT 1-c F. F. Dalley Co. of Canada Ltd.. Hamilton, Canada 1 0 C