The Exeter Advocate, 1916-5-18, Page 4CD
You £eel safe
When you've w ashed
with Lifebuoy Soap.
No matter hov.- grimy
ya:ur hands—no matter
how germ -laden they
may be from the day's
Work Lifebuoycleanses
and safeguards your
skin. The mild carbolic
odor quickly vanishes,
but its benefits Unger.
Lamu r` i---"ci^ r-7 ., d F --N
. of ,,,..t �;T'iy , :r..,
• '",te:._ >;.,.i� .._......
Sanders rs est Creel h, Proprietors.
S a4: p'icn Price. --In eilvan e $1
n 1., yen .n Canada; $1.$1.5S:r. it
States. is not paid in adv n .
price is 5a?w. more per year.
TRt"RSDA `,)IAy IS. 1910
Tee continued wet weather is,prov-
ine, a eerious handicap to oar foram• ,
ere Ae cat vert little seeding has
been don: and the present situation
is my 'very :promising. Let ue look
oe tee bright side anal er ryth:ngg
54,Ri .'o:n.° out alright.
iloni 's 11.ty was !ittinee. elate•
br . ii ' t: ; tier:lay The nee:o•:
bo'.. elear.aaes rendered appropeate
sere ons. In the l.vent:e:i,•al Church
a ia.a t .iiu: ere -tram was rendered in
the cven'r.,. It .•onstet.d of .a Paper
on „u'he't ' i,y Mies Elsie tl;.i\er,
sr aeric. lie the titt:r an addris.:
Flee x3e: •;;e- and eharrises and reel -
t, ticynn by the young ioik. The earn
:rhea jean euite in evidence thu)u$h-
oa• lite day and we here! mu,•ia a;•c.od
5 iti ;re derived from these special
services s. mother ss warte•r of , on -
;i derition•
I r no•e in last week's men: teat
hit: n: `I'r uemner who toren:rlv :t•.
tent, 1 our ,public school has been
stirens.iul passing his third yea-
entat,:naloa as a dentist. We eett',i•1
Oa: -•':n :atu'aiens
Mr Band a*apeared oa •he street
on, izedav night in their nee unie nnie
sad peach a very fine appearance. On
l,Mc:nal iy night they gave their first
Dir concert whi!eal %vas mueh
appreciated. The boys show :mark-
ed improvement as a result el their
w !n tie's ,praetike.
On Monday night some person
broke n the back door of Foist Bros.
store:, end got away with some small
change cigars and confectionery. The
person under suspicion had beter
confess or else there he ,cme-
thine doing.
Thrift es a national duty, so that.
the money thus saved may be invest-
ed with the go•5^ernzntent.
The more goods we buy at honee,
and the more we make and send
abroad the richer the country be-
By edevotMg nil our energies to
Productive things useful and abandon-
ing the purely ornamental and the
luxurioae .w e are helping the country
The only money judiciously spent
es that that keeps ourselves in health
of mind end bode.
Z'4"omea are the main power in the
campaign for thrift. As leaders of
the home they can hest foster econ-
Doxy in food and clothing.
Reduction in meat -eating rnight be
generally practised '5vithvut loss of
strength% Cheese is the best sub-
stitute for meat.
Ten per ceat of thie east of bread
would be saved by not eating bread
less than 24 hours old Digestion is
thus aided ,too,
Exce.sive expenditures on, weddings
ituel fune;a:s should be acceded.
Saeed less money on hobbies.
Simplicity of material in wotuenb'
d e>si: does oat mean gess attract -
ae>s v y Shaws e:; oni m,x•.
Feet:: ieurees a: 'dinner would
main tenet aealth, less wo:k sand
rare eavane.
ekeens ve pleasures could u6ti lie
rxi.S- lueure the !Empire :an
ei vista•y.
`4 t oe.t Litter -ale l...t•i ;;ii.a9ci t:i
i z a ,ow that
ae „ ate nate.. :it; to 17 pork-
. a eta., lido': e ane i,un:h, 'be-
:e.i .ia . lien Clerk's hoe,, ten
,.:L••° Roa 1.
-tir -m Sell -ander of Sa'Ratcon is
%la :a ; here.
+:.. Ba=ton i). London visited here
tele days las: week:.
P'a Wiipaur Pfaff and wife o: Ex-
eter teten• S;tn;i .v in town. Pte Pfaff
: ur Lend n Monday morning.
Mir. P. F ,so:d has improved his
Dr. N.: S-eh:aiu spent a few days
'n London last week.
Me. Geo Mire has added a new
• -pain:' •0 ale resilience.
M-. Meek Rrokenshire has opened
new eanfee'e very in Hertleibs
Mae. A lame visited her sister,
Mise F Lene. Saturday.
Miss Clara Kraft visited her sister
:ixeter a few days this week.
! ioa52 a:caning is quite the order
o: the day among the ladies, and the
oand of the carpet beater can be
b cited nearly any time of the day.
M. •and Mrs. Marshall Bloomfield
tire 5isi'in, to: a week with their sons
'n Exeter.
Mr. Percy Simpson of London is
;iendln a .a lex days visiting friends
Mr. Load d Hodgson and Mr. Bruce
\li' 1 evo of the boys oa the 2nd
::on •a-elea of Stephen, are getting
•tt.-.•°-ad *hie week. The former to
n:• o. eii;ligate and the lat-
ter o hiss Smith of Shi,pka. Con -
,r %ion, Boys.
'Cat: de.t:i; teak place on Sunday
e pin ,
o: Mrs Jamieson, and the
re:.'•n. ce:e interred ton the res-
drr. •e oh her daughter, Mrs. 1D. Aus-
'a on Tuesday afternoon. Deceased
-el been urine for about four weeks
• fele ti oat treub:e. She leaves to
moa:•n '-e: loss one son Alex. on the
homestead, ani one daughter, Mrs. D
Austin. The sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to the bereaved.
The Council is coming in for col-
siderab'e ;praise these days for the
splendid work they have dont in
grading the road through town and
bleak. east of the river. It is a long
time since the road has been in such
a the condutioal.
Several other cases of measles have
dere:peed at the east end, but so far
none of the patients are seriously i1L•
While iplayissg ball the other day
the young daughter of Eli Lawson
received a batted rubber ball in the
eye, .seriously injuring it. At pres-
ent it is hard to say if they sight can
be saved, but we trust there wi;l
soon .be a change for the better.
We are glad to learn that Fred
Silber bas improved enough to be
up rand around the house. His many,
friends trust he will seen be strong
enough to come down town.
Mr• and Mrs. Westco.t and .tela. and
Mrs • Delbridge • of Exeter spent last
Sunday herethe guests of Mr. and
:Mrs. John Faahnea. •
The ,Red Cross Branch hal a aura
bee in the Town Hell on Tues-
day. Considerab:e work was done. •
J)orotby, the -little infant daughter
of : Mr„ and Mrs. John Sims is ill with
bronchial ipneumonia and is now un-
der the doctor's care.
A splay ,entitled, "Mrs ,Briggs • of
The ;Poultry Yard" will be given in
the Town Hall on Friday Zbth inst.,
by 'the. Junior Bible class of the Meth-
odist Church. This promises to "be
something out of the• oridinary. `
Miss Elsie Gaiser is in Tor onto this
week attending the graduating exera
cises .a' Toronto University.
Tbe•members of the Sunday School
present each of the Anglican seem,
hers of the Exeter unit of the 161st
Batta•ion with a ppocke,t Testament, at
the School Hall to -night, (Thursday.)
French Make a Sudden Ad,.
vance an Meuse Heights.
Brilliant Assault Results in Capture
of German Trenches on a Front
of 220 TardsFrench Repulse
Attacks in Champagne tri Means
of Curtain of Fire --Lull in
Enemy Operations at Verdun.
LONDON, May . 16.— German
trenches on a front of 220 yards on
the heights of tbe Meuse, in the re-
gion of Verdun, were captured by the
Frenet in a sudden attack launched
after preparation by artillery, the
Qup:e a pleasant evening was spent
at the hone of Donald Brintnell on
Thursday last u -hen about 75 of their
friends and neighbors met to present
their eon. Pte. Clifford Brintnell with
afine ini'i'ary wrist watch and a sum
of money. The address was read by
Henry Horton and was signed by
Gordon Bolton and George T. Wren
and the ,presentation made by George
Ho.bltirk. Cliff made a short but
suitable reply thanking the donors.
Checker, cards, gramophone music
and c'ancing were indulged in and a
tasty lunch was served; all going home
fully se'esfied with the pleasant even-
ingeeialr, and Mrs, Lock Petty visit-
ed at. R. Co:e's Sunday. -Mrs. Wm.
Venn& deft on Monday for London
Hospital where she will undergo -ion
aaer:ation. We hope for her-aspeedy
recovery, -The Presbyteriine church
-here is lnow a thing ,orf the past. -
Mr. Daniel McNaughton is preparing
'o ibui;d a barn on. one. of his farms.
F. J. Spriggs has his auto truck foe
;he read
The Crew of Columbus.
The list of the o.ieers and sailors !n
;he first voyage of Columbus was al-
most cosmopolitan in !ts character.
Among them there was a Jew, Lula
le Torres; an Irishman from Galway.
Ireland, William Harris; an English-
man, Arthur Laws; Italians, Portu•
mese, Spaniards and several other
nationalities, though, of course, the
Spaniards were largely In the majora
y. it Is.maintal.ned by some ,authort-
ries, with considerable plausibility,
•,o, that there was a Scotchman In
:he list and that after Columbus him-
elf he was the first man to tread the
Inti of the new oworid.-Exchange.
It has been said that every third
person has catarrh in some form.
Science has shown that nasal catarrh
.'ofteue indicates a,;A neral weakness
,of the body; and `.focal treatments itee
the form of snuffs and Vapors do little;
of any good.
Tar correct catarrh you should treat its
cause by enriching your blood with the
oil -food in Scott's Emulsion which is a
medicinal food and a,bnilding toniic,�freit;
from: any' harmful drags Try it. 4i
.Scott & Bowen, Toronto. Ont.
French. War Office announced Mon-
day night. The work was done by
French patrols, which cleared the
enemy out of the positions and
brought back some prisoners, The
French first and second lines west of
the Meuse were iuternzittently bom-
Other fighting broke out in hwzn-
eague, were German attaelrsere
°nsuccessiul. The enemy first bow-
lbarded the region of Le alesnil-Les-
:I:eisons de Champagne and then
launched several simultaneous at-
tacks by small effeetives. AU these
Rsets were caught in a Freucit cur-
in of fire or repulsed by counter-
•%: of the French,
'alga French cleared the Germans
tr r,f a first line trench near Ver -
..e 'adt'vlilers, south of the Somme,
A lull in the fighting Saturday
and Sunday is reported from
'•,r. The vicinity of Le Mort
•••-" wns subj"eted Saturday
, - a v!' lent bombardment by
the Rer:rtaa artillery. Tbis and inter-
•' nt artillery duels Sunday at
vur!'5ns points comprise the ossily ae-
tiv ty in this sector.
A Ger non attaek was made Satur-
day night ore Freneh lines in the
Bois des Loges, between kresuieres
and Beauvralgnes, south of Roye.
The attack was repulsed.
Two French mines were exploded
Sunday in the sector of La Fille
Morte in tbe Argonne, destroying
German trenches.
A French squadron composed of
ten aeroplanes dropped forty-tbree
shells on the railway stations at
Nantilloie and Brieulles and on bi-
vouacks, In the regions of Mont Fan -
con and Romagne. The same night
aeroplanes dropped 11 shells on the
dirigible hangar at Metz-Freseati.
After bombarding the French lines
is the sector between the Bois-
d'Avoeourt and Hill 304 all Friday
night, the Germans made two attacks
on the left bank of the Meese Sun-
day, one to the west of Hill 304 and
the otber, in tbe nature of a surprise
attack, on the eastern slopes of Le
Mort Homme. Both attacks failed
completely. After these assaults the
German guns lessened the severity of
their fire on this bank of the river.
On the east bank and in the Woevre
there was comparative calm all day.
The French made further progress
in the vicinity of Hill 287, while
the Germans gave their attention to
the east bank of the river, renewing
their attacks on the Fort Douaumont-
Vaux line, in the region of the Bois
de la Cailette. These attacks were
preceded by a very violent prepare -
trey artillery fire, but the French
"nes were held at every point and
the Germans were repulsed with ser-
ous losses.
After the failure of these at-
tc:upt:t, the Germans shifted their
attack slightly to the west, to the
north of Thiaumont farm. The
French fire -curtain here blocked all
A renewal of the German activity
at Les Eparges, at the foot of the
heights of the Meuse, was under-
taken by a strong reconnoitring party
assisted by a heavy bombardment.
The Germans were unable, under the
French fire, to leave their trenches:
:)cath, -The sad death occurred on
Sunday morning, May 14th, of Miss:
Peuninilia. W. Scott, _daughter of Mr;
and Mrs. Richard Scott of Lot 18,
Concession 10, Usborne% nit the age of
26 years, 9 months and 26 days. flet'
demise Nee due to pnaeuntanie of
which she. had 'been i'.1 about two
weeks, The late Miss Scott was an
estimable young lady and highly re-
spected by all knew bier, Be-
sides the parents slip i; survive:i by
one brother Albert of Usborm , The
funeral "tock place on Tuesday atter-
noer 'to Exeter cemetery. -
The sa:dier boys of. the 161st Bat •
talion are still on leave for seeding
but expect the call soon for mobo-
lizatiote-Pte. Ernest Penrice of the
135 Batt. spent the week, end at his
home. --We learn that John Hunter
another- of our boys has joined the
iblst ,Hatt. --Pte. G. Ford spent the
week .end at Kippen.--A number of
oar young raven attended the recruit -
:el -gine. .niee'ing- addressed by Cain.
Dewey at Exeter last week. -.•1'4 e no
tice the bob -tail driver has been .re-
1a d bya more speedy an
Vert Davis spent Saturday in Moers-
ctle.-Miss Draat, who has been ill
tor sone time, has been rcinovcd to
`ie -aria Hospital. -The Attniverstry
of S:, Patrick's Chunal will be held
Stanley Mar Zist, a, which Arcli
Deacon Richardson of London will
preavis, morning and evening. A Pine
tipple and Orange ;rill be giv-
e ,. in 'the Bail oa Ma.e 24, wi:ca the
usual von . rt will ftelo .
Mr, Jas. Sce:i, who was sea i-,usly
11 t; tail,: to be out again, -Miss Brad
ley has ae.epted a position with J.
M. Ross ta Co. -Rev. Love is pend --
in:• a inon'ls's vacation in Wingham.-
Miss Rebecca Martin of the General
.io eital, Stratford paid a visit to her
p':ertts last week. -Mrs. Chas. Duplan
• 1'derton was the guest of hee sin
dr Mrs. Alex. Reith this weak. -
flee Organ Red,tal held Thursday + v-
eedn ; in Holy Trinity Church atttact-
ed a large crowd, --Mr. Sweet, 5, ho
for some time has been teller at the
Merchants Bank, has been transferred
to Toronto. -Miss Annie Hodgins,
daughter of Alfred Hodgins of the
Courses Line, graduated from the
general hos;pital, Toronto last week.
securing the scholarship in Theore-
tical and Practical Training.
Dr. Alex Moly has purchased from
John Macarthur of London, the hand-
some structure, known as the Mac-
arthur Bank building. The Doctor is
having the ground floor fitted a? for
en. office and waiting room, suitable
for his medical practice. He is Intents;
the upstair flat fitted up fa: a resi-
dence =and will take u,p his nbo:ie a-
mong- us. -Andrew Johnston and
daughters intend moving to town
shortly, and taking up residence in the
home they recently purchased from
H. So.dan.-Col. Mulloy, the South
African hero and veteran, and Miss
NelIin addressed a recruiting tneeting
in the Town Hall Thursday evening. -
James 1,V. Jobnston has purchased
two lots from Richard Welsh and is
preparing to erect a brick residence.
-Jame.s Johnston left with a car of
cattle for hes big farm, 40 miles east
of Edmonton.
Belgian Situation is Reaching an
Alarming Phase.
LONDON, May 16.—Coincident
with reports of a food crisis in Ger-
many news has reached bere from a
highly authoritative source that con-
ditions in Belgium are approaching
an alarming phase. At a recent
meeting of the:-Beltian-,Relief Com-
mittee at the ;,Mansion. House Mr.
Asquith 'stated that the Belgian pop-
ulation was on .short rations. Mat-
ters have now attained such a pitch
that dogs are 'being slaughtered for
The suggestion is made that,
while the German authorities in Bel-
gium are keeping, strictly to the let-
ter of their contract with the Ameri-
can organizers of Belgian relief as
approved by the Allied Governments
and are not attempting to divert any
supplies sent for the Belgian popu-
lation, their requisitions upon the
home produce of the country are so
heavy that foodstuffs sent into the
country by the agency of the Belgian
Relief Committee are inadequate to,
meet the necessities of the popula-
A Judge .1
A concert was givun atea German
pert In Honor of some f eeigri'prince
i:s'close tbe illustrious guest as:,:
eI tit a repetition of Lhe first l.•ein
ai. t .e program. 7ne ,first piece 1,4 Oh'
;ordingly playec oxer again, l a�
ehlan visitor failed, to reCogni2v
"Ie one •CeF'had liked best. Suldenly
xa:usfkas fell .0 tuning their in-
ruraeneehifilaftig w,tiicb process all
ae company stopped their ears wan
e ezeeptton of the foreignmonaiot
tt:to,exclaimed in a rapture• of deliget,.
•;•'bat is my fav'orii.a piece!"
SEAFORTH.-The death occurred
in Ou••ea Sound on Saturday of Jas.
McNabb, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
John McNabb, Seaforth. He was
stricken with typhoid fever and died
in the hospital, whither he had 'been
taken only a week ago. Three chil-
dren and the widow survive.
Locked inCtilpboard of Vacant House
FORT WILLIAM, Ont., May 16.—
Arthur Heyward and Edith Wilson,
young children, who have been miss-
ing since Thursday afternoon, were
found locked in a cupboard of an
unoccupied house at 177 Frederica
street at five o'clock Saturday after-
noon, one block from: their homes.
The little' girl was barely alive when
found, but she will recover. The
boy was also in a famished condition,
but is recovering.
They were 'found by a. painter
when he entered • the. qtouse to do
some renovating. 'Tileystihd turned
on the water and could not tura: it
off, and < afraid had crept into, the
c" pboard, the doors of which were
tit'ied'With •,spring locks,, wYbich im
mediately 'closed' and imprittoned
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V:d., L> ,.D.. B•C.L., President
JOHN AIRD, general Manager, . V. F JONES, Asst General Manager
&AP1T $151000!000
RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Fanners every
facility for the ;transaction of their banking business, including
the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes
are supplied free of charge on application. '• s$4
EXETER BRANCH -A. E. Kuhn, Mgr, CREDITON-S..M. Johnston, Mgr
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
96 Branches in Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rate
\V D. CLARKE, Manager.
Will go farther on one gallon of gasoline than any
other car made. -
It will also prove the most economical car for,
011, Tires, and, in short, is now the
"Proved Low Cost Car"
Power and Speed ? "Yes."
more than any other light four. cylinder car can
Touring $850 Roadster S830
We challenge any other make on the foregoing; also any four-cylin-
dered car for power on Mud, Sand Hills or for Speed.
W. E. Oestricker, Distributor; A.W. Morlock, Expert Mechanic
Crediton, Ont. -
A big touring c"a`r fio-r vel:people
Travel"First-Class" in a Saxon "Six"
Locomotive Power pulls you. The six -cylinder Saxon higl} speed motor sweeps you along with ` a
mighty, resistless force.
Pullman comfort is yours. The roomy body makes travel easy. Long wheelbase, 112 inches, and van-
„ adium steel cantilever springs smooth the highway like a well -ballasted track.
Perfect epp x iitments add to'yot)'r Pleasure. Electric starting, lighting and: every other convenience
of modern mo'toei,iag are here; The- 'aacli ' genie ghee'+ is'handsoanuly uphoiste;red and elegantly f'in'ished.
Safety first is .'butte: ;ic to every fibre of the staunch chassis. Timken axles, powerful brakes, and nickel
steel steering gear .are your secu'ri'ty."en '
To own a Saxon ''Siae'e gives you the knowledge that you are travelling first-class"
"Four" Roadster $600; Delivery Car $530; `.`.Six" Touring Car $1,075; "Six" Roadster, $1,075,
T. H, NEWELL Dearer, Exeter,