HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-5-11, Page 8onsaseeesee-s—a-seesseesesse EXETER MARKETS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wb.ea , .. 80 to 95 Barley eo 55 04 MP Buckwheat 60 to 65 Oats .„ 40 to 4Z teag . Potatoes per bag . ... 2 n to 2 50 Hay, per ton 18 00 Flour per cwt., (eagle - 3 10 Flow, low grade, per cwt. I 75 Shorts per ton 27 00,, Bran pex ton .... . 26 00 21 25 32 10.75 ISMININI•10011•110101011111110, EXETER AlIVLICATE, THURSDAY MAY 11 181B to 1 00 Eggs Butter Cs -tamely tint Per Butter cwt FOR SALE -Goad frame stable - A,pply to Sidney West, Main Street. GRASS LANDS TO RENT. -The undersigned has a quantity of grass land to rent tor a term -well. watered R. Drought Lot 7, Con. 5, Ushorne, South Botmdary. • POTATOES -EGGS From selected stock, early and late rarieties, true to name, aclimated and free frou rot or scab, smaller sizes suillable for seed at ruling prices. Also Barred Rock eggs, bred to lay 50c per 15 $3.00 per 100. S. J. Hogarth, Lot 13, Con. 3, Ste- phea, Exeter P. 0, • DINING -ROOM GIRL WANTED-. An experienced dining -room girl want ed at once. Apply at the Central Ho- tel, Exeter, HELP WANTED -A number of good steady men wantetl immediately eeehe Robert Bell Engine 8z, Thresh- er Co. Le'cl, Seaforth, Ont. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for sale his house and lot on Elizabeth. street. The house contains 7 rooms and the tat is quarter of an acre, is convens located and is a most desirable prepesty. Will be sold seasonable. Frank Gill, Exeter. BUGGIES AT COST. -A whose car load of elcLaughlin and Brock- ville buggies to be sold at cost price. Every buggy must go sure. I handle. all kends of McCormick Farm Machinery 'and repasts for same; also will have irs stases a large nun-sber of other makes Of second-hand machin- ery for sale. Repairing on all kinds of farm machinery promptly attended to, .especially iNiassey-liarris machin- ery. SAMUEL BEAVER, Exeter. 40.1•0011.00. KARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED C 11 Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness HORSEMEN ATTENTION- The season is here for horsemen 10 be considering their bills and folders. we have a splendid line of cuts to select from and guarantee the best of sat- isfaction in every way. If you really believe in Safety First get a, box of Takake pills for your rheumatism, neuralgia, or sleep- lessness, for they are absolutely harm less, and are sure to relieve you. 50c a box at your druggists, or by mail from the Georgian Mfg. Co., Coiling - wood, Ont. -x-o-x- 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of Line Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per toe.; 50c. per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd J Sutton, Manager. SALT FOR FOR SALE. -An excellent quaats of Sarnia made salt LOT sale at Old Temperaace House, at she G T R. station. Sold in any quant - its„ Your patronage is solicited and satisfactior. is guaranteed. - ED. MAGUIRE Exeter. WANTED -A young man to learn moulding also a young man to learn core maktng. Exeter Manf'g Co. IMPL-EMENTS FOR SALE t LOCAL DOINGS. II ilt,431r..0.,....viikaakaacariclamailic.meogALAtte.A Mrs. Jaen Sand. ers of the 3rdoa Stephen has been on the sick . NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revesion of the Assessment Mitchell's population has decreased Roll of the Township of Stephenwill 19 during the lest year, being now hold its first meeting in the ;Towel 1687. Hall,. .Crediton, on Friday the 28t1t The District Convention of the W. day of My, A. D., 1916, at 11 o'clock M. S. well be held et Grant= or the a. lee 17ta ay. Henry Either, Tp. Clerk h Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Little Margery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clerk, is recovering from an attack of pneumonia A telephone that will automatically shook above, who has talked over five minutes is a needed invention. Rev. Kestle on Thursday night at 7.30 in James Street church wel give e. tale on his recent trip to California The annual Distriet Meeting of the Methodist Church will be held in Ex- eter, on Thursday and Friday, May 18 and 19. :Mrs. W. T, Acheson, has sufficiently recovered trout her recent operations as to be able to sit it for a sh ort time trach day. Mr. W. O. Sanders on Friday last tock home his International Harvester Tractoe purchased from Mr. S. Bea- ver. ThLS j the third tractor gone out this spring. jai j. Woad of Exeter ani Har vey W. Reid of Varna have passed their second year dental examinations and Peter McIntyre and Jacob True - raster of Zurich the third year. Mz. and Mrs. William Smith of Stephen announce the engagement of their daughter Chrietena. to Mr. E. Bruce Mitchell of the same tow,nship, the marriage to take piece this month. To •encourage us to. swat the fly we are toad that a single female fly will produce as many as are represented by the figure 4 with 21 ciphers after R. It is far easier to kill the fly than to controvert so tremendous a proposflion. Through the crossing of some wires at his home on Thursday eveninglast when Hydro was first turned on, Mr Frank Woad got an uncomfortable •shockwhich might easily have been fatal. efetallie substances about the house became charged with electricity and much of the wiring was destroyed The reeve had to be cut with an axe to cut off the current. The annual report of the Depart- ment of Education of Ontario, says that up to the time the information was gatbered 210 male teachers bad left positions in the sehools to enlist for overseas service, 46 from the high seboels. 177 from the elementary schools and 37 from the normal scboals. Two public school inspect- ors and seven principals have enlisted One teacher has been killed in ac- tion three have been wounded, and one has been awarded the Legion et Honor. Rev. A. A. Tramper is expected to move there with his family this week and will commence on bis new duties as rector of Teivitt 'Memorial Church preaching his initial sermon an Sun - morning. Rev. Trumper comes to Exeter with nothing but the highest recomntendations as a citizen and preacher ;and we extend to him. and bits family a most hearty welcome. A congregational tea for the reception of Rev, and Mrs. Trumper will be ingven thiae,calitltoal Hall on Thursday ga i...,,tli W. M, S. CONVENTION. -The ane neat convention of the Woman's Mis- emery society of the Exeter District will be. held in -the Granton Methodist Church May 17th, beginning at 9:40 a.M. Besides -local talent from the various auxiliaries on the district there will b& addresses by Miss Gray, re- turned missionary, end Rev. Dr. Brown of Ailsa Craig. HYDRO POWER was unofficially turned oa Thursday afternoon in Ex- eter by 'Reeve john W. Taylor, the Main Street lights only being on. The following da y the lights were install- ed on the •bact streets, and the con- nections with"- the houses are being rapidly usade, and •it will only be a few days before the houses are wired and connected with the service. In theemeantime we have a double dose on, the. streets .as .the Power Company f:anch;se exPires an the 15th. The nein light is certainly a great improve- r:see on the old system. Mr Doerr has 'been engaged to care for the sys- tem in Exeter. •at a salary of V00. There will will be sold privately by the underegned the following farm implemeres all in good repair and workSng ceder :-Kemp manure spread er. Western 2 -mould riding plaw,cuI- ttivator horse rake, Massey -Harris binder Mower, 2 walking plows, set harrows sugar beet cultivator, sugar scuffler, sugar beet digger, Massey - Harris fertilizer drill. Terms -Will be sold for cash or on time or exchanged for good bass- wood, elm or maple logs. R. GILLIES & SON, Exeter, Ont Mope., propirt) MONEY TO LOAN to loan on farm and at lowest rates. ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer etc., Exeter. village --0-- G R. BEDFORD is offering fox one week, the following articles -Seed Potatoes $1.85 per bag, 20 Ib. pail of lard }at 17c. per lb., Regular 50 cent naval oranges for 40e, per dezen. Al- so a quantity of MO grade. Brooms below cost. We make Groceries our Specialty. -G, R, BETWORTO, -x-o-x--- The Soldiers `Aid Society attends putting on a Ladies' 'Minstrel Or- chestra Accompaniment, and a play entitled "Those leasliands of Ours?' in the Opera Hisuse, Exeter, on May 19th Watt for it, s. W. ROBINSON Lit ENt D AUCTIONEER AND VALVA f R for Counties of Huron Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Staci Saitq a Specialty. Office at Cockshut: Wrerocms, next door to Centia Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Chat et. rn aerate and satisfaction is guaranteed CHIROPRACTIC is a new science of ra,djustinr ^he cause of disease with- out drugs or knife.,, based on a thor- ouh knov'e le of the nervous sys- tem. Tlit nerves which convey en- ergy from 'the brain to the various tunctioas Of the body, emerge from small openings between the bony seg. merits• of the spinal column. A slight varia`ion of these bones will cause an impinge.meat on nerves and thus restrict the r,ow of energy, the re- sult or which is disease The Chiro- practic methoi is to adjust the abreer- meaty remove the impingement and permit the nerves to regain normal size and duty, thereby removing the disease .Because this is new, don' say 'it's. impossible." Do not con-, demo. until you investigate. Dr. Jones. Osteopath and Chi,rapractor,at his office, residence ot Mrs. S. A. Her aess, Exerer, eelossday, Wednesday 81 Fridays, exatimation Free. The measles cases are pretty well under control now. The heavy rain of Suinday night held ap the seeding for a few raore days, The ,inmates of the Metropolitan Hotel, who have bee4 quarantined tet a couple weeks owing to measles, have been released ancl the hotel has been fumigated throughout. Lieut. App.leyard, Rural Dean of East Middlesex and rector of St. Matthew's Church, London, occupied the )pulpit of the Teivitt Memorial Church here on Sunday and preach- ed two excellent 'and well directed discourses, the tern= in the morning being to stimulate recruiting. About 50 members of the 161st Bat- talion were in attendance at the morn- ing service, including Major Hear= and Lieut. Torrance, Rev. Appleyard is a fluent and able .preacher, The Woraeres Missionary Societe of James Street Methodist Church held their annual meeting Thursday last when the following officers were elected for the corning years -Pees.: erre J. D. Kestle; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs W. G. Bissett; Znd Vice Pres., Mrs, C B. Snell; Rec.-Sec., Mrs. W. Johns Treas., Mrs, E. Rowcliffe; Cor. -See. Mrs. J. Bell; Superintendent of Sys- tematic Giviag, Mrs. 5. Johnston. Mrs W, Johns was appointed delegate to Branch Convention to, be held in St, Thomas, ,May 30, 31, and Tune 1. the people of this district will have a HEAR CAPT. DANCEY.-At ,tevas chance to hear Capt. Dancey, hot will address a big recruiting meeting te, the Opera House on Thursday ev- ening at '8 o'clock. Capt. Dancey is staid to be the best speaker now cam- paigning for recruits, and everybody should hear him. SAD DEATH, -The death of Mara Jane, allied daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George. Easterbrook, Huron street, came as a great surprise to many here ori Thursday .night last. Her death same after a short illness in which loving hearts, and hands did all they could to assist her irs the uneven struggle against the fatal sickness. On the previnus Friday she complained of eat feeling well, but it was not thought to be anything serious. How- ever, measles . developed followed by bronchial eneunaonia. In a very short time her case became alarming and cm Thursday night about eleven o'clock the. ,struggle was ended. Nary was much beloved among her young associates and will be missed by them else in the home and in the Sunday schoat. She- ,was aged 17 years, 6 - months and 13 days Deep sympa- 3thy is •expressed by many friends to the parents. The casket bore num- erous -beautiful floral tributes. The funetral, W7blicla was private, took place to the •Exeter cemetery Saturday. DER BUT STRONGER To be healthy at seventy, prepare at forty, is sound advice, because in the strengthof middle life we too often forget that neglected colds, or careless treat - men of ,slight aches and pains, simply undermine strength and bring chronic weakritsg.for later years. To -be stronger when older, keep your bloOntire and rich and active with the strength -building and blood -nourishing properties of Scott's Emulsion which isa food, a tonic and a medicine to keep your blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and avoid sickness. At any drug store. Scott & Bovine, Toronto, Ont. • .0•••••100.00 BROTHER DEAD.-Robt. Pringle, for twenty-two years a highly respect ed resident of Blab.shard, died at his late residence on the ath Con., Base Line. elay 2nd. The deceased was born in Oshawa in 1839, and came to Blanshard kin 1894. For the past year, he has had pow health and two weeks ago was taken seriously ill. His death was due to diabetes eczema, His wife, and seven shildren survive -Wm. Prize gle 8th Line, Blansbard; Mrs. John R. Moore Base Lie; Mrs. Ebor Payn T et and Mrs, James Brine, London Road ; James and John an the Mast and Adrie.n tit Home. Mrs. Simon Campbell of Exeter is a sister. E-IICKS' FORECASTS FOR MAY- A regular storm period is central. on the 12th covering Wednesday the 10 to Monday the 15. The probabiaties are that this (period Will bring dis- titbance of decided font. Warm, sultry b,umid winds, with low and fall !Jerome:ex. may be taken as almost Dos:revs evidence storms of greater aless violence are brewing. Storms that will bear watching will culminate an and touching` the 12th, 13th and. ette The last ,probable danger of frosts for this season. will be proeres.; siveis between the 12th and the 16th. A reactionary storm period is central oe tbe 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th. Higl. barometer and change to much coole will fallow these storms, Dr. Roulstan and family are in To- rorito this week. Mr. H. S-mith. i.s in. Toronto this we.ek on. business. Mr. P Gardiner and family of Blyth were Isere on Thursday. Private. R. Lee and Mrs. Lee are spending a Lew days in town. Mrs, Wm. Yager and family of Swift Current, Sask., are visiting with Mrs, Yager. . Miss Gladys Kestle has taken a sit- uation as teacher- at Monticello' at a salary of $650. Mr. Jahn H. Easterbrook of Seattle, IALasb., spent a few days visiting his cdusin, Mr, George Easterbrook. • Mrs. W, Treble aa -id Miss Effie. Treble .were in London this week owing to the illness of Mrs. A. Evans Mrs...0 • Eirne,Y and her sister, Mrs, Flapper of Belgrave left here last week to visit their sister in Escenab. Mchigan.. • Mrs. John Welsh '.and grandsorl, Gerald Leug,. who have been in Win- nipeg for some months, returned ihere onFrida. • R. Phillips, .organist at James Street °bur* was in Goderich Sunday. His work here was taker: by Miss MacFeul. laud Mrs. John Quail, Mrs. W. Westcott and Private Clarence and. Private Arnold Westcott o Seaforth attended the funerel of • the late Mary Eesterbroak on Sattsrday. •Mrs, Wm. H. Attkan and little acte Dinneld, who have been spending afew weeks with her Parents Mr. and Mrs s S.. Sereithe Loudon PeedSthatli, left Tuesday for their home In Toronto accompanied by the fermer's sister, ' Miss Blanche, who will visit her for a couple weeks. -ense eieeeeessalas•—seaseeas—stessesi JON ES MAY PRONE NO. 82 SPECIAL SELLING FOR Y. 1100.0...00•0110.0140.000...4.4 May is the Month for buying your SPRING AND BUMMER FINERY We are particularly well stocked with Beautiful Display of Summer Goods. WASH VOILES AND MUSLINS In every shade you can buy, The Large Floral Effects, Small Floral Patterns ,Sti,pes and Plain Shades, WHITE W41$ A Swell Lot of New Whiteleraists just arrived, -$1, 11.50, $2. $2,50 each, 98c. PARASOL Your choice of a real good $1.50 parasol, assorted handles for 98c. • DRESSES Colored Dresses for Children, or Girls or Ladies 500. to 81.50 -White dresses all prices. COTTON TUB GOODS New Prints at 12%,c, a yard New Ginghains, Charnbrays, Crepe Cloth Vestfngs, Linens, and Galateas,-ali good washers. CANDY STRIPED WAISTS Just the latest fad. -A white waist with colored made stripes $1.25 and $1.50. 98c. UNDERSKIRTS Black .Moire, a beauty or eel:seed satin for 98c, MIDDIES ChaIRS Aliddiess 1-.4 sizes 6, 8, 10 12 14. years 75c. Xis" ses Middiet 16 to 40 -all kinds 75c. te, $1,25. Ladies' Suits and Coats WE ARE GOING TO CLEAR. OUT ALL OUR SUITS AND COATS IN THE NEXT TWO WEERS. SOME REAL BARGAINS WILL BE HERE FOle YOU, WE WANT EVERY SUIT AND COAT OUT BY THE 15TH AND YOU CAN IIAVE THEM AT YOUR OWN PRICE. LADIES' SUITS STRING COATS Some real Beauties to clear at S10 12, $15. All suits at reduced Priees. Millinery ,Millinery Millinery OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT IS GOING FULL BLAST. NEW HATS ARRIVING DAILY. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW. Only a. few left but each one t:s a bargain for the lucky buyer who comes early, JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W.E.Banfaad Clothing Major Heavier:, Privates Rivers and teellette and Messrs. Wm. Rivers, W, D. Clarke, and R N. Creech werein London Friday night to see the mil- itary manoeuvres at Queen's Park. MRS. CLAYTON'S LETTER To Rau -Down Nervous Women. Louisville, Ky.-"I was a nervous wreck, and in a weak, run-down con- dition when a. faiend asked me to try Vinol. r did so, and as a result I have gained in health and strength. I think Vinol is the best medicine in the world for a nervous, weak, run-down system and for elderly people."-Mis. W. C. CLAYTON, Louisville, Ky. Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, guaranteed to over- come all run-down, weak, devitalized conditions and for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. W S. Cole, Druggist Exeter, Ont. Choice Furniture R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Phone ZOa Nevi still Special Suits tor Laie Prices on Flour 1.m.400000•001 PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW PEA TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring Fashions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, nreeting the requirements for street wear and travel. It is unusual to presenteso early in the aeasori so great a variety, but styles were determined early, and the most favored shown. The present time is most advantag- eous for buyilog as all indications point to higher prices in the future. N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. Exeter Bargain Store B• oots and Shoes • YOU WILL FIND OUR STOCK WELL ASSORTED AND PRICES BELOW PRESENT WIARKET VALUES, • • Try }a'pair of our LADIES? CUSHION SOLE SHOES With rubber heels in either 'button or lace at 54.00 per peer. We have the GIPSY SHOE For Ladies in kid a t $5.00,t $3.25 he gun metal at $3.75 per pair. MEN'S TAN SHOES made on, the Army Last eand $6.00 ,per • pair, . • ASTORIA , SHOES far Men, 55.00 per pair• . Smile especially good values in MEN'S RAIN COATS, Try us for your pert sutt of tee lies ei. her Ready-made o • measure. made to B. W. F. Beavers this month. R. G. Seldon Phone 2 Tea & Coffee . Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A triol as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant • Fresh leats • Curedoldeats Always on Hand. Fred Robinson Butcher Phone 105 -10