HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-5-11, Page 4.1.:t11c alt
This Sample of
is for you, Madan
',FIAT is. LUX? Itis
a soap of unusual
purity made into the
thinnest of flakes that
readily dissolve in hot
water. It makes a
Creamy, foamy lather
that cannot injure the
daintiest fabric or the
LUX is a wonderful life
lengthener of all woollen
ana flannel garments. It
absolutely prevents them
from matting, thickening
or shrinking m the wash.
Will you lei us send
you a sample, free?
Address LUX dept., Leger
Brothers Limited, Taranto.
All grocers 1 0�'.
self. L U $ V 11
eter .atY,torl ill,
:.-:.:nflers Si Creech, P;oprie:o(•s.
Seeseri,p:ion Price.—In advance $1
per year in Canada; S1.50 in United
States. It not paid in advance the
Trice is 50at. more per year
THURSDAY, 1 :1 Y 11, 19 16
The fa:Iowan; is the result of the
Promotifi:n examinations re:ent]y° held
to Mrs. Kerr's roam of the Credits n
PL lei=' schoel:—Jr. 4th to Sr. £til—.
Marks : squired to Jean, 495-1: Haat
629; P, Lawson 604; G. Sines aril ; st
Cornish 567; Glady :, Wolf 554: L.
F.ilbe. 535; E. Brown 535; ea. £h ata
diet 535, A. Sweitzer 57a; ,itmtt•ed
on trial I. Finkbeiner 440.' Sr 112
to Jr. IV., to pass 495—M.. Sinks 528
F. 111.1 527, T. Hodgins 520, I..Kuhn
500 F, Eilber 497, S. Winer 495. Ad -
netted on trial O. Guenther 478, P.
Moe' 475. W. Sims 44:i, W. A.ppieton
440. Jr. IIT. to S:. III., .o ease 471
R, Hest 535, S Kin-, 533, M. Ila:t zn;an
503. C. Hoffman 493, 1i. Ta:.or 491,
H. Hill 480, V. Beaver 475, R Gaiset
471; admitted on trim, N, Fa s t 400,
P. iaist 346. Sr. II., to Jr. III., to
pass 435, G. Becker 541, V. eiedden
527, P. Winer 493, H. Beaver 487, 1,
Lawson 480, L. King 4o1, T. Taylor
451 lei Finkbeiner 447, M. Shenk 436
admitted •on trial I. Sweitzer 415, R.
Cornish 282.
The Treasurer of the Local War
Auxiliary H. K. Eilber, has this
week sent to the Treasurer of the
Cuont: organization the sum of $73.21
wvhit:h ter.; received from the sale of
buttons, the .proceeds of which goes
towards paying for the Band instru-
ments of the 161st Battalion. The
following is a. list of the money re-
ceived trona different sources, Sam']
Davis $10; W D. Sanders $2.91; Gar-
net Hill a2S0, Miss Linklater $12.40
Geo. Mawhinney- $5.00; John Hou'a
khan 55.00; Alex. Neeb $18.00; Miss
Guinan $2.40; T; N. Hayter $7.50; J
Love. 57.56.
Mothers- Day.—Mothers' Day will be
observed ie. the Evangelical Church
bere on Sunday evening. .
Becker .has arranged a spicy pto;rt:n
consisting, of choruses, recitations and
addresses. all pertaining to Mothers'
Everybody is welcome.
The Township has had the street
through town graded, as well as the
block east of the river. This has
made a decided improvement.
Mr. Robinson of Sarnia was in
Why They're Sold
WINNIPEG, May 19th, •1912.
"In the autumn of 1911, I suffered with
• continual pain in the back. As a druggist,
I tried various remedies without any apparent
results. Having -sold GIN PILLS for a num-
ber of years, I thought there must be good
in them, otherwise the sales would- not .in-
crease so fast. I gave them a fair trial and
the results I find to be good."
Soc. a box or 6 boxes for $2.5o, at alr",drtr
stores. Free sample sent if you write the"
National Drug &'C'iernical^Co.
of Canada, Limited, Toronto,.
town on Tuesday with the object of
locating here as a baker, We need
one badly and there is no doubt but
that he will do well if he decides. to
come here.
e 'remainss of the late Mrs. Aug-
ust. Sweltzer Who, has been LI in Lon -
tion for some time, were interred in
the Evangelical cemetery ort Tuesday
Our Band Boys have received
their coats and carps, and intend to
appear on parade one of these days.
They are now open tor engagements,
and ;ought to he .patronized.
Uur merchants have been getting in
shipments of potatoes from the North
west to meet the demand for spring
Chas. Kinsley was in Clinton this
week ,puttiare in the Dutch set seed
foe lir, Samuel Brown -
Harry Trick has "Jerry" the bull-
dog mascot of the 161st Battalions,
with hien He Ss a fine looking dog
be*Tot. feel safer an the the other
side of. the tepee when he comes 'to-
ward you.
T,k.e. local branch of the Red Cross
society held •their regular meeting in
the Town Hall on Tuesday aiternoon
We are .pleased to learn that. Ger-
ald Z.wicker, who has been ill of pneu
mania is now out of danger and mak-
ing -apid progress.
There are several cases ok measles.
is torn and as a result a nuntbee are
under Cualantine.
Nov sine Hydro has been turned
on in
Exeter it would be well for
some of our people to go out there
sone evening and see how nese it is
walk the streets in compa~ism t(.
own serv.;ee. Zurtdl and Lash-
voeted hang voted on the by- aw and
.tarried it, we shouldn't tall hehhul
.i-ndsbe.o:ne aback number.
Forrest Hardy of Duluth, Minn., who
h-cseen'isted with the 142nd Batta' at
a: London w.si'ed his ;tun;, sirs l.;r.
la ber, las: week.
airs. Louis. Raymond has returnee
:o :Buffalo, N. "., after attending tier
father. Frederick Eilber, who is ,note
.in ainueh better health.
A ia> !pee Ieas observed in our
sehor las: Friday. The yard and
lawn wya: given a thorough cleaning.
The trustees have renewed some of
the evergreens which had died, so that
the property stow :presents a nie'e ap-
Ipetarae-: e.
.....-.-...,-. ..,ter,.--..
•I'h:e; lin etrs Cut Off.—Mr. \V i
Nadia:rex me- 'with a very unfortunate
arj -,,a ! fu a.' fi len' on Friday y last
8e .:ti ante -teed i.a edeine at the saw-
' , when, lass left hand came in coa-
t el; tee saw. The first finger
`s ", "ato"±'en in two places, the next
", er .,.ezr.lt„;rely' t:nttautated anti the
l a ':,tease eaati;; severed.
Mrs. Art Doan returned to her
home in Port Huron 'Saturday. She
was. a'.'ompaoied by her :ousin, Miss
Net tie Prokclash ire.
Dr Sehrem, :ra Otterbe a and Ed,
Willett all received. Ford ears last
weep.. M• Fera Tieman a, o :rot a
Mr. 'V'et Fassold is on the si':k
list tide week.
Sehote was dosed a Lew days Last
west' on a.•; aunt of measles.
Mrs. P. Humble returned to her
, Sernia Saturday.
M. Cor.. S4 ilrcbeder spent eaturday
at Excite.
Rey Greet:bash and family left
o ww'a:ke cep titis week.
Rev. Meyer re Pembroke has ar-
rived to t 1' e •cea-tge sal. his new du-
'ies i. e•oaree tion with the Evangel -
p. e :Menet.
t;,ed in. Putia'o—Frienus of Mc. F. i
e Sh ter, who formerly lived at
clod, but new resides at I'.::
l' o' N. Y., will be sorry to tea• •a
the death of his oldest boy. Neat r • more than any other light
g ,aBath of her friends a^ CLERK All RUN DOWN
neighbors gathered at „her Borne and
Presented her with, a handsome man -
tie clock o,nd an address, Mrs, Belt
will be much missed in the , vletho-
dist chur.;h and in the neighborhood,
and the best wishes of a haat • - tef
friends go with her. --Mr. and Mrs,
Major Baker visited at Mr. W. Eng-
land's on Sunday.—There was a recep-
tion service in the Methodist Church
on Sunday afternoon, and the pastor
Rev J. E. Cooke received several new
Alia' • Vera Hodgson has returned
hone after spending a few weeks with
friends in New York.. -.Miss Myrtle
Hobbs is visiting hlier sister, Mrs. Hec
for Jii,lson this week,—Quite a num-
ber floor around here attended the
funeral of ,Samuel Ford at Woodham
on Sunday.—Mrs, Jas. Kelly, south of
the village ,is sick and confined to
the house.—Mrs. Henry Hern contin-
ues no better and is under a nurse's
care.—Mrs. Jahn Hazelwood is ill and
unable to attend to her household
duties,—Hector Taylor is sick and
ander the doctor's care with appetite
dicr is.—.Mrs. .Alvin 9Arksey, who has
been in St. Joseph's Hospital, London
foe the pest month and was operated
on is now improving nicely.—Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Hodgson, of Centralia vis-
ited friends at Granton Sunday.—Ow-
ing to the continued wet weather
there is very tittle seeding done here,
—Mr. raid Mrs, Hector Millson, Mr,
:nd Mrs. J. 1Vri4,ht and bliss Bessie
Morley visited Sunday With Mr. and
Mrs. James Hobbs at Devizes,—News
has been received from the 'West
that Ernest Parkinson, son -in -law of
Mrs. Joe. Morley and Nelson Tapp,
of of Mr. Thos. Tapp, have. both en-•
Restored To Health By Final
Shelbyville, Ind.—"I am a clerk in a
hotel and was all run down, no energy,
my blood was poor and my face covered
with pimples. I got so weak I had to
put up an awful fight to keep at work.
After taking many other remedies with-
out benefit Vinol has retored my health
and strength."—Ray F. BIRD,
For all run-down, weak, nervous
conditions of men and women, nothing
equals Vinol, our delicious cod liver and
iron tonic without oil. Try it on our
W S Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont.
The members of the congregation
here ,presented Rev. Father Tierney
with tl .handsome 'cheque with which
to purchase un auto, one day Gast
weeks -Messrs, John Guainan ' and
Quarry visited Seaforth on Sunday,
Some attraction, boys !—Miss Nell Hall
of Detroit is spending a few days with
her parents near here.—We are pleas-
ed to see Mrs M. Madden out again
after her recent itlness.—Mr. John
Rowland 'purchased an auto last week
—Mr. Jas. Quarry of Stratford call-
ed on friends 'here last week.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
(I rat* Mark ,J tK ,ej
The Harmless but Effl-
uent remedy for Headache
lessness, Nervous Ex-
haustion, &c,
ioa AT ALL DR11441STa, or by mall free%
will go farther on one gallon of gasoline than any
other car made.
It will also prove the most economical car for
Oil, Tires, and, in short, is now the
"Proved Low Cost Car"
Power and Speed ? "Yes."
four cylinder car can
who ea.; born a' Buffalo, N. Y., :v.!! I
15th-.I9;I,, and died Aare ?4th, ly•tt. produce.
after but a sho': i.'lness. On Palm
Sunday he was at church ani Sunday
schoa'. on Ga'd Fritla.e he .tar taken
to the Genera: hospital, whr:e an. op-
eratioa was .performed. and on Eas-
ter Monday he ,oaesed away. He was
t bright, active. loving, lad and dead
'boat of friends who sympathize with
the parents in their bereavement.
The continual rains are causing the
farmer some uneasiness. They are not
abet to get in their spring crops, and
:he ,seasaa is a'readti' well advanced,
Mr, and Mrs. J. Wilson are visiting
their .daughter in Strathroy.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Coughlin. have re-
turned to the village again, after
eraeatdiaa `he winter with their daugh-
ter in Loddon.
Mr. Turn_., oar new station agent,
expects to move his family here
shortly and become a resident of our
burg. •
Large ;numbers of cattle are being
exchanged !this week and are being
put oa the grass, se as to finish up
for the mallet.
It et: rumored that some of our bach
e ors eee going to join the benedicts.
Miss Hattie Finkbeiner spent "est
week with Mrs. W. Stade, Dashwood;
—Der- John Mcisaac had a very suc-
cessful ;ploughing bee las` Friday. —
Miss Clara Kraft of Dashwood visited
her aunt. Mrs. J. Deitrich fo- a few
days rest week.—Mr Harry Lochner
sten' Sunday with his parents here,—
Mr .Marlton Ratz. spent a few days in
Parkhill Iast week.— Mr. and Mrs.
Will Mason visited the tatter's par-
ents over Sunda.—Albert Geiser vis-
ited Zurich friends Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ckiipfe and Willie
ei i`.ed friends 'here on Sunday.—Miss
Nellie Hutson bas returned to Detroit
after spending several months at her
home here.—Pte. Will McPherson went
to London on Monday.—A little daugh
ter game to thee -tome •cf. Mr. and Mrs.
C. Curts recently.—We are glad to
aperMiss Zillah English is conval-
e,scen* Mrs. J. Carruthers is nursing
her daughter, Mrs. Mansell Hadgins,
who is very i'1 with pleurisy.—Mr..R.
s t'c:h ,n oa Md an operation perform-
ed .ort halleia Victoria .Hospital., Lon-
don, recently-, and is doing as well as
can, lies expected.—Shortly be,fore,Mrs.
Aaleaelt left for her new home in De -
Touring $850 Roadster S330
We challenge any other make on the foregoing; also any four-cylin-
dere.i ear for power on Mud, Sand Hills or for Speed.
W. Et Outrider; Distributor; A.W. Moder k, Exprt Mechanic
Crediton, Ont.
SIR EDMUND WALKER. C,V,O., LL.D. D.C.L., President
JOHN AIRD. General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, Asst General Manager
Oai'ITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank
of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same
careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's
business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as
satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. ~tea
EXETER BRANCH—A. E. Kuhn, Mgr. CREDITON—S. M. Johnston, Mgr
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
96 Branches in Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rate
W D. CLARICE, Manager,
Model 75 Touring
83 Touring
Famous Knight Touring
Knight Roadster
• $850.
• $1540.
Model 86, "Six" Touring $1600.
Also Light "Six"
A full supply Dominion Tires at Right Prices
Wes. Snell,
Sales Agent
Exeter Motor Sales Co.
We also have several used Ford c ars for sale and one used Chevrolet.
Spring Personals
A Prominent Ontario Woman-
Welland, Ont.—"I am glad I heard
about Dr. Pierce's remedies. When I
was tired -out and
worn-out I used
• `Golden Medical
Discovery' and
'Favorite Prescrip-
tion.' It is true
that they are grand
remedies, and I
found that they
built me up and
made me feel like
a new person. I
, " believe I used
r%'- seven bottles in all.
I have recommended Dr. Pierce's reme-
dies to several of my acquaintances.
"I have one of the Common Sense
Medical Advisers and think very highly
of it."—MRS. MAY CLARE, 117 State
St., Welland,, Ont.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-
covery is a tonic and builder that brings
new activity to the liver, stomach and
bowels in a short time, thus causing
sallowness, indigestion and constipation
to disappear.
Good blood means good health; good
health means strong men and women,
full of vigor and ambition, with minds
alert and muscles ever willing. Any
medicine dealer will supply you with
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
in either liquid or tablet form, Send.
to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, 'Buffalo,
N. --Y;, for free medical advice.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense- Medical
Adviser—a great doctor book—df 1008
pages, cloth bound --answers many im-
portant questions. fr,opy will be”,sent,
customs prepaid, for 50 cents (or ps)
to pay wrapping and"mailing eh€ `
Dr. Pierce's Pleseant Pellets regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels.
Sugar-coated and'easy to take is candy..
A big -touring car fo1r:fi rope isle
Travel "First -Class" in a Saxon "Six"
Lacoanotinna Power pulls you. The six -cylinder Saxon high speed motor sweeps you along with
mighty, resistless force.
Pullman comfort is yours. The roomy body makes travel easy. Long wheelbase, 112 inches, and van-
adium steel cantilever springs smooth the highway like a well -ballasted track.
-.Perfect appoiautments add to your pleasure. Electric starting, lighting and every other conveniencd
of modern motoring are here. The yacht line body is handsomely upholstered and' elegantly finished,
Safetyitfirst is built Tato every fibre of thea iunfch' chassis. Timken axles, powerful brakes,, and, nickel
riatg gear are your secus ty, 4•
To' -own tar. Strean"-..Six" givesyouthe knowledge that you are travelling first-class.
"Four"e-Roadster 5,600; Delivery Car $530; "Six" Touring Car. $1trOz5 • Y'St 'g, Roadster, $1,075
T. B l E viti ELL, Dealer;"' Eget-er..