HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-5-11, Page 1a1 t Ll 1- ,e Hear Captain Dancey in the Opera House tonight, [Thursday] and join the 161st Battalion. TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MAY 11, 1916 SANciDERS $r' OREECH Our Corner. Mother's .Day will be observed in James Street ;church on Sunday next. W.ear a white tutee in honor of your mother, fx-•or--x- Wanted--A Slawn mower that will ss ataals and rocks over 'the neigh - bons fence before attempting to cut tato them, .-x-o-x- For the third and last time Capt Dancey is to speak at a great re- cruiting {meeting in Exeter Opera House on Thursday night, lie is sure tit( be here this tilde. Mother downpour of xain Tues- day alight has tput the seeding back a few more days. Another wseek of this end the record fox late spring will have been reached in this dis- tract. But ageing weather cannot be expected with 'thte lake covered with otetemoneenah As ea example of how the soldier is to be treated on, his return to On- tario --1719 ,have returned, 664 at'e still in convalescent homes in Ontario and all the others except 63 have been given jobs. These have difficulty yet tri fitting in, but they will shortly be Placed. -x-a-•x- We are indebted to our old friend Me. G. G. 'Gibson of St. Louis, Mo.,. for copies o£ Ian Bull and London Opinion, They are both spicy num- ,bees. The former has for its motto "Politics without Party - Criticism Without Cant; Without Fear a Fa- vor; Rancour or Rant" The other has no motto but it contains much poin'ed and interesting matter. Old England is not in the background with her literature either. TAMAN'S. PHONE 81a For love of the old County, if for no: other reason the Huron Battalion should be filled by Huron men. Can ' s ' you help. Over 50 have joasnedtht week -x-o-x-.. Something: approaching the propor- tadns of a, tidalwane struck the lake shore at Grand °Bend on Monday when a wall of water six, feet high rushed ,into the shore, moved the fish house froth its posts, hoisted the boats high and 'dry on. the north bank of the Gut, and pushing up the Cut, destroyed a +portion of the abutment of the big bridge. Nothing of like nature was sever before w;itssed at the Bend. There is still a great ,field of ice On the lake extending from St,'Jos- eph rto Kettle Point, and the whole body et lice goes out of sight oft land by day and comes back regularly at night, A CORRECT SPRING STYLE The New Natural -Form - Fitting Suit. MANY TAILORS •DO NOT KNOW HOW TO MAKE THESE SUITS We Do. IF YOU WOULD LIKE A MORE RONSERVATIVE STYLE WE GAN GIVE IT TO YOU. MAKE A CHOICE EARLY. Overcoats WE CAN FIT YOU TO A "T'. TRY US. W. Taman -s-w--x MARRIAGE LICENSE RAISED.- dea and after May 15th the ,fee for marriage tlieenses will be $5.00 in - of $2,00 as formerly; The Act has also been thanged in other respects, but the ,principal one is that an issuer of marriage licenses is not restricted to his own county or district as here- tofore, He tis now at liberty to is - sire to parties from any part of On- tario ,provided they have been a res- ident 15 days prior to application; and even. then a license can be, procured by n,alektg application to the Regist- me-GeAeral and paying an extra fee of $5.00, A license ,procured before May 15th at the $2,00 fee can be used within three months. AN OPEN LETTER Headquarters, Huron Battalion, C;linton, May 8th, 1916 Dear Sir, - There are 13 Battalions .recruiting within this military District. Only two are junior to the 161st. Of the 13 battalions two -the Bruce and Middlesex -are at full strength while the remaining eleven have about the same number of entistmrents; 800 to 900, It therefore follows that some on.e or two of these eleven is tc} be broken op and the men placed in•the ratnlee of other battalions in order that they may be completed. You .will be personally responsible if this humiliation befalls the Hurons If ,your friends and your neighbors, who have enlisted to protect you, and yours, are to have their County Badge torn off and the insigne of of another and more patriotic and conscientious County placed upon their caps and shoulders; to have this Battalion lose its identity and to have it published broadcast thruogh- out the Dominion that Huron, of all the Counties, was the only one that did ;not have a unit to reipresent her in this grave crisis. Can ,vont earnestly and truly as▪ sume this grave resiponsibility? Will you tnot •offer yourself and help avert this the greatest tragedy in your Coututy'•s history. We, appeal to you, young roan of Hurotn. Sincerely, 161st Huron Battalion. 'r aitor& Furnisher PHONE 81a Military Matters , Sergeant Oliver 'of Clinton is here with the Exeter boys for a tine, Private Gerald Hurdon and wife are Dome from Hamilton for a few days F. R. Willoughby, manager of The Seafortih News, has enlisted with the 161st this week. --o-- y Corp. Pfaff, who has been in Clin- ton for some weeks, is back with the Exeter detachment. Majox Bell and 'Corp. C. Harvey were .here during the week to secure recruits to the ;Mounted Rifles Reg. Knight of the Mounted Rifles at Hamilton was home over Sunday He leaves this rwleek with a draft foe the front. LETTER tFROM THE TRENCHES Tho following letter was received by Mass, Carrie Northcott from Fte. Alva; McMahon, son of Mr, and Mrs. John McMahon of Hay: April 16, 1916 Dear Ca retie, -,A. 'scrap of paper is but ;poor return for your splendid parcel which I received a couple days ago. You were very kind and thought rut, and I appreciated it very much. I assure you it was in good condi- tion and stood the journey well. Par- cels and letters are the best of the few ;pleasures which we soldiers ext- joy on active ,service. They are like the touch of a friend's hand, and re- member that we are not forgotten. It will be eprbea in goad old On, tarionow with orchards in bloom and all the wild flowers. How I wish I were tthere. It is still chilly here. altho usually bright and tine. Last night was a, rotten exception. 1 was an untoetunate member .of a working party, end from, 7 p,m, to 5 a.tn. we worked steady without a break. digg• beg and carrying sand bags, and as it thework was not bad enough, it rain- ed alt bight. We were soaked thru and in the morning our tempers were decidedly tithe war= for wear. I pity any German who had encountered us just about rheas, Do you know we naturally blame all Our troubles on F,i:tz's head, Havever, altbo, as in last :might's case, all is not a bed ot roses at the front, we do not bave so bad a time. It doesn't take long to get used to the whistle and the rush of the Boche she:1 as it comes teare,ng toward you, At first we used to duck and dodge behind trees if one came within a mile of us, but now it has to come within ahundred yards before we pay any attention, Its only a case of getting used to them, but, ref course, when they do come close et is raber hard on the nerves for when landing in your neighborhood its hot petssib:e to say just where they may hit, and you can near the Big 6 coming a couple o' miles. away, Then. 'when they ex- orod!e. the earth and smoke shoots high :into the {lir, and there is en:aw- fur rending craislr.. There is no lode` that we have the advantage over the enemy ,,and of he trims to repeat his last Spring's work he'll get rather a disagreeable surrprise. Our then are all ,confident of their strength and our artillery 5,s doing good work.. Well, 1'hofpe by the meddle of summer Germany well be thoroughly beaten. Doubtless thiere will 'be some ,stiff fighting in the meantime, but we'll be there with bells on. Now, Carrie, I must close for there its work to -day. Remember me please to everyone, and if you cart I would be ;glad to bear from you. Thanks once ,more for the "parcel. Yours, Ales. Lloyd Rivers and Harold . Bissett are again with the Exeter detachment after taking a course of physicaltrain- ung and bayonet drill in London. Enlistments at Exeter this week - L, . V. idOGARTH WILLIA;M . J. VEAL WALTER IC, CUTBUSH Special xecrultinig 'sermons- were preached pn the various churches on Sunday. The Exeter detachment at- tended service in Trivitt Memorial in the morning, and in James Street church in the ;eventing. Comnvencmng on, Thursday last all the .bells and whistles throughout Hu- ron. •sounded the alarm for fine min- utes each day as a special call to the young men to fell up the ranks of the Huron ,Batttat Toon. ;Reip,orts from. all over the County indicate an increase ire the number of enlitstniektts, and a hig effort is being made for one more g+.e,ek, DEBENTURES FOR SALE The County of Hurottoffers $60,000 of Debentures far sale. The debentures are f' st-class, security and will be offered to residents of the County nest. For particulars ap- ply to Robt. W. Livingstone, War- den, W. J. R. Holmes, Treasurer, or the undersigned. W. LANE, Dated May 10, . 1916. 'Clerk Locals Mr. T. Hawkins returned here on Tuesday night from Windsor. Mr. J. J. Tilley left Tuesday on a fishing trip in the north country. Judge Holt presided at a session, of the Division Court on Tuesday when a few cases were disposed of. Mr. W. E. Sanders, who recently took possession of the farm he pur- chased from Mr. Credic S'antake, was pleasantly surprised by a large num- ber of the neighbors gathering at his home Wednesday evening of last week to extend to him a hearty welcome and spend the 'evening with him While W. E. has not yet a helpmate he wa equal to the occasion and all enjoyed ithemsiellves to the full in dancing and other harmless amuse- ment. clamed +$ray. sell of Rev. el. E. Bray rector of Thamesford, formerly of Exeter, who went as a private with the first contingent, has been granted a commission. on the field, When he enlisted :be was accountant in the Bank of Montreal at Dauphin, Man, He has served nine months in the trenchee and was in much of the fight ing around St. Elot, Le Hasse and Aeras during the past year. EXETER fCOTUNCIL. A special meeting of the Council as called by the 'Reeve was held Friday May 5th, A11 members present. A lengtbdt circular letter from the President of life Huron County War Auxiliary - .Ire. necessary supplies and monies needed to carry out the Work ire hand for the comfort of the battalion was ;read, Maer.A. Stewart Cbairman of the local organizatiou addressed the council along :the game' lines. Per Beavers seed by Barton tbat a grant of two hundred dol- lars be given to the War Auxiliary subject to a call: of tbe County Exe- cutive. Carried. A representative of the Bri- tish American Oil Co., addressed council re road oil, Per Hind seed by Heavers that a contract be entered into and signed with the Bri- tish ritish American Oil Co. for six thousand gallons a1' 40 per cent, Asphalt Road 0i1 to be delivered. k` 0 B, Exeter for 9cts per imperial gallon to be delivered in car lots. Payable August est, Carried Tenders for electrical engineer were opened and read as toUowse Harry Gee; 508 Maitland Street, Lon' don; James Stewart, Lee Blatchford, H. "W. Doerr, Exeter;; A. Baker of tbe Hydro Commission; Lee E. Adams Hydro Electric, Chatham. Per Hind and. l-oultson that Mr. 'S, W. Doerr be engaged as electrical engineer, du- ties td Commence May 8th at a sale ary of $900.00 ¶per annum. Carried. Jos. Senior, Clerk, LADIES MINSTREL SHOW - A Ladies' Mitnstrel Show will be given in the Opera House on Friday ev'g., May 19th at 8 o'clock. Rousing chor- uses :with orchestra accompaniment well be in"order. A One -Act Farce "Those 1 hose 'H•usbands of Ours" wi• ll also be ,givein. A cushion will be an !exhibition in the window of, S. tvJtaa'tiii .& Son, and will be auctioned an the night of the show. Under the auspices of the Soldiers' . Aid Society. Everybody come. Reserved Seats, 50c., i ene al admission. 35c., children 25e. Plan. of Hall at W. S. Howey'x Drug Store. -.-o-- DEATH OF W. W. WALPER. - The family of the late William W. Walper, and the people of Exeterin general were greatly shocked on Sat- urday afternoon last at the sudden de- mise of Mr. Wo]]]oer., Although he had ndt been en the blest of health foie sotnie months and for the past two weeks bad been confined ta• his bed his dearth was quite unexpected: He read eaten. a hearty dinner and said he was going to get out shortly, and two hours afterwards was dead, ' He wag. aged 53 years, 11 maomt.hs, and 13 days. The late Mr Waliper was born ia1 Hessen Germany, and came •toCan- ada when slit years of age, settling. with hie parentits at Hillsgreen, latex with his family moving to Exeter. He married Caroline Willert, and she with twd sons, john W., and Theodore and one. daughter Lerida, survives. Deceas- ed wars ant honest , and u,priglit man, eteepee ted ;and esteemed by all who kneW hum, Severed years ager he sat Cox a term or two at the. Exeter Coun- , of the co- ,s ` atllr p The ..y T cul Board. YrruP plei of Exeter is texten,ded to the be- re;aved family. .The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to the Exete uenuetery, After rthe funeral a m(emarial ser aloe was held in the Lutheran Churn Dashwood. • WOODH MA Woedhram lost one of its oldest residents by death Friday of Samuel Ford. lie had hived in, Woodham for great,,,ttumber of years and in the e:+- y days had a large blacksmith shop ^earl fog lowed his trade until cx,d age com elled, vim to retire. He was a member rot the Methodist church at eNoedhnm and for a great many years was superintendent of the Sunday school. The funeral took place Sun- day in the Kie-ktom cem.etlery,. He leaves ,an aged widow, one daughter and three sons, all of whom. are mar- ried and inhomes of their own. Mr, Ford was over eighty years of age. r li USBORNE Death of ,Mrs, William Jaques. -The people of this township heaxd with regret of the death on Saturday, May 6th of one of the aged residents of the south part of the township, in the person. of Elizabeth Cornish, relict of the date eerilliam Jaques, at the age, of 73 years, 6 m,ontths, and 6 days Deceased had been ill about seven weeks of dropsy and heart trouble. Boras .in Devonshire, England she came to Canada with her parents When 9 years of age and had been a resident of Usborne ever since. She married Mr. Jaques, who predeceased her sir years. Four sons and two daughters suevive-William John of Usborne, Tose,ph of the west, . Charles Edward of Stratford. and Wesley at home. Mrs. James Mossey of Prospect Hili. Mrs. Arthur Taylor of Toronto. Two sisters and three brothers also sur- vive. Mrs. David Glidden of Holmes - title elt•s Thos. Houlden of ,Exeter John and George Cornish of Exeter and Samuel of New Ontario. The funeral took place from her late res- idence, Lo: A., Con. 6, on Tuesday afternoon to the Exeter cemetery and was eargely attended. BRUCEFIELD Brucefie'd Loge, No. 210, I. 0. 0. 1'., rpaaade.d to Bruceftheld Presbyter- ian Church Sunday ,evening, Rev. Hall Woods preaching an excellent ser- imon..-Mirss Maud Glenn of Lumley spent a few days at the lions of her brother, G. aA. Glenn. -Me. Wan. Mc- ;1vlilla:n :hasmoved his family to Eg- mondville.-Miss Jessie Gtemmel has returned from Grand Rapids, where she has been sip.endang the winter. - Mr, and Mrs. Jarvis Horton and little soh ves1ted at thre hone of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mitchell. MEN OF HURON BIRTHS Cann -In Exeter, on May 3rd, to Priv- ante Sylvanutis and Mrs. Cann, a daughter -Edith eVfellitssa. • Dolnrnelly-In Hibbert, on Feb. 26th. • to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Donnelly, a soar. MARRIAGES Smith -Wilhelm -At Milverton, on May .exicl, by Rev. A. D. Gischler, Mess Mabel E., ,daughter of Mr and Mrs George Wilhelm to Mr. Ches- ter L Smith of Zurich. ' DEATHS Jaques—Int, .Usborne, on May 6th Elisabeth Cornish, relict of the late Witlliam Jaques, .aged 73 years, 6 menths, 6 'days. 4th Eas•terbrook-lm, . Exeter, May ,Mary J., daughter `orf Mr. and Mrs. Gea roe ,fd,sto break, e o ed1 17 years ars 6 months 13 eleys. Weeper -In Exeter North,, on May 6, Vvalliem W. Waiper, aged 53 years, 11 mantles, 13 days. Pringle -In ,Blans'hard, en _May 2nd Rdbert Pringle, aged 77 years, 2 months 23 days. THE 161St HURON BATTALION HAS BEEN ORDERED TO MOB- ILIZE ABOUT 'AMY 15TH AND AT FULL STRENGTH. WILL YOUR. COUNTY BE HUMILIATED BY HAVIv"G THE FIRST BATTALION SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO FORM GO INTO CAMP UNDER 'STRENGTH? WILL THE WORD "HURON" EVER STAND AS A WORD OF REPROACH THROUGHOUT THE EMPIRE? OR WILL THE PEO- PLE OF THIS COUNTY RALLY To THEIR PRIDE AND TO THB114 HONOR? THE LAST CALL FOR VOLLNTERRS TO THE MEN, - The business of the young man of the County to -day is the comple- tion of the Battalion she was asked to form Kitchener urges "men and more men." Canada has promised hint 500,000, Well you be one ? Are you content to remain at hornet>r-n ease and reap business advan- tages while other Men take your place in, the firing line? WW your conscience remain clear and clesen each day of the long years to come ? Does the sight of your chum in. khaki leave you untroubledand disturbed ? Make such sacrifices as may be necessary (the Empire is worthy of them) to enable you to take your place itt your County Battalion. ENLIST and ENLIST to -day, with the knowledge that, at last, yota are praying 'the part of a MAN, nn - TO TETE MOTHERS, WIVES AND SISTERS, - Do you know what is happening to women in Europe to -day? Do you know what the women of Belgium, of Serbia, of Flanders and even of your own race in the old lead have suffered by the invading Huns? I)o' you know :that thousands and tens of thousands, with their little ones are driven starving from their homes to die in. misery; that they are being vitiated and slaughtered ? Do you realize that if this Was is not fought out in Europe, you and your children may be forced to share the sufferings of those in Europe? Do you realize that if Canada is to protect her people, her homes and her .liberty her man must be given without stint to take part in ' theta struggle ? Thousands of glorious mothers, tries and sisters have given their dearest 'to this cause of Humanity and of Emtpire. Can you meet this type of womanhood in social intercourse? Are you content to see ote her mothers, waives and sisters proud ly sending off their manhood to pro- tect you and your men folk? Or will you meet the burden of this geneaation with COURAGE "the highest of Divine virtues?" YOUR REASON IS ONLY A LAME EXCUSE, 250 HURON MEN FOR "HURON'S OWN" AND IN 15 DAYS. I STEWART'S PHONE 16 PHONE 16 Tell Us the Kind of Spring Suit You Like We Have It EVERY MAN OR BOY W HO BUYS HIS SPRING SUIT T NEC, ESSARY r-IERE WON'T FIND 1 RY C Try TO HUNT AROUND FOR SOMETHING HE LIKES. WE ARE SHOWING ALL TH'E CORRECT IDEAS. THE PRICES WILT. INTEREST YOU. SPRING COATS AND SUITS FOR MISSES & WOMEN Anyone wanting a Stylish Spring Coat or Suit will find that we have still a fine range to choose from. The prices will interest you. MIDDY BLOUSES Is several natty styles for summer wear. Good vashing materials at popular prices -$1.00 $i 25 and 11.$0. SPECIAL LACE CURTAIN VALUES A range ot Pretty Nets for Be•droonts in neat ,patterns at 13c., 20c. and 25c. a yard; also extra values in Bedroom. Cur- tains at per paitr 60c., S5c., $1.00 and ,$1.25. STEELE BRIGGS SEEDS Selected Lawn. Grass Seed per lb„ 30c; Whute Sugar Beet Men- gel per ib..25c; Royal Grant Sugar eilang•e1 per package 25c. Yellow Intermediate "Mangel loose. 1per 1b,, 2ec; Little Gem Peas, per ib., 20c. RAINCOATS At astonishingly low prices - Boys' land Girls, good material $3.25 „Ladies' fawn, good mater- ial :i4, ►]Men's grey and fawn all sizes, extra. value $4.50 VALUES IN DINNERWARE We have unpacked a shipment of New Dinner Sets • which will be sold at the old prices. Very neat and pretty designs in the new ,shapes. Extra value in 97 ple.ces far $15.00 'RUGS AND LINOLEUMS You will same dollars by • buy- iag rugs and linoleums this sea- son Another year they will b.e selling at unheard of prices. Come tin and see our values. SEED POTATOES Try a few of our Early Irish . Cobbler Potatoes for early plan- 'ting. We have a few bags of Greest aldunitasn Delawares fox se.ed or table use. PHONE 16 J. A. STEWART PHONE is The Big Store with the Little Prices v