HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-5-4, Page 8EXE PER .Al7VEICATE, THLIRSI]AY MAY 4, 1 iJ t6 EXETER MARKETS CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Whets 80 to 95 Barley 59 to 55 Buckwheat ... 60 to 65 Oats 40 to 42 95to100 Potatoes per bag • ,2 25 to 12 50 may.:Pea tons 310 Flour Per cwt,. fanUy 1 75 27 00 26 20 25 32 1100 Flour, low grade, per cwt. Shorts oxer ton ......... Bran per ton Eggs Butter Creamery Butter Hobs pet twt .,..-.,.. — FOR SALE—Good frame stable Apply to Sidney West, Mete Street. --o-- GRASS LANDS TO RENT.-- The undersi2ne 1 has to quantity of grass land to ren: for a term—swell, watered R. Thought Lot 7, Con. 5, Usborne, South Boundary. MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye Sight Specraten, will be at they Central eta, tel Exeter, Saturday, May eth. from lr• a.n. tr. 8 p.m. POTATOES—EGGS Front selected stock, earl; and :ate varieties, t_ue to nam, aclimatedancl One from rot or scab, smaller sizes suitable for seed at ruling prices. Also Barred Rock eggs, bred to lay 50c per 15 $3.00 per 100. $, J. Hogarth, Lot 13, Con. 3, Ste- phen, Exeter P. O. DINING -ROOM GIRL WANTED— An experienced dining -room girl want ed at once. Apply at the Central Ho- tel, Exeter. HELP WANTED—A number of goad steady men wanted immediately rs"The Robert Bell Engine & Thresh- er Co. L't'd, Seafortb, Ont. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for sale his house and lot on Elizabeth street. The house contains 7 rooms and the lot is quarter of an acre, is conven- iently located and is a most desirable property. Will be sad reasonable. Frank Gill, Exeter. FARMERS ATTENTION.—Havfn opened a Machine Wareroom opposite the :Metropolitan Hotel, Exeter, 1 will handle all &ids of McCormick Farre iliachissery and repairs for same; also will have in stook a large number of Other makes of second-hand machin- ery for sale. Repairing on all kinds Ca farm machinery promptly attended to. especially Massey -Harris machin- tn. SAMUEL BEAVER, Exeter. Takake (pronounced take -ache) is the surest and safest curs for rheuma- tism, sciatica, lumbago, sleeplessness, ezd all forms of nervous exhaustion. Tak'ake ,pills are fifty cents a box at your druggist's, or by mall from the Georgian Mg. Co„ Collingwood, Ont. -..-0-- ON TUESDAY, MAY 9TH Doren -a wend's of Toronto, Canada's fore- most .hair -goods designers and manu- facturers will display and demonstrate a sample stock of ladies quality hair: goods and gentlemen's toupees and wigs at the Central Hotel, Exeter. A free demonstration of any style is a- railan,le to anyone interested. —x—o—x- 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of fine Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5,50 per ton; 50c. per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co„ Ltd J Sutton, \Tanager. —x—o—x— SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent qua of Sarnia made salt for sale at Olee Temperance House, at the G T R. station. Sold in any quant - its. Your patronage is solicited an sat.;.3i tior. is guaranteed. — ED. MAGUIRE Exeter. WANTED—A young man to learn mou13'n also a young man to learn core mak•rr.g. Exeter alanf'g Co. IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE There will will be sold privately by the un'ie• s!!gned the following farm implemen s, all in goad repair and work rte cyder:—Kemp manure spread er. Western. 2 -mould riding plow, cul- tiivator horse rake, Massey -Harris binder Mower, 2 walking plows, set barrows sugar beet cultivator, sugar scuffler, sugar beet digger, Massey - Harris fel—Riper drill. Terms—Will be sold for cash or on time or exchanged far good bass- wood. elm or maple lags. R GILLIES & SON, Exeter, Ont MONEY TO LOAN Monet to loan on farm and village propere. at lowest rates. ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer &c., Exeter, e W. ROBINSON Lit Ea ;ED AUCTIONEER AND VAL1. .'O)2 for Counties of Huron Peal, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Sloes soars a Specialty. Office at Costehle Warerooms, next door to Centra Hotel, Main Street, Exeter, Ch 7., -.federate and satisfaction is guaranteed CHIROPRACTIC is a new science of adjus'°ar; the causeof disease witha out dru;s or knife„ based on athor- ough kne vledge of the nervous sys tem. The nerves ,which convey en- ergy fro -r the brain to the 'various frnctioas of the body, emerge from small openings between the bony seg- ments of the spinal column. A slight varia.'ion of these bones will cause an impingement on nerves and thus restrict the flo.v of energy, the re- sult. of which is disease. The Chiro- practic hiro- Kacta• method is to adjust the abnor- mality remove the impingement and permit the nerves to regainnormal size and duty, thereby removing the disease Because this is new, dont, say "it's impossible." Do not con- demn until you investigate. Dr. S.M. Jones. Osteopath and Chirapractor,at his office, residence of Mrs. S. A. Has tress, Exeer, Monday, Wednesday Si Fridays. .uxatmmna*.ion Free.. LOCAL DOINGS. School re-gpened on Monday, after the Easter vacation. Th. \Tillage of Dashwood will again celebrate the' 3rd of June Many Municipalities have increased the ,poll tax from; $1 to $5. -Mr Hazelwoed is slowly recovering froze, the stroke of ,paralysis. There are It few iso ated cases lot a mild form of measles in ton. Mr. We. D.earing's little girl was operated on, Sunday for adnolds- Messrs. S. Martin and Joseph Har: veer ;were ori else sick list this week, Messrs. Harvey Bros. are preparing- tt} erect +a eout"ple of houses, on North Street, Miss May Wood has taken a po- sition as stenograptner in the Exeter branch of the Bank of, Commerce, The -M street was givens a thor- ough scraping and cleaning on Moan- day, lite scraper was hauled by a tractor.. A case o,: bringing in and selling liquor was disposed of in, town en Saturday by two fines of $50 each and costs of court. Prof. Wright of Huron College, London, preached eloquent and .ex- t:ellent discourses in the Trivitt Mem- al Church ea Sunday. Miss Gladys Kestle and Mss Ruby Wood, who were among the candi- dates writing on the final examinations at the Normal School, Hamilton, have been, successful in massing, The Exeter Canning & Preserving, „ is testing a tractor built' by the international Hat'vester Co, urian a view to purchase. Messrs. Luther & Asa. Penhae bought one lasts week. Mr. Sam. Beaver is nursing v very painful thumb these days, the result of an accident. He was engaged in setting up a gasoline engine when one of the wheels fell on his thumb, smash ing it badly. A quiet wedding toil: place,at the parsonage on Wednesday, April 26th, vvhc;n. bliss Flo Campbell of Exeter vine married to Mr. Wellington Blatch- ford of London, Reti, Geo, McKinley of 'ciated,—Seatorth News. Two little sons of Arthur Sanders and the little daughter of C. S. San- der. wandered hack into the woods, east of towntan. Monday and were lost for some hours, but finally found their vv ay home. The boy scouts hear int of the matter, made ready to go in search, but their services were not needed, although the intention was tully appreciated. The following judgment is reported in the Toronto Globe of April 28th t Prudential Securities Limited v. Sweitzer,—L. H. Dickson (Exeter) for plaintiff, moved for judgment on con- tract, J. B. McKillop (London) for defendant, Judgment: I think 'plain- tiff must have Judgment fox $1,020.50 balance due on contract, with, interest and casts,—Judge Sutherland, , Mr. and Mrs, Owen S. Atkinsonre- turned last week from a honeymoon trip to Hespeler. They were mar- ried at Crediton parsonage on April 19th—Owen S. Atkinson to Miss Eth- el lay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, liy. Smith. They were assisted in. the ceremony by air, and Mrs. Fred Smith Congratulations are extended to Mr, and Mrs. Atkinson, who will reside in Exeter. Lieut. ,Appleyard, Rural Dean. of East rlid i esex and rector of St, Matthews Church, London, will conduct the services in the Trivitt `lemoria1 Church on Sunday next, The services will be of a special character, being conducted to assist recruiting, etIr,Appleyard is an able and fluent preacher and doubtless will be heard here oet Sunday next with a great deal of ,pleasure. A hearty welcome was accorded Rev. D. W. and Mrs. Collins at a reeeptio t held for them in the house of the Church of the Ascension on Tuesday evening of last week. There was a large attendance and an excel- ;ent ,program of music and addresses was carried out. The Windsor Ev- ening Record in a lengthy comment' ori tha event, says: Mr. Collins has a winning personality and his heart,- ness a:nd ready sympathy have already won for him a p'.ace in the hearts of his 1parishionters; He is an all-round maks. —x—o—x— EXETER PATRIOTIC LEAGUI.— The regular (ninthly meeting was held in the Library on Monday evening, lst May. Donations received, Miss Mabel McTaggart 51.00, Mrs C. Aldworth, donated 1 ;pair socks. Tea room will be open Wednesday and Saturday af- ternoons from three to six.—Mrs. W! J. Beer, Sec. —_— HICKS' FORECASTS FOR MAY— A regular 'storm p!enilod isi central on the 8th, extending from the . 6th to the 11th. Disturbing causes and things to expect. This period will otpen with weather growing unseason- ably !warm in Western states, and in the same sections the barometer will fall to unusually low readengs.. Very threatening storm clouds will develop and from about Saturday thel 8th, to Tuesday the llth, storms of violent to dangerous !character w,vl1 sweep from .west to east across the country. The astronomic com!binnttion bearing, an this period, calls almost certainly for (destructive hail storms lav rna.ny localities. Another high barometer, change to much colder andtfrosts will fallow ,as a sequel to these storms. E UNGS? WEAK HAVE YOU est Do colds settle on your chest or in your bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or are you subject to throat troubles? Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the rare curative powers of Scott's Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod liver oil which peculiarly strengthens the res ,piratory tract and improves the quality of theblood; the glycerine in it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat, • Scott's is prescribed by the best special - Yen can get it at any drug store. Scott & Iiowne, Toronto, Ont: Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOTICE is hereby gin; en, that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephenwili hold its first tweeting in the ,Town Ball,. reditoei., an Friday the 28th day of May, A. D. 1916, et 11. o'clock a. ne.. Henry Either, Tip, Clerk MISS J, J ALLAN, Eye Sight Specialist will be at the Central Ho- tel Exeter, Saturday, May 6th, from 10 a,zn. to 8 p,m. G R. BEDFORD is offering for oxoe week, the followingarticles—Seed Potatoes 51.85 per bag, 20 Ib. pail of lard at 17c. per Ib., Regular 50 cent naval oranges for 40c. per dozen. Al- so a quantity of high grade Brooms below cost. We make Groceries our Specialty,—G, R. BEDFORD. —x—o—x— The Soldiers Aid Society Intends putting on a Ladies' Minstrel Or- chestra accompaniment, and a play en arced "Those Hush nds of aurae in the Opera House, Exeter, on May 19th Wat for it. Dr. Roulstaa desires to announce that he will be absent from his office from Monday to Thursday of - next week owing to the Dental Convention, which will be held in Toronto: Mrs, E. klowald visited in Stratford last week. Mr. Connolly was home from. De- trait during the weak, Mr. Junes Walter was In Hamilton on business last week. Mr, L. H. Dickson was in Godes- ich Saturday nu business. Mrs, J. A. Macdonald has returned from a visit is St. Thomas. Mrs. Hopper of Belgrave is visiting with her sis ter, Mrs. O. Birney, Mr. Enos Windsor is home .from To- ronto where he has bleier% studying, Mrs. Mary Truenvnan er of Detroit is visiting among old friends in Exeter. Mrs. Becker and daughter of Nets Hamburg are visiting at Dr. Brown- a's Mrs. W. Cunn:,ttgham and her daugh- '•err Miss E. J. are visiting with Mrs. Yager. ;Hiss Ida. Armstrong returned Sat- urday to resume her teaching duties neat Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McTavish of London vti :sited with relatives here during the week. Miss Stella Gregory returned toner teaching duties at the Chatham, Col- legiate on Saturday. Mrs. Livingstone, who visited her paresets, Mr. and Mrs, John Rawkshaw, returned home Friday, Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Sweet, after a ,week's visit !here, returned to Pen- etanguishene on. Friday. Rev, and Mrs. Kestle returned on Friday morning from California, where they spent the winter. Miss C. Inksater after a visit with with ,hercousiun, Miss Gladys Bissett, returned to her home its Paris Satur- day. Miss Ida Marchand, who spent the the holidays here, returned to her teaching duties in St. Jacobs on Mon- day. Mr. R. Phillips was in Zurich Mon- day night and presided at the new organ. just installed in the Evangeli- cal Church. Wm. Mr. \i m. 'Sweet was in( London on Saturday, Mrs. Sweet was in Lucan to see her sister, Mrs. Geo. )3awden, who is quite ill, Mrs. S Sample, after a pleasant vis- e! with herr tnarents, Mr and Mrs. W. Bagshaw. left for her home hi. St. Catharines, Saturday, PE :SENTATIONS—On Thursday afternoon last a number of the good people of Crediton, East assembled, in the To 4n Hall, Exeter, and presented wrist watches to tliree of the mem- bers rs of the 161st battalion., who came ,roar their village, Judge Dickson, on behdlt of 'the friends was requested by alajor Heaman to read the ad- dress which appears below. The members of the Exeter detachment, also presented Privates Fred Hopkins and Earl Redden, who left the same evening to join the Pioneers, with a wrist watch to the former, and a ring to the latter, Corp. Rice reading the address. Short addresses were given Judge Dickson, Mr. 3. A. Stewartand Mr. Geo W. Holman of Egmondville and Major Heaman, who presided. Folowing is the address to the ...red. iron boys,— Exeter, Ont. April, 27thl.'16 To Privates Garnet !Rau Earl Reddest and Gordon Appleton. It is the great privilege and bound- en duty oe all the young, unmarried and physically tit men of Canada to rally to the old flag at this time when the British Empire and her allies are struggling for the liberty of home and democratic government,' and for the freedom of the small nations of the world. The British Em- pire is the greatest 'Empire that has been. She has stood throughout the ages for all that is good and noble In mankind, and her testing time has come. tCanadd is a free and independe ant part of the great Empire, and the people of .this great country should consider it a privilege to fight in such 'a noblecause. You boy have heard the ,call from the motherland and have nobly res- ponded to that call, enlisting in the god old Huron Battalion to "do your bit" for the 'upholding of the blessings which are the undoubted rights of affil peoples, and to preservles the Empire for all ages. We honor, you for the stand you, have taken; and: wish ina small way to how our a' - reciatton of the way PP , rifice 'you are wi to snake b y u Y. >L presenting 'you with these , wrist- watches which( we trust will remind. you of your friends whoso hestwishes. go with you across thesea and %who hope for you a speedy and 'safe re- t urn. eturn. 'Signed on behalf of your (friends by Prank Taylor, Eli Lawson and I. W. Anderson. JONES MAY PHONE NO. 32 SPECIAL SELLING FOR MAY. May is the Month for buying your SPRING AND SUMMER FINERY We are particularly well stocked with a Beautiful Display of Summer Goods,~ WASH VOILES AND MUSLINS In every shade you can buy. The Large Floral Effects, SI mall Floral Patterns Stupes and Plain Shades. WHITE WAISIs A Sviell Lot of New White Waists lust arrived.—$1, $1,50, $2. $Z.50 ezrh. 98c. PARASOL Your choice of a real good $1,$Q parasol, assorted handles for 98c, DRESSES Colored Dresses for Children, er Girls or Ladies SOc. to $1.50—white dresses all prices, COTTON TUB GOODS New Prints pt 12ic, a yard New Ginghams, Chambrays, Crepe Cloth, Vestings. Linens, and Galateas,--.atl goad washers. , CANDY STRIPED WAISTS Just the latest fad, --A white waist with colored candy stripes $1,25 and $1.50, 98c. UNDERSKIRTS Black Sloue, a beauty or colored setae for 98e. ,MIDDIES —' Child's aliddies ns sizes 6, 8, 10 12 ,14- years 75c. :Hisses Middies - 16 Ito 40 --all 4rtd's 75c. to $1.25. Ladies' Suits and Coats WE ARE GOING TO CLEAR OUT ALL OUR SUITS AND COATS IN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. SOME REAL BARGAINS WILL BE HERE FOR YOU. WE WANT EVERY SUIT AND COAT GUT BY THE 15TH AND YOU CAN HAVE THEM AT YOUR OWN PRICE. LADIES' SUITS SPRING COATS Some real Beauties to clear at $10 5.12, •$15. All sults at reduced prices, Only a few left but each one as a bargaa for the lucky buyer who comes ,early. Millinery Millinery Millinery OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT IS GOING FULL BLAST. NEW FIATS ARRIVING DAILY, ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW, JONES & MAY f teadquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanfoud Clothing Mr, Samuel Sanders, Huron street is in very kioor health. Mr. Gib, Dow shipped 28 fine hor- ses this week for the Montreal market. The Dominion Government has ap- propriate,d $820,00 to repair the pier at Grand Bend. MRS. KERNS' ADVICE To Weak, Nervous, Run -Down Women So. Cumberland, Md.—" For a long time I suffered from a nervous break- down. I could not eat or sleep and was so weak I could hardly walk. My hus- band heard about Vinol and got me to try it. Now I have a good appetite, sleep soundly and am well and strong. Every nervous, weak, run-down woman should try Vinol,—Mrs. D. W. KERNS. Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic, without oil, which we guarantee to create a healthy appetite, aid diges- tion and make pure healthy blood. W S. Cole; Druggist, Exeter, Ont. Choice Furniture R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Picone 20a Ncw Sring Sits for Ladies. PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Sprung Fashions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, meeting the requirements for street wear and travel. It is unusual to present so early in the season so great a variety, but styles were determined early, and the most favored shown. The present time is most advantag- eous for buyiing as all indications point to higher prices in the future. N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. Exeter Bargain Story Boots and Shoes YOU WILL FIND OUR STOCK ;WELL ASSORTED AND PRICES BELOW PRESENT MARKET VALUES. Try a tpapr of our LADIES' CUSHION SOLE SHOES heels in either button or lace at 54.00 per pair. We halve the GIPSY SHOE For Ladies in kid at 5$;.25 at 53.75 per pager. ZEN'S TAN 5H OES made onthe Army Last at 5,5.00 paps. ASTORIA SHOES for Men $5.00 per pair. Some especially good values in MEN'S RAIN COATS. Txy us foe your next suit oT ,clo'hes, either Ready-made niensure,, With rubber in gun metal and006 l $. .nes oa : made to B. W. F. Beavers Special Primes on Flour this month. R. G. Beldon Phone 2 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spites, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A Wad as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould. Opposite Electric light Plant Fresh Mats Cured Meats AIways d oo : Nin Fred Robinson Butcher Phone ;103 TWI \Ir Jame Wet pot .tars bits", i;0,t0 Fc Daze, eruil ts4b day fe this will Wet edpl ice. A, is t, tart;. Still and give ir.f PlaC Mr. for opi iii ver has poi] i:rzp witl Tf