HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-5-4, Page 6d is composeclean, woe young leaves. Picks d ° t blended "icy' and packed right. it brings the frgr ince. of an Eastern a .den to your ., table. A LONE HAND; Capt fall where they may; that had got him into trouble several toles during his life, but had straightway got him out again. Thr the present, at least,he put personal considerations aside; leis whole btuinesswas to 'do his durnedest,' as the cowboys have it, l and watch the future' with a steady nerve and a clear min& His greatest interest was centred on seeing the lap that was to use these torpedoes. lie was destined to see her sooner than he expected. About five o'clock that afternoon, as he lay listening to the routine calls ever the 'phone, the voice of the look- out. sounded, calling to the officer on the bridge. "Smoke over the star- board bow," he reported. The speed of the vessel slackened. At short• intervals the lookout reported, and Cr'ne gleaned the information that a! large freighter of about five thousand 1 tone burden, with two funnels, buff 1 in color, and flying the British f€ag,i vas crossing the bows some four miles; ahead. The Cocos kept to her course; i Or 1 the British freighter ploughed on into! the south-west, bound probably from; San Francisco to Sydney by thel Samoan route. Darkness came on,1 and Crane awoke from a doze --for. his reit had been broken by the war- t l=_#E r.R lie tCottt'd.y hour. He reales d that the Cocos ship's chase—to note that his come 1,I.e ee Lai hcae lacer ;?dere ass s an,... etas beating the cruiser by at least pass was acting strangely. The ship;, o.aer eel: Officer - .he avet.it: Look- eight; miles an hour, and would soon was evidently circling southward. cat c t. air l ha:e 70" ±er.rt b' los, to cigh'. The'Phone was naw again, soon she straightened out on m4 ke • . -ail—vette, a eta useless, for the eherp, whip -like crack a due south course at increased speed, 'Vera veil. l:c•r:rrt ng nit: in a.. of the wirele s came from aloft con- Nothing came over the 'phoney save! r e ,z.::e..' t•nueusly, end Crane guessed that the rou'ine orders for running the ship so A beta mangee In ate .,. ergine..n„ n , Coto* e captain had ordered his oper- after an hour or so he decided to slip Clover. A So'i It tl ofaUe Ean Pirate EVERYTHING NEW FRESH—PURE. RELIABLE .Ase; your heater or write 1 ENNI1 ='S — TORONTO ALGO n f$ONTRFA,. Vil�lNIPLO VANCOUVER and ;be ,-;tip stow :i e8 inn to half -lair to "break up communication" by up to his lookout station and recon- a enova 4r, , seeding have easy access to available speed. di. tidre,ii tate 1,)e a-; ; :t reported sending out into spare a meaningless court... I'raetk'ally every variety of clover • material to give it a start, after which ,,� amble of dots and daaltea to prevent, rs considered by farmers to be a soil it is able to look after itself, and re - again : '4t:t.F tir su..tit- a tth�ca;t, jHe beekee nut on a deck that woe hull down as 1•et, :acme to lie bearing the wateship from calling passible almost dark. Two shaded lights were renovator. It does not require four, turn more to the soil than it tapes out, north-west to eta cicro,ee our wake,' con'orts to her help. • directed on the rapid -tire gun in the Ieaves in order to bring luck to the i Where clover has been successfully The speed of the Coco eirQpin2d tee ` 7>70 marc slitats wereheordi, and bow, which a crew a men were busily i farmer growing it, but clover end grown, there is usually stlifietent beet- bore steerage-way.:era iter course Crane napped while the ship sped un preparing for action. He was, eer-i riehea go hand in hand. This may eria in the soil. These minute organ- ehZ.';;di to due suutit-w+: tt. Crane; into the south west~ Ile awoke in fain that the Cocos was fallowing thec seem an absurd statement to make, ;isms which appear on the routs of the de;° retired to have a look outside, mica^afternoon, to find that the Locus British freighter, hut what for? when the price of clover seed is con- 4 plant are essential to the tgrowth of nd hurried to his ventilator. was swinging a wide circle to the Surely she did not intend to attack' sitlered, but, even at the present high i COl tr, they are the means by It was now full daylight, just on south-east, doubling on her course, that massive vessel with this little, price, a farmer would hardly be juste-= winch nitrogen is absorbed and stored the brink of sunrise The deikhou•-e and crossing, her former track near gun and her small crew, many, fled in curtailing to any great extent, in the plant and stili. time such an important factor as it is, possibly it would pay in the end, especially on some farms, to prepare the seed bed, drill in the grain, give a stroke with the harrow, then sow the grass and clover seeds with a handseeder, and follow with a smoothing harrow, ,The seed bed would be made finer by the extra stroke of the harrow, and the seed would have a shallow coveting of soil, which is es- sential for small seeds. Any farmer who has difficulty in growing clovers, is more or less handl- ' capped, and every effort fihould ba made to find the cause of elevel; not growing satisfactorily on his partt- eular farm. If possible, make the soil cond'tians right, then prepare a fine seed bed in the spring, and sow plenty of good seed..—Farmers' Advocate. If there is yea- A' Ye Blind ? cut off chis view to the south-east, anti Where the warevessel had that been xnexehant-vessels themselves mounted the amount of clover seed to be sown' son to believe that the soil is deficient A barge farm in Aberdeen, says Pear. he cawed not seen the strange steam- sighted, and by three o'clock she lead a light gun of ttvo in these troublous per acre this spring: There is a con -1 in bacteria these may be applied by son's Weekly, recently engaged as of - e" There were, however, two tte�l taken PP, her course northwest time:, Such an attack might succeed; ; siderable variation in the amount of 1 treating the seed with nitro -culture fire boy a raw country youth. It dertaopments in sight. A te,c°seopic again, while the Inilumo presumably: but it would be a desperate hazard, red clover seed so�vzti per acre, some just previous to sowing. A culture is was part of his duties to attend to steel �siroltse mast had risen frim the pure ued her to the southward of the and did nut harmonise with the meth- farmers obta'ning a good catch from 4 prepared for the different rlovers, and the telephone in his toaster's absence, dick, and flaunted its ;aerials high kiaaaifan Islands, osi€cal and acinetifie methods of the five or six pounds of seed, while others, may be secured with full directions for When first called upon to answer the above the smoke -sleeks.; and in the lea: n crew of men were stripping hien he was watching.. sow from eight to ten pounds per; using, from the Bacteriological De- ,bell, in reply to the usual query, "Are CHAPTER III. suddenly he felt the Laces make acre in order to ensure a good stand. ° parament, Ontario Agricultural Col- you there?" he nodded assent Again the false deck planking freta ab'ave a As C'r..ne attended to his rvu„hwin abrupt change in her course, and The amount of seed to sow depends q lege, Guelph. sot Oaf cockpit. in which eves mounted chart, and snatched a bite of feud, the lights of the freighter hove in somewhat on soil condition, pienara The of Seed€n a twen.y-pounder rapid-fire gun. his mind was running on a matter sight over the larboard bow. Run-; tion of seed -bed, and vitality of the fI Seine activity of the same sort seem- that had been pre: ent as an under• nine: two knots to her one, the Cocos seed. For the successful growing of clay- al to be going on in the etern of the current in his thoughts even since he overhauled her rapidly ;and silently, 1 It has been noticed that, where cloy-,er, a good deal depends on the seede losing his tmper, roared through the vessel, hut he could not see clearly. came aboard, but which the pre„ sure A. file of men came across the deck, ers can be successfully grown, and a ing operations. Clover seed is small, telephone ; Pt•<al;Ale- az:s+ther gun was mounted of events had hitherto kept in the raised the hatch -cover, and dropped: liberal supply of seed is used each yet it must contain sufficient plant "Man, a' ye blind ? I've been nod - them background. The sight of that into the hold. Crane dropped as, year, the land is gradually increasing food initself to develop the first roots , din' me head off for the last half and leaves. These leaves must reach hour.” with glasses levelled. Soon one of brought it to the fare. This vas the was no time to regain his enclosed other things being Three ofticere stood on the bridge twenty -pounder rapid-fire gun had quickly from his ventilator, but there', in fertility, and increased fertility---sequal.—means airs- the srzrfoee befor the tiny plant can the question came, and still again, and each time the boy gave an answer- ing nod. When the question came for the fourth time, howevei, the boy, them climbed the ladder on one of the question of the contents of these long chamber. Ile had perforce to re er crops and consequently more money commence drawing food from the soil, Not That Sort. emeke-stacks, carrying a telescope ironstrapped. boxes. In looking aver main in his original hiding -place on in farming. Many farmers are mak- or atmosphere. If the seed is buried Helen—Do you love me, dear? Jack --Dearly, sweetheart, Helen --Would you die for me? Jack --No, my pet. Mine is an un- dying love. At the Chemistry Examination. Professor—Can you tell me what will happen to gold when it is left un- covered In the air? Student—It will be stolen. "What was the idea of putting that and a email megaphone. Presently the freight he had noted a pile of top of the freight. He had taken the mg a practice of sowing a large acre- , too deeply, the tender growth never precaution to place some boxes so as, age with clover, each spring, than ; succeeds in reaching the surface and is ship is a battle -cruiser, color dark that were bound with similar iron to screen him from observation by 'was formerly the custom, and it is be- ;lost• A rough seed bed is not con - ate called down to the bridge. 'The small square easesd4zear his chamberblue, three funnels and two fighting- bands, but had not had time to look any one forward; also he had carefully lieved that the average amount ofduoive to giving the seed a good start, tops, forward turrets very high, into them. He did not dare to work, awoken the filament in the nares 1 seed sown per acre is also increasing) as it has' a tendency to dry out more Looks like the Japanese cruiser In -1 outside Just now; but the long boxes electric -light globe. This had no' ' during recent years. Where three ors or less, and the small seed lying near eiumo' Then, 'She has sighted us, were near at hand; they formed the been noticed and it left the corner, , four pounds of seed was considered i the surface does not secure sufficient and is heading this way.' 1 roof over his head, though three of quite gloomy. He was therefore free' sufficient, a few years ago, six or ,moisture to start life. With a seed The captain seized a bell -cord, and them were piled in the outside tier of to move about in comparative safety. r seven pounds is now aimed at, and bed in fine tiltla, less risk is involved. immediately the ship gathered head-; freight forward. Getting out hiss Through a small crevice he tom, ; many farmers consider it profitable to 1 The method of seeding is also import - way and slipped into full speed.' tool -kit, he began to investigate the minded a view of the open space for-, sow as high as ten pounds along with , ant. Sowing the clover and grass Crane thought it expedient to get box just over his head. First be' ward and the hatchway ladder, as the timothy and alsike. ;seed from a seed box, attached be - back to his chamber before any one bored four holes in a square, some, men tiled down. One of them stepped: hind the drain drill, is the practice entered the hold. ,eight inches apart; then with a oar -i to a corner, lifted a board in th ailoor, Clover •Itanili'cet ad llamas io Soil, l most in vogue, but some farmers are old bore, Blakely, on the list of speak - He just reached his telephone in row saw, and with little more noise seized a long lover, and raised it up-; The clover plant is valuable to the , trying other methods which, while pro er-, at the banquet?" "Oh, that's all time to hear a message which the' than the gnawing of a rat, he be-} ward. Instantl - two of the large farmer because of its ability to take bably taking more time, are proving rigIt (1,0 put him last on the fast. 'airelese operator was reading to the' gan to cut out the section of board.; steel plates an the forward bulkhead nitrogen from the atmosphere and satisfactory. It is claimed that by We want the party to break up some captein, in which the commander of . The tough wood took time and pati- separated, rolled apart, and left a store it in the soil in such a forr sowing behind the drill, the small time, dont we?" the. Indumo ordered him to heave -to' core, but it yielded at last, and the wide-open doorway. Through this; that plants can utilize it. To par- /seeds fall in the furrow made by the at r.nce. t little square dropped out. He pulled, could be seen a triangular room,, chase this valuable plant food as a drill, and, when a stroke of the harrow Now Johnny', askee".11%,,gentle- ":'#sk him by what authority he' away a thick layer of packing until reachingforward into the row, and fertilizer, would come very expensive,1 �� is given, the seeds are buried too man who had consented to take .she would halt a neutral vessel on the he reached a hard surface. His ex-` brilliantly lighted. In the centre of much more so than securing it through; deeply. This difficulty is believed to class, "what does this fascinating t the room sat a glittering steel: buying clover seed, even at the pre- be partly overcome by tanning . the story of Jonah and the whale teach high seas, engaged in its own busi- ploring fingers told him that this was nests," said the captain. "Take all a smooth sylinder, about a foot in monster like a huge gun. Crane re- t veiling price. Plowing under a three- spouts of the grass -seeder to sow be- us?" "It teaches us," said Johnny, the time you can, while we increase diameter, like a column, but not1 cognised it instantly as a torpedot. , ton crop of green clover is claimed to the range." terra-cotta. The light of his lant tube of the latest type, not fixed in return to the soil about 4Olbs. of nitro - The engine -room bell jangled again,' ern fla°hed into the opening. The€position like the older tubes, but work -1 gen, 8 lbs. of phosphoric acid, and 34 and the hum of the engines rase to a' cylinder was made of steel, and his ing on a semicircular track, and capn lbs. of potash per acre. Supposing still higher note. !mind flashed as quickly to the prob.' able of direction like a coast -defence' a crop of hay is harvested, the soil A few minutes later came the mese able explanation of sending to the bot- mortar. He at once realised the will still be in a better condition for a. sage, "Heave to instantly, or we will tom the heaviest battleship afloat.' meaning of the whole manoeuvre. succeeding crops than if any crop, oth- fire on you." i The smaller boxes must contain shells These fiends meant to slip up beside er than a legume, had been grown. "Very good; no reply," said the for quick -firing guns. The purpose' the huge freighter ploughing hers Clover roots add humus to the soil, in- eteaptain of the Cocos. of this voyage to Salina Cruz mu, peaceful way southward with her' crease the amount of nitrogen, make Soon a deep, faint detonation reach- have been to receive this consignment' sleeping crew, and let loose upon her; the soil more friable, and open it up, ed Crane, and the voice of the Took-' of ammunition, and to transport it to; one of the hideous devil -fish from the thus allowing for a freer passage of out over the 'phone, "A large shell the war -vessel that had been preying long boxes. Suddenly, without. air. Besides being a soil builder, has burst about half a mile astern.' on the shipping of the Allies in these' warning, all these inoffensive, urs,- 1 clover, either as pasture or cured for The range seems to be ten or eleven waters. She might be a powerful i suspecting fellows would be hurled to; hay, is valuable feed for all classes of Miles.' 1sea-going submarine, making her base - a horrible death through no fault of live stock. If the aim is to increase Another shot followed, then another, at some unfrequented island in mid -i their o'wn. His blood ran cold; then the fertility of the soil at least ex - and the lookout reported them as fall- Pacific. ( it boiled up, and a red mist sprang, pense, it is advisable to increase, cath- ing about the came place. 1 It was with the liveliest emotion before his eyes. He gra ,ped the er than decrease, the acreage devot- "We are out of range of her heave that Crane realised that he had made handle of his revolver, and his muscles ed to clovers. iest guns,," thought Crane and in his home in the heart of a magazine' strained for a leap to the floor. He i True, there are difficulties in the spite of himself, it was with a certain !of high explosives, which, should it: would get some of these devils, any.way of growing clover successfully feeling of relief. Then he logged the happen to be set off by accident or by' how. ' year after year, but it is believed that rpeed of the vessel, counting the vib- a hostile shot, would scatter the ship- But just in time the cold hand of many of the obstacles standing in rations'of the racing screws with diffi- like scum over the face of the water. reason touched his brow, and chilled' the way of securing and retaining „ea cutter, and was amazed to discover But this thought did not occupy hirn' the unruly surge of passion. Qf whatgood catch, for one year at least, can that she was rushing through the long. There was a fatalistic streak avail would be the sacrifice? He be overcome. The clover plant de - water at the rate of come thirty- in Iris makeup, a bulldog determina- might kill two or three, possibly four, minds that certain soil conditions be three knots, or nearly forty miles an' tion to 'hew to the line, let the chips of the crew below. The rest would granted, if it is to give maximum re - kill; him, then calmly step over the turns. These conditions are: that the bodies and complete their task. He soil be sweet and properly underdrain- could not save the British ship now; ed, either by natural or artificial but with his present knowledge he means; that there be available plant might F.ave many others by keeping ,food and favorable conditions for the his head and watching his opportunity_ development of bacteria; that theseed The Cocos, with her tremendous speed, be given a good bed and not covered could laugh at the combined navies of too deeply. On most farms these de England and Japan, and, so long as minds can be complied with. Soils she was not known to be the perpetra may be tested for acidity by the use torof these outrages, could - operate of litmus paper by placing a small T 'When your head is dull and heavy, your tongue furredt-and you feel done -up and good for nothing, without knowing what is really the matter with you, probably all that is needed to restore you to health and vigour is a few doses of a reliable digestive tonic and stomachic rem- edy such as Mother Seigel's Syrup. Take it after each meal fora few, days and note how beneficial is its action upon the stomach, liver and bowels how it restores tome and healthy activity to these important organs, and by, so -doing' enables you to gain new stores of vigour, vitality and health. FOR THIS ST d MACH AN I> LIVE G Thu new 1.00 size contains Wee tithes as muck as the trial size . sold at attic per. bottle. - 5015 indefinitely. His plain duty was. in the higher sphere to withhold action now, and devote his whole energy, and his life if need be, to some plan to end the career of this destructive mas- querader. (To be Continued.) "Willie, that little boy you've been - playing with uses bad. words. I 'don't want you to play with him any more." "All r'ght, mother. I won't. "I've learned all the bad words he knows anyhow." ford the hoes of the drain drill, but- whose father reads practical articles are brought close to the surface again on practical people, "that you cannot when the harrow is used. Even with keep a good man down." strip of blue litmus paper in moist soil, and, if it turns the paper red, lime is required in. the soil. Another method is to pour a few drops of aeid on the soil, and, if it does not "fry" it Is an indication that the soil is acid. Clover does not do well with wet feet. If conditions are such that water re- mains on the surface of the ground for any length of time, after a heavy Pain, fewcropswill pay for a system of underdrainage in a few years, be- sides assisting in giving the clover plant a chance. In regard to plant food, . it is necessary that the young 000000000000000100000 imIztv A7HP 0 ®0,'(000 1$4 others;Your cares in comfort- ing the aches and pains of the family from youth to old age, are lessened when you use this old and trust -worthy remedy -- loan's Li_ :r. n nt Bruises— it.eumatism----Neuralgia Mothers: "Keep a bottle in your home" Price 25c., 50c. and $1.00 Horse- Sate Distemper 1011 know that when you buy or sell through the sales has about one Chance in fifty to s$ealle e.coem sTAB] B neevezarnezine " rdlif/i;ters0, is your true pprotection, your. only safeguard, Tor as sure as you treat all your hdrses with it, you ,will soon be rid of Silo disuse; It acts as a sure prevcntire,• noo-nmatter Law v they are ."exposed.'' By the bottle, or dozen bottles. at all druggists, horse geode houses or dehverepi by the manufacturers. Bi+:OR1TiitE2lXQ/54 00., Chemists and Baoteriologleta,