HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-5-4, Page 4r
Purity! Purity! Puri
The one dominating note that runs
all through the making of Sunlight
Soap is Purity. The $5,000 Guar-
antee you get with every single bar
is not a mere advertisement. It
marks a standard set for the buyers
who select the choice Sunlight Soap
materials—for the ,soap boiler—for
the expert chemists—for the girls,
even, who wrap and pack Sunlight.
All are mindful of the Guarantee
---it is a source of gratification to
all the Sunlight workers.
-ter ` tul a r .t.1',
t`: ceders & Cresstitt Prtsorletors.
Subscription Price. --In advance $1
per year a Canada; $1.50 in United
States. It not paid in advaive they
price is 50c. more per year.
THURSDAY, 11 A Y 4, 1916
The next :e u:ar ann.t ng o. the lo-
cal branch o: the Red Cross Se.,ele ty
will he held in. the To::n Taal: next
Tuesday, 9th, at 2.30 p m. All tidies
are cordially invited to attends
School stated en Monr;ay z't : the
Easter holidays. Quite a number O
the little folks made a ,tart to study
their tinee R's.
Rev. Beaker has returned name 'ram
Pembroke, 'a here he attended the an-
nual Conterance of the Evangelical
Church. Mr. Becker will remain with
us for Another year.
Mrs. Orme and daughter Helen have
returned from. Detroit, after a brief
visit with Iter sister, M-:; .lair; Dyer.
George Eilber leaves this week for
New tintaricr to resume ..is duties as
Fire Ranger.
Jelin G. Young made a business
trip to London last Friday,
J4Ir. and Mrs. A. E. Kuhn of Exeter
spent Sunday &a town.
The many friends of Mr. OttoBroun
will be pleased to learn that he has
been accepted as a minister of the
Michigan Conference and has receiv-
ed and appointment for Erie. We wish
h,bn every success.
;Miss Mi'ci:•ed Brom is teaching. in
Regulate Kidneys
Relieve Constipation
Gin Pills are acknowledged to have the
largest sale of any proprietary medicine in
Canada—an achievement solely due to their
remarkable virtue as a Sidney and Bladder
But users of Gin Pills have discovered -that
this invaluable remedy also acts as a mild
cathartic. The evidence of hundreds of letters
we have received establishes the very logical
fact that in compounding a medicine to heal
and tune up the Iizdneys and Bladder certain
of the ingredients have a stimulating effect
upon the other organs, especially the bowels.
•Itis important to know, in the case of con-
stipated patients, that Gin Pills do not act
harshly on the bowels; there is no griping,
but a gradual and gentle restoration of the
function. Try Gin Pills for constipation. In
thus relieving the bowels, you safeguard your-
self against possible Kidney trouble.
• Gin Pills are 60e. a box, or 6 boxes for 82.50
at your dealer's. A trial treatment will be
sent upon request, to 16
National Drug & 'Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Toronto.
14arG o.: :a Isar weeks. Lorne
aro yr has returned to Berlin to re -
ani::..'. leis studies in the Collegiate, af-
ter spending the holidays here with
1114 'parents.
The wet n either is seriously affect -
in; seeding and besides making the
roads in bad shape for travel.
Wes:e.'y Jones bought an Overland
from. Wes Snell of Exeter last
Nicholson and Hodgins tried sow-
inr, flax or* Monday, but were obliged
.1> steep on count of the rain.
P:e. and Mrs. Wilbur Pfaif of Ex-
e`er spent Sunday in to.vn.
The Green Turt Club intend cele-
br.t'a-t, the 3rd o. June again this year
Mr. ani Mrs. N. Kellerman visited
in Luri,..h Sunday.
Mr. Ed, Win lert had 'the misfortune
a: .losing a second horse this week
hrough distemper.
Schon. opened Monday atter the
Easter d.o:idays with the same staff
of to -[ hers.
It is reno:ted that our to,vn. is to
have. another confectionery in the
near future.
Mr. Chas. Guenther spent Saturday
in. St. Marys.
Messrs. Alex. 'Zimmer and No --man
E.elle:mann received their new Over-
land cars this week.
M=. Ed. Wolper has purchased a
=lu.dsoa car.
Mr. Jack Eidt and family spent Sun-
day ;n Zurich.
:. v. Cren:e3ach and family leave
for W,a.kertcn. next week. Rev. Mey-
ers wiil be his successor.
Several frau here attended the or-
gan recta a: Zurich on Monday night.
Mr. Norman. Kellerman has ;purch-
ased a beautiful black trotting stallion
Any person wishing to breed would do
«'e E -o see this excellent type of a
A Quiet wedding was so:emniz dLcat
the Lu:her::i parsonage, Dashwcod, by
Rev. P. Gratipner, when Miss Flossie,
ria vald was united in marriage, to,Mr.
Doris' S'aubus, both of near Zurich.
A social time was spent by the young
couple and their friends ail the home
of. Mr. H. H. Neeb; the same evening
A incest pleasant evening was spent
a' ter horn! Mrs. J. H. Grenzebach
Thursday when. 'he members o. the
Aii ite d a surprise party for
•',si:.,resident who is about taleave
for her ne-.v ,home ial Walkerton. Af-
ter the address and ;presentation of
e handsome -ug Mrs. Grenzebach
mrt•de. a sai`able reply expressing her
gratitude and so-ro.v fOT Leaving. Mrs.
Bu'tled,ge be,i,n.g in the chair called on
several of the •mn nbers to give shirt
speeches an µ+hatch all expressed *heir
re,,ret in losing their president, After
lac program consisting of .±oruses
?ad dues, lunch was served which
was .enjoyed by b.11.
The address signed by Mrs. I7. Tie. -
man, V.P. and Mrs. G. Edighoffer,
Sec.• on behalf of the Aid, The Ad-
voca5e .is• unfortunately forced to leave
o:ger 'iris week.
11 S'ephen, being the Promotion Ex-
'lmfna'ions of A;o it 1.3th and 14th.
The ,pupa's are in the classes for the
new term as represented belo v, Those
rnarlred * have faiiled to obtain the
re Tired 60 per gent. of the Total
marks, Sr. 4—A. Blake, E. Lafoaid, O.
Stephen (on trial). Jr. 4—M. Wi:1sert
L, Greb, G. Hobbs. Sr. 3=* M. Wil-
ler: Greb, A. M*, A. Stephen
Adams, * S. Adams, *A. La-
fra'onvd G Wu'.lee t. Sr. 2—R. Wt' ert
M, e3 +, gee Jr:° 2—H. Greb, P: La --
fond L•.nk. •xa,m,ine•d by week...
y .� area lois and daily • work, 01. 1
4 17.1i 1 r`. 'B • Willem'` : Primer L.
Adams, M. Willert, " C. Adams, • A.
0. Gunge, teacher. •
Co.utcil met on !klay 2nd at 1 p.m.
All press n'. Previous minutes were
The clerk read the reipo:t of F,W.
Farnco~nb, who was appointed under
a mandamus by G. F. Henderson, K.
C,. 'the Ontario Drainage Referee,to
make o.. report an, the drainage of the
Maid Creek and Sauble River Inl,-
.provemen;t to be constructed by the
Township oI McGiili� may,
zone Neeb—That By -taw No, 713
being Ka by leer to appoint cow tag
inspectors, pathrnasters, pound -keep-
ers and fence viewers having been
read three times be ,passed and sign-
ed and sealed,—Carried.
Neeb—Webb—That the assessor's.
roll and *truant book for the year 1916
be accepted.—Carried.
N e
eb Lo e—,
t tike
Court of Revision for the assessment
ro•l •be Heid en 'tee Pcirn Halt, 00
r`riday, the Baal int. at 11 aim.—Cd.
pie fo.low,in3 orders were .passu,—
,licKe.nzse, Mawhinney and raid, ferize
t,tewers fees $6; W. H. Dearing, rep
cu.\ er., Pic. :i ssesso:'s salary and
truant book 100.00; A. Ireland, cul -
ver; '. u; Wm.. Stade, tile, 75c. Wm
hear ey, rep. Mud Creek, bridge 2.00;
Lamson, grading 6.00; L. Mawhin-
ney, ,grading. 6.00; Win. Gaiser,shov-
e-ing snow 2.00; D. Schroeder, drain
s atutner and others, grading
1.9u; J ts. tzodgins, (loin,,, 2.59; J.
to i 1l41rn s enMg Lreedrton road 1.50,.
o incl adjourned 'to 11 a,ln, Alay
.:n:1a, grave. `eon:racts to be let at 2
H Eilber,Clerk.
Atlas Eveiy riorton has returned to
ger s.cnuai a:: (anlield, after spending
—aver Leith her Ioarents here. -'1r. F
1. apri,gs has purc,aased a. motor
it; i for lu.s ever increasing business,
--1tt.ts e, and mug ps are quite prev-
a.en in t111 locality.
bo H Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice Strictly confidential; no witness
Made Well By Delicious Vinol
Beilefontaine, Ohio.—‘`My blood was
very poor—I was in a weak, nervous,
run-down condition. I tried different
remedies without benefit and one day
my druggist told me about Vinol. I
tried it and it built me up in every way
--blood, strength and nerves, and I tell
my friends it is the best medicine on
earth. "— Mrs. EARL BRUJNSON.
Pinot, our delicious cod liver and iron
tonic without oil, sharpens the appetite,
aids digestion, enriches the blood and
in this natvra3 manner creates strength,
W S Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont.
Mrs, Sutherby and daughter, Gertie,
spent Easter with friends in London.—
i\Iss Sterling, public school teacher,
here, spent Easter with her parents
in London.—John Wright spent the
the holidays at Ingersoll—Miss Bertha
Batten and Laverne Morley visited in
London for Easter week.—Walter Gun
nine; visited his uncle at Kirktoa for
Easter.—The W. M. S. held their an-
nual meeting and elected the follow-
ing officers,—Pres., Mrs. Thos. Gun-
ning; Vice -,tires., Mrs. Wm. Brooks;
Rec.-Sec'y, Mrs. john Stevenson; Cor.
Sec'y Edna. Gunning; Organist, Bessie
Morley.—Wm. Toohey spent Tuesday
in. London. ---Hector Millson autoed
to London Saturday.—Miss Nettie
Brooks of Winnipeg is visiting her
uncle. Phillip Brooks here.
Spanking does not cure children of
bedwetting. There is a constitutional
cause for this trouble. Mr.;. M,Sum-
mers Box W„ 840, Windsor, .)nt.,will send free to any mother her suc-
cessful home treatment with full in-
structions. Send no money but write
her to -day if your children trouble
you in this way. Don't blame the
child the chances are it can't nelp it.
This treatment also cure.; adults , nd
age,' people troubled with urine dif-
ficulties by day or night,
"The Proof"
Canadians now insist upon knowing the cost of upkeep of an automo-
Every purchaser should consider operating cost for, say, a five - year
We do not give you guess work on
1—Miles without a motor stom ...,.,... 22022
2—Average miles per day (44 days) ..500.6
3—Miles /per gallon gasoline, (Imperial gallon) 27,2
4—Miles per gallon of oil 400
5—Average miles per tire 9871
No automobile built to -day has ever under official test performed
Eke above.
The License Fee of Maxwell is low as any; tires, gasoline and oils
MORE economical than any other make, and the price of the WONDER
CAR only
Touring $850 Roadster 5830
We challenge any other make on the foregoing; also any four-cylin-
dered car for ;power on Mud, Sand Hills or for Speed.
I, E, O lstriui<3r, stribular; A.W. Morlock, Expert Mechanic
Crediton, Ont.
JOlt'y AIRi), General Manager. H. V. F. JONES...ss't General Manager
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and
upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts
laic welcotrled, Accounts may be opened and operated by mail
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with-
drawals to be made by any one of there or by the survivor. S50
EXETER BRANCH—A. E, Kuhn, Mgr, CREDITON-S. M. Johnston, Mgr
Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
96 Branches in Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rats
W D. CLARKE, Manager.
Model 75 Touring
83 Touring
Famous Knight Touring
Knight Roadster
Model 86, "Six" Touring $1600.
Also Light "Six"
A full supply Dominion Tires at Right Prices
Was. Snell,
Sales Agent
Exeter Motor Sales Co.
We also have several used Ford c ars for sale and one used Chevrolet.
In the Spring
Is It a Cough?
Ontario Women's Advice.
Hamilton, Ont.—"I am a great be-
liever in Dr. Pierce's medicines. I am
speaking from the actual use of them and
the great benefit I have derived therefrom.
Shortly after my marriage I began ailing,
had a very bad cough and got very thin
and was run down. My people thou ht
I was goinginto a decline. They got Dr
Pierce's olden Medical Discovery' and
this medicine completely cured me."—
I Kilbride, Ont.—"When I_was only
eleven months old my mother procured
I'Golden Medical Discovery' for me.
I have taken it several times myself since
and about one year ago I gave it to my
two children. They recovered very
quickly with no bad results, after taking
one bottle. I have recommended it to
quite a number of late."—Mas, W. J.
SI -Norms; Kilbride, Ont.
The best time to cure a cough is when
it starts. Ordinarily, a few doses of Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will
cure a cough at the beginning. But even
when the cough is deep-seated and the
' body is wasted by emaciation, Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery will in most
cases effect a permanent cure.
Get it to -day from any medicine dealer;
it is a powerful blood purifier, so pene-
trating that it even gets at te impure
deposits in the joints and carries them
out of the system.
Remember it (is not a patent medicine
for its ingredients are printed on the
wrapper. It's a pure glyceric extract of
roots, made without alcohol. `.
Depend upon this - grand remedy to
give you the kind of blood that makes the
skin clear and puts ambition and energy
into the entire. body. You will notihe
disappointed. For free advice, write
Dr._ V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Trial
pacage tablets 10 cents.
- SAXON A big touring car f or_f ive7people
Travel "First -Class" in a Saxon "Six"
Locomotive Power pulls you. The, six -cylinder Saxon high speed motor sweeps you along with a
mighty, resistless force.
Pullman comfort is yours. The roomy body makes travel easy. Long wheelbase, 112 inches, and van-
adium steel cantilever springs smooth the highway like a well -ballasted track.
Perfect appointments add to ' your pleasure- Electric starting, lighting and every other convenience
of modern motoring are here. The yacht line body is handsomely upholstered and elegantly finished.
Safety first is built into 'every fibre of the staunch chassis: Timken axles, powerful brakes and nickel
steel steeraug gear are your security. ; ; '
To own a Saxon "Six" gives you the knowledge that you .ire travellilg first-class:
"Four" Roadster $600; Del every Car $530; "Six" Touring Car $1,075; "Six" Roadster, $1,075
T. H. NEWELL, Dea' er, Exeter.
I' 3