The Exeter Advocate, 1916-3-30, Page 8EXE EBR 11,111/013 THQJRW 1AY MARGU BO, 1816 EXETER MARKETS CfANG•EIrEA.CH WEDNESDAY Wheat .,,.,,,., $0 to 92 50 to 55 60 to 6.5. 40 to 40 95g.1,00 Barley Bucicwwheat , ,... Oats Peat Potatoes finer 'bag 142 2 502 tR 2 Hay ,ner ton to IS 03 10 1 75 20 2$ 10 00 26 00 25 90 Floor per cwt., family .., Flour, low grade, ,per cwt.. Buttter •M Creamer} Butter Kap per toot, Shorts per ton ,....., Bran per ton ...ea.,.,,K..,. Ali Oddfellows are requested to meet in the Lodge Room, Exeter, on Tuesday night next, April 4th, at 8 o'clock sharp. Second degree to be router;td,-C.L.«rilson, Noble Grand BAZAAR & ENTERTAINMENT.-- The NTERTAIN1MEtiT:- The Logue 1lissiozlary Society of the Cave Presbyterian church will hold their annual Bazaar and Entertainment on Friday. April 7th. Sale: of articles in the Town Hail at 3 peel At 8p, rn. in the Opera House an entertain- ment will be given, consisting of a comic drama in four acts, "Cranberry Corners" by the young people of Iden call, Hanna Symphonyorchestra will Eureish music, Admission to Bazaar and refreshments 10c.; to entertain- ment 25c. reserved seats 35e. Plan of Kell at Bearer's stare, open Saturday reernutg• Milo Snell sold Ford cars recently to .David Clark of Usborne,_ John Eld- er, of Hay and Dr. Campbell leirkton, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED tyw. C Ii Sanders at the Advocate Of- t„ce trietly Ceoficielitial; lig twilAess The Women's Missionary Auxiliary cofamen Street church will give a Tea and Entertaitlteetlt dfl Meaux evening April 3rd, in the church, when Miss Grey, a returned missionary, will give en interesting talk, SEED BARLEY FOR SALE. -A =entity sal , apply to W. C. No. DylSanders 2nd concession Stephen, Exeter P. 0 --x--o-x— If you really believe in Safety First get a hex of Takake pills fort your rheumatism, neuralgia, or sleep- lessaess,for they are absolutely harm less, and are sure to relieve yyyou. 50c frbox om the G oorgiianur gMfg.,Co.,bColhng Coiling - wood, Ont« x-ct x 40ee CORDS OF CORD WOOD WANTED at the Exeter SaitWorks Co. upon the For prices wte or JOS. SUT- TON, Manager. —0-- 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of line Land and Cattle Salt for sale. Ali grade; $5.50 per ton; 50c. per bag. EXETER SALT tWORfaanat eCr, Ltd _x -o -x - SALT FOR. SALE. -An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt for ':ale at Old Temperance House, at the G T R. station. 'Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. -- ED. MAGUIRE Exeter. r'gririgra0."Vraorier-airley-wraiie -y- LOCALD()INTI `, 4. Oil for the streets is quoted at 9c. a gallon this year. Mr. john Frayne of the 'Tames Road .is on the sick list, 11lr. James Grieve is able: to be out after an illness of some weeks, Mr. W. J. Brooks has been, on the sick list -Crystal City Courier, Special Missionary sermons will be preached cal Jantes St. Church Sunday. Mrs. Wun, Hawwkshawv has sold her residence on Victoria Street to Mrs. Wail ant Fletcher.. Mr. George Cornish, who underwent a serious surgical operation at the bonze of his daughter, Mrs. William Snell recently, is in3proving as well as could be expected. Last Sunday was Sunday Sehool .Day in :Main Street Methodist church when Rev. luxworthy gave appropri- ate discourses, and the children filled the duties of the choir. Mr. David Mawhinney who recently sold his farm and stock in Stephen has come to Exeter to live and is re- si4ing with his sister, Mrs. Jas, Law- son. We welcome 'keim, to town, Ort Thursday evening last the Ex - o ter Curlers recognized tate worth of their president, Mr. H. J. White, who has since moved from Exeter by presenting him .with a fine pipe, Mr. George Crawley, who has been cortductiong a livery stable here for a number of years sold the business on Friday last to Mr. William Hodg.• ert of town, but fete of Urborne. The price paid was $4000. We undrestand Mr. Crawley will continue to reside in town We were shown a remnrkabie lemon au Monday, grown on a three-foot tree ;at the home of Mr. George Ens- terbrook, It measured 12 inches a- round the long way and 1031 inches arourttl the other may. It was. a wonderful 'speeimen for "grown in Canada,' BOY WANTED. -Good smart boy wanted at once to learn printing.. Ap- ply at this office. Girls Wanted eiegisirate W. D. Sanders will hold court art the Public Library Thurs- day afternoon of this week to try the case of Thomas H. Newell of Ex- eter vs. Albert Ethreringtan of Us - borne, in which the former lays emu - Plaint that the latter did on Thurs- day of last week eommit an, assault upon hznt doing actual bodily harm,. contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada. The plaintiff claims the de- fendant had no occasion whatever to attack hien and that he. was interview- ing Sir, Etherington to sell him an automobile.: The question of securing res -nits for the army came op, and "wear" broke out immediately. It was a rase of preparedness vs. unprepar- edness. The latter .got the worst of it in the start, but like the greater struggle in Europe it remains to be seen wbo gets worsted in the fin- ish. ,.--o-- W e can give employment to a few more bright girls as KNITTERS AND LEARNERS Fare paid to Clinton, CLINTON KNITTING CO., Limited MONEY TO LOAN Maned to loan on farm and village propert) atIEwest s. RNESTeELLIOT Conveyancer &c., Exeter. C W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty.. Office at Cockshuti Warerooms, next door to Centre; Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Chan ger moderate and satisfaction is guaranteed Opera House Exeter JUsr ONE NIGHT Saturday, April is Mr. Wm. Reap CANADA IN FLANDERS is the title of an interesting book just pub- lished by Hodder & Houghton Limited of Toronto, and written by Six Max Aitken, a1f,P,, and is the officialstory of the Canadian Expeditionary Force in Flanders. The price in cloth is 25c An enlarged and illustrated edition is in, ,preparationeat e1.00. Notice to Creditors IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF TffE COUNTY OF HURON. —*— IN IN THE ESTATE OF MAT} EW FINKBEINER, late of the Village of Crediton, Gentleman, deceased. NOTICE is berebby ',given int Pur- sues= of R.S.O. 1914. Chapter 121 Sention 56, that all+persons having any claims or &meads against the estates of the said ,Mathew Finkbeiner, who died on or about the 24th day. of Jan - eery. 1916, a'; ,required to send b post ,prepaid, or to deliver to H. Ell leer & Son, Crediton, Ontario, agents for the undersigned executors, their names and addresses and lul, particulars in writing of their claimo and statements of their ac- counts and the nature of the leo er- itte, if any held by theist. AND take notice that afters die Fifteenth day of April, 1916, the said 'executors will proceed to distribute tbe assets of the said deceased among. th ' persons entitled thereto, laving regard only to the claims of whish they shall then have bad notice, .end said executors will not be liable for the said aasets or auy part there= of so distributed to an person or persons of whose claim or claims no- tice has not 'been received by the said executors at the time of such distribution, Henry Either, • Fred 'r'lTuerth, Catherine Finkbeiner, Executors of said estate, Dated this 25th day of March, A. D. 1916, 0, 'those beautiful spring days, A11 hope 'they wwt1 continue. The Book Club has shipped toMiss Plummer, Shorncliffe, Eng., 30 pairs of sox, 2 woollen scarfs, a quantity of wash rags, box magazines. Mr, and Mrs. E. Treble have re„ ceived word of the arrival of their son L. Corp. Treble ,of the 33rd at 'lal'rfax, en, ,he 12th, and,since of their arrival to Liverpool, Saturday and Sunday were the first spring days of the year, Bright sun•. shine On Saturday and warm rains on. Sunday made much of the snow and sleighing disappear, The Rev. D. W. Collins preached his farewell sermtm to the cougrega- of the Trwitt Memorial Church dan, Sunday .last. At the evening service the sacred edifice was packed, to err - flowing and a number were unable to gain admittance, thus testifying to the popularity of iMr. Collins as a preach- er,. His sermons both morning and evening were worthy and fitting tri- butes to the occasion EXETER PATRIOTIC LEAGUE - Regular Monthly nfeeting will be held in the Library on ;Monday Apra 3, at 7,30, Donations secehted, L. Hardy. $1.00; offering 'boxes $2.52; Minstrel receipts $157. Mrs. Wm. 'i3awderi donated 2 ;pair 'socks and 2 pair of wristlets, Mrs. E, Treble 1 pr. hos- pital sox. A 'box of clothing weigh- ing 200 lbs, has been sent to the Belgian Relief at Montreal. We here- by thank all those who took part in the concert also the orchestra which was much appreciated, --Mrs. W. J. Beer, Secretary. HICKS' FORECASTS. -A reaction dry storm peapod is central on theist 2nd, 3rd and 4th. We predict that sultry conditions, falling barometer threatening clouds and storms of rain, wnd and thunder will prevail gener- ally during this period. Excessive rain may be anticiipated about the 2nd,3rd grid 4th, with probability of danger- ous wind stones and tornadoes. Snow and sleet in light dashes will follow closely in central and northern sec- tions, with much colder weather and killing frosts generally. Unseasonably warm weather will follow. CANED AND LINKED. Lebanon Forest •Lodge, No 133, A., P. & A.M. honored two of their members ori Fri- day evening last in the Lodge Room when. tb.ey presented Rt. Wor. Bro. Rev. 1). W. -Collins with a handsome gold -headed came, and Bro. H.' J. Whiite with gold cuff links, in recog- nition of their worth and goadfellow- ship as membersof the lodge. A good ly number of the brethren came .out to show their ,appreciation of the two hrpthers who were about to 'depart from town, and a most enjoyable ev- ening; was speitt. The Wor. Master Bro McGillicuddy was in the chair and 'an interesting program was given consisting of'addresses, songs andmu- sic. The address to the honored bre- thren,- was given by Rt. Wm- Bro L. H. Dickson, vrho told of the excell- encies of the two brothers, •etc. etc. After receiving. the gifts Rt. Wor, Bro. Collins and Bro White respond- ed fittingly. The rest of the , pro- gram .being concluded a light lunch was served. Mr. White and ' family left an Saturday. Rev. Collins and family leave this week. Lebanon For- est wishes them every happiness and success un their new homes. PRESENTS PALMER'S SPECTACW LAR PRODUCTION OF Uncle Tom's Cabin. WITH ALI, THE ADDED F EAT- URES THAT HAVE MADE THE ;COMPANY FAMOUS. Special Prices, I5 84 25c. Day -Old .Chicks for Sale, Young Creech is ,home from Wind- sor owing to illness Mrs, John Harness visited her son in. Parkhill last week. Mr. George W. Holman of Egmond- aisit agent Sunday in town. JONES & 1UY PHON NO,. 32. Spring Millinery Dispiay Ready tor Your Inspection ALL THE NEW NEW YORK MODELS AND OUR OWN CREAT- IONS ARE BEING SHOWN HERE IN A TREMENDOUS .I,7ISPLAY OF BEAUTY, THE ,,COLORS THIS YEAR ARE VERY ELABORATa AND SUIT WELL THE SEASON'SSTYLES .WE ARE SHOWING OUR ,MILLINERY EARLY THIS SEASON TO GIVE EVERY LADY • A GOAD OPPORTUNITY IN HER SELECTIONS, FLOWERS, FOLD AGES ANI) RIBBONS ARE VERY CONSPICUOUS ON ALL HATS, COME AND SEE QUR DISPLAY. BEFORE THEY ARE PICKED OVER. Smart Spring Suits and Coats VERY SWELL GARMENTS AT LAST YEARS PRICES, NOT ONE OF OUR SUITS OR COATS ARE HIGHER THAN LAST YEAR. IN FACT OUR SPRING COATS ARE CHEAPER, Swell Spring Suits MADE IN THE VERY NEWOSI Styles for this season. --Silk Braid Trimming with the New Flare Coats:. The. Styles are w,ery becoming and are sure to. please -you. 1•V1e sell the NorthwayeGerments, recognized as the best to Canada. - Light and Dark Navy, Black and Green, are tbe colors. ..wagger Spring Coats WE I1AVE A MAGNIFICENT SHOWING OF SPRING COATS. Sport Length and Telly Swagger in. appearance. Plain While Wash Cor- duroy, Cream Blanket Cloth, Polo Cloth; Cream with colored checks and stripes; Black and White checks; Colored Checks, Blacks and Navys. See them and be convinced as to value and style. • Silks at Old Prices 1)0 YOU WANT A SILK DRESS or SUIT THIS SPRING? If so, buy as early as possible. Silks are going ftp. nearly 50 pet' cent. very soon We can give you any silk you want at old prices. JONES & MAY headquarters for the celebrated W.E. San.fond Clothing ;Mrs. Sharp has returned from a vis - Special • Mr it in, Toronto, , A. M, Neaman of London vis- ited his brother, Major Neaman, overSunday, Mrs. Heiman and son Fred. h epent the past week here, return - Mr. W T. Achesouv went to Guelph Last week to spend a a eek or two. who p ed with him on 1Vlonday. Mr R. E. Pickard and sons left on Monday for their farm in the West. Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Fear visited thein- daughter Mrs. Howey 'for a few days. Miss White, after a visit with Airs. Tainan, returned to Woodstock last week. Mrs Thornton of Sarnia spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Elandford. . Mr. Thos. Hawkins, who Ms been spending a couple wejekshere, left yesterday for Windsor, Mrs, W. J. Rieman its spending a few days in London. Mrs., W. W. 'Taman was in London Saturday. Mr, P. Banv+den. of Ridgetown and Mr Jos. Barden. of London were intown on Monday on business. ; Mr.• H. j White. left Saturday for Moncton, and Mrs. White and family to Toronto for a few weeks. Many Methodist ministers attended the funeral of Rnv.. Gundy. on Monday t. .service was held :in Main Street church, - Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bradt have. wn re- turned from their honey -moron "trip and remain a- few days before go-' ing to Thedfprd to. reside. Corporal Harry Windsor was homel from Hamilton on Monday. He is •one of a ,party of 200,}Vlounte.d Rifles who leave shortly for the front. Miss Susan McDonell is visiting her brothers, J. E. and C. A. McDonell.: in Hensall, after spending -several weeks with Mrs.. Bowden in Clinton; Mrs. Wni. Dunsford and son Isaac returned Thursday from Cleveland' With. the Ohio,. where .they visited i vt former's son., Fred, who is .seriously nth • Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Willis left on Monday for Grand. View, Man:, where 1VIr, ' ,Tullis - is engaged in farming. -He took a car of settler's effects with. a---o---- .White -o.White Wyandotte, (Martin Laying Barred Rock Model -Farm strain) and Ba re lrayimg strain). day-old chicks for, sale through the treason. Order early ' if wanted. Also custom hatching done. Leave orders 'worth C. B. SNELL, Ex - AUCTION SALE OF HOUShi & LOT & HOUS11-I.OLD EFFECTS. There will be ;sold by public. auc- tion on North -street, Exeter, on ,SATURDAY,: -APRIL 22, 1916 Ari 1 o'clock p, m-. Frame, House, co.n fi `ns'arlo7, room kitchen, 3 bed ooms, wash" room, pantry, hard and soft wafer, cellar, stable on Lot. till in, good re;palf. Household effects Consist of parlor: and dining room sets and kitchen .ttritensisl , stoves crockery glassware' chc,na carpenter tools, shoe- maker's tools n,d other articles. See bills, Terms • Cash, For particulars apply on premises or to auctioneer. THOS. CANN B:. S. PHILLIPS Prop. Auct. AFTER GRIPPE Mrs, Findley Made Strong By Vinol Severy, Kans.-"The Grippe left me in a weak, nervous, run-down condition, I was too weak to do my housework and could not sleep. After trying different medicines without benefitVinol restored my health, strength and appetite. Vinol is a grand medicine and every weak, nervous, run-down woman should take it:" --Mrs. GEO. FINDLEY. Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, sharpens the appetite, aids diges- tion, enriches the blood, and builds up natural strength and energy. W S. Cole, Druggist, Ex-eter, Ont. Mr. Simeon Stahls of Haileybury, a former -resident of Exeter, called on, friends' Tuesday, ;Mr. Stahls is a native of Stephen and was Here attending his mother's funeral at Crediton. Mr. ' W. J. Murray, who has been F representing the S. Bowser & Co in Eastern , Ontario, has been trans-• ferred to Western .Ontario ; with his heada-trarters`at London. Up'is horde. for a few days this.' week ona visit. Mr: Wm. Ewircugton, who has been with ;fir. A. Walters for two years, leaves this morning for England, where be will spend some time in his native band wj!th his mother, the, rest of the family having been called to ' arms. He ln`,ends returning; oice Fu�rn iture R. N. ROWE THE "FUNERAL, DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Phone 20a Su!t lor Latlle. Prices on Flour PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEWFEA TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SI..IRTS Spring Fashions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, meeting the requirements for street wear and travel. this month. R. G. Selden: Phone 2 It is unusual to presents sa early u but & Coffee the season so great. a variety, styles were determined early, and the most favored shown. The present time is most advantag- eous for buying as all indications point to higher ,prices in the future, N. She -ere LADIES AND ,GENTS' TAILOR. Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel, ��eter far ain Story WhirlwindSale for Saturday,.�pr pins f 10 Efarid,k�erchiefs for 25c. 3 Boxes Hair p erns or lOc. Collar Buttons lc. each. Ends of Laces and Embroideries at Half Price. Women.'s F1'annellette Night' Gowns. at 75c.' Caps warth 50c to $1 for 35c Mes Fleeced Shirts for 25c. ' for 75c. Men's Ties for 10c. ,'Zea � ,Wool Shorts, k 15 Swes ters for $1.00 each. 1+4 Pairs cloth 'Rubbers 35c, a pair:: 18 Pairs' Men's jersey Rubbers, Regular $1.50 fora $1.00 a ,pair. ° THESE PRICES ARE FOR SATURDAY ONLY Store For the choicest, groceries, fruits, ` spices,. teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line.: Call and see us. A. trial as to qualitywill convin- ce. Produce taken in: exchange Jas. Gould -Opposite Electric light Plant Choicest Meats Always on Hands F. Begg �. F. Beavers, Butcher Phone 103