HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-3-30, Page 4Olteter ,buotatt, Sanders '& Creech, Proprietors.: Strbscriptiogt, /Price.—In advance $1 per year in Canada; $1,50 in United States. If not paid in advance the price, is 50c. anore per ylear. T ! IJRSDAY, 31A.R,3O,19 t 6 Centralia Fairfield School held a very sue " -e.essfui box social Friday night for the aid of the ,patriotic soeiety. A splendid program was given by local talent and was much appreciated, One feature of the evening was the sell- ing of a quilt :made by the ladies ot the society. It %vas sold to the 'last bidder, pat the highest. A. time: • %vas set, known to two men,, who rang a bell at the expiration of the time. In this, w,ay it brought $20,85. Miss Fos- ste Deaev v%ts the lucky bidder. Air. -Prank Taylor made a tine auctioneer. The boxes were exeep zonally fine and averaged well over a dollar. The net proceeds amounted to $140.00. The rob'n and blue -bird have ar - eved. Evidently spring is here and triose who make maple syrup %%'1 no doubt be ;t it at on .*e, as alt iodic atioas ,point to a. very sh art season, Rev. Finlay prea,thed a special sermon. to the boys club On Sunday 'livening. The boys urnisn d - the choir and trial the sin ;lag ant are be - hag conyp'intented thereon. The Sunday School ani League (an- . cention a n-.cent:on was he'd here yea-er toy. '['he attesadan. e was lair aa l sp s n,ii.1 ad- dresses were given by the speakers. Mr. Thos. ZI'tchell is visiting n Len:i.on an .1 Pyron th s week. Mrs. G. highs was called to Myth owing to the seri>us illness of her mother. _ Mrs. Shiel of Saskatchewan is visit - her sister .Airs. Finlay this week. ,sir. W. R. Elliott is near Sarnia this weer: purchasing horses. • The Misses Steele of London spent. a. few days the guests of :Vit. and :fes. D.Hodgson, Mr. R. Handford sold his fine blaek - driver to Mr. C. Hooper of Exeter, Mr. Leon Hinks, who underwent an operation, in London, is reported to ire impro•.ing nicely. Mr. John Wade arrived. homey on Tuesday from London and intends to enlist at Exeter to -day. Miss Aggie Anderson has returned home front "Toronto, ,where she has been special course at business college Mrs, H. Fry spent a few days at Cliitord visiting her mother, and also her brother, who expects to go over sea,$, shortly with the 71st Battalion. The Public School was closed Tues day owing to the teacher, Miss Horton been;; 9'l. Crediton A quiet wedding took place at the parsonage, Crediton, on March 21.st when. Re v. Jefferson officiated at the marriage of Sherman Willis, son of Alt and Mrs. James Willis, to .Hiss Olive King, daughter of Mr. Albert :ming After ra. few days stay with relatives in this neighborhood the young couple left os Monday for their new home at Grand View, •Ian. The best wish- es go with them, The sudden thaw is a welcome change. after the cold weather of the past week. Our peonite are beginning to clean up their yards and prepare s°or spring work. i'saniel 1•IcIsaac has bought the un- dertaking business owned by the late Thomas Lawson. As Mr Mclsaac has had some experience in this line he vvih be able to give perfect satisfac- tion er.: long. A patriotic mee_in; is billed for hionda' evening next, Judge Klien of Walkerton. and Major Osborne of London will be the speakers. Let everybody come. Ina Schroeder who was in Dc -nit last week on business has returned, Last Monday white Albert Morlock CASTO R IA For Infants and Children 'k Use For over 30 Years Always bears the 'Signature of , Fa!'Mers 'Shilil 1' •1tk!'E HAVE A SPECIALLY , SEL- ECTED STOCK OF 1wTO. 1 GOVERNMENT STANDARD RED CLOVER ALSIKE, TIMOTHY, ALFALFA; .SWEET CLOVER, IvIILLETT, -ORCHARD GRASS, .BLUE GRASS, ETC. . r" AT CLOSE PRICES x—o—x— : JUST°RECEIVED 'A SHIPMENT O1• NO..1 IMPORTED "ALSIKE WH3CH WE OFFER, AT $12.50 a BitA. • M1 SPECIAL: PRICES ON CLUB OR= DERS OF 10. BUSH. AND UPWARD WE HAVE A QUANTITY:, OF •`FIRST' -GLASS POTATOES on' Sale, tt:3°L A• Le ,SOLICITED A Chas. ,ZwiC CREDITON'' teas. ,pumping some water out of his gasoline tank some person dropped a lighted match in the pool. Like a flash the gasoline ignited and -scorched the front of the garage badly. Fortunate- ly there were no serious effects other than a good scare. It shows whata dangerous material gasoline is. The remains of the late iifrs, Stahl were i,nterred in the Evangelical -cem- etery Sunda)tuo;ring. She passed away On Thursday, at the advanced age of 93 years, Smooths, after alinger- Lag illness, ,.lir. Chris. Beaver, Levi Stahl and Mrs. G. K, Brown of this vv'lage• are children of deceased. The bereaved tania y have the sympathy of the community, Chan. Zwicker was in Toronto this week, on business , H. Eilber ZI,P,P, attended the Dir- ectors -mectng of Hay Tp. Ins. Co. in Zurich last Saturday , Mr. and Mrs, Godfrey Nicholson *ere ,in .Goderich Friday attending the funeral of the formers. fatherwho died ,atter a short illness. Jos. Guinan, the Tp. assessor, was 'n the village this week, assessing the property of our people and keeping tab on. the dogs. Mr. and. Mrs. D. Umbach of Water - leo and Simon Stahl of t-laileybury attended the funeral of the late Mrs, Stahl on Sunday. The regular meeting of the Crede ton branen of the Red Cross Society vv iii ,be held April 3rd at 2,30. A sh:tpment will be made the :following day and it is requested that all ladies h av:ng, material on hand will bring in :he f'nished work on or before the diy of meeting Os iC will probably be sometime ;before the next bale «i.l be forwarded. Ladies of the . cm- niu&ty invited. Dash wo.od Mr. R. T. Du.nop of Zurieh cal:ed on, friends in town one day last week.. Pte Wes. Gaiser of Parkhill spent a few days here this wleek, ltliss AIL:A! Hoflman entertained a number of her little friends to a birthday party on Tuesday, Pte. J. Aiocr of London spent Sun- day :n town. Mrs. Davey, who lives with her son Rueben is very low at present Death. -There 'passed away at his home on the 15th concession of Ste- hen on Alonday, :lurch 27, Michael Grebb, at the age of 77 years and18 days. The deceased had been sick of obstruction of the bowels about ten days, and coupled with old age he gradually sank until death claimed him Deceased was a native of Germany being born at Hesson, but came to this section about 55 years ago, and has been an esteemed and respected resident. He is survived by his wife two sons and four daughters, KIRKTON An old and ,highly respected former resdent o1 Kirkton passed away in St. Marys on Tuesday of last week in the person of Elizabeth Hazlewood wile. of B. J. Roadhouse, in. her 74th yearShe had bean ill over a year aged had been. confined to her room two months. Born near Toronto she came with her parents to Kirkton at five years of age, She married Mr. Roadhouse 55 years ago, and they moved to St Marys 18 years ago, Brothers and sisters of deceased are Airs. Francis Kirkby of St. Marys,Mrs A. Sawyer of Woodham;; Thomas Haz itetvoo;l ot Exeter; and Wm. Hazle- i%ood of Kirkton; children are i.1rs. Baster of St, Marys, Mrs. Brown c--1 S. Catharines, Hubert of Torontoaed ttV illiam Thomas of Kirkton. Theft n eral took ,place ^.n St. Marys Thursday MOUNT CARMEL Death—The old pioneers are passing, away one after another. It is cur sad duty to record the death cf Angus Campbell; who died on Mar. 21, at the age of 82 years. Ile hadj Been in fail- ing health far the ,past year. Born in Scotland he emigrated to Canada 60 years ago and settled on the farm on. ethic'_). he died. Mr Campbell - could relate many interesting tales of his early days in Canada. He is survived by one sister Mrs. McKinnon. cit De- troit and formerly of Shipka, and sev- eral !nieces and nephews in this neigh borhood. The -funeral took ..place to the R. C. cemetery on Thursday at ll a.m and was largely attended. - Mss Mae Morrison.of Detroit is vis•- irng.rat the home of her aunt, Mrs. Ed Ryan—Miss Bodin Canypbell and Mrs. T ,Quinn of Detroit attended the funarat of the:r uncle Angus Campbell —R'e%' Fr Tierney is -on the sick list. —Messrs• •J. Sullivan and P. Glavin left; this week for Winnipeg where they rt end .to remain sonde time.: — Jas McKeever returned home after spending two weeks visiting friends in. Detroit.—Michael Ryan has engag- ed Jas. Clark ,far.• the summer.••—ivlr° Patrick Fleming held a- very success- ful'bee hauling brick from Crediton:- `dr. P..Su; livau disposed of a fine mare '.o Mr. Footer for -a hauudsome figure. SaIPKA Pte. Robt. Tetreau of Grand Bend seen: the week end with his cousin, Mr. Robt. Gower,—Mr, and Mrs. Ar- thur Arny, of Crediton spent Saturday with thelatter's sister, Mrs. Ernest Gals er.—Mrs. George Sutton` was t :ken suddenly ill on Saturday, even. ng At the time of writing her con- dieioa. is still •serious Miss Minnie r ,nkbeiner spent last week with her aun`. in Crediton.—Miss Mabel lviclsaac is improving, after .her' recent illness, —The church here ;intend having a bolo social in Hannan's Hall on Thurs- day, April 6thth. A good program 'ns be n3' ,prepared: " , GRAND BEND Mrs. Alf.' Tie•denvain who has been sr` re; in Part Huroni has returned.— Mr. ;Ashton: Mallard is visiting his father James Mallard, sr.,—Lt. Fyffe v si ie.d in Toronto Saturday and Sun asy,—Mr l Eitirey ;Carriere visited his na•ren s, ,Rev"'and Mrs. Carriere Sat- urday arid. Sunday. This was his .ast v Sit ;as h•e. leaves for France Soon.— [.a,1rett e Ca riere'heft last week -'fol vvthei•e he .will takje a course. m;F.iy sieliool:-Miss A. Schroeder r.,,and Mrs. 'Frank •'et CLINTOI Joseph Rattenbury, one of the, hest_ known hotelmen in Ontario died at the Rattenbury House oe March 20th at ter only a few days illness. -Its father established the hotel when Alin ton was known as Rattenbury's Cor- ners, death Many years ago. Upon the fath- er's the son Isaac took charge and later Joseph, who now gives way to his son Isaac, His wife and one daughter also survive. Mr. Thos, Watts and Mrs. Gos- 1eigh received word on Friday that their father, Mr. W. H. Watts, had passed away at his home in Bolton, after suffering for the past few mon- ths. having undergone an operation to relieve his suffering, Mr. Watts was a resident of town for a number of years, His wife predeceased him on ,June 13th of last year --Mrs. Alex-: ander Lewis of St. Thomas, who was formerly Miss Lizzie Twitchell, a daughter of the late Arthur Twitch- ell of Clinton, passed away at her home in that city on Monday, after a comparatively short illness. -The de- ceased lady leaves besides her hus- band a family of three young children, HENSALL Dr, S. H. ,MacDonald for three years a praeticing dentist in Hensall died on Saturday, He. came here from Ham- lton. The remains were taken to London for interment. Mrs. Robert D Bell an estimable young woman is dead in her 32nd year She was formerly Miss Violet' H. Mc- .Arthue and had always lived near this place. The funeral takes place on Thursday. Councillor W E. Pfaff has joined the Heiasall, detachmient,—.R Drysdale is stiltsteadily improving.—A, B uch- as.an is preparing to erect a new resi- dence on his farm torecplace the one destroyed by fire.—Dr. Sellery, To- ronto is in the hospital with pneumo. ia,—Dr. Macdiarmid of Iowa has been visiting his uncle of the same name here —Henson added quite a number of rez.rui'ts last week. A quiet wedding took place at the Manse, Seaforth, on March list, a •nen Miss Isabel Powell of Seaforth be- came the bride of Mr, Ernest Mc- Queen of Hensnll. GODERICH—Robert Proudfoot. father of Wm. Proudfoot, K. C., 1I'r P, P., died here on, March 23, at the age of 91 years, He was born in Scotland and came to Huron County in 1842. AILSA CRAIG The death of Mr, Peter J. Munro occurred Friday night after a short 'linen. He was aged 54 years and had lived here all his life, of late years residing with his brother Angus of the. Munro House, MOTHER SUPERIOR h TE CANADIAN BANK COMMERCE Says Vinol Creates Strength Rosary Hill Home, Hawthorne, I%LY. —"I have used Vino) for many run- down, weak or emaciated patients with benefit, One young woman was so weak and ill she could hardly creep to my door for aid. I supplied Vino'. to her liberally and in a month I hardly recognized her. She was strong, her color charming and. her cheeks rounded. out, '—MOTHER M. ALPHONSA LATIIRAP, 0. S. D., We guaranteeVinoi to sharpen the ap- petite, aid digestion, enrich the blood and create strength. W S Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont. CLANDEBOYE—Esli Carter, B. A,. has joined the 135th at Parkhill. — W R. Bradley was presented with a wriost watch by Lucas% Oddfellows last week. He has also enlisted --a--- ST. MARYS—Mrs. -Janet McLaren, one of the oldest and best known res- idents of St. Marys, died on March 22. For over 50 years she conducted a fruit store and bakery here. She was born, in Scotland, ,rlirtf,TTIA 1£P rsKt, w R 3 Many people sitz 'r the tortures of larue mus"les and stiffen ..41, joints because aim - purities iu the blood, and each succeeding attack seems more acute until rheumatism has invaded the whole system. To arrest rheumatism it is quite as im- portant to improve your general health as to purify your blood, and the cod liver oil in Scott's Emulsion is nature's great bieod-nsnker, while itsmedicinal nourish- ment strengthens the organs to expel the impurities and upbuild your strength, Scott's Emulsion is helping thousands every clay who could not find other relief. Refuse the alcoholic substitutes. PARKHILL—Mrs, Alice Dickson for 40 years a resident of Parkhill, died on March 20, in Victoria Hospital, in London, of pneumonia. The remains were 'brought here for interment, The death of her husband, William Dick- son .. tnd her son Ernest', were sad blows to her. BIDDULPH,—William Reid, Park - hill, a former resident of this town- ship. died at his home on March 20th after two weeks' illness, aged 72 years 10 months, He came from Ireland to Biddulph in 1847, and moved to Park- hill seven years ago.His wife .prede- ceased him. Four sons and five mar- ried daughters survive, among them being Mrs Wm. Thompson of Mc- Gillivray and Mrs, Wesley Neil of Clandeboye, :Rae.1.- The Liiith unlit of Purity Flour comes from First—The selected wheat we use. Second—This wheat, milled to a rigid standard under the closest supervision of miller and chemist. PURIb! FLOUR 724 More Bread and Beller Bread 1, mac, Mark Resisteraul . . GEORGIAN MFG: CO„ - The Harmless but Efffi- csnt remedy for Headache N eu ra l gi a,An aemiarsissp- lessness, Nervous Ex- haustion, &c, *00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS, or by mail from COLLINGWOOD. ONT. SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V,O., LL.D. D.C.L., President 401 -IN AIRD, General Marge;. H. V. F. JONES, Asst General Manger i, CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business, Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. 5311 EXETER BRANCH—A. E. Kuhn, Man. CREDITON,—A, E. KUHN, Ma INCORPORATED 1855 THE MOLSONS BANK Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 98 Branches In Canada A General Banking Business Transacted Circular Letters of Credit Bank Honest Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest currant rate EXETER BRANCH— W D. CLARKE, Manager. $850 ROADSTER 5825. Model 75 f.o.b. Toronto. Here is the car that all the world has waited for, Here is the car that all the world is buying—faster than produced. You've got to have a car, , But you don't have to pay a large price Nor do you have to be. at isfied with a small, uncomfortable car which keeps you in a state of n t tal dissatisfaction and physical discomfort, The 5850 Overland solves the problem Seats five comfortably—no crowding or jamming. Cantilever rear springs— Soft deep upholstery built up over long spiral springs -- And four -inch 'tires. These features make it ride easi er than many of the big high-priced cars It has a powerful and snappy en bloc motor— Is electrically started and electrically lighted— Has electric control buttons on steering column— And all the very latest touches of up-to-dateness and refinement It is light and economical, but with good style, beautiful finish and phenomenal riding comfort. Only 5850. And that's complete. Everything with it. Nothing extra to buy. Yau'vet got to have a car. Order this Overland. ., Model 83B 5965; Famous Knight Mater $1575, Big Six :$1600; Wes. Snell, Sales Agent Exeter Motor Sales. Co. We also have several used Ford c ars for sale and one used Chevrolet. ZURICH Messrs. Rudy and Jacob Schwartz- errtruber and Mr. Rudy Oesch attend- ed the fu.neral of their cousin, the late Mrs. John Erb, held at Wellsley.—Mr. Henry Siemon, son of Mrs 'Simon of this ,village, has enlisted with the ov- erseas forces in Saskatche*an, and is now stationed in Ottawa.—Mr; George McBride, son ef Mr. Saml -McBride Sr., of town, has joined the 161st Bat- talion, stationed at I-Iensall—Mr. Ja- I cob ileyer, Sr;; of Wilmot Centre vis - ted relatives here for a few days this week. -Miss Alice Johnson is visiting r'n Goderich, at the home oi.her uncle, Mr. Oliver Johnson. -It has been de- cided by officers of the .161st Battal- ion to open a recruiting station in. Zur ich in charge, of Lieut. A. J. Grigg of , Clinton. As soon as a sufficient number of men are recruited they will he. stationed and trained here, lin is FORTH KIDNEYS How They . Cure PLEssisv L•LE, Qua. "I suffered from Kidney Trouble for s several years, and tried numerous remedies and doctors' prescriptions without -permanent. relief, my; case being chronic. After seeing about Gin Pills,and as it is a well known fact that Juniper, without alcohol, is excellent for. the IKidne s, i decided tot. Gin Pills. One single' pill"gave me great relief. I have now taken four, boxes ofGin;' Pills and' find myself completely' cured. No more bad humor—increase in weight—clear eyes—fresh color—more strength and' vigor. This is what Gin Pilla have done fo; me ' H. POWI; HERBERT �r• Your�druggists sells Gin Pills;5oc. a box or six boxes z.5o. Write for free sample to National: :&t Che ""` I Co of ; Canatla oro ►1>tila SAXON "SIX" A big touring car for'fiv_evpeople Travel "First -Class" in a Saxon "Six" YOU ENJOY ALL THE LUXURIES OF "FIRST-CLASS TRAVEL WHEN 'YOU RIDE IN A, SAXON "SIX". Locomotive Power pulls you. The six -cylinder Saxon high speed motor sweeps you along with. r' • mighty, resistless force. Pullman' comfort is yours. Tht roomy body makes travel easy. Long wheelbase,112 inches and. van adium• steel cantilever springs smooth the'highway like a well -ballasted track. Perfect appointments ,add to your pleasure, Electric starting, lighting` and every'; other convenie of modern motoring are here;: The yacht line body is handsomely upholstered anti elegantly finished. Safetyfirst .is built everyfibre of the staunch' chassis. Timken `a las �ow�v€l ibrakes,arxr, nickel steel steering gear are ,,your' security, • '., i s ,. ,. ' - To,ovv�n; :a Saxon "Six"eves -you t�he.knoMrled e ,shat you are travelling first class.., g `Y g Y g. (( , Four" 'Roadster�•r;600;' D'eliecsy�'Cai•:,$530; -"9r�"'tTouring Car :$11,075:; . 'Six"; .Roadsterr $1,075 . ' H." NE+:.aer,jor:" Exeter. jY