The Exeter Advocate, 1916-3-23, Page 5Five Cents is all you need pay for .',1 best and 0z .p IP rid P The induce-r,enta offcresi with c❑=moo soaps cannot Irevlhe up for this purity of Sunlight Sod: t costs US more to make pure soap; ;;.rt it cr,o sts YOU less to use it, '1,.‘r StiR^r8ighd - pays aver it:,` elf in the clothes, as .it dogs not wear and rub the fabrics like common soaps do. 5c. a bar at all Grocers. 23 SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WE1ST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, as any mak over 18 years old, may homestead. a quarter -section of available Domin. iota land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan of Alberta The applicant must appear' in perso s at the Dominion Lands Age ency of Sub -Agency foe the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency) on certain conditions. Duties -Six months' residence upon` and cultivation of the land in each of three` > ears. A homesteader nay live within rune miles of his homestead cn a fallen of at least 80 acres, on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- oued in every case, except when ae_ sidence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in. good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside bis homestead. Price 83 per` acre. Duties -Six months resi- deace in each of three vears after eaagpinc homestead patent; also 50 adees extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Must re- side 6 months in each of 3 years, cu- ltivate 50 acres, and erect' a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may or substitute❑ for cultivation under cer taut renditions, W. W. CORY, C.M.C; Deputy or the viinister .ce the inter'❑ N.11 -Unauthorized 'publication of this advertisement will not be palm for A Christian college -home, healthful situation. Forprospectus and terms,writethe Principal R I. Warner,'M.A„D.D ., St, Thomas, Ont: 65 CENTRAL STRA'Tf"ORD. QNT.8 'YOU' CAN SECURE A POSITION If you take a course with us. The demand upon us fortrained help is many tinges the number graduating. Students are enteringeach week: You may enter at any :time. Write at astce for our free catalogue of Com- mercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy De- partme.nts. D. A. McLachlan, Principal Auction Sale WHALEN Miss Myrtle Squire spent the ween end with her sister, Mrs. Albert Scott at Farquhar. -A number of bur young people spent a, pleasant thne Wednes- day .evening a't Mrs. Archie Chittick's near (imitate -•Quite a number attend ed Samuel Brock's sale near Winchel- sea Friday,. Needless to say prices+ soared out of sight, Only the rich can buy at sales these days. - Herb, Langford lost two cows recently -a' heavy loss just now, -Clarence Milison of Parkhill'Co, 135th``, is home: this a�aieek ,having been vaccinated,- Mrs. George: Jones of Kenton, Man,, who has, been home spending the winter with her mother Mrs. Phillip Breaks Who has been .ill, returned home last week. -Miss Nettie McNaughton has returned home after taking a course at ;musing in Buffalo. ZURICH Rev, Remhe, a graduate of the Sem- nary at Waterloo, conducted the ser- vices in the Lutheran church Sunday. -George Schroeder of near Dash- wood, has purchased the farm on the .Bronson Line from air. V'., Gerber, jr. who -intends moving to Indiana. -Sol. Kuepfer has sold his barber business to Elmer Oescb. ?lir.. Kuepfer is r•e- modellutg his store and will use it as a restaurant and confectionery only. - Fred Krauskopf of the Goshen Line south., has purchased the house and two lots in Zurich owned and oe- cupietl by Mr. Alex Foster for 51900. --Paul Messner has sold his farm on the Goshen Line South to Theo. Rader for 1;5600. Possession in April, :lir. ,Messner and family intend mov- ing to the Peace River district where a son. is living at present. -Mr. Henry 1 ruemaxer has purchased 125 acres in Miele from the Canada Company. -Dr Campbell was in Toronto last week an business. HENSALL { ears Jams B. Simpson rc eiv. d a. Imessage last week adz sing her off the cls :alt ofher father to ate Mr.Thos alenee ►war: died at «,nnip e in Ws p 77th ► w.:r•. Ties dee eased was a far- , 'tier r ai.•n; a,t the Township e;f Hae eets..e.e. 41 anal 511 t ar aea !line ,► • 11 t, .outltta 's 44 the a ill a ,*e,- 1 hos. Hemphill is improving from pneumonia after a serious illness. - Mrs, Cooper Forrest and daughter vi ra•turnel n'i't, . sev.ral week' vis- it 71' London. 11r. A. McPherson is enema again after a lona; illness, - Mee John MeleWen is ;eeov,:rin:; nice - le from her illni:ss,-Miss Schram 'of Por' liar n is the new milliner ;at Mr. Or.e sin's.--1Ir. and Mrs. Garnet Webber or C'aleary ,see visiting the ormer's parents. -An enjoyable mu- sieal. concert • and supper was given in the Methodist. church last we.ek to secure funds to ,pay off the debt en tip fine church shed, • CHOICE DAIRY COWS, HORSES AND YOUNG STOCK There will be sold by public am - auction at the stable of L, Day ea Son Exeter, on TUESDAY, MARCH 28th 1916, at 1 o'clock sharp, the follow- ing property :- Horses -1 aeercberors filly, rising 3, Voltaire, broken to harness; Percher - on. (filly, rising 2 years, by Voltaire. Carttle-Newly calved cow; cow due May 4th; cow due Aug. 20th; 2 coven due time .of sale;• cow, due May 9th;.' cow due Sept. 27th; cow, due May 2; cow due June 4th; farrow cow; cow supposed to be in calf; 2 2 -year old heifers ssupposed to b(e in calf ; 2 1 - year old heifers; 4 heifer calves, ris- ing 1 -year old; number young calves. The above cows are all young,first- class dairy cows, having been selected by the owners for some time past, weeding out the undesirables; and are very heavy milkers. The above stock wall positively be sold as the proprie- tors are giving up the Dairy business. L. DAY & SON B. S. PHILLIPS, Proprietor Auctioneer C, H. SANDERS, Clerk, In The Spring Now is the time to bring to your aid Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery (in tablet or liquid form). This won- derful remedy helps to restore stomach to its natural health and strength and to secure proper flow of the digestive juices, a good appetite and full diges- tion of the food you eat. It invigor- ates the liver, regulates the bowels and Purifies and enriches the blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery is absolutely free from alcohol and injurious drugs. Its ingredients printed on wrapper. You can be ser- Iain it is a true blood -.maker, tissue- builder, and a restorative nerve tonic and that it will produce no evil after- effect. Thousands -probably many of your neighbors -are willing to recom- mend the "Discovery" because it has made them stronger , in- body, brain, nerve. Buy it in hand or tablets; or send Dr, Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., ten cents for trial package. A MOTHER'S ADVICE. Prince Rupert, B. C. -"I take great pleasure in announcing to you my heart- felt thanks forrthe ea%7' benefit our boy Ar - felt thur, aged seven, has derived from your medicine 'Golden Medical 't Discovery.' He is a different boy al- together after tak- ing.five bottles, His tongue used to be coated and his \� stomach and bowels ti always out of order, but Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has cured him. We will recommend your medicine to whomever we can as we think there is none better." -Mus. Orro Nnr.soN, 836 2d Ave. Dashwogd Good for bread, good for pastry, good for you. ' EXTENSIVE Auction Sale OP CHOICE YOUNG HORSES *Phos. Cameron ilea treceived in- strive-Lions nstri etions to sell by publle auction on Lot 7,, Cop. 12, Hibbert, on liBI- DAY MARCH 31st, at one o'clock sharpt the following, 1 br oe mare, 4 years old, with foal agrie,; 1 brood mare 8 years old witbl foal,, agrio.; 1 mare 6 years old, draught; 2 geldings 6 years old, draught; 2 mares 5 years, agrie.; 2 geldings 6 eeara agree; 2 geldings IIMMINNIMMIMW 4 $.ears, draught; 2 marcs 4 years, agrio.; 3 fillies 3 eeaxee, agric.; 4 geldings 3 years., agric.; 1 pr. match. ed general purpose, mare and gelding 2 good farmers drivers, 5 years and: 7 gears old; 1 pr. drivers,' mare and gelding 3 years old. The above mentioned #errs axe a fine selection of glean boned, well fitted Horses. Farmers wanting her. s,es wilt do well to attend this sale as the proprietary last sale and pre. vious record of sales is a guarantee that stock will be up to the mark and said without ❑reserve. Terms -8 monteee credit will be given on furuisbing approved joint notes at 5 per cent per annum. DAVID O. .GARDINER. '&' JOHN 0. SCOTT, "Peseprietors. THOS. CAMBRON, Auctioneer. Auction Sale OF CHOICE COWS The well known Jas. Ferguson has instructed Time. ,Cameron to sell be public auction at the 31 TROPOLI- TAN HOTEL. EXET11lR, on THURS- DAY. MARCH 30th, at one o'clock sbarp the following 6 high grade cows of milking strain with calves at their sides; 6 high grade wows o£ .uilli:ng strain due in Marcia, April and May; t 6 elioiac Holstein ems.% with calves at their sides, 6 .choice Holstein :cows due in Mardi, April and May; a number aE young calves; a few two-year-old lcifers. Some of the above cows Ivy- i very .high record and all c ::�• s wi:l be sold under a.guar'antee. '.PERMS -G months' credit: en £ur- nishieg approved joint notes. A d?s- vonnt oaf 6 per Cent per annum oft tor cash, JAMES FERGUSON. Prep. THOS. CAMERON', Auctiene r. XTRA! EXTRA,! EXTRA:! he War is 0 A full account of the Biggest Sale ever held in this County. ONLY A FEW DAYS MOUE $30.00 Ladies' Fur Coats for $S.98. Tiernan .8v Edighoffer's Big Sale. A largely attended and enthusiastic recruiting meeting presided over by Principal Shore, was held in the Hall Friday evening and addressed by Pte. Pritchard of the. Princess Pats, Rev. I). W. Collins and Major Heaman of Exeter. Dr. N. F. Schram and; Elmore Will- ert spent Saturday in Parkhill. Mr. aM irray of Exeter spent a few days in town. Several from here attended the fu- neral at Zurich an Sunday of the in- fant son of ,Mr. and %4Irs. Leonard Wurm. D. Mclsanc of Crediton spent Sun day lin town. A quilting in laid of the Red Crass Society was held in the basement of the Evangelical church on ruesday afternoon. Mrs. W. Westlake of Stratford is visiting her mother Mrs. Fred Goss - man, who is seriously ill. Mr. Bert Staten spent a few days in London last week. Miss A. Finkbeiner spent Sunday at her hone din Crediton. Miss Ora Hoffman of Tavistock is visiting relatives here for a few days, Fur Ruffs and Muffs, all at 50 per cent. off at Tiernan & Edighoffer's Big Sale. Delayed in th.e mravls. Dashwood had a very gala day ap- p.earance Saturday in honor of Hen - sell and Exeter Companies of thelelst b.ettalion, under command of Major efeamarr and Lieut. Hall. The soldyers over 90 strong were escorted into the village by forty mounted men who roadh\ out to welcome them, and' also' by the school children singing patrio- tic songs under the directions of Mr., Share. Ale address was .given by Dr Schram and responded 'to by 'Major Heaman. The 'dinner was served . 'by the ladies in Mclsaac's furniture stare. A. short program followed consisting of addresses by Rev. Jefferson, Rev. Grenzebach and Major Heaman.. Miss O estreicher rendered a solo and readings given by Miss Ida Rout- ledge and Miss Wertz, while music was furnished by the Creditors band. The business places wiere closed from 11 to 2 and everyt'hng, done to please the boys in khaki. The Dashwood people were well pleased and will al- whys have a. deep affection for the boys, After all Ivens over the eat- able's were salad and the proceeds i- vein, to the Red CrosseFund, Miss 'Adeline Brorwn visited last week an Thedford. Theodore Rad- erhas purchased the farm of Paul, V1:essner.=,Mrs. Fred Rinkterr was call- ed to Detroit ewstug to the' illniass ot her sister. -Mrs Pape of l einsatll vis- abed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.Graye biel, sr., over Sterieday.-Miss George spent the week pend ifn; Landon. -Mrs L I le.insetiveer, sr.; Brad the misfortune. toe fad down staffs and, broke her arm Inap•ectar Toni of Goderic:h paid an official. ^visit to our school. --Mr.. Geo. Schroeder has disposed of his farm to Mr. G. Oe,streicher amid i eceived a handsome. sum for it. -Miss Vera Bro- lrensivire who has slpent:'someeti,me in London is house at present - Privates" Wilbur Pfaff of Exeter and Wes Gal - seer or Parkhill spent Sunday at their„' homes here • Be ,here early Saturday for the Surprise Package Sale,-Tieman & Ed- igboffer,. ;• and this Monster Sale will come to a close. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER can't afford to miss this sale 01-4 0 a) 0 Fi Are still hammering down prices. The Reduction knife has cut deep. For a few more days there will be more sacrifices. It is now a Race Against Time This is a Genuine Sale and Cost does not enter into consideration when marking prices. Come and Get Your Share. Saturday, Mar. 2 5, sharp at 8.30 a.m. A SURPRISE PACKAGE SALE Values in all packages guaranteed from 50c. to $2. Your choice for 25c TUESDAY, MAR. 28th the last day of this Big Sale, you will find a Dollar Bill attached to each Fur or Curl lined Coat at sale price. Extra Special FOR SATURDAY, MONDAY, AND THE LAST DAY TUESDAY "MEN'S SUITS 9.00 for 5.89 10.00 far 6.79 12.50 far 8.49 BOYS' SUITS 4.00 for 2.49 7.00 far 4.98 8.00 for 5.85 • MEN'S OVERCOATS 9.00 for. 5,98 • 12,00 for 8.49 50 PAIR MEN'S SOX AT 10 CENTS A PAIR LADIES JACKETS CHILDREN'S JACKETS a,00 for 98c. 5.00 f or 98c. 10.00 foe 2.98 & 3:98 8.00 for 1.98 15.00r. dor 11.29 10,00 for 3.98 DRESS GOODS new shades 50c. for 29; 60c fox 44 65e. for 44. 75c.for 44 130 pair LITTLE DAISY HOSE, all shades, values up to 30c. for 19c. ca CD CD En' CD 0 Everything in Groceries moving up. Get your supply now. Jo B. HT,]` TIiI R Manager ieman LEd Dashwooder THE MONEY SAVERS