The Exeter Advocate, 1916-3-23, Page 4Children Cry for Fletcher's The Rind You 'lave Always Bought, and whiele has leen in use for over 30 yeses, has borne the signature of and has been made udder his per sorra supervision, since its infancy. -c 2:r Allow no one to deceive youliethis. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and. " Just -as -good " are but Eperimeats that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children .Espeaienee ago;list rtperimeut. What is CA 1 RIA Qastoria is. a harmless substitute for Castor Qin, rarea Boric, Drops and Soothing Syrup$' It Is pleasant. It •eonttiuis neither °plu a 'Morphine nor other Nareotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms. and. allays 7'everisbness. Eor more than thirty years it has been in •constant use for fine relief of Constipation, Flltttalene.y, 'Wind Coli.e, all Teething Troubles and ZIarrhe 'a,. It rereulatte s they Stenaaele and 13.0eVelSe assimilates the h oud, giving healthy and etatnrat sleep. 'I'he ^Children's, Panties a--rI bem ;'=Mother's I rie"rtd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS :e w the Signature of 1,. l h Use For Ove Kind You Have Always Bought Aura 'CONS ANY QRK. {SeT i' The war is a day t Floret is a great month for the coal man. A' Cel as eiouN T' C:UtMEI. ? <'w 4.11` n, -7e. ? "1 .. , : w ' aac.6 'Fit; 1.$ r„ 4kiih .+li<' • 1 t34»' ;:,r�3]3Y; ;lr 3 "'„lir' it tie- . 2a,to nneunonia. Meals 'i1ski!1 ,*4 3, i 9 1 Qi . wee exhattated but it se rued ,'rod in .n"inite wisdom had %c'n fit to ae lee; to. her reward. Miss ta'Haia'. -vee tI•: eIlecrful and lovable tEeposi- ton and will be greatly missed .9spee- ''ally tn the. home. She is survived by her /Yeller. three sister's and a broth- er all living at home.. The funeral melt p'etatt on Saturday morning w R. C. cemetery at 10 a,tu. Mrs John Barry and son Thomas • visited friends at Lucan last week. - Messes Mary O'Hara of Detroit and M t ;;are Rowland of Stratford attend ,-d lit funeral of ,lie:,: niece Miss O'Hara Saturday. -Thos. Carey left last week for Hamilton after spend - several months with friends Here. -Mr. Alex McLellan held a very ,u essful auction sale of stock on Friday. -Miss Nora Keogh of De- tro't is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs M. Madden. -M1. Theo Dederich held a very successful wood bee on Friday. Theo is a hastier. costing Canada $3SO,ft:2 ela :e]:, II 1, c+1 end Meas rwm aWni' eunday at Geo. Hob_ k'e.--iatuittel Horton lies purchased a home La Hensall for himself and sister, •Miss Ellen, They will move in May. -Mr. Wilkinson has moved his hoeseect'.d ett•eets to h:.• new farm.- Nlaggie Iiuhktrk of Exeter is tali tot with a s_vere •'ct1d Fred Sim- mons has joined the Hensel' Battalion and is noir in khaki. Atter eniistin;; Fred was presented with a fine mil +eery watcln and beautiful signet ring by his friends and neighbors on the 13ouniary.-Mr. Armstrong Of near London has moved onto W. Massau Glenn's farm, having rented it for one year. -Russel Keys has fully recover- ed from measles and is visiting friends in MiO he:I.-Jalnes and .Glenn Broad- foot visited at Mill Road on Sunday. -Muni: and measles are common dis- ease- :a. 'this locality. -:Mrs. John Cole', had tint: misfortune to fall down cal- ler and a: result is confined to her: bed. ells Henry Hogg -'h has the guest of her mother, Me.. Siinmcns. on. 1 uesd,y.-Misses Heeen ant :Mina Mater are home from S..Ifo.:h Col- legiate this week. CHISELHURST Rev. Bowles of Victoria. College tock the; services in the church here oa Sunday. -Dick Kinsman is home on a bus:zness trip from the west.-Mr.W, Latta of this Vicinity and Miss Fee of Hensall were married this week We wish the young couple all kinds of happiness. -The Lumley Dramatic club wilt give the "Prodigal Brother' in the church here next week. Nurse Neel -ands of Seaforth ,will also tell of her experiences at the front. CASTO IA - For Infants and Children • Use ForOveis 3OYears Always bears the i.FT Signature of r,RegiV,?, �•- � ` + ELIMVILLE The W. ;.:‘,1. S. held their annual en- terta lunent on Friday, St. Patrick's Day, Rev. Barnard acted as chair- man The iprogram consisted of songs recitations and instrumentals. Rev. Ba- ker gave a very interesting talk on motherhood, songs by eight boys led by Mrs "Medd, readings by "Miss N. Medd, reading and solo by Miss May Clarke. Proceeds $30. CLI:' TONT-Mr. and Mrs. . Richard. Gorier had a. narrow escape from as • - pbiexiation Senday- night owing to a defective coal 'heating stove which was hunting int he. living-roone adjoin- ing, the bedrooms. Fortunately Mr Govier awoke in, time. )%w is better but his wife is still ill. PILES CURED at HOME ty New Absorption Method. 3f yon suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding send ire your address, and I will te,1 you how to &rtlre yOur- Sell r t Rollie l ;y the absorption treatment ; and will also send some of this Borne treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if re- quested. Iremecliate relief and permanent cure assured. Send nri irOney, lint tell others of this offer. Write to -day to Mrs. M. Stumm:•es, Box . 8t0 Windsor, Ont. A P'oua ASt4orttierent. t'1tr tolisak it14, ad%rrilsrntrut wt1s ,rallteu le the ex-onsytvanlat (=arena gut ems.- ' .i 17"-; t'ha autttul of this. ^itttr aia:it+rrrt ,t,+'r N upp°ned to be no atther rival k raukhu nunselr. '•D. F.., thea etundw for i oetwtran Franklin; Taken nut of a pew to the church .lue menthe strive a eominoe Prayer Rook butted in ,reit gilt and lettered tt le on each rear;, rhe person wbo time n t. ativisoo to open it and read the .•Iutttb eonuraarndment and after aro Kum u tutu the same pew aP,:tlia. mum whit -h too further notice ‘111 tie itltn" BRUCEFIELD -•-u-'- Edward Boyne and family, formerly of Blake have got settled in. their new home which they recently purchased from James Moodie. -George Dickson o•f Walton visited his brother Thomas Friday. -Chas Clifton sold a fine agri- cultural mare to A. McGregor.- Wnn. McMillan. sold his 100 acre farm - to Mr. LaBeau of Goderich Tp. I: is a beautiful home. Mr. McMillan rill sell his stoke and reside in Seaforth.-Mrs J. T Mitchell i,s visiting her daughter Mrs. jamas Ho.: ton. -Mr. and Mrs. J Beattie .ot Varna visited at Mr. G. A. Glenn's Friday. -Friday evening a surprise pasty gathered at the home of Edward Boyce to welcome them to the;: neve home. The , hos: and hostess proved ” excellent entertainers •GItEENtt' 'r Drowned Bodies.. No Inman' toedalto drowning eau termini sunk toner, wait ninety or :lino ty-ste Hour~ Aithuutill sit alr has been expetlyd trout the wog,. tae the :tnbaled water. the drowned hurt) wsitl he float• ed n) the a;:ta•r- ,v bleb ttegtn to torte In any dello butt) Iluaurahatety atter dissolution -- l't11lndoitahln Ledger Miss Willa Switzer spent the week end at her hone in Thornda'ie.-Mr. oorge Sherri:: who spent the winter here has returned to his home in Al - beet .-Mr. Lloyd Stewardson left recently for his home in Saskatchewan after v' siting his parents for some mon`hs.-Mr. Garnet Sherritt has gone .'fes.• to :he Su,nmer.-Master Car- m'n. `x'c .:.lburn 's recovering from the )e. -•A week ago las- Sunday the -eve ezrS. of G.:ace Chu chi eresen`ad P:c 1\'_li McPherson and Pte. Fred ]I,:P.ie:son with wrist watches. Major Canoes: was grasent and spoke. a few. L. S,nv`h ,of ro- rotnc+ spa',e . in the Methodist 'church has; Sunday "afternoon in the interest t of Victoria College and the Education. ::l Str:,.etty. His address was enjoyed by ak.-A Sunday School Institute ba hely! 'in the Methodist 'hunch en Tuesday, March 28, afternoon and eveneng The speakers will be Rev. F. Langford of Toronto, Rev. J. F. Reeght of Hensall, Rev... C. W, Baker of Woodham .Rev, L. Reid of Gran on and Miss S. Baird. Of Parkhill. DeYMN'S FRENCH PILLS b e R b gulatni Pi1Yfor Women. $o a box or threetor ;to- Sold at, all Drug Stores, or maned to any address ant roeeipt of elft e., Tne Seoaati. ;patio Co'., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSFHONOL FOR MEN. v%& rl .'a�itality;for Ner'•e''and Drain; increases "graY matter"; a Tonic will build you up. $.1 a bob n two for Si, n t ,'rtsg stores, or by mail on r reit Of price TKa acn:ii:'-bu J,vo Co., it. Cachari:ee 3 T Mi'fCHELL-The death took ,place .very suddenly Monday of Lewis Jew- el, aged 68 years. He came here from Shallow Lake 12 years-ago,A w:adow and four daughters survive,- Albert Goebei sustained a severe loss ;Mon Mon- day when his 'fine chicken. house and L5 p:iprize.Wk1.nt_n ; fowl. were destroyed by- flare The Loss is 'about` $300. VARNA-Our sympathy is extended to -Mr. James Wama.ess in the dea'b of'h`s only son, John Wanless. .it; is just oats month since his other son, Percy died. here being only the two valin ; men. inside of ,two years Mr. Wanless has lost his wife and two sons. John was living in British Col - Hill -5:a, and aurid, leaves a wife and small carnily SCHOOL TEACHER Wards off Nervous Break Bowe: Alburtis, Pa. -"I am a teacher in the public schools and I got into u very ner- vous run-down condition, I could not sleep and had no appetite. I was tired all the time. My sister asked me to. try YiuoL I did so, and within aweek my ap. petite improved and I could sleep all night and now feel well and strong,"- ROSA. M. KEreAlt, ,Alburtis, Pa. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, for all weakened run-down conditions and for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis.. W S Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont. LUCAN Me Smith of Clendeboye moved76 town last week. -Mr. J. W. Rollins has purchased the wholesale and retail confectionery business of Mr, D. C. Jamieson of Sarnia. He will take ,pos- session May lst.-Mrs. Long moved Tato her home on Wednesday, -Miss Lena Halliday and Mr, C. have returned to Killarney, Man., after an extended visit with friends in Liman and vicinity.' --'Mr. Chas. Sprawl, while carry ing water to his stock in the barn had the misfortune 'to fall Sun d.a and break two, ribs. -Saturday af- ternoon while a number of the young people were having a time toboggan... lag on the Sauble hill. Harvey Lang- ford had his eight ankle badly sprain- ed awl a bone broken in the foot, A WORD FOR MOTHERS It is a grave mistake for mothers to neg- lect their aches and pains and suffer in silence -this only leads to chronic sick - and often sliorteus life. If your work is tiring; if your nerves are excitable; if you feel languid, -weary or depressed, you should know that Scott's Emulsion overcomes just such conditions. It possesses in concentrated. form the very elements to invigorate the blood, strengthen the tissues, uourish the uervea -l. :I l'alild strength. tie•ott's is atreugtheuiug thousands of n,-Alt.trs---and-will help you. Try it. .t ` T.S�no. Terento. out, THE cANAI.,.IAN �. P; QF C�[ MERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V,O., LLD. D.C,1:., President JOHN AIRD, General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, Asst General hlanacer' CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,5O0,QQO. SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and! upwards. Careful attention is given to every account, Small accounts. are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and Operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with- drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. S50 EXETER BRANCH -H. J. WRITE Man, CitEDITON-.A. E. .KHN, lti2aa; _ '.:ata..M.• INCORPORATED 1855 ,•..+.r•.,,....r.nOs, S, TtIE QLSONS BANK 5 rsi'u=r7 rrxiz= VIV Capital & Reserve 8,800,000 96 Branches In Canada A General ming Business Transacted Circ, ar Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate EXETER BRANCII- W D. CLARRE, Manager. $850 ROADSTER $825, Model 7S f.o.b. Toronto. Here is the car that all the world has waited for. Here is the car that an the world is buying -faster than produced. You've got to have a car. But you don't have to pay alarge price Nor do you have to be sat- isfied with a small, uncomfortable car which keeps you in a state of men- tal dissatisfaction and physical discomfort. The S850 Overland solves the prolilem Seats five comfortably no crowding or jamming. Cantilever rear springs - Soft deep upholstery built up aver long spiral springs - And four -inch tires. These features make it ride easier than many of the big high-priced cars :t has a powerful and snappy en bloc motor - is electrically started and electrically lighted - Has electric control buttons on steering column - And all the very latest touches of up-to-dateness and refinement It is light and economical, but with good style, beautiful finish and phenomenal, riding comfort. Only 66850. And 'that's complete. Everything with it. Nothing extra to buy. You've, got to have a car, Order this Overland.. Model 83B $965; Famous Knight Motor $1575, Big Six $1600; Exeter Motor Sales Co. We, also have several used Ford c ars for sale and one used Chevrolet. "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $530 A LITTLE COMFORT AS YOU GO -ESPECIALLY IF YOU CAN COMBINE IT WITH PROFIT. THE MAN WHO OWNS A FORD IIAS PROVIDED HEALTHFUL ENJOYMENT FOR HIS ENTIRE FAMILY AND EQUIPPED ' HIM- SELF WITH AN . ECONOMICAL SERVANT AS WELL, The Ford Runabout is $480; the Cou- pelet $730. the Sedan $890; the Town car $780. All prices are f.o.b. Ford, Ontario. All cars completely equip- ped, including electric headlights. Cars on sale at MILO' SNELL'S, EXETER. a Stop Backaches Don't complain about pains in your back when the remedy lies right to hand. Gin pills stop backaches, and they do it in an -easy. natural way by going right to the root of the. trouble FOR THEhipills. KIDNEYS Gin Pills act on the kidneys and the bladder. They soothe I d heal the inflamed organs, which are "causing the suffering. Neglect your^kidn.eys and swollen hands and. feet; wrists:and ankles, are likely to follow. A dose of Gin Pills in time saves a world of pain.' Voti will realize theirvalue when you read what Mrs. J. P. T. Wedge, of summerside; Y.a;.I. writes: "Gin Pills are the greatest of all lad- ney remedies and a medicine which is at present doing- me a world of goad, They are worth their weight in gold tag any, sufferer.° ; CA (1115 PII,X,S to -day at your dealer's. 5nr,,;e hox, or 6 boxes for 82.50. Trial treat- ' . 13 s ational Drug & Chemical Co. of ° Canada, Limited, Toronto SAXON "SIX" A big touring car for five people 4. Travel "First -Class" in a Saxon "Six" YOU ENJOY ALL THE LUXURIES OF '`FIRST-CLASS TRAVEL WHEN YOU RIDE IN A SAXON "SIX" Locomotive Power pulls you. The six -cylinder Saxon high speed motor sweeipsou along with mighty, resistless force. Y Pulliam comfort is yours. The roomy body makes travel easy. Long wheelbase, 112 inches, and van- adium steel cantilever Springs smooth the highway like a well -ballasted track. . Perfect appointments add to your Measure, Eleetasr. starting, lighting and every other convenience of modern,motoring are here. The yacht 'bane body"is handsomely upholstered and elegantly finished. Safety first is built ,into >ev ery fibre of the staunch' chassis. Tim ken axles, powerful brakes, and nickel steel steering gear are your secusuty. To own 0. Saxon "Six" rives you the knowledge that you 'a 6 g are travelling .first-class.. "Four" Roadster °600; Delivery Car $530; "Six" Touring Car $1,075; "Six" Roadster, $1,075 T. H. NEWELL, ' Dealer, Exeter.