HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-3-23, Page 3SPRING IMPURITIES I FOR CANADIAN SOLDIERS. I
1 A Dollar -Meal forFive
A Few Recipes Which May Be Found Remarkable Ways in Which Gold has cents—Te
Very Useful. Been Found hmost expen-
if .every man who washed hiss own , sive foods are quite often
ear are a few recipes that I want pants discovered a gold mine there . entirely lacking in food
to give to Canadian Soldiers writes w 1 id b
A Tonic Medicine is .a Necessity
at This Season.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
people are an all year round tonic,
blood -builder and nerve -restorer. But
they are especially valuable in the
spring when the system is loaded with
impurities as a result of the indoor
life of the winter months, There is
no other season when the blood is so
much in need of purifying and enrich-
ing, and every dose of these Pills helps
to make new, rich, red blood. In the
spring one feels weak. and tired—Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills give strength, In
the spring the appetite if often poor
--Dr. Williams' in Pills develop the
appetite, tone the stomach and aid '
weak digestion. It is in the spring
that poisons in the blood find an out-
let in disfiguring pimples, eruptions,
and boils—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ,
speedily clear the skin because they
go to the root of the trouble in the -
blood.. In the spring anaemia, `
matism, indigestion, neuralgia, erysi-
pelas and many other troubles are
most persistent because of poor, weak,
blood, and it is. at this time when all!
nature takes on new life that the blood
most seriously needs attention. Some
people does themselves with purga-
tives at this season, but these only
further weaken themselves. A pur-
,ative merely gallops through the sys-
.ern,. emptying the bowels, but it does
lot cure anything. On the other
sand Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually
make new blood, which reaches every
ierve and organ in the body, bringing
•rely strength, new health and vigor
:o weals, easily tired men, women and
:hildren. Try 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills
this spring -•--they will not disappoint ,
You can get these health -renewing
Pills through any medicine dealer or
11, mail post pain at 50 cents a box
or six boxes for 2.50 from The Dr.;:
ti'illiams' Atedieine Co., Brockville, '
Ninety Communes Are Now in the
Hands of the French
M. Paul 1)esehanel, president of
o t e a slump in washerwomen. the French Chamber of Deputles, 'she
Mr. Geo. C. MacLean, in the Scottish- :t311t that is haw the largest nugget! value. They `do not build
Iiiever found in California tots turned muscle or supply energy, was recently the companion of Pre
1. How to waterproof their over out. Measured by the Cost of dent Poineare on a visit to the .French
coats.—.Put 1 ib. of alum, 3 ozs. of It was a young Indian who was front m Alsace, has given the fiancee -
fish glue (or any other first-class glue) washinghis
tlr sthes in big lump scertain of fortune Host foods, a breakfast or ing account of his impressions:
in five quarts of boiling water. When ncheon of Shredded Wheat .`we paid a visit. to the troops wl
dissolved, ad(1 five quarts of cold wa- came his way. Who will say naw that
virtue --cleanliness, for choice ---does with milk and cream is worth had just taken part in the Ogle -tit
ter. When cold plat in the overcoat not bring its own reward? a dollar- dollar—and the Dost is not oil Iiartmannsweilt:rkopf. So long
fora few minutes. When dry it will( The Californian Ialdorado, to which, 1 lire 1 shall never forget the look
shed the rain. !all the world rushed with one accord, over five cents. Two biscuits
2. A sure cure for dysentery— was first spotted by a man who went will supply all the strength the eyes of those young :sten, t
Put a heaping tablespoonful of the out early one morning to dig onions needed for a half -day's work look that was a. reflection of their c
best laundry starch into half a pint with a slleatli-knife, and found gold lleetive soul. of the same all i cava
ing inspiration. One felt the
iteflexibie resolution, their pride, the
absolute detachment from everythin
that was not connected with victor
I one felt that they were livino
xt• ,4 , ,. ' higher lift. What moral rple'n<.lr,u
1 ,'., , Y iii
:.%-,"'`,--e.-.,... • - ` I cannot shiest abcut it without th
sY i, toV
t!' tears starting m, eyes. I won
cold water mash well, and take a weight of gold out of a Bole in the , .-TT• F: Mike the whole of France to see wh
earth before breakfast! ii et such an 4 Ru. ; eve have seen.
swallow every few minutes. experience was common Hough. "W a occupy in Alsace the extent
4, Best way to make an egg nogg And a gold mine in New Zealand' one of our big I.rrondissenl:nts;
---Put yolk of egg into a tumbler with was discovered by a man who picked Made In Canada, ! communes, Wee" inhabitant ;, 10,0
a teaspoonful of Jamaica rum. Beat up a stone to throw at a wood'pfgeazll p school children. over}where the e
up well and put in a teaspoonful of _ Ile says; "Late spring and early thusiasm for France is the same."
sugar. Then put in half a pint of
milk. Never pat in white of egg.
5. Cure for pneumonia. ---Saturate
a ball of cotton (one inch in diameter)
with spirits of grain alcohol. Add
three drops of chloroform to each ball
of cotton.. Place between the pa-
tient's teeth (after first using vase -
line on the gums to prevent burning),
and let the patient inhale the fumes
in long, (seep breaths for fifteen min-
utes. Then repeat for fifteen minutes
or nitlre. Inhale again, and repeat
Om above twenty times. The result
will be that the lungs will relax and
of milk. Then put in two tablespoon -
to the blade. or pay,
full of blackberry brandy, if that is Talking of sheath -knives, they were
not handyput in enough red pepper tileig favorite menus of digger gold used g p Bendigo days. The diggers used
to warns it up. Take this mixturt these knives form any things, and
every two or three hours. wore them in their belts. They used
3. A cure for vomiting.—Put a to dig in their . "elaims," flicking out
heaping tablespoonful of Engii:,h bits of gold with the point.
black currant jaxn into a glass of imagine taking thirty-two pounds'
e "yes, in4ade, elle was a god: Nv-
at man," remarked an Irishman, refer-
ring to his late wife. "She ace
or good, kind hearted woman. Sh al.
90 ways hit me with the soft en•l cif the
el) broom."
Iditxard's Ziainxent Relieves 2reurai :a.
H eels Like a
seems t furnish 's
h the greater
number of victims, so that heat has
evidently an ilritzlting effect on then 1`la, ,•e,i It t•. l,.•.n known thrnita
(] mind, pr+,during the ntelanchol)° that f„
!i o Fellow le td t • 1 I fthef
The man who is unable to lisp :v ilio
in his inet•me must live without at.
tnet hiytt•rie tins•• to I.,.s:.t vs ccnndt a flti ISE,:1D po 'ATo' a
'u :user( e. p to d anti-nte.li :u'ti properties Thu Ito,
In t 1 u' 'act' mans fed It to sl:acx°..t(r Iu•e, tp&Prll 111. g I a1 t t:1•.\Tt, , IF.T3lI
^_ that the habit is regarded as aril,;►'7 t,l,,: Y> l.xx:nr uaran.r: ,e,.
malty look to it as the retie£ at has
epe l.c,trj't lvdThi ell nal- pal- der m•• Dawson.
only at.• h,e l;c•rrraIiti rcbe•llt±tl at its linseed qunta.inn , • Fi. 5 : ft,txt•: m:.. .:r,...1 ,• n.
WHY MANITOBA MAN PRAISES from misery. Though suicide is eon -i mdma• iuh taste. It has remained for ;...__.:. -.
dunned by both Christianity and M = elweit i;t„ t.. di>>...: Pr :; 31"11"d(.f (trlr xc lsxTcar
Jug "."g` ii i.ut mf tit. lin' e 1 oil by , '
hamnieclanl,xn, many Japanese regard'. ? ;.lr .SII •kl!'. Y:I..1t•li ('Yit4sSt :Ir
is as sometimes a means toward electric" changing the (d1 info a resin, j faxes. trade for used t.ar. I: t•1,
higher (ltd. The evil i5 due to a more mdaa1,
and tasteless as Mandl, Yet Bros•• i.atiuuel1, Obi.
After Experimenting rllentin;; Whtit Other insistent spirit of lias;stni:m following Ie..` a6 x 'Heti and n,edpcirslyl rci,t•rtits' ;•,S a x Sxc1cR _
1liedicfnes Max Hanjook Found in the wave of mat:riali. ,. un .ne,•a. u.an it ntn u. r1 in Ili.
ni in ei'ldenc. .iaom„st.a l:un.au ,m,xL el:it:nod to. bus I(III.01 ♦.8 NI i>S HRI !•4'4, 4i
Dodd's Kidney fills the Cure That after the wars with Russia and China.' 1.1„. mast matrisrtiu:; f.:e,,l tn1e1 and a' 11'r • t'n•1 ti:t;,e r: ti}.11Pm:r1 • a ty;
expand to their normal condition; in ,srrt;r sur r ) •1:,fiur, 1)oir,iuie}n .• i,*g
H( Sought. Lack of imagination and deep think i4t• iti(r relief to w; t a, .ted t(,ilytl rdmrth I'd,•rf \• t`te, r:.('atftarit 'ant.
twenty-four hours the sufferer is out ing which fail to find solace in nm- pat«,l. m4,>t t •e.. . t•il it
of danger, and in forty-eight hours Pleasant Home, Man. MYIarch 20th, tenial forces and knows no other 1 M 1P l.t• 1""" fl :lk•a1 r't•mpall
cured, although weak. Change the (Special.) --:sir. Max Hanjook, a well- source of relief naturally leaves the T.,rmnto, Cai„ 14xa• -U>1 (II; Y(4 .€; Max f(i (4,,,,
cotton balls every seven minutes, known resident of this place, who, victim in fatal despair:" „ , ' •.. "tb se lett in th.•ir 1 lettlit . ++;,...::.:-,n1
—. _.,: - _ after an extended period of ill -health The writer is pessimi tit- ae to the 1i fly is your friend thNra such a ti (a i.:z, ror(•ntn.
13I',y`1 +OI.I)ILRS IN THE 11'()RLI), is feeling strong and hearty again, future, for he finds that nut for many cone:11 In hbee,rtr lin r cand e;rt;ht?" YTA2T Ery
is spreading broadcast the good news year. has Japanese society been ill ; S 11, m e I e < u.. a the poor
duffer fell in lave at friss tight'" a:is--'1 ise. l'.‘1" VASH t li
British Cominandel in Balkan,: Pays that he found a new lease of youth such a state of stagnancy told gloom r 11.,ur i ,vu (t 1+ag r'. . , it,•
Iab I %,tabs f «'i N tax ( tit
High Tribute to the French.
t T tried all kinds of atrial' Allis, but number of suicides are among the 27RW1B4PRES• 'ox s :• ""—
"The beet soldiers in the world, they didn't help me very much," Mr, young and that the favored methods, It has been said that the darkest z Y1s• ,
1IT-11.2li1No; NEWS ::NI. I* 41
„apt . ,.,1 P in ,c' 1 .,'a,
Haben, eonlmandnig• the ilatish forces Pills have made ine feel like a differ- themselves in front of railroad trains • age man prefers his (loads gold lined towns. The r x: et t . rtttl nn l , :.. • .ate
of (tl it.t•„n Pull intros .,.t •t ,tt
„in the Balkans, expressed to the Paris ent man. I feel like a young fellow; and by casting themselves over water- and of less sombre hue. ° c(I ltlie•,ttte.n ., t'ti, ,an I'txi ti l.t„z tu-
Toulllal's Salolliea cordespotldeftt, re- again. T want everybody to know }falls. So many people jumped to , , fart..-fur•:tt :t0lelidtif. •t,•.:ei 'x•.'•'•.tt•a,
F, I. AtaEtczs
inDadd's Kidney Pills. Statistics show that the greater'' L izard•s Liniment for sale everywacre
is the opinion General Sir Bryan Hanjook says. "But Dodd's Kidney of seeking- death are by throwing; cloud has a silver lining, but the aver-
C.1 .R. Officials Viewed Silent Drente, {
to Stimulate Movement.
A realistic moving picture film in
the interests of the Safety First
Movement was recently displayed in
a specially fitted ear at Windsor Sta-
tion, Montreal, before Vice -President 1
Flury and a number of C.P.R. of
The film was produced by Mr. Mar-
eus A. Dow, general safety agent, l
New York Central Lines, and tells
the story of a railroad man, Jack Fos-'
ter, whose carelessness endangered
the happiness of his wife and home 1
until his friend Jim Stevens, a boost- ;
er for the Safety First, convinces him
by demonstrating awful examples that
it is worse to gamble for life than to
gamble in any other way. One man
gardiug the French army. that Dodd's Kidney Pills have done death over the Kegon water -fall D I R K' S REQ MITE K L, LE
"Our British soldiers, too, have for me evelytllmg that has been precrpl
given the world reason for admir-
ltion, but we never pretended to set
on foot an army really worth the
lame before the spring of 1916, as
we had to create everything.
"Germany Inas finished her war,
while ours is only beginning, and, in.
my opinion, no people will venture to in condition to strain all impurities,1
execute criminal designs as long as all the seeds • of disease, out of the ! eainaraei s.iniiment Cures Burma, Eto.
two such gendarmes as England and blood. The cleansed blood circulating I
France are ready to defend the right.”
Speaking of the Entente Allies, Sir
Bryan Mahon said that what was or-
ginally a union of reason, founded
on interest, now had become a true
marriage of inclination.
iee at Chuzcni in late years „ HELP WA TE
Jl:c appllcatlnn I{II.i.:
claimed for them." !that the authorities built a high wall ANTED txiiii,S FOR iti l IG
1'31 tint.:. ail pret .nrs y x .. ,.
Dodd's Kidney Pills make men and to deter would-be suicide,. The wa-; r their re appearance .rut• r ;incl Finishing Defy trlir. -t',
Ing the se.ison. Kc at•ti
women feel young again because they ter -fall is one of the most beautiful , f*Title free from body geed 's tgi :a. Apply Kini.su•': 114sisr ly
spread good health all over the body, in Japan. It carries off the water i , 11(0. MiliteA scaly less Co., Ltd., !ii::geti.n, Ont.
' 'bright and clean. KP t•s ,
Dodd's Kidney Pills act directly on ; flow from the lake, which itself is lard, pastry and sweets
fr P
ea; h e ante. Bete
the kidneys. They make the kidneys noted;as the summer home of the ; will give no trnublP trhPre,isetl. 'tvrttc to
strong and healthy and thus put them , foreign diplomats credited to Tokio. slay for 'speelal trial price. rooklet fro
Marshall do Mt+reran, Niagara, Sails, On
Distributors for Canada.
loses his leg, and other accidents arej
realistically portrayed in an exhibi-WHEN BABY IS ILL
tion at the Safety Rally to which m l
Stevens -----
takes Jack Foster—such as I When baby is i11 no other medicine
the shopman who loses an eye through will so quickly relieve him as will
.. -.L
all through the body gives new , The One Drawback.
strength and energy everywhere.
"You seem to be very comfortable
That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills are here. Do you like the work of broom -
popular all over Canada. f' making?" the female visitor to the
WARNING AGAINST LOSS prison asked a convict.
"I've only one fault to find with
Britain Must Adopt a Broad Agricul- my job here, lady," replied the con-
, tura) Policy vies•
Andrew Boner Law, Secretary for "Andd what is that, may I askV'
the Colonies, speaking at the London Its altogether too confining."
yearing goggles, the carpenter ;Baby's Own Tablets. They go ri ht School of Economics tonight, discus -
g sed the problem that will arise after
losing a finger while working at a ' to the root of most childhood ail- the war, referring particularly to ag-
buzz saw without the guard, thea ments—those derangements of the riculture. He declared that it. was
brakeman being run over while run -1 stomach and bowels which cause dif- necessary for England to adopt a Marion Bridge, CB., May 80, '0:3.
Ding between moving cars, the engine-, ficult teething, colds, constipation, broad program of agricultural develop- I have handled MINARD'S LINI-
man being killed while boarding the vomiting and simple fevers. They ment to prevent a too great number of MENT during the past year. It is
footboard of an engine in motion, cleanse the bowels and sweeten the Hien emigrating to the colonies.
Particularly impressive is the picture stomach and drive out all cause of government" ere and unquestionably the best
always the first Liniment asked for
"The h
of a collision due to slowness in flag -1 illness. Concerning them Mrs. Wm, ing on the star,saengaged in carry
here, d the Unionist q
ging. leader, 'has no easy task, but the seller of all the different kinds of
Evers, Gilks, N.B., says:—""We always Government which shoulders the duty Liniment I handle.
In order to promote the Safety keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in of reconstruction after the war will NEIL FERGUSON.
First Movement in Canada, Mr. Bury: the house as we have found them an have work no less difficult. The war
has secured a copy of the film, which , excellent medicine for little ones." has shown us that agriculture is still
will be offered to moving picture! The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- the most important of all our Indus -
houses at divisional and other import -1 ens or by mail at 25 cents a box from tries, and in the British Isles we must
ant railroad points along the line of The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., have healthy agriculture.
the Canadian Pacific Railway.
. --_-, —
Increased Capacity For Week.
Many former tea and coffee drink-
ers who have mental work to perform
day after day, have found a better
capacity and greater endurance •by n
using Postum. A woman writes: b
"I had drunk coffee for about t
twenty years, and finally had what
the doctor called 'coffee heart.' I t
• was nervous and extremely despond-
ent; had little mental or physical c
strength left; had kidney- trouble and e
constipation." (Tea is just as injurious s
because ib contains caffeine, the
same drug found in coffee.) t
"The first noticable benefit which o
followed the change from coffee to a
Postum was the improved action of a
the kidneys and bowels. In two weeks c
my heart action was greatly improved
and my nerves steadier.
"Then I became less despondent,
'and the desire to be active again
showed proof of renewed physical and
mental strength.
""1 formerly did mental work and
had to give it upon account of cof-
fee, but since using Postum 'I am
doing hard mental labor with less
fatigue." Name given by Canadian
Postum Co., Windsor, Ont:
Postum comes in two forms;
Postum Cereal..—the original form
—must be well boiled. 15c and 25c
Instant Postum—a soluble powder—
dissoles quickly in, a cup of hot wa-
• ter, and, with cream and sugar, makes
a delicious beverage, instantly:,30e
and 50c tins, •
Both forms . are equally delicious
and cost about the same per can.
"There's • a Reason" for 'Postum.
—sold by Grocers.
Brockville, Ont.
REAL VALUE OF RATS. important is the strength of the Impar- to look out, and I saw the kitchen
"After the war, large numbers of our ``There was a terrible accident at
soldiers will not be willing to go back our house last night," said a wag. "As
to' tame industrial life. We know how I was sitting in the parlor I happened
— , sal colonies and we wish to see thein sink:'
Carried a Guide Wire Through a ' grow in population with leen of our: --
Conduit 434 Feet Long. ! own race and ideals, but we do not Nrinara's 3.iniment Cures Dandruff
want to see the best and most vigor
The uses of rats and mice in this ; ous of our people leaving these shores
world have been problematical until even for the colonies. For that reason New Zealand's V. C.
ow. A use for the lowly rodent has it is essential to make real efforts to j Very few people know that New
een discovered, and in this one par- place agriculture on an attractive and'
profitable basis:' Zealand has its own Victoria Cross—
icular line he is invaluable. , p one of the rarest medals ever award -
Only a few days ago two rural ` ; ed "For Valor." New Zealand's Vic-
elephone companies in Canton, • I11.,1 pairedrby our Le' toria Cross is very similar to the
re forced by the public utilities ;ee"''` see sicians, as used for one so much coveted bythe officers
ommission, to establish a physical ; f many years in their and men of the arm and navy, 9 he
onnection between their lines. To do ; O"' t r eddatoethe Publicnd centre, however, bears the Wording
o required that a cable be run OUR E ti sold by Your Druggist. "New Zealand" instead of "For
a Try Muri n e to lief re sh,
through a conduit 434 feet long, and Cleanse, and Strengthen Eyes after exposure to Valor," and has no lion, elle cross
he managers were in despair until Cold Cutting Winds and Dust and to restore is surmounted bya crown and is
ne of them hit on the happy idea of healthfultone
and Eye strain. fastened
and made Sore fastened to the ribbon bar by a letter
ttaching a guide wire to the tail of Some broadminded Physicians use and reeom.- "V" for Victoria. This medal for
rat and chasing him through . the mend Murine while others perhaps jealous of its
Snccoss, talk and rush into print in opposition; bravery was instituted in 1869 by the
onduit. those whose Eyes need care can guess why, as Governor of New •Gealanii Sir G. F.
So It came about that a rat with a there is no prescription fee in Marine. Just hand
Eve Bour ok gMuist r neo Dropper you Vand Cot eSe e a rew Bowen. He" a tceeded his authority
silk fisliline to his tail was started ' ready for use. Try.itin year Eyes andira Babes in doing so, but Queen Victoria signed
through the small passage. A ferret Eyes for Eye Troubles—No Sdiarting—Just Eye the necessary order for the medals,
adding a note, however, that it was
not to be taken as a precedent. Al-
together only nineteen of these cross-
es were awarded.
sent after him to hurry him up was C Telae , Write for Book of the 18yo Free.
too ambitious and caught the rat. Morino• Eye Reamedy company. Chloa>fa
• The• entire collection of rats gath- - JAPANESE SUICIDE CAUSES.
ered through the medium of a news-
paper want ad were sent through'the Why 'the .Japs Are So Prone to Take
conduit, but the managers were never
able to judge properly the ferret's Their Own Lives.
handicap. Unrequited love, debt and the fail -
Finally a local inventive genius ore of men of education to earn a
suggested tying a bell on a rat. This sufficient living are given by a writer
was clone. The fishline was dragged in the well-known Chuo Koron review
through by the rat and then in thin as the three chief causes of ' suicides
a fine copper wire 'was drawn through. in Japan, the 'increase of which in re -
hand -aver -hand. , cent years has caused medical ex -
The rat neglected to stop andas Pelts considerable anxiety. The
.a reward for faithful service he was writer expressed the opinion that the
permitted to escape. dumber of suicidesis larger .than
appears . in the press and is' struck
It costs a lot to live these days-- by the foot that the number of cases
more than it did before. But when of self-destruction seems to have in -
you stop to think of it, it's worth a creased with the development of
whole lot more Western civilization.
Purely Herbal—No poison-
ous coloring natter.
Antiseptic --S tops b i o o d.
poisoning, festering, etc.
Soothing—Ends quickly the
pain and smarting.
Heals all sores.
50c. Box: A:11 Druggists and Stores
Z4. @iillt'q'
C ANt'f:i: 'PT'1r1'1I ;,, rxl'siI' a, '.PO.,
ist.n,n ,t ntu(1 e.ttPrnal. (ta.',l r r.tlx-
+ 4 tit p tis by .sue hose€ tr4,ttnt• id. Write
US bes"rrr ti+,. 9:ttP. Ixr, I3"lla.,.(•, :I.• heal
1 Co., 7.i:itit,•ti €•c,llingwtn.d. tri!.
;1n nt,tn•d:tte. Piet (=rade
,e or I/crculer
C oastc, Mahe ahe aril Flubs, Deta-
chable 71:,' , high grade equip,
inent,incindin;t:Mud- $ 50
guards.Pump,sTools 22.
for FREE 197E Catalogue,
BO pages of .Szcrcies, Su,,drus
mut h•.fair L ate,Ya1. You tan
buy your supplies front us at
Wholesale Priers.
27 iYotre Da me St.IVest,Aiontrea4
Muskrat t anther
is the cid firm of
Limited, 410 St. Paul
St. ,V., Montreal.
Ship all ycur furs
there • and obtain full
hashes` Watour oof
all charges pre -paid.
Colors, Fawn, Or•
Black and Blue.
Styles? Raglan, or set
in sleeve with belt.
SVe sell direct from
manufacturer Ito con-
sumer. No agents, no
middlemen. If you
don't like the garment
send it back and get
your money.
All garments guar-
anteed waterproof. Drat
lYien's Waterproofs.
all S•ylca •$3.50'Tp.
Write for xree Catalogue. Tape
Manure and Sarltples of Cloth
The Manchester Water-
proof and Clothtn ; Co.
P.O. Box 1744, or 319 James St.,
And How totuff
.Malted free to Any
emerenes the Author"
Pioneer I K CLAY GLOVEll, V. ea
Ifo, Remedies 118 West 31stS.reei,New oink
S:afore plac-
ing your order fi t
• seeds, ree ou • 11416 Gold- .:
en Jubilee Catarogne r 1 , rr e
Gov't. Stan.
No. 1 Red Clover (Faney).$1,%
No. i ,.tlsyke 13.a• i
'No. 1 Timothy . r,6:•
Allow 3er for each sett. ,r bag
Niro pay railway freight in On-
taxio and Qaabec over $35,00
The Ideal Winter Resort
Beautiful Drives, Saddle Riding,
Golf, Tennis, 'Yachting, Fishing.
and Sea Bathing. Present Gar-
mrisoentn of the. Ottawa :(38th) Regi-
is open. from nzom anzie to 'IE.0.Y
Situated an the Harbor of
Hamilton. Accommodates 400,
Rates : 321 per week and upward.
Bermuda is reached by the steam-
ers of the Quebec S. S. Co.,
33 Broadway, New "York.
Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles;
I ,nttphangitis, Poll Evil, Fistula.;
Boils, Swellings; Stops Lamenessr
and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cutsi
Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a
Does not blister or remove the
hair and horse can be worked. Pleasant to use,
$2.00 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case
for special instructions and Book 5 113 free.
ABSORBINE, JR:, antiseptic liniment Tor mankind. re.
duces Strains, Painful, Snorted, Swollen Wine. Concen.
traced --only a few drape required at an application. PricC
>i1 per bottle at dealers or delivered.
19 F YOUNG, P. 0. F., 515 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can..
"lbsorblae and Absorbine, Ir.. arc made In Canada.:
Do You Consider
Wear and Tear
On your harness when you
figure your profits for the
year? Ordinarily that's a
big item but you can make
it negligible by using
Keeps the leather soft and
prevents cracking: Adds
years to harness life.
.Deabe'9-8 .1 veryw7rere
The Imperial Oil Compatny.
ISSUE 12—'