HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-3-16, Page 7RHEUMATISM MYSTERY DEMANDS ON RAILWAYS. 1 I '''she Bread Problem is What the Railway Train Employes , not a problem in the home Are Asking, j where Shredded Wheat is The demands being. made by or- 4, known. The whole wheat ganizations of railway train • service ; grain is the real staff of life, Unless Rooted Out of the employes on western railways for a t d hit Sh dd d System it Grows Worse mend which affects Canadian as well'; Wheat Biscuit prepared In and Worse. as United States railways, would' a digestible form. It con - 25 per cent. increase in wages, a de -1 aTI you ave in re e Some .disease other attack, ttheother that each attack is worse than the teresting statement; l ti inn early it is rheumatism, but there , the railways—yen paid your employes hand or brain—for the kid - mean the disbursements of no less than tains more real body -build- s give immunity from $100,000,000 a year. In order to ae-' an but rheumatism works quaint the publie with some of the ing material than meat Or jus way. Every attack of , facts of the ease the executive come i eggs, is more easily digested, rheumatism invites another. Worse mittee of the Association of Western and costs much less. The than that i re t duces the body's power Railways has issued the following in- food for the up-and-coming cur- Mr. Farmer, sa one before, . If any disease needs 1, once upon a m a --like man who does things with are few diseases physicians find more fixed monthly wage. They worked dies that need a ure11-ba1- wveather does not cause rheumatism as how many hours. anted food for study or play difficult to treat successfully. Wet'; till their work was done, no matter was once thought, though weather con- Your farm .hand followed a plow be-; —for the housewife who must ditiorrs may start the aches and pains. ; hind a yoke of oxen, perhaps from sun save herself from kitchen Rheumatism is now known to be de- k up till sun down, their did his "chores". drudgery. U e l c o u S for pendent upon the blood condition and , and was contented. medical authorities agree that the I Suppose that when you invested V breakfast or any meal, with. Wood becomes thin with alarming rani.; more of your capital in a good team of i, milk or cream. dity as rheumatism develops. Main- taining horses, to replace the oxen, • your em- the quality of the blood is, ploye had said: "These horses turn g therefore a reasonable way of pre- k more furrows in a day than the oxen Made in Canada. venting and curing rheumatism. 'hat, and hereafter I want to be paid by it works out in fact is shown by the the furrow, or the distance the plow beneficial results which follow a fair !travels, but in case anything stops the r use of Dr, Williams Pink Pills. These plow you must pay me for a full day; pills actually make new, rich blood ; if I work 10 hours or less—if that plan which drives out the rheumatic poison,; would give more money than the Plow NEWS BY it1A.IL 1 RO'J IRd LAND'S and while the blood is kept in this mileage amounts to. GREEN SRORrS, condition there is no danger of the i Suppose that when you invested; trouble returning 'fir W T Pelle more money in a wheel plow on TUE -PRINCE of WALES. An Incident Which Shows His Kind- ness of Heart., The Prinee of Wales is making him- self beloved as well as respected at the front. Endless stories. of his kind- liness are told. The latest was re- lated to me by a very old friend who has lost four sons an the battlefield. The only surviving one is an army chaplain, and he was chatting to a group of men, "somewhere in France," about the loss of his last surviving brother and the loneliness and sadness': of his old mother,. Suddenly a young officer stepped forward with outstretched hand and remarked: "I heard what you said, sir, about your brothers and I am extremely sorry to hear it. T hope you will accept this expression of my profound sympathy, but," he said, "I do i.h you would give this card to your colonel, and ask him to give you. leave of absence for ten days, so- that you may go and see your mother in London and console her on her loss:' He took out his card and wrote a few words on it and handed it over. BAKING POWDE cON TAst $ NO ALUM. The only won known medium priced bakitxy powder madh, in Canada' „‘Ii‘that doe3 not contain alum and iento 111111011111100‘: plain y s:atedhich has il its an the label. E ,GltLEIT COMPANY LIMITED W4NNI:acq TORONTO,. OST. wfgNace�.c POSTAL EMPLOYEES ENLIST. Over 50,000 at the Front With British Forces. Over 50,000 post office emloyees are with the colors. At present 1,620 have lost their lives, and there are on the books of the relief fund 1,300 orphans. In the majority of cases the Government pension is or will be sup- plemented by the fund, the maximum assistance of five shillings a week be - "Is ii a^ h ter cert'} , ref r. ••>•, asked a youth rf 1,1.:14•' , r ,ft'.. "- letter letter hed Pay mi'?s t h'.>, "N: not at ail," r eche' the n ..a:i::i Teem, "Notidng serious ---'b 1 a little sti ness in the }reel: of ya „ =leer:: i .1, But you must keep an eye on it." Sr.P3r POTtiTO-.3 Q BED 3 i rj Ti LUIS:i t •,i3- u1,rs. ' . :ware. t;: t, n der at o•i:e 1 ti,p►y 3ittalt.d w'I - for euota.ions. 11. w:'. Pawrcnr, It was -the Prince of Wales. ing given to widows under 35� years 7sy& V,r, of age, with four or more children, y IIrIc itl,l.> fatly: a••, r. w I� Parcels of food are sent weekly to .1 encs. e•ics . €"t .ale oj� jrlTf! Y 2r3 % ,(� i poet office prisoners of war, of whom "•;.An liitt;:ns. lt, i•1iz1:' s iii##rin Greer) ��[? ire vfort Tbei pfa.rrl, C?ut+fiat, ''there are now over 570, _.—. Weight . n tit +;. oir; .K,SGBANG .—. TIU SL'N I.Iri: OF CAN.tD.t. Pore tra4le ic.r use 1 curl l -- Irro� , 1..tbwwt•lt. ' r.t. Nen Records Have Been Created By Crneeszier SCC Palermo, Ont, says:—"I was attacked "'hick your employe could ride at' Happenings in the Enserald Isle with a trouble u i t y , t Interest to All True Irish - pronounced rheumatism. Often I was' walk in a heavy furrow and wrestle' ----.- of Canada, achieved reenters during Canadian , - New Brunswick a Feels er• I want you to pay me for a full ie •. •1 it1h was ultimatel ' ease instead of being required to T SIRS. BROWN SAYS OF This Company. 1]ODD'S KIDNEYPILLS, The Sun Life Assurance Company barely able to crawl into bed, and sel- l with a heavy plow, he said: "Isere then N B ick Lady 1' 1 It I; 1915 that ale, newinthe ' life a�tnur•tnce held Assurances of da if I wvo k 8-ur 1 ss with' At l.einste' Assize , I)tthtin, Geo, fluty to Tell Women That Dodd's over $3.4,000,000 were issued and paid rha s of c :lnm able to do a full day's wvark. ' In after this condition I doctored for a year, , y , Bell was found guilty, but insane, on Kidney Pills Are the Hest Remedy for in cash, total assurances now in absolutely getting no better Then I time -and -a -half pay for over time, a char ge of the murder of his father' • force over $250,000,000; total pay - menti to "°lie holders since of t;an- consulted another doctor whose chief either on a time or distance basis, in County Meath, and was committed She Ewer Lsed. consolation was that unless I could i which ever will give me the most to an asylum. „ T :i eou ITarbor, (i1oueester (.'o., izatinn nloi•e than 552,(,00,000, a:•sets get tier of the trouble I would be a !money, A ewes has reached $tewvartstown N.I3., :ilei. 13th (Spc cial.l -"I think in excess cif $74,000,000, a cash im cripple for life, He prescribed diet -1 Suppose, further, Mr. Farmer, that that a farmer named Geo. Rari ,rn' ire Pills are worth their • nearly '1+; 000 000 and an un - PP from 1904 to 1314 you had increased residing in the tom land of New- Dodd's Kld y come c f nee y , New - big, and I doctored with him for at. thewages e farmhand fromlangars, aged 35 years, dropped dead weight in gold." This is the state- distrihuted net surplus of over $7. - least six months, but instead of get- , wag .s of your . pp bigh- ting relief I became weaker and less $002.00 a year to $1,253,37 a year, outside his home. ment of Mrs. .Tames Brown, well 500,000. All these figures are high - h toget around. Then I decided :would you feel like granting his last At ax meeting of the governors of known and highly respected here. water mirk c in the annals of Can - able the Royal Irish Academy of Music, a "I think it would be ungrateful on adieu life a• surance. On anothc to try a doctor in Toronto, and was demand for more wages for doing ex- letter was read from the secretary, my r-ut. if I slid r.ot tell shat a bless- column will be found a comparativ; under his treatment for about four actl}' the same work in the same stating that the treasury grant of ing Dodd's Iiiclney fills •have been to '-tatcyment of the husine; s done for months with no better results. 1 have hours? , u 51,:,00 is to be discontinued. me," Mrs. Brown continued. ``I was 1914 and 1915, and also a statement d t d tried other reme- That# is precisely the question that The Dublin Port and hocks Tigard up the oe 'ni s and " in bed three wveeks wvith headache auti showing the Company':. gro.e tlr from dies which were equally futile. Then ;the railway managers of this country is taking steps to have the prowl . -4 ' ,� , .are track. Then I began to use 1872 to 1;115, all of which show a re - one day our store keeper sent ute a are now called on to answer, The men ,1 of the sFnlert;eney pct suspending Dodd's Kidney Fills and I found them maxlt:tble increase, and t.lso reties t box of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, saying, employed in railway train service are , election. in connection with local ' t that if theydid not help me I need asking a 25 per cent, increase in pay' government bodies applied to itself, the hest remedy 1 have ever used." the greatest credit on the manage. Y not pay for them. I took them and for exactly the work the have been i Speaking at a recruiting meeting Mrs. Brown is just one of the many ment of the Sun Life. in Waterford, lir. Redmond made a women in New Brunswick who are • then got some more and found they: doing, and under the same conditions, special appeal to farmers to assist telling of pains relieved and health Foe Have Leatherless Shoe. me,except as to pay. As with the farm in securing recruits for reserve bat - but they did cure me and were cheap •way trrtln service men have been con- g the ranks, a ney remedy. Y being widely advertised in the German as compared with the other treatments stantly improved at the expense of p The death took place recently of puffer ng women's • em 1 © thbese kidneys.be se newspapers. The uppers are made of i 1 the employers. Government statistics = Mr. William Tully, 3. P., pro actor they act y hThey grey or black 'Waterproof linen earl- : which die not help me. The cure was Y i p tone upthe kidneys and put them in made several years ago, and I have I prove that the hazel cl of their anti- 4 and editor of the' Roscommon ,lour-: conclit n to do their frill work of cloth, while the soles are built of thin not had a twinge of rheumatism since.; nation has steadily decreased. This • nal• He was a Justice of the Pence la ers of wood glued tor;ether with To -day I am well and strong and I be.; is the result of millions spent by the for the Co. Roscommon for the past C straining all T tate impurities out of wvaterproof glue. lieve I owe it all to Dr. Williarns Pink railroads for better, roadbeds, heavier I twenty-frw.e years. the blood. Nine -tenths of women's rails double tracks block signals I At a meeting of the C'lonmel Cor- troubles come from. tli;ensed or disor- Miners,$ z�ment for 0 Pills."poration it wv.t, proposed that oat.,, dtred kidneys. There is abundant You can get these pills through any • to i ehvery y depressed state the Po ,s- evidence on every hand that Dodds ! The Furnace. d dealer byl t d areal to s s ng i f M f Mune' d t t were helping before I probably used : hand the working conditions of rail- restored by the great Canadian kid- A new type of "featherless shoe" is $10.00 worth before I felt fully cured, I , g talions to make good the wastage iu eel •. Dodd's Kidney Pills are i4ir1-r'i w ,a N i+,t•I�w .. , B. l uy in i •ae 1::::1:(1,1:::;4:::r1 write fc,r a att,into,. i-il sm,0 , 1tet d & I'••. t . .G,G11NTs WANTED T,e _• '] Alii* a t. i•4)i Nei wt;tN TO -4 1r•ot in their t'•c•ality. Works, Tur„nar�. 21EWSPAPEns ,Fon save. ROFIT-Eleni:'.) NEWS ANU JOI5 Offices for eels in gnarl fie -tat -to :tarto towns, The most t:s - u1 and f ?*er••4t:ax rt all businesses 1,'uii inforn x1ie as application to WIls',n Puhtsn.ng Lo .- yanF, 73 West Adelaide St roroni.o. automatic couplers, air brakes, mode ;, ` anical Icer ' oil burning a roes !land man other safer a id labor -saw - ale ever chore medicine ea er or mail, poi pal Ion o Mayor o. . onme during ie- Kidney Pills cure all Kidney troubles.. "Shakespeare, I believe uses at 50 cents a box orx boxes for I ing devices, for wvhi h stile employes nzenir s y The propos honor,ne of without without tfeated - term 'sighing for a furnace.' " $..50 from The Dr. Williams`i Iliedicine' made no investment and assumed no ABOUT SIACHINE GUNS. "I believe so. Why?" At Cork Winter Assizes John Staf- "brine has a sort of wheeze." risk. ' ford Dunne, manager of the Macro= -- Co„ Brockville, Ont. Drink Water. Very few peopie realize the health - ministering power of water -drinking, and it is fairly safe to state that not half the population drinks anything like the quantity they should do. It is a common error of mothers and nurses to curtail the child's wish to drink water whenever thirsty, un- der the impression that too much water is bad for it in every way. This is only correct if the child is very hot, simply because the sudden chill on an over -heated frame is very These are the facts, Mr. Farmer. liable to set up ill effects, and applies Will you think them over and then and secretary of the Kilkenny Gas; These guns fire rifle cartridges at equally to anything cold. say if you think the railway train Company, suddenly collapsed and; immense speed by mechanical means, Apart from this,there is reallyno died before medicar aid could be ` and usually the kick, or recoil, of the p service employes are justified in summoned. � gun is used for the purpose of reload - need to limit the quantity consumed threatening the prosperity of every in- A Local Government Board inquiry ` ing, It is interesting to note that in The men who are now asking for '25 branch of the National Bank pleaded The different Kinds Used by the per cent, higher pay are and always ! guilty to embezzling $7,500, the Armies at War.. have been the best paid a all ra., _ _ l monies of the bank, and was lien - 1 fenced to twelve c months imprison men to nearly $4,000 a year for en- Ch p Murphy, p gineers on the best runs. The aver- age wages of the 300,000 employes who are demanding an increase are: $1,253.37 a year, an increase of 40 per cent. since 1904. The 1,400,000 other railway employes average $684.78, an increase of 25.2 per cent. since 1904. employes. Their wages range from ' Every day in the newspapers there $800 a year for inexperienced brake- ment. • crop up incidents dealing with the of In • ector tllur h Tn5 ector effect of machine-gun fire, and an ttie Love, Sergeant Halley and other enormous number of these weapons Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. members of the Detective Division " are doing their deadly work to -day. of the Dublin e�Mt.ropoiitan Police, In the British Army the machine - i -aided the shop of Messrs. Lawler, gun is the Maxim; the French use in Foram street, and took possession the Hotchkiss, or Puteaux, Austrians t of a large quantity of firearms, am-, employ the Schwarzlose, and Germans munition, etc. the Maxim. In all cases machine-guns While presiding at a public meet- are attached to the infantry forces, ing in Kilkenny, Mr. John A. Davis, usually at the proportion of two guns agent for the Marquis of Ormonde per battalion, or 1,000 men. by a child, and the average amount that an adult should drink daily should be, roughly, three pints. It is necessary as a cleanser for all the internal organs as much as- a bath is for the exterior of the body, and yet there are people who consider the fact that they never drink water un- adulterated something to be proud of. CROSS, FRETFUL BABIES The cross fretful baby is a sickly baby the well child is always happy and' smiling. Mothers if your baby is cross and cries a great deal something is wrong. His little stomach and dustry in this country, of even the was held in the board room of the 1 a test forty-two British first-class very existence of individuals depend- South Dublin Union, into an applica-; shots engaged against a mnachine- ent for food supply on uninterrupted tion of the South' Dublin Rural Couu- ; gun, each firing at the same target railroad service" cil for a loan of $50,000 to complete i for one minte, the gun discharged 228 , a•scheme of laborers' cottages. There CHILDREN IN WAR. was no objection. • The Dublin police recently raided Get. Quite Accustomed to Shells and a number of homes under the De- fence of the Realm Act, amongst Bullets. - which was that of the Countess Mar - Those who were in Ladysmith dui- kevie, Rathmines, where a printing rounds and made sixty-nine hits; the forty-two marksmen: discharged 408 rounds and made sixty-two hits. Good for Children. Mothers! Physicians agree that building ele- press was seized which was being iravor a..� ing the siege have told us that the used foro printing pro -German liters menti of grains lie In the dark parts children soon got used to the state of usually thrown away. So also do the affairs, and it has been the same else- ure. _— where. __....y.e.�._.._ During the siege of Lucknow the un- STOPPED SHORT fortunate children used to get tired of stopping in the stifling rooms, and Taking Tonics, and Built up on bowels may be out or order; his teeth occassionally as a treat were allow- Right Food. troubling him, or he .may be bothered ed to play in the least exposed places with worms. The mother should im- outside. On one occasion a swing was The mistake is frequently made of mediately give him Baby's Own Tab- demolished by a shell, while bullets; trying to build up a worn-out nervous ould frequently fall close to them, system on so-called tonics. lets. They never fail to relieve the bwut they soon got used to it. I New material from which to re- baby. Concerning them Mrs.Ronald When IVladame Modjeska was a. build used up tissue cells is what Hurley, Gilks, N.B., writes:« I know child she and her little brother wrre should be supplied, and this can be of nothing so good for cross, fretful in Cracow when it was ' bombarded obtained only from proper food. babies as Baby's Own Tablets and I by the Austrians. Their mother m- ain pleased to recommend them to tired to the cellar, and called to the; "I found myself on the verge of a other mothers." The Tablets are sold children Yl and and to illness in the fain - cents medicine dealers or by mail at 25 I t t ,> and study, a young i mother. cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . The habits of old age are gener- ally matured and ally the habits of yo confirmed. finally pushing her My food did not seem to nourish me. morn p At the last meeting of the Belfast to follow,but the small boy cried: "I will not go to the cellar; wan o see. ' Madame Modjeska stayed with him; "My friends became alarmed be and almost at once a shell carried cause. I grew pale and thin and could away part of the house, and the bul-i lets began to fall. Her brother picked notsleep but nights.the r effects owore various oft thein up and ran from room to room, shortly after I stopped taking them. 1 1' h into the corner of most exposed. "Hide Tri that corner. There will be more bullets,": he cried. And there were. So, picking them uph e t o1d her nervous collapse, due to overwork lime salts which your child needs to { harden bones and teeth. Children fed ' upon coarse dark cereals develop greater resistance. Witness the Bulgars and Serbs. Roman soldiers who conc1uet•ed the world fed upon two bands of entire grain food a day. Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal is scientifically balanced ration made from several entire grains. It's delicious, easily prepared in a variety of ways and nourishes better than meat. It's a natural laxative. Most ' grocers sell it. Made by Roman Meal Co., Toronto, Canada. "Reading of Grape -Nuts, I cleter- Board of Guardians it was reported mined to stop the tonics and see what that there were 127 cases of scar- a change of diet would do. I ate letina in the hospital. to hold out her apron; and dropped Grape -Nuts four times a day with them in. Then; looking otit or the cream, and drank milk also, went to • window she sawv, a man shot, which bed earafter a 1 ft dish of Grape -Nuts. Granulated Eyelids dyes inflamed by exposure F, w`= J to Cold Winds and Dust , ..e quickly relievedbyMuslim YOUR ' res Eye Remedy. No Smart- ing, just Eye Comfort. At' Your Druggists 500 per Bottle. Murine Eye SalveinTubes25e. For Book of the Bye Free write idlurine Eve Remedy Company, ChicagO The best ofi frier ds we often find are those we . have taken good care never to "fend. y frightened her, and so both ran to the "Ili about two weeks I was sleep- cellar. - - ing souiidy. In a- short time gained weight and felt like a different wo- man. Grape -Nuts and fresh air were the only agents used to accomplish the happy results." "There's a Reas- on." Name given by C .nadien Postuni Co., Windsor, Ont. Evor read the above 'otter? ti. new oneappears from time to time. They are gemune, true ane full of ltuma Speaking of educated snakes, the • adder's in a class by himself. . Further meetings are being held in Belfast dealing with the qaestions of house rent increases and advanc- ing coal prices, and resolutions have been passed calling upon. the Gov- ernment to take steps to 'curtail the extottionate prices for coal. interest, It The Neighbors Say. If he is regular in attending church, he is too pious. If he doesn't attend church, 11e is on the road to perdition. If he sends his family away for the summer, it is more than he can af- ford. - .r he is stingy. If he doesn't f 1 111 If he happens to be successful in business, he achieved sueeessby swind-,' ling. If he gives freely to charity, it is done for show, If he doesn't, he is classed as a skin- flint. If his wife does her own work, sho is "killing herself" - ford the family. If she has servants, she ought to be more economical. If all the world's a 'stage it's up to each of us to contribute something to- ward the elevation thereof. �inard's Liniment µ Cures i andrtid' Have used MINARD'S LINIMENT for Croup; found nothing equal to it; sure cure. CHAS E. SHARP. Hawkshaw, N.B., Sept. 1st, 1905. He that has never known adver- sity is but half acquainted with him- self or with others. Constant triumph shows us but one side of life; the re- verse side is necessary to full knowl- edge. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. Great System. Teacher—"In what year was the Battle" of Waterloo fought?" Pupil"I don't know," Teacher— "It's simple enough if you only would learn how to cultivate artificial me- mory, Remember the twelve apostles. Write for particulars. Add half that number to them, That's eighteen. Multiply that by 100. That's TORONTO CREAMERY CI,, LIMITED 1800. Take the twelve apostles again. TORONTO Referenors Our Ba akar Clic! T• (Dept W) F1 i 81SOUS, ::CER. TUMORS. I.t'MI'$. ETC. _! Internal and external. cured ut pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Hellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collingwv :od. Ont. _ tale ealV V DOG DISEASES: And How to Feed Gia:?ed free to a :y addr,:se I+y the Aaarn H. CLAY CLOST.R. V. S. 118 West 31stSireet, New *.'oris America's Pierteef CoQ:Rene; h eetase 1ti.o I. afore glee- .h c. , rseeds,se our1516order51Kie?c1-t�•r'� fl en Snbtlee Catalogue :t in Yrs+. Govt. Stan. Run. Na. 1 Red Clover t Forney) si1.15 No. 1 Alsylte Met) No. 1 Timothy 5.G5 Allow 504• for each cotton bei; We pay railway freight in On- tario and Quebec over $25.00 iz CANADA'S GREATEST Ficuskrat Handier is the old firm of HIRAM JOHNSON Limited, 410 St. Paul St. W., Montreal. Ship all your furs there and obtain full value. ....41•11/11111•1111. •41.7/11•C-aermaaartice.1.1.111ffilt1.11.1111.1110.1•1111•1••••inGwarevoknes;•ft WANT We furnish cans, pay express charges, and guarantee highest prices SWEET OR SOUR Add a quarter of their number to them. That's fifteen. Add what you've got. That's 1816. That's the date. Quite simple, you see, to re- member dates if you will only adopt my system." Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Men are like tea, says Estelle Kiau- der; it takes hot water to draw out their strength. The Ideal Winter Resort Beautiful Drives, Saddle Riding, Golf, Tennis, Yachting, Fishing and Sea Bathing. Present Oar - risen of the Ottawa (88th) Regi- ment. PrHotel 1s open from DECEMBER, to MAY. Situated on the Harbor. of Hamilton. Accdnamodates 400. Rates ; s26 per week and upward. 1-1OWE dk i'WOROGE,R, Managers ` HAMILTON, Bir.RMUCA Bermuda. is reached- by the steam- ere of the Quebec .3. S. Lo,.', 33 Broadway, New York. i If Your rse Cue Talk He would tell you that he can do lots more work when the wagon wheels are greased With ?rr .XE GR A Mica Axle Grease fills the pores of the axle. Makes a perfect bearing 10rface. Re- duces friction to a minimum. .Dealers ,Everywhere The Imperial Oil - Company Limited.2 .. 811AICCIIES IN Arlt . CITIES rte, r. ay. ;t',a -t— 6.. 1 TSSUE I2---'I6C