HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-3-16, Page 51111 11111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111,1111 11111 a111ttt m1111111111iiiiii11111111111i,i1i1111P1 1 I! 11111U11111111n11111111111n nlnilnt11111n1112 111 111 111 1 1 11 1111 1 11111111111 /11. 1 iiiii11,1111111111111/1111111 "Ah,. that is the odor for health" The mild carbolic odor you note in Life- buoy is the sign of its. splendid protective qualities. ForLifebuoy is more than a mere soap. It does more than cleanse, It guards the skin againstinfect- ion—makes it healthy as well as clean. Then again, the odor vanishes immediately after use—though the benefits linger. Use Lifebuoy at your next bath. 1141,10111111111111111111t11r11g11411111nLLI111a millioO1111 1 1l nItIp11111JItm11U11- tisitsi111 11 L'FIQAL DiCKSON 4 CARLUNG, aARRISTE t8, Solmtrors. Notaries, Conveyancers, Con(.. nalaetoners. Sollcitlora for the Maisons Bank etc. tfoney to Loan at lowest rates of interest Offices—Main-St., Exeter 1. R. Carling, B.A. L. B. Dickson we funds emits MONEY TO LOAN have a large arnowat of Private to loan on farm and village prep - at low rates or Interest. GLADMAN STANBURT Bavriatere. Solicitors, Exeter. DENTAL. Dr. G. F. ROULSTON, 14.D.S,. D.D.S. DENTIST gei12ber of the R.C.D.S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto riniversity. Oirice—Over Dickson & Carling'e law office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DENTIST DR. A R. KINSMAN, L.A.S., D.D.S.. Honor Graduate o' Toronto Universlt ' 'ecth extracted without pain, or any cad effects. Ott'ee over Gladman & Stantrury'a Office, Slain Street, Exeter. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole bead of a family, or say =Leaver 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available Domin ioa land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must •appear in perso l. at the Dominion Lands Ag- ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency) on certain conditions, Duties—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each o three years. A homesteader "nay liv a ,thin nine miles of his homestead cn a fad�i of at least 80 acres, on certain re- wired A habitable house is re- yred in every case, except when re- sidence is performed in the vicinity. In. certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties—Six months resi- dence in each of three years after earning homestead patent; also 50 atres extra cultivation. Pre-emption Went may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- flans A settlerwho has exhausted his homestead eight may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties—Must re- side 6 months in each of 3 years, cu- ltivate 50 acres, and erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may oe substitutes far cultivation under cer- tain conditions. • W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy Of the Minister of the Interior N F.t—tJnauthiorized publipatlon o' tote advertisement wr111 not be peed for. pt2 A Christian college -home, healthful situation., Forprospectusand terms,write the Principal R, I :Warner, M.A.,D,D., St. Thomas,Ont: 63 CENTRAL 1c , - r'i•, STRATFORD. ie,;, Y,OU CAN SECURE A POSITION "?ge/ou take a coursewith us...:,,.The demand. upon us for trained help is many times • the number graduating, Students are entering each week. You may enter ;at any; tune,,; Write.. at once for our free"catalogue "of Coni':: mercial,.,Shbrthand or ;"Felegraphy',•De.,. parttnents D. A. McLachlan. Prisl i•paP f e• Auction Sale CHOICE DAIRY COWS, HORSES AND YOUNG STOCK Thera will be sold by Public auc- auction at the stable of L. Day & Son Exeter, on TUESDAY, MARCH 28th 1916, at 1 o'clock sharp, the fallow- ing ,property— Horses --1 Percheron filly, rising 3, Voltaire, broken to harness; Percher - an filly, rising 2 years, by Voltaire. Cattle --Newly calved cow; cow due May 4th; cow due Aug. 20th; 2 town due time of sale; cow due May 9th ;, cow due Sept, 27th;; cow due May 2; cow due June 4th; farrow cow; cow supposed to be in calf; 2 2 -year old heifers ;supposed to he in calf; 2 1 - year old heifers; 4 heifer calves, ris- ing 1-yer old; number young calves. The above cows are all young, first- class dairy cows, having been selected by the owners for some time past, weeding out the undesirables; and are very hc•avY milkers. The above stock will positively be sold as the proprie- tors• are giving up the Dairy business, Terms -6 months' credit on approv- ed joint notes. 4 per cent, straight allowed for cash. Calves cash. L. DAY & SON 13. S. PHILLIPS, • Proprietor Auctioneer e C. H. SANDERS, Clerk. 1 Are You Going West ? THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM WILL RUN Homeseekers' Excursions EACH TUESDAY MARCH 7th TO OCTOBER 31st (inclusive) Tickets valid to return within two months inclusive of date of sale WINNIPEG AND RETURN ' $35,00 EDMONTON AND RETURN $43,00 Proportionate low rates to other points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Full ,particulars and tickets on ap- plication to agents. N. J. DORE. Exeter MITCHELL—This town was shock ed Friday morning on learning of the sudden death of John Mitchell Ford of the T. S. Ford Company. Spinal meningitis wa.s the cause, he being ill two we.eles. Besides T. S. Ford, three sisters survive. , THE NEWEST REMEDY FOB Backache, Rheumatism and Dropsy. Kidney, Bladder and Uric Acid troubles bring misery to many. When the kidneys are weak or diseased these natural filters do not cleanse the bleod sufficiently and the poisons are carried to all parts of the body. There follow depression,aches and pains, heaviness, drowsiness irrita- bility, headaches, chilliness and rheu- matism. In some people there are sharp pains in the back and loins, distressing bladder disorders and sometimes obstin- ate dropsy. The uric acid sometimes forms into gravel or kidney stones. When the uric acid affects the muscles and joints, it causes• lumbago, rheumatism, gout or sciatica. This is the time to try " Anuria." Send 10c. for trial package. During digestion uric acid is absorbed into the system from meat eaten, and even from some vegetables. The poor kidneys get tired and backache begins. This is a good --time to take "Anuric!' the new discovery of Dr. Pierce for Kid- ney trouble and Backache. Neglected . kidney trouble is responsible for many deaths, and Insurance Company examin- ing doctors always test the water of an Applicant before a policy will be issued. Have you ever set aside a bottle of water for twenty-four hours? A heavy sedi- ment or edi-mentor settling •sometimes indicates kid- ney•trouble. The true nature and chat- acter of diseases, especially those of the' kidneys and urinary organs, can often be determined by a careful chemical an- alysis and microscopical examination— this is done by expert chemists of the Medical 'Staff of the Invalids' Hotel. If you wish to know your condition send a sample of your water to; Doctor Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo,:; N. Y., and de- scribe -,your symptoms. It will beex=.: amine(' without: any expense to you, and Doctor ,i'i erce or his,• Staf, .Pf Assisting,,.. Pleysichene- 1 inform y ou j ithfully : is e - + yS1EL SN tV' F t Read all about yourself; your system, physiology, anatomy; hygiene, simple home cures,•ete., in the "Gmmon Sense 1'111c }12edical Adviser " a book of 1008 pages.Send to Dr. Y. ?L Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y 30 cents .itn one -cent .stamps for .,a.:cloth- bound-copy. Customs'prepaid. STEPHEN COUNCIL (Continued from last week.) Webb—Neeb—That the Auditors' Report be receive'. and filed with the Clerk.—Car red, The following orders were passed: A. Zimmer, grader repairs, 35c; Ad- vacate Printing Co, printing, $15.07; G. Neaman, gravel, $60.37; Municipal World 89c.; N. Stanlake, gravel, 29,25 J. Wilhelm, shoveling snow, $3.50; G. Mason, gravel (contract, $30; rep. Mud Creek bridge, $1.50; J. Kennedy, gravel, contract, $75; G. Hepburn, gravel, $3.25; H. Yearley, wood • $24. The council adjourned to meet a- gain on April 3rd, at 1 p. rn., when patlimasters, pound -keepers, fence viewers and inspeoto's to enforce the provisions pf the cow -tag byelaw for the ensuing year, will be a,ppointed. H. Eilber, Clerk, Capt. Reg. Yates, after leave to recover from being gassed left his home in Mitchell last week to return to the front --a happy man; to get back on a man's size job. Capt. W. K. Campbell arrived at his home in. Mit- chell front England where he, broke lr s (leg in a fall from a new- type of aeroplane he was trying- GODERICH—A,Pparently despond- ent through ill health and worries, laavicl Ziziey, %on of Rioh. Frizley of Saltford ended his li£a at 7 o'clock Thursday night by slashing his throat with a razor at leis father's home, The victim was a married roan, about 30 years of age. He formerly was a well-known barber in Goderich, but for ;some years had bei.eni lividg in De- 7.roit, His wife end child live in that city. A SURE THING. Bill—"Are you down -hearted?" Torn—"No, but I am fearfully tired, It's ,nervous exhauston, I guess." Bill --"Well, there's no need tostay tired, Tom. Go and get a box of Takake spills, They'll fix you up. Fifty cents tt box at your druggists, or by mail from the, Georgian Mfg. Co. Collingwood, Ont. A CHANCE FOR -- THOSE GOING WEST. iiorneseekers' Excursions to West- ern Canada at low fares via Canadian Pacific each Tuesday, March 7th to October 31, inclusive. Particulars from any Canadian Pacific Agent, or W. B. Howard. District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Auction Sale OF HIGH GRADE STOCK There will be sold by public auc- tion, on Lot 12, Con. 9, USBORNE, ?i mile North of Winchelsea, on FRIDAY, MARCH 17th, 1916 At 1 o'clock sharp, the following property, viz. Horses—Perclieron gelding, rising 4; Perc:heran gelding rising 3; gelding rising 2. sired by Chlor -aline. Cattle --3 renewed cows, 2 cows due at time of sale; cow due April 28, cow due May 11; cow due Sept 2nd; cow due Oct. 22; farrow cow; 3 two year old steers; 3 two-year old hei- fers eifers • 4 good beef heifers; 3 yearling steers, 12 last Spring calves , 7 young calves. Bulls—Hereford, rising 3 years; Registered Durham, 4 months old, Hogs -8 sows due April 8th to 20th 15 gore hogs; thoroughbred York- shire boar. This is an extra choice lot. Positively no reserve. Terms—$10 and under cash; over that amount 7 months' credit on ap- proved joint notes. 6 per cent. per annum off for cash on credit amounts. SAM'L BROCK, C. W. ROBINSON Proprietor Auctioneer F. 'COATES, Clerk. DR. DeVAN'S,FRENCH PILLS ger:. egi°' dilating Pill for women. $5 a box or three for at alt Atug Stores. or mailed to any address on receipt of price...THE ScossLL Dave Co'., Bt. Catharines, Ontario. PROSPHONOL FOR MEN. v ane 1 itality;for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey matter" ; a Tonic --will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5 at drug stores, or by. mail on receipt of price ^ Trts SCOBELL DRUG. Co., 9t, Catharines. Ontario. HAY COUNCIL Council met an the 4th. Dashwood hydro electric power money by-law was filially passed. A resolution ask ing ;the Minister of Militia, to establish a mnobolization camp at Goderich for the ;training of faux or more battalions for overseas service was passed. F.W; Farncomb was re -appointed engineer for the Tonvniship and Proudfoat, Kit loran & ,Cootke were appointed solici- tors for 1916. Grants of R5l were made to the National Sanitorum for Con- sumptives, Hennsall Spring Show and, the Zurich Agricultural Society.• The Branch Brach North -drain through the Big Swamp will be inspected( and if ne.c.essary the engineer will be called and arrangements made to have the,. ditc'it cleaned out. A levy of one mill on the dollar will be made on the taxable ,property of the Township in 1916 the taxes so collected to be for the British Red Cross Fund, The pathmesters, sheep valuators, pound keepers and fence :viewers for 1916 were appointed and a number of ac- counts were passed. ZURICH Messrs. Henry. Price ,and Saniepson o,1 .Messrs. 'left Louden, where they underwent operations. — During the thunderstorm on Monday night, light- ning struck the house of Mr. George Theml 14th concession, sign demolishing the the chimney land damagingthe roof f to some extent.—Mr. W. L. Keys has sold his farm in Stanley to his son, Artie Keys. He intends moving to some. town,—Mr. 'Albam Smith has re-' , wineld ,to,. Detroit, after a pleasant 1vr�alt, at;„xhis. home here -;•-F' 'd of t•he pioneers af• the ,Saublle line;:passed' a-' Way, Lor sDenoama and Alexander Mousseau eeMrs. Bossenberry and son Austin, left Monday 1 fareeeetheir, bone• iii Alberta, after a te,W,sin4ra.> ;'sf1: visilt -here.—Mrs. Alex. For-rest..lefttfore her home in Moosejaw, Sask„'after a 106asa4t' visit at the home of Mr..„1.,. 'Greta, THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY , MARCH 15th AND 16th TO MARK DOWN THE STOCK. BE HERE EARLY FRIDAY AT 8.30 A. M. PRICES WTLL ASTONISH YOU AT THE BIG SALE, BE SURE AND BE HERE EARLY: FR” DAY MORNING TO G eT TPE SNAPS GOING. MARK DOWN SHE DATE MARCH 17th at 8.3Q A. M. AND No 1,. FOLLO T I CROWD TEEN EDlgKofFER TO OF DASHWOOD Who have plaped their 20,000 Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES and HARDWARE in the hands of J. B. HUETHER, Smasher of High Prices, FOR 10 DAYS ONLY, This will be the Biggest Slaughter Sale ever held in Huron County. 50 PAIRS FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, -- Regu]ar 32.00 and DRESS GOODS FO1. THE FIRST MORNING. One Table of Dress Goods— Specials all adds and ends and, full pieces can be found. Values up to 65c. and 75c for 44c. a yard, EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA 7 yards of Print or Flanelette for 25c to the first 35 customers who buy $1.00 worth Friday, March 17th at 8.30 a.m. Be here early. 32,25, far 31.49. HOUSE DRESSES 200 ladies house dresses up to date in style, well made, and of best material 31.00 House Dresses ,°.for 80c. $1.25 House Dresses ., for 98c 31.50 House Dresses fo I 1 For the First Morning tihnk of buying p. LADY'S FUR COAT, Regular $30.00 for .310.29 —Sizes 34, 36, 38, Buy Your Cloth Jacket at this Monster Slaughter Sale — You will want one for Early Spring Wear. Look a tthe Price -98c„ $2.98, and ,e4.50—Full length and; all sizes. The• anan who buys a Suit woollen prices have gone up. Meal's $14.00 to :$16.00 Suits Overcoats for $10.79 , Suits and Overcoats or Overcoat at this sale is ,putting money in the bank for next winter, — for Read the Prices. They tell the story. and Men's 39.00 to $10.00 Suits and Over- 25 Men's Curl lined Coats and farmers coats for $6,78, satin. lining, nice fur collar, r egu- I lar ;11,00 for $7.48. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. THE FUR COATS MUST BE SOLD. Monster Massacre of Prices on Men's Furnishings INCLUDING SHIRTS, HATS, CAPS,' COLLARS, ALL- COTTONS ARE MOVING UPWARDS Thrifty -,Housekeepers should not overlook these,tpriictes,— • 100.0 yards of • !Prints, all shades and patterns — Regular i5b. for 12jic. a yd Reguler 123c., far 10c a yd. 5000 yards of flannelette, bought for this season's business,—Out they go at 1054ec. a yard 2000 yard's of Flannelette at 8c. a yd MILLINERY NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SALE. TIES, SOCKS. SMASHING PRICES' IN . WOOL IS UP IN PRICE •GROCERIES 6 lbs. best Roasted Coffee for. ...$L00 8 lbs best Rolled Oats for ° 25c; 3 lbs. good Ginger Snaps for ---------25c- 8 bars good Laundry Soap for 25c 3 packages Conn Flakes for 25c, 3 cast's Salmon 25c, Puffed Wheat per package 10c. 3 boxes Royal Yeast ,,,....:. 10c Quart Sealer Baking Powder 20c 3 ,pkgs 10c powdered Ammonia 25c, 3 pkgs Wyandotte Cleanser 25c: 25c, box Soda Biscuits for 250i Seven, 5c. -boxes Matches far 25c. These prices for 10 days, only. The market for dye stuff is unsett- led and still we sell Sweaters at last yeas prices. Simply because we . b.ougbt these a year ago. 4 baskets at 49c. 69c, 79c. and 98c. DO YOU WANT TO DECORATE your rooms? If so, keep your • eye on 40Q roils of Wall Paper just ar- rived for Spring. SPECIAL EVERY MORNING AT 9 A.M.• DURING THIS SALE. Store Closed Wednesday and Thursday, Mar. 15 and 16 to nark down"•the stock. a No goods charged or on probation Terms Cash or Trade dlaring this sale Tell your neighbors to meet you at this Big Sale. J. B. *HITETHER._ ! Price Smashing Sales Promotor. 'vc'zil £ ^-°"3 F•v"•firth y,.. ,e: ,as Dashwoo ' °" u• „t gdt! - ra fl r uli = v Miss Blue, who -has charge. of. our '1Millixlery Dqartment 'will le.-please d ito show the Ladies the Newest Stylesen Spring Head Gear during this Sale ,r: •3'i 'c: 4 . .Stitt •