The Exeter Advocate, 1916-3-9, Page 8WE Th, reeei;' last tbat netiti they the C "nae xdi h,�a li asiatu peopl m tis coma tion, 1 of ;prc woult ixtg tr. force EXE PER A Il ITOCATF, THURSDAY MARCH 3, 1 MB .,E A.ETER MARKETS. RA'N't , FD EAOR WEDI IEsDAY �;. W11116•44,, „ 'tCvvhetsr.,...,•.•.., I"ats..aas,per bag , . gat t,•rton,.....•.,.•. P'ln t ,..r cwt.,, family Rio , ,w grade perew www Bur ..- ,Orem iaev Butter.,,,,... ' bier sal, per cwt.', ,, • • 1h.,.,. •,.•t:on.,.....,., are&: et rota,....+. 80 to 1 Ot' 50 55 60 72 I 00 225 2 25 100 15 00 3 10 175 28 8 {i€ 9 30 25 00 • Mr. R. W. 'Din/ley has been engag ed as tae -k- at the Central Hotel. Ale'''. Stewart received '1t-ord ort Tuesis -from Frank Oke stating that bis -t: nt lead rear hed the battle line in France. A "Minstrel Show" will be given by rrse'n, o `he town, in the. Opera Meuse, Wedncs:lay, March 15th, under the auspices of the Women's -Patriotic League, Tickets 50 and 35 cents, children under 12 25 cents. Pian of Hall ones. at Beaver's store, Saturday Mar.:h 11th. Phona 5tt for Parnell's Bread. Wil- son ri:1 deliver it to you at once. GASOLINE ENGINE FOR SALE Four Horse Power Gasoline Engine for Sate at a bargain, only been used a short time. For further particulars apply The JACKSON 1i'F'G. CO.Y, Limited. E.eter. Ont. "Amateur Minstrels" Wednesday, Marcb 15th. The season's musical evaitt. Frot:eeds in aid of Women's Patriotic Fund. Plan of Hall open Saturday, March 11, at Beaver's store. WANTED AT ONCE Represenative man to secure pros - Voila for Life Insurance general Agent will make periodical visits to assist in elasia;. Liberal cctttmissions will be paid tar thi$ service. Prev- ious insurance experience not necess• 1 airy. Reply, stating aQ and present occttpattort to 5. H. Brinker, Mariagat for Western Ontario, 42 Wellington .Street, South, Hamilton, Ontario. —x-o—x-• MILK ROUTE OUTFIT FOIL SALE—This includes Deliverty wagon sleigh, milk tins and everything nec- essary for the milk business. Good established milk route. Good reasons for selling. For particulars apply to L Day & Son., milkmen, Exeter, WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE.— Having Purchased the Grocery and Restaurant business of Mr. jos. Warn - bold, we beg to state that we took possession on Feb, 12, and we solicit your trade. Orders taken and deliv- eredto any part of the town. "Fresh Groceries Always" is our slogan►. Ag- ent for Parnell's bread.—WILSON'S ROCERY. Phone 56. —x_o—x- 40t. CORDS OF CORD WOOD WANTED at the Exeter Sala Works Co. Limited. For prices write or cat upon the manager.— JOS. SUT- TON, 3lanager. If you really believe in Safety First get a box of Takake ,pills for your rheumatism, neuralgia, or sleep- - iessness,for they are absolute ly hat•nt less. and are sure to relieve you. 50c a box at your druggists, or by mail from the Georgian Mfg. Co., Coiling - wood, Ont. --0-- 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of iine Land and Cattle Salt for sale. AU grade 35.50 per ton.; 50c. per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd _Sutton, Manager. Lunches served at all hours at Wil- son's Restaurant. —x—o—x— SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent quant, of Sarnia made salt for sale at Old Temperance House, at the G T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction, is guaranteed. — ED, MAGUIRE Exeter. Girls Wanted --o-- We. can give employment to a few more bright girls as - KNITT]RS AND LEARNERS Fare paid to Clinton, CLINTON KNITTING CO., Limited .vat ate aatlyarstratir gr - LOCAL DOINGS*, Mrs. -& S. Davis is confined to her room through illness. "The Minstrels" at Opera House, Wednesday, March lith at 8 p.m,. Mrs. H. j White has recovered suf- fieen.tly to be able to take a drive .on Sunday. St, Marys has a campaign. on this week to raise 512,000 for the Patrio- tic Fui.d. Mr. John Routledge of the Molsons Bang; ni Zurich has been transferred to the Exeter branch. On Monday afternoon snow, sleet and rain tell, accompanied by, flashes of lightning and rolls of thunder. Rev. and Mrs. Sharp entertained on aloa.day evening in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Collins, before their departure, air P. Fra ,ne and air. W. S. Howey ur;. e.ecl' getting material on the ground to improve their store prem- ises. a Jr. j. C. Stell is having material drawn preparatory zo erecting a residence on Carling Street north of his father'.. home. Ti ere was no service in the Pres- byterian church on Sunday owning, ow.a. • to Rev. Sharp taking suddenly i►! in the afternoon. March came tike a lamb, but did not stay long that way. If these old stories are to be depended upon, it will ,gu out with a roar. Dr. Baker, D. A. G. M.,, of Strat- ford, will pay his official visit to Leharem Forest Lodge, No. 133: F. & A. a2,, on Monday evening of next week "Black and Waite _Minstrels" at Exeter Opera House, Wednesday, 11arCb 45, at 8 Sams La aid, of tbe.Pat- riotic Fund. Reserved seats at Bea- ver's Store. The judgment given in favor of the townships of Usborne and Hay by Judge Doyle in the suit of Davis vs. the townships of Usborne and Hay has been reversed 'tat the hearing of the appeal at Toronto, and Mrs. Davis now gets judgment for .$150.00. The case sarnnot be further appealed, ' Huron Presbytery met in the Willis i Presbyterian Church, Clinton, last week, The call frim. Lendesboro and Hallett cartga'egatiorts to the Rev, J. Abefy° Of Granton was approved, and Rev. W. D. Turner of Blyth was ap- pointed to meet the Stratford Pres- bytern next Tuesday. The presbytery approved of the basis of union by a vote. of 16 to 7. Do you believe in, Palmistry? Then note the seek%circular line in your left ,palm both ends of which join the main or trunk line, forming a capital P. This signifies that your subscrip- tion. is due and if you pay it promot- Iv we will pen a panegyric personal paragraph pleasantly proclaiming _ that you are a prominent personage and a positive paragon of philanthropic pro- pensities. It you don't pay at once you are not quite on the square. A quiet wedding took place at the Methodist parsonage, Centralia, on. Saturday afternoon, March 4th, when Miss Nena alae, daughter of. Mr. Dan•• tel McCurdy of Stephen, became the bride of Trooper Gerald A. D. Hur- don of the Overseas forces at Ham- ilton, son of Mr. N. D. Hurdon. of Exeter. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. Finlay, and the young couple left on the evening train for a short trip. The. Advocate joins the many friends in congratulations and and best wishes. Three rinks of Exeter curlers went over to Parkhill on Thursday even- ing and played games with the boys of that town, losing by a few shots. After the game the visitors were treated to a magnificent supper at the Schafer House. The supper was followed by rtumerouse short ad- dresses by .members of both clubs, and a very pleasant evening was spent. You cannot beat the Parkhill curlers as entertainers. Following are the scores,— Exeter Parkhill W. J CCarnpbell. P. H. Gverson, H. Trick H. puke R. N. Creech. A; E. Benham G.E.Anderson, sk. 18 W.J.Stewart,s,21 D. Russell J. F. Roberts Pte. Tucker . F. Brewer W.W,Taman O.A.Grif.fith T. H. Newell, sk. 11 M. Fend. s.k. 11 R Mawhinney 1.. G. Caines T. Nelson W. Eagleson N. Sheere J:, J. Lennard H. , j. White, sk. 10 O. Baird, sk.12 39 44 Pasture Lauds For 3a1e. TOWNSHIP OF HAY BEING 7TH CON.— LOTS 12 AND 15; 8TH CON.— LOTS 13, 14, E HALF.. 15 and W THREE-QUARTER 24 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION EASY TERMS THE CANADA. COMPANY 1170 YONGE ST TORONTO' MONEY TO LOAN- Moaner to loan on farm and village ;property at lowest rates. ERNEST ELLIOT Etc. Exeter. Conveyancer, C . W. ROBINSON L10ENa,ED AUCTIONEER AND VALIJA roil for Counties of Huron Perth Middlesex and ;Oxford, Farm Stoic Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutr Wareroottrs, next door tr Centra ' Hertel.• ;Main. Street, Exeter chatge< moderate and . satisfaction yuarantee'c[ We have several inches of snow and; excellent ;sleighing, Yesterday (Wednesday), being .Ash Wednesday was the beginning of the Lenten season. ^ Thirty tickets were sold at the Ex- eter station. on. Tuesday for the Pro- hibition, .demonstration at Toronto. Tho Plus Ultra, class or Main Street Methodist church, with their leader aa.d lady friends anet at, the home of :1fr. S. j, Hogarth and after election of :officers and other business, spent a social evening, Monday, Last week the Exeter Canning Co. Purchased the eighty acre farm' of Mr Galles just north of the factory .and take possession at once. Mr, Gillies will contitaue the sawmill business and may probably add some other fee tures as well. .ir 1 ti t o ul. nr a Cls k faivad S or, Sask., who, with Mrs. Clark, has been. visit- ing relatives here for a few Weeks, received word on, Saturday that his store in Salvador had been burned. but the warehouse was saved. Par- ticuja..rs not known. Partly covered by insurance. There will be a recruiting meeting at the Opera House on Tuesday et-- ening, t-esning, 14th Inst„ at 8 •p.m. The meet- ing will > e addressed by Capt. Dan- cey who has recently returned from the front and is considered one of the most forcefrtl speakers on the subject of recruiting, A Large and enthusiastic attendance is requested, Several of our people went to Tor- onto this week 5t1 attend the great Prohibition demonstration, 'At the opening of the parliament last week the leaders of both parties spoke very strongly in the interest of temper- ance and some far reaohing legisla- tion or a referendum will likiely be the result. The petitions recently signed were presented to the Govern- ment on Wednesday of this week but we go to cress too early to report on its reception. - Mr. H. J. White, manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Exeter for the past year and half, received word from headoffice on. Tuesday announcing his appointment as mana- ger of the Batik's branch at Moncton, N.B., with instructions to report as soon as his successor, Mr. A. E. Kuhn of Crediton reports here as manager, 'a the course of a, we or two, Mr. White in the .fess moattlaa he has, been here has wort a des'ervtng place with the. business men and patrons of the Bank and is well liked in all quarters, He is an enthusiastic curler and bowl- er and he and Mrs, White were es- teemed in social circlesand they will be greatly knissed. We congratulate Mr. White oa. his promotion, and trust that he and his good, family will find Monctoo. to their liking and that fon- cton will use them well- Mr. Kube who comes here, is already wellknown hs town and we welcome him. --et-- REV. HOBBS DEAD. --Mr. a Southcott received a phone message on Tuesday evening announei,ng the death that day of his wife's father Rev. Riclmrd Hobbs of Toronto. Mr. Hobbs had suffered from paralytic strokes and the - end was not .mei pected. Rev. Mr. Hobbs had been superannuated for some years, !ever since., bis illness while pastor of James Street Methodist Church, Exeter. He was Sri .ex -president of the London Conference and had occupied many important charges in Western Ontario. A moat of strong religious convictions forc3ful and earnest in his sermons, he did not spare himself in his work, nor did ht, spare his congregations if they were: not living uip to his idea of Christian.. living. There was no pre- tense or quibbling in his preaching and while all could not see eye tot eye with him they gave him credit for be- ing singularly sincere—anxious to ,per-; form the work of the Master. Der ceased was 70 years of age. Inter- ment w11 be made at Niagara Falls. Mr. Southcott left Wednesday to at- tend the funeral. Mrs. Southcott has been with her faather for some days: --o-- Mr. H. J. 'White was in London Saturday. , Mrs. T. H. Newell spent Wednesday in London. Mrs. E. Treble went to London on Wednesday. - Mr G. E. Anderson was in St. Marys last week on business. - Mrs. E. ,.\iag,ee of Chathamattended the •funeral- of the late Mrs. Keyes. Mrs Harry Gale and two children of London' are visiting at Mrs. Piper's. Mr. Oscar Anderson of Palmerston spent the week end with his parents here. Oliver Davis went to Zurich Mon- day a ',n enter. the emipl'oy of the Nel- sons Bank. Rev and hirs. McA,13ster,' Mrs. Fow- ell and Mrs. Beavers are in Toronto this week. Mrs. Angus McKenzie of- St. Thomas is visiting with her - sister, Mrs. J. W. Taylor' Mr. W, D. Clarke. visited Mrs. Clarke at St. Joseph Hospital, London, over Sunday. • . Mrs. Hintz of Washington, 1\[ich . visited a feed days with Mr. and Mrs. - W. W,alper, and ;fancily. EXETER PATRIOTIC LEAGUE— Themos,thly meeting was held in the Library Monday evening, March 6. Donations received —J. W. Hern 31; Geo, Hill 31; Wm. Bagshaw 35 (Bel- gian Reliet). A box has been sent to Miss Joan Arnold, Shorncliffe, Eng.. containing, 93 pairs of socks, 2 pairs gauntlets, 6 scarfs. Mrs. W. J. Beer; Secretary.- DEATH—After a short illness due to the infirmities ; of old age, there passed arWay at the House -of Refuge at Clinton on id an aged resi- dent Fr any, g dent of Exeter, Mrs; Kleyes, at : the great age df 88 years. Mrs. Keyes was bona in tibe old' country and came .o Canada_ litany years ago. She liv- ed :cn Exeter and neighborhood for many, years No immediate relatives survive The remains were brought to the hone o1 Mr. Joseph Davis, Exet- er North, and ,interred in the Exeter cemetery on Sunday •afternoon, BACKS' FORECASTS. --A. reaction ary storm• period is central on the 9th 10th and ljth: Thunder storms excessive earth currents,, disturbing telegraph lines and instruments, auro- ral. phenomena uroral.phenomena and ' all kindred mani- festations reach a crisis on and near March 11. From about the 9th • to the 13th, look for change to warmaet falling barometer, and renewed storms of wino rain and snow. Changing to rising barometer, westerly winds, snow squalls and much ;colder, clearing :yaea.ther will be the sequel to each of; these March storm periods. - Messrs.. Wes. Snell, W. H. L;evett Wm, 'Schroeder and a Trick are in Toronto on business. Mr. and lairs. Milton Hooper and daughter of Biansha-d visited at. Mr. 1 C. F. Hooper's this week. Mr. and ;Mrs. C. Aldworth spent a few days last week in Stratford with the 'fortner's daughter Mrs. Northcoitt Mrs. Dickson: and Miss Dolly were in London Sunday 'to visit- with Mrs. Bennett and daughter, Miss Greta, be- fore their return to the, West. JONES & MAY PHONE. NO, 82 A Magnificent Display of Ladies' and Misses Spring and EXCLUSIVE STYLES MODERATE PRICES OUR STOWING OF LADIES' .AND a11SSES' SUITS AND COAT FOR THE COMING SEASON EASILY SURPASSES THAT ' OT PRE- VIOUS YEARS. OUR STYLES ARE THE LAT ES I AS SHOWN IN NEW YORK AND OTHER LARGE FASHION CENTRES, Ladies' & Misses' Spring Coats THE NEW SPRING COATS ARE HERE IN A GREAT VARIETY, OF STYLES AND COLORItNGS, MANY BEING SHOWN IN THE NEW BEL- TED EFFECTS, SPORT COATS IN WHITE CLOTHS WITH COLOR- ED TRIMMINGS ARE VERY POP- ULAR, NO TWO COATS ALINE. COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE, Ladies' & Misses' Suits THE NEW SUITS ARE ALSO SHOWN IN A GREAT MANY DIFFERENT STYLES IN GABER- DINES, SERGES, ETC., IN NAVY BLACK, RUSSIAN GREEN, ETC. ' T -JE NEW BRAIDED EFF11CTS ARE MOST POPULAR. EXCEPT- IONALLY GOOD VALUES. New Wash Blouses OUR ,FIRST SHIPMENT OF NEW ,SUMMER WASH BLOUSES JUST ,ARRIVED. SMART STYLES AND NEW MATERIALS. JONES & MAY '3eadquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing Tuesday was Shrove Tuesday, or Pancake .Day. It precedes the first day of Lent, or Ash Wednesday. It was :formerly +customary in England on this day for people to confess their sins to their parish priests, af- ter which they dined "on pancakes, or fritters, and the - occasion became one of merriment. WOMAN 81 YEARS OLD Made Strong By Vinol Greenville, S. C.,—"I want others to know of the great benefit I have de- rived from Vinol. I am 81 years old and Vinol has given me strength, a healthy appetite and overcame nervous- ness. It is the best tonic recon- structor I ever used." — Mrs. M. A. HUTCHISON. Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, guaranteed to overcome run down, weak, devitalized conditions and for chronic coughs. and colds. W S. Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont. Choice Furniture R. N. ` ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR - AND -FURNITURE -DEALER Phone 20a. Suits tar Laies. PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW PEA— TURES EATURES IN SLEEVES WITH, FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring Fashions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, meeting the requirements for street wear and travel. It is unusual to ,present. so -early in the season so great a variety, but styles were determined early, and they most favoded shown;. The present time is most advantag- eous far buying as all indications point to higher prices in the future. N. Sheere - LADIES AND GENTS' 'TAILOR :Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. Exeter Bargain Store Messrs. L.EI. Dickson, Samuel Sweet and C. H. Sanders' were in London Saturday interviewing the Bishop regarding a rector. 'for 'Trivitt Mem- orial church. No selection has _; yet been made; After spending three months` vis- iti e. his brother Moses Amy of town' and other relatives' in the neighbor- hood, and at Woodham, Mr, and Mrs. Alvey Amy and daughter Mytra, re- turn. this week iso their home near Outlook, Sask. Just Arrived THIRTY • PAIRS Ladies' BIack, glazed kid shoes—Patent. Tip, Goodyear Welted Soles, Blucher cut, sizes 2% to 6,. worth 33.50—on sale for 32:75 OUR. STOCK of Boy's and Girl's Shoes is complete and the; price is much less Athan df- we •were buying now. ;•We anticipated the rise in Price and filled our shelvles at old !pric :TWO CASES" of Men's .Heavy Shoes at last years prices., ALL WINTER GOODS REDUCED, B. W. F. Beavers Special Prices on Flour this month. R. G. Seldon Phone 2 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices,. teas, coffee and every» t}ng in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange J -as. Gould Opposite +'leetric light Plant. ; Choicest Meats Always on Hand. F. Begg Butcher Phone 105 Sir • tn ttisnoOauveo. cntde]fmpttrlent 't uesh.ah il 't the .r bowel those, the Indus' t1e sa will b of w: Y gna SUIT T Yi