HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-3-9, Page 6About the House Useful Hints and General 1nforma vionfor the Busy Housewife Try Variety at meal Time. utes to cook eggs, turn on dish, n No one problem is daily more v era nicely, and send to table, tious than "What shall we have to eat?" Not only once, but three', u=seful Hints, ing themselves most; effectively to times a day does the same plaint; Fresh :shoulder of pork st laed la the cordings, quiilillgs, pleatings and :arise, Most families are in a peculiar delicious: similar tris ring notions Clow smart. rut as to their eating and manner of , Lamb w11en fresh is u brii ht red These silk .suitings come in all shades ctsoking, For instance, in one faze-; color with wlate fat, of tan, buff, blue, rose, mauve and e A plaids brow backgrounds of white, f"I i I] (� Pastel braadclaths, barred ,tad plaid- `L Ii i*( S with ed in more vivid tones, and some par- titularly effective hopsacking in plain colors and plaids which may be used for street suits ter sport skirts or: Goats, Silk Suitings Popular The new sine suitings, frallle, .atld the numerous other twilled silks, ties - sales giros de Lonelres, and heavier 1 ribbed silks .are very much the vogue. !These silles are particularly well suit- ; ed to tbe fu11 skirts of the moment, affording the bouffant effect, anti. lend. OF LORD FISHER,� RESPONSIBLE FOR GREATEST 'garish 'VICTORY, Ten Strokes of Genius Which Have Made Him Britain's Greatest Naval Chien. In an article in London Opinion calling on the British people to unite in an irresistible demand for the en - call of Lord Fisher to the post of ]` thence is too -frequent ppearancposters, kitchen clothes, etc,, should gray. First Lord el the Admiralty, and wvret- of pot roast, mashed potatoes andbe washed last of all. ' Taffetas are being used consider- in as a land lubber for land tuggers, linin n gravy. Another family will Shirts should be suspended from ably for suit purposes too; there are am s Douglas thus .runts up the not tolerate anything but broiled meat; the bottom on the clothes line, quantities of plain taffetas being used (achitevements of the great British sea- an.i mina up expensive bills for ehops ; Boston ba]:ed beans require about in combination w�itli bayadere ell errs, mr<ir: ail :takes. third family never has'P.1ght hours in a slow oven. white stripes on black, blue or green There no statesman in England oup, and still another bra every des ., Fried food should never become ist g grounds.. Checks and Stfi per are par- Who can ,lens the dazzling genius of s�°rt i llutldtug. "chilled before serving, I it not possible, and easy also, to, Before stoning raisins soak them in Fisher, It is a truism. Let me catse nitre. greatly 1 '! " <,reut y very our m.e*► ea � `� a basin. of warm wwater, I r<ot thio just, the time of year tt?. Olive SaZ'dt1'ie11eS are improved by inet ell some new methods of cooking adding a little mayonnaise. ea,, n°.I, f:sR'.lisar c'isires: why must,` u To prevent blue from streaking riot? Fliveys ;ie Rtes! as a cereal or aS, elethes mix one dessertspoonful of bilis of tasteless Hee pudding? `scila in the bluing water. i' t e countries use it with meat, with ; When making a mustard plaster pixed gr av, and make it the basis' mix with it the white of an egg, this of a Fatal either as a eurry or "Oaf. le it ret p„ sille to take the piece e hwulder cheek and cook it some ether r way• then unenoling jot raast? It weal 4•t sea,oue l with dressing .n.1 : errt,i with ci tomato instead of of n I'r.ti:-i settee. In the platter of soupe, m•,t,y of us go on in tbe sante ant arylaa way of vegetable bouillon toe: teranto 'caseate. Iiow about all the ether peeves, green, dried -pee, pat peas, onions, carrots? Haw :aler t t:.; many kinds of soups with rateel l ; it or needles? There is a: * tt�r t ign nation but excels US in the vatk. y of its soups. Sc.),, too, with pe Why always the sawn Fee : t,� waale a o; ere.tnred limier ti: IYZ:",.ic of eerera•tent cook they be eTz t;.:eC;ai. tertea sans! really +t3 f r�, 'w,` Cheese, se, it wal Molly 'mean leer, :.i! th ee can he,. a tidied to will prevent the piaster front cause ing a blister, Grate all scraps a stale cheese and pace in a tightly corked bottle or tin for ,flavoring soups, sauees, and sim- ilar things, When tomatoes have become sof$ and wrinkled th:y can be restored to their original freshness ley soaking in cold water for an hour. Organdies, chanabrays and fine came br its may be washed without danger of fading if they be washed first in clear water in which a cupful of very cearse Bait has been dissolved.. Soap and powdered chalk mixed and rul'bed on mildew spots will re- move them. To expedite matters let the spotted article lie in the sun for a few hours, dampening it a ;sin as it dries, f t1: "*•ai':�, era than? i1 even a book inn It i� a te;a�iiil idea tMe elearr the ,glass ever pictures with a eloth wrung *t data -men a".:a i f pi $veti.es. from m hot water and dipped in alcohol* w ill n utke feor greater ,is , Pellet: diem immediately until tltty icing than greater are dry and glossy With chamois nor i;r t da <t r! o a the steak. that we chi" .: meet Itie to broiled�`11e can t3 whiten paper. t �^Tsars rl;l:ra1„ and lt:?i,"e Ti'.1'U w{°lii$xen ivtlr� knife liandle,`1 ctrl A ,a lemon' in 'half, dip it into common ,h„ as Ali t r trietth dish at half the kitchen Balt and rub over the handles. lar a f c .<a tf the soup that uses This will remove the dirty yellow look c..€rc i •Fre t the« tattle,;, wve can have a and make the ivory as bright and in"„le stt'cit or puree for less money, white as new. Li ataa s r a dessert needing three Rose Linen With White Vest. i„p4.- ,Ar• mere To ventilate al room having double twee which h t sste and create, just ac windows that do not open bore a tieularly smart in taffetas. Pomp - number number of boles in the lower edge of adour taffetas will be used generally a,,raetivt, bet in which only a single the outer window frame and fit the eine or Font? is used. Variety - in for wraps and the trimming 'of suits, a e,.#i;isl; r.>w: alis sed n wv flavors, holes with cork stoppers. The inner Light colors will predominate in these 'fhe,Stt wilt 11« Ip t11e housewife seta window may then he raised and the suits its in the wool mixtures. It may t e'tte~1' table at iess money, corks taken out to admit fresh six, :be safely said that the silk suit will b -------- € be the mainstay a spring and early Old Saskatchewan Dishes. f. - s Summer: �� t The Novelty Cottons. Forty mile:; out from Winnipeg, live I There is no paucity of novelties in ing ctpait le happie e section:, I met The Fashions the new spring and summer cottons; :time ref tilm 1iappre-t woman it has 1 ;R i Ii they are most charming, both in color - been my pleasure to visit, writes ing and design, Voile forms the Uasis' Ford Fisher. Mary sa 688r GILLETT'S LYE PaLi ,li HAS NO EQUAL: ...„41111101��11I11 i It not only 'Softens the •"beater but doubles the cleanse ing power of soap, arid makes everything sanitary and wholesome. - L REFUan SUSSTtTUTES 4 +{{1{1Li ----LT2a-_-.L.-----„P, "w Tion, , us squadron. He must have abraded the lands •of the Gallas, a tribe of fierce, barnacles when he issued his (anions pastoral nomads who were much order, One can imagine their doubts I dreaded by their Christian ueighbors. and fears, their waverings, and hest Jig persuaded Menelik that a bride tattoos,. their prayers for delay, their , was needed to subdue thence He ar• - pleas for caution, But Fisher Swept geed that if an Abyssinian army aside the barnacles, unloosed his' could cross to get at the raiders, they • greyhounds, and boldly chose as their would have to submit or -abandon admiral the very xnan who had been ; their cast herds, some of whish num- about then! before they were born! cattle. Logue a few of his achievements, His Greatest Victory of W. ' Monelik was convinced with tiff- Fisher divined the game of Von Acuity, and the Swiss constructed a Speei lie guessed that he was mak-' !nodel to illustrate his argument. The ing for Cape Town. There he meant swarthy potentate put his hand upon to sink the South African squadron, the model end crushed it, and Ilg bad destroy Botha's transports on their to build another, too strong to• be way to -German South-West Africa, broken, before he got reluctant to r- and then get an to the Atlantic trade • mission to carry. out the projeet, But • routes, where he might have eut otr i the Galls are to -day loyal Ab',sin- our food supply for weeks. Instead :i tanfifi thanks to AB's bridge, •of which, Fisher's greyhounds caught : Ill building the bridge, the timber him at the Falkland Islands and sent ° had to be carried on human should- him and his ships to the bottom. It - err aver a dh tance of ten miles, • war; not victory; it was annihilation.. Quarries had to be opened. and stone - Superior speed kept Von Spee out- masons trained before the , piers side his own gnn-range; superior gun "s could be built, Every nail, wean !?ower ciestroyd him, The f�'alicland ; clamp and bolt had to be forged by Island is the greatest British victory hand. It took, three hundred men of aha wvcu, ft was wan through ; three days to carry one beam over Fisher's strategy by Fisher's ships. : the •teen mile --a feat of agility ease _ Fisher's ninth stroke of genius wvas;ily beaten by the hyenas, who used to first stroke of genius was the semi-: ping a 162 warships which could neither fight nor run away, How that stroke was execrated! How it was denounced! But by it be made pos- sible another stroke of genius --the system of nucleus crews, whieh put into each ship its brains, leaving the beef to come along when it was wanted. Fisher's third stroke of genius was the adoption a the water -tube boiler the biggest revolution on record, a revolution which put the fire where the water was and the water where the fire was, the eonsequeace being that instead of takbig seven 4r' eight hours to get up steam, you take only twenty minutes, you keep your boil- ers clean, you have your fuel, and you are ready whenever your enemy ox- the hunting down . of the German` steal Ilg's pillow from under kis riw-es, submarines. He organized that great head while he slept! Fisher's fourth stroke of genius was the adoption of the Parsons turbine in the teeth of the bitterest opposi- hunt. The collapse of the submarine' lig was also kept busy for menthe piracy was due directly to Fisher's at a time superintending his sore - daring initiative. Fisher's tenth stroke 4 reign's moving,. Whin tierelil; got of genius was his protest against the tired of one site, hit Capital and hit Dardanelles "gamble" which has now Pct lions bad to be transported to a come to a disastrous close. lois last , more congenial locanty. A new city stand probably saved the Queen Elis- !had to be built, and Iig uequircd abeth and other capital ships from quite a-faellity in tike work that any sharing the fate of the ,fajestic. The Western boom -town promoter might , New Year will open a..spiciously if VRVY• the nation demands rho recall pf Lord ` Those frequent m.ovr;i claws im- Fisher, the man who has ahvays been pressed hint with ilio ulratnt;lq e of right. gond roads and the neces.•ity of -z•.- �.._.. 1 ons. Menelik was opposed to the in - BUILDER OF A CIVILIZATION. i novation at first, null lee tired: If, you had such goof! horses and The i:enrarkable Experiences of mules in Europe has we have in Abys- Alfred Il in Abyssinia. ; sinia you wouldn't wheels." smooth roads Abets - Alfred g and rolling Buried among the crowding rear I Finally Ilg got permission to can - news of last month, there was in el :rse ' struet a piece of roadway and a wag of the newspapers a dispatch that on. The horses hitched to the ve- told of the death of Alfred Ilg, for hide ran away, frightened by the twenty years the premier of Abys- strange monster rumbling at their sinia. The name can have meant no- heels, they dashed the wagon into thing to most of those who saw it, splinters, and for many years 11ene- but it is that of a. elan who had an, lik would bear nothing of such dale. extraordinary career, and who in his gerous contrivances, owvn corner of the world played a But Menelik's confidence in his wonderful part. "man -who -can -do -anything" steadily Alfred IIB was a Swviss by birth, grew. Ile became chief diplomatic ad - He received the education of an en- wiser and premier as well us court gineer at the famous Polytechnic physician. He repaired the royal any Mills. 1 of the majority o£ these fabrics; there -- --- -- -- --.-� School of 2uxic1l, where he dist]n- clocks, and took all the photographs In spring and stunner, and until l areprinted and striped voiles;voiles of his dusky majesty. He prospected early fall, the farming, with its extra ; Springand Summer Fashions. p tion. is .discovered the turbine guished himself, and then he settled striped and barred with openwork or in a eras steamer. He went to its down to practice his profession at for coii3" and assayed gold from the llatrwii;, l+ring; much work to the house-fifi Quito as interesting, at the opening needlework patterns and voiles striped. inventor, yf arsons. Parsons said: Bern. One day, in 1878, he had a rivers. It was owing to his reorgan` wife. After harvest the delightful iaf a season, as the new designs them- and barred with artificial silk. Some;•Will you see me Through?" Fisher word from one of his old instructors cation and equipment of the Aby visiting from. homestead to homestead jselvee and a thousand and one odd of the openwork checked voiles are+ sawn him through. To -day, 80 per that 11'Ienelilc, Negus of Abyssinia, sinian army that the Italians were ,c is begun,, with .l..iice, and entertain little fads which Fashion always pre- printed and embroidered with bright. cent of the borsepower an the seven had sent to Zurich for an engineer soundly beaten at Adowa in 1806. meats galore' seats at her openings, are the new colored flowers, oftentimes with In 1835 Ilg returned to Switzerland ; 1~ b ,P seas is turbine. And 3ret all the man who could build forts and public works wife back with h to • • e; „ w.n . not in,_ of motoring ar materials in which to fashion these driving a team or sleigh from 20 to 40 stunning modes. It is amusing to note miles and daneira till sunup (sunrise). to what an extent serge is still being When the baizzarals come, compelling used this spring for suits and one - them to remain indoors, they have !piece frocks. It is not an eeaggera- famous time,. Being of English,'tion to state that at least nine -tenths Dutch and French ancestry, they cook many dishes which may be unusual in this section. Ski—Clear, a head of a pig and. a set of feet and put on to boil in void water; cook until tender, remove the meat, strain the liquor, pick all meat frcnl bones and chop fine. Re- turn to kettle and season with sweet mark/rum, thyme, parsley, salt and pepper. Thicken with equal parts of cornmeal and . buckwheat. Set on back part of stove, to prevent burn- ing, for five hours; pour in large bakepan that has been previously wet with cold water; use knife or back of spoon to smooth in places, when cold turn out, cut in thick slices, dip in flour and brown in hot pan. Mirk Dumplings.—Work 4 ounces of butter, very slightly warmed; 3 eggs and 8 ounces of fine bread crumbs; add a teaspoonful of salt and a pinch of pepper; mold in small balls and boil in 2 quarts of milk for 15 minutes. When ready lift with skim mer and add yolks of 2 eggs to milk; pour over all dumplings and serve. BIack Bread Soup.—Cut 2 carrots, 2 heads of celery, 2 parsnips and 2 very large onions into very fine slices, put in pan with % pound of butter and stew gently for % hour. Pour over this 2 quarts of soup stock, add 2 pounds of black bread (rye bread), cut it pieces, boil this nearly one hour, strain through fine sieve. To this now add 2 quarts • more of soup stock, bring to boil, add juice of lem- on, and it is ready to serve. Egg bails and noodles may be added if liked..' This soup may be . made in small portions, and is very good. OWengo.-Make hash with 1 cup of meat (cold cooked, cut in small slices) 2 cup of potatoes, 1 small cusp of on- ions (potatoes and oiriens cutin dice); put onions on to fry in 4 tablespoon.- made of dark blue 'serge. fuls .a fat; when soft add potatoes White • cotton and wool mixtures, and meat, 1 cup of hot water, cover stripped' or 'barred with pale tones and cook one-half hour. . ;season of gold, blue, green, and thin lines off' with gait and pepper to taste, and just blade are unusually modish. For spoilt before lifting beat 8 -eggs in bowl artd wear there are any number of ef- pour over alis; Put in oven 10 min- fectivra materials;; some loose weave Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario. quaint precise, art nouveau figures. chains turned up their noses at the for him, They would recommend Ile and broughta wwi`e wf t him. Soft white batistes show hairlines turbine. if he would accept the place. Abyssinia. Menelik had always been of color, and are bordered in piain� There are many to -day who put At that time Abyssinia was almost eager to learn handicrafts, and took white, edged with the color; these are; their trust in boards and committees, as unknown to bhe world as Tibet; an especial delight in carpentry; and the new handkerchief embroidered. and not in men of genius. Let me it professed a primitive Christianity, when fig returned, his sovereign made batistes and are used for lingerie warn them that the records are but as far as material civilization wvas him a wedding present of a house de - gowns and blouses. I against them, The Board of Admire concerned it -was scarcely above the signed by they royal hands and built L.net Plain lawns and organdies in all the ;ally was hostile to the introduction savages. of Central Africa. But Mene-.under Menelik's supervision. F, .� soft pastel tones, and in plain wvhite' of steam into the navy. jts wooden- lik was determined to start his naeion 1 -----'='-•-"------ " are exceptionally good this season, ; headed stupidity is embalmed in a on the upward path. Ilg agreed toe She Ought To. The organdies are being used for en -1 minute. The Board of Admiralty -was go to Abyssinia; but he. was directed' "Do you know the nature of an tire frocks over slips of a stiffer or- I hostile to the iron ship. Its wooden- . by' Menelik to take a course in medi- oath, madam?" gandy. In white these are unusually) headed hostility is embalmed in an- eine and surgery before .leaving :Swit- ma. 1 I ought to sir, We've just pretty for graduating frocks and sum- other minute, which solemnly declare zerland. moved and my husband has been mer dance dresses. One of the pret- ed that wood was better than iron Ilg did almost everything during his laying the carpets." tiest notions for a summer dance' because wood floats, whereas iron thirty-five years in Abyssinia. He frock seen for many a season, was a 1 sinks! built fortifications, bridges, railways; dainty pale blue organdy with short, Introduced Oil Fuel. -- The Other Way About. full -gathered skirt flecked here and "Wonder how old Roxleigh came to there with a small cluster of pink Fisher's fifth stroke of genius was lighting; in fact, he created a mod- , select such a young wife." rosebuds; the surplice closing bodice the introduction of oil fuel into the ern civilization from. the beginnings, didn't. She selected }rim." • had full drop -shoulder sleeves,. and navy, again in the teeth of authority. for when he arrived the simplest tools was finished at the throat with a fine When Fisher left the Admiralty, of- were unknown. There was not even , Debt collector -"Is your master at pleated ruff of the organdy, closed ficial idiots -went back to coal and a carpenter's square in the kingdom. home?" Servant •(curtly) "No, he on one side with a small bunch of stopped• the develotiment of oil fuel. The story of the bridge that Ile isn't.';.: Debt collector (suspiciously) the buds, and long narrow ribbon 'only. laid down battleships using coal built across the Rewash River shows —"But 1 can see his hat hanging in streamers of pale pink. The idea of only. These very •battleships have what manner of men and natural ob- the hall." Servant—"Well, what's a high -necked dance frock is some- now been 'transformed into oil -using what out -of -the -ordinary, but that is just what most of us are looking for. A bit . `of bare throat showing in a V-shaped . opening below the dainty ruff gave just a sugestion of decollete which was all that was needed. The silk stripped and checked voiles show grounds of one color, striped and barred with contrasting tones, for in- stance rose, striped with pale green, blue with grey, native with gold and many other cool, opalescent effects. 703a . One of the New Bordered Voiles: of . the new spring suits arew'being opened mines and dug canals; intro- dueed blast furnaces and electric Trimmings for Summer Frocks. Lace in -shadowy patterns and cob- webby weaves such as Chantilly,' Ma-' line, -and the cheaper' shadow laces, will be used .for flouncings and trim- mings for both gowns and blouses; lace is being used considerably in mil- linery also, draping the picture hat to accompany the organdy frock. Many metal laces are shown for trim- ming purposes, too, some of ."them carrying out the patterns of the thread designs. Valenciennes lace will be a favorite for the regulation lin genie frock and for children's _dresses. These: paterns may be obtained at your local McCall dealer or , from The McCall Company,' Dept. W., 70 • ships. Once more, Fisher was proved stades he had to'contend with. The that got to do with it? One of my Hawash. separated Shoe, the south- dresses is hanging on the line in the to be Heti, and. the reactionaries were einmost province of Abyssinia, from back -garden, but lin not there." lol:rd•to be wvrong. Fisher's sixth stroke of genius was the concentration of our navy in the North Sea. A simple thing, you say,: Yes, but the simplicity of genius. Nobody had. thought of that simple thing. Fisher . divined it and : did it silently and _secretly, thus checkmat- ing the strategy of Tirpitz. There you have the Fisher touch in its purest form. - Fisher's seventh stroke of genius was the creation of the Dreadnought,'. the ship that baffled.; German ambi- tion and convertedthe KierCanal for years into a useless ditch. Do the British people•realize that; the Grand Fleet, Which now stands: between Germany and the dominion of the world, . is Fisher's'fleet, From the Dreadnought to the Queen Elizabeth and the Inflexible it is:all ptire, un- adulterated Fisher,. Fisher's eight stroke: of genius was the creation of : the battle -cruiser -- the. .greyhonn.d, with the . big -guns. .Vhen, after a series: of disasters, Fisher was called in a year ago, the first thing he did was to send his battle -cruisers to sink.' Von Spee's A Special Fro Clo N 8 Exactly as represented in illustration DiNt'IrNO ROOM CHAIRS , Five small and one Armchair, in solid oak and solid leather. Regular 4120.00 -the bet. Special; price ,,,,.,.,;A. ,$12,98 • We defy competition. Our prices are the lowest In the Dominion of Canada. WRITE FOR OUR CATALOG It is full of House burnishing Spectate, CTPY HOUSE FURNISIHNG COMPANY 1340 St. Lawrence Boulevard, Montreal, Que.