The Exeter Advocate, 1916-3-2, Page 8EXETER. R,. A 17 T'UCATE, 1 HUBSBAY MARGH 2, 1816 ,m 'ABUTS. HANGED 4A .OH WEDNESDAY Wheat. ,.R.,, ,.,,,..,, 75 to 95 Berle. Buckwh at. •,,, Oats. .. ,,,,.,•..w„+ ,,Rotatoes, } #r• nag ,, Rey, pert 'Flo re. ,, ...VT., fancily It'icrur, u ,• g, ede per ow OressineEv , 4 .,,•• I,i:re lxo;; P cWt • . , ,. Shorts se • • i . • • . • • Bran .per •„„ •,.,... 54 55 60 2 40 1 00 250 50 14 00 1$ 0 170 28 28 35 25 '25 900 2400 2500 Mrs, W D. Clarke is showing some mresov emer . this week. The Boot. Club shipped one box of megaz':ase a -e 1 20 pairs of socks this Sleek for she soldiers. During the week end we had two e hr e very stormy days, and con- s d ati'e snow fell, but it all went in- to ?z>:cos, and the sleighing is not real good -but ,passable for light loads. —.a EXETER PATRIOTIC LEAGUJ - The repo'; r monthly meeting will be held 'n the Library an Monday ev- ening starch 6th, at 7:50 Acknow- ledgements of Christmas presents, Socks. e ..,were received from Lieut, Col lies Rgeters at St, John, N. B., end C Walken -x-is-x- :SOLDIERS AID SOCIETY. -s Donations,•-From Council $25; 'airs, I. Armstrong $L00; Mrs. W. S. Howey $1.00; Ladies' Euchre $74.55; Mr Hobbs I,.randon, $10.00; Others, $S.60; Mrs. J. G. Jones, 6 pr. socks, Sent two parcels to Nursing Sister Miss Edna Dow. sent to Daughters of Empire, London, Ont, 2152 surgical supplies, 4 pair wristlets, 6 scarfs, 152 pair socks, 1 night shirt. -Mrs. E. J. _.-Christie, Sec. Pee. t # all Oddfellows are requested to meet in the Lodge Room, Exeter, on Tuesdes might next, Mar. 7th, at $ o'clock sharp, In.tatory degree to be ontea.td,--C,L, Wilson, Noble Grand GASOLINE ENGINE FOR SALE Four Horse Power Gasoline Engine: for Sale let a bargain, only been used a short time. For further particulars apply The JACKSON M'F'G, COZY, Limited. Exeter, Ont. --x-o-x- CARD OF THANKS. Mrs John Broderick and family wish. to thank their friends and neigh- bors for the kindness and sympathy extended to thein in their recent sad bereavement. Eat more Parnell's Bread ,Buy it at Wilson's Grocery. -x--o-a- M1LI' ROUTE OUTFIT FOR SALE -This includes Deliverty wagon sleigh, milk tins and everything nec- essary for the milk business. Good -established milk route, Good reasons for selling. For particulars apply to L Day & Son, mi$kmen, Exeter. FOX TERRIER LOST.- A white fox terrier with black head. About four months old. Reward to party returning same to Mrs. SkeIton,Exeter WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE. - Having purchased the Grocery and of . it J os Wam- Restaurant business Resta. J bold. - we beg to state that we take possession. on Feb. 12, and we solicit your trade. Orders taken and deliv- ered to any part of the town. "Fresh Groceries Always” is our slogan. Ag- ent for Parnell's bread. -WILSON'S GROCERY. -x -o -x- 403. CORDS OF CORD WOOD W ANTED at the Exeter Salt Works Co. Limited For prices write or a , upot+ the manager.- JOS. SLIT- TON, I T - TON, Manager. 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of tine Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per tom.; 50c. per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd J ,Sutton, Manager. An oyster stew after .skating makes a .proper finish for an evening's en- joyment, Get one at Wilson's. -x -•o -x - SALT FOR SALE. -An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt for .ale at Old Temperance - House, at the G T. R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction. is - guaranteed.. ED. MAGUIRE Exeter. BOY WANTED. -Good smart boy wanted at once to learn- printing. Ap- ply at thi< office. - Pasture. Lands For Sale. tLOCAL DOING or Mr. G. 1 Dow shipped a ea:rload of horses 'to Toronto. Monday. Ma Thos. Boyle has been on the sick,list and off duty thee, past week. Miss O'Domell of Peterboro is the new Trimmer is Jones & May's Mil- linery il-Ii ery Department for the Spring sea- son,, Mr E. a, Gidley of Duluth, Minn,, an old Exeter boy, has just left the hospital in that city after four week's' battle with diphtheria, Mr. Frank Cornish of Windsor, son of Mr. and .1Mrs. Thomas Cornish, Ex- eter is recovering nicely from en operation for appendicitis. Mrs. MeAvoy underwent a surgical operation at her home on Saturday last for the removal of a growth ori on her foot, but is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sanders, Exeter - North entertaineda.number of friends Fridee night to a progressive euchre party in honor of their guest, Mrs. Thos Brown of Detroit, A dainty luncheon served. Special single fare for the round trip has been promised to the Com- mittee of One Hundred for the big demonstration at Toronto, when the petition, will be presented to the Gov- ernment' on March. Sib, Rev Powell of Clinton, being un- able to fill an engagement to preach at Grand Bend on Sunday owing to the storm, occupied the James street Pulpit in the morning and assisted in the Main street service at night. An epidemic a measles throughout the town of Clinton and vicinity has made it necessary to close several of the schools. The Clinton model school, however, is still open, but the collegiate institute has been closed for two weeks. The death took place in St. Cath- arines an February 26th of Leode Slay Vale wife of 11r. Wilbur Vale, an Exeter old boy, at the agree of 25 years, 10 months and 26 days. The remains were brought here and the funeral tool; place on Wednesday af- ternoon from the residence of Airs. Vale, Huron Street, to the Exeter cemetery. The Canada Company recently sold 100 acres in the 5th con. of Stanley to Mr. John Turner of that township He has also sold 100 acres 'in Hay, be- ng lot 7, con; 6, to A'. McFalls of near Exeter. The holdings of the Can- ada Company in Hay Township be- coming smaller as the years go by, The company now controls only 75 a- cres inthe big swamp between Zurich Road and town -line between Hay and Stanley, and this piece will soon pass Sato other hands. South of the Zurich Road they still retain about 500 acres in. Hay and Stephen Townships, TOWNSHIP OF HAY BEING 7TH .CON.- LOTS 12 AND 13-; 8TH CON.-. LOTS 13, 14,,EHALF 15 and W THREE-QIJAR.TER 24 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, EASY TERMS THE CANADA COMPANY 1170 YONGE ST TORONTO MONEY TO LOAN Mone' to loan on farm and viilag property at lowest. -rates. :••. ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer &c.; Exeter e C W. ROBINSON LICEN D AUCTIONEER AND 1.0 ALUA rt for Counties of Huron Perth: Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock: SaIes a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to Centra' Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Chargee moderate and satisfaction is guaranteed . 4'Se1dotn hasit been our duty to; record n. death which has cast such. a gloom over the. whole community as. that of Mrs. John H. Dore, which aeurred on Tuesday Last, She was in her 65th year, and leaves a family of two sons 'and •four daughters, besides a sorrowing, husband, She was of an affectionate disposition, bright and winning in her ways -so that friend- ship's circle was to her a large one. Life will Never be quite the same to:.those who knew her, while those who were nearest to her. will long for her with utterable longings -long for a.mother's co se. . 1 and. adv ice and a un wife's loving sympathy, She was a woman of strong christen character'; patient. loving •and self -sacrificing,” - Mitchell Advocate: of last week \Ir. hili, MELTON'S LETTER To Tired. Worn ont 'Nether* Jae1•Foa, Miss. --'41 shall feel repaid for writing this letter if 1.cara kelp any tire?, worn-out mother er housekeeper to find health and strength as I bat e, ".I have a family of five, sew x cook and do my housework and I became Very much run, -down in health. A friend asked xne to try Vino!, Idid eo.andnow I am well and strong and my old time energy has been restored., Vino' has. no superior as a tame for worn-out, run- down, tired mothers or hoxtsekee ers." T --Airs. J. N. MELTON, Jackson, Mies.. W S. Cole, ,Druggist, Exeter, Ont. Mr. Carnet Heywood has purchased Mr. Geo. Snell's residence 'and -thirty acres on Huron Street, and Mx. Snell has ipurchased the residence of Mrs. John Snell on .Andrew Strelet, REV. COLLINS RESIGNS. -Rev. D. W. Collins, who hashed charge. of the Trivitt Memorial church, Exeter, during the past ten years, has resign ed as rector of this parish and has ac- cepted the call extended him by the congregation of the Church of the +ascension at Windsor, where he and his most worthy family will remove about the first of April #Its. depar- ture strikes all as be' a distinct loss to our community„ As a preacher and rector the'reverend gentleman has wont thelove and esteem, of not only his own congregation but also of the community as a whole. His. career in the ministry has been so successful and his able qualifications for filling enlarged spheres, little surprise could be lett t1.t Windsor or some other larger centre recognizing his splendid taelnt Perhaps as high a compliment as can be paid Mr. Collins is that •he wears well, and 'that he is more highly thought of as he labors; on from: year to year. He has performed his duties earnestly, faithfully and with marked intelligence in Exie'ter, and as a result the Trivitt Memorial has prospered under his charge. It can therefore be' understood that his removal will be. a decided loss to Exeter, and at deep felt regret to his. many admiring friends For our own part we are deeply sorry to see Mr. Collins leave Exeter: ,taut for his own and for his family's sake we heartily congratulate him• on the change. Windsor is a de- lightful city and one of the most de- sirab:e communities in Ontario to live in. Afajor Heaman was up from. Lon- don over Sunday, Miss White of Woodstock is • visit ing Mrs. Powell and Mrs, Taman. Miss Olive Isaac of Greennvay is vis- iting with her aunt, Miss 'Charl'otte Dearing. Mrs. Willis, who has been 'insiting with her son in London, returned Monday. Mrs. John Hunter returned Thurs day from Grundy Centre, Iowa, where she attended the funeral of her father. Mr. Samuel Hicks of Toronto is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs, John Sanders, and other relatives in Stephen, Miss May Armstrong and Mrs. Mc- Creath, Lucknow, returned Tuesday from attending the millinery openings in Toronto, Mr. John A. Gregory after spend- ing a. few days with his mother and friends here returned to North Bat- tleford Monday. Mrs. Hutchinson, who has been vis- iting with her sister, Mrs. F. Gill, left where h e she will da •for London, n t x ti rs a i b x, } visit friends for a few weeks. i Ir. John M. Brodericl. has recover- ed from his recent illnle.ss and left on Monday to spend a few days in London and Detroit, prior to leav- Done_ - station. agent.at Exeter, is a 1 .al for his home in' Regina. son, of the deceased lady, and the lir. and Mrs. 1, D. Atkinson and sympathy of all is extended to him in Miss Eileen of Clinton and Mr. and his beresiVement- Mr. and Mrs, Dore Zlrs•S. A. Popiestone of Blythe were attended. the funeral, Others of the sere last' week attending the Stone: family are• William J., station agent at Anderson wedding in Usborne. Lucan,Mrs.. Robinson of Stratford; and ?Cusses Sabina, Mabel and Ada at home.. The visit •of"the Hensall recruits to Exeter on: Thursday afternoon last was made the otcasioa of a demonstration in. their honor", and the, people turned out in large numbers to welcome thle boys'. The Exeter company led by Lieut. Torrance- parched half way to Hensall to• Meet- the volunteers from that village and together they march- ed through ,town,cheered by the,peo- ple who 'had assembled. The town was gaily decorated with flags and bunting: On the return of the sol- diers to the Town Hall Reeve Taylor and ChairmanStewart ofthe J. A. S to tv r War Auxiliary gave them addresses of welcome .and congratulations on their Joining the 161st Huron Battal- ion. The soldiers were then invited' into the Hall•and there treated to a dainty luncheon, prepared by the Soldiers', Aid Society, assisted by many other ladies of town. Music was furnished by the Orchestra. After. the lunch Toastmaster L. H. Dickson, Revs. Collins Fletcher, Sharp, McAl- ister .and Muxworthy delivered shoot addresses. The :•Hensall boys took the evening trails home w;e11 pleased. with their :visit to • Exeter.. The dem- onstrationexipected to assist ma-, teriaaiy: in securing recruits. MARRIED IN .LONDON. -A quiet marriage took place in the parlor of the.;Grigs House, London, on Wed- nesday of last week of. IVIr. Thomas Quinton'of- Exeter; soli of the late W•il'1'ioun Quirt on, to Miss.MabelIsaac daughter of Mr. James, Isaac of:Sa'nts bury. The ceremony was' performed by Rev, Alex. Wilson orf Hamilton, and the witnesses were Mr. Walsh of the Grigg House. and, Miss And-,. revs, Friends here • join in thebest of wiehes ;to the young; couple. •. HICKS` FORECASTS. -A regular O 'n period Is central on the. 4th, the 2nd t o the extending from - 7th, In all sections to the westward a change to warmer will set in by the 2nd and 3rde 'tile;, -barometer will fall cloudiness follow,' turning to rains on th,eii` eastward journey. Rain and thun- der will cover -a wide territory about the 4th to bth. Scattering tornadoes 'n southern sections will be natural. By the 8th clear and colder w•ea`''e;- wi11 havereached the east. Decidedly co'.c1 b url'u-a'. fCLEARING Au., --Ott Sale OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HAY,. ROOTS & HOUSEHOLD, :FIPRNIT URE Thos. Cameron has received instruc- tions to sell by public auction on Lot 7, concession 1, Tp. of Hay, on Fri- day, March 17th, at 12.30 o'clock sharp the following Horses -1 general purpose marc 0 years old .in foal to Berry's Percheron 1 general purpose gelding 4 yrs old by (Colonel .Graham; 1 general pur- pose gelding 2 years olid by 1ColoLel Graham; 1roadster £llie kisIngng 2, by Roadmaster; 1 driving p.Ly 8 years, good, quiet and {reliable. (Cattle -1 pure bred Durham Bull 20 months old; 1: pure bred registered cow, Shorthorn, due It May. Grade - 3 cows due at time of sale; 1 cow due in April; 3 cows milking, due later; 1 heifer due in Sept.; 1 cow milking due in November;. 5 steers rising 1 year; 4 heifers rising 1 year. Hogs -3 sows due March and April. Poultry -75 laying hens and pullets 1 pr. ducks. lmplements-Lumber wagon, bob sleighs, hay rack, gravel box, binder mower, hay crake, cultivator, new Massey Harris fertilizer drill; roller rubber tired' buggy, cutter, double harness, single : harness, one Beaver a furrow Tiding o- gang 2 bT 1 tw furrow.,gang plow; 1 walking, plow, disc, harrows, puiper, 'corn Sheller, fanning mill, new cutting box, geso tine engine new; cream - separator, quantity of tile, ;rock elm and hard maple lumber; cement, post mold; ladders, incubator, quantity of hay and roots, forks, shovels, chains, bar- rels and;;other articles too numerous. to mention. IIousehold Furniture-Dominiori or- gan, Lass cupboard,.ama11 cupboard, extcn lt,n table, :1 wood cook stove, 2 heaters, hanging lamps, etc, etc. Thelass r is farm composed of W gp tali lot 15, con. 5, Tp. of Olay;; water by never failing spring; well fenced:. will be offered for rental tor` ,'season Terms -All aunts of :$5.00 'and tin- der, cash; over that amount 10 moiitLs credit on furnishing approv- ' ed joint notes, or a discount of four per cent off for cask on credit a. mounta. Thos. Laing,MProprietor 'remise Ca meron, Auctioneer. 1 JONES IYIAY tilinN 1 ct A Magnificent Showing of New Spring Furrnshings.. House OUR. STOCK OF HOME FURNISHINGS INCLUDING RUGS LIN- OLEUMS, OILCLOTHS, BORDERINGS, CARPETS, CURTAINS, NETS ETC., FOR SPRING IS ALMOST COMPLETE. WE HAVE NO HLS- ITATION IN SAYING THAT THIS IS THE LARGEST SHOWING WE HAVE EVER MADE, NEARLY EVERY LINE AT LAST SEA- SON'S PRICES, MAKE YOUR SELECTION EARLY, AND IF YOU DESIRE WE WILL BE PLLASED TO SET ASIDE ANY LINES FOR YOU UNTIL WANTED, SO AS TO ENSURE THESE OLD PRICItS. Linoleums at. Last Season's Prices In, spite of the fact that Linoleum have advanced about one-third in, price owing to the tact that we placed our orders early We, are abletto offer our janmense. stoclt of the celebrated Nairn's Scotch Linoleum., in goad clean patterns at exactly the same price as last season. - A Remarkable Showing of Rugs We have gathered together for t he coming season a remarkable col- lection, of Room Rugs, in,, Velvets, Wilton's Tapestries, Brussels, ete. eta.. -all ,popular 'sizes. Our wonderful values in these haps will really sur- prise you, Make your selections early We will hold them for you until tinted, New Curtains, Curtain Nets, Etc. Our New Curtains, and Curtain Nets, including Bungalow Nets, Mar quisettes, etc„ are now in stock. Cali and look them over. A. wonderful range to select from. - 4 NEW ART SATEENS AND DRAPERIES FOR COMFORTERS,UP- HOLSTERY, ETC,, JUST ARRIVED Ladies & Misses Spring Suits & Coats ANOTHER SHIPMENT PF 7-ADIES' AND MISSES' SPRING SUITS AND COATS JUST PLACED IN STOCK, IT WILL BE WORTH YOUR WHILE TO CALL EARLY AND SEE THE NLW STYLES, - FIRST SHIPMENT OF LADIES NEW WHITE BLOUSES FOR SPRING AND SUMMER JUST AR RIVED, - Extra Special This Week HEAVY, ALL WOOL BLANKETS LARGE SIZE, REGULARLY WORTH $7.50 PAIR; to CLEAR AT ONLY $5.85 A PAIR. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing Theladies amend holding mg anat e r l • • to attend the W.C.T.U. convention in Ilfmg ISP Toronto on Wednesday of next week, progressite euchre party March 17th.'Cl a k Y Mrs. Powell was elected delegate Mr. and rs'. Harr Cund y : are this week moving onto the farm in Step- hen owned by Mr. Wirt., Heaman on the 12th concession. 'Mr. :Wes Snell has moved into the south side of Mrs. Fletcher's resid- ence and Mr. Geo. Andnety, is moving from, Usborne to the residleatce pur- chased from Mr. Snell. We understand that Mr. A.J.Ford has made a deal by which he gets the,. farm of Mr. John Lang, London Road North and Mr. Lang gets Mr. Ford's residence, Andrew Street. won EXPECTS FAMINE •IN GASO- LINE. -Robert Stewart, a director rf the Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, pre- d'•cts a world-wide famine in gasoline He claire:, that an 'embargo on ship- ments to the war zone might help to keep prices down. Choice Furniture ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER. Phone 20a Snits [or Ladies. Prices Flour PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA— TURES EATURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring Fashions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, meeting the requirements for street wear and travels - It is unusual to present, so early in the season. so great a variety, but styles ,were 'determined early, and tha most favored shorsvin. The [present tittle is most, advantag- eous for - buyinIg as all indications point to higher prices in the future, N. Sheere LADIES AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central , Hotel. - xeter Bargain Store THIRTY PAIRS Ladies' Blaceseeg1azed kid shoes --Patent Tip, Goodyear Welted Soles, Blucher cut, sizes 2% to 6, worth $3.50-oun sale for $2.75 OUR STOCIC of Bay's and Girl's SE oes is complete and the price is Much less :than if we were buying now. ,We 'anticipated the ,-•rise in Pric,c ;and filled aur,,shelvt,es at old 1pric TWO CASES of ,Men's Heavy Shoes at last years prices, ALL WINTER GOODS REDUCED. B. W. F. Beavers this mouth. R. G. Seldon Phone 2 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, - coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce., Produce uce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Choicest Meats Iways on Hand. Butcher Begg - Phone 103 d 1