HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-3-2, Page 7Woman's Health
Needs Constant Care
',Work and Worry Leaves xler a
Victim of Many Distressing
Every woman's health is peculiarly
dependent upon the condition: of her
blood. How many women suffer with
headache, pain in the back, poor ap-
petite, weak digestion, a constant feel-
ing of weariness, palpitation of the
heart, shortness of breath, pallor and
nervousness. If you have any of
these symptoms you should begin to-
,day to build up your blood with Dr.
'Williams Pink Pills. Under their use
bhe nervous energy of the body is re-
stored as theblood becomes red and
pure and the entire system is
Sir George Patsh, British Economist,
States Supply Oen-
In the latest issue of the Loudon
Statist, Sir George said that the "wool
requirements of the world today are
fully on top of supplies, and no one
need be surprised, if the war continues
another 12 mouths. to See a still more p p
pronounced shortage of raw mater- their value Was not high. Constant re-
sal." iteration of commands and orders was
"Wherever we turn," the report con- the lot of the officer who commanded
ill are:very busy, t e
tinned, "mine y d
tin} bloods," while un bio
yo ,}," ,
bo it that their feet are always dry
and warm, the younger soldiers over-
look this habitually.
With the officers, the older soldier
is the favorite. Not only does be give
less trouble to the sanitary depart-
ment, but his riper mind understands
more readily the purposes and neces-
sity of military discipline. An Aus-
trian colonel with whom this subject
was discussed said that older troops
needed little application of discipline, ing meal. that supplies all the you could not get his. I vras taken
because their natural conduct as material needed for their round to the barber, and be WAS
growls men was discipline in itself. growingbodies. The perfect strictly ordered to leave nay hair
fie had seen no difference In the fight.alone. And when the inspection was
00 to School, Full of
Vim and Pe g -Don't
cram their little "tummies"
had to have my own clipped; 'every-
one has.'
"As soon as he got a chance to slip
in a word, the sergeai t major ex -
with greasy meats, starchy cpiisn,eand sa onWAS
an American in -
potatoes or other indigestible "( "13ut why?' the .;cjutant tlernartd-
foods, One or twQ Shredded ed.
Wheat Biscillts With hot "So I explained that the theory
WAS that it was only fair to leave the
milk make a warm,enemy a scalp as a trophy, in case
ing qualities of young and older food to study on, to grow an. held later by the lieutenant, the ad -
troops he said but he himself would to play' on The crispness jutant stopped .n front of me and ex -
always prefer to lead men over the of .hg shredselaCo g planed the whole story to the lieu -
Ofof `y5 h r0 h chewln Which tenant, who seemed deeply interested
Of very ,.young troops, the colonel t o ug g, in the fact that an American Indian
hada poor opinion, In trench warfare develops sound teeth. and had come over to .fight for France."
healthy gums. Being ready- ' '�
cooked i's is so easy to pre- Alda,, Subtracts and. Multiplies.
tr ,, h le the officer in pare a Warm, it]ourlehing of bookkre ere and :,clerical workers,
Charge of older troops could count on meat with Stere Shredded 'trill eat a comparatively inexpensitve rapi d !
Designed to meet the requirements
dous numbers are running day and # d p
strengthened, to meet every demand q B itai in having orders carried out as soon as device has been Intro
negro.'aQ a g gthey were •iven The old men too, 1 ri a few l�iT m o e n t s -n o calcutatiztg
tlucsd which is capable of adding,
The best
Burst in
the world.
ni ht consequently eoneuznption was
upon it, They nourish every part of
lithe body, giving brightness to the
eye and color to the cheeks and lips.
Mrs. Jas. S. Francis, Oakwood, Ont.,
says: "1 should have written long ago
.to tell what Dr. Williams Fink Pills
did for me, but I suppose it is better
late than never. In June, Ma,
I had
`to go to an hospital for an operation
for female weakness. I was in the
;hosptal for a month, before I was
aible to get home. Three weeks after
this I started for a trip to the Pacific
coast;"in the hope theat xray health
would further improve, On the way
I stopped to visit a sister in Southern
Alberta, and on arriving at her home
(after a 35 mile drive), I was Bona-
pletely done out. I found my sister
ill, her baby having been born e
1 r singreat r nor din
America; while hungry machines are b• ' kit@hen worry or World. •
Met with in Europe outside the war fought with more 'sense" Bald ,,the a subtracting and multiplying quickly
areas both in the Netherlands and colonel. They dict not shout set finis , Made and accurately. The instrument is
Scandinavia in particular being very but dealt out heavier blows- Except- ada, about curt incites long, two and a
keen to buy everything of a Haan#tfac- frig bone fractures and very serious- • ruarter inches wide and half- zicb
taring nature,
trouble than the young one AN .AMUSING WAR STORY. thick. It is Provided with ,a series
no allele
internal wounds, the old soldier gives
Many Sheep Depastured
"The writer has been led to take in
band this subject because of a ques-
tion raised the other day as to the
of saven dials, which are revolved
to the reedital eervice.
b` a styles when making ealcula
are of the opinion that the smaller low a Soldier Saved Bis Scalp for tions, A single turn of one of the
percentage of sick among the older the Enemy*. wheels adds a figure to previous re-
number of sheep beteg depastured iil1 troops counterbalances wholly what glister and simultaneously Shows a
the countries of Europe at present en• little surgical difficulty they give, A special_ correspondent of the total.
gaged in the struggle, and on turning New Xork w a is ser t rah
Sunh r in the
to the latest sheep returns, we Bud French Foreign Legion tells amu9kli^�
that the following are the numbers of
1 i the countries Wanted:
Russia 45,500,000 Y , • tth lir. Jackson's Roman Meal. an
France .. . . . . .... .. . 17.000,0001superiors yesterday. An
Italy 11,000,000
s seep n
United Iingdam ...... • . • 2$,500,00 • 1 '"I must tell you of one tnrng I 'put
Pais o t .iu ell "u like, eat
over r my
p 3 bale ane tiatn(; froin it• 1P l
th -- order was issued that all the men hot truth the oven. Lt won't ferment. 1t
tie before. As there was no one Turkey 6,000,000 DODD'S KIDNEY I'1.1,LS CURED must have their hair clipped close--- nialtert hast aelts'lous laalcini;, preventas
week . , 13,000,000 b i�-- -• . ration ior� emar e tt baek." t That's
to help I had to take care of the child Austria-Hungary , , , , .. t y machine I went over to the bu-
d dothehousehold k and in u gar . , , , „ , . , .•, , . 8,000,000
r� }
'eerie 1 ' or 4.
' ere Boon to ly haw he escaped obeying an order Use Any louse=
a Boon from headquarters; no doubt he wes'
the only 'man in the army who
did so, I
bald Recipe
PAIN IN HIS BACK. to tit rn wire leading
.. , 3,00 A ► + = •. react to see the captain about ei g d1 5 siciall }} s is .ti Sod -
W°r , Bulgaria, is ,:p a+nd to humanity. 1••- c tart. tri it in
the three weeks that assed before Germany . , , ..... , , . 5.600,000 exempted. i ep porridge. to pancake . an gems, bat care- +tion bl ria+,n. <', ;stile Jami .344
p Serbia , , 3,400,000 e + pled. d'0 you •avant?' asked 'tile fully Ye. pa die v . an+a a t i':4a•Stc►ga for . ltunn3 c c+icy noun. `i •+rort4o.
my slower took charge I was come ,iq ntenegr'a ,. 400,000 Mr, Jas, A. Bryce Tells Why He 1 maiztng 1ta,rrhl&e. Icor oaa e,s+lr break -
t major. , .the night before in a. doubly • e , •i� 3t #v 13 11t°y - 'kir „4,k
UnnecessaryT. Exertion.
Pullman Porter -Next stop ie yo"
station sal. Shall I brush yo' off
5forton Morose -No; it is not ne-
cessary- When the train stops I'll
step off
atdiner ra Llnlnieat Caron Dead -eta
Ling -"I believe a reran shoals he
master of Itis o\vn house. There can
only be one bead in a family, and T
mean to be it," Wing -"That's a
ooti ide indeed; Have you spok-
;our wife about it?"
b1erat. Hell wase, Corn on. • car»
der at +,rice. Supply limited. Write f� 1
quotatlntrs. 11. 3t•. 1>;lauf::n, I3ron•1kt.+ u
Ai&Jli15TO WA.1RTaER
AT1l +.lit a.i�,NT Y,l: M k i Tt^A?l
lit e.e1't' torn, Attt:rvt.F°.F• pro
pletely worn out, and Again nearly ill. ;� rain has lead at her cant sergeant in ] tart- co
"Great Britain Recommends Dodd a iiidneF Pills to � Iexplained, b t hc. declared it bonsr without stirring and t+aratt in the
However, I started on my westward
trip, and deckled to atop off at B3
;here I remained a week, but it did Africa It only being tow,rd the end sense, °
toi 1ls
t••4a :• ; te�Ft tt
iter l.a,n,e ail:it:let 'Work pl+za .i.'it. a,cls,t-
('atta(i. t•Spea•ieu' P unneee.. :y.:-
a,ty. - :, oly l.lrtite•l. 1 ithiiriaera Tett-Juts,.
:1ta;"ie l,y the l;otn:tn 1I(tl t:+�„ 3'irs4ntn ;
card • u T « e, morning by setting laboiling• it water ter
111 Who Suffer from ludnee Di
was impossible, No excuse, Here; w•h11e des :��iias •l t : c r
anff, Australia, New Zealand and South. 25
` Look I had t° have my awn cub±> .•P
stand a large part of the supplies of
not seem to help me, and 1 resumed of last year that the embargo was and he showed rete his clipped bead. _�•,_ ,
my journey. On the train I took sick, lifted and Auierica, Italy and continen• Paisley, Ont., Feby. 28th (Special). "'That's all right for you,' I an $x,000,400 in Cheese.
and could nob eat,and as I ` 1 neutrals were allowed to lies "I can highly recommend Dodds'stvered 'but not for me It's contrary
di i was pitiable Fin 1
alone to nen ra w r • -' ,
a 1 the themselves to wool supplies. Kidney Palls bo anyone suffering Isom to my religion to cut off all lay hair. t $5,000,000 contract ltae been
my eon mon y
porter wired ahead to North Bend for "she requirements of the armies at pain in the back," says Mr, Jas. A. when I go to ware
a doctor to see me. The doctor want,- r present eon!rontieg eaother ch oer are Eryec, well known and highly re-, ++'What are you?'
ed me to leave the train and go to a colossal, and as mounts pass these • spceted in this neighborhood. "I had in American.'
ivau2r, grow bigger. It eau be safe e been troubled with a pain in my back .''But Americans have no religion'
hospital, but I determined to continue 1 wool lies o£ such. count-
T),I;0F1`; -MAKING IM£Ss ,sND los
!. Offices for sale in goad O:aiarl4
placed in New Zealand by Great Brit- of alz tau ii°ae'. t1„ • Full ns rmatiot on
sin for cheese for the army. 1?ha i k>; „tt�ltc go 4 Adnlala3e fitliulhofl 30,
a fifth of the thecse product of the p x, 4• t A '
island, 1 X.OMT WAr7TEl?
#ospi , said the supe ,
ray journey to Vancouver. The meth rias as Germany, France, Austria and for about a year. Ah, but Iain an Indian -an
h doctor ave me did not hes i an be ignored altogether, be. ("heading the self-examination page American Indian' -and so I am, kit 73Linard'a I.iitiutont Cures Burrs, alto.
t g Ir S b
cine a oc or er a c D d 1' Al led t ]relieve
me, and. I was getting worse cause bl from m did -
i v o se all the the weight grown in these' in o c s Almanac
et ane o part. What Is He tis#v,
And then young man who had countries would be no more than suf• 1 that my trouble e tame y # "se I was taken before the adjut- recruiting a se Now. with a
time. t c a y g The
the opposite berth asked me if I would, fictent to supply their own armies, Heys 8o I scent and got a box of Dodd's alit and before the sergeant -major
' tryDr, Williams Pink Pills and gave . with one suit of clothes. Hence ave Kidney Pills. Before they were done could explain, he, toe, burst out ex- shrewd sense of hamar liar been
say that the nations at war roust i I was feeling as well as eves'. 'Not+ !everywhere. These men have oiten-
poa box got had. I used these and bhe citedly, cut our hair. Loop 1
porter me two more boxes; and by look for their supplies in rite outside; i f'Dodd's Kidney Pills were certainly btimes needed all their wits. Said one
y, world, there heeiconon trolyoou
f thele Bra iati 1 a great boon to me." such to a promising recruit -"Why the time I reached my journey's end I ice outside t t y don't you joie# the AI'my' Yau. would
Dodd s K diley Pills act directly on
adorn the Ring's uniform, It's a fine
profession is the Army, and promo-
tion for all who ask for it! Look at
the number of lieutenants! And
there's Lord Kitchener, a Field -Mar-
shal, and at head of the War Office.
Why, Lord Kitchener was only your
age once, and see what he is now!"
was feeling some better. I stayed two�`i�
months on the coast, and continued War office.Available Supplies the kidneys. By putting them in eon- Female
taking Dr. Williams Pink Pills all that "Our dation to do their proper work they
supplies naturally conic a , Te_
time I had gained in weight and ap- chief accomplish the cures so regularly {fit
1 S tl Af ica, and �1
rice and when I started for home from Austro ogle, our r ; ported. Healthy kidneys. make pure
i d i tke table lie
28 000 000 sheep, cowl pure blood coursing through their
pears , South America
an n
I felt better than I had done for years. low, the prod tion of the British blood and the maid or woman 'who has
Isles,. being of ,
not be ignored. The following is a' veins can laugh ab nine -tenths of the
fairly reliable estimate of the quantity ills of life.
f w0451 being grown annually in, the' nee-'
Now I always keep Dr. Williams Pink
Pills in the house, and both my hus-
band and my young daughter have
been benefited by their use. I bites a !
the day bhat young man on the train countries named: FOOD OOD COST ABROAD SOARS.
268,976,200 ! Large Increase in Prices.
14,760,000 According to statistics published by
"02,000,000! the British Board of Trade, the retail
120;000,000 prices of food in the United Kingdom
• I advanced on the average of about 1?
Total 1397,431,114 ' per cent. in January- Flour and bread
"Practically speaking, a British solei increased in price about 6 per cent,
dier is consuming 12 pounds of pure Taking the nation as a whole and
wool in his complete outfit, and the - making allowance for the relative im-'
statement is justified that the French, s penance of various articles in the
gave me his box of pills, otherwise I Australasia
might never have tried them, and South Africa
would have still been an invalid."Argentina
- -
You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills rgentl
from any medicine dealer or by mail, Urgapttrita aY Arenas and Pato
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for gonia
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medici
Co., Brockville, Ont,
lne British Isles
Germans' holdings Officially Esti-
mated at $515,000,000.
As the war proceeds the demand for
the confiscation of German and Aus-
trian owned property in Britain on
the ground that ib is much greater
than British. owned property in those
countries grows in insistence.
So far the Government has declin-
ed to take up the matter, but members
of Parliament have at last obtained from 30 to 36 pounds of clean wool i level of food prices was 112_9 per
from Mr. Runciman, President of the pe�. annum. If we multiply 36 by 15,-' Gent higher than that of July, 1914.
Board of Trade, official details . on 000,000 it gives us 540,000,000 pounds t
174650000 1 Britain, Berlin and Vienna Report a
lens use household Belgian and German sold working-class house .h
old expenditure,
same amount. It is estimated that the average increase in rebail prices LEARN MUSIC AT HOME
one-third of the soldier's outfit is coni E of food since the beginning of the war J, New Method sed of shoddy. Lessons Free Learn To Play
in large hosiery, underwear and
sweater factories. Vaeaneies in
all departments, with openings
for experienced or inexperienced
help. Highest wages and mod-
erate priced board. Apply, im-
of tttt' 1*Crr" (,alutAiltt dl 1i lie zt Stook;
Itan+•hus in `.otattiern Alberta. Will-
ing to give tnrrttcau" bogie for it8,4,fies
sit S p.c. interest 1'atl<1 the. ,r•,r scar.
after that ane tlt4lositrat prirtclir I. T. M.
Huff, .illaert;t ., t,olab
triaigr, �4.1ttt.
resects POB BABE�il'Tttit i.li QL.tTlTE'i't SECTION,
1 " half mile from town or ll niore,
,,askatclrewan, Clay loam, well 1o:sated
. per er acre. part cosh, balani ti baso
erop puymenta, or 820 all cosh. 3. 1'l.
# Rooth. hoyden. Sault Ste 5Tarie, "amt,.
�" ANTED . :ti ,t%113. A.i Ot T 13AT,1'c
improved or relinquishment of 153
gain pr
rttatooe priceOnttlo!'attonUStbe bor-
Box 64, Fort tvillium, Ont.
milliners and weavers. We wiz
d p Tho inspection of stallions under
pay 112* perieneed 11a1p while learuiza
tvrrx.ving• Hood wages paid In all theca
• departments.
months t tot conic, Fornd efui the trparticrk oiu
lags, apply to the Slingsby Manrifactur-
ing Co., Ltd.. Brantford. Ont.
pertmans Limited, oris, ii • the Ontario Stallion Enrolment c
March °3rd 1916
weleneeremmemereeesomemeeeresseere Stallion
will commence 1 ,
owners will notice that horses
inspected in the Pall of 1914 do not
require to he inspected at this time
but all other horses inspected previous
to the Fall of 1914, which were nob
1300K ON
And How to Feed
Mailed arca to any address by
then eight years old, must be inspect-
the Author ed in order to be enrolled for 1916.
Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER, V. S. I Application should be made at once
DogRemsdies 118 West 3latStreet,NewYork to the Secretary of the Ontario Stale
lion Enrolment Board, R. W. Wade,
Parliament Buildings, Toronto,
Sowing and Reaping.
Organ, Violin, To sow bad habits and reap peace
Po"Roughly estimated, the whole of a has been 47 per cent.
the armies of Europe are absorbing,. - The Board of Trade states that in
something like 10 pounds per head; A', Berlin- the general level • of -prices 'of
man on the firing line and in the - certain more important articles of
'trenches will easily get through three food' was 83.4 per cent. above that of
suits per year, 1f not more; it means July, 1914. '
that a soldier consumes anywhere In Vienna, it is- declared, the general
the subject, Mr. Runciman estimates of clean wool which will be required.
bhe value of property in Germanybe- "The, reader can thus see that there
longing to British subjects as approxi- is not a very big quantity of wool left
mately $360,000,000, while the pro-frope the sources already named to ,,
perry in this country owned by Ger- supply the requirements of the whole
mans is put at' $515,00D,000. - fo the civilian population of the out.:
public trustee is registrar of side world; consequently, stocks of ,
enemy property in Britain and is cus-
todian of money due to enemy sub.
jects in dividends .and interest. In
his report he gives the following
figures: -
Property held on behalf of
Britain's enemies $270,000,000
Enemy capital in busi-
ness, etc.` 8,000,000
Enemy capital in com-
panies , .... 145,000,000
Mr. Runciman's statement shows
that the extent of German property in
Britain was evidently -.not fully known
when the public trustee drew up ' his
report, for,,Mr. Runciman's figures are
more than $100,000,000 in excess of
the public trustee's.
To guard the Baby against colds
nothing can equal Baby's.Own . Tab.
lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative
that will keep the little ones stomach
It i
workingregularly. S
� bowel
and �
'a recognized fact that where the
stomach and bowels are in good or=
'der that colds will not exist; that the
health of the little ones will be good
'and that ho will thrive' and be happy
and good-natured. The Tablets are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
`25 cents a box frail The Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Murine is pre-
aT pared by our Phy-
,•,;.0.1:3•!•:.,' .srcaane, as,used for
l ' ' a many Years in •heir
t Fops "-d practice now dedieat-
ed to the Public and
�� rr���sold byYour Druggist.
44.., ddddTrirMurinetoRefresh,
raw material, have been pretty well Cleanse, and Strengthen Eyes after a'posure to
exhausted at the advent of the present Cold Cutting
utti aW rids lad' Dust uncle
i d to iesore
new clips of Australasia, South Africa I,e Overwork and Eve Strain. and *eco re
and South. America. Some.broadminded Physicians use n
_----e.--- ' mend Murine while others perhaps jealous of its
AUSTRIA'S OLDER SOLDIER'S. Success, talk andyush into print an ss why, as
those whose Eyes need care can guess why, as •
f there is no Prescription fee in Murine. Just hand
your Druggist 50c and you have a Complete Pkg.
Men Over 50 Make Better soldiers Eye
ady for 1180. Try it in your Eyes andi• nBaby's
Than Younger Men. Eyes for Eye Troubles -No Smarting -Suet Eye
Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye Free.
The calling to the colors of men Murine Eye Remedy Company, Chleago
between the ages of 50 and 55, `has
caused the discussion in the Austro- Wild Extravagance. the
Hungarian press of what the older . Mr.- Pester -Have you spent
men have done in this war. whole day shopping.
Mrs. Pester -Not the whole day. I
still have the change out of .an hour. •
judge -"You are charged with as-
fs admitted,ihat in trades and "en-sault and battery. What have you to
potions requiring physical dexterity, say?" Prisoner -"Not a word yer-
the man over 50 is apt to be a failure, miner. It was:eosin' too much got
though the well-preserved' worker of me into this scrape."
that age is generally still capable of :_
great endurance., Gossipy Wife ---"When my husband
experience in the army is that married me he said he would lay down
The generally less hardy hi a for me." Second G. W --'So
men up -to 30 are gen y his life
than Men up bo 50. In addition to be-
e- did mine, but now I; can't even get
1x as et far from "phyysically seta" him to lay down the stair carpet.''
g y therowin
beyond g
that is, entirely:b Y a�'.
n often 'reduce "(' that young roan ro-
sta`ge; the younger men Father -"Has y �' p,
ear endurance and physical vigor
Posed yet, Gladys?" Daughter "(blush -
generally - Older P ..-"Yes. How did'you come to sus -
generally by ,.r in) �� <z
sus -
men are not in the habit of doing this, pect, daddie? Father -Oh, he
it is asserted..But the young. men sin comes around here as if he owned:tho
also in other respects; Often they place,m
are indifferent to hardship when they
should not be; -while the older mien see
The view had been generally. he
that the man at 50 had passed into old
war is said to have prov
', but the
d that this position is untenable. It'
ll 1itard'e Biniment Relieves r1etualgia.
ByNota Piano
Banjo, 'Mandolin, f id isimpossible. To sow earth
Cornet, Harp, 'Cello omina m p
or to sing. Special and reap heaven is impossible. To sow
Limited Offer of '...1-P _indtilerence and reap joy is im-
free weekly lessons.
You pay only for possible. Seed -time and harvest are
music and postage, cause and effect. Youth is our sow -
which is small. No
extras . Beginners ing-time. We prepare our own sheav-
• or advanced pupils. es, Manhood and womanhood will
Everything 111us-
trated, plain, simple work no miracles of change. We
systematic. Free lee- must sow good in youth if we would
tures each course. 16 years' success,
Start at once. Write for Free Booklet reap the fruits of joy later.
To -day -Now. J.S.7sortooL Or MUSIC,
Boa 252. 225 Fifth, Ave. New York City
t#4-tooaa'art�t , , m, 1Y7 r.
fn•s="-' ' Before plat- ii
ing your order for
seeds, see our' 1010 Gold- :,,�
en Jubilee Catalogue it is free
Seed Corn Per Bus.
(Bags free) (7 0 lbs. on cob)
'Wisconsin, •22o. 7
Bailey Learning, White Cap 145
Golden Glow
Longfellow, North Dakota, l'
We pay R ,-
Railway freight in On
tatkto aacl.Quebuo.'on all orders
:over $28,00
lion ners
The inspection of stallions under
the Ontario Stallion Enrolment:
A,ot, will comtneuoe Maioh 63rd,
1910. AU applications •' for en-
rolment and inspection, a000ln-
partied by the proper fee, rant be
in the •.Becretary'8 office, i'arlt, ,
ment Buildings, Tor; onto, by March
13111. In ease of applications re-
calved after blarolt lgth, Simper,-
nepection will only bo made at•inorearedi
expense to ownerst. • A'd'dress" aU
cotninti iioalions to R. •Vtr. Wade,
, SCoretarr, Ontario, Stallion Enrol-
nient Board, Parliament Buildings,
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen, -My daughter, 13 yrs.
old, was thrown from a sleigh and
injured Iter elbow so badly it re-
mained stiff and very painful for three
years. Four bottles of as MINARD'S
LINIMENT completely cured her and
she bas- not been troubled for two
Yours truly,
5t. Joseph, P. 0., 18th. Aug,, 1900.
ary, new and second-hand bargains,
get list. Guarantee Motor Co., Hamil-
ton, Canada. -
puppies for sale. Also few Per.,
scan kittens. 11.. A. Gillespie, Abbots-
ford, Quebec.
internal and external, cured with. -
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr. Beliman Medical
Co.. Limited. Cotlingwood. Ont.
A Slight Mistake.
Mrs. De Troop (who is short -sight-
ed) -"Good morning, Mrs. Simkins.
Your husband must be very .fond of
gardening.' • I saw him the first thing
this morning down in the bottom of
the garden, And' how well he looks,
to be sure!" firs. Simkins turned
her back. and slammed the door in
her neighbor's face. The latter.
aghast, went to tell her daughter.
"And you told her the thing in the
onion patch was her husband?" "Of
course, I did." "Well, that's not her
husband;that's, a'scare-ci ow!"
40I1orts From Fro'; fro
�RWET tr rges=o'
-Summer Loveliness -
S.S. BERMUDIAN sails from New
York March 1 and 8
S.S. EVANGEI•INE sails from New York
March 2 and 11.
Fares, including meals and. berth, only $25 •
and up. Apply for tickets and booklet
N. B. PATERSON. Gcn. Agent,
Canada S.S. Lines. Limited,
46 Yonge 8t., Toronto.
or any ticket agent.
'ii!inard's Liniment for sale e'corytrirere
The modern child can be relied upon 1,,
e arents in their place.
to put h1s Wit -1 p i
Hess the .following genuine extract
from a recent essay at klome-"Phe
important; person at home is mother.
other important person is father.
ehelps to keep us,"
The Ideal Winter Resort
u1 prires Saddle
Riding, Golf, Tennis, Yachting, Fishing
and Sea Bathing. Present • Gar-
rison of the Ottawa '(38th) Regi-
ment. •
Princess Note
is open from DECEMBER, to MAX
Situated on the Harbor of
Hamilton, Aocommodates 400.
Bates : 8255 per Week and upward,
'Bermuda, is reached, by the steam-
ers 6f the Quobeo S. S. Co.,
52 13roadwa,y, New s.` 0110.
Eli. G ISSUE 10,.-..'10,