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The Exeter Advocate, 1916-3-2, Page 5
LEGAL DICKS©N & CARDING, BARRISTERS, skatitors, Notariee; Conveyancers, Com,- mdseiionere. Solicitors for the Mo1Yonu Bank. etc. • Money to Loan •at lowest rates or interest Orifices -Math -SL, Exeter I. R. Carling, B.A. L. IL Dickson ; MONEY TO LOAN We have a large atnowtt of private funds to loan on farm and village prop- erties at low rates or interest. GLADMAN $ STANBUBY Barristers, Solicitors. Exeter. DENTAL. Dr. G. le. RQULSTON, L.D,S,, D.D.S DENTIST ifember of the R.C.D.S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. O71ica--Over Dickson & Cariing's taw office. Closed Wednesday afternoons, DENTIST OR. A R. KINSMAN, L.A.S., D.D.S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University eettt extracted without pain. or any oad effects. Office over Qladinan & Sta"nbury'a Office, Main Street, Exeter. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family., or any atalc'over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available Domin- ion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant mustappear in pet -so,, at the Dominion Lands /1.g •ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be trade at any Dominion Lands Agency (but riot Sub -Agency) on certain conditions, Duties -Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his, homestead cn a favn of at least 80 acres, on certain coAditiens• A habitable house is re - attired in every case, except when ae- saSence is performed in the vicinity, 1n certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre -erupt aquarter suction alongside his homestead, Price $3. per acre. Duties -Six months resi- dance an each of three years after earning homestead patent; also 50 ares extra cultivation. Pre-emption paleat may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions "A settler who bas exhausted his hotestead eight may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. 'Pelee $3 per acre. Duties -Must re- side 6 oaths in each of 3 years, cu- ltivate 50ac es and erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rougb, scrub- by or stony land, Live stock may be "substituted fon' cultivation under cer- 'iaitt conditions. W. W. CORY, C,14,0, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N,B.-UnautiUortzed 'publication of this. advertisoment will net be ped tor. cze,na ('' j" A Christian college -home, healthful situation. For prospectusand terms,wrtte the Principal R.I. Warner, M.A.,D.D., St. Thomas, Onet. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. YOU CAN SECURE A POSITION IT you 'take a course, with us. The demand upon us far trained help is many times the number graduating. Students are entering each week. You may enter at any time. Write at once for our free catalogue of Com- merci,al, Shorthand or Telegraphy De- partments. D. A. . McLachlan, Principal DR,. DeVAN'S, FRENCH PILLS bee 8t nnutt fight lY,1oz Women. $S a box or thieefor afldr esa'barecelpt9f priec.eTae 8 BEia, d to Co'.; St"Cathariiles, Ontario. PROSPHONOL FOR MEN. vi=a Vitality;#or Nerve'and Brain; increases "grey matter" ;aTonic-will build you up. $3 a box, or two for a5, at drug stores, or by.mall on receipt Of price.- Tun SCOBELL Dave Co,, St. Catharines, Ontario. RAND TRUNK Rvs WINTER RESORTS. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP. FARES Long Limit -Stopovers Ashevilleand Hot Spitngs, N. C.; Charleston, S.C.. ; Nassau, N..0. ; Hot Springs, Ark.; French Lick Sw- ings, Ind.; Jacksonville ma 11 Flor- ida 'Points • Havana, Cuba; :tnd New Orleans La„ via New York and Rail (or steamed according to destination) o? via Buffalo, Detroit, or Chicago. BERMUDA AND WEST' 1NNDIES OTHEP HEALTH RESORTS ou Clemens, tt e- Creek. ' n Cl men , Mich. ; sa C 1 �, k. l4iieh. ; St. -^.Catharines, Well, Ont. ; and Preston Springs, Ont. • Further particulars on ap1ication to Grand Trunk= Agents. •as; —O-- Ful' particulars and birth reserv✓a tion on applicati to j1 -gents. r t A cents 11 Grocers. Sunlight Soap The inducements offered with comaioli soaps cannot make up for the purity of Sunlight Soap, It costs US more to make pure soap. But it costs YOU Less to use it, for Sunlight pays for itself in the clothes it saves, It does not wear and rub the fabrics as common soaps do, ;SAM Suaraftea .f purity with every cake 8 of Sunlight Soap 1. CLEARING Auction Sale , FARM STOOK, I'JSPLFMENTS, ETe. i Auction Sale Mae B. E. Phillipa has Teceived' fine otructions to sell by public auction$ nn Lot 9. concession 2, day`, on Erie da', March 10th, at one o'clock sharp Jiorses-1, general purpose, mare 13 years old in foal to [Colonel Graham; 1 [rare, agric„ 7 years old iii foal to Colonel 'Grabam; 1 general purpose mare rising 8 Sears; 1 gelding rising 3 year old. 'Cattle -1 milk cow, 2 yearling calves 12 -year old steer, Implements -1 ZIrassey-Harris bine der; 1 reaper; 2 mowers, pea bar- vester; 1 land :roller; disc barrow ; 1 Massey Harris [hoe drill; 1 combined seeder and. harrow; 1 cultivator; 1, lumber wagon, bay crack, stock rack it bobsleighs, 2 set of harness; 1 ookshutt riding plow; 3 walking plows, set diamond barrow, 1 turnip sower; hay Take, fanning mill; 2 top ; 2 buggies,. carters, 1 oart, hay fork car rope and sling chain; 1 copper kettle, weigh scales 1200 lbs. capacity 1 cream separator; a quantity of ced- ar pests, lumber, barrels, forks hoes' and other articles too numerous to mention. Also some household furniture con- sisting of 1 cook stove; 1 coal heater 1 woad heater; 1 cupboard; 1 'inion piano, bedsteads, springe, {stands lounges, chairs, tables, A quantity of sap pails and cspilee. Terms -All sums of $10'and under, aas1 , over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing OP.' proved joint notes. A. discount of 4 per cent straight will be allowedL for cash on credit amounts. No reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm and is giving up faaCm- iug. t ' ICH(EtIS CAMPBELL, Prop. B. B. PHILLIPS, Auct. Auction. Sale OF FARM, FARDI STOCK & IMPLEMENTS ori Lot 12, Con. 3, Ste•,phen, on Wed- nesday March 8, at 1 o'clock sharp, Horses -Horse 7 -yr old; horse, 6 -yr old; horse 5 -yr -old ; mare, 5 -yr old, in, foal to Charming Prince; driving horse 5 -yr old; sucking colt by Southport. Cattle -Cow due time of sale, cow due Mar 12, cow dun Mar. 24, cow due June 20, cow due Apr. 20; 1 3 -yr old heifer due time of sale; 2 farrow cows, heifer coming 2 -yr.; steer com- ing 2 -yr.; 2 yearling lheifers, two spring calves. Pigs, Etc. -1 Tamworth sow, due Mar 15, Yorkshire saw due May 1st, 5 store pigs, 35 hens.; 2 turkey hens, 1 Tom" 2 geese, 1 gander, 4 ducks, 1 drake, 1 °ally dog. Implements -McCormick binder, Mc Cormick mower, McCormick disc har- row, ,cultivator, seed drill, Deering steel hay rake, land roller, 2 walking plows. riding plow, gang plow, sett diamond harrows, 2 Iumber wagons double wagon. box and spring seat, hay rack, .pig rack, 2 gravel boxes, light v<^agon, top buggy, ;operi buggy, cart buggy pole, Portland cutter, set bobsleighs, log bunks, set scales, pr,. stillyards .. !Clinton fanning mill, root pulper, wheel-barrow,harness .tack,• Mellott cream separator, scufflerfenc�e weaves set wire stretchers, feed fur- nace. bolds 45 gallons, Verity hand cutting :box, 30 ft; ladder, 15 ftlad- der, 2 sett double harness, 2 set sin- gle ihanness string bells, two dozen hags iron kettle, ditching spade and scoup grass seeder, clover table, two barrels milk can, quantity corn, hay fork rope slings and pulleys, Daisy churn ,kitchen table, 6 kitchen chairs cook stove couch; sap buckets, forks shovels, hoes, whi;ffletrees, n,eckyokesr and numerous other articles. The above farm will also( be offer- ed for sale at the same time and •place, -100 acres, bank barn, brick house good orchard, good water, etc. Positively no reserve as the prop- ,p`r j'e•:or' is giving- up farming. TE 145-$10 and under cash ; 'over that""tsmaumt'`8 months • cr%lit , on apt` proved :join( ndtes` j5—pV4-`eeiil :ter annum. off for;,cash„on credit amounts Terms of farm made, kinowry: on day of sale r, . GARNET COCKWILL, Prop, FRANK TAYLOR. Auct. ALONZO HODGINS, Clerk. Of FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS on Lot 12, Cote, 2, Usborne, on THURSDAY, "11'ARCJi 9th, at One o'clock, the following, Horses -1 horse 9 -yr -old; 1 horse 5 -yr old; 1 horse rising three years; 1 colt rising 2 years. Cattle -2 fresh calved cows; 2 cows supposed to calve April 1st; 4 steers rising 2 -yr -old; 1 yearling steer 1 yearling heifer, 2 fall, calves, 2 young calves. Hogs Etc. -5 sows 'due to farrowin April; L store hogs about 100 lbs; about 50 hens; 4 ducks. Implements -Massey Harris binder,6 foot cut„ with truck and, carrier, near- ly new; Deering mower, 5 -foot cut; Frost & Wood disc harrow; 'McCor- mick three horse cultivator; new Cockshutt 13 -disc drill; No con drill set iron. harrows, Maple Leaf 2 - row plow, walking plow, 10 ft. steel rake, scattier, land roller, Maxwell root pulper, wagon, set bobsleighs, hay rack, gravel box, set double har- ness, steel -lined water trough, water shoot, set doubletrees, neckyokes, set slings, ropes and chains; crow bar; horse fork, barrels, forks, shovels; chains, etc; 15 tons of good clover hay, quantity of mangles Terms -$5 and under cash, over that amount 10 months credit on approved joint notes. 6 per cent per annum off for cash on• credit amounts Positively no reserve as the pro- prietor has giver. up farming. J. C. SNELL, Prop. C. W. ROBINSON, Auct. F. COATES, Clerk Messrs Hastings Bros, of Crosshill brothers of Mr. A. Hastings of town will offer their two -hundred farm for sale by public auction on March 7th. CASTO R IA For Infants and Children in Use ForOver3OYears Always bears the Signature of . CINADIANS • IMNIVED. 1. Decorations Are Distributed Among! Officers and Men at the Front. OTTAWA, Feb, 29e—Major-Gen- Oral 9.":.Major-General Sir Sam Hughes has received the following communication from the Canadian General Representative in France Canadian General lE eadQuartera in,, Fiance, Feb. 27. --(Vie London,)— Da connection with the successful' miner operations carried out by our 28th North-West and 29th Vancou- ver Battalions, on the night of Jan. nary 30-31, the following Officers and men have been awarded decors titans: Distinguished Service Order —Captain A. H. Jukes, 9th Gurkha Rifles, Staff -Captain in the 6th Can- adian Infantry Brigade; Capt. D. E. McIntyre, 28th Battalion; Capt, S C. C. Taylor, 29th. Battalion. Military Cross Lieuts, N. E. O'Brien and L. A, Wilmot, 39tb, Battalion. Distin- guished Conduct Medals—Lance- Sergts. G. S. Turner and W. Burn, and Pte. J. C. Andrews, 28th Bat - 'tenon, and Lance -Sergi.. Kirkland of the 29th Battalion. The Military Cross bas also been awarded to Lieut.. B, 0, gooper, and the Distinguished Conduct Medal to Lance-Sergt. L. Jackson and Lance - Corp. J. Hutchison, all three of tour 19th Western Ontario Battalion, for a. daring reconnaissance of the enemy trenches on the night of Jan. 25. Active patrolling of our front has been constantly Carried on. A few enemy patrols were encountered, Early on the morning of Feb. 16th, a patrol of our 14th Montreal Bat- talion, consisting of Corp. E. A, Mott and Scouts Deyer and Williams, dire °levered a small hostile patrol en- deavoring to approach our wire, One of the enemy was about twenty yards in advance of his comrades. Creep - Mg forward rapidly, our patrol enc- eeeded In surrounding this man, while, becoming aware of its ap- proach. the remainder of the hostile patrol retired hastily to its trenches. The German was then taken. prisoner and brought back safely to our lines Why "Anuric” Is an INSURANCE Against Sudden Death. Before an Insurance Company will. take a risk on your life the examining physician will test the urine and report whether you are a good risk. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog, you suffer from backache, sick -head-' ache, dizzy spells, or the twinges and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and gout. The urine is often cloudy, full of sediment; channels often get sore and eleep is disturbed two or three times a night. This is the time you should consult some physician of wide experience -such as Dr. Pierce of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. Send him 10 cents for "aAmuric."e Write hime of ynew our symptoms and send a sample of rine for test. Experience has taught Dr. Pierce that. «Anuric" is the most powerful agent in dissolving uric acid, as hot water melts sugar; besides being absolutely harmless it is endowed with other properties, for it preserves the kidneys in [a healthy condition by thoroughly } cleansing them. Being so many times more active than lithia, it clears the heart valves of any sandy substances which may clog them and checks the degeneration of the blood -vessels, as well as regulating blood pressure. "Anuric" is a regular insurance and life-saver for all big meat eaters and those. ' who depositlime-salts in their joints. • Ask the druggist for "Anuric" put up.. by Dr. Pierce, in 50 -cent packages. STRENGTH AND BEAUTY ( Colne. with Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery, This is a blood• cleanser and Ealterative that starts the lively,,apd stem- ' •Bch'into vi orous action.' IttE s assists the body to manufacture rich'" red blood which feeds the heart, nerves,' brain and organs of the body.. The organs work'. smoothly like machinery running in, dib.. i You feel clean, strong and strenuebs,;*+ ' stead of tired, weak and faint. LINER SUNK BY MINE. & O. Steamer Maloja Lost Oft Dover With Many Lives. DOVER, Feb. 29, ---Tim steamship 3laioja, a 12,431 -ton vessel, belong- ing to the Peninsular and Oriental Line, struck a mine and sank within halt an hour two miles oft Dover yes- terday. More than 40 persons were drowned or killed as a result of the accident. The Maloja left Tilbury only Sat- urday for Bombay with, mails, 119 passengers of all classes aboard, and a crew numbering about 200, most of them Lasears. The steamer had just .passed. Ad- miralty pier at Dover, and was op- posite Shakespeare Cliff, when an ex plosion. shook her from end to end, She listed S e ted immediately to port, High: seas were running, and tate captain, realizing that great damage had been done to the after -part of his vessel, tried to run her ashore, but the en- gine -room was swamped and the ship became unmanageable. The plight of the vessel was ob- served, and dozens of craft went at full speed to her rescue. One of them, ,the British tanker Empress of Fort William, of 2,181 tons, struck an- other mine and sank nearby. Eleven steamers, all but one Brit- ish, have been reported lost during the week -end. The total loss of life is so far unknown. Some of the ves- sels were victims of wines and one was burned at sea, while the Fastnet and Tornberg are reported to have 'been torliedoed. Following is the list: P. & 0. liner Maloja, 12,500 tons, over forty lost; Wilson liner Dido, ;4,769 tons; Fastnet, 2,227 tons; Em- press of Fort William, of Canada Steamships, Limited; Birgit, seven - pen saved; Mecklenburg, 2,888 ton* iSnevier, 2,896 tons; Denaby, 2,987 tons; Tummel, 531 tons, and Trig- nac, 1,447 tons, twenty-six lost; Tornberg. VICTORY FOR BRITISH. Gen Lntrin.s' Column in Egypt Routs Enemy Column. LONDON, Feb. 29.—A Turkish column was attacked androuted by South African troops Saturday at iAgagia, Egypt, according to a British °facial statement issued last night, ,which adds that the fleeing Turks are being pursued. The text of the official statement follows: "The enemy's column, under Nuri and Gasfar, was attacked Saturday morning. at Agagia, about 15 miles eolith of Barrami, by General Lukin's column, consisting of South African troops, yeomanry, and territorial ar- ttillery. "By half -past three in the after - poen the enemy had been completely routed, and was fleeing in scattered columns, pursued by our cavalry. "At four o'clock aeroplanes report- ed them to be eight miles south-west (of Agagia, and still being pursued." German Submarine Refused to Aid. LONDON, Feb. 29.—Captain Car- gill, of the Liverpool steamship Belle 'of France, who recently returned home, describes how his ship was torpedoed without warning off Alex- andria. He says 24 members of the crew swam to the submarine. and 'clambered to the undersea craft's deck. The German crew, however, ac- cording to Captain Cargill, went be- low and• elosed the coxini;tg-tower hatches leaving. Captain Cargill's men outside. All but five" of the lat- ter perished; and the remainder were picked up by boats from the Belle of France. sr 'Cbloni,'es' '$for °Soldiers , E' _.. INGTOPI' .)L. Feb.:•'29 '1gBLL +,,� r;�,, , The New • "Zealand," $ �dern,ment •«has made •such progre° ,;With tits' scheme far - settling return ' soldiere,.env the Anne ,that; numerous large areas have ad,Y' been set, aside `and xseveral: Of lite neva colonlea are ;ready. nor. : > r^e oceetpatlou. - -aa ave :266. Tbtha 41K . -. Q bittainedit rad. AVegeteb a Prepam4on forAs aapnlating iheFoodardR ljaeheStotnadisanclBorMsof INFANTS o CHILDREN • PromotesDigestianChcetf tress andRestCoiltainsilelltftr:. Op1`uni.Morphine norl+iiunral ar NAtt cone. Re* ongdikatazIMER six•somaj 11111 S.°1 Ca'- _,frto A,pefeci Reredy foreal lion, Sour$Iomad,D.xrr oea, w naafis„rnaveiaiona.Fexettsli- ness and Loss OFStt$5P, FncSink S+Suaiin of f� ht CexrAURCOMPANY HONTR 3A1.&NEW YORK tit, months old 35 DOSES-35CENrs Exact Copy o6 Wrapper, CASTOR For Infants and Children. Jothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TNF,. CENTAUPI S M%AWY. NEW YORK C;TY„ 9 l t 1-'—"• i i i e. a �ne ticl The purchase price of this famous 1881 Rogers Al Piste WE give coupons with every 2sc. pur- chase of all the high grade guaran- teed products shade by the United Drug Company. We are willing to lose money on the Silverware to get you ac- quainted with these goods, which are stan- dard in their line, " Iexali Remedies" Liggett's Candies, Perfumes, Toilet Articles,. Brushes, Stationery, Rubber Goods, and hundreds of other items, household prepara- tions, etc. You cannot afford not to se- cure this popular silverware, when you can get it on our half bought plan. As an ex- ample, this teaspoon that sells for 25c. you can get for roc. with coupons, I• 'i1 TWO COUPONS will be .given with every REXALL PRODUCTS. • ONE COUPON with every 25c, purchase of any other article in our store. ASK FOR COUPPONS AND BUY YOUR 1881 ROGERS Al PLATE AT HALF PRICE 25c. purchase cif COLE'S DRUG STORE < xrf • rt.I, "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $530 TAKE A LITTLE COMFORT AS YOU GO -ESPECIALLY IF YOU •.CAN COMBINE IT WITH PROFIT. THE MAN WHO OWNS A FORD .HAS PROVIDED ' HEALTHFUL ENJOYMENT FOR HIS ENTIRE FAMILY „AND EQUIPPED HIMM- SEI."F WIX AN.- ECONOMICAL SERVANT -AS WELL. ,The. Ford'Runabout is, $480; the Cou- pelet $730; the Sedan $890; the Town carOntarib. ca $780. All pricers'sconare etf.a. elyb. All equip ped, *chiding electriccplheadlights. Cars ors sale .at $ILO' SNELL'S, EXETER... ;FI .iutisci' tk,rri•.r iii_. •