HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-3-2, Page 1Germany drives hard on Verdun. Severalvessels ost. Recr its °stili coming and more needed. You joining ? TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCEL 2 191 Our Cotner, There was a fair gathering of the Printers end publishers of Huron and Perth counties in Stratford Friday, When, business mutters were discussed fficers were elected as follows,- Hon. -Pres., W. R. Danis, Mitchell Ad - Vacate; Pres., H. B. Elliott, Wingham• Titres; Sec.-Treas., Alex. Abraham of Stratford;. Executive, J. L, Kerr of Clinton, C. V. Blatchford, of Lista- reel, and J. W. Vanatter of , Goderich. Assistance in recruiting in every way was pledged. A decision was made; to raise the price of, the weekly news ,papers in the two counties to $1.50 a year after July lst, thus co-opera- ting in the national movement for 1916 •~lien all rural weeklies will be one ,price. -x-o-x- A recent publication of the Gov- erment gives the altitude of many places around Exeter. St. • Marys is 1085 feet above the sea level, Strat- ford 1191 feet, Granton 1035, Locate Creasing 884, Lucan 993, AilsaCraig 754 Parkhill 662,5, Thedford 682.5, Forest 711, Ilderton 9315, Denfield 897. Clandeboye 883, Exeter 872, Lon- don 806. Ingersoll 889, Godexich 732, Cliaton 921, Seaforth 1009, Mitchell 1122, Blyth 1078, Wingham 1078. Lake Huron average for 20 years is 511 feet above the sea. Privates Cornish and Wright, we un deistand. returned to their homes in flsborare on Tuesday from England We -cannot understand why they were not tendered a reception on theirtr- rixai here but apparently they slipped in weedy w ithout anyone knowing it. TAMAN'S PHONE 81a A CORRECT SPRING STYLE The New Natural -Form - Fitting Suit. • aTANY Tl'l ORS• DO NOT KNOW, HOW TO MAKE :THESE' SUITS We Do. 1E YOU WOULD LIKE AMORE gONSERVATIVE STYLE WE DAN GIVE IT TO YOU. MAKE' A CHOICE EARLY, uev r coats WE CAN FIT YOU TO A "T", 'TRY US. W.Taman 'Elinor & Fui'nishe r PHONE 81a The War Summary -- The ,great. 'battle at Verdun is the outstanding feature of the war this the week. For eight or tens days the *Germans have teeien making a massed drive on the fort and by sheer weight of rtunrbera on a narrow front and a reckless sacrifice of hien they have been able to pienctrate to the out- er fortifications, -four miles from the fort proper, and 'there they are held by the French, who are consterving their men as much as possible, and Mao Mint that the enemy cannot cap- tune the fortress•. The loss of life must ,be heavy on both sales, but French a•gparts say that the German loss during the first week was ten moues their owwn, onving to the meth- ` od sof their attack and the nature of the fighting. Much depends on the result at Verdun, 1 learns. storm and torpedoes sunk , teat British vessels during the week end, with considerable loss of life, The Russians are soil in pursuit of the Turks south of the Blank Sea; , Military Matters Get away from those excuses, and join up. boys, --- Private Ralph Willis of London was home over Sunday, The 161st Battalion, is now half strength, Help to fill up the ranks boys. The Exeter company attended ser- vice ii Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday morning, The boys are now comfortably guar` tered in the slower part of the Town Hall for recreation hours. The boys go to Hensall on Friday and with the, Hensel' boys march to Zurich to attend a recruiting meet- ing. Mr. W. W. O. Gootdwin of Goderich formerly of the Jackson; Manufact- uring Company here and at Zurich, has joined the 161st Battalion. Corp. Milton Pfaff and Privates Harold Bissett and Lloyd Rivers are taking the non-commissioned officers course in Clinton for a fewL ;weeks. Private Edgar E. Down of the Third Divisional Signal Co'1p at Ottawa, who is in training for overseas • service spent a couple days with his mother here. - This is a hard year oat bachelors. It being leap year and enlisting ylear, the pnaiden is waiting on one corner and the recruiting officer on the other. --o-- So,ne men have sent one son, some two and some three, while ethers svho have one or several sons, have given none. The men ar,e oftenloud professors, too. Provisional Lieutenant Tom Penhale after a week with his parents, left Friday for Toronto and will leave, shortly for England to prepare ,for the fighting line. Mr. John i.4fallett the genial clerk for many years at thei Central Hotel; has joined the Exeter company of the 161st Huron, Battalion as drummer, John is the right mane with the drum, Mr. William Hyn,dman of Winnipeg, brother of Dr. H. K, and Geo. Hynd-. man. of F„ xeter, has returned frcfin .England, the authoritiies declining to send him to the front; he li na over age. He is now at Quebte;c. HURON BATTALION HONOR ROLL AT EXETER Enlistments this week. EARL ,REDDEN CHARLES CAMERON JOHN W. MALLETT WALTER HARNESS WILLIAM NUNN ALFRED H. GAMBRILL • LORNE CUDMORE, EARL SOUTHCOTT Locals Mr. C. Leroy Coult�is of Goderich a former Exeter young man, has dis- posed .of his drug• business to J. A. Caldwell of St, Cathanities and will: remove to' Toronto. A piece of machinery went wrong in the power house on Monday even- ing ven-i g end the lights were off for the nng,ht.' Much inconvenience resulted and the hockey match with Crediton had to be called off; The Huroitt, Public School Promotion Examinations will be held on April 13th, 1,4th,, and 17th -Pappers' for Se- 'cond., Third and Twnate Fourth classes are being reparteid aitd will be sent• to the 'tea�chers oedemata. thane ideieut Alityl ata. Teachers arc r'e�tia teid to lend at., once td theiir,Pelatie School Inspector the. °numliea Of panels' re- quired for each class. The. W.C,'1':U, gave a social enter - r, teinnienit in Main Street church Mon aay et!'e ling. - Mrs, McAlister i filled the chair and an excellent address: on "Law Enforcement" was given by Rev, lOnigli't of Hensel'. Miss Mux worthy ,sang .a 'lovely solo and Miss Lulu ,Hastings ; gave "a very fine read - EXETERCOUNCIL --a Crediton A regular ineeetine of the council t d' n {Mrs, Wrm. l\Tiergarth of Bad Axe, was held Friday, Feb. 25. In, the ab : sence of the reeve Councillor Hin moved that Councillor Beaver taketlte chair, seconded by Roulston, The minutes of the last meeting were read; and approved.. A letter from Col, H, B. Combe Clutton was.read, re. monilizing of the Huron. Battalion at Goderich, and a, copy of a resolution to the Minister of Militia enclosed. A letter from the secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Toronto, re. the establishing of a system of keeping the municipal water works accounts, .etc. Per Harton and Raul- ston, that it be left in the hands of the Fire and Light committee, the same to be reported to the council. A letter from Mr. 'Stanley Bucknell TUlsonburg, re. ,position of the Elec- trical staff. Per motion of Rouiston and Hind a notice be seat to Major Heenan and Lieut. Torrance to meet the members of the council Feb. 26, re. rooms in the fawn Hall. Per Hind and Harton that the fire insurance on building and contents at the power house b:e renewed as fol- lows :-Waterloo Mutual, C. T. Brooks agent. 31000, premium $10; Dominion Fire Ins, Co,, S. Hardy, agent, $1000 premium $10; Wes`ern, Assurance Co, 3, Senior, agent, $1000, premium $10. The xollowang errors in taxes were adjusted; -A. Cottle, dog assessment entered ion roll twee, 31; F. Wood, business assessment rebate, $3; Thos, Jones, do., entered tw:rce, $3; Dr. Rouiston,. rebate on pipe supplied $1,60; Syl. Cann, female dog assess- ment rebate, $3; Frred Bloomfield do, $1; S. Baskerville, do. $1, The Exeter Man_ CO., f:'rst annual cheque for $650.00, as per agreement was reported received. The Reeve gave his report of the meet;ng of the Ontario Hydro Elec- tric Railway Association, which was satisfactory. Per Beavers and Rout- stow, ,that his eepenses, amounting to $15.00 be. paid, -Carried. Per ,Hind and Roulston, that the Public Works Com. look into the; matter of the construction of a flag pole, -Carried, The following accounts were read and ordered to be paid ;--G. Crawley $1.50; `G, R. ,Steer $1,25; K. Ford 32.25; The Advocate $6.90; ivirs, W. D. Yea $1; D. Russell $9.60; W. J, Heaman $6.80; T. Hawkins & Son $3.50; Connor Machine Cp. $1,30; Wm.. Fraser '32; T. G. 'Creech $6."o7p E. Treble $3,60; The Exeter Man. Co 65c ; A. Sanders 70c,; M. Senior $1.75 Jos. McDonald 87c; T. Brock 5825; H. Rumohr $6; T. Houlden 87c. Resolution passed by the Council Tuesday evening, Fpb. 29th, "Exeter Municipal Council disapproves of the Dominion Government granting, se- newing or ,ea -tending charters tore], ectrie railways operated by private companies throughout Ontario."-Jno, W. Taylor, reeve. Copies were sent to theeChairmari of Railway Commit- tee, Sir -Robert Borden premier, J.J. Merrier, M.P., H. Either, M.L.A. Jos. Senor, Clerk Dashwood Oar. Wednesday Of Iast week the boys in khaki from Exeter were en- tertained to dinner by'Mr. Horatio Reynolds at Sarepta. After dinner they marched to Dashwood,,where the people were wholly taken by surmise. Rev. Colliers of Exeter, who accom- panied them, gave a short address, with which the people were well pleased, Preparations are being made to entertain the boys again some day next week, Mrs. Wickens of Ingersoll is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs, P. Fassold this week. Mr. and ales. F. Henderson, of Lon- don. called on friends herre( on Friday. Miss._Lillian Stirs of Exeter spent Sunday with her parents here. The Earners' Institute meeting was hebd here last Wednesday with a fair- ly good atttendance. Pte. 3. Moir and IVIr, . Jon Hartleib of London spent a few days in.town. visiting relatives. Miss M. B. Blue of Dutton, has ar-. riv�eci here to take charge of the mil- lirner.a department for Ti�eman & Edi gho16er again: this season. Rev. Arthur Kellerman of Fenwick is this week assisting "Rev. Grenze- leech with revival services. Miss PI. Routledge left for Elmira this week, w'her'e the has secured a position, es 'milliner, Miss' Linda Weber of.Exeter North is the. guest of the Misses Kraft. Centralia Mr. Thos. Wallis has a•large� force of men end teams purttittvgl en his sup- ple, of ice: for the comaing summer, The, ice is of good qu !lity, but only about 10 inches thick. Mi•. Connor and beide, of; near Peter:. bora' spent a few days of thein•. wed- ding ,tour with Mr. Gard Mrs, 1' Oli- vier, P. Wade sipenit Sunday tviith his father in .London. • Mr. john Wade has accepted .a sit untion. in , London, .and 'heft for that city an,.Mondey etne,ning., Dor't forget the ,paitriiotic meeting toe -night hursda th chinch T in x). Y Special addresses will lie given by a returned soldier. ,Eveaybady Welcome Mr, Reid of Wing+barn spent a coup- le days vnasi'ting his sister, Mrs. (Rev,) Malay Owing to the severe storm of Sun- ing. Refreshments wtere served at day . our mail carri'eirs Were unable to the close of the program._ make the grade' oil Monday, tch., is visiting her parents Moan Mrs. Joseph Heist Freeman, alorlock has commencedt • ilea= the automobile busing ss in th Morlock linage \Vltiie assist;ng in taking down S. Lamport's stable last Thursday Geo. Eil:ber hard the palm of, his right hand severely gashed by a large stake and is. laid off work for a few days. , The family of Mr, ,Mathew Jlorlock met int his home last Friday evening to celebrate his 88th birthday, rh old gentleman is still hale and heart and we extend congratulations, Harry Beane: has been; awarded the contracts tobuild houses for Edward Lamport of. Shipka and Wm, Ryan and Pat Reardon of 'Kit, Carmel this coming summer. We are p;lcased to see. Mr. William Lewis oil the street again after an 'attack of la grippe. The storm on Saturday and Sunday ter, It had everyythuig at its mercy. The ,attendance in the churches was anal: or: Sunday as the drifts made the roads impassable, Mr. W. H. Wenzel, while on his way with the mail :ar Centralia station on Monday broke Bowe. and was obliged to re- turn *act wait until evening, Nob* McRoberts of the Bank staff spent Sunday at his home in ?arkhill. Three sleigh loads of our aockey :::eatLadtaaoefatf.e4 .he team to Exeter rlaa; but on acoount of aoreak- nthe lighting system; the darn Mas Karr has resumed her ,.luti,es as teacher after an, attack of grip, Nicholson 8i Lawson finished her - vesting thea ice crop last week. Miss r - il, Lulu S 'd su er of Bayfield rs :ted Mrs Nicholson and other friends in town a few days last week. Mrs,Herb. Ehler has returned af- ter a short visit in Lucknow, Frank Taylor had a birthday Tues- day, the Z9th, It 'isn't often Frank has one so he deserves; special men- tion. .Here's hoping he will have many of theta, John IC. Schroeder is advertising Yds live stock nand chattels for sale on Tuesday, .the 14th of :lfarch. Mr. Schraede ',3a?s been, an up-to-date ear - roe/ and his effects aro in splendid. shape. •• He is making arrangements to move to Detroit in the near future. S. Miran & Son installed a .piano in the hoarse of Mr. D. Mclsaac re- eentiy, Special anniversary services will be ae::l :rr the Evangelical Church next Sunday and Monday. On Sunday Bis- hop Spreng of Naperville, 1lL, wUl preach. morning and evening and! on Monday night a lecture will be giv- en. The enusi�cal part of the pro- gram tor this evening will be in charge of the you- ng men. Let there be a good attendance. The Methodist church has kindly dispensed with. the evening service so that there will be' a union meeting. Sam Firtkbeiner of Sarnia is visit - ng his mother for a few, days. H. Either, 141.P,P,, is attending the Ontario Legislature in Toronto this SANDERS & CREECH the men on horseback and joined by the children, marched through tow. Since then those who have enlisted from Hiuron, have come back where: d they and otlxers intend to drill in Brenner's Hall„ -On Thursday even - int; meeting was held in Brenner's 0 1`lall. but the attendance was small. was the worse experienced this win - t GRE$NWAY -x--o-x- Messrs, Russell McIntosh and Robt Pollock visited in Port Huron recent- ty.-The two children of Mr. J. H McGregor are quite ill, -Miss Gilholeo spear the week end at home. -We are sorry to repos -t Miss Nicholson, on the sick list, -Mr. and ,Mrs, A. M. Wilson were confined to their rooms last week with n sevlere attack of the • grip, and are under the doctor's care. -There were only a few turned out to the meeting of the Home Guard on Tuesday. We hoere to hear of our citizens showing their patriotism by 'joining in large numbers. Practice on Thursday evening. of age and bad lived in this district all his ;life. He was the son of the Tate Caleb Ryan of Eiddulph, and is 'survived by lris wife and one son; W O - son C Ryan, manager of the Bank of Hamilton at Aberdeen, Sask„and three brothers, John, George and Caleb, all of Lucan, and three sisters, f Mrs T Coursey of Biddia h, air s, N Ryna of Lucan, and Miss Ely izabet.h gran of Calgary, Alta. Mr. Ryan was ▪ an, etthusiastie member of the Orange Lodge. and for over 30 years was ▪ treasurer and bailiff of his Iodge. The funeral was held from his late residence to St. Jaynes' Cemetery, Clan deboye on Monday afternoon, under the direction of the Orange Lodge; - LUMLiCY Mrs, George 3-bobkirk spent the, that of the week with relatives in. Constance, Hallett Tp. -Mr. W. Mc- Taggart of Richman, Mich., vas a recent v. s for with his brother tfar- t:n-firs. Boyd of Niagara Falls, Ont. has been the gayest of her niece. Mrs Stewart McQueen, the past week, - Mies Maggie Flobkirk of Exeter spent part o1 the week'at home, She came to attend the wedding of her cousin, Miss Anderson. -Mrs. Rosy Stewart of a Hensel' is slowly improving from her from her illness, -Milton McTaggart of Hensall visited with friends here rduring the ,week -M• G, F. Hemery of Mitchel], son-in-law of Mr. John McQueen has joined the colors and istt t attending military school at London. 1 -Miss Rossi, Broadfoot has returned from attending Mrs. R. J. Patterson London Road. -Mr. R. Sturgeon of Montana celled on old friends here during the week, t week. The recruiting meeting held in the Town Hall last Friday evening prov- ed very interesting! There was a good attendance and all appreciated the splendid speaking. Music -was rendered by the Band wh'sch fillers in fine. Reeve Elliott occupied the chair and made a capable chairman,. Ad- dresses were detevered by Pte. Pritch- ard, olive, of the six survivors of the Princess Pats, Caipt, Hkadson of Guel- ph and Lseuts. Grieves and Torrance of the 161st . Hurons. They brought their :Arguments home and made peo- ple sec things in a• different light to what was thews belief before attend- ing the ,meeting. Bills are out advertising recruiting meet:nge in Centralia on i hursd.ty night and in Mount Cermet on Friday night of this week. Mee Madeline Bertrand left ,an trri- e,. nn Dettoet. , day lar a short visit with her moth- er in. Detroit.. John G. Y sung made a business trip to London on Thursday. GRAND BEND The ,funeral of Mrs,. Clarkson was. held Tuesday,the remains being laid to rest ea the Grand Bend ciemetexy. She was aged 86 years:-lefr. George Clarkson of Hadlsgreen attend1ed the funeral of his mother ' here on Tues - clay. -Dr. Schram of Dashtvood has opened .a branch office here oppo- site Mr. Germettet's ;bakery,, He will be here every Wednesday afternoon. -0n Wednesday afternoon our town had a gala -day appearance. Arches decorated with, flags andbunting, we're erected and everywhere could be seen, soldiers of the 149th, Thed- ford. They nnarche,d, in and were met about ahalt mile out by about two dozen men `on • .horseback, decorated with flags. The two schools were al. -so out and formed up( ,the incoming. procession, accompanied : by their•tea- chers, all singing as they marched be- hind the'soldiiers, "We eon, never let the pld flag fold and '"When; Jack, collieshorne,'r The procession march- ed as fat as the Imiperial Hotel 'where they were served by the ladies of Grand Bend and vicinity to e hot din - her. headed The school haldren es T a n C by Mr. Wm. Oliver, .carsyiasg ant odd mus- ket,. marched es far as Brenneerr's gall ilei the. evening :Bossenberry's Hall was filled to hear the speakers. The soldiers 46 in all, were bilieted i the houses in town for the night. The next, morning at eactu t1.11 o'clock the procession re_formsed, headed by LOCALS. , Mr. Fred Kerr at Essexi Iasi 'allure- , day and Friday won the big event in live bird shooting, getting 14 out of 15, and winning a gold ,watch. In the rock shooting he broke 191 out of 1200. Some shooting. , An act en bas been entered tit' law by T A. Russell of the Russell Mo- tor Car Co., against John Ross Rob- ertson to, recover $1000,000 for alleg- ed libel in the Evening Telegram. The, matter of complaint was in connection with some 'war contracts. 1 AUCTION SALE -At Exeter, on 'March 28th, 1916, 'Dairy Cattle and Young Stock, Horses, etc.. See bulls, L. DAY et SON B. S. PHILLIPS Proprietors _ --Auctioneer BIRTHS Rook -At Walkerville, on Feb. 27th, to Mr, and ;firs. Frank, Rook, a son, Stade-At Dashwood, an Feb. 26, to ' Mr, and :Mrs. Wm, Stade, a son. Genttner-At Dashwood, on Feb. 29, to Mr. and iVIrs.zed e t e F G n to r a son. Hedden-In Crediton East, on Feb. 12. to Mrand airs, Samuel Redden, twins -boy and girl. MARRIAGES Quinton -Isaac -In London, on. Feb,. 23rd, 'Phomas Quinton of Exeter,to Maas Mabel Isaac, daughter of Mr. James Isaac of Saintsbury, Stomas-,-Anderson-ln Usborne,• at the home of the bride's parents, on Feb. 23rd, Percy Stone, son of Mr.. ▪ Rdty rd;.Sttnrse, to Miss BlossomAn- derson, daughter of Mr. Harry An- derson. Brock -Heywood -At the parsonage, • Elimville, on• Feb. 23rd, by, Rev. Bar nerd, Sherwood Brock, son of Mr, Samuel Brock of Winchelsea, to • Miss Florence Othello, daughter of Mr. Wesley Heywood, Winchelsea, DEATHS Vale-I:n. St. Catharines, Feb_ 26, Le- oda, May Vale, wife of Wilbur Vale formerly of Exeter, aged 25 years, 10 months 26 days. Ryan In Lucan, on Feb, 24, Nathan- iel A. .Ryas, in his 67th year. Dore -In. Mitchell, on Feb. 22, Sali- ina Hitchcox, beloved wife of John H. Dore, in her 65th year. Lang -In Granton, on Feb. 26, Mary Ellen wife of Dr. Hugh Lang. QSBORNE, --o-- A ,pleasing event took place at the home. of Mr. Harry Anderson, north of Thames Road, on Feb. 23, at 5 p. m, when his daughter, Miss Blos- som, became the brixlte of Mr, Percy Stone, son of Mr, Edward Stone. The ceremony was perforated by Rev. Fletcher, in the presence of a Targe number of invited guests. After the ceremony a dainty supper was served and pleasant evening was spent by all. Mr. and Mrs. Stone. left the next ev- ening on a trip to Ingersoll and oth- er points, and on their return they will reside* in Usborne, ,Congratula- tions and best wishes are theirs. LUCAN ewe t Nathaniel Ryan, a prominent resi- dent of Lucan died very suddenly at • his home here on. Thursday morning, !following a stroke of apoplexy. Un- til two days before his death. Mr.Ryan i had been. enjoying the best of health 1, and his death came: as a great shock to his many friends. He was 67 years 1 STEWART'S PHONE 16 PHONE 16 Smart Spring Coats and Suits WE ARE PREPARED FOR THE EARLY BUYER WITH CHOICE RANGE OF STYLI SH AND UP-TO-DATE SUITS AND COATS FOR MISSES AND .\i; OMEN. COME IN AND TRY THEM ON. , FURS This is the month to buy furs if you would' save money: Astonishing low values in all Ruffs, Stoles end Muffs. Get our prices. LINOLEUMS We are very fortunate toliave in Stock a big range of Nairn's Scotch Linole.unas which we are sellrnag ant the old ,price. Let us show you our new patterns in 2, 3, and 4 yard widths. SUGAR Order your sugar now while the price is low. Extra Stan- ' dard Granulated Pure Came Su- gar, Look out for higher prices. NEW DRESS GOODS In `spite of the advance in priices, end the fact that all wool dress materials are hard to procure,' we have an excell- ent showing of all wool serges at per yard 75c., 85c., $d,00 and $1.50, WALL PAPERS We are ready for the early buyer ;with a splendid range, of 1916 papers for Parlors, Din- ing Rooms, Bedroorns and Bathrooms; in fact any room in your hoarse, The price perroll is Sc,,.10c.,' lac:; and 25c. POTATOES Potatoes are scarce these days We have a limited supply of Green Mouiitata Delrewares, The quality is good. PHONE 16. J. A. STEW* ART PHONE 16 The Big Store with the Little Prices