HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-2-24, Page 8EX I`ER ADVOCATE" TIIIIRMIAT FEnR.ITA.R`Y 24f 11116 'ER : RKET . OHANG Ela EACH WEDNESDAY 00 to 1 5,5 60 12 A fool always finds another fool 42 to admire hien. 00 Miss Laura Jory entertained 225 27P :1Zoxtda.y evening, 14 00 15 00 3.20 17S213 4r. D. Gillis is confined to the set house owing to illness. 20 35 25 00 On ;elliealireetreVcaeneineen Arne' LOCAL DOTNGS. Wheat ...••••••//4".“" �Ipdaz1 ...,. 9'eati...... .,:.«. cot etae e.. r bug HaeV• ,,w , .. .. ... 'Pat t . •, „IIt., family nem I • >r neede per rile eta:trier: .. ...... Orelbtnt* c i}",ttter.....•.• igen Tae h °,a, . ' .r cart ... Short.4, i ,z. ....., 28 on The Misses Bedford entertained o Thursday xiight last, Mr. T tiandierd of Ingersoll w -n e ,t.71- Wednesday. M'.ss i.. n :e Quance has taken a pos::eel xi.: Mr. Jos.. Senior. A nuiebee oz Exeter pep attend- ed ;lar >tan' ' in Clinton on Tuesday Louee 'fern is able to be out ao 'n. the irrAry to his knee having healed The Ontario Legislature will meet on Tuesday next, the 29th. Mr. Jas. Stewart has moved into Mr. W. J. Beer house on Station Street. :friss Minnie Kestle has been confine ed to her bed through illness for •sev- eral: days. •elr. Wm. F%odgert has purchased the residence of lir. Curtis Harness on Sanders Street, We have had some cold this week -about ten below night or two. Mr. A. J. Payne. has taken a position with Messrs. Jones & Itfay to assist a- roimd the store. weather for a The Boon Club shipped six war 'el,iss Tillie Yager, who has been un - boxes •cot eining absorbent eetton, der the eioetor's care for some time, bandages. gauze and adhesive plaster; is slowly improving. also one liar of hospital sox; this Mr. Hurry Gould is resting easily of-• Mrs, Wrie Cndmore, accompanied by $ ter his operation. His progress is her son. Cecil, attended the wedding of :,er r. ece. Mss Bertha Davis to Mr. Bradshaw, in Clinton last week. The' ".so e: i`ed 1 Snieforth. Creel•, W. NTEP--Girl to do house work. Good home and wages. 'elust have reference as to character. Addeess Mrs. Palmer, 162 Indian Road, Toron- to. Ont. C W ROBINSON'S SALE REG- ISTER -John Peart's Sale on Feb 2t »Melvin G ould's on :ii.1.reh 7; J. C. Snell's on ilarch 9th; Philip St. ahn's ore .March 10th; Samuel es Marcie 17th Mr. David Mawhinney of Stephen is having an auction sale of stock and implements on March 21st. Eat more Parnell's Bread .Buy it at ti r'ilsores Grocery. -x- MlLK ROUTE OUTFIT FOR SALE -This includes Delivery wagon sleigh. milk Bins and everything nec- essary for the n ink business'. Good estebl;shed milk route. Good seasons for selleag. For paxticulars apply to L Day 6t an, milkmen, Exeter. FOX TERRIES LOST. -A white fox terrier with black head. About four months old. Reward to party returning same to Mrs. Skelton, Exeter Mr. Garnet Cockwif of the 'Third Concession of Stephen is having asaie of his farm, farm stock and imple- meats on Wednesday, March 8th. See ad in another column.. WF SOLICIT - YOUR TRADE. - Having, purchased the Grocery and Restaurant business of Mr. ros, Wam- bold. we beg to state that we tale possession on Feb. 12, and we solicit your trade. Orders taken and deliv- ered to any part of the town. "Fresh Grocer es Always" is our slogan. Ag- ent for' Parnell's bread. -WILSON'S GROCERY. — z—o—x- 40{, CORDS OF CORD WOOD WANTED at the Exeter Salt Works Co. . Limited. For prices wine or can.; upor the manager.- JOS. SUT- TON, Manager. 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of Line Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grade:• $5.5e per ton.;, 50c. per bag. EXETER til SALT ORK.S Co., Ltd J .Sutton, efanager. An oyster stew after skating makes a proper :mish for an evening's en- joyment. Get ane at tilson's. -x-o-x- SALT FOR SALE. -An excellent quant. of Sarnia made salt tar sale at Ole: Temperance House, at the G T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity, Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction: is guaranteed. --• ED. MAGtUIRE Exeter. expected to be slow. Mrs. W. 13. Clarke 'a still eritically ill in. London: Mr. Clarke has been in, the city most of; the geek. Exeter seems to have a pretty good grain, market when farmers are bring- ung grain here from within. two chiles of St. Marys. Missionary sermons were ,preached n the Methodist church on Sunday, the pastors exchanging pulpits, and Mr. George Stanley of Lucan taking Dere servie=ec In each church. Hensall, Grand Bend and Centralia are to have recruiting meetings on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. Capt. leir.dsotn of Guelph and Corp. Wyatt of Toronto address the -meetings. Mss Jane Cunningham of Claude- boye, who has from time; to time fas- ted, here: with her niece. Mrs. Yager, is at present in London t or the re- moval of cancer, with but very little hopes of recovery. Huron and Perth Publishers Assoc- iation wilt hod their annual meeting in Stratford on Friday of this week. The question, of increasing the sub- scriptiOn. price from $1.00 to $1.50 a year will be discussed, We are always pleased to publish any news items that may be of in- terest to our readers. If you have visitors, or are going away yourself or any event out of,the ordinary takes place, let us know. We will apprec- iate it. Dr. Rollins of Mimico underwent a second critical operation at Wellsley Hospital, Toronto, an Wednesday of last week. At the time of writing lie is doing as well as can be expected. His many friends here will wish for him a speedy recovery. air. Melvin Gould has disposed of his titty acre farm in. the Township of Usborne to Mr. Luther Reynolds son of Mr. Henry Reynolds of Exeter and will take possession on March 1st. The sale was made by, Mr. B. S. Phil- lips. real estate agent. eft George Armstrong of Usborne the latter part of last week lost two horses ,y death. The cause of death was cerebro spinal meningitis. One was e. Valuable animal, while the oth- er was 'en old beast Another was on theeverge of death but it is now slowly recovering. Mr. A. W. Wein of Wrenshail, Minn., In renewing his subscription. to the Advocate, adds:—"I receive the Advocate regularly and don't think 1 could do without it. The leather here has been. very cold, the ther- mometer registering below zero near- ly all the time, and quite often it takes a dip to 45'iuid 48 below; we also get the cold north-east winds off Lake Superior -generally three days at a time." Scientists have pledged their aid to the E n'_. by devoting all their energ- ies tc the task of bringing the war to a victorious conclusion. In the mean- time, the health and nerves of our brave soldiers and attheir friends home is suffering, and TAKAKE is the one perfect remedy for nerves. Fift%• cents at your druggist's or by mail . from the Georgian Mfg. Co ,y., Collingwood, Ont. --o-- BOY WANTED.—Good smart boy wanted at once to learn printing. Ap- ply at tbi' office. ' Pasture Lands For Sale. TOWNSHIP OF HAY BEING 7TH 'CON.— LOTS 12 AND 13; 8TH CON.- LOTS 13, 14, E HALF 15 and W THREE-QUARTER 24 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION EASY TERMS THE CANADA COMPANY 1170 YONGE ST TORONTO MONEY TO LOAN Death hasty removed one of the old- est residents of Tuckersmith in the person ai Mr. James Taylor, who died at the home of his son, Mr. Joliet Tay- lor, Tuckersmith, on. Feb. 9, at the age of $4 years. Deceased came from Ireiand 50 years ago, and resided in the Township of Tuckersmith for 40 years, coming from Hibbert. About 15 years ago he retired ftronv the farm and went to live in Exeter. For the last few •months he has been re- siding in Tuckersmith again. Another enjoyable euchre party was given by the young people an Wed- nesday evening of last week. The game was of a ,progressive nature and twenty-nine tables were filled. Mrs. Newell and Mr. E. J. Christie won prizes. A pleasant lunch was served and a number enjoyed a little dance afterward. The sale of the flag was an interesting feature, and quite a sum of money was realized thereby. Mr. N. J. Dore, being the last bidder, car- ried away the flag. The net proceeds amounted to over $75.00. The Mission Circle of James street church ga.ve a social .entertainment on Monday ,evening, (Hiss Hamilton,who has been visit- ing her sister, returned to her home in Goderich Tuesday evening. Mr. T. G. Creech has commenced the ice harvest on the pond, and while not very thick the quality is good. The evening sermon of Rev. Mux- werthy in James street was a master- ly effort and one of the best sermons we have ever heard. Mr. George Stanley's missionary sermon in the morning was full of truth and infor- mation The young Mr. Stanley spoke interestingly to the Sunday School in the afternoon. Parkhill and Exeter had a battle battle royal on the hockey ice here' Friday evening, the visitors winning out 6 to 4. Something wrong at the power house caused darkness for half an hour inthe middle of the game,at which stage the score was. 2-0 in, fav- or of Exeter. The visitors hit a fast pace atter the enforced rest. Premier ,Eiughes of Australia, who passed through Canada on his way to England, said, -"Australia has her heart and 'soul in the prosecution of the ever to a successful conclusion. We have already seat overseas forces totalling 140,000 hien. We have 180,- 000 hien. standing ready to -day as an expeditionary force. We shall, we hope have a total of 300,000 men in; the fighting line at the disposal of Great Britain by June next." EXETER WAR AUXILIARY—A meeting of the Exeter Branch of the War Auxiliary was ,held In the Pub- hia Library on Thursday evening 17th when a full discussion of they work to be performed took place, A census of the number of ment of military age residing in Exeter is now being taken d the information will be forward- ed to the headquarters of the Aux- iliary. A further meeting is called for Friday eventing 25th, in the Pub- lic Library, and a full attendauce of the officers and members is request-. ed. . Miss S. McDonell .i s visiting in Clinton. 'eft: J, W. Powell was in Toronto last week. Miss Margaret Handford left Wed- nesday for Toronto. :firs. Browning is visiting her daugh- ter in New Hamburg. Mr. Rich. Bissett of London was here over Sunday with relatives. Miss Kathleen Stewart has returned from a visit in Bowmanvilie and Toe onto. Mrs. O. Southcott is in Toronto owingto the illness of her father, Rev. Hobbs. Mr. and Mrs. Dore were in Mitch- ell this week owing to the illness of the former's mother. Mrs. Sarah Christie, who has been visiting in London, returned home the latter part of last week. Misses Irno Sweet, Florence Trieb- ner and Ada Willis of Stratford Nor- mal were home over Sunday, Mr. Joseph Bowden. returned Tues- day from London to spend a few days. His soil George is also here with him. Miss Vera Rowe came home from Toronto. on Monday. Owing to ill health she has given top her position for a time, Miss May Armstrong and her sis- ter qhs. McCreath of Lucknow left Monday to attend the millinery open- . �s in Toronto. Mr J A. Gregory of North Battle - ford Sask„ spent Tuesday here with his mother. He is now on business in Ottawa, and Will return Saturday. Mr. Ralph Hannaan offi cer of the gnited Statas the uest of bis es Naval Service, brother, Mr.SC tHanna of the Exeter Manufacturing Co., fox a few days this week. Mr. Frank Knight, who has been in the Canadian West and in California for three or four years, returned to O days Ontario Saturday, in and is sending a few Moue% to loan on farm and village property at lowest s. ERNESTeELLIOT Conveyancer &c.,. Exeter., C W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATO12 for Counties of t-turon Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stools Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to Centra: Hotel, Main Street, Exeter, Charges moderate and satisfaction is guaranteed.. HICKS FORECASTS -A reaction- ary storm period is centraI on the last three days of February. The moon is .at last quarter, on the 26th at extreme decicrration south on the 27th, in perigee on the 29th. These days will bring return of low baso - meter, southerly winds, warmer wea- ther, and general rains. As we enter March storms of rain, turning, to sleet and snow will be disappearing east- ward with cold clearing weather fol-, lowing . closely to their rear. --x--o—x 'WHAT NAME SHALL BE GIVEN THE 161ST? With the approval of Lieut. Col. H. B Combe a prize of tea, dollars has been offered 'by Magistrate Kelley of Goderich for a. mane 'that wail be most acceptable for Huron'$„new battalion. Any One Is at liberty,, to compete foe the, (prize and your suggestions may be evade by placing them in an en- velope and mark on the outside of the envelope; "Prize Contest,” and either give 'the envelope to the Local Secretary of your War Auxiliary or mail direct to the County Secretary, Mr A T. Cooper, Clinton Contest is open. till March 1st. • Canada's Hair FasMon Store Glenn- Charles Hair Goods OUR MISS GLENN WILL BE IN EXETEF FRIDAY, MARCH. 3 Al CENTRAL HOTEI WITH A FULL LINE DF HAIR GOODS IN CLUDING SWITCHES PIN -CURLS, PA.RTINC POMPADORS, BANGS TRANSFORMATIONS ETC. ETC. MEN'S WIGS AND TOUPEES -- -. . -. -••4 JONES -.KAY E'HONF NO. 3°.e A Splendid Opportunity for EARLY SPRING BUYERS IN SPITE OF THE CONTINUED ADVANCE OF NEARLY EVERY LINE OF MERCHANDISE WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER AN IM- MENSE :SPRLNG STOCK WITBI A PEW EXCEPTIONS, AT LAST SEASON'S PRICES. OF COURSE AS SOON AS OUR. PRESENT SUPPLY' SELLS OUT WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THESE PRICKS SO C OEARLY. • Prints at Old. Prices Hundreds of yards of Heavy English Prints, good fast colors in great variety of patterns and colorings while they last at the oldl2 ee, SPECIAL PRINTS AT iOe. A YARD. We otter hundreds of yards of Good Canadian Prints at 10e. a yard. Men's Working Apparel at Old Prices Men's Heavy Weight Pants and. Overalls in denim and cottanade - wonderful value at $1.00 a pair Heavy Weight Smocks to match at $1.00 each. Extra Heavy Weight Overalls, Pants and Smocks, at $125 garment. Special Sale Ladies' Hosiery 12 1,2c. no (pair Ladies' Plain Cotton Hosiery, extra good quality., sizes 8 1-2 to 10 --Special early spring selling price only 12 1-2c. a pair. Black Moire Underskirt at 98c. 3 Dozen Ladies Black Moire Underskirts, heavy weight, and good wearing quality, in black only; te. clear at 98c. each: NEW SPRING SUITS AND COATS FOR LADIES AND MISSES NOW IN S TOCK Cotton Staples at Old Prices Factory Cottons, Bleached Cottons, Flanneliettes, Denims, Cottonades ete., at olid prices. All Ladies Furs Nearly Half Price JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing YOU WILL APPRECIATE 'THE SUPERIOR QUALITY AND WORK 1VfANSHlP OF OUR GOODS. FREE DEMONSTRATION. GLENN -{CHARLES 100 King St. W,, . One Day •Only Toronto Ladies desirous of having Miss Glenn call at Residence kindly leave address at Hotel, Special Prices on Flour during February. ti R. , +G. Seldon Phone 2 Choice Furniture R. M. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Phone 20a LADIES AND GENTS TAILORING A Ful' Lime of Ladies' Suitings Gaberdines, Broadcloths, Vicunas Poplins African Brown, Russian, and Laure' Green, Etc. PRICES $23 to $35, COATS Coat Season is here, and with it some of the most becoming and at- tractive models. of the day. - Every garmen• the newiest iln its Class — Tweeds Plushes, Beavers, Persia - tex Chinchillas, Etc. PRICES $17 to $30 A FINE ASSORTMENT of MEN'S SUITINGS '& OVERCOAT - INGS at reasonable prices. GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere THE HIGH CLASS TAILOR Stand • Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. Exeter Bargain Store Just Arrived THIRTY PAIRS Ladies' Black, glazed kid shoes-Pattent Tip, Goodyear. Welted Soles, Blucher cut, sizes 23,4 to 6, worth $3.50 -on sale for ;$2.75 OUR STOCK of Bay's and. GirI's Sh oes is complete and the' price is much "• less than. If we were buying now, . We anticiiteid: the rise in Price and filled aur ,,sihelvies' at old.,ipric. es. TWO CASES of Men's Heavy Shoes at last years pekes, ALL WINTER GOODS REDUCED. B. W. F. Beavers Genuine D. L. & W. Seranlon Coal Agents For British Americ- an Oil Co. 11. Rowe Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groeeries, fruits, spices,, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant Choicest Meats Always on Butcher Begg Phone 103; Prat 108; for{ 54 Sfi don Clir 1.12 Laic 511 Pi der; We not riga iiia