HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-2-24, Page 7TIIE ACUTE PAIN FROM NEURALGIA FEAR PEACE, MORE. THAN WAR. Germans Expect to be "Victorious" But Not to "Conquer.' The following statement has been communicated to the London Daily permanently Cured Through the Express by a neutral. Its importance lies in the fact that the writer has Use of Dr.- Wlltants' Pink been in the position during the ezi. i'i11S tire duration of the war to visit all `parts of Germany, and* has been in A clever medical writer has said constant personal contact with the .that "Neuralgia is a cry from the heads of the military, political, and ',nerves for better blood," In other commercial parties of the country, 'words, neuralgia is not a disease—it The great crisis for Germany will is only a symptom, but a very painful come after the war. The working one, Neuralgia is the surest sign men will return home from the 'that, your blood is weak, watery and trenches, and will find the country de - impure, and that your nerves are lit- nuded of raw materials. The Gov- erally starving. Bad blood is the ernment will have to send out into one cause—rich, red blood the only the world to get new supplies, and no cure. This gives you the real reason body knows how the stuff is to be why Dr. 'Williams' Pink fills cure paid for, or what will Happen. The neuralgia. They are the only meth- test will be far severer than anything 'cine that contains in correct proper- that has occurred during the war. tions the elements needd to make The German people believe they are rich, red blood. This new, rich blood going to have a victorious peace, but reaches the root o£ the trouble,.' nota conqueror's peace—the differ• soothes the jangled nerves, drives" epee being left to the imagination. away the .nagging, stabbing paint and Germany is feeling the economic braces up your health in other ways crisis very much, but the people are as well. In proof of these statements, . fatalistic, and are saying it is God's Mss. A, T. Onlion, Little Shemogue, There certainly is no present N.B., says: --"A few years ago niy " evidence of an impending collapse, and mother was an intense sufferer from ; the war can be continued by the Kais- neuralgia, which was located in her ` er for a year longer. After 1016, no - face, head and shoulders. The pain, ` body knows. especially in her bead, was intense. The people are not thinking about She doctored for some time without : the financial situation after the war. getting relief and there seemed to be It has not yet struck their imagine - no ceasing of the pain whatever, In- " tion 111t f F Fl le. Lazy Livers Come from Lazy Living_.. -.sometimes from food follies that tax the overworked digestive organs.Get back to Nature by eating Shredded Wheat, It puts you on your feet when every- thing else fails. I.t supplies the muscular energy and mental alertness that put you in fine fettle for the day's work.. Deliciousforbrealfast with milk or cream or for puncheon with fruits. Made in. Canada. stead it seemed to be :extending and Coneeenillg term:; of peace, I do anagenzen Q a arm Flo HEALTHY IN TRENCHES French Soldiers, Official Figures Show,: Are Escaping Disease, Life in the trenches is healthier for the French soldiers now than in bee - ticks in peace,, as shown by figures issued by the -army medical. depart- ment. epartrnent. Cases of measles, scarlatina, mumps, diphtheria and cerebo.spinalmenin- gitis were more numerous in the army in 1911 than in 1915. These diseases, togthee with typhoid and dysentery, averaged 7.11 per thousand men in 1911, as compared with 0.02 per thousand men last year. Typhoid cases last year numbered 4.4 per thousand men, as compared with 1.88 in 1911. Dysentery at- tacked only 18 out of 100,000 men, as compared with 11 in 100,000 before the war. The mortality was 1,2 for each 100 cases of typhoid in 1911; in the field the mortality was 2.65 per cent. owing to improved methods of treatment. Ottawa Girl's Message of Hope TELLS TIRED WOMEN OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS e. .40,00 ,\\,;\: se, 1/4gOAACIEIR MADE IN CANADA liflagre Baking Powder costs no morethan the ordinary kinds.. for economy, buy the one pound tins. E.w:Gtf,lEit +COMPANY LIMO PRISONERS ARE CONTENT. Chao ed the Subject, Those at B schofswerda Rave Pten#y "Culd you lend zee a dollar, old ' =nee of Amusement. Reporting a visit to the i3ischofs- werde (Germany) prisoners' camp, where several Canadian officers are interned, the American representative! . _ . SEED aoareTa says that two +Canadian orderlies 5 POTAT4 fi, IRIS Cc?} have been brought to the camp, bring- der at orce.Dgitig 'Irmit . Write©O1 ing the total number of British offs-'der N. W. Dawson. BBrauapton. "Certainly! I could do lots of things I have no intention of doing, Nice day, isn't it?" , cers' servants to seven, a fair prepor- tion in view of the fact that there are r�Gss~rzs, only thirty-nine British officers, in ;) t' n D.tT. S,tL$RY ANI) Cca3i- mission. for rads representative lri !eluding Canadians, prisoners. There her home district. Work iaieasats,t, edu- ;,vas some dissatisfaction on, the part cativo, experience unneeeSsarY. melt - of the officers as to the amounto£ els Limited. Publishers. TarontO• fatigue work which their servants" 134r? 7a .s WA D1^► were called upon to perform, but as seKl'1l>, raceootas. muskrats it ,.fuss ti f(anc5' prices. Addre9s Solman Hen^ ten more non -British orderlies had shale Aceta l3rook, .tnnalaaris 40..:ti. s. just tome, the commandant thought a ^~~ ~^A this would soon be rectified.z ws7A7IZm s rasztZ' The senior British and Canadian ( " officers, majors, share a toad -sized her whole nervous system became of- ' clot think the Government has made Last year I kept about 50 Rhode ' room, and generally the British and feeted, Finally clic deckled to try ' u its mind that it must have an in Island Red hens and found them very' Miss Logan Tells Haw They Relieved Canadian officers room by themselves, 17r, e'Villiaree' Pink Pills, After taking donnityT, There is si wtllingitess to satisfaetery, I have tried raising tiff- Her of Pains and Aches So Many, with one or two officers of other na- them for a while the pain in her head evacuate Belgium, except Liege. Pa- ferent breeds of hens, but find I like Run-down Women Knoxv, banalities where there are accomma- becanie less severe, and of course this land must bo separated from Russia. the R. 1. Reds the best, 'they are ; o dations for ten to a dozen Persons. was a great relief to her, Under the The Germans are now, in reality, Profitable laying hens, and are also Ottawa, Ont., Feb. .,1st. (Special).; About a month ago, owing to the continued use of the fills she felt avernin Austria and Hungary, but suitable fax fable use, writes Andrew s'I am glad to say I have found unsuccessful attempt to escape, con - herself growing better and stronger ` are doing so very tactfully, and are Geddes in l±arzn and hairy, Dodds Kidney Pills havt done me a In the .spring we set aur hens in a' wander ful lot of good," So says healed in a box, which has been ;ride each day until she was no longer a not disturbing Austrian pride, y an officer prisoner, certain rivi- sutferer and was completely cured, and Nobody among the higher German house separate from the henhouse, puss Gladys E. en Logan, of 264. leges, such as football, a daily ]cath, has felt no symptoms of the trouble' (,ei(iiale expects a quick end to the where they have plenty of food and. Queen Scree, this arty, the use of wine and beer and the un- :ainee:' 'tivar, fresh water, .also linea and dust to: rtj suffered from drowsiness and restricted receipt of letters and par - You can get Dr. WiAiuifna 1'inl, fills' -----nen - roll in. These hens do not get suet- sharp pains across my- back. My sleep eels, had been suspended for a few from. any medicine dealer, or by mail, Seats iyha Rae, side until the chicks are out, ill n, ryas broken and unrefreshing. Thad days, but all had now been restored. the chickens come out they are re- headaches and was subject to neural- Some time ago the practice was intro- moved to a long coop which has slats gia and rheumatism. I was depress- diced of permitting officer prisoners on the front. This coop is divided uP ed and low-spirited and troubled with to take walks in the neighboring _ .--. .„T lteleolale iia your gory btl(1, and will hold several hens. The palpitation of the heart, country in company with German offi- txl4(}ti` 'S LIKE FISH NET. Or to victory! Now's the day, and now's the hour; Remarkable 'I're: Which Is to lie . Seo the front 0' battle lour; Found in Cuba. „See approach proud Edward's power ]lost paid, at 50 cents a hex or six f Scuts, Wha hae wi' Wallace bled, limos for e2.50, from The Dr, wit- „ lias medicine (`o., Brockville, ,!lift, "Scots, wham Bruce has often led.; Chains and slavery! A singular tree in Cuba l'. Called Wha will be a traitor knave? the yaguey tree." It begins to grow; Wile can 1111 a coward's "rave?. at the top of another tree. The seed , Wha sae baso as be a slave? is carried by a bird or waited by the Let him turn and flee! wind, and, falling into some moist, `yhs for Scotland's King andlaw, branching part, takes root and speed- Freedom's sword will strongly draw, ily begins to grow. .Freeman stand, or Freeman fa', It sends a hind of thin stringlike e Let hila follow nie! root down the body of the tree, which • liy oppression's woes elle pains, is soon followed by otht'rs. In course ; By your sons in servile chains] of time these rooting$ strike the We will ,]rain our dearest veins, Found, and growth itnmtdiately eom-' But they shall be free! menses upward. Lay the proud usurpers low! New rootings continue to hr formed, Tyrants fall in every fee ', and get strength until the one tree I.illerty's in every blcnvl— grows as a net round the other. Ther Let us do or die! outside one surrounds and presses the! inner, strangling its lite and atilt -1 f eel' LITTLE ONES' clucks are able to run about outside,' '11 was always tired and nervous cors, and on their parole an each but the mothers cannot get out. Whenand very sensitive and there was hal- occasion. they are about aweek old the hens 1 d r es are also let out. Tq, my very young, "For two years I was in this worn-' chickens 1: feed a mash made of bran' out condition, often having to lay off and moulie, but as they get older I for a clay or two. I was attended by give them wheat, I always soak the - doctors and embed money on useless wheat in water so it will not kill themedicines, but I only found relief ehickene by swelling in their crops. ` when 1 used Dodtl's Kidney Pills:' , The ehiekens are allowed to run about ?hiss Logan's statement is a roes-' all summer. I feed thein only twice sage of hope to thousands of women a day after they get a good size. in Canada. They are suffering just I sell and kill off all my male chick-, as :lie suffered. She wants them to ens I S Umber I select thebest' i iz f d • 1' f" D dd' In Se mer se ee ; know t ey can in re ze in o s pullets,—the ones I intend keeping, Kidney Pills, and then have these shut up in. a box-.---,le-..-...- stall by themselves. I feed these put -i Effective. lets very heavily, giving them all they "What is your favorite poem?" can eat. Their food consists of boil-' asked the literary young woman. 1 eel potatoes, mashed and mixed with "'The Boy Stood on the Burning' moulie, I also give them mixed grain' Deck,' " answered the commonplace, The reason whp I do this is <a young man. I used to recite it every, at times panting lies awaa pone'. At length t ' ueeause x find when pti]lets are treat- time father and mother had cop-, WELL IN WINTER ed this way in the fall they lay stead-. „ the fres• within'is killed, and the para.- pony. And dad you i eche it with f - effect was honestly be- having so t that has taken pa s( •acs n bet nine • site is 4 ca lowed to run with the old hens amen it te1S a tri e, r Winter is a (iangerous season for g i the little ones, The days are so this heavy feeding the old hens would, .t. Careful Witnees. ' changeable -•--cane bright; the next cold become too fat. „ _ - . ' and stormy. that the mother is afraid In the winter I feed my hens corn'. Ba, careful, sir. ---tie r e i v care- i take the chilren out for the fresh on the cob, --this corn is warmed in a feet?" "Father thought the pretty good. He said he lieved it kept us from much company" full_alicl xemembei that you .tie on" e they Head so much Pan in the oven which they get in jfR/NE, Granulated Eyelids, �� to Cold Winds Dust tlzl" ominous] said rho ails- $ ttl' and exercise , , the At noon the et a ` oa Y 1 1In consequence they are often cooped morning.y g feathery young attorney, whose brow 1 up in overheated, badly ventilated mash of boiled potato skins, crumbs bulged like the back of a snapping] i rooms and are soon seized with colds', and bran, and at night they get mixed turtle, addressing a witness. 'Novr; or grippe. What is needed to keep grain. tell us, sir, was every pane of glass the little ones well is Baby's Owe! The can of water in the house in the west window broken when you Tablets. They will regulate the • hangs from the ceiling by a chain. 1 passed the house. 1 • also bang a cabbage or some other "They were, on the outside," was ;stomach and bowels and drive out g g colds and by 'their use the baby will ' vegetable from the ceiling for the the cautious reply. "I didn't enter the cr'at'e L in perfect safety.. The Tablets are ;boded and hung on a cord in this way the house to see whether th i be able to get over the winter season `hens to peck at. A piece of meat : • 1 sold by medicine dealers or by mail' is excellent food for the hens. My if heiat 25 cents a box from The Dr..hens get -a piece of meat every other' Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, day during the winter. I find that a. septi- Ont. piece of cow's liver or lights boiled . and hung up makes excellent food. I NURSES GIVE+ THEIR LIVES. always feed my hens and chickens! — sulphur once a week. I find that the. Mortality Among French Red Cross sulphur is a preventative of lice. Workers is Heavy. i It is not good to have too many More than 66,000 women in the hens in the one house. I have a also broken on the inside," Many a pian would starve had nothing to live on but his tation. 1 O realest Results often come from silnplt means. For instance --one's daily food plays a big part in de- ciding for success or fail- ure. To bring .out the best mental and physical forces sound nourishment is im- perative. Grape -Nuts PC OD made of whole wheat and malted barley, supplies in splendid proportion all the rich nourishment of the grains, including the valu- able mineral elements, lack- ing ill many foods, but most necess9 "y for vigor and'ac- tivity/0 brain and, body. 4 "There's a. Reason" for RAP -NT Made in Canada Sold by Grocers. Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. French Red Cross volunteer are now scratch -house in connection with my equipping 1,500 hospitals with an ag- hen house, in which the liens are al- equipping of 118,000 beds. The Red lowed to scratch. In this scratch - Cross flag flies over 288 buildings kis house the hens have dust and gravel to roll in also a self feeder grit box. Paris alone. Mortality among the Red Cross nurses has been remarkably heavy. Twentyrtwo members of the Society for Aid to the Wounded Soldiers have given their lives, some of them killed under shell fire, others carried off by contagious diseases. The nur- ses of this society' helve received six- ty-three epidemic medals, sixty war grosses and one cross of the Legion of Honor. Many women of the Red Cross give attention to men at the front .who have no one to remember them at home. One member, Mme. Richelot, the wife of. Dr. L. G. Richelot, is god- mother to, 900 soldiers. Regarding the state of maid of wounded- soldiers now in the hospitals after sixteen ninths of war, Mme. Perouse, president of the Union des Femmes de France, says: "They are much more anxious to return to the front than were the wounded in the hospitals last year at this time." In a false eilarrel there is no true valor: --Shakespeare. e' something in this world be- side s g side money." "Yes,"' says the cynic, "there's the poorhouse." Two heads are better than one -- especially if the, other fellow is guessing tails. Eyes inflamed by exposure ins andus ta" quickly relieved by Murine Y°1�}t ��Eye Remedy. No Smart- ing, just Eye Comfort. At Tour Druggists' 60c perBottle. MurineEye SalveinTubea25e. For Book of the Eye Free write Murine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago A Full Description. At a function of noted and learned men the umbrellas of the guests got mixed. The darky porter was hav- ing considerable trouble in finding the umbrella belonging to the professor in mathematics in a leading univer- sity. Selecting ane umbrella out of the armful that the porter had sub- mitted to him, the professor said— "Now, that is like my umbrella, though the cross section of the han- dle of my umbrella is more of an el- lipse than a parabola; its extreme end points towards the perpendicular, An Interesting Character. "There goes Professor Dobbins, the famous ethnologist." "An interesting character, no doubt." "Yes, indeed. Why, he knows more about the races than any other man ill this country." "Fancy that! And he doesn't look as if he had been on a track in his life!„ PROFIT-DSARING fig W8 A;'W JOB wl Offices for sale in Rood, Ontarlq otrna. The most alai tst and interesti»f et ail businesses, I•ull nformatiol oa application to Wilson Publishing Come pans', 73 West Adelaide St.. Trranto. M1SCst.z.1NEOUS. Clemic. TUMORS, r,T7AiPs. ETC, internal anti external. cured sults:: out pain by our homy treatment. watt Co.be7 before uailitagn.- deilOnt. ledtCP1 OlC ON DOG DISEASES And How' to Feed America's Pioneer flet itemedie ailed tree to any address by the Author CMY GLOVER, V. S. est 3latSireet,NewYork ltefore plac- ing, your order for seeds. see oar nor, soid- en Tribiiea Catalogue it is Crop. c,m't. titan. itis. ; o. 1 ItI.•1 Clover $14.ti Nil. 1 Alsyke ......,.., 13.�ia, No. a Timothy 5.65 allure 3oe i•or each Batton hag We pay railway freight is On- tario and Quebec over S25.0O he Best Break -'THICK, SWOLLEN QUOS • that make a. horse Wheeze, -- Roar, have Thiele Wind or Choke -down, can be reduced with fast Possible D. Jackson's Roman Meal porridge properly made in a double bailer, and not stirred after first making it. head directions on package. *Better make night before for early~ breakfast, in double boiler, and warm in the morn- ing while dressing, by a,lowing to sit in boiling water. Thus it's delicious and very nutritious. it prevents con- stipation, however cooked. Ask your doctor. At grocers', 10 and 25 rents. Casting Their Shadows Before, Young Mother—What business will baby take to, do you suppose? Young Father—The feed line ap- parently. Lf3narcrs 'Liniment Onrea earget in Corsa. What He Did. Pat had returned on seven days' leave from the firing line, and was re- lating his experiences round the fire one night., "The enema- was creeping up in their thousands, and Qi was simply itching to get at them." ` .4nd what did you do?" asked his father. "Oh, 01 just scratched myself," re- plied Pat. i ( Masonville, Tune 27,'18. Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited, , - ai moi on the wall. and forms a section of the majora Y tb N S axis." "Ya -as, sir," replied the port-? Gentlemen, -- It affords me great ; Pleasure a ed. "A,h'll see of Ah can find it fo' arid must be gratifying to you ; to know that after using S5 bottles of i yo', sail." , your Liniment on a ease of paralysis , I always keep my hen house white- washed inside and out, and I think this is also a preventative of lice. -TO SAVE EYES Is the Object of This Free Pre- scription---Try It If Your Eyes Give You Trouble. Thousands of people stiffer. from eye troubles because they do not know what to do. • They know some good home rem- edy for every other minor ailment, but none for their eye troubles. They neglect their eyes, because the trouble is not sufficient to drive them to an eye specialist, who would, anyway, charge them a heavy fee. As a last resort they go to an optician or to the five and ten- cent 'stone, and oftentimes get glasses that. they do not need,. or which, after being used a few months, do their eyes morelaniury than good.' Here le a simple prescription' that every one should use: 5 grains Bon- Opto, 2 ounces water...,'CTso .three or four times a day to bathe the eyes. This pre- scription and the simple Bop-Opto sys- tem keeps the eyes clean, sharpens the vision and quickly. osvercomesinflam- mation and irritation;' weak, watery, overworked, tired eyes and other similar troubles are greatly benefited and often- times- cured by its use Many reports shote that wearers of glasses .have dis- carded thein after a 1'eiv weeks' 115e. It is good for the eyes, and contains no ingredient which' would injure the meat sensitive eyes of an infant or the aged, Try it, and know for once what real eye comfort 18. It your own drug- gist: cannot 811' this nrescsiption, sent) $3to the Valmas Drug' Co Toronto, for a ca rneietc 13th]-Olato TToini Treatment outfit,? -••tablets. and all, - also other Bundles or Swellings. No blister, no hair gone, and horse kept at wort,. Eco- nomical --only a few drops required at an ap- plication. $2 per bottle delivered. Bonl1 3 M free. ABSORBiNE, 3R., the antiseptic liniment far mankind, reduces Cysts, 'Wens, Painful, Swollen Veins and Ulcers.$1 and $2 a bottle at dealers or delivered. iBook "Evidence" free. Yl F. YQUNG, P. D. F., 5i6 Lymans Tlidg.,'Montreal, Oan. • etsarbine and Abserbine, dr.. arc node la Wads. t bi The Ideal Winter Resort Beautiful Drives. Boddie Riding. welt. Tennis. Yachting, Fishing and Sea Bathing. Present Gar- rison of the Ottawa t3Sth) 'tegi- ment. PrincbSs Hotel is open front nBCni1IB/1114 to Bane' Situated on the harbor of Hamilton. Accommodates 400. Bates : $3u per week and upward. HOWE & TWOROGEER, i teenagers HAMILTON, - BERMUDA Bermuda is reached by the steam- ers of the Quebec S. S. Co., 32 Broadway. New Yorlx. itMivarrl's Liniment Cures Colds, nto. Clairvoyance. Doctor—My dear madain, your hus- band's distressing symptoms are en- tirerly due to a poor circulation. Lady—How true, doctor! He is a newspaper proprietor. which my father was afflicted with, 1. was able to restore liim to normal eon- ditiou. Hopis: e other sufferers may be benefitted by the use of your Liniment, ,1 am, Sincerely yours, GEO. H. HOLMES. He Knewlt Making • a man tell you that he "Do you believe that there'is really hitt hick can i loves you is something like teach-somet g w nvariably tell ing a cat to jtunp through, a hoop; when a plan is lying."" you don't expect hini to do it grace- . "I know it." fully, but the astonishing thing is "Ah, perhaps you have seen one of that he does' it at all. the instruments?" "Seen one? T married one." Minard's :Liniment .Cures Distemper, Wife—"Mrs. Blank is very extrava- gant in dress. Her husband told :her she was carrying too much sail, what- ever that ; means." Hub --"He prob- ably put it, that way because he has. to raise the wind." "What ai:e you so furious about, wife?" "Mrs. Smith ;just called mean` old -cat!" "Why, you're not so old!" Female hem Wanted... in large hosiery, underwear and sweater factories: Vacancies in a•11: departments, with openings tor experienced or inexperienced ' help, IIighest wages and meet orate priced board. Apply. im- mediately, Pen1tlans Limited, Paris, Ont. >iiaasd's ini:,ten; Do You Consider Wear and. Tear On your harness when you figure your profits for the year? Ordinarily that's a big item but you can .snake it negligible by using. E : %, KA HARNESS OIL, Keeps the leather soft and prevents cracking. Adds years to harness tile. Dealers, Everywhere The Imperial 011 Company Limited . siu' i CnTEs r.1y' ALL c1:mmS