HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-2-24, Page 5ger Ty rig es 154 Ras, via }. t tel: rs.. ed ter LEQAL DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Sgltidtors, Notarfeh, Conveyancers, Com- mlesiioners. Solicitors for the Monson* Bank. etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates, or interest Otticea—Marin-St„ Exeter I, R. Carling, B:A, L. IL Dickson MONEY' TO LOAN We have a large amount of private Conde to loan on farm and village prop- erties at low rates or biterest, GLA:DMAN d: STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors. Exeter. DENTAL Dr. Q. P'. ROULSTON. L.D.S„ D,D,S DENTIST Member of the R.C.D.S, of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OttIce--Over Dickson Se Carling's law *trice. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DENTIST OR. A R. KINSMA1l, L.D.S., D.D.S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University esti, extracted without pain, or any oad effects. Office over Madman E Btanbury's att;ce, main Street, Exeter, '!4ti1% STNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, qr Any mala over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-seetion of available Dentin - ion land in :Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in perso >, at the Dominion Lands Age ency ot Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at 4.ny Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub -Agency) on certain conditions. Duties --Six months' residence upon aad cultivation of the land in each of tree years. A homesteader may live 'Attie nine utiles of his, homestead cn a fare of at least 80 acres, on. certain conditions A habitable house is re- nuired la every case, except when, re- sidence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead, Price $3 per acre. Duties—Six months resi- dence in each of three veers .after earning homestead patent; also 50 adzes extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent .may be obtained as soon as 'homestead patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who bas exhausted his homestead sight may take a purchas- ed" homestead in certain districts. Trice $3 per acre, Duties—Must re- side 6 months in each of 3 years, cu- ltivate 50 acres, and erect a house worth $300, The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be 'substituted for cultivation under cer- taiu conditions, W. W. CORY, C,M.c . Deputy ot the Nth -dater ot the Interior N,13.—Unauthorized 'publication of 'this advertisement w111 not be paid for. Z8''ma(.eac6.a)C A Christian college -home, healthful situation. For prospectus and terms,wrlte the Principal R.I. Warner, M.A.,D.D ., St. Thomas, Ont. 63 CENTRAL �i e�:CXJ STRATFORD. ONT. 'YOU CAN SECURE A POSITION If you 'take a course with us. The demand upon us for trained help is many tinges the slumber graduating, Students are entering each week. You may enter at any time.. Write at once for our free catalogue of Com- mercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy De- partments. D. A. McLachlan. Principal DR. DeVAN'S,FRENCH PILLS ge R gulating Pillfor women. $5 a box or thieefor $10. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any address op. receipt of price.�Tas SCoBEIL Diuo Co'., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. vi>n aha Vitality for Nervo''and Brain; increases "grey matter" ; a Tonic—will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by triail on receipt of price TILE SpOnELL Battu Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. WINTER RESORTS SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARES Long Limit—Stopovers Asheville and Hot Springs, N. C. Charleston, S.C. ; Nassau, N. ,.'. ;• Hot Springs; Ark.; French. Lick Spr- ings, Ind.; Jacksonville ma all Flee- ida Points • Havana, 'Cuba; 'ind New O,rlearns La., via New York'and Rail (or steameiaccording to destination) or via Buffalo, Detroit,' or Chicago. BERMUDA AND WEST INDIES -OT.HEP tHEALTH RESORTS eve ui - ._«i ens Mt ch. ; Battle ..-,:reek. ' M el"t,Catharines; We11, Ont1, 1.idPres,ot Springs, Ont. I?tirther particulars on application to Grand Trunk Agents aaveti „, eat' 17, Ful' particulars :.:and. birth' reserva- tion!• on application to'Agents. N. J. DORE, Ereter CLEARING Auction Sale Of FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS on. Lot 12, Core 2, Usborne, on THURSDAY, MARCH 9th, at Qin o'clock, the following', Horses -1 horse 9 -yr -old; 1 hoarse 5 -yr old; 1 horse rising three years; 1 colt rising 2 years. Cattle -2 fresh calved cows; 2 cows supposed to calve April, lst; 4 steers rising 2 -yr -old; 1 y ealriing steer 1 yearling heifer, 2 fall calves, 2 young calves, flogs Etc. -5 sows due to farrowin April; b store hogs about 100 lbs; about 50 hens; 4 ducks. Implements—Massey Harris binder,6 foot cut„ with truck and, carrier, near- ly new; Deering mower, 5 -foot cut; Frost & Wood disc harrow; McCor- mick three horse cultivator; new Cockshutt 13 -disc drill; Noxon drill set iron harrows, Maple Leaf 2 -fur- row plow, walking plow, 10 ft. steel rake, scutiler, land roller, Maxwell root pulper, wagon, set bobsleighs, hay rack, gravel box, set double har- ness, steel -lined water trough, water shoot, set doubletrees, neckyokes,set slings, ropes and chains; crow bar; horse fork, barrels, Yorks, shovels; chains, etc; 15 tons of good clover hay, quantity of mangles Terms—$5 and under ,cash, over that amount 10 months credit on approved joint ,notes. 6 per cent per annum off for cash cancredit amounts Positively no reserve as the pro- prietor has givens up farming. J. C. SNELL, Prop, C. W. ROBINSON, Auct, F. COATES, Clerk MCGILLIVit, Y COUNCIL Council met per adjournment. All members present. A number of ac- eotmts were passed. The resignation ori W. T. Amos as assessor was ac- cepted and he was appointed auditor while John Bradley was appointed as- sessor. Adjourrunent was made to March 6th, J. D. Drummond, Clerk. nazi TAX COLLECTOR Ilex ;rrea To Health By Vint Crri;;th, Miss.—"I ani a city tax col- iectrr and seventy-four years of age. I was in a weak, run-down condition. Me druggist told me about Vinol. I trh»i it ami in a week noticed consider- able improvement; I continued its use and now I have gained twenty pounds in weight, and feel much stronger, 1 con- sider on sider Vinol of ne tonic to create strength for old people." --J. A. Titter. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, for all run-down, weak and debilitated conditions. W S Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont, t1 A $ealthpreserving delight So The use of LifebuoySoap makes the bath a supremely soothing pleasure as well as a health -insuring delight. The cream of pure oils gives a velvety lather that is cleansing and healing. The very mild carbolic solution means a perfectly healthy skin The odorvanlshesin a few seconds after use. ALL OROCERR SELL— LIFEBUOY HEALTHY SAAB ",,,,,,,,,"„nil 1 1 ,.i 1 i". 1,1, , 11 SAINTSBURY Miss Armitage and Miss Haladay from the West spent a few' days with friends in. this vicinity,—hiss Agnea ;.Aleitau der of Sunshine was a week end visitor at Saintsbury,--We are all glad to hear that Miss Alice Hunter is an the road to recovery. The L O. L„ No. 493, Biddulph, intend hold ing an oyster supper and dance o Friday evening, Feb. 25th,. --A, numbe of our young people attended th dance in the Town Hall at Farquha last Wednesday evening and report good time. --Mr. Thos. and Miss Mar garet Quinton of Exeter Visited with :Hiss Isaac one day last week.—The annual meeting of the Red Cross as- sociation stet at Saintsbury last Wed- nesday afternoon and packed their. inonthly bale of Red Cross supplies consisting of 24 day shirts and 18 Pairs of socks.—Owing to the inclem- ency of the weather the crowd at the _ Red Cross concert Friday evening was not as large as expected. How- ever a good time was spent by all. present. The proceeds amounted to $19, The two features of the even- ing were, the ticket drawing contest for the silverware, which was won by Miss Ina Smith, and a presentation of a wrist watch and ''fountain pen to Private Ernest Penrice of C. Company Parkhill, the presentation being niade; by ,Messrs, George Davis and Frank Smith. The address is as follows:— Private Ernest Penrice,—The Red Cross Association of Fraser and Saintsbury, having heard that you had enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force. felt that they should in some way show their appreciation of your patriotism on their behalf, therefore, 1 beg you to accept this wrist -watch and fountain pen as slight tangible to- kens of their esteem and regard, May they be ,of service to you and remind you of the friends you have left be- hiad. I ue;e.d trot say that you will ever be in our thoughts and our earn- est prayer to God is that He will pro- tect you in all difficulties and dangers and bring you safely hornet again. Signed an behalf of the Red Cross Association of Fraser and Saintsbury Private Penrice made a suitable re- ply to the presentation and address. He +left on Monday the 21st to com- mence training at Parkhill. WHAL Miss Hannah .Raycraft of Granton accompanied by her friend, Mrs. Mills of Toronto, whose husband is with Canadian forces it, France, are visit- ing here at Wnx. Morley's this week, —Lorne Gunning of Stratford and Percy Foster of Parkhill' companies spent Sunday here with their parents --Garnet Ashton of London, who has been training at Guelph, visited rela- tives here last ;weak. He leaves with. his company for England' this week, His brother Milton• is in the trench- es in France at present.—Hector Mill son lost a fine Durham cow on Sat- urday, the animal seemingly to have dropped dead.—Those who harvest ice around here are at it this week. It is a foot thick and very clear.— The ,patriotic concert last Wednesday was largely attended and very satis- factory. A good supper was served and a choice program rendered. The main feature of the program, being a play given by six of aur young peo- ple—Earl Johnston, Hilda Gunning, Wm ,Hodgson, Verde Morley, Edgar Squire. Myrtle Squire, Miss Peart. This amateur Company will show at Granton at a concert next Monday, Feb 28th.—Delbert Morley and W. Gunning were cutting at Wm. Kirk's north of Kirkton Last week.—The W. M. S. of Woodham area having a soc- ial evening in their church on Friday of this week, Some talent from here will take part --One of our young men tell us that an, his.return from Lucan Sunday morning he saw parties leav- ing the village minus their bells. SHIPKA Miss Kathryn McEwen returned to Coleman on Monday, after spending the past two months with; her mother here,. --Mr. and Mrs. Crawford McPher son of Parkhill spent part of last week with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Rata—Mr. Willial Smith is visiting her sen in Centralia this week,—Mrs, Fred Geiser and Misses Violet end Alice spent Sunday in Crediton,—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schroeder and daughter _Adeline, vis- Red friends here on Thursday,—Miss n Irene McKenzie returned home after ✓ spending a week with relatives at Ar- e Where are the !police PERSONALS. Well-known Women. Chatham, Ont "I was siek for about Cour years. Got very weak, could not eat to amount to anything. I got ? very thin and had no strength at all. I was very much discouraged at • times—thought I was never going to s get better. -I r could not walk a block without feel- ing all tired -out. ��1 m (`�'I took `,I edicinesdifferent but did not get the help I needed. A friend of mine advised me to try Dr. Pierce's Fav- orite Prescription. I began to take it with the `Pleasant Pellets' and by the time I had taken two bottles I was well on the road to recovery, and in six months I was entirely well. My appetite came back and I gained in flesh. Now I am as strong and healthy as any one could wish to be. I owe it all to Dr. Pierce'a med- icines edicines and I am glad of the opportunity to give testimony in their favor; they have done wonders for me."—Miss THELMA PARSER, 141 E. King St. Chatham, Ont.—"I have taken Dr. Pierce's medicine with good results. I was weak and run down, lost my appetite and got very thin. I took `Favorite Prescription' and `Pleasant Pellets' and these two medicines built me up in a very short space of time so that I felt as well as ever. I found them to be all that is recommended of them; they are good."— MRs. WM. WEESE, Cor. Taylor & Grand Ave., E., Chatham, Ont. Every woman who has backache, head- ache, low spirits, sleepless nights, owes it to herself to speedily overcome he trouble before a breakdown causes prostration. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a non-alcoholic remedy that any ailing woman can safely take because it is pre- pared front roots and herbs with pure glycerine, containing tonic properties. KIRKTON Miss Ina. Hoskins has taken a epos - 'ration in the teleiPhone office.— John Hannah and Amos Doupe are haul- ing material for the erection of thein new houses.—Mr. and Mrs. D. Hazel- wood have retutned to the west after visiting the Iatter's mother, Mrs. Jas. Murray.—Anniversary services were held in the Methodist church on Feb. 20th. Rev. Sterling of Fullerton con- ducted the services and preached very acceptably, 'On Monday evening an oyster supper was served and a choice program followed.—Miss Ada Mc- Curdy is recovering from .her illness. —Guy Rputly has returned to Clinton after a visit around here. DUBLIN—The death of Mary Ma- lady, the ten -year-old daughter of Frances Melady of this place, occurred in St Joseph's Hospital, London, on Sunday, following an operation for appendicitis. The remains were brought here, for burial. SISTER o READ MY FREE OFFER. Iain a woman. I know a woman's trials. I know her need of sympathy and help. If you, my sister, are unhappy because of iti- health,andfeel unCt for household duties, social pleasures, or daily employment, write and tell ins gust how you suffer, and ask for my free ten days' trial of a home tri :tn:r•;t suited to your needs ; with references to Canadian ladies who gladly tell how they have regained health, strength, and happiness by its use. I want to tell you all about this successful method of home treatment for, yourself, my reader, for your daughter, your sister, or your another, I want to tell you how to cure ;ourselves at home at trifling -cost, and without. aid from anyone. Men cannot understand women's sufferings ; what we women know from exper- ience, .we, know better than any doctor; and,. thousands have proved there is hope even for the hopeless in my method of home treatment. If y'u suffer from pain in the head, back, or b-wels, feeling of weight and dragging down sensations, falling or displacement of internal organs, bladder irritation with frequent urination, obstinate constipation' or DUIes, pain in the 'sides regularly or irregularly, blunting or unnatu-alenlargements, catarrhal conditions dyspepsia, extreme nervousness, d pressed rpirits, me:enc.:oly, desire to cry, fear of something evil about, to happen,creeping feeling ep the spine, palpitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion; with dark circles under the eyes, pain in the left breast ora general feeling that life is not worth living, i invite you to send to -day for my complete ten days' treatment ;entirely free and ppostpaid, to prove to yourself that these ailments can be easily and surely conquered at your own hoine;:-without the expense of, hospital treatment, ter the dangcrsyof an operation. "Women .everyw,ho(re ere escaping the surgeoffi' knife by !knowing of my sihiple,'Method of home treatment, and wh .n you ars :Cared, n sister, rsha11 only ask you to passthegodd Word along to's65u'e cli'^r suitcrer. li,tdtibuie trel tirient is fay.an,',4tdtitigoet• 1d. To Mott erats6fi)aughters, I;sv1lliea5lniit ft,isisaple fume/treatment which ;speedily ai}dseffectually cures. green-stekness (chlorosis!,. irregu1ariti s,.; headaches, and' lassitude in young women, and restores 'them to ppm/mess and healthfi+o'e."'Tell me if you are ritd about your daughter. Remember it costa you; nothing to give toy method of home trcalfhient.'a'complete ten day's trial, and if you wish to eon time, it costs only a f : w cents a week to do'so, and it does not interfere with one's daily work. Is health Werth asking for? Then accept mygenerous-oiler,writs for the free treatment stilted to your needs, and,I will send it in plain weittiperby return mail. To save tittle you can e63."dot, the offer, mark the places that tell your feelings, and return to me. Write and ask for the Tree treatmei.t to -day, as yon may not see this offer again. Address : MRS. M. SUMMERS, Boz. 840. .:wirtayinoit. ONTARIO. ,11 I LAME BACK Spells Kidney Trouble There's no use putting on liniments and plasters to cure that ache in your hips or back the trouble is inside. Your kidneys are out of order. GIN PILLS go right to the cause of the backache and heal and regulate the kidney and bladder action. Then you get relief, permanent relief 1 Many a man and woman who has been doubled up with shooting pains in the back having to stop work and lie down to get a Little relief, has found new health and comfort in inpills FORTH Two boxes completely curedArnoldMcAskell, of LowerSeima, N,S, "I have never had any trouble with my back since," he says. If you have a Iame back—or any sign of Kidney trouble—get GIN PILLS to -day and start the cure working. soc. a box, six boxes for $2.3o—and every box guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money back. Trial treat- ment free if you write National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited Toronto • Ont. rS immumnimmunimmommummanni Children Cry for Fletcher's •,:�..\\�\ TORI `a `ear`; a CSC\ `\a\ The Sind Yon Have Always 3,ought, and which has beecite in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per.. Sona! supervision Since its infancy.. • Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good =' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health o Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment„ What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, pare. goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither" Opium, Morphine nor other 14arcot1 substance, Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it .hags been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,, Flatulency, Wind, Colic, all 'Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels* assimilates the Food, g'iving healthy and natural sleep. Tate Children's ,Panaceas --The mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Burs the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought amminamisimmaimmaimaimunsumaT.4 C, �,NTAi�,R �PM+t14MY, HEpt YCMRR G1T1t. The purchase price of this famous 1881 Rogers Al Plate WE give coupons with every arc. pur- chase of all the high grade guaran- teed products made by the United Drug Company. We are willing to lose money on the silverware to get you ac- quainted with these goods, which are stan- dard in their line, "Rexall Remedies" Liggett's Candies, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Stationery, Rubber Goods, and hundreds of other items, household prepara- tions, etc. You cannot afford not to se- cure this popular silverware, when you can get it on our half bought plan. As an ex- ample, this teaspoon that sells for 25c, you can get for roc. with coupons. WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS The nervous system is the alarm system of the human body. In perfect health we hardly realize that we have a network of nerves, but when health is ebbing, when strength is declin- ing, the same nervous system gives the alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful sleep, irritability and unless corrected, leads straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott's Emul- sion is exactly what you should take; its rich nutriment gets into the blood and rich blood feeds the tiny nerve -cells while the whole system responds to its refresh- ing tonic force. Free from harmful drugs. ' Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. ZURICH Mr. John Hey, Jr., our local ,horse - buyer, bought a valuable horse at Waterloo last week.— Geo. McBride spent Thursday evening at Mr. David Schroeder's at Sarepta.—Jahn. Decker sr., who was a visitor in Buffalo and Hamilton, returned home on Friday.— Miss Flossie Howald, who has been spending a few weeks at her home here, returned to Seaforth Tuesday. A former resident of Hay Town- ship, Benjamin Kaercher, died at his home in Cavalier County-, N. Dak., re- cently after 9 months illness, at the age of 55 years. He was, born in Hay township and moved to North Dakota in. 1881. Besides his wife he is sur- vived by two sons, his mothea three brothers and fonir sisters.—Misses Lot- tie Galster Vera Seibert and Latta Weber are attending millinery open- ings in London.—Mr. Fred: Hess, Sr., is confined to his house through an injury to his ankle by a ipiece oaf machinery hitting it. -Mrs. Peter Koeh ler shied on Thursday morning last af- ter a short illness. Thefuneral took place on ;Saturday, On Feb'. 14t1h: the death took ,place bf Laura Kath= leen the three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reichea t, Blind Line, Death was due to bronshitis, Jacob Quackenbush, '^son -tan' -Taw of J E. Schroeder., has purchased the Jacob, -Meyer farm. • of 100 acres at. Wdgzner's''Oorners, for $i5,50,0. 'Pos- Isesstionl.in' March: .Mr. Meyer will buy'. a farm in Michigan; -David 'Stelck has returned to his duties as clerk in Brandon.! r TWO COUPONS will be given with every 25c. purchase of REXALL PRODUCTS. ONE COUPON with every 25c. purchase of any other article in our store. ASK FOR COUPPONS AND BUY YOUR 1881 ROGERS Al PLATE AT HALF PRICE COLE'S DRUG STORE 1 "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $530 A BUMPER CROP—OF PLEASUR- ES AND PROFITS IS REAPED BY THE FARMER WHO OWNS A FORD. HE HAS BROKEN DOWN THE BARRIER OF DISTANCE, FOR HIMSELF AND THE ENTIRE FA'M.ILY. NOW AFTER THE HARVEST—AREN'T YOU GOING TO BUY THAT FORD ? The Ford Runabout is $480; the C pelet $730;'•the` Sedan 89 e ou- O, the Town car $780. All prices are f.o.b..Ford, Ontario, ' All sass completelyequip- ped? including ' electric headlights. Cars otit sale`{ alt N1=b; -SNELL'Sy° EXETER.; LTER'