HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-2-24, Page 4Aire • rocas,.
sen ser:- & Creech, Proprietor•
Li advartre $LOO per year in. Canada
.$13t in United States. If not paid
• r.: +vance 50c. extra per year may
4"„ , barged
ITRSD.AY,FEB. 24,19 6
Dashwa d.
Mr. 'Wm. Graybeil spent Sunday at
iais 'home here.
Our laoys Ipiay'ed e friendly game of
ehoekey yids the Crediton. team at
Crediton on Friday night. Sceee 6-
3 in Savor of Creeleton, •
1• a Schram fuss called to Leaden
• ora 'Sunday owing to the sudden i l-
tless o£ his brother. He yeas a.: ori -
• paxned by Elmore Willert,
!alis, Hayes of St, Marys was a caller
here Tuesday.
4r, Win. Heid of Grand Bend hes.
moved Leto the house recently v..•a:-
.<9.d by N. Ste..zer, ire,
Parents' Day was observed it :he:
Public school Friday.
Mr Heywood of Exeter was a call-
er here Sunday.
Reyiya' serves are b sag coniuet
ed. En the Evangelical ehurch !sere.
The Fax Cowpauy shipped a aa
load -of flax last week.
'Mr. Harry Guenther of Ext s
home on h seek list.
Messrs J. Wider tial U iia .-,
i;urif t',, ied Co town ' S ween.
:tor. W m Held! s .hits week lyses; nee
I' see for T] " nee Italie.
'4r. i:^«:', tiers E. Nati' - Went
eiundee n Parkhill.
• Mrs.. J Z 1:r end sun tante
9 s&te 1 in torn e tel !say's
Esti' weele
Mrs. !alms I? ch end e • War am -
;> Mu't'e by Dr. M, G',,'lietehly° v: Ee-
•. a :last weele.
etre Jecie Eel:, who h.i`i t. a e. •,
the Sick list, we• are, pleased to seat ,
n at:'over rete
NE WEEK the Government of Madagascar on
' he result of
stepped oe a rusty nail ten years
FARAi STOCK AND f1i1?LJ JIENT`` j ago, yesterday caused the d'ea'th of
Important EVents Which Have t Anthony Leon, the #amous acrobat.
The undersigned auctioneer teas
been iiitk
bee:s tructed to sell an Lot el, Occurred During the Week. t The Paris Journal des Debats
con. 3., Township of esborue, on. Tues-
t. Sate 'Aecezzaber 31 last,
hoer -
Blood-poisoning, t
states that the Montenegrin royal
day, arcia 7th, 1916. commend/es et family is going to Bordeaux to seek a
one o'elcck, sharp the following:t The Busy World's. Happenings Care- chateau fora permanent oMetal rest-
T:1ors<s-1 breed. mare, general purKfully Compiled and. Put into donee.
go/drug riasg' a years aid 1 i E. G. Grace, of Bethlehem, Penna,,
pose; 1 ge rug o " ;
carriage ware, rising 4 years. 4 Bandy and Attractive Shape for
•Cattle -1 freskt cow; 1 cobs- sup" i We: Headers of Our Paper. -A
posed to calve in ,halve; 1. heifer sup-,
posed to calve in April; 1 mach cow; Solid Hours .Enjoyment. day,,Records of the Uh ucceeds s exports Schwab.
1 steer 5rising two years old;, `Z years }fiE13NIrSL)i#F, horses to Europe show that more than
ling heifers; 1 young calf; 1 register-,
,'d Durham Bull ealt. 8 mouths old, Senator Young, formerly Speaker 500,000 horses, valued at $125,000,-
Dark red, of the Manitoba Legislature, is dead, 000, have been shipped there from
];lois-1 sow due to faa~x'osw• in Mar.; meat is made that tour- this country since the beginning
, , Announcement nn un o ee
1 sow +due at time of hale. i teen regiments are to leave shortly the war.
Poultry 0 hens, Plymouth rBock.; : for England. 6 W. J. Kent Company's mere
1 pair du •e. ; Five men. convicted ot robbing Cot- stores at Bathurst, ' N.B.,covering
Iuzplements-1 1laeaey liarris bin- tages in Parry Sound and Muskoka two blocks frontage, were gutted by
der . ft, cut, Sheaf carrier ancl truckdistricts were given stiff sentences. fire early yesterday. The loss is esti-
and frame carriage in good eonditiont More than too hundred passengers mated at °>etweer $175,000 and
1"Mess cy Barris mower, ii ft. cuk;, 1 arrived. at St. john on the Sicilian, .$200,000.
diet. harrow: Sylvester cultivator; 1 including sixty-seven returned off), In Albania the Austro -Hungarians,
10 hos drill: set iron harrows, fourvers and mein, reinforced by Albanians, presuwably
sections; 1 sulky raze; 1 land roller According to The Echo Beige irregulars, have occupied Kavaya,
Coekshutt rifling plow with rolling three persons •vere killed end ten which lies eight utiles south -Rest of
cultivator and three horse evrner; wounded at Assenede, Belgium, when Durazzo and three nines from the
No. 13 walking plows. 1 wager„ i German soldiers fired into a crowd. Adriatic Sea.
1 ha•e• T'aek • 1 set of assembled to Protest against further
6oi>•sllgb ts: top bu oe poniard cut Germazn requisitions,
'Damaged Goods," a•soctotogical
ter; light wagon; cCocl butt scuffles Speaking in the $rxtish House o€ drama which was to laavn been shown
new ; root pulper; double set bras•e Commons yesterday. Mr. Ian etc- in Brantford Saturday, was barred
mount:'d breechir-g harness; set or Pherson emphasized the tact
plow liazness: sex rubber mounted "6.000,000 men of their own accord" by the PQliee.
had rallied to the colors, The FrePch steamship zl#etnphie
singly h,airutes; 1 ,Set doablear,>ea; I .dews !soul the hostile sines sag bas beer, sunk by au Austrian sub-
na'ckyAkie': 1 crQS9etkk sew, Dew; t+atci.- ins.that the Germans are directing the! marine, despatch.
orsi 1?t rhazzo. tocordi' to a
s; A,' t teniityNott* cox n a in *stook; a 'on^ truetitin of a railway from lesttub v ien a p
,ltz entit>: of good. hay; 1 leiteti`•n rang. to elonnstir by way of Krusevo, and! Three Bulgarsaa oP eers and forty
that the line is nearly completed. 5 soldiers have been hilted or wounded.
1 heating stove. At least ten miners lost their lives' by the explosion of the chief ammtrue
hairy P,ui+plis. ort r t • cr, 11t I sip- attaon store at Nish,
orator, 500 lbs. c;ipacirv; 1 Daisy In a fire which started. Monday night The British. steamship Go>zkrie
churn; 1 butter bows intik pees. ,tc, 't the stir, trtt on the 1,200 root level!
No reserve . s farm is ;=old. h 'be Pennsylvania wine. near Cas'1O is ashore on a reef oft Iaiouae
Terras--*10 :end under, trash; over !auto', etenc:eal. i base, British East Atrioa,, Her pas-
-a a 'ui;,oetnt a taiotetb- credit on shoe !Wen Murray of Eubank, wise was, seugera have ices lauded,
proved joint 'r ott's ore car cent per • thn • •i'r•(i hast It o%i'inber to set teen- A large Russian aeroplane, carry-
tuna:ni on el-, slit auzo+.:nts. "" -t '- an the ho' oras}' capacity at trig four aviators. Yesterday dropped
MLI.V IN 001. LI), prop, "hi'' t e'*i'-f:ent'raf of the Recruiting thirty bombs az. Austrian staff bead.
C. W. 'ROBINSON.rn aceordine to Swiss advices.
ravel 'vs::
was elected. president of the Bethle-
hem Steel Corporation at a meeting
ot tbe directors in New York yester-
Tihr i on,'ent under The au p e ` 0
the 1 .d-.s Patriotic League' Tues-
'Iav everting was quite a Sue eye A
ec>'end:t1 program by local talent was
slut at1 t t. Cr a h r regimen -le were
,creed. Th t t ands tuneuna'., to
ver ;cgs yyh fah win be nut epp
.eves b; Cie :Niles who are e is
"reeling; un the, ne a e-;;',ev
-tt z*t'
ere ••e; so maele needed by our ee
-Mira. *;sen or o. St. Thotuas vis-
e t..
'tele h: sister Mrs,
Mr. End Mrs. Wray Madge o: Hen -
4.1 seen 'a few days the guests of
its, end Mrs. S. Andrew.
Mr. Wes. .3erdgirs spent Twriday
v stir his „h,,I.:r in London.
The t ne ... ti days, Tuesday ane
Wednesday, spoiled our slei hin ean.i
is herd on. the ice crop
• W. R. Elliott ,!tipped a te,c very
hoe horses :o London :Montle)...
N. I)an ,Smith is confided to his
home with a very severe atta.'I: o*.
la grippe.
Delayed n the ui ti-ls last week
Herb Hanlon spent a few Java tee
;tine restive' in St, Mares and I, gin-
:Iota. -Mrs. Graham of Glencoe ar-
r-rived here Saturday and will ,pen.i
the nett few months with her 'Eleue.h••
ter, Mrs. 1'. ZVado.-Mr. a.nd Mrs..
W. Lewis o; Southerin, Sask., s nent
- the past week visiitiag his sister 'etre.
'Thoe. Neil. -Rey. and Mrs. Finlay
entertained the boys t4ub on Tucsd .y
evening -Muss Mary Hanlon o . `fo -
.ento spent the week end under the
•rarantal roof. --Miss Hodgins o near
:landeboye spent a few days the
guest of era and Mrs..,J. Dempsey, jr.
-Mr. Wm. Miitchell spent a few days
visiting his daughter at Lucan. - Mr.
Frank Hicks has been ea 'he sick
list end under the ells oe care for a
few days. -Mr. W. R.Eil'o't returned
from Toronto. He re, -•eras errs Ell-
• lett getting along nicer;. -Mr. W. T.
olwill and Con. O'Bri to sh er d 2
a :Wad of very tete cat to Rt !hie
axed Toronto :Markets on :,Ion:la . -
lira. Bowslaugh is visiting her broth-
- r at Clinton.
Over -40i recruits have signed up
here, anti several more are getting,
ready. -The boys marched to Kippen
ttunday anorning. and attended church
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McDonell at-
•t adee the funeral of a friend in Park -
and Mrs. Hugh a McDonald
were in Toronto last week. -Miss
Mary Buchanan. nurse of Toronto; is
bome for a res`. -Recruits are being
added every week. -Thos. Welsh,vh'lwy
felling- trees is Mr. F. Norton's bush
a fear nines ".o the east, was hit by
a large falling limb, which inf.ieted
such deep cuts oa his thigh that over
.a dozen stitches had to. be put in
Ta draw together the dee;a n ounds -
.Heasell soldiers took the tram. t x-
•eter Thursday renes web the-e.
!•f that town marzhed •o Cre:l'. t -a
:where they were treated to a most
•excellent dinner. They returned the
•sa.!me evening. -The funeral of .Axintle.
Elizabeth 13 -year-old daughter of
Wm. Steven took place Saturday tie
-McTaggart's cemetery..
000,000 was caused by •a tire in the
Brooklyn docks.
George T. Mem, American m-
bassador at Petrograd, resignedow-
n oil-3ie1h.
the beginning of e war e
average advance of Britishfood
was 47 per cent.
The Speaker oto ()aerie e; s -
a r announces that the galleries
4 ^r; 1 reaper; 2 mowers, pea har- I will be closed at the opening of Par -
'ester: 1 land roller; disc harrow;Ilaneent en February 29.
Mtaasey Harris blame drill: 1 combined I The Royal Cotntniseion appointed
,seeder and harrow; 1 cyiltivatar; lei Dee. 26, 1913, has presented. a Vola.
!timber wagon, bay rade eta,* rade ruinous report on causes of and rein
pair bobsleighs, 2 set of harness; 1 I edies for the high cost of living.
Voekshtatt riding plow; 3 walk -lag l Sir Thos. White, Minister of Fin -
plows, set dimmed harrows, 1 turnip ince, and Hou. Robt. Rogers, Minis -
sower; Lay Take, fanning mill; 2 top r ter of Public Works, strongly op -
buggies; '2 cutters. 1 Hart, bay fort: i posed the tree wheat resolution of
tor rope and sling oh sin; 1 copper a air. Z. G. Turrif. .
kettle, weigh scales 1200 Hoer, capacity i Sir Sam Hughes uttered a warning
1 cream sa*paratdir; a quantity of veal- t to aliens that utterances Or factions
ar posts, lumber, barrels, forts hoes encouraging sedition or disloyalty
and other articles too numerous to will not be tolerated, and also warn-
ed soldiers to conduct theinseives in
Also ,any:' household furniture con ae manly, self-controlled way,
elating of 1 cook stow; 1 coal heater t Colonel Victor Williams o€ the
1 weed lttrater; 1 cupboard; 1 Union t,anadian forces, and Lieut. -Colonel
piano i.edsteads, springs. $terele Archibald Macdonell of Strathcona's
twang ..e. ehairs. tables, A quantity of; Horse are appointed Brigade Com-
e -1p pails and .,!rise=. I wanders and temporary Brigadier -
Terms -All sum:, of 1110 and. under. C.inerals attached to Headquarters
cease, over that amount 8 znontbs` ;snits.
credit will be given on furnishing ap- The constituents of Sir Wilfrid
proved joint notes. A discount of 1,uyvaon, British 'ALP., have accepted
per cent straight will be allowedi f. i^ Ii resignation, which was tendered
Gish on credit amounts, en the ground that he was unable to
No reserve as tbe proprietor he s.;,:„art the war policy of the Gav-
sold his farm and is giving up farm- eminent. Sir Wilfrid is one of the
ing. ' "Little Englanders.”
CHRIS CAMPBELL, Trap, The terms of a bill for the forma -
B. S. PHILLIPS. Auct• tion. of a joint Essex Utilities Com-
- mission to control the sewer, water,
and light systems in the municipali-
Auction S aie ties of Windsor, Walkerville, Sand -
() , Auct ort r, ter munitions work. bas resigned hes guar o
pest owing to ill health. The Tagliche Voikszeitung, R daily
Auction Sale
newspaper printed in German and
published in .t, Paul, Minn., has
Emperor Nicholas of Russia thank- been forbidden alae Canadian mails
RM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS. ETC. ed Prance for sueeorin„ frac Serbs, under tine usual penaltiee of •$5,000
r 1 The population of Toronto is esti- tine or five years' ituprisokament.
Mr. B. S. Phillips has received in z mated at 544.456 by the 1016 direct- Ignatius T. Lincoln, former Meta -
sanctions to sell by public auctions,ory. ber of lite British Parliament and
on Lot 9, eotw ssion Hay ou Psi» f A loss to shipping of nearly t4.- selt-confessed German sena who
da S, Marcie. 10th, at one o'clock sharp escaped on January 15 trout the eus-
Horses--1 general purpose, mare 18 P y tody of a deputy United States mar-
y.':tra old in foal to ?Colonel Gralkauz; g ry i A shoe. was rearrested Saturday niglit
1 Weare. aerie.. 7 years old hi foal to in New York. that
Golon•I Grabaua: 1 general purpose a .g t sI a t The Berliner Tageblatt says
riaere rising 8 years; 1 gelding rising 81nce a g c, f tis tee the extraordinarily uuuaerous peti-
1 years old. tions sent to the Reichstag and the
'Chole• --1 tea cow, 2 year:iu, dives prlcee s Prussian Diet "are savoring
• sin EI)MUNA waxen, C,V,O., L,L.D.. I},G,L., okesldent
JOHN 4iRi . General 1Mfanager. R. V. F. JONES. Ass't Genervt Menses`
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every
of their bankingbusiness, including
facility for the transaction th
the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes
are supplied free of charge on application. 854
•41..'t..frithsr.*Ime lr.tt•.t•t..ttt•.rr or afro tt►!*!•ars arra** i Stella Y.CaiJl«et.
tal & Reserve $8,800,000
96 Branches In Canada
A General Banking Bustin Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Monet) Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rate
4i> 1, GI.ARIc1, Manager.
The Harmless but kft!-
con t remedy tor Headache
N euraigia,Anaefnia,Slesp•
tessncss, Nervous. Ex.
i lustiest. &G.
a .91ia i9[ .etstII 1 AT .,.. mammary, ar by turn from
2.ye tr old steer, Sp k the Ota ` I, i peace, and of the desire for an al- GRAND BEND
Implements -1 masses-'lIarris bin- 1 to a tet•ation in the campaign in order to
hasten the end E the`11`. war. 'Mr.:tad Mrs. James Nilson of Park-
hill SDhill visited at P. Baker's Monday. --
°ver 100.000 "men have "PI"- Mr. Wm field, who has been living
here, moved ;a Das hu m nlond;at•
OF FARM. wick, •Ford City, and Ojibway were
• FARM STOCK. & IMPLEMENTS approved by representatives of those
en Lot 12, Con. 3, Stephen; eta 1Ved-
This week it is our said dine to* re-
psort the death ef Annie Slavin, sec -
and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Slavin.-She was a bright` littlegirl
and took a deep interest in Sunday
School, and was seldom • ever .absent
from her crass. She was a victim of
e3.iabetes. Much sympathy is felt for
-the fancily.
needle-, March $ at 1 o'clock sharp
Horses -Horse old; ,
old horse 5 -yr -old; mare, 5 -yr old, campaign is thriving in Ireland.
'n, foal .o Charming Prin:e; driving The British Admiralty is vigorous -
horse., ,-yr old; suck's; eget b5 ly searching for the German raider
Southport. Moewe.
Cattle -Coe. due time of sale. colt- The Metagama has safely reached
due :far 12, cow due. Mar. 24, cove England, carrying 79 officers and
due June 20,cow due pr. 29; 1 3 -yr 1,593 *ten.
d he` er due `i; er tis sale; 2farrow Wm. T. Cooper, of Sydenham
eto-v , heifer coming 2 -yr.; steer come Township, was killed while felling
ne :.' r. ; 2 yea_a_ng iheife:s, two trees in a bush on his farm.
spr n> a'.ctis. Edward Johnston died from injure
17 tis . .-1 Tamworth sow, due . ies received at the American Club
'lar 15. Yorks:] re sow due Mlay 1st, fire in Toronto on Wednesday.
5 store pigs, 35 hens, 2 turkey hens, It was announced that one million
1 Tom 2 geese, 1 gander, 4 ducks, 1 policies had been taken out in. Brit -
drake. 1 colly do;. ain against d Images from Zeppelin
err omen`s-McCormick bander. Mc raids.
a n :•. mower, McCormick disc her- Hon. Wm. itt. Hughes, Premier of
Australia, arrived in Ottawa yester-
day and is a guest at Government
Mrs. Louisa Cull was found guilty
of manslaughter 'n Toronto yester-
day and sentenced to five years in
the penitentiary.
Peel nominations were held at
Brampton, J. R. Pa.ilis being put for-
ward by the Conservatives and W. J.
Lowe by the Liberals.
The architects asked to examine
the Parliament Buildings alter, the
fire, report that it will cost about $1,-
500,000 to repair them, and the
work will take perhaps two years.
- The Vienna City Council has voted
to remove the copper roof of the his-
toric Rathaus and give the metal to
the military authorities. The roof
will be replaced by one of galvanized
By practically a unanimous vote,
the delegates to the fifteenth annual
eonvention of the Saskatchewan
Grain -Growers In Saskatoon went on
record as being opposed to• the nro-
irincial li9,nor act and asked for its
abolition next December.
The Hungarian. Minister . of "Finn
ance has concluded arrangements
with a group of German. banks for a
loan of 150,000,000; inarltse eat;
,The Paris Journal .s. •eorrrespo..ndent
at Tananarive says that Gern an
agents fananeed and otherwise en-
couraged a native plot to overthrow
"Yields To Delioious Vinol
T'hiladelphia, Pa.-" Last Fall I was
troubled with a very severe bronchial
• cold, headaches, backache, and,sick to
any stomach, 1 was so bad 1 became
alarmed and tried several medicines,
also a doctor, butdidnot get any relief.
A friend askedr e to try Vinol and it
brought the relief which I craved, so
:now 1 am enjoying perfect healthy » -:
•-JACK. G. SINGLETON ..a air
We guarantee Vinol, of delicii
liver and iron tonic without
chronic coughs, colds and bronc
i-vr a'd horse -yr It is reported that an anti-British
ed. men in occupations in Great Brit-
Four men were indicted in New
York in connection with the murder
of Bait,
The youngest recruits under the avantng was well attended.
ave ern c o et.over :54,•0ts,-Mr
Rey, end Mrs. Corriere and Mr. and
Mrs. P. Baker were in Greenway
Tuesday to see the soldiers parade
-The Red Cross box so. al Thursday
-o a etre:veto:, seed drill, Deering
area` iia. rt":e. 'and .a:lee, 2 wa'i.'ng
,d`o'te. reeden; plow, game clew, set
d°:n,w113 harrows. 2 lumbe_ wagons
doable wagon box and spring seat,
eat rack, Vii` rack, 2 gravel boxes,
i` -.:at wagon., tole buggy, open buggy,
cart buggy pee, Po_;land cutter, set
bobsleighs, log bunks, set scales, pr.
st'lyards. Clanton fanning mill, root
'eulper. wheel -b -_:ow, harness. lack,
Mellott cream'separato•;, scuffleeien.ce
weaver set wire stretchers, feed;'ur-
nace ,holds 45 gallons, Verity - hand
tatting :box, 30 ft. ladder, 15 ftlad-
der, 2 set double heelless, 2 set sin-
gle harness strseg bells, two. dozen
nags; iron kettle., ditching spade and
ecou,'e . grass seeder; clover table, two
ear -els milk can, quantity corn, hay
fork rape slings and pulleys, Daisy,.
churn ,kitchen table, 6 kitchetn chairs
cook stove couch; sap buckets, forks
shovels, haes, whiffletrees, iseckyokes,
-and numerous ath•er articles.
The above farm vale also be offer-
ed 'for sa,e at the same time and
!',ace, -100 acres, back barn, brick,
:i•] ase goad orchard,egood water, etc.
i oiltively no reset *e as the ;rro-
Drie.or is giving itthtfarming.
TERMS -$10 ori brides cash; ove:
`hat amount 8 months' . cred t on zlc -
z ewer loam notes; 5 per cent, per
sl -in off for cash on credit azntqunts
fw -f farm made knowhe on day
S Cole, Druggist, Exeter, rent,
Derby scheme h be ailed to Inc 1cec,ds ant uat 1 to
colors in Great Britain,
P. Baker wa:, in Thedford Thursday.
l -Lawrence Corriere spent 'l'itursdtY
,•at hi.. Rome !fere.-1lrs. George Dowe
Was taloa down with a severe nines;
;last week. and she is not tnu.:h better
a' the Can: of writing. -Mr. ,and Mrs,
;' Geoije Sheppard and faintly visited
at lsaplt Oravelle's Sunday --It is nut
had (Jute this week to record the dea-
th of Mrs Clarkson, who' has been W
only a levy days, she- having? pawed
:i,way Sttntlay° at noon, Feb, ..0th.
Australia has nearly 250,000 men
in khaki, according to the Premier,
who is visiting Canada.
Pte. Wm. Bragg of Mitchell was
sentenced to a year in Central Prison
for desertion from the 34th Battal-
Berlin City Council voted by 13 to
2 to petition the Legislature to
change its name, an
mate with Waterloo.
The historic 'Roman Catholic
church at Beauport, Quebec, was de-
stroyed by dire, the loss being $350,-
000, -with insurs,nce about one-fourth
of that.
Mr. A. G. Browning, KA., has
been appointed Deputy Attorney -
General of Alberta, the published de-
spatch that he had been made Attor-
ney -General being incorrect.
Premier Sir Robert L. Borden has
been made an honorary life member
of the Lawyers' Club of New York,
and will be tendered s. banquet in
that city after Parliament prorogues.
An Allied submarine passed
through the Dardanelles on Tuesday
last, reached the Bosphorus, and tor-
pedoed one tug and six transports
laden with :munitions, according to
an Athens despatch.
In the Bourse of an aeroplane re-
connaissance of the enemy's ad-
vanced posts east of Suez Feb. 20, a
British aviator descending to a
height- of 600 feet, destroyed the
enemy's power station at El Hassana
with a 100 -pound bomb.
d me amalga-
Seventy Thousand Teutons Preparing
for Active Service.
LONDON, Feb. 22.—The Copen-
hagen correspondent of The Daily
Mail telegraphs, A message from
Berlin says the co-operative action
between the German and Austrian
fleets has been settled 'upon in ac-
cordance with proposals of Archduke
Charles Stephen and Prince Henry
of Prussia. It is reported that Grand
Admiral von Tirpitz strongly object-
ed to the German fleet going on the
high seas, and preferredsubmarine
and Zeppelin activities. Neverthe-
less, the greatest naval activity pre-
vails at Kiel and Heligoland, where
more than 70,000 naval reservists
are ready for duty on the auxiliary
boats and cruisers of newly -formed
squadrons of various types.
Eat more Bread and Dester
Few of us eat
enough of the
"Staff of Life."
Make your
Bread from
More Bread and Better Bread
J-.+.^" .' ' :•a,'slx. k SP+, ..?! d4 T : r. —: " GM ,a}i,n,i.
Gen. Leckie Wounded.
OTTAWA, Feb. 22.—Another Can-
adian brigadier -general is reported
wounded in the recent fighting in
France. The officer is General Leckie
of Vancouver, formerly of the Sea-'
forth Highlanders. The report is.that
his wound is not serious. The other
Canadian General reported wounded,
is Brig.=General Macdonell, formerly
a the. Strathccona Horse, and some
speculation has been' occasioned he'e
by -the fact that with 'so..few casual.-:
-dee" in the Canadian 'ramie -in what'
el • e. en -
'e Apace. is reported as &> `nnusua,.Y,h
gagement, two officers of: high rank
should` have been wounded.' Generals
Leckie ,.and MaCdonell: are the -first
two Canadian generals reported:
wounded in a year and a half of
A post card addressed to us
as below, with your name
andaddress otaz.Yon the other
side, will cost but one cent.
Drop it in the nearest mail.
box,anditwillbring prompt-
ly a copy of our illustrated
80 -page catalogue for 1916.
With it will come also -free
-a 15c. packet of
Byron Pink
A perfectly' formed tomato, the Byron Pink is uniform, large, and
attractive. The fleshis•flrm, and the flavor delicious and full-bodied.
It is a robust grower and a heavy cropper, It is an ideal tomato for
forcing. You are going to buy seeds anyway; then you might just as
well send for our catalogue and get this free premium for yourself.
The Catalogue tells about the other valuable
premiums which we give with everp order.
i t a7 irc
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MORAY -The death took place mai] death of they youngest son, Karol,.
Feb. 16th et the. Hospital for the, ' which pccur•recd on Feb. 13th.
Insane, London, of Adaro, Scott, who 1
has been blend and .•deaf' for several - ► +"
years. He lived for lean on Con. 20
McCillivra3s .ard is srvived leY his
tvLdnwanParehrll, faue,dauohters, Mrs
Jas Dly n, ' eth can., Mite:. D. McLeod Children
e 'ark For mnfants and Ch
7th can.; : :firs. Geo. Fly Wiz.; Hyde P Iand Miss Abigail o`. Lon . len. For Over 30 Years
nUs ,
tayJ bea(ra
T ttC11Ei1SIYIIIH Muchyttlpererty , the
is expressed for Mr. and Mrs. Alexan- Slgoaattue of
der Wallace of Tuckers. nigh, esti the