HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-2-17, Page 11.'l st 'Hurons" needs YOU. Heed the cant? War oruaed to aid recruitin etc, i Sau..t Huro • TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 191.6 SANDERS S CREECI=T• Our Coney. 'Tis said that our friend, S..Frank Glass, M.P., saved his coat in. the Ottawa Parliament blaze by not put- ting it over the. -little blaze when it had just started. Did you ever notice how fast flour will arise in: price if wheat jumps a. cent or two? And then, mark how s?lowly it drops when wheat happens t o go down a bit, -x -no -x -- They have had Kitchener out of office once again, but still he hangs on, and never saysa word. A few more Kitcheners anda few less crit- ics would net hurt the Empire. TIMELY ADVICE.. -Every time you sneeze while you ,have the grippe., or a colt: several million Cold or grippe microbes are sunt flying out into the air which other people must breathe. Remember, then, to "cover up" the cough and sneezes, thus preventing the spread of discomfort, disease, and death, eath, for ippe and colds ageat this season a deadly plague, Some medical authorities tell us that the reason why so many sudden dea- ths occur of late years from heart failure is because cif the prevalence of la grippe. A weakened heart and shattered nervous system are the leg- acy it leaves after being entertained in these bodies of ours. North Am- erica is just now inn the throes of an epidemicof influenza, call it by what other name you will. Keep the feet dry and bowels open. avoid' overheat- edrooms., observe ;all rules of health; especially moderate diet And absolute abstinence: from every kind of alco- holic drink. Avoid all worry, as a case of "nerves" is very likely to in- vite it. Then, keep your sleeping - room well aired, your bead cool, feet warm and dry, and go about your reg - tiler duties as cheerfully as you cap. TAMAN'S PHONE 81a Alae an Early Clioice 01a Soil or Overcoat WE HAVE THE CHOICEST LINES OF NEW 'GOODS IN THE FOLLOWING. LOOK THEM , OV- ER, AND SEE OUR STOCK. Furnishings SHIRTS TIES MUFFLERS IVORY GARTERS PARIS GARTERS BRACES GLOVES FUR -LINED GLOVES HATS CAPS ARMLETS HANDKERCHIEFS BELTS ARROW COLLARS COLLAR BOXES ' UNDERWEAR SWEATER COATS SOCKS ' HOUSE COATS SMOKERS Suits & Overcoats Owing to : War Conditions wool- len goods are going UP, UP, UP, • but we have a -!full stock to last, a year at the OLD PRICES. Get our prices in both Made -to•= -Measure and Ready-Mades. .W. TMIAJ: TAILOR & FURNISHER PHONE 81a Why does not the ordinary civil- 1 • ian wear a sock Jike the soldier? Exetert)uxiC Did you 'ever try them? 4 ^` houses Many snaps and I A xegvtar meeting of the council to town are was held on Friday, Feb. iftif, with not yet wired for the hydro. Some all the nr;embera present.. The minutels speeding up will need be dane as the o;< the meeting heJri: .Tanv 28, were or six Creeks. tower will be turned on in a month read and approved A. communieation from F. S. Spence .Secretary of the Ontario Municipal Rural Route ,patrons are by a new Association, was read re, petition regulation requiredto buymof less to 'the Provincial Government in re - than, 25c. worth of stamps from the geed to Workmen, --Carried, couriers at one time. The couriers .A. eircular letter from, the Secret- will not have to freeze their fingers cry of the Hydro Electric Railway to receive n penny now. Association of Ontario regards An. • nuai Genkerai l feeting to be held to Toronto February 16th, per quad, and Roul.sten, that the Reeve attend the sesslonas na a delegate frou tee Intt14' toipalit --learned The fallowing ladies represented tin Ladies' Patriotic Society, Mrs. H. Hooper, Urs, le U. Dickson, Ilfr& J. E. McGillicuddy and Diens . ;IV. ,T, Beer, asking further aid on behalf of the Patxiotia League as they are being crippled having to pay for rent for the building, per Beavers and Route oton that the sum of $5.00 per month be paid to the League for rent of roonns durItag the pleasure • of the £ciuricil-•-C tried. The best way to extend charity to persons who are in need is to sive these work. Don't give any able-bod- ied ?man a cent or a mouthful 'tntess he ,corks far at. By this a. man • e - tains his self respect, and the profes- sion of the tramp is nkat encouraged. If a man needs help and is able to work and you are tempted to give hien something, don't do it. But in- stead give him work. Odd lobs 'an always be found, and set him at these. We 'do advise that it be done in a Dunnet that will not breed depend- ence an men. If everyone would do this all over the lend, , this country ,vould soon cease to be the paradise, Mr. bfaweon, Auditor gave his re - for tramps that it has been„ :port for the month of ;Amery winch. --x--o- . os - Perhaps the most foolish thing we lioulston know of at the present time is the Per Hind and 0lontstare that the move in Some quarters to request to l}Town cs ��I a s to improvemePt the removal of all German-born and,para eta atnd report -Carne inCanadian -born Germans from office d Bind that the in municipalities and governments, ir- Per Beavere axi respective of their loyalty or not, matter of tree trimming on the streets in future be done under the It is just one of those extreme 'views supervision s 1 tlu Public \Vorls which are ridiculous in the extreme, '11,„„,„,:,.1„.,Gerriee Even from the most selfish motive . , ,, a. G. Beldon asked leave to in the world -Canadian Germans should. l erect en addition to the weigh scales be loyal and we believe they are building, per Roulston and Hartoa loyal, with ore a few exceptions. it ' that the request be granted, the would be more sane to quietly en- quire into the views of, such office- building covering s' me 5 by 12 feetor roadway at le rental orf $1,00 'per holders, and act accordingly. We year, which is to be paid with the must not fall into the sin of makingMunicipal Tax. .Ohe building to be the innocent 'suffer with the guilty, � removed at the pleasure of -the Coun- oin-+Carried. Tee following accounts were xead ' It" is said that Canada, has only one beet animal to each square mile of territory. The hydro men have completed their work here until the, line to Lu- cas is completed. Mr. Harry Gould underwent an op- eration on Tuesday performed by 1,1r. Williams of London and Dr. Ifynd- man. The same doctors perfcrined an operation on efr. Peter Mote. Mr. W. 1-l. Deartng of Stephen. who has a nice line of Leghorn and And- elusian chicken, was successful in cap- 10 earizes out of 12 eateries at the poultry show at Goderich last week. The War Summary Fieree fighting has been taking place all week on the western front, Ger- many mainly being on the offensive. Ili one day the Germans tried to break through at no less than five points, but were entirely unsuccessful. The loss of life on both sides must have been very great. The Grand 'Duke of Russia. is still successful against the Turks in Ar- menia and the Turks are anxious to withdraw from the European theatre to try to stop the Russians around the other side of the Black. Sea. Italy Is defending a small part of Albania and signs are not wanting to indicate that the Allies wi11 take the offensive around Salonika, Germany is apparently having some trouble with her allies Bulgaria axed turkey at this ,point, Germany, France and Great t ritain have each lost a cruiser during •he week, The .British vessel was the Arethusa which bas had a noble re- cord. Interest still centres in the prob- ability that Roumania will soon join the Allies. Germany is making a strong bid, however, and nothing is certain. Germany has given notice that after \larch lst they will sink all merchant ships that carry a guni. The Allies will persist in, carrying the gun, be- cause they cannot trust the Germans. Military Matters Private Elmore Howey of 'London was home over Sunday. Lance Corporal Chester Harvey of Hamilton, was home on Monday. If there is a real reason why you cannot enlist, influence the maga next to you to join nip, , Major W. J. f •Ieaman went to Lon-, dor. ;Vlondav - to take• a three weeks' course of instruction in military. tactics Rev. Dr. Ramsay of Toronto, an Exeter old bay, has three sons, and• they are all in uniform' to fight for their country. .' Privates Leon, Treble and Earl Mit- chell of Quebec have received promo- tion, and are now. Lance Corporals in the 33rd Battalion. Mr. Victor Sanders of Pe,netangui- sheave,' formerly of E.Xeter, has joined the colors in that town,, being a mem- ber of the 157th Battalion. --0-- Mr E. N. Lewis, M. P. iibr West Huron., has been ,given a commission in an artillery omit thatwill be raised at wace in Western Ontario. The boys wend on a hike to Hen - sail Monday afternoon and with the H,e>tsall bays went through their man- oeuvres in that 'village, ,and were very pleasantly entertained. -o--' The ,Exeter company of soldiers; at tended the Sunday Morning service in James Street Methodist Church and heard an excellent sermon• by: the pastor, Rev. McAlister. A larmier's hired man; enlisted, and according to an !exchange was , asked why. "Well" he said, "I'd be a long time cin the farm before I'd be or- dered to stand at ease." cka all and ordered .paid -Ed Tretle 41.45; Richard Dais $1.50; Exeter Tinto 1 $,35.04;: Geo. Mantle ; 5.00; Exeter Electric Light and Power Co, $143.35; E3.'1`, Brooks $145; Z. W. F.'rrnoonibe $5.50; David Russell, .Jr. $22.00; W. , T. Bissett $4375; ;ince ,Ford $3750, , Jos. Senior $37.50; Jackson Mfg. '04. $300,00; amounting in all to $659.72, loo. Senior, Clerk ct. h IL th t About sixty invited guests sat a- round the festive baud at the .home of :\Ir. and Mrs. John Runkle. on Monday evening, the occasion being !the celebration of the tenth annive,r- > sary of Mr. and Mrs. Hunkin's wed- dang day. A liberal serving of bi- valves formed a part of the menu, to - gaiter with many other good things. Among the guests were Rev. Mr. Mc- Alister ,and Rev. Dr. Fletcher, pas- tor of Thames Road Presbyterian church, the latter of whom ,performed the nuptial ceremony that made Mr, and Mrs. Itunkin man and wife. Mr; and Mrs. liunkin were very kindlyynnd generously remembered by way of numerous pretty and useful gifts. Mn It Strang's class in the Pres- byterian. church held a delightful ban- quet last the Besides church the class evening number of others were invited, One hundred sat down to supper. Miss. Murray's D.Y.B. Class waited on the tables The program, was presided over by the pastor, Rev Sharp, and addresses in response to toasts were given by Aar. ti� . M. Martin. of Lon- don on "Stewardship"; Rev Nicol of Sixneoe on "The Efficient Teacherand Scholar'"; Rev, Dr. Fletcher on "The Value of Bible Study to the indiv- idual"; D McInnis and Be G. Scidon on '"Our King and Country"; J. H. Scott and F. W. Gladman on "Sun- day School"; M. Strang and R. Row- clit'fu oat "Adult Bible. Class". Solos were rendered by Miss Kinsman and Mr. Scott.. USBORNE, Dealt of lir, George Kerslake. --The startlingly sudden death of Mr. Geo. Kerslake, one of Usborne's most es- teemed and respected resielents, came y s oe • to is . continun y. On \fondaj; morning he arose in his usual health but tibout eight o'clock was suddenly stricken with a stroke of paralysis from which he never rallied and at five o'clock the same evening passed away, He was a man, however, who knew .he necessity of being pre- pared and his many friends and rela- tives have the extreme satisfaction of realizing that all was well with hirci He was a man of careful habits, Indus- trious and obliging, and always did what he deemed to be his duty. He was highly respected by all who knew him and loved by all his friends for his goodness of heart and kindly Christian, character. He was a native of Usborne, being born in that township on the 13th day of May, 1849 consequently he was aged 66 years, 9 months and 1 day, and his whole lite has been spelit in that town ship. Besides his wife, whose maiden name was Mary Cann, daughter of the late Robert Cann, he issurvived by two sons Wellington and Walter, and one daughter, Mrs. Fred. Stewart, all of Usborne. He also leaves three bro- thers and one sister -John of Exeter, Robert of Usborne, William of Wey- burn, Sask., and Mrs. Wm. Snell of of men and more then, and why the/ Usborne. Deceased was a valued mother and father should encourage their sons to ba. Nurse Neelans spoke interestingly of the hos 'tat k theIt' Recruiting Meting. .A full house greeted the speakers at the recruting meeting in the Opera House an Tuesday evening, when ad- dresses in. aid of recruiting the 161st .Battalion, were delivered by the chair- man of the evening, Major Shaw at Clinton, Dr. James L, Hughes of Tor- onto, brother of Sir Sam Hughes; the minister of militia, Nurse Neelans of Seaforth who has returned from the front. and Corp. Wyatt, a returned s oldier. The addresses were all with aview to recruiting and were of a nature that should bring forth results. Major Shaw reviewed the situation as it existed in Huron, showing that Exeter district was near the bottom of the list in, numbers of recruits,and some speeding up is required here. Dr. Hughes discussed the war from many viewpoints, showing the justice of the Empire's cause, the unity of the Empire, the great work already done, the work to be done, the meed pv woe , crue Les prat- tiised by the Hun, and showed the need of the smothers and wives doing everything to encourage the alien to go to fight to protect the • woman- hood of the=world, Carp. Wyatt spoke of the doings of the first contingent from. Canada from the tiauie they mobilized until they had passed through three terrible bat- tles and held the line for three days against ten times their number of the enemy He told of instances he had seen of the 'wanton cruelty, of the foe and the needless destruction of the property and hon -combatants. • A motion was 'made by Mr. L. H. Dickson, and Rev. D. W. Collins, and member of Bethany Methodist church and in politics was a Reformer. The funeral takes place to -day (Thursday) I at `1:30 o'clock to the Exeter :eme- tery. BIRTHS --..a Essery-In Usborne, on Feb 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Essery, a daugh- ter. - MARRIAGES Mitchell -Williams -1m Berlin, on Feb. 8th, by Rev. Johnston; Mr. Wilbert John Mitchell, San of Mr. William Mitchell of the Metropolitan Hotel, Exeter;<•to Miles Hellen (Nellie) Wil- liams of Berlin, formerly of Exeter. adopted that the list of officers as Koehler-Bechler=At Zurich, on, Feb. read by Mr. Dickson,` form , a 9th by Ret. G. F. Brown, Miss Ad- branichof the Huron. War Auxiliary. eline Bechler, to Mr. Samuel Koehler I'lre officers ere as tollows, Pres. both of Hay. Township. A. Stewart Vice -Pres., john W. Tay— Eaglesori-Hodgiaas-In Parkhill, on lor; Sec.,. H. 5. White,; Treas., John Feb. 2nid, Mrs. James Eagleson, to Burwell; Committee .-on Na. 1 Sub- Miss Elizia. Hodgins, bath of McGil- division, R. N, Rowe and, Thos. New- livray. 1 'Dr E.McGillicuddy and Rev. Gardiner=Dobbin-At Forest . an Feb. e 1, J.Y 2n.& William Gardiner of McGilliv-, W. G. H. McAlister; Com.on Na. ra to Miss l?argaret E., daughter 2 Div. -Well Jahns and Thos. Har- y vey, Saxon. Fitton and Rev. S. iylux- of 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Dobbie of worthy, Wm. Rivers ; Coin; No. 3 Bosanquet, _____ Dite-N. J. ,Dore ,and Win. Mitchell; John. Scott and Rev. S., Sl ar,pe; Com. • DEATHS iNo. 4 Div. -Moses Amy and Fred. Waiver. Representatives to the Coun- .Kerslake-ln Usborne, `,on ,Feb. 14th ty Auxiliary, Rev. D. W. Collins and George IKersltake, in his 67th .ear, L H. Dickson, Willert-At Dashwood, 14th Con.: of IStephen., on. Feb. 11, Mrs, Christian There will be 'a arteetiatg of the ab- Willert'-:aged 87 years and 5 mon- ov e nembersof the War Auxiliary ths. in, the- Public Library at ,eight o'clock Long -In London Tp., on Feb 9th, this Thursday' evening.` Locals Flydro passed at Dashwood Monday by 101 to 2: Mr. Preston Dearing of Stephen is confined to his bed through illness: David Lodi;, aged 65 years. Gram -At Parr Line, Hay, o.e Feb. 6th,; Vera daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ; Geo; Gram aged 9 years. Wiltse-In 'Clinton, on Feb. 6th, Mar- ia wife of Mr. A.. D. Wiltse,,aged 92 years, Ford -In. Goderich Township, Susan Acheson, widow of the late Henry Ford mother of Reeve Ford of Clin ton, aged 79 years: EDUCTION SALE Feb.26toMar. 4. A Few Special Reductions. -- 's �. ductio : �.- �' � e us� lien's Raincoats, guaranteed waterproof; Regular $12,00 for $8,45• 1lest's Overalls, Regular $1.25 for ..... ........... , ,...., ,$1.10 liesn's Overalls. with and without bibs, Regular $1.00 for .................. 89e. Vfen's Fleeced Lined Underwear, Reg, per suit $1.00. for ,........... Black and Striped Denim for Smocks and Overalls, Reg. 30e, yard, for 23e 31eri's Heavy Working Shirts, Regular $1.00 for Men's Heavy Working Shirts, regular 7Se. for ........ .:..... ..................6 \fen's Fine Shirts, regular' 75c, for ..•..•• ...,..,, 6,5e4 '}ten's Neck Ties, Regular 25c. ............ .......... ..... 4 for 25G r Ladies Big.Overall Aprons, Regular 50c. for • ............ ............ ............ 44t, , Men's Socks and Nits .at reduced prices. iett's Waterproof Shoes, Reg. 3.00 for .. ,.,,,.,,. ........, .,.2 Ploy's and Ladies' and Chnldren s Shoes at Reduced Prices, Rubbers at a big reduction in the regular prices, Brooms ,Regular 50c. for ......... ....... .... .t. ... . .. 35e Brooms regular 40c. for, ., .. i, . w , ,.,• . 3 As best 40c. black and green Tea for ....... ......, 1..., ..$L00 6 packages Snowflake Ammonia for..,... ..... ... . ... ....•.... .,...•. 25e.. 6 boxes matches for , ... ., ,,., , .... .. 25e. All 10c Tobacco -3 plugs for .. ...... .4. 0., .... ,. ..... 251e« 8 lbs Cattle Salt for 4. ... ,..,.... , ..,..,.,, ..., Z5s. Machine Oil, Regular 40c for ..., .............. per gal 2, 3 casts Corn. Peas, and Tomatoes for—. ..... . Graoiteware at , •.... ...... .,. Half Pelee,. 1 Dinner Set, Regular $12.00 ,for ..,.,. $,8.45} ' A .Lot of other Dishes at jteduced�rrwes Crocks at the old' price.% Stable forks regular $1.15 for, ... ......... ........ Lanterms with short globe Regular .., 90r Lanterns with long globe regular 75c. for Dust Pam and Tin Dippers each ................ Shovels. and Fails reduced. ALL THESE GOODS ARE FIRST-CLASS AND ARE AS WE RE- PRESENT THEM. ., ............ ...SSS .4.44e0.04.40 104040 Exeter North Store H. BEIRLING, Prop. PHONE; 16 PHONE 16 February Sale a Great Success THE VALUES WE ARE G IVING THIS MONTH WILL NOT BE APPROACHED FOR A LONG TIME TO COME BECAN SE OF THE ENORMOUS INCRASE OF TH E COST OF PRODUCTION. Save Dollars by coming to our Moro in Feb, ALL LINES OF WINTER WEARABLES WILL BE SOLD AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. BESIDES YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO GET YOUR SPRING SUPPLY AT PRIC- ES THAT WE COULD NOT GIVE YOU IF WE HAD TO BUY THE GOODS TO -DAY. THESE PRICES ARE FOR FEBRUARY 0 N L Y . MEN'S OVERCOATS Any Boy's or Alan's Over- coat in the store. Take your pick at a discount of 15 p. c. LADIES' CLOTH COATS Not this season's styles, but Coats that sold for $10 to 112.- 50 The cloths are good and coats well made, Big sale price $5.00 11 YDS. FACTORY for $1,00 This is a bargain ; 36 in fac- tory, Fine even weave, and good weight. This price is for 29 days only. Get your supply -11 yards for $1:00. Save Money Best Stam.' Gr. Sugar, cwt. $6.85 4 pkgs corm. starch for 25c. 3 'pkgs Kellog C. Starch 25c. 6 bars Comfort Soap fax 25c. 3 cans Corn, Peas, Tom. 25c. 7 boxes 5c. matches for Z5c, 3 pkgs 10c. Ammonia. for 250. 3 boxes Royal Yeast 10c. 15 p.c. disc on, any Toilet Set. 122A Linen Towels per yd I0c Coates best Cotton Spools 4c 2 yd fine silk Hair Ribbon 25c BOYS' OVERCOATS $3 Regular Values were $5 to $.6.50. The cloths are a>plen- did giity. You will have tb see them to appreciate their value, Big Sale Price $3.00. • 36 ]N. WIDE FLANNELL'E In. a wide range of patterns This flannellette its worth 12c` a yard. Special Price far this Sale. 11 yards for $1,00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR All Sizes in Penman's Fleec- ed Loaned Underwear, sold ev- erywhere for 50c, Our. Feb- ruary Sale Price is 45c. on Groceries Sealer For, City Bak Paw 20c 3 lbs Gin, Snaps .12%c. lb 25c 2 lbs best Baking'" Soda. for 5c. 7 lbs best Rolled Oats .for 25c Maple Leaf Salmon, large, 21e 3 plugs any 1Oc. tobacco 25c, 4 bottles bes . Extracts for 25c 12x4 F a .'te . Blankets $1.65-1.39 50c. unbleached table Linen 40c 2 ,packages best Needles for 5e. Pearl Buttons, extra dozen 5c,,, Besides many other items at Big reductions in prices PHONE 16 J. A. STEWART PHONE 16.. The Big Store with the; Little Prices •l 1