HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-2-10, Page 7A MOTHER'S DUTY THE soLnivas- GAZETTE.' . 1 —a.. News From Home Sent to Our Men TO. HER DAUGHTER 4t the Front. trier Health Must Be Carefully Guarded as She Approaches Womanhood. The mother who calls to mind her own girlhood knows how urgently her daughter is likely to need help and strength in the years between early school days and womanhood. It is then that growing girls droop, become feeble, bloodless end nervous. Nature is calling for more nourishnient than the blood can supply. Signs of (lis - tress are plainly evident in dull eyes; pale cheeks, weak and aching backs, fits of depression and often a dislike for proper food. These signs mean anaernia—that is bloodlessness. The watchful mother takes prompt steps to give her girl the new, rich, red blood her system calls for, by giv- ing her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills: which transform, weak, anaemic girls into a condition of perfect health, through the ricla new blood these pills actually make. No other medicine has ever so -needed like Dr. WilliamsPink Pills and thousands of weak, disheartened girls have proved their worth. Miss Mabel Sinclair, Cobourg, Orin, says:— "About three year ago I was very sick, nervous and run down girl. At the least excitement I would tremble and faint away, and the slightest uoise would annoy me. I had severe pains about the heart, and would often take dizzy and smothering spells. I lost in weight and the color all left nty face. My mother got all sorts of medicine for me, but all failed to do me any good and I was still going down hill. One day we read in the newspaper of a similar ease cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and the next time ray mother went to town he got three boxes. In a Alert time I felt the Pills were helping me, and from that an every day they helped me more. I took altogether nine boxes and felt like a new person. I was ready for all niy meals, gained in weight; the color came back to my cheeks, and I was again enjoying per feet health, and have ever eines, en- joyed that blessed condition. I earn- esly advice all weak girls to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial. as I an sure they will do as much for them as• they did for me." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mil at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine Breekville, Ont. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy has writ- ten the following open letter in the interests of the "Soldiers' Gazette" "At a time wben so many public spirited Canadian women are working for those at the Front, it is almost invidious to specify any one particular activity, but the untiring industry of Mrs. D. Forbes Angus, President of . Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, end1 , of the ladies associated with her, de- serves special consideration, particu- larly in connection with their publica- tion 'The Soldiers' Gazette.' This is compiled by these ladies from the !leading newspapers of each Province in Canada. Fifteen thousand copies; are printed each week and distributed in the proportion of one to each seven I soldiers of the Canadian Contingent I overseas. The news from home con- tained in this 'Gazette' is highly ap- preciated by our gallant soldiers, : many of whom have little opportunity ; of seeing a Canadian newspaper. The :publication is printed at less than cost, through the generosity of a 'Montreal newspaper proprietor, but - ;even so, further funds are required to carry on the publication, especially! in view of the fact that the number , Extracts from a. Manifesto Issued by t of Canadians creasing. Large subscriptions are not Their Praises overseas s steadily n"the Ger II; a= Humanity League. A Tasty, Snappy Toast -- for luncheon or evening "snack" is Triscuit, the shredded whole wheat Has the eli ious, nutty flavor of baked wheat. A real. whole wheat bread for any meal with butter, soft cheese or marmalade. Full of nutriment and full Of "chews." As a toast for chafing -dish cookery it is a delight. Always toast it in the oven to restore crispness. Made in, Canada eseettnen eelfraae 10111:11=1, .4:01:=1:111120 ^ • - GRAND DUKE STILL POPULAR. "}Ie is a Russian First of All," the People Say. The towering Grand Duke Nicholas is still one of the most popular men in. Russia, and his picture bangs in every other shop window an the Nev- ski Prospect and in every cafe in the country three months after its band - some original had been banished to the obscurity of the Caucasus. There are ten portraits of the Grand Duke in Moscow and Petrograd to one of the Czar; and the blonde King of the Belgians runs the Grand Duke a bad' eecond for pictorial publicity. "Whatever he is, he is a Russian t.),f all," they say about the Grand Duke I "The only honest man in Russia," tvas the way a cab driver character- ized the Grand Duke to the writer; ad the people are still telling how at the beginning of the war the Grand Duke said to the Czar: "I'll take care of the Germans from Germany if you'll take care of the Germans in ' Petrograd." GERMANS ON GERMANY.StIll &° Mi°. • erre required, but ally small amounts sent • Our homes are still. being desolated to Miss Shaughnessy, Honorary Trees- in a campaign waged for mare than ' surer at the office of the Queen Mary's , 500 days, not in lawful defence of nn work Windsor German territory, but to satisfy the inedleGuild, Station ! l Montreal, will be spent in this gocei ' insatiable and savage greed of cause." Prus- ; sian conspirators. The moral forces ; of the nation are stifled by the vie- : MEDALS FOR ALL THE BRAVE ; lence of the Administration; tramp - French Commander Has Special is humauity crushed by the double bur - sue for His Own Men. ' den of grief and want. We have ex- , The commander of one of the amined through trusted sources the French regiments whose soldiers have, economic condition of every State and distinguished themselves by many . province. From one and all comes the acts of bravery, bas just taken a step ery, "Deliver us from this hell of suf. ; which is certain to gratify those who feria, •• - bare neither been decorated nor been a e". , . eited in "The Order of the Day."t the posi - He; a;orisiner lOr a momen has ordered from the mint a lars tion of the German Empire in July, ton, tm our side of winch is engraved and liberty as traders. In every the call "To Al•nitd" and on the re- market of the world we were welcome - verse the inscriptions, "Campaign of ed, free to develop in friendly rivalry 1e14-1915." the number of the regn with other States the arts, the corn -- Meat, "Awarded for Courage." and merce, the maritime resources of our ' the name of the soldier to whom thei land. All our legitimate trading in- ' Thcommander's theory - ling ender foot the helpless Mass of number of medals, designt ned by el le; IWe then enjoyed civil rights medal is given. d terests were safeguarded, defined and in g tois the "Figaro," is that, all acts protected by treaties and convert- , of bravery deserve recognition and bons.. We were honored and respect- , those who are not singled out for the ed throughout the world. special honors of the war cress and 1 To -day the German name is the the Legion of Honer should by no! scorn of civilization; the German flag means be uegleeted. Ile believes that: has become the badge of infamy. by awarding these medals he will inn Chivalry is no longer in our ranks. It crease the already demonstrated has been buried in the trenenes ° efficiency of his troops. The Final Hour. The Kaiser made Czar Ferdinand" a Field 'Marshal of the German Ern - r j» r4 presented him with the bate on, says the New York Sun. In re- turn Czar Ferdinand appointed the Kaiser "Chief of the Twelfth Bulger- ' itin Infantry Regiment." To be set at • the head of :such a regiment would doubtless he grateful to the Kaiser; such an honor would replace a num- ber of honorary eommands which he once held in detested England. But if the Kaiser's allies really want to gratify his soul to its deeps why does not the Sultan give him the honorary Colonency of the Turkish Regiment specially detailed to direct and lead the operations in Armenia? Now to Save Your Eyes Try this Free Prescription. Do your eyes give you trouble? Do you already wear eyeglasses or spec- tacles? Thousands of people wear these "windows" who might easily dispense with them. You may be one of these, and it is your duty to save your eyes before it is too late. The eyes are neg- lected more than any other organ of the entire body. After you finish your day's work you sit down and rest your mus- cles, but how about your eyes? Do you rest them? You know you do not. You read or do something else that keeps your eyes busy; you work your eyes un- til you go to bee. That is why so many havestrained eyes and finally other eye troubles that threaten partial or total blindness. Eyeglasses are merely crutch- es; they never cure. This free prescrip- tion, which has benefited the eyes of so many, may work equal wonders for you. TJse it a short time. Would you like 'your eye troubles to disappear as If by magic? Try this prescription: Go to the nearest widea.wake drug store and get a bottle of I3on-Opto tablets; fill a two -ounce bottle with warm water, drop in one tablet and allow it to thoroughly dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. Just note how quickly your eyes clear Up and how soon inflammation will disappear. Don't be afraid to use it; it is absolutely harm- less. Many wbo are now blind might ' have saved their eyes had they started to care for them in time. This is a simple treatment, but marvelously ef- fective in multitudes of cases. Now that you have been warned don't delay a day, but do what you can to save your eyes and you are likely to thank us as long as You live for publishing this prescription. If your own druggist cannot fill this pre- scription, send $1 to the Valmas Drug Co., Toronto, for a complete Bon-Opto Home Treatment outfit—tablets and all. No Accounts Opened'. "Do • you charge things here?" "Only storage.batteries, madam." A 10 D.C. MIA. TOR 900 revolutions, 250 volts; in first - class condition, Appy DAILY NEWS, TORONTO. WINTER HARD ON BABY The winter season is a hard one on the baby. He is more or less confin- ed to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms. It is so often stormy that the mother does not get him out in the fresh air as often as she should. He catches colds which rack his little system; his stomach and bowels get out of order d he becomes i h and cross. To guard against this the mother should keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house. Th re- gulate the stomach and bowels and breakId . They re sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. MUCH MONEY IS NEEDED. Briton's Financial Burden For All to Share. Britain alone will need $9,000,000,- 000 to run her share of the great war during the present year. This state- ment is made by a representative committee of Britain's leading bankers' who have issued a signed manifesto to the nation impressing on the people the need for the strict- est economy in order to assist in raising this huge sum. In the manifesto the bankers say: "In a long war success depends mainly upon respective financial re- sources of the combatants and the consequent power of one of them to maintain or to add to its fighting strength wben the other is declining or is not capable of expansion. "Therefore the enemy's efforts have been directed to three essential mat- ters: (1) 'To seize victory before the forces of the allies could be mobil- ized in overwhelming strength. (2) "To, prevent the allies from making or purchasing sufficient equipment and ammunition for their ever-expanding forces. "The endeavors of the enemy to accomplish these objects have been completely frustrated by the co-ordin- ation of the armies, of the financial resources Of the equipment and of the munitions of the allied nations. The success of the allies in defeating the enemy's efforts to cripple them in men, IntinitiOlie and money before they could ass.emble their full strength has now brought the war nearer to its anal stage.' "Indeed only one thing is ' now needed to command victory. The al- lies have assembled new armies of overwhelming strength in France, in Russia, in Italy and in Great Britain and :everything needed to equip them and to 'supply them with Munitions has been secured oris in process of manufacture; ,The only thing remain- ing to be doneeia reo provide all the money needed to support those vast armies of new men and to pay for the vast quantities of arms and Mu- nitions now being manufactured by all parts 'Of the world." Flanders and in the village grave plots of Brabant. For our mimes we are loathed by all holiest men. To hide them is impossible. We stand naked and exposed. We who love our laud with, a pas- , sionate devotion and strive to reach 'the dawn of a new era which shall re- store her character and win back for her children the honor we have for - 'felted by barbarous cruelties and in- satiable lust have written tbe above with heavy hearts. Napoleon failed. The Kaiser must fail, and there can be no peace until ! he has been deposed from the throne lie has fouled and his fellow con- spirators have met their fate at the hands of an executioner. YV,,ould Ban Tobacco, Too. To such extremes is the British economy campaign being pushed that the suggestion has even been made in the House of Commons that tobacco should be banned. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, however, favors the increased consumption of tobacco, in view of the fact that the import duty is at least four times the amount paid away in gold. to America for its pur- chase. An Armed Peace. "I haven't heard Nexdore and his wife quarrelling for several days." "No; they're not on speaking terms just now." FOOD FACTS. What An M.Tee, Learned. A prominent physician went through a food experience which he makes public: "It was my own experience that first led me to advocate Grape -Nuts food; and I also know from having ' prescribed it to convalescents and oth- er weak patients that this food is a wonderful rebuilder and restorer of nerve and brain tissue, as well as muscle. It improves the digestion and patients gain, just as I did in strength and weight, very rapidly. "I was in such a law state that I had to give up my Work entirely and go to themountains, but two months ,there did not improve me; in fact I. was not quite as well as 'when I left home. My food did not sustain me and it became plain that I must change.. .• "I began to 'Use Grape -Nuts and in two weeks I couldwalk a mile, and in five weeks returned to my hoine and practice, taking ttp hard Work. again. Since- that time I have felt as well and strong as I ever did in my life. . As a physician Who seeksto help all sufferers 1 consider it a duty, to make these facts public." Trial 10 days.,on Geape-Nuts when the regular food does not seem to sus- tain the body will work wonders. "There's a Reason." • Name ,-givee. by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Onte Eve" read the above Litter? .& new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, 'true and full of human intereet. DODIES KIDNEY PILLS cvnEri HIS RHEUMATISM. , Mr. D. A. Brotherston Tells How His Rheumatism Disappeared Over a Year Ago and Ilas Never Come Back. Victoria H ', Ont., Feb. h (Special.)—Cured of Rheumatism over a year ago by using Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, Mr. R. A. Brotherston, a well-known resident of this place, is still singing the praises of the great Canadian Kidney remedy. "I was troubled with Rheumatism in my left band, which would shift to my elbow and then to my shoulder," Mr. Brotherston says. "It was very an- noying and painful at times, but I heard of Dadd's Kidney Pills helping others so I quit the liniment I was using and took six boxes of them. The rheumatism disappeared. That was over a year ago, but it has not return- ed. "I know Dodd's Kidney Pills are good for kidney trouble both in my own ease and through others who have used them." Rheumatism is caused by uric acid in the blood. If you cure, your kidneys by using Dodd's Kidney Pills they will drain all the uric acid out of the blood land there can be no rheumatism. Suggests Trench Dagger. Mr. J. H. A. elacdonald, in a let - PERISCOPES ON BAYONETS Soldier Stands With His flack to the Enemy. There is no doubt ; that the pert. seope in one form or another has re- sulted in the saving of many thous- ands of lives in. (be present war. Most periscopes bane two mirrors, a top one nein% reflects a view of the surrounding country into the lower one. One particular style is clipped on to the bayonet and the soldier on the lcok-out, instead of facing the enemy, stands with his bac:, to them in order to get the proper view in the adr- Xer. The little periscope mirror is clip- ped on to the edge of the bayonet, and it is the edge which is preSented. towards the Germans, making it much more difficult to see than if the baycnet were broadside on. SPE= TEE VII3PPBE C4x.r.rormsz.. Round trip Winter Tourist tickets on sale daily to Calliernia via variable direet and ecenie routes. Four fast mod- ern 'Irritate lease Chieago .froTo Lhe most 'melon railway te lel the world. Overland Limited sExtra Fare) leaves 7:00 P.M. los a.ngeles Limited sadireet to Southern California—leaves 10:0 P.M.. San Fretwiseo Limited leases an:4O ISM.. Caliternia Mail leaves 1a;45 PM. Let us h .ip yon pasta an attractive trip. Hookletsigfi;ing ems Partieulare moiled on application to 11. II. lett. ta A.. Chieuge n North Western Ry., 4G Yonge Ste Toronto, Ont. PROPHECY OF WAR S END. • February or March is Time Set lier Old Woman For Peace, The Journal des Debate of Paris! has published a strange story of al prophecy regarding the end of the ' war. Some pious people were driving up: the steep hill to Montmartre, where they were going to visit the church,: the story runs. On the way they gave a lift to an old woman, who, when she arrived at the church, saidi that she -would, in expression of her gratitude, tell them a good piece ofn tews. She asked if they would lite to know when the war would end The people replied, "With all ouri hearts," whereupon she told them either in February or March. The people expressed incredulity: at this statement. The old woman' asiLmits AttricOMPANY MADE CANADA HasbeenCanada's favorite yeast for more than forty years. Enough, for 5c. to produce 50 large ayes of fine, wholesome hour - isleug home made ,btrod. Do not experins.ent, there is nutting twit AS ge0d. EllfilliEff CO. 11.10 TORONTO, ONT. wita.4iPE.1 1,41CPirIzZAt Music as Medicine. Music's potency as a therapeutic agent is being demonstrated again just now in the hospitale England. The physicians have recorded re- markable. results from the effect of music on soldiers who br,Fve seaffered from gun fire and bomHng and have returned front the fighting line mere nervous vereelta. Some eyeeelalists have gone so far as to ray that no other tem bas brought about suah permanently good resulte. You will find relief inZam-Suk l it eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zarn. Buk, means cure. Whynot prove This 7 .4414 DrueoWs ona Stove. - 50e box. rAnzaa 'oz $Arat. IARMS — ALL SIZES —STOCIt - Grain. Dairy or Fruit. 'Mutt POZ1 Want to buy, write IL W. DawaOrt. Brampton Ont. added that as a proof she prophesied , 1 fin Acitss. 13 1:N7 that the coachman who drove them lit'elPrke7tiarera, gignita15:°"". IL would be dead within two hours. She: • then turned away and disappeared. The party visited the church, and when they came out went to the ear- , riage, but found no driver. They thought he was in a cafe, but on mak- ing inquiries found that he had just died in a druggist s sbop. The paper does not guarantee the accuracy of the story. ter to the London "Thews," advocat- Who is Orgi Jackson?' I Ing the use for the soldiers of a ' short knife or dirk, says: "Men the soldier Jumps down into a trench full of enemies—as he must do when charging, unless he reraaius above to be shot—he is no longer able to use rifle or bayonet to advantage. He is like a man in a close crowd, who cannot draw back his weapon so ae to make it effective. Accordingly we read of ing o bay- net to use it by hand, and also of men resorting to their fists." p is pre- Murine a-Sour Phy- a sictans, as used for mane Years in theie sese practice, now cledicat- E ed to the Public and OUR gikuTinertP1=1:11, Cleanse, and Strengthen Eyes after exposure to Cold Cutting Winds and Dust and to restore healthful tone to Eyes Reddened and made Sore by Overwork and Eye Strain. Some broadminded Physicians use and recoils. mend Murine while others perhaps jealous of its Success, talk and rush into print in opposition; those whose Eyes need care can guess why, as there is no Prescription fee in Murino. Just hand your Druggiet 60c and you have a Complete Pkg. Eve llook—Murine—Dropper—and Cork Screw— ready for use Try it In your Eyes and M Bathyal Eyes for Eye Troubles—No Smarting—rust Eye Comfort. Write'for Book of the Eye Free, famine Eye Remedy Company. Chicago Satan cares nothing whatever about a man's attending church on the Sab- bath if he gets his services the other six days in the week. Minaret's Dialment Caren Colds, Etc. A POPULAR CONTEST—, Would you like to enter a oontest where a small part of your time is devoted to a system •of correspond- ence which would add very material- ly to your present Income. Writefor full particulars to Bull and Company, Manufaciturers, .Dept. D.. 240 Con- federation Life .Bldg, Toronto, Ont. .11111.111.0111/14 camer..—a ss ",..4 Keep The Rats ., ' Away ....:= -They will not touch harness treated with EUREKA HARNESS OIL That is because tureka contains no vegetable or ani- mal fat. Keeps your harness soft,pliable,strong. Dealers Evevywhere THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Mated Branches in all Cities • For reale; he taught food chemistry, dietetics, and diseases or the digestive tract in one of the large medical schools ' of the continent. In his extensive ex- ! perlence in free clinics he worked out! the tonna% for Dr. Jackson's Roman - Meal, a compound of whole wheat and. NEWSPAPERS ros TIROFIT-IdAICINe.3 NEWS .A.t.lD .1013 ..11, Offices for sale in goof/ Ontnrio towns. The most useful and intcresung of an businessea run InforreatVa ou epplication to Wilson reibuseene Corn. party, 73 West Adelaide St, Toronto, MISCELLANEOUS. CANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. zre. internal and eitternal, cured ss ithe out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Reitman MedienI Co.. Limited, Collings-es:ad, Ont. America's Pioneer Dog Remedies 1100K ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any addrais she Author 11. CLAY GLOVER, V. S. 118 West 31st Strtel,NewYerk • rye, with deodorized flaxseed and bran. 1 ........._,.....c........ It nourishes better than meat, prevents METAL I indigestion and positively relieves con- f AS SE wry. stipation or "money back." Ask your Erse0IST CON - doctor. At all grocers, 10 and 25 cents. Roman meal is made by Roman Meal • Co., Toronto. Clarissa (for such was her name) A Large Dose. Oswald—"My love for you is like! the deep blue sea—" 1 —"And I take it with the correspond- ing amount of salt." Minard's Liniment Cures Diplatheria. Plenty of :Assets. "The lawyer next door had been' forced into bankruptcy with big lia- bilities but no assets to speak of." '"Why, a lawyer's assets are his lia- bilities." The Nova Scotia "Limber King" says: "I consider MINARD'S MENT the best LINIMENT in use. I got my foot badly jammed late- ly. I bathed it well with MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT and it was as well as ever next day. Yours very truly, T. G. McMULLEN. Tea Drinking Increases. Tea drinking among the allies has shown an enormous increase .since the war began, and in the past year the consumption in England alone has in- creased over 6,000,000 pounds, while France is drinking 10 times as much, as they did before the war. Minaret's Zdnimeut Cures Garget In cows 1 "Famine" Germany. A representative of the Amsterdam Telegraaf, who has journeyed through Germany and Austria and furnishes a lengthy report on general conditions. concludes his article by saying that famine prevails as far as the bulk of the workingclass population is eon- ceraecl. The' situation is becoming still worse, and the economic posi-; tion is far from favorable. The peo- ple are daily becoming mote downe I hearted. Their views are summed up in the remark: "We conquer every day, bet we are none ilia better of for it." Wizard's Liniment Cares Distemper, ED. 6. x-4r-seassaiete STE,DCEIDE The sale:al:ea the, works slay and night during the year. Send for catalog "W" 37. S. CDAIISL CO3, Ltd., 27 Toronto Axeruie, - —torouto Will reduce Inflamed. Strained, Swollen Tendons, Liganlents, or Muscles, Stops be la men ess and pain from a Splint. Side Bone of Bone Spavin. No blister, no bait gone and horse can be used. 2 a bottle at druggists or delivered. De. scribe your case for special instruc- tions and interesting horse Book 2M Free. ARSORSINE,JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Strained, Torn Liga- ments, Swollen Glands, Veins or Muscles: Heals Cuts, Sores. Ulcers. Allays pain. Price ISM boteeat dealers or delivered. Book 'Evidence" free W. F. YOUNG, P. D. F., 518 Lyman Bldg , Montreal, Gan. 4bsorbluc sad AbsorbInc. Jr.. are 1112d0 la Doan. It ,,., alrv.g.L. ,......, 4 .-. V THE LARGEST FIREPROCiF RFS0R0 s 7 i.r 110171.16 me WORLD /Peen:ant ,i The Spirit of America at play: Magnitude arid Cheerfulnees. APIMILXCAN PidiN EtTROPMAN 33. S. White, Fres. W. Mott, Mgr. 4111. ERMUOA The Ideal Winter Resort Beautiful DriVes, Saddle Riding. Golf, Tennis, Yachting, Fishing and Sea Bathing. Present Gar- rillOn' of 'the Ottawa (38th) 'Regi4 ment. • Princess Hotel is open. from DECEMBER to MAT Situated on the Harbor of Hamilton. A.teonsmodates 400. Rates : 125 per week and Upward. HOWE & TWOROGER, managers HACvilLTON, .•BERMUDA Bermuda. is reached by the steam- ers of the Quebec S. S, Co., 32 BroadwaY, N'evit York. ' ISSUE 6—'16.