The Exeter Advocate, 1916-2-10, Page 6-« -
Outbreak CaiTie Suddenly While House of Commons
Was In Session.
Markets of the World , GREAT MOVEMENT TROOPS
Toronto, Feb, 8 Manitoba wheat
—New crop, No. 1 Northern, $1.25'x ;
No. 2 do., $1.23; No, 3, do,, $1.20',x, TI'f3il� i�£" Supposed i?QSed to be Connected With the
in store, Fort William,
Manitoba oats—No, 2 C.W., 45e; Attet11j1.ecl German Drive to .Calais
No. 3, do., 4214e; extra No. 1 feed,
42?:ie; No. 1 feed, 41?•kc, in store,
Fort William, A despittelt from London soya,' La Ilarlizoe, in the Argonne, and in
American corn—No. 3 y ellotir, The Germans have closed the frontlet• the Noreen}• -Mur ville front in 1. ur-
82?;,c, track, Toronto, between Belgium and Holland, accord-, taint.
Canadian corn—reeds G to Tic> ug to a despatch from Amsterdam,' Th'� Copenhagen correspondent of
track, Toronto. p p
I»,I: SS Ontario oats -••-No. 3 white,' 44 to
which adds that great movements its of the London Daily Heil telt :all!:,: 11
45c; commercial, 43 to 44c, according troops are in progress. The transfer is rumored from Berlin that the Kai• -
to freights outside. of troops is supposed to• be conneeted er has been for soma time • on the
Ontario wheat—No. • 2 Winter, per with the reported plan of the Ger- •wester:i front, where he ineaectad
_- car lot, $1.13 to $1,15; wheat slight- mans for an attempted drive to the Belgian frontier, Two drays ags+
b sprouted anti tough,•according to Calais, lie Iva in the neA,,h'aoI•lia�c;zD of Loo
A ^ pateth atone Ottawa says: The.° Mr. Edgier N.. Rhodes, Deputy'cenaliaiy, and in the absence of con sample, $1.49 to $1.33; s�lit'at sprout- The official cammunigne issued 1>y +vhan the •iittacl..en that ricy 3:a
C':r' _t :;ala pt+,s' mens Luiktiligs art, iii E Seen .er, �ct•l10 ,zra: in th chair,..was • tiranntio . the storiee of Mayor Martin, : ed, smutty and tough, according to the FrErell 'War Office on Friday deal made. •
, e irs. Fire whi b i•roke out a nine the last to leave a ;al he stated that • Mr. Bradbury toed others were eagerly sample, $1.02 to $1.0 ; feed \ hest, with artillery gestalts. Ereneh gristle The Emperor it; :alar to have taken
tr•:texl; ar.'f l?ai .i y night in the ('arJt :the chamber a., he left it was empty listened to, ";10 to 95e, according to freight; out -
bombarded an infantry tolumat a hand in the prorating •of the recent
unite; .I.. r..,liiil^,g r/1L'l e. swept with tree t trite ice and smoke cwElrt tllrorngh Mayor ialartin, of Montreal, who was and convoys entering Roye, and Other Zeppelin raids on Paris alter England
SiG side...
Ineell,a is *e,a' aiwin the hovritivr , "t1 the tong corridors with artiaziaig rapid- • one of the first .10 discover the fire, Peas --No. 2, $1.80, do., according bombardments were directed Against at conferences. held by a councilin
Impel to the galleries, and in theits, and the members, deter and Gary s he heard an explosion, but wheth- to sample, $1,2., to $1.73, according the German positions in the Tahure Armentieres, at which Admiral von
..,1*.c.? tl*:t o minutes had fillet! the ; isitois had the utmost difficulty in : er it was caused spontaneous come to freights outside, sector, in Champagne; the sector oft Tirpite oleo wits present.
_ . r. . » 'lobbies. Barley -..:Halting, i;4 to 4frw; freed,
tir., of :glint>e. It wast followed quickly tui clout? that. filled the ;tiro ; paper: he ie tumble to say. 57 to 00c aceardine� to fa•ei hts out -
\S lS i`.`li all imnelletrobli' vole ` eecaping through the dense, Srril'aeat- buetion or sudden fire among the news -
1 y flames. st, i M . R. Bradbury, stock broker, was ' re g er}, 4 to ;5c; seconds, 321 to 33e.
aircases. side. Eg ,, fresh, 35e; selected, 29 to 30e;
Two; peepie are known t> be dead. ,., ` standing, neer the post-otfiete in the
„ ,r
They ore Madame Bray, wire of Dnasir Robert Borders Escape. ;main chamber when he heard a crash.: Buckwheat—78 to J9c, according tor No. 1 stark, $7c; No. ` stack, w? to
Bray, of : Settee and 'Madame :Merin, 4 s' Robert e -'t Bord n whose office es Before going. any distance he heard
t id commercial, 93 to 95e• 'e - I'ot:rtoes, per bags car lots,
wife .of lir. Louis ?florin, of Quebec. - - "!r eo k` ", • another explosion of some hind which , rejected, according to sample, 83 tet Si • a' to 1.90.
„ in the far north-east corner of the p
They were leests of 3fadame Sevigny, building, 1 ,, escaped without hat or coat knocked him off his feet. Major Ger- 8f,c aca:o•dint^ to freights outside.
wife of the si carter, and were out a?tF •
ul.a the 1 . ;alta White, 3S$•I., arra heat 11 two eels- , ` Winnipeg Grain.
ansa the lower lablsy and ultuna tely Ixtant.aba 4loua- Fra.t patents, ill
i:1 their ;rf);rs'dlne�nts. itl aatN a xpla:>lnaS. •jute hA ;c, .�,' i +2 l� l! a Feb -made his wily to hie principal quarters0; ,ecomi patents, in • Win -14e% % 8. ---Cash quotations
Origin ref' the Fire a Mystery. in the viva block. i �i Ottawa Is Alert. jute bug`, $ti.70, strong bake!::>', ink —Wheat—No. -.No; 1� Northern, $1,25;
4 Il:. Michael t'lark, of I.kcl Dee one Y Attasc e, 1'a'.n •I. --Ottawa is a mill- , jute bags, $6.50, Toronto, [ No, 2 Northern, .,1.22 No. 3 Nor -
The ca, iwiln of the trace is :. er`,r'�w41't, • of the Isr.t members to reach the lob- ° tor' camp to -night. No than Ontario flour—Winter, "earning to there, $1.20; I o, 4, $1.10; No, r,,
It may ricer be known. There 'Were ley, was half choked with smoke and 1,2liu teen of the 77th Regiment stand sample, $4.90 to $5.10, prompt ship -I $1 O; No. 4 $1 0'�f, feed, i)8 Oatz
:0 i ;Ira of g,... . nue en i°, one by gu:ai•4 about the Parliament House anent, seaboard, or Toronto freights,' a t;:>+•rr.:i:t :eg.lnt, but ;:�•n was very v rale, lie aie�clared that "--•••No. '» C.W., 'l4�ae; No. :D C•,1�',,
were *a; , ,l , t both doayr-, of the lethal• members 4vere still in the ehanl grounds. Ne one is permitted to en- in Daae. : 4.17rtc; extra No, 1 feed, 417' e; No
e'' r• ' r n;r„ lt.nt appel:rh to i^:cavti been anis- ter. illiilfceti.— Cal• lots, delivered Mont. 1 feed, 4O S z ?�o, `? feed, are, Oar -
e thy'
the gii'i•'tal'ted and oilers talct2l ctrl this. ' ' Fire engines continue to pour water• real freights: -Bran, -Miran, per ton,. $24, ley, No. 3. 60e; No, 4, Ole; feed, 55e,
.i... 't,' . • - t. aca'ald Iwo. b:•tn The Dire s.?0'l era -eloped ed tile. Com- on the :,till r910llderin mains. ^23Flax—No. 1 N.\WW.C„ $2,08; No. 2 (',
i.e. i•iI t �,3"•:alnya::ak' tt: fl:il?4r::Ila" *i`t °�� �' shorts, Der ton, •�i' v; middlings, per..
'na• t r.• tsirha,llt Easing deteateai, A mon.} ('hanllfaer on a'1 sides and Rideau hell, where the Duke and ton, 526 good feed flour, per bag,; W•, $22.03•
teP t•ultlerdslg eipar butt might have hietoric old theatrewas in rains. It Duchess of Connaught and their 51.75, G
:pretel over all the west wing, include ilacrghter•, thebrilliant "Princess Pat,"
!;,nee 1eaa�l, sniu'sintr in til t ag?Iart
few United States ;Markets.
eh is s,.e;recent to he prohibited. Aril- Ing the addition baht on a few years dwell, 11,15 a cordon of deteetices Country Produce. : ftinnea},olis, Feb. 8.-Wheat—May,
led v:i*11 thousands of lame papers, ago, in which are i atugted the Speak- ° draw.0 about it. Others are hidden be1 hard,
«. fleets.. * r, % rd W iters, cis' quarters, Premie! 1 otliee, press lain .stair, in the ititahens a-ul ser- Butter ---Fresh dairy, 27 to Jars; In-. $1,3(;er,.. No�.r1sleee n. rn,o�$1.'11? ,
,lr 1. a,1 1 f• � m stand t restaurant. ....- '• LrIi 1J... i33ea'3Ce• , toN l:n• tat room, en etedn'rs' roams and a taurant. , mote quarter:. fL'I'ial r +•, to alter creamery irrints,, `.�..
:. t�- .t: i*• idina the smoke ,r.e11e:1 In the lattt'r ih.-e stutT '.4 (' . Just get- .lit the puohc 14uiitlingra a!• a stran;,ly to Ole; Nollds, 34 #o use. "
.ng , in .-hype after dinner when 4 D;aaa dc'd tioldin•r4 are a ...r •• hers•. 1:gg.a-.>fitul'ape, '.J.R to 2''. tier d02' f't,l't'� ;�P, „ yellow, r , to ;Re. ; Qat:<
fa)l':lr w 1. ;le a;t�'ati.• of tltice3fing ting thi:,,c
,• the ;alat•11t of tire way tits en• The} : `The gold ba111ioat under charge of the se'lect's. ;31 to 2c; new -laid, S3 to Sae, :4'i•- ., white. 4 a r:: t., 181.
rirle;l lee. While at: alarm was instantly �' n Fs:ney patterii�, 57,1ei, first clears,
raiser to,• (noire n members, of raced for the exits and so. far a- is rt I.'inanee Department is guarded by a ea a lots. $ii, 10; other gravies unchanged; chip.
known ail got away in :afttt, : cpcciill force with loaded rifles. ereiney—P*•ices, he 10 to 10 -lb, tins, : ,,-
p plot,• it. the gailerie., tnel the House ,rf r ' C; • Toll of the Dead. , , , ,�; mend, :i.r,3tlJ isl)I5. Bran, 119,«d La
•r9'. with ,,, :t±tsil lits of miesingr aflame Stvi !,y wife pf the . ,cal;-: 12 to 1'.'.?:•c• ce°miJ, :o, 1 y., No. 2,1 19.00.
er of the House, vete forced to leave I3. Il. 1. V'. , 1I,1?. for Yarmouth, S2 40, Duluth. Feb.8,--Ei"he:at F• Nn. 1
r.• t;. l^3;: ::I1,,Te. her apartments by one of the window& mem MteRI\, Quebec. Beaus ---$4.20 tar r.i, i0, ,.,,. „ "
Inc Victims. The t:ret efTo;<t to stop the rush f hard $1.32• No 1 Northern, $1.,,1;
'1':: • s•,a'.e of ;ti cianlj Moroi is par- flames wort made: by tlw Ilan, J. B. R, LAPI. A1v I'1 , Aieostant , ewe ., , , ,r- .,,
Montana, $1.29; Jatly, $1,.",Ora. Lin-
e..., sad, a:: she had intoned ed to ticials and the Dominica police, who , Clerk of the Rouse, 18e; geese, 1i`: to 19e; turkeye, 23 to! seed3tfl , a , no 2; lint. si, w ;
return to her lternl0 two close ;Igo. She are eonetslritly on -guard in the cot-, A. DESJAEDINS, plumber, 259 20e. ,Tiny, $2.3:31e.
/re; pat it .,tT from one time to no- ridor:. rite hoses ever pulled from 'Water Street. Cheese—Large, 1'le; tonins, B11se.
other. J oweenr, and finally delayed for their reeks and several streams of . ALPHONSE Di SJARDINS, • Do- Potatoes -Car lots of Ontat•ios
a± fe'1:ar alai ellen her departure had water were played an tyle fianlis_ i *nirlitm policeman, 289 Somerset quoted at $1.75 to $1.80, and New bice Stock Markets.
beer i1a:. l for this m0rrin.;, while, , Simultaneously the automatic mantra Street east. Brunswielca at .$1,90 to $•2 per bag, Toronto, Feb. 8.---Butchera' cattle,
n user ,of Madame Sevigny Madame dere opened, but nothing that this RANDOLPH FANNING, Pt„toifiee t on track.
Merit: hoe been taken ill and had eiierpment eoult ala hail a11y effect on''Department employee.
spent iglu,. time in the Water Street - the on -rushing fire. An automatic fire . _
ii (195”, c::.11'' quenFtly she was not in alarm 4----,nght the cit;: fire bri;;ade! ' GERMAN ARMY SUPPLIES
0- • ,1 a•
No. •J Northern, $1.277t: to $1,311e.
•e o£- li 'AIME. IIF.:�ILI BRAY, Quebec. Poultry—Spring chickens, 17 to ri Net, P. Northern, $1,218; leo, hard
18c• I' J •la 1'3 to 1.4e• duck% 17 to
i choice, $7.50 ter $7.75; do., good,
$7.10 to $7.35; do., medium, $6.15 to
Baled Hay and :,trate. ; $6.73; du,, common, $5 to $5.6,5;
n ' is and in a few minutes all (itiitra s f re LWeai morel al are now tel.• g t, butchers' bulli, choler, $r .n0 to $6.90;
the meet e'ur:e*l of health ,1t the time e stent was on the hill
ARE I31:('C15IINt� SCARCE. . on track, Toronto, ,it the fallowing tin., good bulls, $41.;f, to $ti.10; do.,
the fire• eccurrc,l. !fighting q prough buile, $4.50 to $3; butchers
It a; pia,:., faun what could be 1 and pouring tans of welch Into the r prima—Baled hay, nett, No. 1, tort, ::::73t.1(;1111:1edeo;.,Sello•nl:mot:, C1;.it?; dW.,loarrc•1 ti:;,t ♦sheen the fire• ,tasted building. :111 t oduets of festale Inda!%iry $1$ to $1T ,:r1) %lar„ b r•, 2, i. Ii 1t tcsConfi crated by Government. :$1•i.:10• heeled trues, t'2I, ;'r,.') to , 5,57u to 51,dom 6.•:50 t, rs 21;1l:t:last„: 4 ,iglly nn;?nagetl t•r e cape Montreal `ends Aid, S7 51 ;J to $5;
through the eorri,ii,1•s of the buil,4ino- s A despatch from London -atv:-:
Madame neer! I)tleetuelt, o4 Quc•nea, A tip..cold train brought a eletaeh According to Berlin nes -pal)caa:r, n::
also a €e'e':� cif Madame Sevigny, merit of the: Montreal fire brigade. quoted iv Reuter':; anlstel•fiam corm.- 'ranee e and cutter:, $3.1 to 84.50;
jam' e'I 1'it r1I a window in the second *tang members and employes who Clwnitent, a mew order Ivas taut in e.,
:fla,l'i!'t,•:e:, Arc' oil.-^•t'ji:•!r. An -endear. : retillter;e, ehf•,Icee, each, $7:r to $100; tiU.,
story a' 4 thezeoe I anin,iu•: ed, The two were caught in aces upstairs were (twee on February 1 under whir:h the h;,,, 2 y+:li:rvi, se t•.' '+•i„ t1•,t-, No. r' common awl medium, each, $35 t1)
yoenr chili::•11 of Madame Sevigny assisted out of the windily: by the tire -
greater part of all product, Cf the laorul white, :lite; r.,, la,cti white, 00, serin.303 , $30 to $1.00; light
were roe:tae-1 i=.: Ore 2' 4'. nets and a1- I'I1e11. Dr. 4..-r» ai Yukon, wits helped textile industry was cunfiveated, Tl:e :rte`; '. . 1 l4' 1 ecll;i:, has Bailey,' ewes, $7 to 'o.;,0; sheep, heavy,
so wrap: f1 with nothing woraa than a out of a wil:nuc: b 11r. Thies Flr:�utt, Ttegeblatt ea s it is highly si elutes i. * • , •'2”`' ti
y f" troll, fCtd ta. tat ei.,: mAltlla;;, 70 to �,,,«J to ,,fir; tilt„ •bucks, �:ii.i)Q to
lead fright. Roth Mr"aiar,te• Bray and of Saltcoats. ` that on this occasion the Government 7:»tc, pein v.1,°�;lt, o, d SO to 82e..$•1.i)ta; tootling lands.., Si to $7.75;
Madame iueiia. however, cr, 1?iipL'al ed As :can as the serioucne s of the does not seise 1 i -v material, but Pili- i'it>:zl, man. ;sir;,)•: wheat
patents, lambs, cwt,,. $10 to $12; calves, medi-
to have take. .he stsor"r turning down fire wee realized fresh detachments of ishc'I articles. Included in this list f�,^ .
,,,•, + Dominion Drier were rushed to the
firsts, fl,n(); r: 3 , 0;,80; strong um to choke, $0. 1 t„ $10,75; aro:
tIiae colri.l ... whin they left. their Dc, p are all materials for clothing suit -,1) li.a•1•-. ;nom;ii; Winter patents, choice,common, $4 to $4.f0; hogs, fed and
roams aee%? to have here1 trapped at one hill and efforts were in de to hold bac!:
the ha had a semhlsd to able for army or navy officials, old $tt.70; straight rollers, xG to $0,10;; watered, $10; do., f.o.b., $9.ti5,
end of .l.• 11511. When their bodies the thousands who � Loud, far under ar ment bl.talket"2 1 „ ren s'; to $3.95. (tolled ; Montreal, Feb. B. --Butchers' steers
were reco�•e�red the '-molar haft p1•0ved tvitnese-- the fire, the police were re- . r` ' ' a e' • l'` .i ,
+ ,• troops who formed a cord- , rtaclusive of horse cloth:;, colored lin• ; oats, barrel, « :,, ?;,; bags, 90 lbs., { $5.:i0 to $7,50; canning bulls, $4.25
too mu h and .ifs, n:rs c tin t as a ir"foic,.ei by t apen ;roods, linings and sailcloth:.. I;f_r_ Et, '50, Bran, $'31. Christ;, $.:1i. Mid-, to $5.30, cows, •51.50 to $6; dinning
res -Alt of i;<;,II;.:�i.^.ti!'i1 raill,•1 than the on about the burning Wilding and a5- : y o
fire itself. shoed the firemen. f lin newspapers paint out that. this dorms,w28 to $::0, Mountie, $;11 to •cows, $3.25 to $4; milkers, $00 to
f measure discloses a scarcity of these $;;g, Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots,; $80.- Sheep, 5 to 7e pound; iambs, 8
lfi�m"sr:•r., the Houseofi'e-mrnsns, Two Explosdons• i materials, and also indicates that ` $20 to $20.50. Cheese,finest west- D to 01. a Hogs, $9.1;i to $10.50
in the Ch� and the yr rious
liamc•ntaae' . •".:es, Iiad to tight the
Montreal °
feedtrs, food, $0.23to 41i, i5; stock-
er.-, 700 to 900 lbs., $6.10 to $6.75;
:rte Increase of $300,000,000 in Pro -
duets in 1915.
"'Tho Empire may deperd noon the
farmers of Canada doing their full
duty in this great war if the situation
is fully and frankly put before them,"
declared Dr. C. C. James, Commis-
sionerof Agriculture, who orgenired
the Patriotism and Production rum-
paign last year, speaking to the mem-
bers of the.Canadian Ayr•.:hire Breed-
ers' Asieu0i0tion at a Banquet at the
(Marie -Rite Hotel, Toronto..
IIe pointed out drat the farmer:;
needed no flag-waving and martial
ma: -ie to stimulate them to their
patriotic duties. As but one illustra-
tion of the-acritiee of the rural folk
he pointed out that County Council -
were malting Meme grams to the
Patriotiee Fund—some of them giving
amounts equal to all their other ex-
penditures. "When fanners double
their times for war purpoees it simply •
means that they are giving ae they
understand the Beetle," said Dr.
"Must the fanners give men, twee?"
Ise asked. "If Canada call: for Bien
from,the country they will come.
They have enlisted by the thousand
west of the Great Lakei', and with
thousands more going one • wondere
what may become of the farm pro-
duction of the prairies.
`pumping all the farm product%to-
gether, and deducting the food fed to
stock, we estimate that in 1915 the
farms, orehard and gardens of Can-
ada gave a net product of over a bil-
lion dollars. The wheat .crop of the
prairies \Vols worth about 5275,000,000.
a big crop, the biggest ever jtnown ill
Canada, but, after ail, only a little, if
any, over one-quarter of tin' entire
Word for the Dairy Cow.
"In Ontario the dairy output was
twenty per cent. over 1914, and the
market value was incrensed ten to
• twenty per cent. In 1910, according
to the Dominion Dairy Commissioner,
the milk products of Canada were
worth approcimately 5110,000,000. It
is a safe estimate to put the dairy
, output. ..f Canada for 1915 at $150,-
000,000. While discussing wheat we
shoul4 not forget the dairy cow. She
, haat done more for Canada during the
past- ten years t1l•.n have our wheat
fields, and in view of what is now
happening the world over, there is a
possibility that the dairy products of
; Canada in 1916 may exceed wheat in
value. The wheat fields reached
their maximum yield per acre in 1915.
The dairy cow is only getting into her
stride. She is now producing 4,000
.lbs, or less a year; 10,000 lbs. a year
is what the dairymen are working for.
Increase of $300,000,000.
"The farm products of all. Canada
in 1915 exceeded in value the farm
products of any previous year by at
least $300,000,000. Itis well for our
public men and our writers to know
that the increase in the value of the
farm products in. 1915 was at least
double in value our entire output
of war munitions." -
The prospects for 1915 .were bright,
and the slogan would be:. "Go to it,
all ye dairymen of Canada, and make
the dairy record equal to the wheat
record of 1916."
Pa;;G preparing ' erns, 18% to 18='•sc; finest easterns,; cows, $7.50 to $7.75. Calves, 8• -to
3Ians se•c•m to take it for granted' Germany isfor a war of
way to safety. People in the upper
storey; 0i the 10421'1lne• had narrow
esea?te s, matey ha"i;.g to he taken out
by ladders.
The flanges etarted in the reading ,
room betweeie the Commons Chamber'
and the lilts r;•. This room is sheath-
ed in wood, very old and very dry and!
this, with the hundreds of newspapers, :
fed the fire kantil it was a roaring fur-
Hon. Martin Burrell. Minister of
Agricuture, was in his office off the •
reading room when he found himself
confronted suddenly with a wall of
flame and a curtain of black, suffocat-
ing smoke. He rushed through the
fire and in making his escape was bad-
ly burned about the head and face.
Fre was taken to the basement and
treated by Dr. Dugal Stewart, of Li1n-
enburg, and other members._ His face
was scor::hed and singed and his hands
cut and bleeding.
Turned Up Safely.
After the escape of Hon. Martin
Burrell and the - appearance of Dr.
Michael Clark, of Red Deer, suffering
from the effects of thes moke, a re-
port spread that Messrs. Logic
(Northumberland), E. W. Nesbitt
(North. Oxford). and Jas. Douglas
(Strathcona) had failed to- make- good
their 'escape from the burning chamb-
er. This report, however, was sub-
sequently contradicted and it was said
that the members had been seen and
that. Mr. Nesbitt had - sustained . a
slight injury to his hand. - When Hon,
Martin Burrell left his office and made
his way through the burning reading
room his secretary, Mr..ide, also fled
froth the burning building. But while
Mr. Burrell turned to thewest anti
passed through the Commons side of
the building, Mr. Ide went in the op-
posite direction and got out by the
Senate wing. His hair was singed,.
but he :was uninjured.
thrt the firetwas the woe.: of an in- long duration. ; 18 to 181 c. Butter, choice:•t cream- pound.
3' ^'' •."'`'fid,. i
e 'rant of the fine block of buildings is
people going in for that function. To the left of
The entrance to the Speaker's private apartments
the oircular . librarq Wilding..
here seen. The photograph was taken on ern opening day when there were many
the picture is seers the tower, of the library, where the fire raged most savagely.
isust around the corner on the lift picture the and, betweenbetweenthat . corner and
Last of the Germans Driven Across
the Frontier to. Spanish Guinea.
A despatch from Madrid says:
Franco -British troops operating in
Cameroons the.. German Colony ,in
Western -Africa; have driven ' 14,000
'German troops across the frontier to
Spanish Guinea, probably ending the
Entente campaign for this important
German territory. Word was receive
ed in Madrid on :Sunday that the Ger-
'man troops had been disarmed and
interned as soon -as they crossed the
border. Only 900 of the German
troops were regulars. The other were .
colonials recruited from among the
Africantribes in the colony. -
q._�_..•Foe Will Tax All Bachelors.
A despatch from Copenhagen says:
The German Government proposes to
tax all .bachelors, according to de-'
spatches received here, ,
Sunclay is'a day of rest for men and
a day for others to wash their hair.