HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-2-10, Page 4Sander.. e Creeca, Proprietor• in advance i},1 00 per year rn IL.8C in Uniteii. States. If not !•n it advaeee 50c, extra per year may be charged TUU SDi .T, FEB. 10,1910 Dashwood Hydro election Monday Feb. 14th. Everybody vote in. favor of hydro: Private J. Moir of London spent ette.dai wrfth 'relatives in town, :tfr. Otto W llert is visiting Lr Z•irieh this week. .tars Hesrock of Zurich was the guest of her si„ett'r Mrs. Gueattlicr' s€ week. • :firs, C. Kellermapn underwent an operation Friday for abscess. The olzeta,t'_oe. was performed by.Drs. Me - Marten, Balfour and Schram. The pa- tient is doing nicely. Mrs. Jos. Davis of Eye, r `girth meet a few days in our v -e iaai:s est week, Mr P. 'llclsaac was the successful tender for the telephone centra;, i.ert for the :teat. tern. Centralia Mr. Austu Daplaaa o leendret-ts;n; the week. end with Mende 1frel~ascry end Alias Vera ia: late • tar t s;te-i at Mr. J. ()trees ";„ist na k .. 1 TS. 7Q ei F aSt: o 1 .a . i, 1 tin. r a the guest of tiflss Mart :-laic t t-sb. Rev. Frew: .•.n' Tucsdts le 1 4,2- Mr. s- lir, 'fade returned on Sa ur.lay laet after visiting a : eeele wetk'+ its Glencoe Mr. Weson Culbert is able to 1;e' up again atter his recent illness. Word has been received from W. R Elliott, who underwent a c rit- Leal operation on her throat at For - oat e that she is recovering nice:y The W.M.S. met at the home o IIiF'3 Davis on. Tue SdaY. Rev E. G. Powell of Cysto 0eu- A ed the pulpit here on Sunday ven- ing Zest. His discourse was mostly or the worl:'rtgs of the C:nada Tempe: ani e Act in Huron County. Sewell e'er loads of very fine .at. tie were shopped from here t:4 pas' few days to the Toront,e rear-- kets. Aid A: Homs a: tine perseaege was lergely attended •m 1 3 veev `''eltat:* evaatine x435 4'j+ "I* Ia; all present. BRI.' CEFIELD Tee reirel,ns of he '3.e Ron: « t iSa n'erred ,n Bayfield Cn- to n ,elonday efiernaon. Mr t- 1Jeen a Iiiehhe reepeeted eltiren end 4 s ^! .1 nennher of .S ee. u. .1. l.: po:ithn 1-e e,a '1 t: eraser .t:se sons c,n1 141,.,,E e.dtn te";I I Its., 1 1 Reber: 2nd :..e hem riC tl?e fere o-r,e td incl, it acv a: 'p 1 t„ es ns _ - e .d• den Road, L l;eve e Slake to �u Lai Z,:' `leeely rre-eari •,1+�'i eornc:l rest. — „lr. n and you;titer of Dun am eah l .4;reteened after e pit _wit the f e e t. n s.— of Ci:as t.lit- ton, 'inti n - t?interior of his dwel- ling rernod rend.—`.:r, jamer Aiken head 7peat. the week end in I.rndon on. bus°nese.—Chas. Wasm•i, 'in - f sed to his hone through .::res.—Mr. and Mae G. A. Glenn seen: he .reek endthe `former's parer:: and also mrde, a visit with their un -.!le, IIr. A. B. Stewart of Seattle. FEEBLE, AGED VIOL IAzl Saya Q.tzol'Nada Her Strong Grand Saline, Texas. --"1 am an aged woman and for a long time was weak and feeble but Vinol restored rnzy health and strength so that feel almost young again and am doing all my housework. Old people who are weak and feeble should try Vino' and know its merits as I do. It is the best medicine to create strength and for chronic eolds I have ever taken."---Mrs,FF-Neue E. RODGERS. Vinol, our delicious eod liver and iron tonic,is sold on our guarantee to benefit or your money will be returned. W S Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont. CLANDEBO'i'E An epidemic of measles has broken vet .ta this district, but neither school has been. closed,—The erection of poles for hydro power from Lucan tai Exeter will be finished in a few days acrd several local young men who stave been working on the gang will be 'aid off,— fir. J. Cunningham of this 1 li t a_ •t a ..L ,na, enlisted in the 135th 13 t .on at Parkhill, and will go to that nee: week to start training, L UMLEY 'Maggie idobkirk of Exeter+ ?home for Sunthv.—Jas. Horton x:,3 tip with eta attar': of pneu- -nee, and is under •the care of Dr; and Nurse Sherritt o HensaMl liairto. n, is also o-onfined to rayon; Airs. :Muir attd Russell : ta, Seaford' spent the week �. r--1 . r, A. B. • Par. e,r I E a.l. It S 1 � n H ,i: t of Seattle, Wash., visited his •er Mrs. W. Glenn, sr., this week. RIG hii[''€1T1ON ORDER. rst Call Spee Eer4tabl.ishtnent ot Canadian temmiss:on Received. OTTAWA, Feb. 8.—Au order for ight hundred thousand eighteen - pt. under shrapnel shells bas "lust been received by the Imperial Muni- tions Board from the British Miele- try of Munitions. This is the first large order which has come to Canada since the present Imperial Munitions Board sue. eeded the old Shell Committee. the Board's aergies having been directed ?Welly rd hastening deliveries on or- s planed s.gne time ago. It is probable the'. the new orders will he allotted in the forge of renewals to firms which air:. air •ady engagA•d- tr, the sea ur aetere of tbese shells. Thh nuts t o,a•+ iedustry is Canticle has d• ve loin: d a greeter eapaeity for rniug out eteln.een eemader shrap- nel sbolls than for the manuf etenre elf ane other end ie well ahl« to Mehra trf the• large order wbicb herr fust la ea r.,.t,t-d, ci: HALEN. Herb Cook trd Hector Mel,on �u- toed to London on Saturday.— Ties has been a remarkable winte-, .utoes leav'n; been on the roads every week. —Wm Toohey is •visiting this week with friends at St. Catherines.—A pat- riotic concert and a good supper will be given in this- church, on Wednesday next. 16th. Supper to commen•.e at 6 o'clock.—John McCarthy, who has been working for Hector Miiison dur- ing the past year, and is re-engaged for another term, its now,spend a a mon* with his father near Mo rs- v'le.—Those who are in the habit of laying in a supply of ice are viewing the question rather seriously as to whether they will be: any, this winter, but accord to the bear story of last week they have •s . weeks i cre to harvest the goads. The '_ad'es of this community have organized :hem „elves into a Red Crass seri.: and they will prepare another shinmen` of eomferts for the boys at the front, —Mr. Hslson Stanley's sale Last Wed- r:sday was very largely attended and -,nes soarer away up out of sight. -- I Mrs:•Plnefip Brooks remains• very poor - I . while Mrs. Henry Hern is improv - .in; a liittle,--:IIx. Frank Gunning gave a supper to a number of friends on Friday evening.—Wm. Suthurby° of Owen .Sound is visiting friends here The stork visited at the home of • Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dale Friday and presented them with a young son. CHISELHURST • Private Cliff Brintnell spent Sunday at ,his home here. -The Lime Light views; of :the. Life of David Living- stone were very clear and the pap - ex was well prepaxed ,on. Thursday.— The patriotic league has got started to work ttnd needless to say will give a good account of its elf ere long,• QT ENOUGH CHILDREN KITCHENt T J1' .03 EAsT MOW PRQBE ORDERED Irrlportant Staff Changes Are Occurring in London, er receive the proper balance of food eiciently nourish both body and indite the growing period when demands are greater than in .t life. This is shown in so tnnny :con Indies, frequent colds, of 1,r i.ion. ner `1 steel clui.lr e n we say with style .'4 ti ,•t : They nevi i,atul. , t t . I need it now. It c .r.: itrate,d form the very • tlair blood. It .: a.:t:i,. ti. -.tr.niath; it mates t e t.: r.... -- and : non,; and active. a-ett a. a :rue, Toronto. Ont, Auction Sale urt Circular Announces That; Sir William Robertson Will Issue Orders Regarding the Conduct of the War—Derby, Robertson, and Lloyd George Are M1 Mentioned as Probabilities for Secretaryship of War, LONDON, Feb, 8, The compara- Commission Will Investigate Parliament Mouse Fire. A. Pringle Has Been Appointed Chairman of a Special Board to Examine Into Origin. of Disas- trous Conflagration—No Well Authenticated ,Evidence of Ineen- diarism Has Been Secured by the Pollee So Far.. OTTAWA, Feb. 8.—An order -in- tively tranquil atmosphere that has Council was passed Saturday provid- marked the domestic political situa- ing for the appointment of a Com tion for some weeks has given way auisslou under the Inquiries Acct to to, a feeling of restiveness, and last investigate the origin of the fire night political London was aflutter which destroyed the Parliament with excitement and speculation, ceBuilding on Thursday night, with p- trail Upon Lord Kitchener. The Earl the death of seven persons, and all of Khartoum's future incumbency in circumstances relating thereto, The the office of Secretary for War seems inquiry will be in charge of two, or again in doubt, possibly three, men, and Sir Wilfrid to n one e aane Laurier h s best asked A revolutionary change ,lust made of the commissioners. It is under-- in theefunctions of the Secretary for War is the fundamental structure stood that R. II. Pringle, K.C., ex- from which rose during the: last 24 M.P..of Ottawa, has ben nominated hours a number of strong possibili- by tete Cabinet to act en tbe cora- ties, all culminating in the expects- mission, Gott of $weeping changes in Great The commission will begin work at Bonce, and will be given a free band Britain's military admfnlstration. 1 to employ all This change consists of a stew order means necessary to a whereby the British Chiet of Stan,1 therougit investigation. The aerrices General Sir Wm. R. Roberton, and : of tbe. Dominion police and of any not, as heretofore, the War Secre- tary. detective agency deemed of use will "shall be responsible ler frau- i be utilized. The investigation will. !fie the .°rd^rs of the Government re- I probably last several wanks, and a ;arti':ae military operations,'" report to Parliament is not expected Otic, rumor current here finds such unit- some time next month, Mean g. rs.ril eredenee, that the press and pttbi'n atta •h much significance to it, This is that Lord Derby, of recent recruiting fame, is to become War Were tarv. In some ttUarters, Lloyd George is insistently naentioued as the prola ;hle successor of Lord Kitch- ener, while in military circles Gen. Sir Wm. Robertson is considered likely to be named to the office. The general prediction that Lord Kitchener will be sent to the Farr East to look after the Turco -German menace to the Suez Canal, and ulti- mately to India, is admittedly de- veloping into a reality. OF 4o WELL-BRED DURHAM CATTLE at the OLD SLAUGHTER HOUSE YARD CREDITON, on ATURDA1, FEB. 12th, 1916, at 1 o'clock, the following soars end heifers in calf; balance heifer; and Steers one and two years old; 1 Shorthorn. Durham Bull, ped - >reed Terms -9 months' credit on approv- ed joint nates. 6 per cent. per annum interested added. NICHOLSOee & LAWSONProps FRANK TAYLOR, Auct• — On account of the Box Social Tues- day evening singing class was dispen- sed wide I' FARQUHA.R Mr. and Airs, Thos, liallantyrie of the 12th concession of Usborne lost their little: son, William Llewellyn on Friday last, atter an illness, due to in- digestion. The, Attie fellow was ag- ed 4 months; 28 days. The funeral took place om.Monday to Roy's cern f�,te:xy. while, although there are all aorta or sensational stories current as. to the presence of suspletoua characters about before the fire, bomb explo- siona during the fire, 1anponding ar- rests, ete., there is as yet no official or well -authenticated evidence bear - Ing out the theory of i*cendiarism. and Charles Strong, who was held at Windsor as a suspect, has been re- leased. The broke out again Saturday night in the quarters of the Speaker of the Senate, and the firemen, who thought that they hat extinguished the last embers just a few hours be- fore, were against surnanoned. This time the job of exti>aieihing was ATTACK SEEMS IMMINENT. + made complete. 1 Although the eastern block is be- ing specially guarded at present by a Drive on Salantca. i coanpany of soldiers and extra police - LONDON, Feb. 8. -••-Field Marshal , guards. a small fire was discoveredePrit there Saturday close to the Privy' von Mw kensen has assumed cont. Council elevator, It was promptly I rowed of the Austro -Garman army de- I extinguished. It may have been due stined to attack the allied expedition' to a smoldering ember in some of at Salonica. He has establiabed Ids! the salvage brought over from the headquarters at Monastir. Senate side of tbe Parliament Build - Meanwhile Gen. Gallwitz has gone l ings on the night of the fire. But Ot- tawa, in Rs excited state, sensed an- other enemy attack. Meanwhile, however, no chances are being taken, and there are addi- to Sofia, where be is inspecting the defences and entrenched camps sur- rounding the Bulgarian capital. He is also looking over the Bulgarian for- Auction Sale F ARti' STOCK & IMPLEMENTS or. Lo` 28; Con 4, USBORNE, .+n WEDNESDAY, FEB. I6th, at 1 p.m. sharp, the following Horses -1 gelding, heavy draft, :-yr old; 1 gelding heavy draft, 5 -yr -old :recti be, Uncle. John; 1 gelding, agri culturai 5 -yr -old, sired by Lord How - aa _::€,•n 1 gelding, egric., 3 -yr -ofd, ;ir- est by Col. Graham; 1 gelding, agri4, sired by Storm King; 1 aged to s: goad worker; 1 driving horse, 4 year. old <n foal; 1gelding driver, i, three wen broken; 1 filly dri- ver rising 2 -years. Cattle -7 cows, 1 due May 7; two due May 11; oae due May 15; one due May 16; one due May 14; one due April 3; 8 yearlings steers; 3 rear - ling ,heifers;. 10 steer calves; 7 heifer calvep,. Pigs -1 Hampshire sow, due eb,21; on.: sow. due Feb. 24; one l;hester• so:c. due Feb. 24; one Yorkshire now, due Feb 26; one sow due Feb 27; one saw dee Mar. 1; one Tamworth sow dui. March 9; two Tamworth sows due Mar 10:.. Hampshire sonar due. tear. 13; one Berkshire sow due. Mar 27; one sow due ;last of Feb.; one sow due it ddlle, of .April Sheep. -3' pure-bred Leicester ewes 17 pure-bred Leicester ewe iambs; 1 pore -bred Shropshire Down ewe. Hens -_-50 young hens; one oure- I bred Sive. Dorkin rooster, vine guinea Implements—Massey-Harris no yer , a n workin6 order, onp scufflee, 1asair bohsleig't ,out car fbr iron tarack:5.. n.1 retro. 15( feet long; '4 sets whit le - itrees new. 2 neck yokes; aloe .set of 1 r- !� atop 4a. team harness; set golden nes s etc, Terms—All sums of $5.00 and index a o, ez, that amount 12 months :re- v e:.'f .r ..r. dt :baa fc�ru%5�nzng app -Dred oint':'}l+tr Cs".- 5 Ther ren`, per annuinsoff loreash a,. Bred' amounts: ;,., „, " el. no. reserve, .. ELVES' T. CAMERON ;w1)kozrriettae Auctioneer. tifications along the Danube and on tional guards at the capital at all the Aegean Sea. It is considered places where fires or bombs might do probable that Gen. Gallwitz will coot- damage. The waterworks system mind the Turco -Bulgarian forces and the gas plant, and Government that are to co-operate with the north- House, as well as the departmental ern armies in the drive on Salonica. buildings, have been put under in - A Rome despatch says: "The at- creased and mai rigid surveillance. tack on Salonica is believed to be im- minent. New formed Bulgarian re- giments, otiicered by Germans, are now concentrating at Xanthi and Gumudiena, on the Dedeagatch- Salonica railway in Bulgaria, while the Austrian troops are moving out of Montenegro towards Monastir, leaving less than 60,000 behind to occupy the country. The invasion of Alba -i: will therefore probably be. heli_ is abeyance for some time, 'i los 'inauguration of an offensive mc• t nt by the German and 13u1 - i1 C tors which bave been sta- tee_ -ierg the Greek frontier is reported in a Salonica despatch to Paris, It is said an artillery duel has Leen in progress for two days in the neighborhood of Doiran, and that the British heavy guns are dominat- ing those of their adversaries. A despatch to the Rome Idea Na- zionale fiom Durazzo says that strong Austrian contingents are crossing the Sanjak on their way to Join the forces which are to attack Salonica, and that Iight Austrian columns are bivouacking, without advancing, betvreen the Rivers Mati and Ishni, in Northern Albania. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND 1'ffA1.1.C,E11., C,W,O., LL,L . D,C,L., President JOHN AIRD, General Manager. 1.1, V, P. JONES. Ass's General Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,00D RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and upwards, Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with- .. •iraSi air to be made by any one of them or by the su.rviver, Sad EXBTER BRANCH—H, J. WRITE lti an. CREDITON—A, E. KUHN,. No, FIGX T1 G IN ALBANIA. Fierce Conflicts Are Reported a Few Utiles North ot Durazzo. ROME, Feb. 8,: The situatiotl in Albania is unchanged. A squadron of Austrian cavalry has occupied the town of Kroja, about 12 miles north- east of Durazzo, while Bulgarian ir- regulars are nearing Elbassan, but the Italians and the troops of Essad Pasha have as yet not come in con- tact with the invaders. Fierce, mer- ciless fighting is going on in the in- terior of Albania between Christian and Moslem. Albanian tribesmen and armed bands have been recruited by the Bulgarians and ;financed by the Austrians and Germans. These bands are now infesting central and southern Albania, massacring the in- habitants who are friendly to Essad Pasha, burning towns and villages, and looting them of all things of value, such as domestic utensils made out of copper. These things are well paid for by the invaders, who are much in need of copper. The Austro - German and Bulgarian officers are systematically organizing massacres, applying the experience acquired by them in the invasion of Serbia, which, they boast, is now practically depopulated. During the Serbian campaign only 'five hundred prisoners were taken by the invaders. Of the remainder of the population the majority was mas- sacred. Now the same fate threatens Albania unless the Albanians co-op- erate with the Austrian and Bulgar- ian armies- against the Italians. CAMEROONS FIGHT ENDS. 900 Germans and 14,000 Colonial Troops Flee into Spanish Guinea MADRID, Feb. 8.—Nine hundred Germans and 14,000 of their col- onial troops from the German col- ony of the Cameroons, have crossed the border into Spanish Guinea, ac- cording to an official announcement made here yesterday. The troops have been disarmed and interned. This is taken here to indicate that the Franco -British campaign in the Cameroons is nearing a conclusion. The Franco -British campaign against the Cameroons, a German protectorate in western equatorial Africa, was begun in the spring oe 191e, French and British official re- ports:, have told of the occupation of Ngaundere, one of the chief interior trading stations, which from its sit- uation, itnation, climate, and the number of, roads converging from : it was the Centre of German resistance; of the taking of Tibati, 187 miles from the Nigerian border, and the more re- cent capture of the towns of teeing, Nkan, Lolodorf, and the retirement of large convoys into Spanish Guinea. German Aeroplane Factory Burned. GENEVA, Feb. B.—Fire has virt- ually destroyed the 3'obannisthal aerodrome just outside Berlin ac- cording to privatetelegramsfrom Munich and Stuttgart received at Basel yesterday, Six or nine new' aeroplanes are reported to have been to have beers the work of 'spies. No lives were lost.,, German Battleship :Sunk by a Mine.. C 1BISTIANIA, Feb 8----Acopr4- ing io the Heisingcer Ayit,,•aa large Germanwarship was sunk in the Fladen Grund; a shallow in the Cat- tegat, suppoaed• to be mined,: "S.O. S." calls were :heard, but ceased after a time. RELIEF FORCE HALTED. NCORPORATED 1855 .....�..: 11 TIIE MOLSONS BAM( • i • R 0 11 a M r,eo•r•r..a.A-•ws..ewrvwOrrasaias a.104114ff Capital & Reserve $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted Circular Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate l~XE'FER laRANCIi— W D. CLt3.RKE, aaniVer, a a • •• • . 0 ••1 lltaR-•al1![allall;t Trench Operations Nov Being Car- ried en Along Tigris. LONDON, Feb. 8.—The correspon- dent of the British press in Meso- potamia, telegraphing from Basra, Asiatic Turkey, under date of Febru- ary 2, emphasizes the hard task . of the Kut relies force. He says the climatic conditions compare with the worst experienced in France in the Winter of 1314. In few campaigns have the British and Indians been so severely tried. Lace' of cover in, the fiat: country exposes` the advancing troops to rifle fire at 2,000 yards. .t the present time, owing to the recent halt, the conditions are be - corning like those in France. Com- municating trenches have been cut and for the moment the operations are confined to sniping and artillery fire. The Turkish official statement reads: Irak front, near Felahie, there has -been' a small artillery an crinfan- tr3batt1e. Near Rut -el -Am ra there is -no change in the: situation." Killed by Runaway'rBbrse BROCKVILLE, Feb. 8.-A. horse "driven by Mary Simpson, of Seely,'sr Bay, took fright and. ran away. Miss , '`Simpson was thrown from the'buggy, receiving injuries which caused'al- most instant deatb.' The victim of the fatality, was about 25 years oid and daughter of.John Simpson, a wealthy farmer of the locality. GEORGIAN MFG. CO„ • The Harmless butEii't cent rem edyfor HeadaGlss N euraigia,Anaemla, S1esp- lessne:ss, NerVaus E7c- 1 c:stion, 4C. AT DRUGGISTS, or br mall from COLI-INGWOOD, ONT. A post Bard addressed to us as below, with your name andaddress oxtvont,hcother side, will cost but one cent. Drop it in the nearest mala box, anditwilibr'mg prompt- ly a copy of our illustrated 80 -page catalogue for 1916. With it will come also—free —a i8c. packet of Byron Pink Tomato A perfectly formed tomato, the Byron Pink is uniform, large, and attractive. The flesh is firm, and the flavor delicious and full-bodied. It is aarobust grower and a heavy cropper. It is an ideal tomato for . forcing. You are going to buy seeds anyway; then you might just as well send for our catalogue and get this .free premium for yourself. The Catalogue tells about the other valuable premiums which we give with every order. DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO., LIMITED, LONDON, ONTARIO, CANADA 17 .IYJ 3 get ate c �3 1.4 mel 2J Beautiful Mair' MAKES ANY WOMAN ATTRACT- IVE AND YOUTHFUL, AND LA- DIES W}30 WOULD MAKE THEIR APPEARANCE WHAT THEY'D LIKE IT TO BE SHOULD SEE Dorenwend's Display of Fine Hair Goods At the Central Hotel, Exeter, On Friday, February 11th .. SWITCHES, BRAIDS, TRANSFORMATIONS, POMPA- DOURS, WAVES, ETC. —the products of Canada's old- est and largest bale -goods house. "Bald Ge tleme !! A DORENWEND'. TOUPEE IS AN Gentle/nen,/ .�n . . ABSOLUTE NECESSITY TO THE i„N :MAN WHO IS BALD. IT WILL �t�Jfj PROTECT YOUR 'HEALTH 'AND ' MAKE YOU APPEAR YEARS YOUNGER', Conteand see theta an.. day of visit and havers. 'A FREE JT✓kONSTRATION 105Tango g i omo EN WEND'S » 173 � ,p srk'St t Ottawa., ,.. t. ".LSA .,rn41, SCHOOL REPOT' of S. S. No. 2, leSBORNE, fox tithe'„ m'o'nth of Javan[ acv :-Sr 4-U. Snell 66:: jr. • 4 ', Turnbull 74, R. • Pollen 56, C. Stewart 54, 13. W tlianvs 37, S'r.3-L. 1<iiight 62, I. Williams 58, M. Doupe 57, G. Stewart 54, A. Randle, 43. Sr: 2—A, Hunkin 71, M. Cottle 59, G. McDon- ald 51, C. Douipe 49. Jr. 2—S. Fran,- ts 67! W.'Allison 62„ S Pollen 58, E. Stewart 56. Ji. .2 'A—CCamp'be1l:73 W:. Allan,.. , 0,. h1ogd •ert;.59, ,. die 3ti G. Itinsght 32: 1st—k., Turn- ,.. bull 65, H. Pollen. 62. Pr. B --R. Cot- tle' 83 C. Stewart 72, B. Campbell. 54. 12r, A -R, Cottle 30. No on; roll 30; average attendance. 21. 'Maggie Coward, teacher, M a AI in enc aa tits tri a± cos cue sid goc sec d ear: acv pat i14 ti 110 Pre std iti to by sub, tain De N. tl:Is J YO If y ;dein: man, Stud may once mere party DR gulau $1o..:; addre cow�, s YPIK •mat e Omar SP Char Hot :tags, iaai £,Isle (or car r BE] 0 Mow Zur. MicI Pres Fu Goat Fu tion-