HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-2-10, Page 3kbout the ouse Useful flints arid °elleral Afoul -lay tion for the Busy . Housewife Sweet Cakes From Scotland, quickly made than the other kind, To Since the Scotch housewife is a quart of sifted flour add a teaspoon - known both .for her thrift and her ful of salt and four teaspoonfuls of sweet cakes, the Canadian house- baking powder and sift again; then keeper will the well to imitate he_ rub in with the tips a the fingers a coed tables oonful of lard and farix; Her clam are delicious and easily to a slough that -will just drop from. methods in the culinary .department. g p ` '` c made, as the following recipe will a spoon. Use either milk or water to moisten, Drop into greased biscuit prove; likewise those for fruit cake, tins, allowing xoom to spread, and ;Scotch l U15 and coke Dundee• babe in a quick oxen about 20 rnin- scotch Shortcake: --Eight ounces : Utes. if mixed Zvith miolu less lard butter, 4 ounces granulated sugar, 4 may be used. - ouncee ria flour, 12 ounces flour.' Cream the butter by hand and add the household Hints. sugar, rice flour and wheat flour. Table linen should be ironed only Work all with the hands on a lightly on the wrong side. floured board into a smooth dough. Dry sponge cake. may be served break off and form by hand into smothered in custard, round cakes about the size of ordinary New bread will cut very stnoath'ly fishballs. Prick lightly with a fork if the knife is heated, and pinch them around the edges,. Black stocking legs make excellent. cloths for sponging a dark suit. Fruit whips and custards are then place the cakes on buttered pa- pers in the oven. Scotch Uuas..--Quarter pound ,rut -1 amen the best 'things for anni- ter, i?• , cupfuls flour, ?» teaspoonful valid's dessert. baking powder, 1 pound flour, ax Fruit trees should be trimmed a pound brawn sugar, 2 pounds chopped little every year and not much in raisins, 2 pounds currants, la pound,any one year. orange peel, ei pound split almonds, 11 In making eake accuracy in pro - teaspoonful cream tartar, 14, tea-, portioning the ingredients is neves-� spoonful black pepper, Pinch each sary to the success of the cake. ground ginger, cinnamon and Jamaica j Yolks of eggs left over front used pepper; milk. Rub the butter into the whites earl. be kept for several days cmc and one..half cupfuls of flour with if they are covered with cold water. the baking powder, using a little cold' Carbolic acid is a good disinfect- -water for wetting, mix it into a Arm ant, but useless diluted with at least paste, and then roll it out on the 20 times its bulk of cold water, board in a thin sheet. Butter the in -1 If the closet where you hang tins side of a fair-sized cake tin and line and - cooking utensils is badly lighted, it neatly with .the paste, reserving 3 try painting the hooks and nails portion of the paste for the top of white, the bun. Fut the remainder of the if a little ammonia is mixed with ingreatients together en a large bowl the beeswax andturpentine used for and add enough mills to slightly floor polishing the wax will dissolve moisten all. Affix together thorough- quickly. 1y with the hands and pour the mix -.1 Add a little blueing to the water tore into the pastelined cake tin. " that is used for ~washing windows, omplete Dining Reece Suite $43.90 of Chairs, $3-Q0. Ontario, We defy competition, Our prices are the lowest in the Dominion of Canada. Write for our special catalog. CITY ROUSE FURNISHING COMPANY Montreal, Que.. matte of selected hardwood. Imperial Oak finish, consisting of Buffet, China Cabinet, Round Extension Table, - Set of Chairs (5 regular chairs and one arro chair, Upholster. ed with leatherette seats). Priced separately; Buffet, $15.50; China Cabinet, $10,00; Extension Table, $10.75; Set Freight paid for Provinces of Quebec Abel 1340 St. Lawrence Boulevard, How the Army Makes Roads, Bridging the gaps across the swamp; of Flanders --a eordu'roy road built of tree trunks by the Canadian Engineers, who have had experience with such country in Northern Ontario and British Columbia. This scene is somewhere in Flanders, and in wet xveether this spot was practically a lake, 13RITISR Cf3LUMU1A. Some Natural Bounties of the Can • underhadice of white crepe Georgette, The high collar, smart sleeve, and flaring skirt present a pleasing pic- ture. The second froclz is also in jumper effect; one of the dainty rib- bon girdles with lung, flying ends and small cravat bow is a feature. The Juniper Frock for Spring. skirt is unusual and new, and the It is interesting to follow the trend jumper particularly simple and smart of fashion each season, to note how , of cut. This idea is nicely suited to surely and completely w e come to ap- a either taffeta, or a fine serge. Tlie prove of even the most decided change i open throat, which will probably eon - after it has been presented to us in • tinue in favor during the summer, is attractive guise, at different times and an attractive detail of the underblouse on various occasions, it surely does !of crepe de Chine. seem, too, upon looking back some j A Word on Collars and Capes. few years, that each season's changes f "Cadets as they call those trim, are for the better. For instance, the ; ea Coll a colas introduced thin res., full skirt; how we all pooh-poohed it p when the whisper first began to circu- ;,' son, are features of many of the new - late that it was to be revived, and ; est frocks and blouses. tine oaf the that our trim, youthful narrow shirt Harvest blouses shows a series o� these had had its day, To -day, however, _ little "collets" graduated from a nar- the full skirt isone of the approved row frill about the neck to a deep features of the modes, and is still cape extending quite to the waist. These cape -luta collar., resembling the g fuller, We smile upon it ala- capes on a coachnianai coat, are arovingly now, and what, at its first among the latest and most approvedfol color effects that the eye of an°appearance was looked open as bulk aatist could ever look upon. and clumsiness, is now considered Overhead was a deep blue sky, with quaint and daintily feminine. Level the top ;and put on the top and they will look brighter and keep dian Sunset Province. here and there a soft, white, fleecy piece Prick paste that has been reserv- cleaner longer. We are so near the borders of civil- eloucl -which so wonderfully matched end, I r ick slightly with a fork, brush To cleanse corsets, take some warm ization, where one only need travel a the dazzling whiteness of the anoun- either with egl;, well beaten, and . suds to which a few drops of ammonia short distance out of town to feel real- , taro peal's. place in oven. Bake four hours. i have been added. Spread the corset The effect of a scene like that is not Scotch Fruit` Cake, ---?s pound but -g ly and truly last. on a flat table, t<zkin out the laces^ °semi to>t, and as I took off my hat, ter, 1 pound fiour,.,1 pound currants, 6 but not the bones and steels, Scrub We have been here at Smithers, B. and did some talking to myself and to ounces mixed lemon and orange peel : with a clean brush and hot suds, then C•, now for seven months,, so, of •the hese, I knew how Peter felt when and citron, 2 ounces almonds, blanch.' rinse quickly in clear warm water I course, the tenderfoot' or cheep he said to our Lard—''Let us build ed and split,' 1 teaspoonful baking Lay flat on a board in the sun or ace feeling has pretty well left us, - three tabernacles, one for Thee, one powder, 6 eggs, few drops vanilla. ner the fire, so that it may dryi and while we could not yet be classed , for 1tloses, and one for Elias,' Beat butter to a cream. Add other ,,1 with the 'old-timers" as they say «As one worhips, amidst such won- dice of the dance frock or dinner ingredients', with eggs wall beaten, quickly. Do not iron. here, or as "sour-doughs," as they dress. In many of the new dinner A quick and effective way to clean derful scenes, one surely feels like Stn vigorously and bake well in the grants when making cakes is to' say farther north, yet this country is staying there for some time, and I and evening dresses ribbon bows of way usual for fruit cake. put the fruit into a colander with al beginning to feel a little more like suppose if one had lived in the clays all descriptions Ara used for trine- Danndee Cake. -Four ounces butter, sprinkling of flour and rub round a ` "Rome, Sweet home," of the patriardis, one would have ming; there are perky little bows, 6 ounce; sugar, 7 ounces mixed few times with your hand. If a col - The climate here is very fine, and,, felt like erecting an altar to the God wide, graceful bows, simple bows with 'orange :„ nevi lemon peel, 4 eggs. ander is not at hand use a clean cloth., many who have travelled quite ex- of heaven, as did .Jacob at Bethel, and flying ends tacked on to bodice, and Cream the butter first, then add the Curtains and tab' cloths will looktensively, say it is one of the best in saying "Truly, this is the house of skirt at various angles. Itme, Jenny Ribbon As Trimming. Ribbon is being used profusely trimming on both hats and frocks. It ranges in width front the inch-wide fatile or moire banding, girdling the waist of the severe little frock of taf- feta or serge, or forming the perky cockade on the chic chapeau, to the wide satin, moire, or taffetaribbon whichforms the entire skirt or bo - flour, sugar, well -beaten eggs, etc, best if they are not starched. P'ut a' the `world. God, and the gate of heaven." Tour into buttereui cake tints and tablespoon of methylated spirit to ai The summers are not as warm as But the missionary, like the dis- hake, gallon of rinsing water, This Neill Ontario, and the nights are always ciples of old, has to get back to the make the cloths quite stiff enough,! cool. 'Winter does not come any ear- valley, and mutat not forget that he is help to keep them white and make lier than . in Ontario, and usually Here 13 miles from home, but both them shine when ironed. I comes more gradually, and we do not man and horse feel better far the -_____ a get the cold fall rains, nor the wind; short pause, and so we lope along I in fact, it is on very rare occasions' down to Smithers, if not to literally RUSSIA'S NEW'RAIL° that we have much wind. I cast out demons from a child, yet i Selected Reclpes. A nice way to make a pudding is as follows; Mix together one cup whole wheat flour, one-half teaspoon- ful soda zuixed with a quarter cup of molasses, one -halt cup of milk and one-half cup of raisins and currants or dates and figs, Steam and serve with a hard sauee made by beating to a cream one-quarter cup of but- ter with one-half cup of pulverized or soft sugar and . flavoring with van- ila or nutmeg. Cabbage with cornmeal dumplings and direct route by which Russia can There are a few settlers scattered; these clays, that one is a part of the frock, with the added attraction of is mighty good, even if unusual. The receive unlimited supplies of muni- through the valley, but unfortunate- i finest empire on earth, one of the being easily freshened and changed cabbage is quartered and cooked tions of tear, The time set for corn- lY, the best of the land near the rail- ;largest and best of her colonies, and by the addition of a contrasting with a piece of "side meat" till very pletion was October let. This time road is held up by speculators, and; what is best of all, a member of that guimpe or underblouse. One of the limit Was exceeded by fully three this is a great hindrance to the devel- kingdom which is alcove all kingdoms, most attractive of these jumper weeps. opment of the country. The scenery f the principles of which are destined Such in brief are the facts covering here.is very fine indeed, and in the , to be the prevailing principles of this tae of the greatest undertakings in fall when the leaves were turning, T' yvliole world, when the visions of pro - Runs From Petrograd to the Arctic winter. The mercury went down re- , to take charge of and a class to a soft, lightweight wool. 'acorn with Ocean. eently to 30 below, and once it was a , teach, so perhaps that in some meas- guimpes, or over the regulation shirt - The new Russian railroad from few degrees colder, However, these . ure may help to prevent the demons blouse of erepe de Chine, crepe P t r d to the Arctic Ocean is an- cold spells do not last more than a from getting in to the lives of these Georgette, or taffeta it makes an at - There are occasional cold snaps in there is work to do, a Sunday school is particularly given to ribbon trim- mings; some of her dainty dresses have their sheer, full skirts banded around, the bottom with wide metal - edged ribbons giving then a most ef- fective appearance. Jumpers Still in Vogue. • For Iate spring and early fall, there is nothing quite as satisfactory as the jumper dress of taffeta, serge, or eroga nouneed as complete. The new line day or so usually, and really one feels} fine Canadian children in this great connects the whole of western Russia the cold more at the coast when there empire of ours, on which the sun with the ice -free ocean of the north, is from 20 to 30 degrees of frost than j never sets. nd at the same time opens up a new you do here that much below zero. t What a privilege it is to feel in tractive costume for street and gen- eral daytime wear, perfectly suitable without coat or other wrap. Such a dress has all the appeal of a one-piece' tender. Then put some of the soft white cornmeal into a bowl, salt it, pour on enough of the boiling "pot liquor" to moisten slightly, and add water to snake the dough just stiffmodern railroad construction. The en- think T never saw such magnificent phet and poet are fulfilled, and there enough to pat into cakes about half tire distance covered is about 1,200 color effects. One Sunday, instead of is the reality of Tennyson's vision of an inch thick and as big as the top miles. The route traversed is from taking the shorter road borne, I came the future where he says:— of a tumbler. Drop these on top of Petrograd to Petrozavodsk and Kem, down from Telkwa on the north side of the Bulkley river, by the Hazelton , "Far along the world-wide whisper road, which is four miles farther; and of the south -wind rushing -swarm, I shall never forget the view. After With the standards of the people riding up from the river bottom on plunging through the thunder - the cabbage, and let them cook about northward via Kem to Kandelax, Kola 20 minutes, and finally to Ekaterina, on the Are - This is one way of making beef tic Ocean. The building of the new loaf. Cut as much underdone cold railroad was commenced last spring, meat as is required. Put it through when it was found Haat the, existingto the higher ground, I stopped the storm; a mincing machine.and mix with fine Archangel -Petrograd route could not horse and .just sat for a few minutes Till the war -drum throbb'd no longer, g entranced by the wonderful panora- and the battle -flags were furl'd, bread crumbs half the quantity of -the handle the immense amount of war ma of nature. On the right (north) In the Parliament of man, the Feder- there�was a pretty little lake about ation of the world, three miles long nestling in the val- - ley, partly hidden by the surrounding Not in vain the distance beacons, for -- woods, and in the. background was ward, forward let us range, the gradually rising foothills of the Let the great world spin forever down Babine range with . the glistening the spinning grooves of change. snow-capped- peaks about 20 miles , (Rev.) W. C. FRANK. away. In` front ('vest) was about 50 Smithers, B.C.,, January, 1916. miles of the Bulkley valley with the, river winding its way along, looking beef. Season with one teaspoonful munitions traffic being offered at the chopped parsley, one-half ounce port of Archangel. - thyme, 2 ounces butter, half cup very The rise of Russia's Pacific coast good gravy or cream, a high season- port, Vladivostock, to a port of world ing of nutmeg, salt, cayenne, mace importance within the last year was and two eggs. Grease a mold, put in accompanied by a tremendous in- crease in imports of American goods. Figures made public show that ten times as much goods poured through the mixture, bake about 45 minutes, 'turn out and send to table with plenty of bi-own gravy. A dainty egg dish may be made this narrow gateway during the first after this fashions Butter fireproof eight months of 1915, as in the same china cups, put " two teaspoonfuls " of period of 1914. cream into each, then break very Imports at Vladivostok for the first. carefully an egg into each. Dust with eight months of, last year were vain pepper, salt and parsley. Stand these ed at$$7,625,000. Japanese shippers cups in the chafing dish or granite got the heaviest share of 'thisbust- basin with enough boiling water to come half way lin the cups. Have the Tess, with doSta valued at$32,397,000. The United States was second with $81,620,000. ., lower pan full of hot water under- neath. Boilup gently until the eggs are set; serve in cups very 'hot.. In these 'days of high-priced eggs, "Pool Man's Cake" will be appre- ciated. Yolk of one egg, one-fourth cake of ehoeolate shaved ane, one- half cupful of cold water. Placethis mixture over boiling teakettle and stir until it thickens. To one cupful of sugar, one `.tablespoonful of butter, one-half cupful of boiling water, one level teaspoonful of sodadissolvedin • a little of it, one and one-half cupfuls of flour put together, add the choco- late mixture, flavor to taste. Bake in i.7110 layers and put together with a t1'=;it tiilmg -Drop" are much more Placed to His 'Account, • "Does she trust her husband'?" "I guess so. Everything that goes wrong she charges up to him." •Mutton is excellent for cold weather being of high heating value. Irish stew is better still. So many: young people fall in' love because they are just as foolish es older people, in the distance like a huge serpent In ` Furs impart no heat to the body; the distant west the Roche de Boule they merely prevent the heat of the peakseemed to touch the heavens, body front escaping. while. to the left the. Hudson Bay rangeseetecl to be equally as high The 'earth below.its surface is on account of the fact that they were so muck nearer. Then to 'the left and warmer, even in; the hardest frost, partly behind • was the Telkwa range, than the top of the ground. just as beautiful as the others, and --- these seemed to gradually taper down In bed, the body should be as warm to lied the valley to the east, where as possible, the Bolder the head is, the. the Bulkley river could be seenwind- better. ing its way down through the broader •-- valley which -with its few clearings Cold winters follow wet summers, with the farm houses dotted here and owing to the reduced temperatures of there, giving one the impression that the earth. he was not absolutely alone in this vast territory that in such compara- tively recent years has been settled by the white man. The whole valley, and the foothills seemed to be just one great variety • of color, about half the evergreen In India and the East Indies the na- ' 's ' • about ire and the rest' tives mix white ants with flour and A foolish Woman's odea of �'a stylish' spruce and p , The poor man wants food :Eor bis appetite; the rich man wants appe- tite for his food. hat is one that costs a lot, of moneythe different kinds of trees and bushes make them into pastry. This is con - regardless of what it looks like:' gradually taking on the most beauti- .sidered to be highly nutritive. 6958 lack Taffeta Jumper Dress. - Grasshoppers have their eare on„ 6827 - The New Ribbon Girdle. of the new dress details; they are especially effective on frocks of taf- feta and satin. Variety in Sleeves. The drop -shoulder and full sleeve is a feature of many of the new frocks; in fact, the sleeve is the point, it would seem, where designers - and dressmakers are expending most of their ingenuity. Many original, at- tractive notions are being carried out in the cuff, in the trimming, and in the shoulder line. Fulness is a decid- ed feature, and many effective meth- ods of trimming are being resorted to, for instance, stiff little ruffles and. frills, and old-time quillings appear, lending an air of .1840, which is quite in keeping with the full skirts and , - other features of this period daily be- ing introduced. - The Youthful Silhouette. There were many of us . who be- moaned the passing of . the -slender skirt because of its youthful air, but Fashion has taken care of this, too, in her new rulings. The flare of the skirt and coat, the suggestion of a slender waist, the shortness of the skirts, topped effectively by a perky,' high hat, very close fitting, and com-, pleted with trim, wellfittin,g,footwear, is quite as youthful and trim, and far more comfortable than the •pipe - stem skirt in which a natural stride was utterly impossible. Patents can be, obtained at your, local McCalldealer, or • from the McCall Company, Department "W,'", 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Canada. Many a man's honesty is due to'the} fact that his price is too high. their front legs. The great green dresses is illustrated here, developed grasshopper has its ears under its in black taffeta, with accompanying ,:nee, t