HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-2-3, Page 8EXE]'ER A ] C]GATE� THERS11AY FEBRUARY 3, 1816 EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED SAM WI6DNESDAY ,Wheat. Barley,.,, Buckwheat... , . , , Oats Potatoes. per bag , , .. ,. 176 gay, per Flour, pee cwt., family' ,Flour, low grade per cw .Bitter .,,., 23 eleearnery Butter........ 31i1z>ztt< 30 90 to 1 13 50 55 4 12 42 00 15115 33 3300 12 35 30 9 40 20 00 2500 1490 Live h,ogs, per ewe. ... Shortsper., Bran per toe .,,.,,,.,.,. The alternate thawing and freezing weather is hard on the meadow and the fall, wheat TRIBUTES TO _MUSICAL ART.- eir, Thenar Clarks, principal of the well known touring company, Messrs :darks & Co. of Dramatci Art, while in Exeter visited at the home of Mrs Harrison Gambrill for the purpose of hearing one of her pupils, Mr. Arthur Cole of Usborne in a selection of high class comic: Scotch, English and Irish songs, Mr. Clarks congratulated the pupil on having been thoroughly train ed, , osseasing excellent voice elocu- tic^, facial expression, and dramatic are ano very highly congratulated Mrs. G:,mbrill on her wonderful talent as a teacher of widest scope, one of his remarks beat; that comic singing is the most difficult sub;ect to ac- �luirc;, specially to impart to others. MILK BOOK LOST. -In Exeter, on Jan, 26th, Book, containing milk ac- counts. Finder will confer a favor by returning same to Ephram Hewitt. --x--o-x_, 40x. CORDS OF CORD WOOD WANTED at the Exeter Salt Works CP. Lulled. For prices write. or call upon the manager.- IOS. SLIT - ,TON, elanager, ON FRIDAY, FEB. 11th, Doren wentt's of Torenta, Canada's foremost hair goods: designees and manufactur- era will display and demonstrate a sample stock of ladies quality lsair goods an Gentlemen's toupees sad wigs at the Central Hotel, Exeter. A. free demonstration of any style IS available e anyone, interested. S11 UATIO4' WANTED.- for a strong girl, aged 16. Town preferred. Apply at Advocate Office, 400 TONS SALT -400 tons alarm Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per ton; SOc. per bag, EXETER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd 3 .Sutton, Manager. SALT FOR SALE. -An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt for Bale at Old Temperance House, at the G T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. - ED, MAGUIRE. Exeter. BOY WANTED. -Good smart boy wanted at once to learn printing. Ap- ply at this• office. BOY WANTED -To learn the Dry Goods Business. Apply to B, W. F. Beavers, Exeter. Scientists have pledged their aid to the Kinte..by devoting all their energ- ies tc the task of bringing the war to a victorious conclusion. In the mean- time, the health and nerves of our brave soldiers and their friends at home is suffering, and TAKAKE is the one perfect remedy for nerves. Fifty cents at your druggist's or by mail from the Georgian Mfg. Co'y , Collingwood, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN Jlonee :o loan on farm and village property at Iowest rates. ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer &c., Exeter. W, ROBINSON LIC Ee: D AUCTIONEER AND '9 1 L UA i'C R for Counties of Huron Pet • t. 11td.t'esex and Oxford. Farm Sto.1 Sea; a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to Centra Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Chaigee moderate and satisfaction is guaranteed. CHOICE FARM FOR. SALE FIFTY ACRES a lovely . home, story m , 1� brick house with frame kitchen and woodshed at- tached, bank barn with hog, hen and straw house attached; 4 acres hard wood bush; 5 acres in fall wheat; 20 acree in grass; balance plowed, and read ,for crop.; thoroughly under- drr.niei and well fenced, and never - failing spring well, and first-class land in first-class condition. 3 mile from Exeter where there is a high school and 4 miles from Hensall, two of the best market towns in Ontario; Rural roa l route and telephone. Possession given March lst, 19161: If not sold privately will be sold later with :hat 4 _els Easy - t •erns of payment, For particulars apply to Melvita Gould, proprietor,or to Thomas Cameron, Exeter Ont. AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE FARM Toclose, up the estate of the late fames Couch Thos. Cameron will 1 J offer at Perknn's Hotel, Hensall, •tn . SATURDAY, FEB. 5th, 1916 At 3 o'clock sharp, that choice farm composed of Lot 23, Coag. 13, :•Iib beet County of Perth, 100 acres op which there is a first-class brick .iwel ling, large nearly new bank barn dad drive house. This 'farm is well rem: - ed and has .a good hard -wood push. Positively no reserve. Possession 10th March 1916. Terms and particuar s made known on day of sale, or on application to Thoe. Cameron, aur tioneei R " R. No, 1, Kirkton, or phone by way of Exeter. LOCAL DOINGS, Net. Fritz b recovering from; h illness Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Selden enter- tained a number of friends ox Friday etnening last, The Exeter Fall Fair dates are :'fixed for the" Monday and Tuesday follow- ing Londoe Fair J• J Black, formerly of St. Marysi, has been transferred froait, \folsons Bank, Kirk -ton, to HensalI, 6fa. has. Woods, who has been, duty for the past few weeks owing t illness. is again able to resume work The remains of the late Charge Amy of Burford were brought here for burial on Friday morning last and interred in Exeter cemetery. Mr. Well. Johns has a Leghorn hen that is worth something, as she l aged two eggs in one day last week One egg'• was much smaller than the other. Another Parkhill boy forging to the front. Victor Vanaistinc, who has been in the employ of the ; teeter Foundry has been made foreman of the moulding department. -Parkhill Gazette The Young Men's and Young Lad- ies Bible Classes of James Street Church will hold their annual ban- quet i on they willuesday nentert insthePsol- diers the same evening. Under the ceremony of the Church. of England and the beautiful service of 'the Order of Oddfellows the re- mains of _the late Bro, Henry Lam - brook were laid to rest in Exetez cemetery on Friday morning !est. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H'alloaan and' son za companied the remains here. :litany of the older and middle-aged residents of Exeter will remember Ar- a th ("Shepherd") Stanlake, a former resident of Exeter, who went west several years ago, married, and now bas a big son, Russell, who has en- listed With the, 101st battalion, Rus- sell gave up a good position, with the rain Growers' grain department, The •Pr i<'Md 1J Beard o£ Health, Af- ter Fey st, will supply to the nubile Erie oi charge through local boards of health, -smallpox vaccine in •papillary tubes diphtheria antitoxin in vials; te,Lanu, antitoxin in vials, anti -me ai- gitie serum in vials, anti -typhoid vac- s:41e in vials and Pasteur preventive treatment for rabies, If other : on- tanners are desired charge will bre made for the containers. These pro- ducts are not to be sold. A couple of whiskey raids were made in Zurich last week, when the home of err. Bender was searched and some wet goods found, and the premises of Christian Either were -deo searched and underneath the floor of the pigpen about $12S worth of "'zipp' was found. The next day efr.t F,ilber drove to Clinton and settled the fines on three charges. It cost 1,156 in fines besides costs, and the price of the liquor, which was confiscated. The Canada Temperance Act deals strictly with shipments not nor per- sonal use. and any pian that brings it in, is liable to be, fined. He can also be fitned for storing or delivering or selling, or causing to be brought,- or seirped, or stored or delivered) and the severity of the law is only now being realized. o 'a Mrs W. J. Mean= is visiting in " Toronto Miss Kestle of Arva is visiting with relatives here, firs. (Dr.) Bond and daughter left is Wednesday to. visit in Hamilton, Mr. ;Hogg high School Inspector, was here on official. duty last week, Private Lloyd Rivers spent the week end in Berlin visiting friends., Mrs. James Sweet and Mrs. oansuel Sweet visited in Clinton over Sunday a car of hoohn rsesLshippeleftd by r with Welsh to the West der. Amey Wexler has returned from Drayton and Walkerton, where a he spent some weeks. • Miss Louise Blake. left Saturday last s for .Portland, Oregon, where she in- tends making her home for at least 1 some time. HICKS` FEBRUARY FORECAST. --Ae t' r ac ionary storm period is cen- tral e - tFal on the 4 h 5th,andd6th Many riy dtis - turbannes in the, way of storms and erratic changes are probable at this time A sudden rise of temperature on and touching the 6th, with Squalls and thunder gusts in many isolated localities should not surprise. A re- action to cold, fair weather weill fol- low about the 6th to 9th. A regular storm period is central on the 10th, covering ; the 8th to 13th.. As we en- ter thi' period we are to expect a decider': change to warmer. During, the '9th to .11th these conditions will break into . storms of wind and :ain. with .snots' and cold in the north and west, --o-- EXETER PATRIOTIC LEAGUE - The regulaf...monthly meeting will be held in. the Library on. Monday even- ing Feb : 7, at 7.30. The following letter. have been received: Montreal, Jan. 4, 1916 Secretary Exeter Patriotic Leagtee, In pursuance of your letter of the lath we beg to advitse you that we have received on the 15th inst., by G T R. the box of clothing which you kindly forwarded to our work as a donation from the Exeter Patriotic League, In the name of destitute and distressed Belgians we thank you, most sincerely for the consignment. Please extend our thanks to the members of ycur league, Yours respectfully. Hector Prud Humane, Secretary. Bevan Military Hos pital, Sangate Dear Ladies:. Jan. 7th, 1916 Thank you s0 much for 'the con- signments of:,good things you have sent to our patients,. We are most grateful to you helping us. This is voluntary staff of English ladies. It is, at the Canadian base, at Shorncliffe and receivewounded Canadians direct fron. the , front. 15th' k friends trek, the friends of Nova Scotia are very interested in thje 25th, and we have to -day received gifts for these men _but your gifts of jam and preserves will be welcortitrd by the Whole hospital. . You have .every rea- sot; to be proud of your mien, and the way they have come forward, to help the right. in this fearful struggle. We are endeavoring to show your men when they return from th e front that at the fully appreciate everything thy have done. and we endeavor also to make up to them for all they have gone through, Aga rithanking you. 'Yours Yours sincerely Sister M. U. Ford, Commandant. We art having a Valentine Social eu FeIeta,y 14: Particulars later. TEA ROOM -me Tea-room will be epee Saturdaq afternoons to receive \other for the Belgians, also canned tt uit,--'Mrs. W, J. Beers, Sec'yTreas. Mr and Cies. Nelson _Hoskins of Chicago are guests of Mr. and Itfrs. Moser Amy and :ter. and Mrs. John McLaughlin. Mr. Fred Straffon and wife, who have been visiting the former's sis- ter, :Mrs. Wm. Fletcher, returned to their home in Cresswell, \rich,, last week, Mrs. Frani: Lee, who has been vis- iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Easterbrook, left Monday in com pasty with her husband for Clinton, where they will slake their future% hacue. atifr. Grafton Burdett visited friends hero last week. He has severed his connection, with the Bank of Cozzi, nterce and has entered into partner- ship with his father in a retail coal business in Detroit, where the family is now living. Miss Blatchford has taken a pasi- tiont as clerk with \Sir, W. S. Cole., Mn Allo Snell has already got a number of Ford cars in to start the season Misses Ettl'e May and Fanny Bow- ey are both confined to their home through illness. Mr. B. W. F. Bearers gave a very interesting address to the James St. League on Tuesday night. The hydro gang is finishing up the work here. The high tensionlinc ie now complete as far as Clandeboye and another month should see the wort, complete. Field Secretary T. H. Race of the Nat;oval Sanitarium gave an interest - address on. Sunday evening in James Street :Methodist church, on the work of the association. Rev. F. G. Rickard of Bayfield oc- cupied the pulpit in the Trivitt Mem- orial church on Sunday, preaching two excellent sermons, Rev. Collins preached in Bayfield. The Marks Bros, Show Company appeared in the Opera House on -Fri- day and Saturday night last, They put ant two good °shows, thus main- tain their previous good reputation. They were liberally greeted both! nights. When driving into town Tuesday the buggy of Mr. Passmore, in which were seated himself and daughter, got caught in a low wire and, was over- turned in front of Ross Taylor's, The soldiers who were marching past, im- mediately rushed to the rescue and prevented serious trouble. Miss Pass- more was thrown out and hurt hex shoulder somewhat The could be no doubt as to the bear seeing his shadow on Wednesday, 1 according to the old legend 1t an r nig g e is back into his hole, there to remain anotltei six weeks, while on the out- side the winds will blowiand all kinds of storms and cold weather prevail. This axiom is looked upon by many as as a sure sign of, the weather c on- ditions for the next six weeks. A partial eclipse of the sun, and the patty one for the year that will b virsible here, will take, place to -day Feb. 3rd. It will commence at 10:20 and as t 11 :1215. Though partial, cts: ,will be well worth seeing, • lie eye; should be..protected with •ii smoked glass. The black disc of the moon will be plainly visible and its progress. across the face of the sura full of interest. There will be a par- tial eclipse of the moony visible here on July 14th and 15th. BOUGHT BUSINESS. -Mr. Lee Wilson, who has been+engaged as clerk with Mr. J, A. Stewart for some years has purchased the confection- ery and restaurant business conducted by Mr. Joseph Wambold for some time. Possession Feb. 10. Mr. Wam- bold has ,not yet decided what he will do. WEDDED. -A quiet wedding took place at the home of theroom's son, Edgar Penhale, of the Lake ;toad at four o'clock on, Wednesday, Jan. 26th when his father John Penhale was united in marriage to Phoebe Jane Tinney of the Township of flay. The oeremony was performed by Rev. C. Fletcher of the Thames Road. The couple stood. under an arch" of Iver- greens, trimmed with pink and white roses,, tinsel and large bell. The bride•entered'the parlor leaning on the erne of her brother Mr. Robert Tinney, while!the . wedding *march was played by Mrs. Fletcher. The bride carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations with white streamers an d she was gowned in a travelling suit of tailored grey serge, with waist of cream crepe de chenia. After the ceremony and congratulations all sat down to a dainty repast, the dining_ room being decorated in white and pink Mr. and Mrs Penhale, ,Will re- side in Hay. In the. evening the little. daughter of Robert Tinney, "Clara eta was christened Rev. Mr. Alb r nued by .Fletcher. Afterwards an, enjoyable time was spent, by all. A$TQ•R 1 A For Infants 'and Children hi Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Pignatnre of JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 3l - GREAT SfICHIFIGE SALE OF FURS IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUT OUR .STOCK QF FURS WE START THIS WEEK WITH A BIG 'SACRIFICE BALI: ,OF ALL OUR FUR \RIFFS. RUFFS, NECK SCARFS; LADIES FUR AND FUR -COLLAR - E1) COATS; ALSO CHILDREN'S SET$ OF FURS, DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY To BUY FURS AT THESE EXCEPTIONALLX LOW PRICES. INDICATIONS ARE THAT FURS WILL BE MUCH ,,d1GH- ER NEXT SEASON. BELOW WE OFFlR A PARTIAL LIST OF THESE BARGAINS ZAlaska Sable Muffs, were $22.50 •:q Sale Price 315.00 each, A asi. Sable , ruffs, were $.0.(h), ...,.. Sale price . $1Z,50 each. 1 Isabella Qppossum Muff, was $10,0U ...,,,.,, ..:Sale Price 56.50 1 Black Fox ;Muff, was $20.00 Sale Price $13,00 1 Black 1 ack Persian Lamb Miff, was $155.00, ,..... ,,,Sale Prim 310.00 tion Lamb Muff, was 33.25... ,••.. Safe Price $2.25 1 Alaska Sable Mutt (drop skins, a beauty). was $55; Sale Price $37.50 1 Belgian Hare Muff, was $2.50, ..... ."" ► ,. ,.Sale 1'ri�ce$1.a0 2 Greer Persian Lamb Muffs, were $10,00; Sale �1'rie $7.50 each 3 Grey Persian Latab Muffs, were $7.00, Sale Price $5.00 each 1 Gre,, .Persian Larnb Muff, was 3650, ......Sale Price $4.75 2 Specie. Black Persian Muffs..., ... ,.. to clear at $21,00 each NEON FURS 1 Mack Persian Lamb Scarf, was $23.50; for , ., .,,52000 1 Black Persitn Lamb Scarf, was $22,50, for . ........... . ................... $20.00 1 Oppossum Scarf, was $750, for,..., ....en_ ...........4 1 Pieced Persian Scarf, was $5.50 for 1, Columbia Sable, was $10,00 for 36.50 1 Columbia Sable, was 312.00 • . '"' 3 li 2 Columbia Sables, were 310.00 tor ......,,... ,,, ....:• ,,,,, $5,00 1 Blue Russian Wolf Scarf, was $5.50 for $3,50 3. Black Wolf Scarf, was 33.6.50 for ......... ... . $11,50 1 Marmot Scarf, was $ 8.90 for ,., , r.,,, ,,. 35,00' i Persian Lamb Scarf, was 316.00, fox__ ............ S$1715).:5! 10.59 3. Alaska Sable Scarf, was $16,00 rot ,,,.,, $11.Q0 1 Marmot Scarf, was 12,50, for .... „ I . ,,,".,... $ 7 50 1 Set Leapard--gruff and Scarf, was $10.00 for 6,50 1 Handsome Black Wolf Set, was $ 25,00 for .......... ......... 317.90 This is only a partial list of aur large Stock, Children's White Greatly Reduced, 7 Only Ladles Fur Collared Coats were $15.50, to Clear at 312Sets,90 Our New Spring WALL PAPERS are now in stock. $3.50 JONES & MAY 1 t ea iqu arters for the celebrated W.E. Sanfowl Clothing Mr. Herman Kelly of Stratford w as n town: for pi days, last week. Mrs Brethwaite of London visited 1 her mother Mrs, Piper during the week VIRGINIA GIRL Gained 15 Pounds By Taking Vinol Norfolk, Va.-"I suffered from ner- vousness, had no appetite and was very thin. Nothing I took seemed to help me until one daya friend told me aboutVinol. I have now taken six bottles and have gained fifteen pounds: have aegood ap- petite and can eat anything."-MA.TTIE DENtNING, Norfolk, Va. Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, a constitutional remedy which creates an appetite, aids digestion and makes pure healthy blood. Try it on our guarantee. W. S Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont. Choice Furniture R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Phone 20a LADIES SAND GENTS A Ful' Line of Ladies' Suitings Gaberdines, Broadcloths, Vicunas Poplins African Brown, Russian, and Laure' Green, Etc. PRICES $23 to $35. 00 ATS Coat Season is here, and with it some oi' the most becoming and at- tractive models of the day. every garmen' the newest in its Class -- Tweeds Fleshes, Beavers, Persia - tea Chinchillas, s Etc. PRICES $17 to. $30 A FINE ASSORTMENT of MEN'S SUITINGS '& OVERCOAT - INGS at reasonable prices. GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere THE HIGH CLASS TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. xeter Bargain. Stogie MiD1NiNTER SALE s'm0:�88R e l' d LADIES CLOTH R'U'BBERS f1t lined sizes 2% 3! to 43i; Reg. $1, lar 60c, Ladies and Children's WOOL GAPS ss crth up to 75c. for 25c. WOOL TOQUES -2 tor 15c. • 7 CHILDREN'S COATS worth ti p to $.00, gq'at $1,75 era :h. MEN'S FLEECE LINED 51i1t:1 S at 3s Cents each. TIES -50c. Ties for 7:c, BOYS BRACES -3 nairs for 25 cents SOME EXTRA ; VALUES IN SWEATERS 2O FEB CENT DISCOUNT .:+N ALL OUR OVERCOATS 1 Genuine D. L. & W. Soralilon Coal Agents For British Americ- an Oil Co. R. Rowe Tea & Cofee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line. Call and see us A trial as to quality will convin- ce. taProduceken in exchange Jas. Gould Opposite Electrie ligbt Plant Choicest Meats Always onHand. Fa Begg B. W. F. Beavers Butcher Phone e 103