HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-2-3, Page 5ill LEGAL ®ICKSO$ & OARI:,IT'iG, BARRISTERS, Svlicitore, Nrotarie®, Conveyancers, Com,- tnia neve• Salleloore: for the Mo'sone Baric. etc. Money to Loan at lowest ;rates of interest Offices-Matn-$t., Exeter I. R. Carling, B;A,. L.( H, Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We .have a 10me a mount. ot private Conde to loan on farms and village *prop• erties at law rates or interest. C•ILADMAN STANBURT Barristers, Solicitors. Pixeter. DENTAL Dr. O. F. BOULSTON, L.D.t3., D.D,S DENT 1ST Member of the R.G.D.S. of Ontario and Honor Qraauate of Toronto University. Office -Over Dtckean Rc Carling's law educe. Closed Wednesday etternoons. DE. A R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate or Toronto Univers;t3 DENTIST eetn extracted without pain, oi', any oad effects. Qftce over Gladman fit Staribur7'e Office, Man Street, Exeter. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, qr .any tnalseover 18 years old, may homestead, a quarter -section of available Domin- loa' land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in perso t at the Dominion Lands Ag- ency ot Sub -Agency for the Dis- trict. Entry may be made at say Dominion Lands Agency (but trot Sub -Agency) on certain conditions, Duties -Six mouths' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A honzestea`der -nay live within nine miles of hiss, homestead en a faace�tt of at least 80 acres, on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- ouiled la every case, except when, ze- sidence is performed in. the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good standingmay pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre, Duties -Six months resi- dence in each of three nears after ear tine homestead patent? also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain condi- tions. A settler who has exhausted his homestead eight may take a purchas ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Must r e- sid'e 6 months in each. of 3 years, cu- ltivate 50 acres, and erect a house worth 1300. The area of cultivation is subject td reduction in case of rough, scrub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under cer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.-Unauthorized publication or this advertisement will not be pard for. 44a4 oFes4w A Christian college -home, healthful situation. Forpm spcctus and terms,write the Principal R.T.Warner,M.A.,D.D.,St. Thomas, Ont. 63 GENTNAI ',1#//// STRATFORD, ONT. YOU CAN SECURE A POSITION If you 'take a course: with us. The demand upon us for trained help is many 'times the number graduating. Students are entering each "week, You may 'enter at any tine;. Write at once far our free cataloguer of Com- mercial, Shorthand or, Telegraphy De- partments. D. A. McLachlan, Principal DR. DeVAN'S,FRENCH PILLS gulati,Y • Pill for women. $5 a box or th�cfor $10, Sold at all la.rug Stores, or, mailed to any addressonroceipt,of prioe.•Tits SCOBEIL SSftIIo Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. v m 1;3 y,,itaiity;for Nerve°and Brain; increases °egrey matter"; a Tonic -will build you up. St a boa, or two for $5, at drug stores,or by mail on rec e1pt of price; - TEN SCOSELI, DaIIo Co., St. Catharines. Ontario. RANG- M QUNR SYs EM WINTER RESORTS SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARES —p Long pinata -Stopovers, Ashevjlle and Hot Swings, N. G.; Charleston, S.C.; Nassau, N. 2.; Hot, Springs; Ark.; French Lick Spr- ings, Ind.; Jacksonville xna all Flor- ida Points Havana; Cuba; .ind New Orleans La., via New York and Rail (or steame, according to destination) or ViaBuffalo, _ or Chicago. ra •B, WA NA AD WEST 1;NDIES OTI3EP ;HEALTH RESORTS 1douri' Clemens, 1Vl;ich _,,s�tt,tja;itic ;;reale. Mich:, Si, Ca.tharixne.sy,"Wegt, Uri ; nd Preston Springs, Qnt``�r'a' ' '� .wither particular's `" on 'application to ;r"r'anci 'Trunk Agents. Ful' part-icitlars and birth,;reserva- tion on application to Agents. N„, J. DORE, Exeter "ANEMIC!" THE NEWEST DISCOVERY IN CHEMISTRY This is a recent discovery of Doctor Pierce, who is head of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N. Y. Experiments at Doctor Pierce's Hospital for several years proved that there is no other eliminator of uric acid that can be compared to it. For those easily recognized symptoms of inflam- mation -as backache, scalding urine and frequent urination, as well as sedi lent in the urine, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheumatism, it is simply wonderful how sorely "Amnion acts. The best of results are always obtained in cases of acute rheumatism in the joints, in gravel and gout, and invariably the pains and stiffness which so frequently and persistently accom- pany the disease rapidly disappear. Go to your nearest drug store and simply ask for a 50 -cent package of ,tAnuric,,' manufactured by I)r. Pierce, or send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce for a Iarge trial package. If you suspect kidney or bladder trouble, send him a sample of your water and describe symptoms. Doctor Pierce's chemist will examine it,. then Dr. Pierce will report to you, without fee or charge. NOTE: -French scientists affirm that "Anuric" is thirty-seven times more active than lithia in eliminating uric - acid, and is a harmless but reliable chemical compound that may be safely given by grown-ups who sactuall be to restore their kidneys to perfect health, by conscientiously using one box --or more in extreme cases --as "Anuric"" (thanks to Doctor Pierce's achievement). is by far the most perfect kidney and bladder corrector obtainable. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the original little Liver Pills. One little Pellet for a laxative -three for a cathartic. Auction Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS on Lot 28, Con 4,'OSBORNE, in WEDNESDAY, FEB. 16th, at 1 p.m. sharp, the following Horses -1 gelding, heavy draft, :'-yr (Adj. 1 gelding heavy draft, 5 -yr -old sireu by Uncle John; 1 gelding, agri cultural ..5 -yr -old, sired by Lord How - :neon 1 gelding, agric., 3 -yr -old, ;ir- ed by Col. Graham,; 1 gelding, agric. 3 -yr -old, sired by Storm King; 1 aged horse good worker; 1 driving horse, 4 year.. old in foal; 1 gelding driver, rising three well broken; 1 filly dri- ver; rising 2 -years. 'Cattle -7 cows, 1 due May 7; two due May 11; ane due May 15; one due May 16 ; one due May 24; one due April 3 ; 8 yearlings steers ; 3 year- ling Iheifers; 10 steer, calves; 7heifer calces, Pigs -1 Hampshire sow, due TT eb 21.; one sow. due. Feb. 24; one ;:!ester sow 'due Feb. 24; one Yorkshire ewe, due; Feb 26; one sow: due Feb 27; one sow due Mnr. 1; one Tamworth sow due March 9; two Tamworth sows due Mar 10. Hampshire SOW due vIar. 13; one Berkshire sow- due Mar 27; one sow due last of Feb.; one sow due Iiniddlie, of April, Sheep. -3 pure-bred Leicae ter ewes 7 pure bred Leicester ewe ;webs; 1 pure-bred Shropshire Down ewe. Hens -50 .young hens ; one pure- bred Silv'es Dorkin rooster, one guinea Impiexner ts-Massey-Harris •mower, in working order, one ecuifler, 1 pair bobsleigh, one car for m-o'n track and. rope. 150 feet long; 4:sets whiffle- trees . new ; 2 neck yokes ; onie set of tea., harness; set golden single har- ness, i5tc, Terms -All sums of $5.00 and index cash , ovet'"that amount 12 months •;re- da` or: furnisbing approved oint not- es . 5 per cent. per annum off for cash an• credi' amounts. Positively no reserve. JOHN SELVES T. CAMERON Proprietor Auctioneer. WANTED NOW Reliable salesman to act as'ligent in Huron,. County. : ••'i` rEt.•�•rPAY WEEKLY `• ' Outfit free, ;iaxcJusive; t[eemean�end money. mak-Ian -,speeialtjcs,�;t+ifr'u r e e e e •the b s i a. a e ci r t., n n br g p 4i gs,ness tor'' we sell th'e' iii hest grade." s, I stock at most reasonable nrices iinee,guarantee deliveries in first class condition. Nursery stock is selline well this year and good money can be made in this alis - district. For particulars write Sales. Manager., PELHAM NURSERY CO. TORONTO, ONT. OFFENSIVE CONTINUES Caertnan Drive tias Been Check, ed But Nut Yet Broken. It is Expected That the Violent Ger- man Attacks on the West Front Will Satin Be Tried Against the British -- Damage inflicted on German End of Bridge Over Yser Canal at Steenstraete. LONDON, Feb. 1.—That the Ger- DMA offensive, though temporarily checked by tbe French, is not ended and that it will be tried on the Brit - tali soon is shown by an official state- ment issued by the War Office last night. It states that a scout party entered German trenches near tbe road from. Kennel to Wytschaetn the latter being seven utiles south of Ypres, and found thein full of men. Paris asserts that the German at- tacks have „neatly diminished, and it is unofficially stated that the Ger- man drive. in Artois has been broken. Last night's report from Paris tells of; serious damage inflicted on the German end of the bridge aver the Teter Canal at Steenstraete and further wrecking of the German works to the south of Roye by the French artillery. The German offensive , cainci- dent with the Kaiser's birthday, which began with the attack on the allied positions at Nieuport and eon- tinued with an attack in the region of Neuvilie-St. Vaast, attained suc- cess Friday in attacks at three points In Artois, the first to the north-west of the Napoli farm, north-east of Neuville-St. Yeast; the second near St. Laurent. in the Arras sector, and the third in the sector of Frise. south ot tbe Somme, 11 kilometres west of Peronne. The offensive was the most power- ful drive which has been made by the Germans in this theatre within a year. Its most important .accoxu- plishments were, according to the German official report, taking of 1,859 feet of trenches in the Napoli farm sector, the taking of a group of houses in an assault on the St. Laur- ent district. and, most important of all, the capture of the village of Frise, with 4,000 yards of French tr.,;:.shes to the depth of 1,000 yards to the .south. Th.. nrisoners made comprised 1,287 otilcers and men at the Napoli farm. Several prisoners were added to the list by a, German detachment which penetrated the se- cond line of French trenches south of Llhons, and which then returned to the German. lines. Among the prisoners are some British, The same German statement an- nounces the bringing down of an al- lied aeroplane south of Apremont. TO JOIN BRITISH. Russian Forces Are. Not Far Now From lint -el. -Amara. LONDON, Feb. 1.—A Petrograd despatch says: "The Russian Cau- casian operation Is widening, fanlike, to the westward, south-westward, and southward, with the possibility, ac- cording to semi-official opinion, of a juncture being formed with the Brit- ish Mesopotamia expedition, "The Russian advance is pushing west of Melazghert, where the im- portant town of Khynysskala, 50 miles south of Erzerum, has been raptured. At the same time progress is reported in the direction of Van, and likewise toward Urumiah, where it is officially announced that the Turks have been repulsed with heavy losses. Further south-east, in the region of the %andaianski Pass, south-east of Hamadan, another Rus- sian victory is reported. "Although a broken mountainous. country intervenes. the latter posi- tions are not far removed from the head of the British column in the vi- cinity of Kut -el -Amara. It is pointed out that the Turks evidently fear a junction, this being indicated by the retreat towards Mush of a large part of their army that was recently re- ported, to have been routed, the evi- dent purpose of the move being to. cover Bitlis and I)iarbekar. MORE MEN WANTED. Britain's Call for Twenty Thousand Will Be Filled at Once. OTTAWA, Feb. 1. -=Major-General Sir Sam Hughes announced last nightthat twenty thousand more troops from Canada have been asked for by the War Office and will be de- spatched from the Dominion within the next two or three months. An offer of more troops was made some time ago, following the rapid pro- gress made in the training centres of the Dominion, and the War Office has accepted the offer up to a total of twenty battalions, for which accom- modation is Being provided in Eng- land. The battalions will be selected in the order of merit, those that have shown the most efficiency being the, likely ones for first choice. They will be sent over as soon as the ne- cessary transports have been pro- vided. No Reply. to Note. WASHINGTON, Feb. 1.—Tension over the Lusitania issue continued to exist last night` in Administration circles in the absence of official eon- firmation of the press reports from Berlin that Germany is preparing to send to the United States a note which will meet the demands of the American Government. That the German Embassy has likewise received not/ling to•,substan- tiate these r.cperts was indieated ly the fait that CountvblBin trfi3 s't'ill absent' from'Washington: Durham Miners Endorse' Service ,3i11. LONDON, Feb. 1.—The Durham Miners' Union decided' yesterday to support the Military Seivice Bill by,. a vote of 34,715 to 26;819, a major- ity of 7,89-6. Twenty thousand min- ers refrained from voting, while 80,- 000 were unable to cast ballots ballots be cause they *ere with the army. GRBRNWA' ' C Company of the 135th Batt. marched out to Greenway on January 18th and were entertained to dinner by the ladies of Grace church. The were here again, January 25th and were entertained by the ladies of the hTeth- adist church. 4s it was such a fine day a large crowd was present and listened with pleasure to the Band acd find address by Major Carlton)- Mr. J. Foster and daughter, Mabel of Bayfield areguests of his znother;-- "firs. Chas Stone has been very 11,-- W e had about as much variety in wenthe.' last week as we could er- pect in January Vis. A. Desjardine. Of Saskatchewan has been visiting her brother. Mr. E. ItiasoneaaMr. and Miss Pollock of Manitoba were guests .of friend.; here last week—Mr. and Mrs. E. Luther of Grand Bendvisited air, and Mrs. Geo. Luther last week. -The quarterly sacramental service will be hely in the Methodist church next Sunday at 10.30 a, m. and Sunday sehool will be withdraw. ---Look out for a Valentine Social at the parson- age 1 MOUNT' G4RME Rev. Father Tirney has engaged Willie Barry as iat►itor.- 1'te•, Sullivan spent e. few days last n eel: at bis home: T. J. Hall is on the sick list of quiasey...-Mr. Agustus Morrisey and family movedinto their new rest-. dense last week. -T. J. Collins spent last week with friends at T)ublin. Messrs T. Glavin. and J. Campbell are busy buying horses.-Mesers. M. & 3,, Ryan spent Sunday with friends at 1'arkhifi.�--Our assessor, Mr; Jose•,pit Guinn is on his usuail route this year. --Miss Mary Houlihan left last week for Ridgetotivnatter spending several weeks with friends `here. GinPiffs FORTHDNEYS Why They're Used As firs. Ripley, of SV illiamsfeld Fast, says : "Before I lied taken Gin fills, f suffered dreadfully with zuy back and had suffered for twenty years. I have tried every tiring but got no relief until I took Gin Pills. I ent now 48 and feel as well as I ever did in my life. There is nothing that can hold a place with Gin Pills for Pain in the Basic, to which. women are subject." Gin Pills are nuc. the box. or 6 boxes for $2..a at any drug store. If you wan* to try Gin Pills write for free sample to the 21 National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada Limited. Toronto. Auction Sale Of FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS GRAIN & VALUABLE LUMBER. -The estate of the late R. D. Belt- on. Lot 3, Con. 2, Tuckersmith, L.R.S. on Friday, Feb. llth at 12,30 sharp, Horses-A.gric. brood mare with foal to King Themes, pair agric. geldings; gen.. purpose gelding; gelding rising 2 by King Thomas, filly colt by Ewing Thomas, farmer's driver Cattle Milking cow, 4 cows due in March; Zheifers due later, tat heifer 3 steers rising 2; two heifers rising 2 three, steers rising 1, one heifer rising 1, Fowl --100 young hens and pul- iets, 4 pair ducks, 6 turkey hens, 2 pr. guinea fowl. Implements, Etc. -Seed drill Mas- sey Harris binder, Massey -Harris mo- wer with pea guards, manure spreader cultivator, disc, 2 land rollers, hay loader, wagon and spring seat, pair sleighs, hay rack, hayrake, scuffler,hay fork ropes, pulleys and slings, Clinton fanning mill with new gale. sieves; walking plow, set iron harrows, top buggy portlartd cutter, light wagon, stone boat, bag truck, grinding stone, work bench with vice, anvil, robe, set team harness, single work harness, set single harness, set new lines, 6 horse collars. ton platform scales, set ZSplli scales, 2 wheel barrows, ropes and pal leys ,2 crosscut saws, hay knife, 3neck yokes, 3 set whii'fletrees, 2 scoop shovels 2 wire. stretchers, crow bar, 6 logging chains, framers jack, full sect framer's and carpenter's tools, 6 mauls and beetles, new galv. iron barrel with tap, 75 grain bags, spades and shovels, forks ,hoes, ladders, baskets, 6 all wool horse blankets, 2 jute horse blankets, 12 girths, horse clippers, 3 oak bbls. 3 sugar kettles, large 'potash kettle, water trough, quare, 4 -in tile, steam- heated incubator, brooder, Daisy churn large milk milk cans, cream separator, four. hanging lamps, two creamery ons, 1 man's biicycle, nearly new, umber of sap buckets and spiles two iron horse pails ; other pails. Lumber -No. of corner cedar 'posts, 1000 ft. dressed pine plank, 1000 'ft. • dressed hemlock; 1000 feet dressed znarple ,flooring; a quaint. dressed butternut cut for gates pine lumber. for 3 wagon boxes, 15 & 16 in.. wide, number wagon tongues& cedar timber, quant. ash ceiling timber timber for axe .handles, whiffletrees, etc, Above lumber has been under cover for 10 years some seed peas. Terms -All sums of $5 and ander, cash; over that 10 mos. credit on, ap-, proved joint notes. 4 percent. off for cash on credit amounts. Positively no reserve as farm is sold ' MRS. R D. BELL T CAMERON Proprietress Auct. Auction Sale Choice Cows There will 'be sold by public auc- tion, at the Metropolitan Hotel, Ex- eter,on FRIDAY FEBRUARY, 4th 191, o'cppck p. ml, 25 (Choice Cows .,°?fin . elY" :"Durham` Grader and a Eeirr eictiti ` lsie th. °'A few of these are eniikih and the `balance due"til Allah and April, and will be sd1d under guarantee. Tennis -6 months credit on approv- ed joint notes. 6 per cent. per an- num; off for cash. R. R LONG, T. CAMERON, Proprietor Auctioneer. .gypPnXR 4r. �rs'orihienll'leditugAsL AVege beP iontares.- • i nelheStgi o, g 8tteSof PromeresDigesKonnear tressandRest ntoinswitte Opalrat• f01;litiite ntfl'Aiiueral.' W+C,IT NARC CASTO For ,ans and Chlidl: en. Mothers Know That genuine Gastonia .Always Bears the Signature of e see- Aperfeet Remedy tercollsippa- lion, SourSlomach,0i4rrl?oea, Worms,Convulsions,Fe'erish• tress end LASS OP SIZER Facsimile 6iliature or .la£wt TMG CENTAURCQMPAIeY• ?ION'REAL&NE.W YORK Copy of 14 ill Use For Over Thirty Years ASTORIA TNF QR$TAHK' COMPANY, NEW YORK 847Y• T The purchase price of this famous 1881 Rogers Al Plate WE give coupons with every 25C. pur- chase of all the high grade guaran- teed products made by the United Drug Company. We are willing to lose money on the silverware to get you ac- quainted with these goods, which arc stan- dard in their line. "Rexall; Remedies" Liggett's Candies, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Stationery, Rubber Goods, and hundreds of other items, household prepara- tions, etc, You cannot afford not to se- cure this popular silverware, when you can get it on our half bought plan. As an ex - 'ample, this teaspoon that sells for _5c. you can get for roc. with coupons. TWO COUPONS will be given with every 25c. purchase of REXALL PRODUCTS. ONE COUPON with every 25c. purchase of any other article in our store. ASK FOR COUPPONS AND BUT YOUR 1881 ROGERS Al PLATE AT HALF 'PRICE COLE'S DRUG STORE 1 Ii1DE IN CANADA,, Ford; Touring Car 'r . $530 A BUMPER CROP --OF PLEASUR- ES AND PROFITS IS REAPED BY ; PITHE FARMER WHO OWNS A. FORD HE::.HAS BROKEN DOWN THE BARRIER 17OF DISTANCE, FOR HIMSELF AND THE ENTIRE FAMILY NOW AFTER 'THE HARVEST-: AREN'T YOU GOING TO''B'UY THAT . FORD ? i,. Th,c• Ford..Rusab is $480; the Cou- ti,. , •ie�et 73' 0 r the: '� $ e z 5 �8 th Nal a p t n: r ..; car $780, : Al1t rpS:y4; are. f.o.b. 1. 4r;dx • Ontario ..All cars-4ompletely p e d equip-.. e:•t , ,iqi ing ieI .,c� ric, theacllights. Carni 4atai`al&Ixl �,„„4,7';;;;•„,,;,..,;1r-... ' ..r 7. �. .MI�a...ILL �ALTER ; n =titd IN LI .Iq.,uL.af.g t.U,.u;a.wlll,I4u.., ,'¢....,t,. M"4 i- - es ez ii e. is _i i e a il - ii c =Li L' The Health and Beauty Bath is assured when Lifebuoy Soap is used.. it. keeps the skin radiantly clean and glowing with health, Lifebuoyis an honest soap -unwrap a cake andsmell it. A mild carbolic odor is there -that means an utr- terly healthy skin. But, the odor vanishes immediately after use. , u � y HEALTHY 50AP lb17 • • Ill.{41ma%,t,l,tttlttttttttttttttttlttMIttttttttti I It, w • 1.a "ANEMIC!" THE NEWEST DISCOVERY IN CHEMISTRY This is a recent discovery of Doctor Pierce, who is head of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N. Y. Experiments at Doctor Pierce's Hospital for several years proved that there is no other eliminator of uric acid that can be compared to it. For those easily recognized symptoms of inflam- mation -as backache, scalding urine and frequent urination, as well as sedi lent in the urine, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheumatism, it is simply wonderful how sorely "Amnion acts. The best of results are always obtained in cases of acute rheumatism in the joints, in gravel and gout, and invariably the pains and stiffness which so frequently and persistently accom- pany the disease rapidly disappear. Go to your nearest drug store and simply ask for a 50 -cent package of ,tAnuric,,' manufactured by I)r. Pierce, or send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce for a Iarge trial package. If you suspect kidney or bladder trouble, send him a sample of your water and describe symptoms. Doctor Pierce's chemist will examine it,. then Dr. Pierce will report to you, without fee or charge. NOTE: -French scientists affirm that "Anuric" is thirty-seven times more active than lithia in eliminating uric - acid, and is a harmless but reliable chemical compound that may be safely given by grown-ups who sactuall be to restore their kidneys to perfect health, by conscientiously using one box --or more in extreme cases --as "Anuric"" (thanks to Doctor Pierce's achievement). is by far the most perfect kidney and bladder corrector obtainable. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the original little Liver Pills. One little Pellet for a laxative -three for a cathartic. Auction Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS on Lot 28, Con 4,'OSBORNE, in WEDNESDAY, FEB. 16th, at 1 p.m. sharp, the following Horses -1 gelding, heavy draft, :'-yr (Adj. 1 gelding heavy draft, 5 -yr -old sireu by Uncle John; 1 gelding, agri cultural ..5 -yr -old, sired by Lord How - :neon 1 gelding, agric., 3 -yr -old, ;ir- ed by Col. Graham,; 1 gelding, agric. 3 -yr -old, sired by Storm King; 1 aged horse good worker; 1 driving horse, 4 year.. old in foal; 1 gelding driver, rising three well broken; 1 filly dri- ver; rising 2 -years. 'Cattle -7 cows, 1 due May 7; two due May 11; ane due May 15; one due May 16 ; one due May 24; one due April 3 ; 8 yearlings steers ; 3 year- ling Iheifers; 10 steer, calves; 7heifer calces, Pigs -1 Hampshire sow, due TT eb 21.; one sow. due. Feb. 24; one ;:!ester sow 'due Feb. 24; one Yorkshire ewe, due; Feb 26; one sow: due Feb 27; one sow due Mnr. 1; one Tamworth sow due March 9; two Tamworth sows due Mar 10. Hampshire SOW due vIar. 13; one Berkshire sow- due Mar 27; one sow due last of Feb.; one sow due Iiniddlie, of April, Sheep. -3 pure-bred Leicae ter ewes 7 pure bred Leicester ewe ;webs; 1 pure-bred Shropshire Down ewe. Hens -50 .young hens ; one pure- bred Silv'es Dorkin rooster, one guinea Impiexner ts-Massey-Harris •mower, in working order, one ecuifler, 1 pair bobsleigh, one car for m-o'n track and. rope. 150 feet long; 4:sets whiffle- trees . new ; 2 neck yokes ; onie set of tea., harness; set golden single har- ness, i5tc, Terms -All sums of $5.00 and index cash , ovet'"that amount 12 months •;re- da` or: furnisbing approved oint not- es . 5 per cent. per annum off for cash an• credi' amounts. Positively no reserve. JOHN SELVES T. CAMERON Proprietor Auctioneer. WANTED NOW Reliable salesman to act as'ligent in Huron,. County. : ••'i` rEt.•�•rPAY WEEKLY `• ' Outfit free, ;iaxcJusive; t[eemean�end money. mak-Ian -,speeialtjcs,�;t+ifr'u r e e e e •the b s i a. a e ci r t., n n br g p 4i gs,ness tor'' we sell th'e' iii hest grade." s, I stock at most reasonable nrices iinee,guarantee deliveries in first class condition. Nursery stock is selline well this year and good money can be made in this alis - district. For particulars write Sales. Manager., PELHAM NURSERY CO. TORONTO, ONT. OFFENSIVE CONTINUES Caertnan Drive tias Been Check, ed But Nut Yet Broken. It is Expected That the Violent Ger- man Attacks on the West Front Will Satin Be Tried Against the British -- Damage inflicted on German End of Bridge Over Yser Canal at Steenstraete. LONDON, Feb. 1.—That the Ger- DMA offensive, though temporarily checked by tbe French, is not ended and that it will be tried on the Brit - tali soon is shown by an official state- ment issued by the War Office last night. It states that a scout party entered German trenches near tbe road from. Kennel to Wytschaetn the latter being seven utiles south of Ypres, and found thein full of men. Paris asserts that the German at- tacks have „neatly diminished, and it is unofficially stated that the Ger- man drive. in Artois has been broken. Last night's report from Paris tells of; serious damage inflicted on the German end of the bridge aver the Teter Canal at Steenstraete and further wrecking of the German works to the south of Roye by the French artillery. The German offensive , cainci- dent with the Kaiser's birthday, which began with the attack on the allied positions at Nieuport and eon- tinued with an attack in the region of Neuvilie-St. Vaast, attained suc- cess Friday in attacks at three points In Artois, the first to the north-west of the Napoli farm, north-east of Neuville-St. Yeast; the second near St. Laurent. in the Arras sector, and the third in the sector of Frise. south ot tbe Somme, 11 kilometres west of Peronne. The offensive was the most power- ful drive which has been made by the Germans in this theatre within a year. Its most important .accoxu- plishments were, according to the German official report, taking of 1,859 feet of trenches in the Napoli farm sector, the taking of a group of houses in an assault on the St. Laur- ent district. and, most important of all, the capture of the village of Frise, with 4,000 yards of French tr.,;:.shes to the depth of 1,000 yards to the .south. Th.. nrisoners made comprised 1,287 otilcers and men at the Napoli farm. Several prisoners were added to the list by a, German detachment which penetrated the se- cond line of French trenches south of Llhons, and which then returned to the German. lines. Among the prisoners are some British, The same German statement an- nounces the bringing down of an al- lied aeroplane south of Apremont. TO JOIN BRITISH. Russian Forces Are. Not Far Now From lint -el. -Amara. LONDON, Feb. 1.—A Petrograd despatch says: "The Russian Cau- casian operation Is widening, fanlike, to the westward, south-westward, and southward, with the possibility, ac- cording to semi-official opinion, of a juncture being formed with the Brit- ish Mesopotamia expedition, "The Russian advance is pushing west of Melazghert, where the im- portant town of Khynysskala, 50 miles south of Erzerum, has been raptured. At the same time progress is reported in the direction of Van, and likewise toward Urumiah, where it is officially announced that the Turks have been repulsed with heavy losses. Further south-east, in the region of the %andaianski Pass, south-east of Hamadan, another Rus- sian victory is reported. "Although a broken mountainous. country intervenes. the latter posi- tions are not far removed from the head of the British column in the vi- cinity of Kut -el -Amara. It is pointed out that the Turks evidently fear a junction, this being indicated by the retreat towards Mush of a large part of their army that was recently re- ported, to have been routed, the evi- dent purpose of the move being to. cover Bitlis and I)iarbekar. MORE MEN WANTED. Britain's Call for Twenty Thousand Will Be Filled at Once. OTTAWA, Feb. 1. -=Major-General Sir Sam Hughes announced last nightthat twenty thousand more troops from Canada have been asked for by the War Office and will be de- spatched from the Dominion within the next two or three months. An offer of more troops was made some time ago, following the rapid pro- gress made in the training centres of the Dominion, and the War Office has accepted the offer up to a total of twenty battalions, for which accom- modation is Being provided in Eng- land. The battalions will be selected in the order of merit, those that have shown the most efficiency being the, likely ones for first choice. They will be sent over as soon as the ne- cessary transports have been pro- vided. No Reply. to Note. WASHINGTON, Feb. 1.—Tension over the Lusitania issue continued to exist last night` in Administration circles in the absence of official eon- firmation of the press reports from Berlin that Germany is preparing to send to the United States a note which will meet the demands of the American Government. That the German Embassy has likewise received not/ling to•,substan- tiate these r.cperts was indieated ly the fait that CountvblBin trfi3 s't'ill absent' from'Washington: Durham Miners Endorse' Service ,3i11. LONDON, Feb. 1.—The Durham Miners' Union decided' yesterday to support the Military Seivice Bill by,. a vote of 34,715 to 26;819, a major- ity of 7,89-6. Twenty thousand min- ers refrained from voting, while 80,- 000 were unable to cast ballots ballots be cause they *ere with the army. GRBRNWA' ' C Company of the 135th Batt. marched out to Greenway on January 18th and were entertained to dinner by the ladies of Grace church. The were here again, January 25th and were entertained by the ladies of the hTeth- adist church. 4s it was such a fine day a large crowd was present and listened with pleasure to the Band acd find address by Major Carlton)- Mr. J. Foster and daughter, Mabel of Bayfield areguests of his znother;-- "firs. Chas Stone has been very 11,-- W e had about as much variety in wenthe.' last week as we could er- pect in January Vis. A. Desjardine. Of Saskatchewan has been visiting her brother. Mr. E. ItiasoneaaMr. and Miss Pollock of Manitoba were guests .of friend.; here last week—Mr. and Mrs. E. Luther of Grand Bendvisited air, and Mrs. Geo. Luther last week. -The quarterly sacramental service will be hely in the Methodist church next Sunday at 10.30 a, m. and Sunday sehool will be withdraw. ---Look out for a Valentine Social at the parson- age 1 MOUNT' G4RME Rev. Father Tirney has engaged Willie Barry as iat►itor.- 1'te•, Sullivan spent e. few days last n eel: at bis home: T. J. Hall is on the sick list of quiasey...-Mr. Agustus Morrisey and family movedinto their new rest-. dense last week. -T. J. Collins spent last week with friends at T)ublin. Messrs T. Glavin. and J. Campbell are busy buying horses.-Mesers. M. & 3,, Ryan spent Sunday with friends at 1'arkhifi.�--Our assessor, Mr; Jose•,pit Guinn is on his usuail route this year. --Miss Mary Houlihan left last week for Ridgetotivnatter spending several weeks with friends `here. GinPiffs FORTHDNEYS Why They're Used As firs. Ripley, of SV illiamsfeld Fast, says : "Before I lied taken Gin fills, f suffered dreadfully with zuy back and had suffered for twenty years. I have tried every tiring but got no relief until I took Gin Pills. I ent now 48 and feel as well as I ever did in my life. There is nothing that can hold a place with Gin Pills for Pain in the Basic, to which. women are subject." Gin Pills are nuc. the box. or 6 boxes for $2..a at any drug store. If you wan* to try Gin Pills write for free sample to the 21 National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada Limited. Toronto. Auction Sale Of FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS GRAIN & VALUABLE LUMBER. -The estate of the late R. D. Belt- on. Lot 3, Con. 2, Tuckersmith, L.R.S. on Friday, Feb. llth at 12,30 sharp, Horses-A.gric. brood mare with foal to King Themes, pair agric. geldings; gen.. purpose gelding; gelding rising 2 by King Thomas, filly colt by Ewing Thomas, farmer's driver Cattle Milking cow, 4 cows due in March; Zheifers due later, tat heifer 3 steers rising 2; two heifers rising 2 three, steers rising 1, one heifer rising 1, Fowl --100 young hens and pul- iets, 4 pair ducks, 6 turkey hens, 2 pr. guinea fowl. Implements, Etc. -Seed drill Mas- sey Harris binder, Massey -Harris mo- wer with pea guards, manure spreader cultivator, disc, 2 land rollers, hay loader, wagon and spring seat, pair sleighs, hay rack, hayrake, scuffler,hay fork ropes, pulleys and slings, Clinton fanning mill with new gale. sieves; walking plow, set iron harrows, top buggy portlartd cutter, light wagon, stone boat, bag truck, grinding stone, work bench with vice, anvil, robe, set team harness, single work harness, set single harness, set new lines, 6 horse collars. ton platform scales, set ZSplli scales, 2 wheel barrows, ropes and pal leys ,2 crosscut saws, hay knife, 3neck yokes, 3 set whii'fletrees, 2 scoop shovels 2 wire. stretchers, crow bar, 6 logging chains, framers jack, full sect framer's and carpenter's tools, 6 mauls and beetles, new galv. iron barrel with tap, 75 grain bags, spades and shovels, forks ,hoes, ladders, baskets, 6 all wool horse blankets, 2 jute horse blankets, 12 girths, horse clippers, 3 oak bbls. 3 sugar kettles, large 'potash kettle, water trough, quare, 4 -in tile, steam- heated incubator, brooder, Daisy churn large milk milk cans, cream separator, four. hanging lamps, two creamery ons, 1 man's biicycle, nearly new, umber of sap buckets and spiles two iron horse pails ; other pails. Lumber -No. of corner cedar 'posts, 1000 ft. dressed pine plank, 1000 'ft. • dressed hemlock; 1000 feet dressed znarple ,flooring; a quaint. dressed butternut cut for gates pine lumber. for 3 wagon boxes, 15 & 16 in.. wide, number wagon tongues& cedar timber, quant. ash ceiling timber timber for axe .handles, whiffletrees, etc, Above lumber has been under cover for 10 years some seed peas. Terms -All sums of $5 and ander, cash; over that 10 mos. credit on, ap-, proved joint notes. 4 percent. off for cash on credit amounts. Positively no reserve as farm is sold ' MRS. R D. BELL T CAMERON Proprietress Auct. Auction Sale Choice Cows There will 'be sold by public auc- tion, at the Metropolitan Hotel, Ex- eter,on FRIDAY FEBRUARY, 4th 191, o'cppck p. ml, 25 (Choice Cows .,°?fin . elY" :"Durham` Grader and a Eeirr eictiti ` lsie th. °'A few of these are eniikih and the `balance due"til Allah and April, and will be sd1d under guarantee. Tennis -6 months credit on approv- ed joint notes. 6 per cent. per an- num; off for cash. R. R LONG, T. CAMERON, Proprietor Auctioneer. .gypPnXR 4r. �rs'orihienll'leditugAsL AVege beP iontares.- • i nelheStgi o, g 8tteSof PromeresDigesKonnear tressandRest ntoinswitte Opalrat• f01;litiite ntfl'Aiiueral.' W+C,IT NARC CASTO For ,ans and Chlidl: en. Mothers Know That genuine Gastonia .Always Bears the Signature of e see- Aperfeet Remedy tercollsippa- lion, SourSlomach,0i4rrl?oea, Worms,Convulsions,Fe'erish• tress end LASS OP SIZER Facsimile 6iliature or .la£wt TMG CENTAURCQMPAIeY• ?ION'REAL&NE.W YORK Copy of 14 ill Use For Over Thirty Years ASTORIA TNF QR$TAHK' COMPANY, NEW YORK 847Y• T The purchase price of this famous 1881 Rogers Al Plate WE give coupons with every 25C. pur- chase of all the high grade guaran- teed products made by the United Drug Company. We are willing to lose money on the silverware to get you ac- quainted with these goods, which arc stan- dard in their line. "Rexall; Remedies" Liggett's Candies, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Stationery, Rubber Goods, and hundreds of other items, household prepara- tions, etc, You cannot afford not to se- cure this popular silverware, when you can get it on our half bought plan. As an ex - 'ample, this teaspoon that sells for _5c. you can get for roc. with coupons. TWO COUPONS will be given with every 25c. purchase of REXALL PRODUCTS. ONE COUPON with every 25c. purchase of any other article in our store. ASK FOR COUPPONS AND BUT YOUR 1881 ROGERS Al PLATE AT HALF 'PRICE COLE'S DRUG STORE 1 Ii1DE IN CANADA,, Ford; Touring Car 'r . $530 A BUMPER CROP --OF PLEASUR- ES AND PROFITS IS REAPED BY ; PITHE FARMER WHO OWNS A. FORD HE::.HAS BROKEN DOWN THE BARRIER 17OF DISTANCE, FOR HIMSELF AND THE ENTIRE FAMILY NOW AFTER 'THE HARVEST-: AREN'T YOU GOING TO''B'UY THAT . FORD ? i,. Th,c• Ford..Rusab is $480; the Cou- ti,. , •ie�et 73' 0 r the: '� $ e z 5 �8 th Nal a p t n: r ..; car $780, : Al1t rpS:y4; are. f.o.b. 1. 4r;dx • Ontario ..All cars-4ompletely p e d equip-.. e:•t , ,iqi ing ieI .,c� ric, theacllights. Carni 4atai`al&Ixl �,„„4,7';;;;•„,,;,..,;1r-... ' ..r 7. �. .MI�a...ILL �ALTER ; n =titd