HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-1-27, Page 8EXETER MARKETS. QE•AN ED BAUR WEDNBSDAT Wheat ...,,R#... „M... Buo wb ti....A... R...#.. eats ,...#,.,._....A..,., ,..,............#,R..44 OPta►.t°eu, pe* bag Hay', per tea.. . ...... Floor, pee Cwt., famila- Flour, low grade per ew l�tr&4Qra.,.#f „ ..n..•4 * Creamery Butter.,,..... Live bop., per, cwt.. , . . Sorts per Bran per on 90 to 1 10 90 2, 1 00 175 1 75 1400 15 00 $:30 175. 2$ .2$ 04- 30 30 29 0000' 25 09 \b'. Phi! Rowtcliffe of London is in tow. this week. BOOR CLUB NOTES.--- Donation reesived Airs. :Manson 75e. Shipped for the soldiers, 1 wash cloth, 3 nos - pita! socks 3 pair socks, 1 pair pf wristlets 34 pair hospital slippers. 6 scarfs -x-arra_.. DIET.• IN B1JRFQRD.--Tire death ezeurreo on Tuesday, Jan. 25th at Borxerd oi' r. former resident }f God- ench Charles Atrty, after ;Fa illness caf only a few days from pneumonia. The late :4r. Ant} married Elizabeth Ann Kestle daughter of the late Mr. Charles Kestle of Stephen, and the survives. The funeral will be aeld on Friday morning from the Grand Tn*uk statiox. on the arrival of the 9.45 train Interment wilt he Made in Etieter cemetery. 40t CORDS OF CORD WOOD WANTED at the Exeter Salt Works Co. Limited. For prices write or cali upon the manager- JOS. SU T- rTON, manager. Alt Oddfellows are requested to meet in the Lodge Room, Exeter, on Tuesday ,,right next, Feb, lst, at $ teelock sharp, Second degree will be eenterred, Lee Wilson, Noble Grand,'; t ARia OF THiAN 5.-Afrs. Wm. Fletcher and daughters desire to ex- press ithei heartfelt thanks for the kindness and sympathy shown during the illness and subsequent dean, of their late husband and father. CARD OF THANKS. -'The 'ram- ily of the late Robert tiitchell, of Stephen ,wish to convey to the neigl- bors and friends their sincere thanks for the kindness and sympathy shown duan: the illness and subsequent death al theme father. TOM MARKS COMING HERE. - After an absence of twenty -fives veers Tom Marks returns to Exeter with a clever company and his Title Band, and will appear in Exeter Opera House for two nights, Friday and Saturday, Jan. 28 and 29, changing the program each evening, and a Satur- day matinee; opening Friday Trightt in the patriotic drama, "The Man Train Canada" Saturday evening"Jerry Frc.m Kerry"; also seven good vaude- ville acts each evening will be „pre- sented. Prices 25e. 35c. and 50c. Seat; on sale at Howey's Drug Store, SITUATION WANTED.- sor 3 strong girl, aged 16, Town preferred; Apply at Advocate Office. 400 TONS SALT -400 tons of line Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per torn; 50c. per bag. EXETER SALT WORKS Co., Ltd J .Sutton, Manager. SALT FOR SALE. -An excellent qualit3 of Sarnia made salt for sale at Old. Temperance House, at the G T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your ,patronage is solicited and satisfactioc is guaranteed. -- ED. MAGUIRE. Exeter. BOY WANTED. -Good smart boy wanted at once to' learn printing. Ap- ply at this office. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED b• C H Sanders at the Advocate Of- fit e Strictly confidential; no witness Where a scientific preparation, con- taining no habit-forming drugs, is needed for worn and exhausted ner- ves showing in the form of Neuralgia, Insomnia (Sleeplessness), Rheumatism Headaches, Anaemia, etc., be SURE you get TAI(AKE. There is no .ot- her remedy ,just as good. 50 cents at your druggist's or by mail .rorty the Gecrgian Mfg. Co., Collingwood, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN Monet to loan onefarm and village property at lowest rates. ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer etc., Exeter,-. C W. ROBINSON LIC ENS,ED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR far Counties of Huron Pertb Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Wareroams, next door to Centra' Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Chaiges moderate and satisfaction is guaranteed. AUCTION SALE OF, CHOICE. FARM To closes up the estate q.f the late James Couch, Thos. Canierosi arilI offer at Perkin's Hotel, Henget, on , SATURDAY; FEB. 5th, 1916' At 3 o'clock sharp, thatohoice farm composed of Lot 23, Con. 13, ! Iib- bert County of Perth, 100 acres on which them is a first-class brick elle] ling, large nearly new batik 'barn,. end drive house. This farm ie fenc- ed and has a good hard -wood push. Positively no reserve. Possession '10th March. 1916. Terms and' particuiai s made known an day of sale, or on application to Thos. Cameron, auc- tioneer R R. No. 1, Kirkton, or phone by way of Exeter., BIB PER ADVU•GA'TE, PUUR8 i Y. JANUARY SY, 1 X1B I LOCAL L DOINGS.. t !Vers W. D. Clarke is ill at:idundea the doctor's care. lir Fritz oe the Ban] of Commerce is confined to the house through ill- ness Mrs Sarnwell bas been confined ao her bed for some days awing ro ill health Mrs. 'aim Westlake has purchased the late T. B. ,Alertyn residence on Sanders Street. Mrs H. J. \Unite is recovering from illness which confined her xo iter roan: for a few days. Maio; Beaman, J. A. Sce,va •i and Wes Snell were. each confined to the house for a few days last week, ewe Mg to illness. Rev F G. Ryckard of Bayfield will conduct the services in the Triv- itr Memorial church on Sunday next, while Rev Collins will perform sim- ilar duties in Bayfield, Air. John Reama.n of Virden, Ian., formerly of- Lhis vicinity, to writing to the Advocate, fry part, says; -"We have had a very cold and stormy winter here, with lots of snow and bad roads thus making it sexy dis- agreeable for travelli*ig." Airs Abe Bagshaw received woad this week from her husband, at Afor- rim, Alberni, which said, -"The worst colct spelt of the, season came on us last week when the mercury, dropped to 30 below and several nights has gone to 45 and 50 below'. Trans are running .several hours late. T. H Race, fired secretaryfor die National ,Sanitarium Association, will. lecture on the work of the association in the fight against the white plague in James Street church on Sunday ev- ening next at 8.20 P.M Specialviews are to be presented with the lecture. Air 5 :Alertly. willoccupy the chair. Net charge made for admission. We cannot too heartily commend ;his tee- ture to our readers. SUCCESSFUL SOCLAL.-The t'a•- trictic League gave a very success- ful uccessful social in James Street Church on. Wednesday evening of last ava•lt, when a dainty lunch was served to the soldiers who attended in a body, and to all others present. The Exe- ter Orchestra furnished music and addresses of a patriotic nature were delivered by the chairman, Rev. Mc- Alister anRev. Collins and Rev, Redmond. A goodly number were present. The proceeds netted $30. WILLIAM CLACK KILLED. -Mr. William Clack a section man on the G. T R. at London, a former •resid- en^ of Exeter, was instantly killed in that city on Thursday . morning last ano a fellow workman lamed S. Luscaigno also suffered a broken leg in 'the same accident, Both men were walking down the track to their •vozk. A freight train was going west and Clack was ont he next track. ' Owing to the storm Clack apparently did not hear the fast express and he ;vas struck fairly ,by the engine and hurled mans feet into the air. Thc body, in descending struck the other man, who was clear of the track, and threw hint many feet down the, embankment, breaking his leg in two• places, while Clack's body continued to roll down the embankment a .distance of ;•early' 21 feet. When Clack was picked up he was dead, his body, being terribly shattered. Aft-. Clack lived here with hi, parents for many years, but has been a resident of London for fully 25 years. He was a faithful work- man and had worked on the Grand Trunk foe over ten years. }Ie leaves a widow and one daughter about ten years of age. DEATH OF 'r\1RS. PETERSON. It'wil• be -sad news, to many here to learn of the death of Mrs. Nelson Peterson eveto died at her home in Chapple, Rainy River Districz,'sn Jan. 12, after an illness of, over lour -non- •,.a tit t; reported to the police as miss- ; the from cancer,' A few tee _n, feel.: his home and. a` six o'clock Mrs. James Snell is 11 with n ,t - mania. Mrs Roof: is improving 'ram her illness. G J. ipow shipped it car of horses to ebontrea. on Friday. There is much sickness in town, ow- ing largele to the prevalence of la grippe Mrs . F. May entertained a eareberi of lade friends on Thursday :v;.toiog- of last week, Mr James Creech, aaho has been confined 40 his bed for some weeks, is much worse during the past few days. ,1Ir• Fret. Ellerington was in Tor- onto rsxth cattle this week, as sure also Air Louis Fletcher and Mr, W; Moody Scandrett Bros. of London were fined $50 and costs at Clinton :or il- iegall., shipping liquor into Floratr County f Rtogrssive Euchre Party Es ine arranged 'for Feb. 16, the pro- ceeds to help hue the Colors for the lt•lst Battalion. The latter part of Last week taw a thaw Haat took off all our r .note, IS' thea froze ulr, astel the autoes •vire brought into commission again. The County Council met in God- erich on 'Tuesday for the January ses- siotilumbers from this distrietl_tt on the morn'ng train for the County towel Mrs L li. Dickson. and daughter Miss Dolly entertained at their home on Wednesday evening of this 'week, in honor of their guests, Mrs. Ben- nett and daughter, lir Y A Rollins of Mimics, <artn- erly o' Exeter. underwent a Surgical operation in Afimico last week for stoppage of the towels, and is, we are pleased to state, recovering. The exceedingly mild spring wea- ther we are supposed to be enjoy- ing" just now is very dangerous. It is apt to make one carefessj as to dress. resulting in heavy colds andla grippe,. and often pneumonia. Mist Spereman, Government Cata- loguer arrived here on Monday tnd is busy arranging the books and aeriod- ical.. in the new Public Library. 'his worl needing an expert and Miss Spe-ran devotes all her lane to it, Ail Wm ieenhale was called to Toronto last week- awing to the Hi- nes: his son, Thomas, who was ud- den!y taken down with • an acute :tt- tacl• of appendieLtis; He is tow on a fat- way to recovery, but it was thought at first that an, operation woulo be necessary. Mr. Penhale has ar•ised home, Considerably petty thieving has been reported of late. Chicken roosts, have been robbed, clothes lines strip- ped aria other articles have been.stol- en, It would be well for people to he on. their guard for the marauders and keep their chickdn houses locked and their clothes lines bare, or like the Irishman's hens, "they ;nay come home missing." At a special meeting of the Clin- ton Board of Trade :ailed by the president, Mr, John Ransford, a •no- tion was carried in favor of a federal prohibition act to have effect *luring the war and the reconstruction period of three years thereafter, and also that the question of the repeal olj such a law be sumitted to the pets.:' ple before its passing out of torte. Conic- of the resolution have own sent to Premier Borden, the leadee or the Oppostion, also the :nembers for Huron -x-o-z-• DEATH OF MR. LAMBROOK.- The Oddfellows here received •a telegram on Tuesday from Brantforde statinr that Bro Lambrook 'had been k!!leci The telegram had been pre- ceded a few days by a letter to the Lodge it which his daughter Mrs. D. Hallarar, stated that e'er. •i3. Lam- brook• had met with an accident an the 19th in which he broke his .eft -m. This, • however, was not the o: ' is death. On eIondaynight she was afflicted with the dread lis - ease in the breast and, it was deemed advisable •to undergo an operation far the removal of the trouble. The op- eration was performed in Victoria Elospital London, about a year and. a. halt ago, and she also took X-ray treatments later. The operation was .successfully performed and there were fair hope:, for the patient's recovery. But this was only for a few months when the trouble returnedwith ap- parently greater ravages than before, and in September she was compelled to take her bed an,dc from, that to the end she suffered untold agonives, Mrs. Peterson's maiden name was Mary Ie. Prince. She was born. at Hyde Park in 1860. In 1880 she married her now beret' husband and four years later moved to Exeter with her family, where Mr. Peterson was section .'ore man of this division of the Grand Trunk It= 1899 the family 'noved to Rainy Rive • District, where they took up a homestead and where they !rave since resided. Deceasedwas ag(eld 55 years 4 months and 19 days,' By hex. kind hearted disposition and ;ner many other good qualities she endeared rre- seli to many. Besiides her husband she leaves to mourn her, loss, six of a family -Nelson at Barwilck, Alfred in Alberta Swieyn on the homestead, Alice (Mrs' Geo. S. Watts) of Chap - plc, Edna at home. and; Mrs Marshall Box of Parkhill; -x-o-x HICKS' JANUARY FORECAST. - A regular stormy !period ie tat its en, tre on the 30th, extending from, fri- day- the 28th, to Thursday February 3ra The (moon es at greatest declina- tion. south on the 30th, the central day of the !period, is is perigee on Feb lst, and at new moon on Feb. 3rd An unquestionable and very ''.drn oor'.,anc `act is, , that atmospheric tides dee follow the moMoon�•im herdeclinations 'arat'ans aoxtb and south of the equator. ,The closing storm period for January, therefore -darner its opening clays. brei- cold northely winds, ,ttendcd by Cloudiness end snow, as the mon- th goat, on_th'goat, out, but nsl we pass into Feb- ruary winds will shift to southerly, the barometer will make a decided fall and storms of a more tropical . har- acter wee emend, especially insec- tion; toward the south. on Tuesd.,y mornme 're was found dead on the G. T. R. track e :bout a mile from the city. He ?tad appar-, ently .wandered away, got onto the trace and was killed instantly*. The: late lir. Lambroak was long a resident of Exeter and went to .: e- sidce with his daughter in Brantford only a few years ago. He was one of the oldest members: of Exeter Lodge of Oddfellows. He was :made a member on Feb. 23, 1871, one mole th atter the Lodge was instituted, and anti.; his removal from town no brcthez could be more regular in his attendance. The late Mr. Lambrook, was it, his 84th year. His wife ,lied five years ago. He is survived by one son Josep1 of Indiana, and one laugh- ter Mrs D. Halloran of Brantford. He waz a Conservati,ve ilt politics and• English church . in religion. The re- mains wilt be brought here for inter- ment, the funeral taking place ,ender the auspices of the Oddfellows from the G T. R. station on. the, 'trrival` of the 9.45 train. on Friday 'nosning. (The Oddfellows are requested to meet it' the Lodge Room at 9.15.) --o-- Rev eeluxworthy was in Toronto during the week. Private Archie Davis:. of Galt was ?Soma fol a few days. Vlts.. Ethel Day left Wednesday to vise -her sister in Brantford. Mr. Thos. Statham of . Acton is visiting hie son, Mr. W. J. Statham. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blatchford return- ed to Toronto Monday after ' eve.ral week,- visit here. Mr Harry Fuke .has beeni; sansfe:- red from the. Bank ,of. Commerce 't Saul- Ste Marie: to Parkhill and was home over Sunday Mr .and Mrs'. Phillip :Magee. sof .au - can were in 'town on Saturday. Mr. Magee, is taking, a course at' vocal' sturdy from .Mrs. .Gambrill. Mr Norman Ford, son of Mr. John Ford, Exeter Northe who has been 'Al in Detroit while on a visit, is recov- ering and is expected . home shortly Mr arid Mrs. Wilkinson of Tilson- burg Mr. R. .Seldon of IngersolL,and Mr and Mrs. Doerr of Berlinwere guests at the home of( Mr. R. G. Sel- don over Sunday. JONES 8:. MAY PHONE NO. 8,`A A GREAT SACfl1FICE SALE OF FURS IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUT OUR STOCK OF FURS WE START THIS WEEK WITH A BIG SACRIFICE SALE .OF ALL OUR '.61 -TR: MUFFS RUFFS, NECK SCARFS; LADIES FUR AND FUR -COLLAR- ED COATS; . ALSO CHILDREN'S SETA; OF FUS, DON'T MISS "T',1-I1S OPPORTUNITY TO BUY FURS AT THESE EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. INDICATIONS ARE THAT FURS WILL BE MUCH dIGH- ER NEXT SEASON. BELOW WE OFFER. A PARTIAL LIST OF THESE BARGAINS 2 Alaska Sable buffs, were $22.50 .., ... Sale Price $15,00 each. 2 Alaska Sable Muffs, were $20.00, ,„0444 Sale price .$12.$0 each. 1 Isabelle: O,ppossuin Muff, was $10.0(1 .,...,,. .Sale Price $6,50 1Black Fox ;'guff, was $20.00... 0404. 4444 ..... ,Sale Price $13.00 1 Black Persian Lamb Muff, was $15,00, .,.,Sale Price $10,00 I. Imitation Lamb Muff, was $3.25....... 4404,, , . t.,...Sale Price $215 1 Alaska Sable Muff (drop skins, a beauty)was $55; Sale Price $37.50 1 Belgian Hare Muff, was $2.50,.. ... ..... .. .. ,.Sale Price $1.50 2 Greg .Persia*,. Lamb Muffs, were "'$10.00; Sale Price $J,50 each 3 Grey Persian: Lamb Muffs, were- $7.00, Sale Price $5,00 each 1 Grey Persian Lamb Muff, was $6,50, ................ ......Sale Price $4.75 2 Special Black Persian Muffs to clear at $21.00 each ,i7 .EO, . FURS 1 Bled. Persian. Lamb Scarf, was $25.50; for ........................... 1 Bled. Persian Lamb Scarf, was $22,50, for ................. . $20,00 $20.00 1 Oppossum Scarf, was $750, for,..... ............e t $4,75 1 Pieced Persian Scarf, ivas $5.50 for ,,...,,.. , ,,,, $3.50 1 Columbia Sable, was $10.00 for ..,.,... ...,,....... ,r 4044, $6.30 1 Columbia Sable, was $12.00 .,,f $8.00 2 Columbia Sables, were $0.00 tor ,.. .,,,,.•..... $5.00 1. Blue Russian. Wolf Scarf, was 55.50 for , 04.0111.• ft $330 1 Black Wolf Scarf, was $16.50 for ,.. $11.50 W. 1 Persian Lamb Scarf, was $16,00, *or ,N 10.0.550 . 0 1 Alaska Sable Scarf, was $16.00 fox,..,...,. ,..,,..,...., ... $11,00 1 Marsnot Scarf, was $12.50,,, for i„ , .., $ 7,50 1 Set Leopard -Muff and Scarf, was $10.00 for ..,....,, .4.,,, $ 6.50 1 Handsome Black Wolf Set, was $ 25.00 for ..,...... ................ $17,00 This is only ,o partial list of Jur large Stock, Children's. White Sets Greatly Reduced. 7 Only Ladies Fur Collared Coats were $ 15.50, to Clear at 0..,,. $12.00 1 Marmot Scarf, was $ 8.00 for.,.,51 ...,.......................... 40)..... Our New Sprung WALL PAPERS are now in stock. JONES & MAY Readqu stars for the celebrated W. E. Sanlsoud Clothing .\Ir Wilbur Martin was in Seaforth LAI) IES AND GENT S • on Thursday, Mr. Tho Mrs. J Mrs. T. up w rating with Mrs..Chas. Gidley, ie:tarned to her home in Woodstock Saturday Thos. G. Creech was in Strat- ford on F i ridgy, aures Atkinson has returned froze a visit in London Township. H Do a who has been visBING - Lieut Torrance. went to Goderich Saturday to attend the Memorial ser- vice. to the late 4v1hjar Sale. About 200 soldiers attended the service. Mr. James Sanders, Mr. and Airs, Harley Sanders and Miss Mary A. Taylor, Exeter North, returned Sat- urday from a visit ,to .Windsor and Detroit Mr Jas Gould spent Saturday in London with Mrs. Gould, who is un- dergoing treatment in a private hos- pital itt that city, anti who is : eporte,d to be progressing ,favorably. Choice Furniture R. N. ROWE .THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER Phone Z0a enume D.L.&W A Ful' Line of Ladies' Suitings Gaberdines; Broadcloths, Vicunas CM Oil 0 Poplins African Brown, Russian, and Laure' Green, Etc. PRICES $23 to $35. Agents For CO ATS Coat Season is here, and with it an Oil Co. ' "st some ce the most becoming and at- tractive models oaf the day. Every garmen the newest in its Class - Tweeds ?lushes, Beavers, Persia tea Chinchillas, Etc. PRC $17to, $I ES 30 British America A, FINE ASSORTMENT of MEN'S SUITINGS' & OVERCOAT - INGS at reasonable prices. GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere THE HIGH CLASS TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel Exeter Bargain Store MIUININT�R SALE S°�8=8��a=Ns LADIES CLOTH RUBBERS, felt lined sizes f23 to 4TeeReg, $1, for 60c Ladies and Children's. WOOL 'CAPS ztcrth up to 75q. fpr 25c., WOOL TOQUES -2 for 25c: COATS worth. t toat 7 CHILDREN'S . a $5.00, „q 51.15 ,:a M. MEN'S FLEECE LINED 'Stelae S at 3.) Cents each. • TIES -50c. Ties tor 25c. BOYS BRACES -3 Hairs for 25 cents SOME EXTRA VALUES- IN SWEATERS t9 ze l'ER CENT DI5uOUw C Ole ALL OUR 'OVERCOATS. B. W. F. Beavers R. Row Tea & Coffe Store For the choice groeeries, fruits, spice teas-, coffee and ever thing in the grocery lin Call and see us. A tri as to quality will convi Ge. Producetaken in exchan Jas. Opposite Electric light Plant.. Choicest Meats Always . on Nan F. Begg Butcher Phone 1