The Exeter Advocate, 1916-1-27, Page 7i. idea of what its victims suffer, A' Recently it has been ray privilege A RAPID RISE, tingling of the tender skin, a sharp i sudden stab from some angry nerve; to have quite a long talk with an Eng Private of Year Ago Commands a British Regiment. TRE AGONIES OF NEURALGIA A:n "LIGHT OF THE HAREM." 1 English Woman Tells of Some Inside Secrets. Most English woman have but a faint idea of life in the harem (or ha - A Nerve Trouble Always ]flue to room, to be. correct), The most pre- Weak, Watery Blood.. 1 valent notion poor over -tired Mrs. Smith has o£ it is that, anyway,.the Only those who have been attacked with neuralgia can form the faintest women are not overworked, and that is trixe enough• tion of bodies picked up on the battle- field. The .application of antiseptics at the time of burial is a mistake, says the report. Hygiene requires the rapid dissolution of flesh, which can be en- sured by urea injections. In recent experiments the carcass of a horse weighing half a ton was reduced to a. skeleton three weeks after an urea injection. then piercing paroxysms of pain—that lisp woman who has spent sevexa is neuralgia. The cause of the trouble months as companion to the wife: of is disordered nerves, clue to weak, ; a h gh personage in India. Many good - watery blood.. The cure is Dr. Wil- class Indians are educated at our Uni- liams' pink pins,which make new I versities in these days. They form i rich, red blood, and thussouth and.friendship with ,nglishmen, and be - strengthen the disordered nerves and eome enamoured of many of our Eng - cure neuralgia, Mr, Louis . Martin, lish ways of living, says a writer in Mildmay, Out,,, says:. "I am writing to let you know the great benefit Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been to me. Two years ago I was a physical wreck. My nerves were all unstrung and I suffered tortures from neuralgia, in the head and throughout the nervous system generally. I was almost unfit for work, and only managed to get along with the greatest difficulty. I doctored for about five months, and in this time took aver forty dollars worth of medicine without any benefit, More, I was. actually growing worse, and finally had to take to my bed. My nerves got so bad that I could not turn aver in bed without help, and the pain was something awful. ,As I am a farmer, you can easily see that ne- cessary work was being neglected, so I sent for a brother who was in Alberta, to come and take charge of the work, When my brother arrived he at once urged pie to try Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills, telling me of some cures that had come under his obser- her person. vation. I got half a dozen boxes, and This first ceremony is Balled the before they were all gone there was .Shandee, and although a man is al- no doubt they were helping me.. Alto- lowed four wives, no other ever holds gether I used nine boxes of the Fins, the same position as the first chosen times a day to bathe the eyes, This pro- d bythat t' i11 for him The others are of little int- tions favorable to fires In some of scrio9en and the simple Iters -Delo ewe - London Answers. They cannot Understand the freedom allowed to our women, but are charm- ed with the result of such an up- bringing, and when they return to their own land they try to introduce many things to relieve" the monotony of life in the harem. It seems. almost incredible to an English girl that her little Indian sis- ter never sees her husband until after the marriage ceremony. The parents choose the wife for the son of the house without consulting either party. Sometimes the bride is as young as fourteen. The child is gorgeously dressed, and placed on a dais behind a sheet; the women of the family be- ing in attendance. On the other side of the sheet is the bridegroom and many of his young filen Mends. The groom keeps throw- ing over jewels attached to flowers, which the women of the bride's side remove and place in her lap or on The most rapidly promoted man in the British. army is Lieutenant Col - net W. F. Austen, of the 17th Reserve Battalion of the Cheshire Regiment, who enlisted as a private in that regi-, Ment on August 30, 1914. He enlisted as a stranger, with only some militia experience behind hini, and rose rapidly through the non- commissioned ranks to a commission, and then from quartermaster to. ad- jutant, company commander and bat- talion adjutant, with the result that at the end of 11 months he was com- manding a regiment. She Gives Them All the Credit Says Dodd's Kidney Pills Made Her Well. Miss Gertie Newman, After Two Years' Suffering, Tells How She Found a Complete Cure. nually in the equipment and upkeep of Boy's Cove, Notre Dame Bay, Nfld., fire departments for the purpose of Jan, 24th(Special). — "_Offer two controlling and extinguishing fires, it is almost a novelty to find a munici- ars of weakness and suffering I am Is Your House a Home --or is it a collection of brick w•a11s; carpets, chairs and tapestries? Make it a home by serving for breakfast Shredded Wheat, the food of health and strength. Being ready -cook- ed ed it is so easy to prepare a delicious meal with Shredded Wheat in a few minutes. Contains all the goodness of. the whole wheat—better than porridges for children or s. Made in Canada. growntip. TO REDUCE FIRE LOSS. More Attention Should Be Paid to Inspection. "Locking the barn -door after the horse has been stolen," is a time- honored expression; but it applies with peculiar emphasis to many of our supposedly modern municipal gov- ernments, Especially is this true in the matter of the fire loss. While enormous sums are spent an - again in perfect health and I give all polity with a department charged the credit to Dodd's Kidney Pills," witll the inspection, and with author - VALUABLE NATIONAL. ASSET. Canada's Balance on Fish Trade in 1914-15 About $17,000,000, In view of the exceptional impor- tance which at present attaches to a favorable balance of trade, the unique position of our fishing industry is worthy of nate. No other branch of Canadian industry contributes to our exports so large a proportion of its total output as the fisheries, During 1914-193,5, out of a production valued at $31,000,000 in round numbers, Canada exported fish products valued at more than $19,000,000, or nearly 63 Per cent. of the total. As we imported Australia, Will Make ;Sher$. about $E;400,000 worth of fish pro- Substantial progress is beingmade ducts, the net balance in our favor on,p d this branch of trade is about $17,000,-. by Australian manufacturers with 000. The fisheries must, therefore, be the preparations for shellmaking. regarded as a valuable Rational asset. High explosive shells will, it is" prob- able, be turned out in Australia very that the fishing industry would be in a. soon, and shipments to Europe are much, stronger position, and the pros- perityexpected of those engaged in it more of the year, solidly based, were it rendered less dependent upon foreign markets by 1 inarg'e MithPCFt Cure; Dlstealue- the development of the domestic de- - mand to absorb a large portion of its A good place to judge a woman's output, beauty and a man's disposition is at �---------� the breakfast table,, TO SAVE EVES s �q7s exit,l~, Is the Object of This Free Pre.: l+'a' u fir,. -,, r'or i' i i�h ocx. scription—Try It If Your want to huy. wy rlto > . w. Rawson. Brampton. Ont. Eyes Give You Trouble, tir e11•f Ili►,aa,,,, Wn1/i(lIvIIIilIf°' lel Thousands or NEWSPAPERS OR S people suffer from. eye troubles because they 40 not know what itis 1T-AIAIiING NEWS AND JOB to do. They know some good home rem- Offices ter sale In good Ontario, eay for every other minor ailment. but towns, The meat useful and interesting none for their eye troubles. They neglect of an Businesses, Full nformation on their eyes, because the trouble is not Ariake Wm to Wilson Purllshinn Cont -- sufficient to drive them to an eye party, 73 Wena Adelaide St.. 'Toronto. apeclithat, ,who would, anyway. charge them a heavy fee. As .a last resort they MISCEt,t.ANSOU . go to an optician ar to the flue and ten - cent store, and oftentimes fret glasses that they do not need. or which. after being used a. few montbs. eo their eyes more injury than goad. Here is a simple prescription that every one should use: C grains Bon- C)pto, 2 ounces water. 'Use three or four tea±. That is tine statement made by Miss ity to enforce the correction, of condi- an tt time was a well plan, d Gertie M. Newmann, an estimable tem keeps the Dees clean. sharpens the and it is impossible to say how portance, living their lives mare or youn lad living here. She is so our larger cities some progress has vision and quickly nvexcomas 1nflam• thankful I was for my release from less as servants to the first wife. As over a� ed at herrecover that she. # the first wife gets to middle age she ] yy The Begum. is known asegu n COST OF WAR TO FRANCE, To End of Year, Expenses Will $6,2Q J,800,OQ0, The appropriations committee French Chamber of Deputies, porting upon the requirements of Government for the first quarter 191G, summarizes the cost of the The total expenses of the Gov- ernment from Aug. 1, 1914, to 'D 31, 191�i, were $6,204,800,000, of which purely military expenditares, were �4,SG9,4pQ,000, While the expenses of the Government during first five months of the war were $356,000,000, the estimates for quarter of the new year 8501,000,000 monthly. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN Mrs. Geo. Huffman, Willington, Ont., writes:—"I have used Own Tablets and can recommend them as a wonderful medicine for children. I am the another of live and have no other medicine for any of Thousands of other mothers say same thing of the '.Goblets. That why once a mother has used them her little ones she would use nothing else. The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cent box from The Dr. Williams_ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF DEIi'EA What General Foch, the Famous French Commander, Says. In "Behind the Scenes at the Mr. George Adam, Paris correspon- dent Times tells the Loi of , good deal that is interesting about opinions of General Foch, who for years lectured on strategy incl at the Ecole de Guerre. There used often to quote a saying of los de Maistre, which summed up the psy- chological element in defeat: ' �4 ba lost is a battle that you think is for battles are not lost, materially To that military', summary of doctrine of Christian Science, Gen Foch added this' formula of victo "Battles are, accordingly, lost moral- ly, and it is,. therefore, morally t battles are gained; and a battle is a battle in which you refuse to yourself beaten." • That is the more convincing sine comes From a soldier with a mind. Moreover, on at least one occa- sion, when he had lieez� forced three times' to retire, he put his faith practice: After each retirement General refused to admit defeat. He alien mezi under him had the nioral in which science plays part, to refuse to know when were beaten. On the third day the began early in the morn In the course of the clay General I once more took the offensive, and nightfall he had delivered. the decisive blow on the centre of the German army that led to its final precipitate retreat all along the line. DISPOSED OF WAR'S DEAD. t1° . REVIVING THE MONITOR. 1'sed Wherever Possible in the Pre- sent War, The monitor, which played such an 'mportant part in the naval history of the American Civil War, has been re - Jived by the British naval authori- ties. They have succeeded in produe- 'ng vessels of that type that can carry :he heaviest guns and that are vir- tually invulnerable to torpedoes. The monitors have been particularlys er- s > s 'iceable in the shallow waters off that !fart of the coast of Belgium which is M the hands of the Germans, include ng the German submarine base at Zeebrugge. Monitors can be run in waters that are too shallow for the submarine. Two 'vessels of the moni- :or.type, the Severn and the Mersey, were able to follow the Konigsberg ip the Rufiji River on the east coast of Africa and, although she was much more heavily armed and a larger ves- id than both of them put together, to destroy her. Monitors, too, have been used to support the French and Bri- fish troops in the fighting on the Gal- lipoli Peninsula. Some of these :hallow -draft, heavy -armed craft car- ry 14 -inch guns in the central turret; others have on 9.2 -inch gun in the bow and a 6 -inch gun in the stern. ,The 14 -inch guns fire Rrojectiles 'weighing sixteen hundred pounds for a distance of fifteen miles. The ves- 'sels are slow—a quality that does not platter much, since they are virtually invulnerable: NO "FRILLS" Just a Statement About Food. Sometimes a good, healthy commer- cial traveller suffers from poorly se- lected food and is lucky if he learns i' et Grape -Nuts food will put him i ht. A travelling man writes: "About a year ago my stomach got in a bad way. I had a headache most of the !time and suffered misery. For several months I ran down until I lost about '70 pounds in weight and filially had to give up a good position and go home. Any food that I might use seemed to nauseate me. "My wife, hardly knowing what to do, one day brought home a package of Grape -Nuts food and' coaxed me to. try it. I'tolcl her; it was no use, but finally, -to humor her, .I tried a little, and they just struck my taste. It was the first food that I' heel eaten in nearly a year that diel not cause any. suffering. "Nell, to make :a long, story short, I began toemprove, and stuck to Grape - Nuts. I went up from 135 pounds -in December to 194 pounds the following October. brain is clear, 1VI bx i .blood.all right Yzg and appetite too much for any man's pocketbook. In fact, I o n thoroughly made over, and - owe it all to Grape - Nuts. I talk so much about what Grape -Nuts will do that some of: the men on tire` road nicknamed me `Grape -Nuts,' but I stand to -day a healthy, rosy-cheeked man—a pretty. good example of what the right kind of food•will do. "You egn publish this if you want to. It is a true statement without any frills. t Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Ever read• tate above letter? A new ane appears from"time to time. They Be of there - the of war thus:ov- ec. the v average the the firstaverage N. on, Baby's used them." the is for in g s a T. Front" a the five tactics he eph sy- the lost, the General ry: ral- hat won ad- mit e it scientific cca Fee into. Foch the oral` no they re- tirementilg. Foch by sive man Rapid Disintegration' Urged by French Aeadenay; of 14edicine. The French Academy of Medicine recommends the employment of the are ,genuine, rue and fon of Inunair :for the rapid C1iSiC'e 'i'ft wantsall suffering women to know e g how she found her cure. "I had a cold to start with," Miss Newman continues, "and then things 'fist seemed to o from bad to worse. g My back ached, I had cramps in my muscles, and I suffered from head- i;lst cannot fill this nreycrtntlnn, fiond aches. My sleep was broken and. un- power to advance the fixe prevention gl to tine valnias Drug C'a.. Tnrohito. fur refreshing, my eyes were puffed and campaign and secure results. If a it complete lion-Clpt<t Iinnae Treattnt'at swollen and 1 perspired freely with fire chief's record depended upon his outflt�ttri,lets and il� _ keeping down the number of fires, in- been made by the are departments, lnauon and lrrltatian: weak, watery, which have set apart small details of overworked, tired eyes and other similar r bl s ar r t • benefit d an orae often - carded overworked; e d n their staffs, charged with inspection times cures bl, tt, u e Ian• report work. The result of their work is h that r of I s 1 dis- minimized, however, by the fact that It is good for the eyes, and contains the inspectors have not sufficient au- no ingredient which would injure tete mail sensitive eyes oP an infant or the aged. Try it, and know for once what real eve comfort is. If your own drug- You ru r - pain." 1 You can getDr. Williams' i - Pill ai Pink s, from any dealer in medicine or by mail, post paid, at 60 cents a box or' six boxes for $2.60, from The Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. show ho wearers g a yes have carded them after a few weelcs use thority; The fire chiefs have it in their the least exertion. I was always irri- table ri table and in the mor�zngs I had a bit- ter taste in my mouth. "Reading of cures by Dodd's Kid- ney Pills I decided to give them a trial. I took a dozen boxes in all, and men for inspection work; these men should be held responsible for the in- spection and correction of dangerous conditions, and, to make their work effective, the inspectors should be l I� trying to collect clothed. with fire marshal authority, in other«nineteen calls yz g order that any fire breaking out in their inspection districts might be thoroughly investigated and the cause: definitely assigned. In this way an 1 inspector's reputation for thorough -i ness would be at stake, and, with the, knowledge that a fire would be inves- tigated by one familiar with the con- ditions, there would be fewer fires of i a suspicious character or due to care-! lessness. Municipalities can well afford to make generous appropriations for fire - preventive inspection work. It is an investment which will yield large re- turns, not only in reduced fire loss but in reduction in the cost of upkeep of fire departments and equipment. stead of his ability to handle fires af- Fees. ter they have broken out, there would "How much does that etylish doe - be greater effort at inspection. Fire tor of yours charge?" chiefs should insist upon sufficient "Ten dollars a visit." "Gee! Haw often has he called at your house this month?" "Twenty times." "Gosh. You owe hin'i $200 then?" "Nope, He's 1 a the Ifo e only0. p, you can see how they helped me. T recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all suffering women." Dodd's Kidney Pills are suffering woman's best friend. —ti - 29 WARS NOW WAGING. The Way Germany Looks at Huge World Conflict. The present war really consists of 29 different wars, says the Cologne Zeitung. There are 14 nations or statesfighting each other. On one side are Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria, and• on the other England, Russia, France, Bel- gium, Italy, Japan, Serbia, Montene- gro; Monaco and San Marion. The latter must be accounted a part of Italy for war purposes. Germany is at war with eight powers (Italy excepted) 8 Austria-Hungary.: with all of the allies 9, Bulgaria with Russia, England, France, Italy, ,, Serbia and Mon- tenegro 6 Turkey with the same powers as Bulgaria , 6 Russia with Germany, Austria-Hun- gary, Bulgaria and Turkey ... 4 England with the central powers and their allies . .. 4 France with the same powers , .:. 4 Belgium - with Germany and Austria-Hungary ...... . 2 Italy with Austria-Hungary, Tur- key and Bulgaria , . .... . 3. Japan with Germany and Austria- Hungary 2 Monaco with the same powers ... 2 Serbia with Germany, Austria- Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey 4 Montenegro with the central pow- ers, Turkey and Bulgaria . 4 58 As the wars are counted double in the ' above list tile sum has to be divided by two to get the number of wars that are now being fought out all over the world. Why Roan Meal is Best for Your r Child The • intestinal muscle • roust have waste to properly develop. The growing muscles and organs must have `rl.loundant nutrition, The teeth and •bones,' nerves, rhuscles, organ's; and.',blood must all have,, abundant inorganic salts,' in ilonn Meal is Piled with 'branny waste which gives the intestinal - muscles " 'exercise, preventing• constipation' and indigestion. 1t his More in.orgahic salts than any Sore0re Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Boland Wind Eyesquickly relieved by Murloo EycRemedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye Salvein Tubes 25c. ForBookof 1hrtyefreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago A Moving Target. A Highlander with bagpipes entered the street and commenced his plain- tive lay, and at the same time march- ing up and down in time-honored fash- ion. "Why does he move about all the time he plays ?" asked Johnny of his father. "I don't know," answered the lad's father, wearily, "unless it is to pre- vent me getting the range with the inkpot." Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Sirs,—I have used your MINARD'S LINIMENT for the past 25 years and whilst I have oceasionally used other liniments I can safely say that I have never used any equal to yours. If rubbed between the hands and inhaled frequently, it will neveefail to cure cold in the head in 24 hours. It is also the Best for bruises, sprains, etc. Yours truly, 3. G. LESLIE. Dartmouth. Steam Roller Cracks Eggs. We have often heard of using a steam hammer to crack a nut, but who ever heard of using a steam roll- er oller to crack an egg? Millions of bad eggs intended for human consumption are seized every year in London, and the way they are destroyed is to tip them out of their cases and run a steam roller over them. SPEND THE WINTER IN CALIFORNIA • Round trip Winter Tourist tickets on sale daily to California via variable direct and scenic routes. Four fast modern trains leave Chicago daily from tho most modern raiiwaY terminal in the world. Overland Limited (Extra Fare) leaves 7.00.P.M., Los Angeles Limited—direct to Southern . California—leaves 10,00 P.M., San Francisco Limited leaves 10,00' P.M., California Mail leaves •10.455, P.M. Let us help you plan an attractive trip. Booklets, giving full particulars, mailed on application to B. H. Bennett, G.A., Chicago & North Western Ry., 96 •Yonge St, Toronto, Ont. The Aeroplane Gunner. Most of the aeroplanes used in the 'i RAOE;ttASll•llo:ll,yp great war carry two persons, the pilot Reduces Bursal Enlargements, and the "gunner -observer," who sits Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs Filled Tendons, Sore - forward and spies out the land or h , Wh neseBruises or Strains;handles the mac zi-e gun. en an o s Lameness,allays pain. aeroplane armed with a machine gun p Spavinattacks a hostile aeroplane, Does not blister, remove the hair or . p the�pilot , lay up ,.the horse. $2.00 a bottle at once manoeuvres the machine into position so that his companion can bring hisgun into action. • In firing, the gunner does not take deliberate aim, but swings the gull up and "down and round so that a fan -shaped stream write. Made in the U. S. A. by of bullets shall be sure to fill all the W. F. YOUNG P. 0. F, 516 L .mans Bldg,, Montreal Can. space through which the opposing YOUNG, Y B, , cpeueg nl opcut sic • ar 'auigiosgd 5115 ma,o'n aeroplane has to trav 1. When both at druggists or delivered. Book 1 M free. A.BSORBINE, JR., for mankind -an antiseptic liniment forbruises, cuts, wounds, strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. It heals and soothes. $1.00 a bottle at drug- gists or postpaid Will tell you more if you other known food. It's the roost nutri-: Y?01@i"rcMb.;W� :lel°�4,'na'1 tions• food sold . Asic your 'doctor, not stir'Rnmait i9real To.rriclge At gro cern, 1Oc and .,5c. Roman ileal' is macre btt•;llonaan ileal Co Toronto, and your grocer can 1?ro cure it from any n'MS) esaier, ". 1<Irs. Anclersciz— I hope you can , come next Thursday. ; 'We're haying some music by my daughter before supper?" Mr. Jackson—"Oh, yes, e X'11 conic. But`— — erI may be late!" �r„ I lii. 1, THE LARGEST FIREPROOF RESORT .,i ci4iri Iill'fEl._lAT THE WORLD The Spirit of America at 'clay::, Magnitude and Cheerfulness. AiisnExCAN PLAN EIYROPEAirt PLAN;, E. S. White, Pres. J. W. Mott, M. aeroplanes are armed with mach-ine gunsthe most skillful pilot usually wins the fight, although luck often plays a part in the result. Minard'b Liniment Cured Diphtheria. GVANCEN. TTJ&IQRS, LUMPS, wro,. Internal and external. cured with- out pain by our /tome treatment. writs us before too late. Dr. Veltman 1ltedicai Co..Limited, coznngwrod. Ont. America's Pioneer Dog e it int Q e'i e BOOK ON DOG DISEASES .And Trow to Feed Mailed free to any address 1»' the Author H. CLAN GLOVER, V. S. 118 West 3IstStreet,NewYork "Mr. Anderson," said the doctor, "I. fear your wife's mind is. gone!" "That doesn't surprise me;" replied Mr: An- derson. "She has "been giving me "a piece of it -every day. for the last, ten. years." Some small minds have great thoughts. AS SE 8S TOT CON- LSTEUCTION The salesman that works ^very .lay and night during the vesr. ?en.l tor catalog "W" Fi. J. ST. CLAI'B CO., 140., 27 Toronto Arcade, - --Toronto; DIRK'S RED MITE KILLER tine applicati.Ui 11iLI,:t tt-,4.! ,• all :1111/444; ;illll 141'eVet1tS thutt• re-afrl"rartuve dur- ; Ing tho Renean. Notre fowls fret' from hotly ,L,a µ1'.; 1h't•, .M:tk,•, .1r lege bright and .11 an. lcerprr Owl%"- r` ` lard. pastry and sworn!' tree from auto. 1:elil,:l lip will give no ttnubi,• where us. -0, Writ,. to- day for speeial trial Price, 11out,iw t 1 Marshall Sc Marshall, Niagara kALti, Ont. i., iutriiltl lk.r 4 for Canada. ziedietewi.oe, Ar" WWI THE STANDARD FOR THIRTY YEARS Tontperaturo Right, Day and Night Saves Fuel. Starts Piro Before You Awake. Is Automatic. Send for Catalog "T" H. T. ST. CLAIR CO., Limited. 27 Toronto Arcade Tonom O, - ONT. E PE The Ideal Winter Resort Beautiful Drives, •Saddle Riding. Golf, Tennis, Yachting, Fishing and Sea Bathing. Present Gar- rison of the Ottawa t3Sth). Regi- ment, PrincOSS is open from LECLNSBElt, to MAY Situated nn the 1•larbor of Hamilton. Accommodates 400. Rates : 425 per week and upward. HOWE & TWOROGER, Managers HAMILTON, - BERMUDA Bermuda is reached by the steam- ers of the Quebec S. S: Co., 32 Broadway, New York. �..OS dill..1 IIS4 Good Lookmg Hari ess Stays good looking-- and ooking- and. cid harness looks like new when you. give it regular appli- cations of EUREKA •HARNESS OIL Prevents cracking: Putslife into the harness. Makes it strong, pliable, last - longer. One,application will convince you. iJealei*s Everywhere Ile Imperial .l � Q1 Company Limited BSANCd3ES IN ALT. CITIES. --s 1.11.4 Moms Atiwiiti . elifiipouulluo Noutu Bmullilil` t urea SCinlri p t Idinard's Liniment Cures Cra.get iri CO 7:0 = . interest. F G. nttinard,s Liniment Cures Coltle, Etc. `,ISSUE 4 4 / J 4 4 1 4 1, ,-A 41