HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-1-27, Page 5LEGAL. 19IOKSON fE CAIU4NG, BARIU&IEBS, solicitors, N'ntarre7 Conveyancers, Com- miaaltoners. Sollettors for the Melsons Bank. etc. Aiotiey to Loan at lowest rates of interest Oxtices--Madn-St., Exeter I. R. Carting, 8+A. L. I3, Dickson MONL9'X' TO LOAN we have a large amount of private a;unds to loan on tarns and Tillage prop - males at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Ba,risters, Solicitors. Exeter. DENTAL Or. G. V. ROULSTON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST Member of the R.C.D.S. of Ontario and Bonor Graduate of Toronto University. Office -Over Dickson & Carling's law office, Closed Wednesday afternoons.. OR. A R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., D.II,S., 'Honor Graduate of Toronto university DENTIST Reetr extracted without pato, or ane sad erects. Sa ne over Giadman Stenbury'a Qttce, Mann Stmt, Seater. SYNOPSIS OP CANAI W NORTH WEST Lalel) REG .iLATI NS THE sole head of a family., ar any mal,:'ovex 28 Years old, may ii.mestea a cjuarter-section of aver le i).lain ion"land in iMttnitoba, axe o Alberta.:, The apx+licaat in perso I. at the Dominion Laic ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis- te t. Eaatry may be made at eny Thintinion Lands Agency (inert net Sstb.Agezicy) on certain conditions. Duties• -Six months' , est :Appear .ls Ag- rave g-. rn a upon and cultivation of thein each of three years, A boniest r -nay 1-rve!. within ant of blg�iornestead on a fawn of at [s 80 ApreS, on certailn conierions, A itatb1 Nouse is re - Mika ein the ev 1� it el4ce 81'where �EACe is p vicinity.tytty. c a hanestcader in good s Aire-entpt a quarter section al his homestead. Price $3 ,per Aare. Babies—Six months resi- dence in each of three years after ea.rprine homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultieration. Pre-emption patent may he obtakied as soon as itlom!esteed potent, en certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his homesteei remit may take a purchas- ed homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acro. Dtittes—Must re- side 6 ;months in eagle: of 3 years, cu- ltivate 50aores, anti erect a house worth $300, The area of cultivation is subject to reductrroa in case of rough, sceub- by or stony land. Live stock may be substitutea far cultivation under eer- tain conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior „„B. Unauthorized puliltcation of this 3tdvertiseanealt wi1L nb1 be pad for, as Eiadr4 C A Christian college -home, Healthful situation, For prospectusandterms,writethe Principal RL Warner, M.A.,D.D ., St. Thomas, Ont. 63 WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. 3 CENTRAL STRATFORD- ONT. Canada's Best Business College We have three different depart- tments, Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Our graduates are se- curing good positions. We are re- ceiving manyapplications we cannot :meet In two days this term we re- ceived 14 applications for trained help :Some call: offering from $45 a mon't'h to $1400 per annum remain unfilled. -Get out free catalogue at once. D. A. McLachlan. Principal 'DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS lAareeitt ;gloating Pill for Women. $5 a box or three/or $i0. Sold at all 14rug Stores, or !nailed to any address on receipt of prima Tau Scontt=r, Duu 'Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. 'PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. vim aIle Xitality;for Nerve'and Brain; increases "grey atter";a Tonle—will build you up. $3 a box, or *two'for $5 at drug stores, or by maion receipt sof price. Tis SconsuL DRUG Co„ St. Catharinee, 'Ontario. !AND/RUNKSYs EM WINTER RESORTS SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARES Long Limit --Stopovers Asheville and Hot Springs, N. 'C.; Charleston, S.C. Nassau., N. ; .Hot Swings, Ark.; French Lick ear-, itn.gs. Ind.; • Jaiks'onviile eon all Mir-. iida Points • Havana, Cuba; and New , Orleaaus „La.; via. New York and Rail ,(or steame.e according to destination) Or via ,Bt'ffalo, Detroit, or Chicago. BERMUDA •AND "•WEST 1NUIES'` OTHEP• HEALTH "RESORTS :Mourn* .C1em,ens, 'Mich.. Battle 'Creek,'`, N1ic11, , StCatharines Preston SSprnngs, Ont , Further particulars an aprlicationtc. Grano Trunk' Agents. Fur particulars and birth reserva- tion. on application to Agents. N. J. D.ORE, Exeter LUX Won't Shrink Woollens RESIDES being a wonderful cleanser.. LUX adds to the life of woollen and f an- nel garments. Keeps all loosely woven fabrics from shrinking or thickening in the wash. L U X dissolves readily en hot water, makes a smooth, cream -like lather which csn- not injure the filmiest fab- rics or the daintiest hands. • LUX -pure essence of soap in flakes --is the favourite washing preparation in homes of refinement. Sold tet 10 cen*s Made in Canado:by Brothers Limited, Toronto. WHAT ONTARIO FOLKS SAY. Hamilton; Ont. ---"This is to state that I have received great benefit from the use of Dr. Piercc'E tonPrescrip- tion. ago I was run down and weak, suffered loss of appetite and svgS miserable. Four bottles of th • 'Prescriptic cured me tip '•t fine: shape' it 61 wonders fan me an 1 I can reeotnrnei' 1 it very highly to women who are !tiling."—bliss Meme MILLER, 127 Hess St., Hamilton, Ont. Brantford, Ont. --"Some few year, ago I got in a very much run -doe n condition. Was very weak; could not .r, anything; had no strength at all. 1 1, e gan taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prest•re• tion; I only took five .bottles and it pet me in splendid condition. I felt better than I had for years. Other members of my family have used this medicine and found it equally as beneficial. I can highly recommend it to weak women."--- Mxs. A. GI eioun, 71 Brighton Row, Brantford, Ont. The use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription makes women happy by malting them healthy. There are no more crying spells. "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. Like an open hook, our faces tell ti" tale of health or disease. Hollow cheeks and sunken eyes, listless steps, sleepless nights—tell of wasting debilitating dist some place in the body. It may be one place or another, the cause is generally traceable to a common source. Get the "Prescription" to-day—either in liquid or tablet form—if you want to better your physical condition speedily. Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and in- vigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Keep the body clean inside as well as outside. MITCHELL—The death occurred last' week at the age of 81 years, of Mrs Wm Robinson, ,one of the old- est and hest known residents of the town, after a .long illness. A large family well-known all over the coun- try, survive ,.a WANTED NOW Reliable salesman to act as agent in Huron County. PAY WEEKLY Outfit free, exclusive territory and money making specialties. Our agencies are the best in then ousi- ness for we sell the highest grade -of stock at most reasonable prices' an guarantee deliveries in first claw .condition :• Nursery stock is selling well this year : and good • money can be made in this dis district. For particulars ' write Sales Manager,, • PELHAM NURSERY CO._ TORONTO, ONT. Business and Shorthand Westervelt School Y. M. C.A. Building London, Ontario 26 College in Session Sept. 1; c iuly Catalogue Free. Ente- ! W �t HAS LOTS OF SUPPLIES Townshend Sends .Assuring Re. port From Kut-el-.A.mara, There Has Been No Further Attack on. Fortress Since Besiegers Clos- ed the Ring on the British Force —General Aylmer Reports Sub- stantial Gain in Terrific Battle With the Tiuks, LONDON, Jan. 25. The main British Mesopotamian army sur- rounded by the 'Parks at Kut -e1 - Amara is well supplied. There has been no further attack on the for- tress since the Turks closed their ring around it nearly a month ago. These are the outstanding points in a report received from General Sir Percy Lake, Commander -in -Chief of the British in Mesopotamia, and given out by the India Office to- night. Sir Percy quotes Gen. Qbarles V. Townshend, commander of the Kut-eI-Amara defenders, as stating that "he has sufficient supplies," The report relieved to a great extent the anxiety which teas prevailed here since the news reached London that the Kut -el -Amara tome was bottled up by the Turks. Yesterday's statement is interpret- ed as meaning that there is no cause for fear that the force will be stare - ed out in the immediate future and it strengthens the hope that the re- lief torte, under Gen, Aylmer, which is now six miles east of Kut -el - Amara, at Essian, facing the strong- ly entrenched Turks, will eventually break through and relieve the main force, The relief Friday attacked the Turks, who' are- strongly 'entrenched' at Essian, six miles east of Kut -el - Amara, where the main British army to whose aid the relief force is trying to hasten, Is bottled up. A violent battle ensued, in which success'aiter- nated between Britons and. Turks. The fighting lasted all day, Torrents of rain, causing floods, prevented a renewal of the attack on the follow- ine day. but General.nylmer's force managed to entrench itself a little more than two-thirds of a mile with- in the Turkish line, The British re- .rt speaks of °`•very heavy lasses o;l. both sides," which indicates the .fury of the battle. The following official statement on the Mesopotamian campaign was given out yesterday: "Sir Percy Lake (the new com- mander in Mesopotamia), reports tbat General Aylmer attacked the Turkish position at Eselan on Fri- day. . Fierce fighting continued. through the day, with varying suc- cess. The weather throughout was atrocious, a pouring rain rendering movements of troops extremely difti- cult. "Owing to the floods it was impos- sible to renew the attack on .Satur- day, and Gen, Aylmer took up a posi- tion 1,300 yards from the trenches. "The weather continues very bad, with incessant rain. No details re- garding the casualties have been re- ceived, but they are reported to have been very heavy on both sides." Friday's attack was the fourth to be launched by the relief force against the Turks at Essian since the Ottoman troops were driven to the position in the first week of this month. The weather, especially the never ceasing rain, now and then in- termingled with terrific hurricanes is ferocious, the third enemy hampering both sides, but particularly the at- tacking relief force, the floods Mak- ing it impossible to bring up artil- lery. Besides, the Turks, realizing the dangerous consequences that would result from the main British army being relieved at Kut -el -Amara appear to have fortified their Essian position so strongly that the relief force finds difnculty in penetrating their lines. TUKHEY ASSUMES BLAME. NSA'i.L On Wednesday tl f last week a bee- ps eveait took place at the horse of the hate Peter McDougall of "Doniilie Farm," Us.oante, well Miss Annie -Fe: See0114 yoltngest .daughter, was leap.. pity united in inarria� ge 1i0« Mr. W m. Dougall,,, son, 0! Mir. Wilk, .Dougall, of rho township of Hay, The rrenntry was performed by the Rev. 1). Fletch- er of the Thalweg Road, The beide was most. becomingly attired in white silk chine trimmed with seed gear's: a,nd white fur, and carried a bouquet of white roan; and lily: of the valley, Her travelling dress was, of Italian green. broadcloth, trimeeed'with L -lack fax 'fur with 'black velvet hat, :filed with gold lace, Miss Agur played the wedding march and Mr. Milne Rennie sang "0 Fromise Upon their returi. they will live on the home- stead farm of Mr. Dougall, in the township of Hay, George Wash!ngton, Alpine McEw- en. George Hanley, Thos. z)avidson George Harburn. and Wm. Sangster enlis ted here last week. °ti•ensall has now 24 merlon the re-, cruiting honor roll for the 161st eat talioiieeAlbert Reichert and wife have returnees: to Port ,blurons The I, O. 0 F. officers were installed last week by tD D. G. a. scat of Seaforth, • fie a vote of 111 for and 38 against the hydro by-law was passed n.Fien- salt on Monday of this weer, ZURICI klisi Ethel Wreido has returned from au extended visit with relatives at Croswell. Mich,—John R, `f'oritz i:.f Cavalier, N. 'O., arrived here and will visit his mother for a. few mouths.-- ,Airs, Jacobs left for Chicago, after a few weeks' visit at the home of her mother. Mrs Wurne--Mr. and Mrs. H. C, Zapfe, Blake, announce the kn- gaagelnent of their daughter, Hiss Eth- el ,May to Mr, Roy A. Consitt of Stanley township.—Mr, Louis Weber of town underwent a successful oper- ation fol rupture at a London hospital —Thos Davidson, son of Wm, David- stun Goshen Line south, left on Thurs day for Hensall, where he has snlisted in the 161st Battalion,—Mr. Jacob tip- fer and bride have returned from a short wedding ;trip to Baden and points in Michigan, Austria and Germany Evade Respon- sibility in Persia Case. LONDON, Jan. 25.—An Amster- dam despatch to the Exchange Tele- graph Company says: "According to a Berlin report the Turkish Ministry of Marine is about to publish a statement to the effect that a Turkish submarine sank the. steamer Persia. "The report alleges that similar statements are being "'Published by the German ..nd "Austrian. Admiral- ties, it being hoped by the central powers that such a declaration will settle the Persia question." This despatch has not been con- firmed from other sources. Both the German and Austro-Hun- garian Governments have announced that the Persia was not sunk by one of their submarines, and investiga- tions by the diplomatic representa- tives of the United States abroad have failed to reveal the real cause. of the disaster. The Persia was sunk off the Island of Crete Dec. 30 with a loss of 119. passengers and 217 members of the crew. The vessel went down within five minutes after a terrific explosion forward, Austrian Cruiser .Helgoland Sunk. ROME, Jan. 25.—The Italian Navy Department has received information that the Austrian scout cruiser of the Novara type, which was sunk a week ago, was the cruiser Helgoland, which has been attached to the Cat - taro base since the outbreak of the It was officially announced in Rome on January 15 that the French Submarine •Foucault, attached to. the Italian fleet, torpedoed'' and Sahli `in life' Adriatic Sea .an Austrian .scout cr ur'ser of tete: Nosara type. Chill' Fatally Burned. -LONDON, Ont., Jan. 25.—larotine t,rrnstrong, four-year-old daughter :of • in, Armstrong, of Zurich Huron County, died:. at Victoria Hospital here• Saturday. of • burns received ;, bile playing with matches. MRS. CLAYTON'S LETTER To Bun Down Remus Worsen Louisville, Ky.--"I was a nervous wreck, and in a weak, run-down con- dition when a friend asked me to try Vinol. I did so, and as a result I have gained in health and strength. I think Vinal is the best medicine in the world for a nervous, weak, run-down system and for elderly people."—Mrs. W. G. CLAYTON, Louisville, Ky. Vivol is a delicious cod liver and' iron tonic without oil, guaranteed to over- come all run-down, weak, devitalized conditions and for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. W S. Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Oat, MITCHELL—Mr, J. D. Stewart, one of Russeldale's old and highly respect ed residents for many years, was found dead in bed Wednesday morn- ing by his house -keeper„ He retir- ed et,his usual health the night before He was about 75 years of age and for ninny years was a well-known nom mercial traveller. On retiring from the road he lived in, Russeldale, Stop Backaches Don't complain about pains in your back when the remedy lies right to hand. Gin Pills step backaches, and they do it in an easy natural way by going right to the root of the trouble npiftsFORTHDNEYS Gin Pills act on the kidneys and the bladder. They soothe and heal the inflamed organs, which are causing the suffering. Neglect your kidneys and swollen hands and feet, wrists and ankles, are likely to follow. A dose of Gin Pills in time saves a world of pain. Vett will realize their value when you read P:$.i what . wMrs.rites. j. P. T. Wedge, of Summerside, : "Gin Pills are the greatest of all Kid- ney remedies and a medicine which is at present doing me a world of good. They are worth their weight in gold to any sufferer." Get GIN' PILI,$ to -day at your dealer's. 50e. a box,: or 6 boles for $2.50. • Trial treat- ment IVREA if you write National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method.' t. If you :suffer from bleeding, itching, blind. or protruding Piles, send me,your address, and I will tell you how to cure' your self at home by the absorption'', treatment ; and will also .send:', some of this home treatment'. free for. trial, '` with references, froyxl your, �awtt locality, if re,-, questtedo. Jintrkediate relief and: perrnattent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to-day„to Mrs, M. Summers; Box 840 Windsor' Out:. ' '• Children Cry for Filetche•r's lie Mud You awe Always Bought, and wbje1* bas been In -nae for over 3Q years, Its,s borate the signature of and bas been made udder bis per- sone/ supervision since its infancy. Allow 150 one to deceive Tomlinthis* Nil Counterfeits, Imitatioxks<and "rust -as -good" are but Experil!nents that trine with and endanger the health, of } Infants and idren—Experience against J*per z ent, What 10-...CASTORI,A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. it contains neither dlpiwn, Morphine nor other Narcotics substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms! and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty Years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wined Colic, all Teething Troubles and D3arxllctea. It regulates the Stomach and. Bowels, assimilates thea I'ood, giving .healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacea' --The la!Iotlter's. Friend. GENUINE CASTO RIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of iii Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought trw C4efTAct COMPANY.. vo*K et The purchase price of this famous 1881 Rogers Al Plate WE give coupons with every 23c. pur- chase of all the high grade guaran- teed products made by the United Drug Company. We are willing to lose money on the silverware to get you ac- quainted with these goo,',;, which are stan- dard in their line. "Rexall Remedies" Liggett's Candies, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Stationery, Rubber Goods, and hundreds of other items, household prepara- tions, etc. You cannot afford not to se- cure this popular silverware, when you can get it on our half bought plan. As an ex- ample, this teaspoon that sells for _5c. you can get for roc. with coupons. TWO COUPONS will be given with every 25c. purchase of REXALL PRODUCTS. ONE COUPON with every 25c. purchase of any other article in our store.. ASK FOR COUPPONS AND BUY YOUR 1881 ROGERS Al PLATE AT HALF PRICE COLE'S DRUG STORE 4,VADE.IN, CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price, $530 A BUMPER. CROP -OF PLEASUR- ES AND PROFITS IS REAPED BY THE. FARMER WHO OWNS A FORD. HE HAS.••BROKEN DOWN THE BARRIER OF DISTANCE; FOR HIMSELF AND THE ENTIRE FAMILY. NOW " AFTER THP HARVEST—AREN'T YOU GOING TO BUY' 'TEAT 'FORD ? • The Ford Runabout is $480; the Cou pelet $730;••the Sedan $890; the Town car $7,80, All .priees are f.o.b. Ford, Qnta:iiq, • All cars con-spletely equip- ;pecii,,ineluding . electric headlights. , Cars. ozi sale • at MILQ,,. SNELL'S, ,'EXETER, Teti lE'. L1'ti'Y V E f2'5:AL C a R