HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1916-1-27, Page 4(Sayre �lbun'Catr,
Sander.. Sr Creech, Proprietors
In'advance. 41.00 per year in. Canada
r f ad° a Un}teStates. If not pale
SOe. extra per year may
tae charged.
Ta tmiirsDAY, JAN. 21,191, G
reed 'lee/aril
igat Tar he,, wea-
schca' or. Tuesday evening, tree the
asters Wok the',- parts wells—A, ;rent
many are suffering; from le grippe
:yet. Herb Male of Zurich spent
:at'trnday in town,
elm D. Pfafe, who underwent sin
toperttic>n for aapendieitis at 'tinctoria
Hospital London, returned seaturdey
venznf very much improved.
dist A Fine:heeler and Pearl 1 ie-
ttar. visited in Zurich Sunday.
Mrs Norman Kellerman and dhug t-
`tex„ Kathleen., returned home after •n
.extended visit . with relatives it Bei -
Mise Lydia. Brown returned to l.an-
elort agair Monday.
Melt :4:t Oestrei'cher, who spent
serest months in Naperville, returned
home last week,
- week this a C-
- hz s P Glu,
Rev u,
tending, Conference at Elmira.
;Mien V. 'Brokenshire is visiting ;n
C,`1 Were Beinenell, son 0Q t l
Brintnell ?oixn:e+d~ the calors on :Yiem
day...- eer . and Mrs, Bubo, Col elette
ed „eelatives near B•rucei' eld en" S to
dej. a Red !Grass aocise.ter bias: iar•-
gaaizecl here es :week.—Messrs, E.
Mettle and .relortort were 1'n this
loca?it . on 'v s tda:y getting tubscrib-
ere . ' fol the' Coneneete= of :tate
o --
Mr and .firs. Warren Meche:l tnd
;taloa), left an Tuesday for .hes- new
home at Pheonex, B.C.
Di McCue of Gull Lake, Sask., ; e-
xteet a few clays with friends in the
lits Wade was ealle�sl to ..ilencee
tc tie bedside of her mother, ,vno
was, seriously ill
The organized bible class of :lie
Whaler. Church were guests of pec,
atzd Mrs Finlay on Tuesday evening,
A vert pleasant evening was spent in,
various amusements. Lunch was sere
vee ane all spent a very enjoyable
Quite a large number are still' ort'
the sick. list with heavy colds tad la
grippe. tine under the doctor's . are.
Mr, W R. Elliott spent a -,duple
day with relatives in. London.
The weather for the past week %e-
xuind, us that the weather man •gust
be aookizie at the calendar for he
month of Apra,
Ma. Jobe Windsor of Braeet taitY,
gieb.. is visiting en town.—:1frs. Wen.
1I. Dinar and Miss Edna Dickins,
whc, have been, on the sick list, are
able oto be sewed again,—Mr. C, seur-
brigg, who was married at Hamilton
ori Wednesday, Jan. 19, returned the
letter start of 'the week withCraig-
e s
bride"—M=s. S�?r'otgtht of Ailsa : rain
has enowee into the residence purchas-
ed frcni Mr. Joseph Hodgins, --Lorna
the six months aid daughter r of the
eelito•• ane Mrs. W. Sovereign, had her
feet anal one hand badly scalded one
si ah- last week by the upsetting of
i c tri ; of tea.—Mr, Wellington !3od-
n, heel the misfortune to fall .'ne
-, - "e last week and break his left
en near the ankle.
eir, Jams :Mallard, sr, met with an
a,ceiderlt Which will, keep hint zndoors
o: sometimes. He went to feed his
hens or. Wednesday afternoon and
;.epee or to ice, beaking his leg
ahou° four inches below the hip,—Mr,
Sands • frier the west visited :'.Baker
for a feraldays -last week.—Wm,Green
why ha, been v isi iug Cyrus Green,
has returttei to his, home near Hen-
sail. Wm Zapfe of Saskatchewan ar-
rived here•' o visit his parents, g':
and :Mrs C. Zapfe.—Mr. Jahn South-
cott held a wood -bee Saturday.—Air,
James Stubbs from .near 'Medford
visited his sister Mrs. Jahn I3aird, --
Robert Tetr eau has enlisted with the
Death. of Robert Mitchell,—After an
311ne.se of sirs. or seven years the death
'took place on. January 19th of Rebut
etlitchee of the second concession of
Stephen at the are of 70 years,, 11
days For the past two years dr.
titchee had beea incapacitated from
work otw'ng to ulcers, and, since the
de:tti of his wife three weeks tgo he
had worries, greatly, bringing on a
shah, stroke on. Sunday last, and his
death- resulted as abode stated, De-
c,e:tsecr was born in Darlington Town -
she) and came to Centralia when but
fou: year: of age, Shortly after-
wards they moved to the second .on -
her e-
cestior, of Stephen and there
sided until death" Mr. Mitchell was
a man of sterl;ar worth, upright in all
hit dealings and respected end es-
teeinec, by all. He was a staunch
Conservative and a member of the
Methodist church. Four sons >ur-
erive C M., Melville, Bruce+, and War-
rent alt of the neighborhood; :iso
two brothers, Thomas of Centralia
and James of ',het 3rd con, of Step-
hen., and two sisters, etre, H. O'Neil
of Ildertot. and Mrs. Geo, Foster of
.Byron, The funeral took place to
Fairfield cemetery on Friday efter-
noon and was largely attended.
y of Caucasus is Driving Turks
Along Before It.
Clow Crippled Soldiers Overcome
Their New Handicaps.
Apart from the personnel of besot.
LONDON, ,tam, 25, -The opera- tats, there are often little incidents
thole in Armenia, where the Ruse which occur during convalescence Or
their funny
r,atrtita were driving the ,Turks west- � side (writes a convalescent British
Wards betore them, promise mere officer). The other day I took two
and more to influence the situation•friends of mine to dine at a hotel.:
in Persia, The Ruselens, who origin- Theyhad both of them been wound -
ally fought the Turks on a limited
sans;,".union elle last week h ee afterward which
aimportant wins, and at last dc;
ed. One had, lost au arm, and the
area in the Caucasus, have inflicted
several crushing defeats upon the other had 'tad his right hand shat-
hatOttomans since the Grand Duke Niche tered, and it was our first reunion
olas took the command. They have since the war broke out. We ordered.
transferred the momentum of their oysters and partridge for the ocea
offensive over the Caucasian border sion. The oysters went down easily,
intoArntenia,. where they are now at- but when it came to the bird they
tacking Erzerum, an important city sent their portions away, with an
in the interior, aside to the waiter, and I was left
This the Russian offensive in that with mine.
part of the Near Eastern theatre. if. I began on it, then looked up.
pushed with the same success that "That's what yousaid you'd like,
has marked it since the beginning of wasn't it?" I asked, They said par-
the year, presents a growing menace tridge was just what they liked,
to Asiatic Turkey, 'South-east of the "Well, why don't you eat itee 1
Erzerum front, around Lake Van, the asked.
Muscovites have been proportionate- "Well, you see," said one, "I bave
IY successful of late, though the a bad hand and and a knite and fork
the whole Turkish lines appear. on h rather difitcult,A,
to have held their own, i "And I have lost an arm," said the
There is no doubt, however,. that ; other..
the Turks are compelled, both by the ; .'So we have sent the bird allay to
situ -tion in Armenia, in: the Cau-
casus, and in Persia --where the ItuB-
scans are menacing Tspaban---to send
very strong reinforcements of troops
to the' Asiatic theatre,
The Sunday Petrograd official re -
Oki Wednesday morning a happy e-
vent was celebrated in the R. C.
church Drysdale, when Rev. A. e.on-
dot perforated the ceremony which
united Walter Jeffrey in marriage to
Jane oldest daughter of dr. and firs.
John Charette,—Mrs, Jeffrey passed
away ptt'Susrday morning of last week
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Lora, Jeffrey, aged e4 years. De-
ceased was taken down with a ,tara-
lytic stroke two years ago from which
she never fully recovered. Her ttus-
bead died 14 years age, Three sons
survive Frank, Rennie and Clifford,
all of the Sauble Line, and five da'a-
ghters efts, Louis Jeffrey, of St.
Joseph. Mrs. Jos. Ravelle •tad Mrs.
Andrew Desjardine, Grand Bend,
Mrs Leon Jeffrey, Babylon line, and
Mr.: R Ayotte, Pigeon, Mich.
be cut UP for us," concluded the drat,
I am not myself sensitive about
my injuries. The bullet that gat me
has left me with a limp --a very pro-
aouneed limp, I might say, in fact,
that a more lame duck could seldom
Pert ste tris that the precipitate re -1 be seen hobbling down the street..
treat of the Turks in the region ofI However, I can toddle slowly round
erzeruna continues. In many places a golf course and enjoy a,stroll down
thFl Czar'e troops are still capturing 1 Piccadilly as touch as ever. In fact,
artillery, ammunition, provisions, sometimes I quite forget that I am
telephone la tenial. The pursue lame. But alae other day a friend of
ie : troops are advancing along roads mine came up to me in the club.
strewn with frozen bodies of Askaria., 'Getting on all right?" be asked
Largo numbers of prisoners have . cheerily.
bean teem at each inhabited place.
• "One of our detachments," con-' `Yes,. thanks, I answered,
Unites the report, ""which has ar "Still very lame, thari6la, he said.
rived at the Caucasian front from
Well, I am a bit, but ft might
Manchuria, eharged half a squadron have been worse," I replied,
"You know, I believe
of cavalry and three . companiesbelieve you'd be bet,
ter oft if you'd let them
Askaris, who were defending the vile
take your leg
lage, sabring some of the force and ot1 and wear a wooden one," be :said,
capturing others. , The suggestion was made in all sin -
"South of the River'Chariansoa sin-
cerity, but was haxdir what you
we completely annihilated a strong would call tactful.
Kurd detachment.
The Coward Who Was Cured.
"Have I ever had a cake of coward-
ice? Yes, once, and I cured it," re-
lated an oilicer. "We were in a
period of very heavy fighting, and
one day one man came to me crying.
'Colonel,' he said, 'let me go back. I
have done my best; I cannot stand it
any xnore; I am all broken up. It
isn't my fault. I have done all I
could. Let me go, colonel; let me.
"I looked at him, He was a strap-
ping giant and had been so far a
good soldier. I felt sorry for the
man, for I knew that he had done his
best. But to yield an inch to him
would have been ruinous to the spirit
of the regiment. 'Brown,' I said to
him (his name was not Brown),'you
have got to go through with it. Take
this letter to the officer commanding
the front line.'
"I was called to -another section of
the line, and when I came back I
found that Brown had returned. He
had delivered the message and
brought back the receipt. I sent for
him to congratulate him. I friend
him still in the same broken mood.
'Let me go, colonel; let me go,' he
pleaded. 'I sent for you to con-
gratulate you,' I said. 'I withdraw
my congratulations. You will take
'another message to the front. If you
are not cured then you will take an-
other and another and another until
you get your nerve back again.' It
was hard, but there was nothing else
for it. That man is to -day fighting
in the ranks of our regiment and do-
ing his work as well as any man
E WAUCR, G.v.s ., LLD. D 0,L,.1"resident
SIR M1J P al .. g, V. V, JON1 S, Asst General Manager .
JOHN t1II2U. General Manager.
SERVE BUND, Si 3,500,000
CAPITAL, $15,000,000
- Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank
of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same
to all other departments of the Bank's
careful attention as is given this wayas
business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in ha
ct as bya personal visit to the Batik.
CLUBBING—Now is the time to
select and place your order forread-
in":: matter for the coming year. We
club with all the leading daily end
weekly newspapers and all foreign
ptriodicale and magazines at close
!)rices Call at the Advocate Office
end leave your oeder,
Dz McCue of Gull Lake, Sask.,
was at the village on Tue sday shak-
ing hands with his old friest'ls. the
doctor ;.s looking fine and is :sways
sure of n warm welcome wben'vzr he
visits us -
Arrangements are being made for
a Layman's Missionary Banquet +o 'ee
given in ...he basement of the Metho-
dist Church on Tuesday Feb. 8th.
One hundred tickets will be sold.
Two spealeers, one from Toronto and
•Ibe other from London, will address
the gathering in the interest of mis-
The local branch of the Red Cross
Society intend giving a concert in the
Town- Hall t.n the near future.
Miss May Armstrong of Exeter els-
eted Mrs Herb. Eilber for a few days
last week.
The petitions to the Ontario Jor-
ernnien, h• the interesit of nrohibit
ion are being circulated this week. -
Mr Joir. Fai_st and . Christian :drawn
of Sebewing, Mich., spent a few lays
here visiting relatives this week.
Garnet Rau has eneeted with ':he
161s- ;Hurons, Who is next?
Dean of Mathew Fj:nkbeinei•.—Maili-
ewt Fiekbeiner, who, was stricken ,with
paralysis last Saturday, passed away
on Monday afternoon, at the age of
69 years :The. deceased .was well and
favorably known throughout the
.neighborhood, His sudden ` ,death'
came as a great shock to all, as he
wa •sr: the best oaf health utp to the
time he wras stricken down. His re-
amine will be, interred in the Crediton
afternoon 2'
cemetery on Friday f
•o'clock.ge.mm. He'leaves to 'nournians:
µ t
1. sons' Fred' ,Charles
loss lawidow,, ,
and Samuel�'and daughters, Mrs. Dear-
ing of Stephen, .\trs.' Heywood and
Mrs John Mallett of Exeter, 'Its.
Nickie:. of Adelaide ; Township, efts.,
Humble of Sarna and MTS. Fahner of
ar e aumL of
%des a 1
e b
Stephen g
'other relatives, to whom area extended
the sympathy of the community.
How to Make Palatable and ,Nourish-
ing Soni». From Leftove:-
One Man Was Killed and Six Persons
Were Slightly Injured.
LONDON, Jan. 25.—The British
War Office announced Sunday two
visits by hostile aircraft to the east
ceeet of Kent, Taking advantage of
the bright moonlight a hostile aero-
plane swept over the coast ht one
o'clock yesterday morning. After
dropping nine incendiary bombs in
rapid succession the aeroplane disap-
peared over the North Sea. Neither
naval or military damage was done,
but private property suffered, the in-
cendiary bombs causing several fires,
all of which were extinguished within
an hour. One man wets killed, and
two men, a woman, and three chil-
dren. were Injured.
An official account of the first raid,
given out here yesterday, says:
"The War Office announces that,
taking advantage of the bright moon-
light, a hostile aeroplane visited the
east coast of Kent at one o'clock this
morning. After dropping nine bornbs
in rapid succession it made on to sea-
wa rd.
"No naval or military damage was
done but there was some damage to
pr'vate property. Incendiary bombs
caused fires, which weer extinguish-
ed te two o'clock.
"The following casualties occur-
red: One man killed, two men, one
woman, and three children slightly
The War Office announcement con-
cerning the second attack says:
"Following on the aerial attack on
the east coast of Kent early this
morning two hostile seaplanes made
a second attack upon the same William Waldorf Astor, who has
cality shortly after noon. been raised to the peerage by King
"After coming under a heavy fire George, will take the title of Baron
the raiders disappeared, pursued by Astor of Hever castle.
our naval and military machines. Admiral Lord Charles Beresford
"The enemy effected no damage, probably will be Baron Beresford of
and no casualties have been re- Metemmeh and Curraghmore.
ported." - Hever castle isan ancient mansion
in Kent, rebuilt by the great-grandfa-
ATTACK IS HELD UP. ther of Anne Boleyn, where • Anne
'Boleyn was visited by Henry VIII.
Teutons • Near Salonica Cannot Pro-
vision •heir Arfnies.
The question of economy in the
kitchen is easiest Solved by the good
cook. The woman who knows tittle
or nothing about cooking finds it very
difficult to make ends meet at times,
while the woman who is either a nat-
ural born cook or has been trained
to cook beautifully can always serve
a dinner, even if there is nothing
but scraps; in the house.
To the. housewife whose only
knowledge of cooking is how to broil
and roast...Meat and boil and bake po-
tatoes and a few other vegetables—
to this woman scraps seem at for
nothing but the rubbish heap. The
idea that these scraps may be used
would ` probably never occur to her,
while the suggestion that not only
might they, be used, but . that they
might be oeade quite delicious, would
seem preposterous.
One way to save the leftovers is
to make them into a good soup.
When there is a good butcher's bone
for a solid foundation a great. many
of the scraps can be put into the
soup' pot for flavoring. The bones
left over from roasts of lambs, veal
qr chicken can be made . into fine
soups with, the ' aid of the celery
leaves and any .odds and ends of
vegetables which happen to be on
hand: A`'`earrot, a turnip, a few on-
ions, peas, all may be thrown into the
soup pot They all add strength and
Re vs IA Euler ngton was in
Goderielieehis week attending County
,,Councel:Mr. John Cann,c.v+as, n-anvas-
airee iter thr locality for the Committee
and ,irnet with good ,re p
Maggie Hobkirk has retie ot• o
Ecetert <,earrth dxessmakir. ._
-M.. +ry
ton. Keys'. lads been 1aLd up. -a
attack ,:of la,, goripp e. -Mrs Geo.
e- Saskr.' and "1lrs.
o �e, - of Gii11, Zak , ,
M osr y ,_
of D 1 fan
a few ,.e.
It's Baron Astor of Hever.
t Capital & Reserve $8,800,000
e8 Branches in Canada ry
A Sinai Inking Business Tweeted
Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders
Interest allowed at kigkest cunerrt rata
EXIT" 1REI. involcH—
W D, CLARKE, Manager,
made #�1ar1c tiaelataraa1
The Harmless.. but Elio
cant remedy tor'#i adaa vs
lsssnsss. NinVou* •
haustion, tks.
1 ace AT AU. onuani*T*, or by mall tract
Patriotism In Hayti.
now again in one
Hayti, wh'Ich is w g
of- its perennial revolueions, breeds a
spirit of . 'sensitive patriotism •un-•
known in other countries. Some years
ago a general • in. •the Haytian army
ordered an artificial eye in Paris.
The maker;, executed. the, order.to the
best'of •his-ability;:.but the eye 'was
"returned from Port au Prince, ,with
a letter complaining. that "the eye
}yon forwarded r» is . of ,a . tint, that
resembles the Spanish flag. lam.:far
too;'. patriotic to wear any colors, but
those of my"ow.• country. After as-
certaining from the Minister of..Ma-
a fan
;rine, the .colors Or -the yt e) , ,, .• • •
ord, 'a scar -let anis pgreen eye was ;de-
epatched; and •thissmet with approval.
=-�-Lonshodr:'Dail '•4� '
• d
A �
.lie rheas ex
h .I _ �, ,
p f.
call' attention oaf conctab ,, ,.
rxrts otnde,,
is, and d'
s 0 Matter e
may have' forpublication as
lige .week"as s posible `.:2e-
�e. 'oto:' ss ,gare' dV.d-..
memlier ,w g ze
P 5
nesday' afternoon',
Gordon Mooney a oratne,; x
were visitors =a:t W. Glenn's
w"°da s.The drari , ``'1:he S'rod-
SALONICA, Jan. 25.—A German
submarine 'has sunk a British cargo
boat. The crew:was saved.
The :=Bulgars.-, are transporting
heavy guns from. Varna to the Mace-
donian front. '
The belief is growing in Entente
circles that the Austro-Germen at-
ttack on Salonica is likely to be de-
layed some time. The Germans are
finding that it will require consider-
able time to surmount all the ob-
stacles facing them in this campaign.
Chief among these is the transport..
of troops, heavy artillery, and sup-
plies along the bad roads and the
railway line, .rhich is stillconsider-
ably damaged in several parts. It is,
said that the 'railway will ' not be
completely established for two
-inontits yet. .
.How serious the matter of
the troops is may be gauged
front the. "fact,. that all the Austro
German troops at - Monastir, `which
originally numbered 16,000, have.
been 'removed to a more 'northerly
point, where they: can more easily be
kept supplied -
Greek Statement Delayed.
..2S =A p
`"des' etch . to
PARIS; Jan..,,
the' Havas: Agency from Athens, one'
der date,' of Friday, states that • the'..
u :
Greelf cliautber of dep t>es cone
will l
inenee its. work without .the :usual
lipeech from the Throne„ the "Govern
nu nt'reserving its declaration oil the
1 sit nationfUntil
o itica .. u • . ., .� ...
Y 1.
res ac
• o. %iPa1t
lr ri •
de u
h ..
,1 t=.� , e
r�o e`t
over ly.
n D
r er.
fa g
of� ; • he
a:elected . s
i n
}u be ,.p
A post card addressed to us
as below, with your name
side, will cost but one cent.
Drop it in thenearestmail
box,anditwillbring prompt-
ly a copy of our illustrated
80 -page catalogue for 1916.
it will come al o—
—a 15c. packet of
Byron Pink
A perfectly formed tomato, the Byron Pink is uniform, large, and
attractive. The flesh is firm, and the flavor delicious and full-bodied.
It is a robust grower and a heavy cropper. It is an ideal tomato for
forcing. You are going to buy seeds anyway; then you might just as
well send for our catalogue and get this free premium for yourself.
The Catalogue tells about the other valuable
premiums tvhich we give with evert, order.
"Ar the (statutory meeting of the
council on Jan. 10th the members as
follows took the oath of office—J.J.
Poore, reeve; J A. McKenzie, Deputy
reeve; Wm: Dixon, Jos. Glavin; and C.
Mason. Councillors. The following
officers were appointed, J, D. Drum-
mond, clerk; A. F. Smith', treasures
W. T _Moos, assessor; Geo. Hind -
mars. h and W. E. Corbett, auditors;.
Geo Sanders, janitor Fire ilall; R. J.
Hamilton, M,' O. •H.; and Jas. Neil,
member of Board of Health
A motion was passed that the, Hy -
before their marriage. It is said to 'dro Electric: Commission. be required
be one of the finest examples of to enquire into examine, investigate,
Tudor arehiteeture;inEngland. Bar -
and report upon the cost of construct
on Astor spent some $10,000,000 on ing and, operating an electric railway
the estate, including the expenditure
from Lucan to Grand Bend through
for the diversion ofthe river' which, the township, who wound be served by
according to tradition, made the such railway, the population 'off the
castle so damp that Henry VIII. con- municipalities served, an estimate of
tracted rheumatism there. the probable revenue, the practicabsl-
Metemmeh is the scene of one of
Lord Beresford's early ex- os the undertaking` and the econ-
Admiralorisc value to the municipalities,
ploits in Egypt; while Curraghmore A :similar report was asked `_'os by
is the family home of the Marquis motion on a proposed road. from Gran-
ton to 'Arkoma. •
A number of accounts were passed
and. council adjourned to :Feb. 6.
J. D. Drummond, Clerk, „
Hon Directors,—Dr. Steele, John,
Benneweis, J. J. Merner and H. Eilber,
members of parliament for South
Perth and South Huron, and William
Hazelwood land- Samuel Doupe; aud-
itors A .M. Driver and, Win. Ratcliffe
The president and secretary were ap-
pointed delegates to attend the Con-
vention of Fairs and Exhibitions at
Teronee on Feb. 1st and Znd,
of Waterford, the head of the Beres-
-ford family,
Study Enemy's Tongue.
The war is turning out niore lin-
-guists than the universitiesdid be-
fore the conflict began. A Petrograd
despatch states that,tnany of the Ger-
man prisoners are devoting them
selves seriously to _learning Russian,and the .
same is the, .in Fr
h ..ose ance
where there is a great; demand for
French ' grammar -1i:: among German
German has
been male. the -court
. made The ;of Bulgaria:` • The French;
are applying themselves assiduously.
'`,Ali Atietl's, de.p.atch y
ernment,' an-'
(}reek Gov .according to
re .sees no objection.
nouncem.ent he.,. .,,
r ea < blishrnen't.. 'of• •
to".the gem ora y, to
1.l* . Serbian Government at -Corfu. •
to the :;study of English to increase
the f
',allies in France, and the English are;;
recTiprhgoeating•byacklwearning students are:.
the British prisoners in Germany,
`the .Gereiian. tori=:
who..r'Qf?rse to�ioaEi�p ,,,
re" are exec' •tions '
gL{e, a though the , F
11 t,
tests Oniversities. il'GF aitatltori.
of. the ,<
eus..n t
ern.Univetgit"esand-Brandon Col-
,lege.e; iri'.COnfereneehere rcently,
artimousiy decided ''to tiifer to the
:Departure nt, a' 'battalion
to; be
Militia .
raised' from those institutidns •A
was a of ted to draft sub-•romulttee . ,appointed iP
the farmal offer .and=complete' the de=.
ails for organization.,
Fbr Infants and Children
•fin _
Always bears
iignatur,c of
the. Kirkton A riculiturelr•,Seele!tee.
`1d theii-anneal:.meeting oil- Wednes-f
iiQ ..
dna ,of last week Beth the'°. president
•' . here ,i s . the chai�r4.'' e rhe.
A nr,' AtkLns >
. �liie•' ociet wet; ` rep or ilr,,axiees f S. y • ,.. p
Crit-:...fr; .
Restored To Health By Vinol
Shelbyville, Ind—"I am a clerk in a
hotel and was all run down, no energy,
my blood was poor and my face covered
with pimples. I got so weak I had to
put up an awful fight to keep at work.
After taking many other remedies with-
out benefit Vinol has retored my health
and strength."—Roy F. BIRD.
For all run-down, weak, nervous
- conditions of men and women, nothing
equals Vinol, our delicious cod liver and
iron tonic without oil. Try it on aur
W S Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont.
in! excelleut,i d ,after
'en a' ba1dt e, off - Z5 on`. hand:
:was decoded;'t
oM aeeeee again:.,tier' th' :crop
c•osn etiitien -Th�eh " electio..n....
:. ollows ° ':
�ted'as.f ,.rs.
resin }. ,
A- B;rethour .est Utcel, '•l,, ,
o, ; Sec:= Treas. 'A,
Intl. Vice.:-' 'oho C le , , ,..,
n ,J _.
Doupe.,• Dsreete s, Wim.'Atk,nson,, R,
o. ; ,.en " " R:d. Paynter,
Berry, Wm , R b.fis , y ,
More . S Rouitly Wm. -'Brock,
Jas, . o, ,
as' Crier A. 3erryliill;
Frmrtcis, J y,.
Australia anay be 'doiing, this and
that :excellently well, but it is re be
noted that 'ie. the recent :special cam-
paign to raise n oney for the -`Brit-
ish Red Gross little old Ontario :aised
nicre .money than all other British
oversee -Provinces :put together, ,
—occurred- CLIl�`I°ON The death".o at
the home of Mr. 1=11.1 E. Rorke on Sat-
urday 'evening,
atuiday''evetiing, of one ofHuron Coun-
ty's: early „Settlers, in the. person of
Frances Louise Reed, widow of the
late"Thomas Robertson, Judge of the
Supreme Court of Ontario.
Df 0
.Wo oR�
It is a grave mistake for mothers to neg
lett,their aches and pains and suffer in to h nic'o;sick-
sTence—this only leadsc ro
f e s rtens•life:
es.•adotu ho
n s n
. esa
is 1 erY
your ore t ria f ur u
, Yo
1"• ':if" you' feel l'an id w
e3C, e
fi4r, pF-ssSedr Yo
know that`S
inuIssou overcorueslust such conditions. .
It oeeeeses ion concentrated form the,
very elements to invigorate the
strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves
and build strength.
f. Scott's is tren , coin .thousands o
mothers -and Will help yeti. Y ou. Tr7, it.' "`
scot,towne Toronto, Ont.