HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-12-2, Page 5CASTORIA THE BEAUTY OF SUNLIGHT is that every garment• washed with it bears the impress of purity; a purity begotten of sweet, Cleansing oils, and maintained by absolute clean- Itness in manufacture; a purity exalted by the co-operation of workers united for the purpose; a purity demonstrated by the "$S,000 guarantee" which rests upon every bar of SUNLIGHT SOAP. A sabsritnti'for &might is not as trod and nerd can be. Insist opox the genuine --Sunlight Sopp. . The name Lever en Soap is s guarantee of Purity and Excellence. 5G. 1 1 LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Niotariei3, Conveyancers, Com- missioners. ommissionere. Solieibors ror the Moloons Bank. etc. :r+ioney to Loan at lowest rates or Interest Offices—Main-St,,. Exeter • [, R. Carling, H.A. L. H. Dickson 2 We refunds .er-ties MONEY TO LOAN have a large amount or private to loan on darm and village prop - at low rates or interest. GLe1DMAN & STANBURX Ba.r s ers, Solicitors, Exeter.. DENTAL. it )r. 0, 1r. ROULSTON, L,D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST Member of the R•C.D.S. of Ontario and .Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office—Over Dickson & Carling's law torrtve. Closed Wednesday afternoons.. DR A R. KINSMAN, L.D.S., D.D.S., Honor Graduate o' Toronto University DENTIST earl' extracted without pain, or any ,nad arrests, QU.ee over Gladman & $tantury'e Orrice, Main Street, Exeter. e?YNOX'SIS OF CANADIAN NORTH .WEST LAND REGULATIONS- 'THE ULATIONS'THE sole head ofta family, or my rmal.:•gver18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of available i'Odmin-r is t land in Manitoba, SasiMtchewan of Alberta The applicant must :ppeat in, perso . at the Dominion Lands Ag 'ency of Sub -Agency for the ]s.. tr ct. Entry may be made at 4113' Dominion Lands Agency (hut not Sub1Agency) on certain conditions. Ditties—Six months' residence upon' and oultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live lthin nine miles of hie, homestead ell. a fawn of at least 80 acres, on certain conditionsA habitable housee is re- 'ouifed in every case, except when re esidence is pe.'rformed in the vicinity. le certain districts a homesteader in .gotfd standing may pre-empt a quarter •section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties—Six months rest- alen a in each of three years after "earning' homestead patent; also 50 :acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption ;patent may be obtained as soon as 'homestead patent, on certain condi- tions A settler who has exhausted his he estsad right maytake a D r h as - ed homestead in certain districts. Trice $3 per acre. Duties—Must re- side 6 months in each of 3 years, cu- ltivate 50acres, and erect a house iwoxth $300. The area of cultivation is subject do reduction in case of rough, scrub- 'by or stony land. Live stock may be zubstituted for cultivation under cer- eain conditions. W. W. CORY, C.M.Q. 'Deputy of the Kirthiter of the Interior N.H.—Unauthtorized publicatron of 'this advertisement will not be pad for. aeimczcc oeeme- AA Christian college -home, healthful situation. For prospectus and terms write the Principal R.I. Warner, M.A.,D,D., St.Thomas, Ont. 63 ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESs COLLEGE CENTRAL Gj STRATFORD. •ONT.' Our instructors are experienced: Pupils get individual attention and graduates are placed in positions. ,We :are receiving applications we cannot meet. Students may enter any time. Send for our free catalogue and see if it interests you. D. A. McLachlan, Principal DR. )eVi N'S.FRENCH PILLS i it R rulatti>g Pill for Women. $6 a box or threefor $10 , Sq d,'at all Ilrug Stores. or mailed to any address in rcpelt of pride..Tse Baden Duo Co., St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. vim mid 'i+'itality;for Nerve''and Brain; increases "grey Gloater" a Tonic—will build you up .$3 a box, or two for $5,at drug stores, or by mail on receipt sof price. ux SCOBELL Dare Co., St.. Catharines. ,Ontario. RAND'TRVNKs si E Douple Track all the Way., TORONTO - OHICAGO TORONTO- MONTREAL Unexcelled Trailn• Service,. Equipment the finest on all trains WINTER TOURS TO CALIFORNIA And All PACIFIC COAST POINTS FLORIDA, TEXAS, NEW OR- LEANS, Etc. Wimtei tour tickets now on sale. •'+Low Fares "G,lioiice of Routes, atop ooer• privileges' allowed. Full particulars t.and birth. reserve- "tion`or application, to Agents. tit J. DORE, Exeter 1! f THE REV. IRL. R. HICKS' 1916 ALMANAC The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1916 Alman- ac is by far the finest, largest and bestever printed, The Hicks storm and weather forecasts for 1,915 again have proven 'their truth and value, and this splendid Almanac for 1916 should find its way into every home and office in America. The Rev. Irl ^s .\ a'e Word _•s R. Hicks .lag ztn , 'Pox andWorks, and his unique Almanac should always go together. Broth for one dollar a year. The almanac alone is 35c ere - paid Send to Word and Works 2ub- lishing Company, 3401 Franklin Ave., St. Louis. Mo. STANLEY—The marriage took Place r, n. Winnipeg on Wednesday of last week of Mr, John L. Jackson, on of Mr James Jackson of the 2nd •.:on- cessiort of Stanley, to Miss Elsie .'i. • tolia Johnston of the same city. MOTHER SUPERIOR Says Vinol Creates Strength Rosary Hill Home, Hawthorne, N.Y. —"I have used Vinol for many run- down, weak or emaciatedpatients with benefit. One young woman was so weak and ill she could hardly creep to my door for aid. I supplied Vinol to her liberally and in a month I hardly recognized her. She was strong, her color charming and her cheeks rounded out."—MorHSIt M. ALPHIONSA LATHROP, O. S. D., We guaranteeVinol to sharpen the ap- petite, aid digestion, enrich the blood and create strength. W S. Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont. WANTED NOW Reliable salesman to act as 'agent in Huron County. PAY WEEKLY Outfit free, exclusive territory and moneys making specialties. Our agencies arethe best in the ousi- ness for.we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guarantee deliveries in first class, condition. Nursery stock is selline well this year and good money can be made in this dis- district. For particulars write Sales Manager., PELHAM NURSERY CO. TORONTO, ONT. A WORD. FOR MOTHERS It is a grave mistake for mothersto neg- lect their aches and pains and suffer in silence -this only leads to chronic sick- ness and often shortens life. If your work is tiring; if your nerves are excitable; if you feel languid, weary or depressed, you should know that Scott's Emulsion overcomes just such conditions. It possesses in concentrated form the very elements to invigorate the blood, strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves and build strength. • Scotts is strengthening thousands of rnvl.htra and.will help you. Try it. „ti ituwne,Toronto. Ont. Business and Shorthand Westervelt School Y. M. C. A. Building 20 London, Ontario College in Session Sept, 1st to July. Catalogue Free.. ' Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt, Principal CLINTOb .—By The death of Mrs. Si'illiam Simpson, Clinton loses one of the oldest and most respected ;:itiz- ens. For many years ,lit. and Mrs.. Sianpsor conducted a store here aild for the bet few years Mrs. Simpson was assistant matron of the Huron House of Refuge, giving it up a !e:w months ago on account of ill health. —There passed away Sunday Shia - beth C., wife of Mr. James Doig, granite merchant, after four years of intens' suffering. CLINTON—On Wednesday of last %veto< a quiet wedding tools ;dace at Goderich, when Miss Nellie Osbald..s- ton of Clinton was united in marriage to Mr. Geo. Mair of the Huron Road Goderich township. LUCAN, Mr Johnston Aiken has returned from the west. Mr. and Mrs. T.Kitt left recently for Lethbridge, Alta.— Ed Hawkshaw spent last week with his sister Miss Edith in London.—Art Elliott is moving into the residence he recently purchased from Mr. T.. ;Citt. —Rev W. G. Howson of Glencoe de- livered special missionary sermons in the Methodist church Sunday.— Mr, and Mrs Jas. Morgan of McGillivray announce the engagement of their daughter Elva Revena, to Mr, Ray Shaw Dobbs, the marriage to take place in the middle of December. HARPLEY. --o-- Mr John Sherritt of Guelph paid a :flying visit to our burg last w eek. —The Grand Bend branch of the Can- adian Red Cross forwarded a box con- taining ;6 flannel shirts and 25 pairs of socks to the London branch last «eek.—Miss Eva Stinson spent the week end with Miss Myrtle Ireland. -The young people of the vicinity Grand Bend intend having a Patriotic Box Social in Brenner's Hall on Fri- day evening, Dec. 3rd. Program to consist of Round and square dancing. Gooa music will be furnished. GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bossenberry arrived home from the West Satur- day.—Mr. James Patterson and Mr. Periso are all smiles, a daughter hav- ing arrived at each of their homes.— Mr .and Mrs. Walter England of Greenwa • visited at P. Baker's last week.—The proceeds from the Red Cross socia' amounted to $9745. The Reci Cross society has sent 17 shirts anc! 26 pairs of socks to the soldiers at the front on Tuesday. --Mrs. Frank Tetreau who fell down stairs, • is able to leave her bed at times. TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS The publishers of The Advocate wish tc call attention of contributors, correspondents, and others co the necessity of sending in such matter as the may have for publication as early in the week as possible. Ze- member we go to press. early Wed- nesday .afternoon, and in is necessary that lengthy articles be in early and isi :fact all articles should be in the office at the earliest possible mom- ent after the occurrence. There is always a large amount of matter which unavoidably does not reach us until the last day, and if other mat- ter ho delayed then there its a rush and parts may be left out, or mis- takes occur. causing dissatisfaction and disappointment to contributors as well as ourselves and, the readers. 1)o not forget to send in matter early. This applies to advertisers who de,- sire changes of advertisements as it is impossible to change advertise- ments unless brought in by. Monday T10011, Monday ri HENSALL Mr. and Mrs: Geo. Trott have le - turned e -turned tq town.—Mr. Hugh McEwen has returned front a trip to the West. —Mrs icArthur of London has been .:visiting her brother, Mr. Harry Ar - nolo. -Miss Rae of St. Marys has been. the guest of her aunt, Mrs, J. Mel), Wilson.—Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDon- ell, whc recently moved to St. Marys, has returned to Hensail to t Miss Haze' Drake is visiting in Strat- ford.—Mr John Bonthron of the West was here attending the :funeral of his father.. Will Chapman has purchased 75 acres of grass land on the 5th con-+ cessiio from the Canada Company, M Tirane' has also purchased a `arm from the eompar y, -.Mrs McIntyre of Port Stanley is visiting her mother, Mrs . Jas. Sparks,—Mrs. Wright of Michigan has been visiting at the home of D. W. Foss,—William Riley of Kip- per has passed to the great .beyond at the age of 70 years, after an till- mess of only a few weeks. The end came suddenly however. Ile came' from England and Iived in this sec- tion for 30 years. He was unmarried The funeral took place to. Baird's cemetery on Wednesday of last weak ZURICH While ascending the cellar steps at her home Mrs. Leno Kipper had the misfortune to lose her balance while near the top and fell to the bottom, breaking hex collar bone --Mr. F. iless Sr. and family moved sato their fine new residence on Tuesday. This is considered one of the finest homes in Zurich.--'htr. and Mrs. laced) `,ley- erSt., moved to .Baden last week, where they- will snake their -future home with their daughters,- -1fiss Al- dorr AI Smith left Tuesday morning for Detroit to attend the wedding cf her cousin Afr. Allan Ma,kins.—ll,: and Airs J. P. Rau left for Detro>.t, h1i h where they will visit relatives for a few weeks,--• At a congregational meeting of the members of the Lu- theran church it was decided to ex- tend a cal: to Rev., Hanson, who is now stationed at Conestoga,—Mr. H. Desjaidine returned a few days ago frons his hunting trip to Muskoka, He wag fortunate in bagging a fine deer. --Fred Watson of the Lake shore road, Stanley, has purchased the Afenta;ue ,harm on the Bronson Une, now occupied by Arthur Erns. Si M'ARYS—A well known i esir. dent of town, Janet Bowie, wife cf Jame' Patterson. died at her nome, Treats. street, Friday morning et the age of 84 years. There survive a hus- band. five sons and four daughters— Joseph St Marys; John, `London; James, Butte, Montana; Thomas comb boundary Blanshard, and Robert at Home Mrs SMarys; Spm. Dunbar,,lar • • St. ya, Mrs : ngun McKay, Prospect Bill, end .=1nni, and Jessie at hone. BETTER THAN SPAI:KING. Spanking does not cure children of bedwetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mra. AI,Sum- mel•s Box W., 840, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her suc- cessful 'home treatment with full in- structions. Send no money but write her to -day if your children trouble' you ir, this way. Don't blame the child the chances are it can't nelp it. This treatment also cures adults end aged people troubled with urine dif- ficulties by day or night, Auction Sale OF FARM STOCI: & IMPLEMENTS on Lot 9, Con. 12', USBORNE one mile. North West of Kirkton on THURSDAY, DEC. 9th, 1915 at 12 o'clo ck sharp, the following Horses -1 brood mare rising 5 yr, sup to be in foal to Pearl Gift, i eg- istered. 1 draught mare rising 4 vrs. a good one; 1 team rising 9 years, make good war horses; 1 driving mare supposed to be id foal; 1 suck- ing filly sired by Pearl Gift, registered 1 agric mare 7 -yr: sup in foal to Peart Gift: 1 filly rising 2 -yr old, by Randolph. CATTLE -1 cow, due to freshen at time of sale; 3 caws; due in March; 2 heifers rising 3 years old, due in December, 1 heifer, rising 2 years due in January, 1 renewed heifer, 3-yr.old 1 cow due in March, 1 cow due in June; 1 farrow cow. Those are a choice lot of cows all; supposed to be in calf, 2 steers rising 2 years ; 2 heifers, risinL 2 years; 2 yearling steers, 3 yearling heifers ; 5 spring calves. Hogs and Poultry -1 brood sow lo farrow at time of sale; 1 sow to far- row in March; 16 store hogs about 100 lbs weight. 60 pure bred Ply- mouth Rock hens.; r3 ;geese, •Implements -1 Wassey-Harris bind- er 6 -ft cut; 1 Deering,imower, 5 -foot cut; 1 seed drill; 1 stee1'ral:ef .10 -feet 1 oak land roller, 1 .12.:Plate Bissell disc harrow; 1 Massey -Harris 13 -tooth cultivvator; 1 Kid Kangaroo gang plow good as new; 2 fa.nningi mills; 2 Fleury. No. 21 plow�.s ;,.1 Fleury No. 13 plow; 1 set iron harrows; 1 set chisel tooth harrows; 1 souther; 1 three -horse tread niiilI; 1 four -horse gas engine; 2 root pulpers and dog wheel . 1 cutting box and belting; 1 wagon with box and pig rack; 1 truck wagon; 1 sit bobsleighs; wagon box' with seat ; gravel box; quantity of cedar posts; car with sling,,ropes 'nd pulleys complete; 2 sets whnffletrees, 2 neck yokes; :dozen grain bags; half bushel clover seed; hay rack; ,..cream separator: quantity corn in stock'; 700 bushels man,golds in pit; 850 bushels turnips in pit; 20 tons; good hay well. saved , 200 bushels barley; 400- bush. mixed feed; 2 set double harness; 24 cow chains; 60 rod fence • wire; . a quantity off barb wire.; 1 galy. water tank, 2 feed bins;; 1 kettle.; 3 barrels Terms—$5 and under cath, over that amount 12 months' credit on approved join:' notes ; or a disco'iint of . ,4, pea cent, per annum off foe-cAsli on redi amounts. Positively no reserve as the farm has been sold. WM ATKINSON, 0.,'W .ROBINS .1:trop R. ' BROWN; Auetioneers Children Cry for Fletcher's The Find You Ilave Always Bought, and 'which has been. in use for over CO yea:‹s; has borne the signature of ,,... and has been made under his per- sono, supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this.All Counter:'eits, Imitations and " dust -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and, endanger The health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. VVh.at is CASTORIA Castoriia Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. gorie, Drops and Soothi> ig Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its ;guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For mtore than thirty years it hasbeen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, 'Wind Collc, all Teething Troubles and, Diarrilcea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep, The 'llildren's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS in Use dor Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TH* cq[NTAUR coup*N,Y. NrW YORK CITY„ Costs a little more than the "Other kind" of flour, but worth it in the quantity and quality of bread you bake from— u rTY FL !✓a4o ... More read The most appreciated Christmas Present to your son or daughter 'or friend at a distance is a subscription to The Advocate. Balance of 1915 and all 1916 for $1. *'MADE IN CANADA" ' ord Touring Car le $530 Ford Ru•nabout :' Price .$480 For"d' 'own Car .Prue $ 780 The above prises f.o.b. Ford, Ont., effective Aug. l2, 1915. No speedom- eter included b this year's equip- ment otherwise cars fully equipped. Cars on dispiaand sale at MILD SN' EL'S EXETER.