HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-11-18, Page 5LEGAL
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancera, Com-
nese oners. Solicitors for the Moleons
ilioney to Loam at lowest rates of interest
Qftices-efain-St., Exeter
1. B. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
Weiler TO LOAN
We have a. large amount ot private
funds to loan on term end village prola-
ertiea at low rates or interest.
Qlekel eAli & STANBUst,X
Bairristers. Soiicitore. Exeter,
Dr. 0, F. ROULSTON, D.D.S.
iiernber ot tree R,O P.S. ot Ontario anal
Honor Graduate of `ioronte University..
attire -Over Dickson & Carling's law
•!rice. closed.. Wednesday afternoons..
DR, A R, KINSUTAN, L.D-3., U,A,B•,
Honor Qreduate or Toronto Ilntversity
recto, extracted without pain, or any
eats *meets. Circe over Methuen &
$teeeeey*e, orrice. 'stain Street, Blxeter
THE sole bead} a family, or any
analc'over 18 years old, may homestead
a quarter -section of available Ootiinn
fort laud in Manitoba, Saskatchewan ox
Alberta The applicant Must appear
ire perso t, at the Dominion Lands ?tg-
ency ot Sulo -Agency for the Dis-
tect. Entry may be made at sny
omrinian Lands Agency (but not
i -Agency) on certain conditions,
i u`4ies ix mouths' residence teem
end cultivation of the landin each of
three years. A homesteader may live
with a nine mites of hie homestead en
a f a of At least 80 acres, on certain
t of ions- A habitable ;house is re-
itt every case, except %rhea te-
deace is pefatmed in the vicinity.
If, certain districts a homesteader in
goad standingmay pre-empt a quarter
section alongside his homestead. Price
$3 per acre. Duties -Six months resi-
diande t each of three years after
%wiling homestead patent; also 50
aces extra cultivation. Pre-emption
patent may be obtained as soon as
homestead patent, on certain condi-
tions ,
A settl a who has exhausted his
homestead eightmay take a purchas-
ed homestead in certain districts.
Price $3 per acre, Duties -Must re-
side 6 menthe in each, of 3 years, cu-
ltivate SOtaeres, and erect a house
worth $300,
The area of cultivation is subject
to rcdvctiott in case of rough, scr..tb-
by or stony land. Live stock may be
substituted for cultivation under cer-
tain conditions,
W. W. CORY, C.M.G.
Deputy ot the Minister oC the Intorlor
N.B.-Unauthorized publlcattoe of
thls ativerttsement will not be paei tor,
$100 REWARD,
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages,and
that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly
influenced by constitutional conditions
requires constitutional treatment,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts through the Blood on the
Mucous Surfaces of the System there-
by destroying the foundation of the
disease giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith
in the curative powers of Hall's Cat-
dred Cure that they offer One Hun-
dred Dollars for any case. that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address -F. J. 'CHENEY & Co., To-
ledo Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
The publishers of The Advocate
wish tc call attention of conuibutors,
carrespondents, and others eo the
necessity of sending in such matter
as the) may have for publication as
early in the week as possible. Re-
member eve go to press early Wed-
nesday afternoon, and it is necessary
that lengthy articles be in early stud
in .fact all articles should be in the,
office at the earliest possible mom-
ent after the occurrence. There ;s
always a large amount of matter
which unavoidably does not reach us
untli the iast day, and if other mat-
ter br delayed then there: cls a. tush
and parts may be left out, Or mis-'
takes occur. causing dissatisfaction
and disappointment to contributors as
well as ourselves and the readers, Do
not forget to send in matter early.
Mmiz(a• e5)~
A Christian college -home,
healthful situation.
For p;ospeetusand terms,write the Principal
R.I.\Varner, M.A.,D.J., St.Thomas, Ont.
/. //
Our instructors are experienced.
Pupils get individual attention • nd
graduates are placed in positions. i We
are receiving applications we cannot
meet. Students mayenter any time.
Send for our free catalogue and see
if it interests you., ,
De A.. McLachlan. Principal
This applies to advertisers who de-
sire changes of advertisements as
it is impossible to change advertise-
ment.: unless brought in by Monday
Scott -Squires -At the home of the
bride's parents, Whalen, on Nov, 17, •
by Rev Finlay, pastor of Centralia
Mr, Albert Scott, to Miss Lottie
Squires daughter of Mr, George
Gunning -Squires --At the home of
bride's parents, Whalen, on Nov.17,
by Rev. Finlay, pastor of Centralia
Mr. Clarence Gunning to Miss. Ver -
da. Squires, daughter of Mr. George
If. you are troubled with weak, tired
.eelings, headache, backache, bearing
Town sensations, bladder weaksiess, cous-
tip�ttion, catarrhal conditions, pain la the
aides regularly or irregularly, bloating
or unnatural enlargements, sense of
t interval a
aaa a fi r
orzuis i ui iJ 4 ,
falling p $,
nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation,
hot flashes,.dark rings under the eyes,
ora less of interest in life, I invite you
to write and ask for my simple method of
home treatment, with ten days. trial
entirely free and postpaid, also references
to Canadian ladies who gladly tell how
they have regained health, strength, and
happinessbythismethod. Write to -day.
address: Mrs, M. Summers, Ilox, , si0
Windsor, Ont.
The farmers of this district are, in
our judgment, among the most Intel-
ligent in Ontario. They have :earn-
ed that they can sell to better ad-
vantage by knowing the daily quota-
tions of produce in the different mar-
ket. of the world. The Toronto Da-
il ,caws devotes more space daily to
Th: many friends of Mr. John Hay
of Tuckersmith received a shock
when they heard of the: death on Nov.
7tlr. Although lie had been in poor
health for some time it was not ex-
pecte(' that his illness would take a
seriou. turn so suddenly. He came
from North Easthope some years ago
settled in Tuckeremith, where he was
well known and respected. He is
survived by his widow and three sons
Peter William and James, and iwo
daughters, Mrs. Coleman, at home and
Mrs McTavish of Tuckersmith.
gelatingg PM for Woinen. ` $b' a box or three for
Sold,�at all D,ru$' Stores. br mailed to any
address oii.rcceiptof price.. Tim ScossLL Dave
,C0., St. Cdtharines, Ontario: •
•Vint and
'polity ;for Nerverand Brain; ineieases"
matter" ;a Tonic -will build you up. $3 a box, or
two for $5 at drug stores, or by mail on receipt
of pricer' Tas ScoaELL DRUG Co., St. Catharines.
Douple Track all the Way.
For Chicag o
Leave Toronto 8 am. 6, p.m. and
11.45 p.m.' daily
For Montreal
Leave Toronto 9 "n,m<, 8.30 n<m.and
11 p.m.•daily •
F.iduipment the finest on all trains
Reduced Fares to
San Francisco, Los:` Angeles 'and ;pan
Ful' particulars and birth: i eser. za'-
tem-, °•on appiication''to Aeenls "'
N. J. ;DORE, Exeter
Financial and Commercial markets
than any other Canadian ,newspaper,
It becomes our sad duty this week I
to record the .death of Mrs. William
1'foir, who died at her home here on
Friday last, Ncne 12th, in her 68th
year, Deceased `had been sick only'
a few days, hece her demise was very
unexpected. -A quiet but pretty wed -
cline took place in Talbot Street Bap-
tist Church, London, at 8 o'clock Sat-
urday evening, when in the presence
of relatives of the contracting Parties'
and a few intimate friends, Miss Lucy
M. Busch was united in marriage to
Alien Harvey Pope of the C. P. R.
Clerical staff London. The young
couple were unattended. The happy
young couple will take up residence,
at 18 Renwick Ave, after the honey-
moon to Montreal,
A formes resident of Rogerville and
Hensall died recently in, Caron, Sask.,
in the person of Hire„ J. Clausen, She
left here about twelve years ago. A.
husband and several sons and tiaugh-
I tere survive
antiwe are pleasedcto ber aye to sub AST° I si
nounce that we can offer a year's. sub �„
scription to The Advocate and :>`ht'
Toronto Daily News for $2.90, Send
your subscrbeeren to this office, In Use For Over 30 Years
. r ..
Always bears T
For Infaz;�; , 0.;l Children
- 1 Siguatera of
The Usborne municipal council met
at the Township Hall Nov. 6th. All
the members were present. The min-
utes Of the last regular meeting and
the Special of Oct. 13th were read
and approved..
Receipts and acknowledgments from
the Provincial Treasurer and the Sec-
retary of the British Red Cross So-
ciety for $1385.30 from the Usborne
people were laid. before the council
and filed,
A large number of accounts, prise,
cipally for gravel were -passed lnd
orders issued in payment'.
Council adjourned to meet Dec. 4
as one o'clock sharp.
F. Morley, Clerk
Yields to Delicious Vivol
Shreveport, La. -"I had a bad stom-
ach trouble for years and became so
weak I could hardly walk or do any
work. My appetite was poor, my food
would not digest, I bloated and was very
weak and nervous. I tried manyreme-
dies without help, I saw Vinol adver-
tised and tried it, and now my stomach
trouble is completely cured and I am
well." -E. L. MARSHALL.
Vinol is guaranteed to tone up the
tired, over -taxed and weakened nerves
of the stomach and create strength.
W S. Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont.
Reliable salesman to act as agent
in Huron County.
Outfit free, exclusive territory and
money making specialties. Oui
agencies are the best in the, ausi-
aess for .we sell the highest grade
of stock at• most reasonable prices
and guarantee deliveries in first
class condition. Nursery stock is
selling' well this year and good
money can be made in this dis-
district. For particulars write
Sales Manager.,.
The Game of Chance Play,�ed, by the
areas. Liners.
The presence of lee is a constant
menace to the navigator, Its move-
ments, often fairly rapid when pro-
pelled by wind and current, make its
position always uncertain. One ship
may see Immense fields of ice which
another, passing over the same route
a few days tater. may never encoun-
ter. Only those who have stood on
the bridge of an Atlantic liner with
her officers on a dark night when in
the region where ice may alrpear can
appreciate the anxiety of those tire-
less men who know that Ceilislpti
To be healthy at seventy, prepare at
forty,' is. sound advice, because in the
strength of middle life we too often forget
that neglected colds, or careless treat-
ment of slight aches and pains, simply
undermine strength and bring chronic
weakness for later years. •
To be stronger when older, keep your
blood pure and rich and active with the.
strength -building and blood -nourishing
properties of Scott's Emulsion which is a
food, a tonic and a medicine to keep your
blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and
avoid sickness. At any' drug store.
Scott& Bowne, Toronto, Out.
Business and
Westervelt School
Y. M. C. A. Building 20
London, Ontario
College in Session Sept. 1st to July.
Catalogue Free. Enter any time.
J. W. Westervelt, Principal
Messrs. Milton and Ray Rats spent
st week duck shooting at Lake
South,—Mrs, A. Fletcher and Miss( M.
Galbraith of Arleorta visited the form-
er's sister, '�'4frs. Peter McKenzie', last
week,—Several of our boys returned
from the West on Saturday,
The :4I E. Church is holding the
annual Christmas Tree on Dee, 22e -
Mr and Mrs, John Ritz were in Lon-
don Saturday on business,—efessre, G
Finkbeiner J. Keough and F. Baxter
who were out west dune the past
fel: months, have returned home. -.
Miss J. Watson of Teeswater is
spending a. Sew days with Miss' Alice
Gaiset'.-Wmt Sw�eitze,r has disposed
of hie cattle for a handsome figura
to H Willer! of Dashwood:- es r. and
Mrs C Lochner, son and daughter
' -!ir
debo •e Sun
da .
motorec. to Clan y y
Sines Morlock had a successful husk
lag bee last week, after which all sat
down to a fine supper. -On Novt 28
Rev. Pentlake of Sylvan circuit will
conduct missionary services Here in
the evening. -The farmers have . om-
plated theii fall plowing during the
beautiful autumn weather. -What et-
tr�tetior, have the boys around Dash-
wood? -Mr. and Mrs. C. McPherson
who spent their wedding tour in Van-
couver and Victoria, S. C, have re-
turned home, and were welcomed by
the chiravari boys. --James O'Rourke
left Sunday for Port Huron on ausi-
with even a small floating ice masa Hess -Mrs. Fred Sharpe is on the
means damage to the ship. The sick list,
small masses called "growlers" often
mean great danger. They boat low
in the water, leaving little above to MOUNT CARMEL,
be seen by the lookout
Arctic ice is of great solidity and Thc. home Df Mr, and Mrs. Nov.:liarles
very irregular in shape. Frequently Glavin was brightened on \ 5th
it presents sharp edges which can by the arrival of a son. -errs. James
cut the plates of a ship, shear off
rivets or drive a hole through the
bottom as readily as a steel knife.
The game Of chance is therefore
played by every ship that speeds
through the ice area at night or in.
a fog.
To those skippers who have had
many years of experience In nava,
gating its presence is made known
by a number of effects. Before lee
can be actually seen there is a peat -
'fah whiteness observed around the
berg on a. dark night, except in the
case of dark bergs. Mariners call
this the ice "blink." It is caused by
the .reflection of the scattered rays
of light from the sky by the white
surface of the berg. Thus it is a
contrast between the black surface
of the water, which reflects none of
the light, and the ice, which scatters
nearly all of it. A dark berg is one
casting a shadow toward the ship.
When the light comes more strongly
from any particular part of the sky
the iceberg often cannot be seen in
certain directions, while clearly visi-
ble by the ice blink in others. This
is said to be the reason why the of-
ficers of the ill-fated Titanic did not
see the berg soon enough to stop.
As ice is approached, too, the tem-
perature of the air usually falls and
the marines describe a peculiar damp
cold, as distinguished by the cold
caused by a change of wind. Ice-
bergs are sometimes detected, also,
by the echo from the steam whistles
or fog horn. Then they are frequent-
ly heard for many miles by the noise
they make in breaking up or falling
to pieces. The cracking of the ice
or the falling of huge, chunks into
the sea cause a noise' like distant
Yet despite all these ways of dis-
covery, the presence of ice during
certain seasons is a constant menace
to those who cross the sea, as tune
wreck of many a good ship goes to
Q Rcurle
and family lily of London is
spending a few' days with her mother
Mrs Ellen Barry. -Miss Kate Camp-
bell spent a few clays with friends at
Parkhill, -Mr. Jas. Quarry called on
his parents here for a few days last
week, -Miss Katie Carey returned to
her home here after spending over
three years in the west --Mr, and Mrs
Henry Miller of Hensall moved their
household effects onto the farm on
the 14th of Stephen, where they in-
tend to make their home. We wel-
come Mr and Mrs. Miller to the
neighborhood. -- Mr, Patrick Glavin
arrived home ,from the west Thursday
evening Pat looks fine, -Mr. Myrtle
Thompson has rented the 100 - :acre
farm' of J. G, Quarry, for a. term of 5
years Possession at once'.- .fr. Vin-
cent Collins of Detroit is sepnding
h. few weeks at the home of his un-
cle T J. Collins. -Mr. Arthur Appel -
ton, enlisted last week and' is now at
London training, and will go the front
later -Mr John Guinan purchased o
neer rubber -tired buggy last week.
Look: out girls.
Broke It Gently.
A miner got killed and a tactful
associate was delegated to break the
news to the widow. So the tactful
fellow called at her house and said:
"With your golden hair, blue eyes
and pink and white complexion,
ma'am, you'd break every heart. • In
town if you. wore wfdow's weeds,"
The young woman . laughed and
blushed for pleasure.
"Oh, go on," she said.
"And you are a widow, too," said
the tactful miner quickly, seizing his
chance. ` "Bill's head and legs and
arms was just- blown oft in an ex-
plosion. But you're goin' to look
good in black, thought"
Ancient Posters.
It is probably the general impres-
sion that posters and handbills are
modern inventions, but it has been
discovered that the ancient Romans
practiced this method of advertising.
In digging at Heretilaneitm there
was brought to ' light , a pillar cover-
ed with„ bills, one on top of another,
The ' paste used to stick them was
made':. of gum arable. The bills,
when' separated and examined, were
found to be'programs and announce -
Meats of public meetings andeven
election proclamations. --
All who are interested in the vocal
culture attend the meeting to be Meld
in this church 7.30 Thursday evening.
A choral class is being, arranged. Mrs.
Gambrill, A. Ti. C. M'.,, of Exeter, who
has been invited to give the series
of lessons is a teacher of the highest
possible merits in the musical world.
SI. MARYS-Dr. John McVannel,
for a number of years professor of
Y., died
10that hisbia oldithome,
south of St. Marys. On account of
failing health • he relinquished his ed-
ucational duties at the close of last
term, c :...
CLINTON--A quiet \vedding took
place at the homle -or .. Rev. :E? G. Po-
well Nov 11, when »Lavinai daughter
of Mrs McIntyre of Lobo Township,
was married to E. Cecil. Tuckey, son
of James Tuckey of Con.: 5, London
Township. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Powell.
How They Cure
"I suffered from Kidney Trouble ' for
several years, and tried numerous remedies
and doctors' prescriptions without permanent
relief, my case being chronic. After seeing
about Gin Pills, and as it is a well 'known
fact that Juniper, without alcohol, is excellent
for the Kidneys, I decided to try Gin Pills,
One single pill gave me great relief. I have
now taken four boxes of Gin Pills and find
myself completely cured. No more bad
humor—increase in weight—clear eyes—'fresh
color -more strength and vigor., , <1his is
what Gin Pills have done for me.
'your druggists sells Gin Pills Soc. a box
or six boxes $2.5o <Write for free sample to
National Drug & Chemical co.;,
of, Canada, Limited, Toronto.
Five Cents is
all you need pay
for the best and
purest soap in the world
Sunlight Soap.
The inducements offered with common
soaps cannot make up for the purity
of Sunlight Soap. It costs US more to
make pure soap ; but it costs YOU less
to use it, for Sunlight pays for itself in
the clothes, as it does not wear and rub
the fabrics like common soaps do.
Sc. a bar at all Grocers.
Eat more Bread and Beth
Few of us eat
enough of the
Staff of Life."
Make your
Bread from
More Bread and Better Bread
'Ford Touring Car
Price $530
Ford Runabout
Price $480
Ford Town Car
Price $780
The above prices f.o.b. Ford, - Ont.,
effective Aug. 2, 1915, No- speedom-
eter included in this year's equip-
ment otherwise cars fully equipped.
Cars on display and sale at