The Exeter Advocate, 1915-11-11, Page 5LEGAL.
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyanoere, Com-
missioners. Solicitors for the Molsone
Bank, etc,
Money to LOW), at lowest rates of interest
Offices -Main -St., Exeter
I. R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
We have a Large amount of private
(ands to loan on farm and village prop-
erties at tow rates of interest,
Bavriaters, Solicitors. Exeter.
Dr. G. F. ROULSToN, L,D,S„ D.D.S.
itember of the R,C.D.S. of Ontario and.
Honor Graduate of 'isoronto IIniveralty.
Miles -Over Dickson & Carling's law
office, Closed Wednesday afternoons..
DR. A R, KINSMAN. I..D.S., D.D.S.,
Honor Graduate o' Toronto University
eete extracted without pain, or any
gad effects. Otf:ee over Gladman &
8tatnbury's Office. Mair. Street, Exeter.
THE sole head of a fatnily, or uw
arualvover 18 years old, may homestead
a quarter -section of available £ omin-'
iolt'Taad in Manitoba, Saskatehewanor
Alberta. The applicant must appear
ilt perso r at the Dominion Lands Ag-
ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis-
trict. Entry may be made at any
£Zominion Lands Agency (hut not
ai b -Agency) on certain conditions.
Dirties --Sic months" residence upon
ata eultivation of the landin each of
ti "ee years. A homesteader 'nay live
w-stbxli nine miles of his„ homestead en
a £ of at least 80 acres, on certain
codons. A habitable house is ye-
mlu ed its every case, except ;rhen re-
sidence is performed in the vicinity.
b certain districts a homesteader in
gold standing may pre-empt a quarter
section alongside his homestead. Paice
13 per acre, Duties -Six months resi-
dence in each of three years after
earlrins homestead patent; also 50
ages extra cultivation. Pre-emption
,patent may be obtained as soon as
homestead patent, on certain condi-
A settles' who has exhausted his
homestead sight may take a purchas-
ed homestead in certain districts.
Price $3 per acre, Duties -Must re-
side 6 ;months in each of 3 years, cu-
'ltiva,te 50acres, and erect a house
worth $300.
The area of cultivation is subject
to reduction in case of rough, scud" -
by or stony land. Live stock may be
substituted for cultivation under cer-
tatn conditions.
W. W. CORY, C.M.G.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interio
N.B.-unauthorized publication at
title .advertisement will not be pad for.
.e Christian college -home,
, ,t:.rlthful situation.
n -ax a cctusandterms, vritcthePrincipal
ismer, M.A.,D.D.,St.Thomas,Oat,
W ,
407 J
Our instructors are experienced.
Pupils get individual attention and
graduates are placed in positions. , We
are receiving applications we cannot
meet. Students may enter any time.
Send for our free catalogue and see
if it interests you.
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for
$l0.. Sold. at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any
address on receipt df price...Tag ScoBELt, Duna
Co„ St, Catharines, Ontario.
vim an
Vatality;for Nerve''and Brain; increases "grey
matter" ;a Tonle -will build you up. $3 a box, or
two for $5,at drug stores, or by, mail on receipt
of price, an SienEr t. Dago Co., St. Catharines.
Douple Track all the Way.
For Chicag o
Toronto 8 a.m. 6. p.m. ' and
11.45 p.m. daily
For Montreal
Leave Toronto 9 a.m., 8,30 a.m, and
11 p.m.' -:daily
±r jtipnlent the :finest on all trains
Reduced Fares to
Francisco, j:.os :.Angeles and ,pan'
' tae as et else
,A41,7.',1I11/41-1•AFi Jr 5,31
Ful' particulars- and birthh.t eserva
ah' on applicationto Agents. se
N. J. DORE, Exeter
Auction Sale
on Con, 1, Usborne, 1-4 mile south
of Exeter, on
at 1 o'clock, the ,followings, --
Horses -1 good driving mare, car-
riage; 1 Percheron colt, rising 3 yrs,
old, gelding. sired by Victor; I. filly
rising 2 years, sired by Storm King;
1 Eel colt rising 3', gelding; 1 Eel
colt. rising z, Lilly;those colts S are
sired by March Bel with dam Clear
Grit, and they should be speedy.
Cattle -1 cow newly calved; 1 cow
due in November; 1 cow due in Vlar.;
6 two-year old steers; 4 one-year old
steers; 4 beef -ring heifers; 4 1 -year
old heifers; 1, heifer calf.
Implements, Seed drill; gang plow,
root pulper; bobsleigh; cutter, light
wagon water trough, 1200 lb. scales;
new Canada Carriage buggy, auto seat
2 used buggies; 1 set double harness
2 set single harness; 1 Royal Oak side
board • 1 Daisy churn; and numerous
other articles.
Terms -$5 and under cash; over
that amount 6 months credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint
notes. S per ct, per ann. off for cash
Everything will be sold as: the pro-
prietor has given up farming.
D. WOOD, Prop.
C W. ROBINSON, 9.uct.
Red Cross
Auction Sale
x -o -x-
The Eliiuville and Sunshine ?atriot-
ic Society has instructed R. S. Brown
to sell 'by Public Auction at
ON TUESDAY, NOV. 16th, 1915
et 2 o'clock p.m. the following
Qne New Idea Manure Spreader, new
Two plows, single walking, new;
One Buggy second-hand, in fair shape
Quantity Turnips, in bags for cooking.
Thi: sale may be used by private
parties to sell stock or articles of any
kind by paying the auctioneer's Lees
for selling.
The Red. Cross Donations will be
sold without reserve.
Terms -Sums of $10 and ander cash
aver that amount 12 months credit on
approved joint notes, or 7 per cent.
off for cash in lieu of notes.
Mrs. E. Heywood, Pres.
Aisi Ada 'Wndrew, Sec. Patriotic Soc,
R. S. Brown, Auctioneer.
Made Strong By Vinol
Greenville, S. C.,-" I want others to
know of the great benefit I have de-
rived from. Vinol. I am 81 years old
and Vinol has given me strength, a
healthy appetite and overcame nervous-
ness. It as the best tonic recon-
structor I ever used." - Mrs. M. A.
Vinci is a delicious cod liver and
iron tonic without oil, guaranteed to
overcome run down, weak, devitalized
conditions and for chronic coughs
and colds.
W S. Cole, Druggist, Exeter, Ont.
by New Absorption Method.
If you suffer from bleeding,
itching, blind or protruding
Piles, send me your address, and
I will tell you how to cure your-
self at home 'by the absorption
treatment ; and will also send
some of this home treatment
free for trial, with references
from your own locality if re-
quested.Immediate relief and
permanent cure assured. Send
no money, but tell others of
this offer. Write to -day to Mrs:
M. Summers, Box 840 Windsor,;
Reliable salesman to act as agent
in Huron County.
`Outfit free, exclusive territory and
money making specialties. Out
- agencies are the best in the eusi-
ness for we sell the highest grade
of stock at most reasonable prices
and guarantee deliveries in first
clan condition. Nursery stock is
selling well this year and good
money can be made in *his dis-
district. For particulars write
Sales Manager.,
Do colds settle on your chest or in your
bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or
are you subject to throat troubles?
Such troubles should have immediate
treatment with the rare curative powers
of Scott's Emulsion to guard against
consumption which so easily follows.
Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod liver
oil which peculiarly strengthens the res-
piratory tract and improves the quality of
the blood; the, glycerine in it soothes and
heals the tender membranes of the throat.
Scott's is Prescribed by the best special-
ists. You can get it at any drug store.
Scott & Rowne. Toronto, Ont...
Business and
Westervelt School
Y. M. C. A. Building ' m
London, Ontario
College in Session Sept. 1st to July.
Catalogue Free. Enter any time.
J. W. Westervelt, Principal
$100 REWARD, 3,100, I J ENSALL
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages,and
that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly
influenced by 'constitutional conditions.
requires constitutional treatment'.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts through the Blood on the
Mucous Surfaces of the System there-
by destroying the foundation of the
disease giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have se much
in the curative powers of Hall's Cat-
dred Cure that they offer One Hun-
dred Dollars for any casec'that it fails
to cure. Send fox list of testimonials,.
Address --F, J. CHENEY & Co., To-
ledo Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Oa Wednesday everting, Nov. 3rd,
over one hundred fri,'ends and, neigh-
bors ,met at the lionise, of Mr. John
Sherritt Ex -1.P,, who is on the eve
of moving to Guelph.and spent a very
pleasant time. Mrs. Thomas Fallis
read a \v,eil-worded address, and Mr.
S. Harlton and Mr. Henry Belling pre-
sented Mr. Sherritt with a gold -head-
ed cane and Mrs. Sherritt with agold
headed umbrella and silver knives and
forks and clesse;rt sextons, and, also a
brilliant sunburst. Rev, S. A. Car-
riere and Rale J. E., Cooke and Geo,
Stewart added a. few complimentary
remarks, Mr. and Mrs. Sherritt re-
plied It' a, Very feeling manner, ex-
pressing their thanks, Lunch was
nerved by the ladies.
The address spoke very highly of
the long and 'pleasant intercourse the
people of -the neighborhood have had
with Mr, and Mrs. Sherritt in social
church and municipal matters, and ex-
pressed appreciation, of the work
they had done in the community fox
so matey years. _ It also yoked the
deep regret felt at their departuxje,
Ali the members were present at
the regular council meeting on( Nov. 1,
when a large number of accounts were
ordered ,to be ,paid, Among them
was $500.00 hoe the British Red Cross
Society and $190.65 to Eli, Bice ,for
26 sheep killed by dogs. The next
meeting is on the 29th of November.
J. D. Drummond, Clerk.
Anniversary services will be held in
the Methodist church here on Nov.
14th, afternoon and evening services.
Rev Wren of Parkhill will preachl-
We are pleased' to note, that Mir. Ril-
ey is on the mend after his recent
illness, --We are tarry to learn that
errs. Peter Dayman of the 3rd t an',.
of Tuckersmith is showing iftie sign
of improvement,
Mr and Mrs. Frank Horton of Hen -
sail spent Sunday with friends in
Brucefre,d,--.This week Walker 3c ;ion
of Seaforth delivered a load of furn-
iture to the home of Mr. Geo. Glenn
-,Mr. Wm Berry's many friends are
sorrc to hear of his severe illness,--
\Iiss Evelyn Horton is a visitor at her
brother's, Mr. Jas. Horton, London
Road.-etr. Jas. Aikenhead is busy
threshing beans with his new outfit, -
Mr. Watson, Sr., is not enjoying very
goad health at present. -Miss Clifton
of Dungannon visited her brother
Charles during the week.
The funeral of Angus McNeil, who
dice last week in Sarnia front pnett-
monia, after a short illness, was held
to Mount Cannel, Monsignor Aylward
sante high mass. Mr. McNeil was for
years a moulder in the McClary works
London and is survived by a widow
formerly Miss Lydia McMuIle,n of Lon
don and three :sisters,
Mrs George Hudson and daughter
Miss Inez are in char& of the Lib-
rary. -Miss 1-lemme has returned Af-
ter a month's "visit in various parts.--
George Reach hassold his dwelling
property to Christopher 'Campbell of
Hay Township, Mr. Campbell expects
to move into the village: in the spring,
he having recently sold his farm ;--
Mrs D. Shisray is visiting, in. Toronto
for a few
The vote on church unit, in Car-
mel Presbaterian church, liensall, re-
sulted in all 10 elders voting for it.
communicants 217 for and 26 against
adherents 38 for and 4 against, making
a total of 265 for ands 30 against, the
majority tieing 27 greater for union
than three years ago,
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over3O Years
Always bears ,,,.
the ,a4.‘
Signature of
Hay, for October. Names are in
order oe. merit, Sr. 1V., Iniez Tuck-
ey Herman Willard; Jr. III., Benson
Tuckey, Eddie Aldsworth, Will Mur-
ray, Edward Willard; Sr. Ile Peter
Case Ernie Willard; Jr. II„ B., Isa
Murray Percy Campbell, , Homer Rus-
set; Jr II„ A., Bruce Tuckey, Gretta
Aldworth, Hannah Murray, Frank
Wildfong Jr. I., Oscar Tuckey; Pri-
mer, Hilton Laing.-Milton'D. 9es-
treicher teacher.
2, Usborne Sr. 4-U. Snell :5, Jr. 4
E Knight 72, W. Turnbull 69, .R.
Pollen 66, C. Stewart 64, Sr. 3- L.
Night 70. M. Doupe 49; G. Stewart 42
I, Williams 25'. Sr. 2-C. Doupe 72
A. Hunkin 68, , M, Cottle 50, G. Mc
Donald 40, Jr. 2-S, Francis56, S.
Pollee, 49, W, Allison 48, E. Stewart
36 Pt. 2-W, Allen 73, C, Campbell
70 C. Hodgert 68. E. Rundle 65, G.
Knagh• 60. Pr, C-R. Turnbull 71, H.
Pollen 65 R. Stewart 68. Pr. C --J.
Francis 55 ,R, Cottle 53.
No on roll29; average attendance16
Al. L. Coward, Teacher.
BRUSSELS -After a lingering ill-
ness of about three years Annice
Leckie - wife of John Leckie, Reeve
of Brussels, passed away at the Well-
eelev Hospital Tuesday morning,
Spoils Kidney Trouble
There's no uqe putting on liniments and
plasters to cure that ache in your hips or back
the trouble is inside. Your kidneys are out
of ordeGIN PILLS go right to the chase
of the backache and heal and regulate the
kidney and bladder action, Then you get
relief, permanent relief I
Many a man and woman who has been
doubled up with shooting pains in the back
having to stop work and lie down to get a little
telief, has found new health and comfort in
Two boxes completely curedArnold McAskell,
of Lower Selma, N.S. "I have never had any
trouble with myback since," he says.
If you have a lame back -or any sign of
Kidney trouble -get GEN PILLS to -day and
start the cure working. soc. a box, six boxes
for $2.50 -and every box guaranteed to ggi�ve
satisfaction or your money back. Trial treat-
ment free if you write
National Drug & Chemical
Co. of Canada, Limited
Toronto - Ont. rs
Atop of Mount McKinley.
Archdeacon Stuck in his account of
filo-a climb to the summit of Mount Mc-
Kinley. "The Ascent of Denali," gives
this description of his impressions
upon reaching it: "Immediately before
us, in the direction in which we had
climbed, lay -nothing; a void, a sheer
gulf many thousands of feet deep, and
one shrank back instinctively from the
little parapet of snow basin when one
had glanced at the awful profundity.
Across the gulf, about 3,000 feet be-
neath us and fifteen or twenty miles
away, sprang most splendidly into view
the great mass of Denali's Wife, of
Mount Foraker, as some white men
misname her, fillingmajestically all
the middle distance. 1" * And never
was'uobler sight deeplliyed to man than
that great isolated .'mountain, spread
out completely, with all its spurs and
ridges, its cliffs and its glaciers, lofty
and mighty, and yet far beneath us.
* * Beyond stretched, blue and
vague to the southwest, the wide vat.
ley of the Buskokwim, with an end of
all mountains. * • * It was, however,
to the south and the east that the
most marvelous prospect opened be.
fore us.
The Salt Sea Legend.
There is a legend In the Norse scalds
which explains why the sea is salt.
The "bountiful Frodi," whose mythical
reign was a golden age indeed, 'as-
sessed a quern, or band mill, which'
ground out gold and peace, but which
would grind out stores of anything, de-
sired by its owner. Two giant,,,maid-
ens, ruled over by. Prodi, were'\;the
grinders. In an evil day a sea rover.
came upon the scene, slew Frodi and
carried off the quern and the two
giant maidens who worked it, When
the sea rover's vessel was right out at
sea h ordered the maidens to grind.
salt. At midnight they, asked if they
had not ground enough. The sea rov-
er, angry at being awakened Iroin his
sleep commanded them to grind ,until li
nOrning: NOW, the giant maidens mat -
gene enough worked very quickly, so
as' they went on grinding the load qf,
salt grew so heavy that It sank the
,hip, and now the sea will continue.
'alt forever.
where she had been confined for the
past ten days. She was a victim of
pernicious senemia.
PARKHILL-Mrs, Margaret :vfcKel-
vin, widow of John McKelvin, of Lon-
don, died Friday morning at the home
of A B. Shortt after one day's ill-
ness from apoplexy. Mrs. McKelvin
wac or' a short visit to .Parkhill.
LUCAN-Word was received on
Tuesday that A.Simpson had been
killed in action on Oct. 15, Before
going to the ;front he had been em-
ployed on the Coursey Line,
W J. Mack has moved in the house
vacates be J. E. Elliot;. -'Mr. Arm-
strong, clerk in the,
Maisons Bank, has
enlisted and left for Leaden. -'Mr, and
Mrs Chas, Paul will reside al the
house vacated by �NIr. and Mrs. Ma: >r
-Rev. H A. Fish,'Grand Chaplain
preached Sunday evening, :eh, at
Woodham. -Mt and Mrs. J. E. El-
liot moved to St. Marys, where they
intend to reside. Mr. Elliot has been
ow leading carpenter here for some
years The death took place at Kirk -
tote on Oct. 31 ott John Shipley, aged
9"; years 2 months. The funeral look
place cse Nov.. 3rd,
constipation -
the bane of ell age
is not to be cured
by harsh purga-
tives; they rather
aggravate the
trouble. For a gentle,
but sure laxative, use
Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets, They
stir up' the liver, telae the;
neryes and freshen the
stomach and bowels Just
Iike an internal bath,
fit+^"- �
arae, :,�
Woman's best friend.
From girlhood to old' age,
these little red health re-
storers are an unfailing
guide to an ac _iveliverand
a clean, healthy, normal
stomach. Take a
Chamberlain's Stomach
Tablet at night and the
sour stomach and fer-
mentation, and the
headache, have all
gone by mar- ing.
Afl drugg 's, 25c.,
or by mail from
Chamberlain Merlidne
Company, Threats 12
Always the Same
Day in and Day out.
Week in and Week
Year in and Year
Always the same.
Ford Touring Car
Price $530
Ford Runabout
Price $480
Ford Town Car
Price $ 780
The above prices f.o.b. Ford, Ont.,
affective Aug. 2, 1915, No speedom-
eter included in this year's equip-
ment otherwise cars fully equipped.
Cars or display and sale at
l/ 1 HI. l',i\'FRSAL C.AR
The .Allies, -"If .
our, plan's w,
ly that British Govierchlent-110 U,,e as $101W,
e t
have, , . , ., l•
s you.$ r•' -Wilfrid, to s,e,e a0pAre'rgency,