The Exeter Advocate, 1915-11-4, Page 8t"
New Wheat.. . . .. . . ..- '70 to 82
Bulky... ......... . .... 40 45
Oats' ----.....---..'- 35
Peas,...........-- . . .. 100
Pota,toes, per bag. ISO 150
ihty. er ton-. . .. . .. . - 13 00 14 00
Flour, per ewe,' family n 80
Floor, low grade per ow 1 75
Butter.-- ,. ...... .... 25 23
Creamery Better..en,- 32
Ewe.. V “.....44... 30 31
Live hogs. per cwt.."...
Shorts Porn•ua......,,,,,
Bran per ton
Mrs. Ortwein moved to London to
reside for the winter.
The Hydro men are fast completing
the erection of the poles in town.
Harry Windsor and Gerald IIurdon
went to London to enlist Inst week.
Rev tele.A.lister preached annivers-
ary sermons at Granton on Sunday, his
s 40 work here being taken by Rev. Reid
e. 00 of Granton
25 00 A Snowflake correspondent speak-
ing oC two former residents of nee -
Here. Horrell cut his foot with an
ax i; quite severely and ie off duty for
a fes days as a result.
The Exeter bakers Mr. E. A. Fol-
licle and, Mr, W. J. Statham have de-
cide!' to raise the weight of eread
to one pound and four ounces EGS
5 cents
who car do plain cooking to assist
in genera' housework. No washing.
Qood home with all conveniences. $20
per month. Young woman of good
character, competent at her work end
of cheerful disposition can expect
wage increase in three months.
Box $05, London.
Apply at The Advocate Office
'by C I-1 Sanders at the Advocate Of-
e'.ce Strictly confidential; no witness
BOY WANTED. -Good smart boy
wanted at once to learn printing. Ap-
ply at this office.
•+,•••••••• •
HORSE CLIPPING -Horse clipping
Bene promptly and well at H. Beir-
ling's stables Exeter North.
BOARDERS wanted and also one
furnished room to rent. -Mrs. A Cor-
nish north of mill.
he C el Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice Strictly coufideettial; no witness
era' hundred grain bags used en:y on-
ce Good as new at 20c. each. Ar
the Carmine Factory,
POTTING -Hyacinth, Narcissus, Tu-
lips. Ferns. Cyclamen, Primrcses;
Lettuce - L DAY & SON.
The undersigned is offering .or eine
in the Village of Cerstralia an tight-
roomen Brick house, modern smprove-
ments. hard and soft water; woed-
house and commodious stables; ce-
ment walks; 2 acres of land. Sehool
chard. and 'station convenient. This
is a vele desirable property and will
be sold ear below cost, .
Wanted -Man and \vire to sake
charge of the Huron County House
of Refuge and farm in connection
therewith. Duties to commence early
early in December next. The ,milzr-
signed will receive applications in? So
the 7th day of December P15, .o
that these can be placed before the
council at the December meeting.
Dated Nov. 1, 1915.
Inspector of H. R.
New Butcher
ter says, "Two old pioneers M. cud
hers. Dretw left this week for *Winni-
The toys let Hallowe'en very a Detroit, Opera, Rouse, Mceter
Mrs Harrell is very ills at ler ionic Mrs Egan returned Saturday front
sensibly this year.
Rev Collins and Rev. Muxworthy
will deliver addresses at an ()range
entertainment in Hewett Ou Friday
evening next in aid of the Red Cross
Major Dunlop while be was wine
at Goderich was presented with a
Masonic ring as a token of regard
from his brethren of the Masonic
Dr Hyndman is having his office
Propert thoroughly renoNnted, and
wit! have it veneered with red brid k Mr Nelson Stanlake spent severe'
and squared up in the front -if 'the day e in Buffalo cluriet the week on
second storey. business.
Mr. Walter Dearing of London was
in town over Sunday,
Mr Aquilla Sheere returned
Detroit on Wednesday.
Mrs Burwell returned home 3atur-
day from a visit in St. Thomas.
Miss Emma Fisher is visiting her
brother Wallace in Peterborough.
Messrs. I. R. Carling and Wes Snell
were in London on business Monday.
Mr Robt Sanders left on Monday
morning for Wingham on a shooting
Dr. Harrison. of Detroit was here
last :week owing to the illness of his Mr. Reg. Elliot returned to' his home
peg where they expect to spend the . sister Miss Harrison from cancer It hi Norwich on Nfonday after a feu
. .
winter was intended to operate but it was th" in town.
Mrs W. RDa
The Exeter Agricultural Society found to be not advisable. . is and Miss Lily May
or Mitchell visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred
tee: in the Commercial Hotel Satur-
(lay afternoon to wind up .the
nes .of the Fall Fair, to authorize
payment of accounts and prize money
arid general business. A claim has
been made to the Government for a
share oe The rainy -day fund.
The residence :Mr. Wm. Balk -
wile on Huron Steeet was sold by
auetior to Sattuday to Mrs. Ambrose
Cottle. ler. Emerson Cornish is
moving. into the house to reside,while more than you pay. Or perhans
is tan inside pricn. that wen eever be
offered. However, 'there is always a
"jolter' ;somewhere.
W. D Clarke and R. N. Creech
last week audited the books of the
Patriotic. League and found every-
thing correct and in excellent order.
Thr books now pass into the hands
of the recently elected secretary and
the treasurer.
Evers veer a number of people are
swindled by travelling magazine can-
e assing agents with some wonderful
proposition in which they give away
she house vacated by hue. on Ann -Se
is being taken by Mrs. Hockey; and
Mrs. Allen who has been residing or -
Dr Berowning's store, is =Tiring into
the house vacated by Mrs. Hockey
Gidley-st. on in their convention have decided 'hat
the greatest danger to the ears is the
The Soldiers' .Aise Seelety bay! welt ignorance of how to .blow ose day. She was accompanied as far as
The ear nose and throat specialists
Mar last week.
Mr and Mrs. Murphy of Clinton
visited at the borne o0 Mr. R. Murphy
here on Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. A. M. Reamers of
London spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs W. J. Heaman
Mrs. adurdock and lady friend of
Chathami are visiting the farmer's
parents. Dr. and Mrs. Quackenbush.
Messrs, E. Shapton and At' E. An-
dress were delegates to the Ontario
Sundae School Convention in Tor-
onto last week.
Mrs. Laramie after a visit here and
in Hensall returned to Detroit Mon-
to the Daughters of the Emspise, Lou- when 'ant has c°I4 in the head. i$Y London by :Mrs. E Christie.
Mrs Wilson of Petrolea and Pte.
Edgar Horsley of London camp, were
here this week owing to the illness
of their mother Mrs. C. H. Homey.
Miss Bella Hastings of Crosshill
spent Sunday with her brother -Mr. A.
Hastings. She and Mrs. Hastings are
attending the W.C,T.U. meeting in
London this week.
don to be fonvarded to the Dardan-
elles, the following,-. 373 bandages,
192 pads 12xI4 inches, 216 pads 442
inches.468 pads 6x7 inches, 120 com-
presses 6x4 inches, 25 gauze sponges
ann 73 pairs of socks. $30 was sent
to Miss Arnoldi, Shorncliffe, so buy
Christmas Gifts for men at the front.
The proceeds of their concert on
Friday night amounted to $124.80.
The Crystal City (Man) Courier
"Th gnd o: the summer is here, a
'feat brought tarceably to our atten-
tien by the blizzard of Sunday night.
Oat. 24. Two weeks of eeeutenel
Indian Summer weather permitted sue
agriculturalists to thresh and «tore a new secular pieces, and different
ver large percentage of the 'Ton- style!. .of piano selections on two
Th- Pr=,sent snowfall, hawever, rinds pienos including Colo, Concerts, Du-
teeasional wheat field and a :on- et, Trio and Quartette fornfeby ad-
oderahle acreage of oats and barley enneee pupas of wire R. Phillips, 14
still in stook, even in this district A B. A.L.C.M.; also vocal numbers
e here the average of the gra.n
• by tenor soloist of Metropolitan
not heavy. Church Toronto, who possesses a
voice of rich quality, having great
James Street Methodist church power, large compass', and gives a
closing /eoth nostrils and then 'ettsrig
go with a blow, there is danger of
causing ear trouble and internal ab-
The dry weather of the last wo
weeks and the high wind of Sunday
combined to make the oiled (ist fly
disagreeably on Sunday, covering The
sidewalks and fronts of the stores
with a thick brown coating. It would
be advisable to have this dust laid
by some means if The dry weather
A grand concert of unusual ;merest
given in James Street church: on Nov.
15th Chorus of 40 voices, singing
eeiebrates its 53rd anniversary
Sundae and Monday, Nov 7th and eth
text clear enunciation, This treat should
not be missed by anyone desirous of
hearing good quality ea music.
The Boyer -Vincent Stock Company
will play a one night engagement at
the Opera House, Exeter, Thursday
Nov 11th when they will present a
beautiful drama entitled "For tier
Sister's Sake." This play is- written
along the lines of the great 'Neese
York. success, Bought and Paid Iz'or".
This popular company have arranged
to appear here in Exeter one night in
ever: two weeks, on Thursday. On
earls occasion They will present a aew
up-to-date play and new vaudeville
flr Routledge of Clinton preaches .n
morning and evening. The ehoir yid
render special music. On Monday
evening Rev. I. F. Knight, NIA., 1.lee
Lf Hensel). delivers his illureinatine,
lecture "Germany and World Power."
The Press speaks in most flattering
terms as reported by those best qual-
ified -tcjudge, of this lecture, which
commanded an audience in Mr.
Knight's home church which could not
Ond seating room
Mn. C0b/Pledia, formerly of Exeter
celebrated on Oct. 12, her 34th
birthday at the home of her _laughterbetweer the acts. Arrantagnents nave •
Mrs. Pimperton, Con. 15, London rp. been made whereby you can have he
A goodie company were present in- same seats held for you for :he en_
cludin,- he: three sans, All assembled tire season, it desired., paying for :nem
in the spacious dining roorn of the
new house where a sumptucas meal
with n. birthday cake of which Mrs..
Cobbledick made tip the receipt ner-
earl- night as you use them. The
theatre goers of Exeter are assured;
of a series of first-class . entertain-
ments Reserved seats will be an ;ale
self -after aVhich toasts were given m a' Howey's Drug Store, Prices
honor of Mrs. Cobbledick. A number Admission 25c.
of the guests were nearing her ,e,vn
age, and the photograph which was
taken or the lawn is an interesting LADIES AND GENTS
The anniversary services of-,:aven TA LORING
Presbyterian church were held on
Sunday last. The attendance at oath
services was very large. The preach- A Ful- Line of Ladies' Suitings
en for the occasion was Rev. Dr. Gaberdines, Broadcloths, Vicunas
Having opened up a outcher tin- Somerville of Toronto, Treasurer of Poplins African Brown, Russian
mess in Exeter, I weeed invite erse the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and Laura' Green, Etc.
and his discourses were of, a high cr-
general nubile to give us a call, s
der the evening he tole for les PRICES $23 to $35,
to 'he 'convinced Of the oualities et
ttAl., 'We Weiuld see Jesus," arid . 2-7:e:11 neee
our meats.
We take arid deliver orders to ell Chris: on earth, showing Him as the
pasta af greatest teacheir arid the perfect ex-
"tkq - ample Special music was rendered
MVe II a cal. by the choir assisted by Miss Mux -
worthy, 'Miss Nina Kinsman, Mr. Case
Howard and Ms. R. Phillips..The
Main Street Methodist Church and the
Mein. Memorial Church withdrew
their evening services.
a masterly resume of 'the last days of
P. Begg
'Help! Help!!
stICCESS---Iiie Pattiotic erade-
eoree in and help us unload out
furniture as we have a large stock
which ravel be sold.
We also have the best furniture
Relish ever made; and a polish for
vow cars and buggies equal to none.
See our display of KIRSCH .mr-
tam rads, the neatest and simplest
rod on the market.
Embalmer Etc.
Phone 20a,
tainsnelet put on by thea Soldiers' Aid
Society in the Opera I -Louse on Fri-
day evening last Was an unqualified
success in every way. The hall was
filled by an appreciative audience, and
the receipts were about $125.00. The
ladies of the Society managed the af-
fair throughout and did it with cred-
it. The program consisted of solo
selections by Mr, W. A. McCutcheon
of London music by the Exeter 4Dr-
chestra and two plays by local talent.
Mr. McCutcheon is a singer of marked
ability and his several sele,ctians were
gfeatle appreciated by all. The mu-
sic by 'the orchestra was of the usual
high order while the Plays, were very
well done indeed, many of the young
people ,showing exceptional ability in
taking the parts assigned to them.
Special mention might be made of
some of the artists, but suffice it to
say "all did well" as was the general
remark at the conclusion of the oro -
gram. In "The Kleptomaniac" the
characters were taken by Mrs. N. 1.
Dore Miss Ida Rowe Miss Marjory
Seld oe, ,Mies Margaret Muxworthy,
Msr W I. Heaman, Miss Etta Bowey,
Miss Gladys Bissett. "Fascinating
Fanny BroWn" was a farce in two
parts, and the characters were taken
by Wallace Fuke, P. Lawrie, Bert
Gillies and. Misses Ella Phillips; Lil-
lian Boyle, Lulu Martin, A. liantiltau
Vera Muxworthy, Ida Wambold., The
'only matter of regret about the
whole, affair is the lackk of courtesy
shown by the audience during the
singing of the National Anthem. The
people af 'this neighborhood know
how to act, then why not do it. 13n -
°ugh said, for this time, and we hope
t virir not he necessary to ,nentron
the matter again.
G. Seldon
Phone 2
Coat Season is here, and with it
some of the most becoming and at-
tractive models of the day. Zvery
garmen the newtest in its Class .-
Tweeds Pluslaes, Beavers, Persia -
tea Chinchillas, Etc.
PRICES $17 -to 'i $30
INGS at reasonable, prices.
N. Sheere
Mr John Hoskin of Waverley, Ont.
visitta with his cousins, Mrs. S. 'e
ders Miss Vosper and Mrs. teeorge
Penhak a few days last ‘veekt it
wae the first time Ur. Hoskins nad'
beet, in Exeter.
Mr. Ed. Revell of Windsor.. who
ha? made two'interesting trips to
iluroph during The past summer, was
a visitor in town last week. He and
a friend gr. A. D. Bowlby spent a
few days shooting at Grand Bend.
Mr Chas. Birney, after a few weeks'
visit with his daughter, Mrs. Fergu-
son and son Will, in Winnipeg, arid
other friends in the western provinces
returned home Wednesday of last
week. He is hiench pleased with his
visit and thinks wen see' the West.
Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central
One Night Only—Thursday, Nov. 11
The Boyer -Vincent Stock Co.
"For Her Sister's Sake"
the Great Crystal Reader and' Palmist will glve a reading Free Vetween
the hours of 2 and 4 p.m. on she day of the performance to -anyone
presenting their reserved seat ticket.
Reserved Seats on sale at Howey's
Prices 35c. Admission 25e.
Early Closing
We, the undersigned, hereby agree
to close our places business each
evening during the week at six
o'elook ebarp, with the exception of
Saturday evening, beginning Novem-
ber let.
$yd. Davis X. A. Stewart
W, TaZnItn G. Re Bedford
Peter Frayne S. 'Martin & Son
W. 3, Beer Jones & ‚May
Grigg Stationery Co. Wm. Rivera
W. F. Reavers T. Rawlins L so
W. J. fileanean R. In, Rowe
Jas. Beverley F. Begg
lltlllop Coal
Agents For
British Amerio
an Oil Co.
H. Bowe
For Huron and Middlesex. Moderate
rates Write or phone him at Crea-
item Prompt attention given:
VALUATOR for Counties of Huron.
Perth Middlesex and Oxford. Fame
Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at
Cockshutt Wareromns, next door to.
Centza,! Hotel, plain Street, Exeter.
Charges moderate and satisfaction
Tea & Coffee
For the choicest,
groceries: fruits, spice,.teas) coffee and every.
thing in the grocery line.
Call and see us. A trial
as to quality will convin
Produce taken in exchange.
Jas. Gould
Opposite Electric light Plant
Winter Will Soon Be Here
Be prepared by buying early from iToneS & Nay at last year's old prices
We are well stocked with everything to keep you warm and comfortable.
Ladies' & Children's Winter Under'r
All kinds from cotton to pure wool in separates or combinction
sults Every garment sold at last years _old price's.
Men's & Boys' Winter Underwear
Al.frt the Old Prices. Fleeced lined far men or boys; Pure Wool
for men or boys; Natural wool far men or -boys.. Combination • suits at
all prices
Ladies' Furs
Fetes are -a little 'cheaper this season Ladies' swell sets of Black
Fox, Red Fox- Geey Wolf, Kink, Marmot, Muskrat, Persian Lamb', Sable
Opposone Grey Lamb', Tlubet Lamb -and White Fox.
Men's Furs
A big showing at le ;s than last season. Coon Coats, Dog Coats, Fur
Have Your House to do your buying before the Stocks are broken.
lined Coats Fur Collars, Fur, .Gauntlets and Fur Caps. Now' tlin. dine
or Store Wired Ladies' & Misses' New Winter Coats
We do wiring which we
guarantee the Hydra power
will connect with when it
comes. Give us a chance to
go over your job and give
you an estimate on it; only
New Coats . to show you every week. We have a beautiful range to
show you for $10, 51.2 $15. Dont ;fait to see Thera-
Wool Blankets
We were very fortunate in buYine al i out *poi blankets at the old
Prices. (While tehey last they will be sold accordingly. Good ;Blankets,
all pure wnol !for $4, $5, $6, $7, $5 $9
Grey Wool Blankets and Flannellette Blankets in Stock.
the latest approved wire, con -
duit, steel cut-out times, and
other electricial supplies us
ai Davis. Headquarters for the celebrated W.E.Sanfoud Clothing
Deer111010441010460111•0411 -110--411'-4000.4'410-110"-.00-400-41110-411