The Exeter Advocate, 1915-11-4, Page 5LEGAL
Solidtore, tifotarlea, Conveyancers, Com-
dessionere. Sonettors for the Monona
Bank.. ete.
:~Money to Loan at lowest rates or interest
Offices—Main-St., Exeter •
I. R. Carling, S.A. L. H. Dickson
have a large amoiaat of private
to loan on Laron and village prop-
at low rates of Interest.
Ihearisters, Solicitors, Exeter.
len G. iv. ROULSTON, L,D.S., D.D.S.
Member of the R.C.D.S. ef. Ontario and
Honor Graduate of 'iroronto Dniveredt7,
030ce—Oyer Dickson % Carling's law
office. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
! Qnor Cxraduate of Toronto Univerttit7
eetl� extracted without path, or any
•oad effects. OU:ce over G1a,dman &
(item Dury s Office. Main Street, ?huger..
THE sole head of a family, or any
enal:;'over 18 years old, may homestead
a 440arter-.sectio& of available l)omira-s
ion' land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or;
Alberta The applicant must appear
in verso s at the Dominion Lands Ag-
ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis-
teict. Entry may be made at any
Dominion Lands Agency (but not
Sub -Agency) on certain conditions,
Duties—Six moethsa residesice upon'
and cultivation of the land in each of
'Hires years, A homesteader 'nay live
within, nine miles of his, homestead on
a o#' at least 80 acres, on certain
colritions. A habitable house is re-
c�rt�eed in every case, except when r e-
silence is performed in the vicinity.
to certain districts a homesteader in
good standing .may pre-empt a quarter
section alongside his homestead.Price
$3 per acre Duties --Six months resi-
drncr in each of three years after
earinine homestead patent; also 50
acres extra cultivation, Pre-emption.
patent may be obtained as soon as
homestead petent, on certain condi-
„A settler who has exhausted his
eiomestaad eight may take a purchas-
ed homestead in certain districts.
Price $3 per acre. Duties—Must re-
side 6 ,months in each of 3 years, cu-
ltivate 50eores, and erect a house
worth $300,
The area of cultivation is subject
to reduction in case of rough, scrub-
by or stony land. Live stock may be
substituted for cultivation under cer-
.taitr conditions.
W. W. CORY, C.M.G.
Deputy of the Minister of the Intercod
N.B.—Unauthorized publication cid
this advertisement will not be pad for.
Christian college -home,
vp,lthful situation.
.ectusandterms,writethe Principal
4. T7. :er,M.A.,D.D.,St. Thomas, Ont,
Our instructors are experienced,
Pupils get individual attention and
graduates are placed in positions. ,We
are receiving applications we cannot
meet. Students may enter any time.
Send for our free catalogue and see
if it interests you.
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
gelating Pd.1`for Women. $5 a box or threefor
$10. Sold, at all Drng Stores, or marled to any
address ztreceipt Of price...TH6 SCOBBLL DRUG
Co., St.. Cathiarcnee, Ontario.
vim ani
}ri$ality;for NervefandBrain; increases "grey
matter” • a 1'on1c-:will build you up. $3 a box, or
two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt
,of price: Din SCOBBtr, DBoo Co., St. Catharines
Douple Track all the Way.
For Chicag o
Leave Toronto 8 a.m. 6. p.m. and
11.45 p.m. daily '
For Montreal y�
Leave Toronto 9 a.m., 8.30 o.m. and
11 pan. daily
Eo,tupment the .finest on all trains
Reduced /Fares to°
San Francisco, Las Angeles and'.;�a�;n
Ful' particulars and birth reserva-
tion on application to Agents.
N. J. DORE, Exeter
Mr. Arthur Cole is to sing at a
concert in Hensall to -morrow ven-
ing.—Mr ,W. Charlesworth and family
of Sea:forth spent Sunday at John
Bolton's.—Mrs.-Hyde of Anderson ••is-
ited ,at George LHobkirk's - foe a day or
stwo,—Mr. Rooney of Mitchell was a
Sunday visitor at' R. R. Glenn's!, —
Mr. and Mrs. Want Glenn, nes spent
a few days at Brucefield with their
son George.—Gordon Parker 'las 'W-
ished the season. with George.f3'abkirk
—Miss Annie Eyre of Chiselhurst vis-
ited the Misses Ryckman..Mrs, Noah
Horton' had a thianble party to a sel-
ect few on Thursday afternoon '•ast.
A few Tram the vicinity ettended the
patriotic concert in Exeter on Friday
ermine ,fast,—Miss G. Horton's -nu-
sic pupils had their pictures taken an
Saturday., -Noah Horton unposed :.f
a fine gorse Ro J. Norris of Mitts' et.
Auetion Sale
on Con 1, Usborne, 1-4 mile south
of Exeter, on
at 1 o'clock, the following,—
Horses-1 good driving mare, car-
riage; 1 Percheron colt, rising 3 yrs.
old. gelding sired by Victor; 1 filly
rising 2 years, sired by Storm King;
1 Eel colt rising s; gelding; 1 Eel
colt rising 2, filly; those colts are
sired ea March Eel with dam Clear
Grit, and they should be speedy,
Cattle—'.cow newly calved; 1 cow
due is November; 1 cow due in Mar.!'
6 two-year old steers; 4 one-year old
steers; 4 beef -ring heifers; 4 1 -year
old heifers; 1 heifer .calf,
Implements,—Seed drill; gang plow,
root pulper; bobsleigh; cutter, light
wagon water trough, 1200 lb, scales;
new Canada Carriage buggy', auto teat
2 used buggies; 1 set double harness
2 set single harness; 1 Royal Oak side
board • 1 Daisy churn; and numerous
other articles.
Terms—$5 and under cash; over
that amount 6 months credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint
notes. S per ct. per ann. off for rash
Everything will be sold as the pro-
prietor bar given up farming.
D. WOOD, Prop.
Auction Sale
Mr. Thos. VCameron has received In-
structions tfrom `the undersigned to
sell by public auction it the METRO-
o'clock abarp the following;
(CATTLE -4 cows with calves tit foot
Snows due In November, December,
and January; 3 farrow cows; 20 two
year old steers; 6 two year old hei-
fers; 1 pure-bred Hereford heifer, two
years old, is jc'alf to Hereford bull; 10
ane year old steers; 5 one year old
2aeifers. 7 calves.
HOGS—'Geo. Armstrong will have 6
sows and 20 sucking pigs ready .to
wean, to sell at the ,sale.,
Terms -10 months' credit on fur-
nishing approved joint notes at six
per cent. per annum.
Reliable salesman to act as agent
in Huron County.
Outfit free, exclusive territory and
money making specialties. Our
agencies are the best in the eusi-
ness for we sell the highest grade
of stock at most reasonable prices
and guarantee deliveries in first
class condition. Nursery stock is
selline well this year and good
money can be made in this dis-
district. For particulars write
Sales Manager.,
The story of Jack the Giant -]Killer
ha:, always fascinated. One small boy
destroyed a great menace. So it is
with the wonderful TAKAKE, which
unaidec destroys the Giant Pain.
Headaches, Rheumatism, Sciatica,
Neuralgia Sleeplessness ,and all ner-
vous affections fly before it to :heir
utter destruction.
Because you have used all other re-
medief. without results is the best
reason for using TAKAKE which
gives quick and permanent relief in
the most chronic cases. One of its
many attractions is its absolute free-
don- from any habit-forming drug.
Use one box and the ,result will
show you that, Mike little Jack, sou
can live happy ever after.
Gel TAKAKE, There is nothing
the same or just as, good. 50c. at
you; 'druggist's, or 45c. by mail from
Georgiar Mfg. Co., Collingwood,
The nervous system is the alarm system
ofthe human body.
In perfect health we hardly realize that
we have a network of nerves, but when
health is ebbing, when strength is:declin-
ing, the same nervous system gives the
alarm in headaches, tiredness,-dreaurful
sleep, irritability and unless corrected,
leads straight to a breakdown.
To correct nervousness'Scott's Emul-
sion is exactly what you should take; its
rich nutriment gets into the blood and
rich blood feeds the tiny nerve -cells while
the whole system responds to its refresh-
ing tonic force. Free from harmful drugs.
Scott & Boone, Toronto. Ont.
Business and
Westervelt School
Y. M. C. A. Building
London, Ontario
College in Session Sept. 1st to July.
Catalogue Free. Enter any time.
J. W. Westervelt, Principal
Cod Cross Contributors
Continued " from Page 1
Jr., Geo. Bill,, Peter (Coleman, Bert,,
O'Brien, Walter Wesi'cott, Mrs. Smith
Wm, ;Gillespie, Chas, Northcott, Mrs,
Lane, Mrs. John BI'atchforda. i, 'red
Bawden, W. Monourk 'p i . P�3treens,
Mr.,, Love, 147lns. V. Gi4ley, Mrs. IWat-
son, A. G. Dyer. A. E. Andrew, Rd
;gtuan'ce, er, Persons, Atkinson; are.
J, Pord. Emerson (Cornish Mrs. J. C.
Thom, Mrs., J. Ballantyne, Mrs. 974,
HorheY, ;Jas. ;Beer, ;Mrs. J. G. Coch-
rane, -Miss 4,, L. Leavitt, T. Cornish,
X. A. Ortwein, ga. J (floes, :Wal-
ter Conner, O. S. Atkinson, Wilfred
Mack, IN. W. McMurray; J. A. Fol -
tick, tA.1 Stewart, Lillian, Boyle, 'Ed.
Willis, Milton Pfaff, Elia Baker, 'Geo:;.
Manson, ;Wib. Ithaffn E..MeFalls, CI,
W. Robinson, Geo. Orange,- Addie
gerKerrick, A Friend„ Mrs. G. Taylor,
zie McKay, Thos, Cor!cish. Wm.
Brickwood, ,H. alerting. . W. Wacker,
D. Braund, Anthony Bollard; (Chas.
Wilson(, Sa.:, Bradt, Thos. . Oke, J,
Kydd, Mr. Andertson,.iMrs. W, North-
cott.rJos. Webster, SBy, Kestle, A. A;
Willett, Sas, Willis, W..Ii;u,ntzWO,
J: Wood, F. W. Baker, Oars. Williams
Mies Parkinson, Tors. Prior. Theta.
Brock,°Miss `1, Dearing, Frank Sheers
Fanny Bissett, Mies V. Johnlstoe,
Mrs,L I. Oke, ales. Shapton;, ,$, Row-
cliffe, Miss Bell_ Mrs. J. (Broderick,
Mrs. felteltom t tobt. Lukes', V. 1'an-
Alstine, Jessie Ttamilton, F. R, Mame
Ilton:, Mrs. (Rev.) Kestle, ,Jas. Kyle,
bars, E. A. Birk, John Johns,, 'Wrn
Balkwill, Sr., Man. X.. 'B. Pittman, -Odra
H°. Malins, Mrs. J'as. Stewart, iClar-
encr_ Heywood, T, Collingwood, Mrs,
P. Clarke, Fred Luxton;, (Chas. E.
Wood, 8. ;Handford, Nina ,V, Carling,
Mies M. Lewis, Lis E. Roach. ii'obn
Floyd, Johnston. D. Wyn,ni, bra.
J: Tlorry, Mra. F, Cornish; ,Geo. li
Windsor, 'John Kellett, Jas,. Hill, antra.
Jas. Creeeh, 1%Lrs. C. Birney, Lewis
Bern, Mrs.a M. Sanders., Wm. San-
ders, Ed; Boweld. 03d. Downie, Sam.
Baskerville, Cecil BuskerviLles L.
Alexander, Wm. '.Harding. J. Sutton.
Hy. Curdy, John Scott, Sr., Mrs, M
Yager, Miss tM'.' X'aegert,.F. J. Connel-
ly. Sam'l Beaver, Fred (B.egg, J. !Hawk-
ahaw, Alex Dow, 'Wm. Munn, Thos.
Elliott, John Morley. Miss A, Mor-
Iock, Geo. .Cudmore, 'W. S. ,Northcott
Morrie alliance, Geo. Hyndm'an, Rus.
Southcott, Geo. Blatchford, J. Sweet
T' B. Elliott, Miss K, 8'd cFaui, a. E
Moor, Miss Shearer, Miss A, L. 'Wept -
lake, Miss E. Heideman, Mrs. Redden,
S. Elliott, Irene (Rivers, Alma Moak,
Lou Martin, R., Davis. Ernest .Elliott
Edna Follick, John 'Miners,, Lillian
Finkbeiner, Salome T'inkbeiter, Mrs,
Gregory, Miss L. Taylor, Mrs. Sets
Mrs. Eli Snell, Fred. Wells, Mrs. J.
Wolper, Mrs. J. Harness. Mrs. D
Davis, Mrs. T. Nelson. Mrs. J H'
Markham, Mrs. G. Fisher, Bert Clark,
W. A. Balkwill, Wm. Fraser, Jas
Brintnell, Elijah 'Dory, Mrs. Knight
Mrs. Jas. Pickard, Mrs. Jas Snell
Rev. Kestle, J, N. Howard, Mars. Ram-
say, O. Zuefle. S. West, Mrs, East,
Jos. Peart, Mrs. T. Elston, Arise 'B
13,, IR. Berney, T. Janes, Aare.
S. Stanlale, 'John Piper, hers. Hy►
Hooper, `James ''McWilliams
Pontributions of 75o.— \
Oilvc Prior, E: 2.t. Bowey.
,Contribution of 60c„—Friends.
Contributions of 50c,—.
F. (Sanderson, Phil. Beaver, Arthur
Middlemiss, 3, Sokoloff, Miss Meak-
t,is, Miss E, (Brock, [Blanche Quenon,
.Cecilia Ford, Fran,k Mallett, Misses
Cudmore, Mrs, E. Jomes, Jas. Rush,
Mrs. T. Flynn, Alice Blake, Mrs.
Thos. ►Houlder:, Mrs. R. Qhance, Mabel
Brook., Ella Shaptorr,F,, W. Ewington,
Mrs. S. Passmore, G R Steer, E
•Cookson, Fred Green. Ira Taylor,
Fred BIoomfilid, 'Jobs Eliott, John
Fond , Sfr. Mrs. ]glary Taylor, Thos.
(Hatter, Nelson Vale, Thos. Crews,
Thos. Webster, ,]:Taney Sanders, Jos.
,Keys, W._ R. Taylor, Mrs. W Reid,
Miss Elston, Miss M. Broderick,: W.
Bloomfield,.' ; ' ! f l
Contributions .of 25c.t--
Sam. Elliott, Mrs. Brooks, T. Camp-
bell, 'Ica Delve, Bertha 'Hornet',
Editb Davis, Hilda Preszcalor, (Rosa
Sokoloff, Olive i8,reszcalae, Emily
Denney, Be Brooks, E. Johns, L. Red
deny Mrs, E. IGambriel, Mrs. M Meek -
ins, Mrs., A. Bovey, (Bessie Yelland,
Mrs. White, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Mc.
Donald, Mrs, A. Taylors Mrs. J Davis,
Mrs .1W. Vale,David (Russell ,A, .Briar-
ville, Mrs. John Northcott, Y. ,Backer,
Ern. ;Collingwood, Hairy Bloomfield4
Mrs. W. !CollicgWood, 'Ar!thdr Sand-
ers. ' (-CEPH. f
Room 4 Sr:r=4th holnors, E. Davis.
83, \ Jones 83, .M.: Harvey 79, C. San-
ders 76 W. Redden 75; Pass; T.Con-
nor 74 C. 'Neaman, 74-s G. Harness 72
V ,Rowcli,ffe 72, Mildred Harrey 72,
B. Senior 72, E. Taylor 70, DJCnight
69 A Vincent 68, V. Sweet 68, P•,
Collins 67. C. Harness 67, N. Hurry 65,
S McFall; 60.
Jr. 4—Pass, V. Hodgert 73, M. Kuntz
7e E. Russell 63.
No or roll 33; average attendance 30
C. Vosper, teacher.
Room 5—Jr. 4th, honors, E. Hart-
leiL 82. M. Johns 79, H. Horton 76,
B Acheson 76, F. Vincent 75; Pass,
J Davis 71, B. Gould 71, K. Redden
65, t•.
Si 3—ilonors, P. Sanders R2, 13.
Brown, 81,, O. Bedford 77, J. Bowey
77 G. Redden 76; Pass', A. Andrew
74, J Marley 73', M. Wood 73, M.
Natty 70, V. Vale 70; C. Davis 70,
M Eiworthy 64, G. Bedford n2, R.
Taylor 62
No on rol! 33; average attendance 31
J. S. Munray, 'reacher,
Roorn6—Jr. 3rd -Honors, S. Stan -
bury 86 C. Davis 82; G. Creech
13 Russel' 81, M. Elworthy .7 8, E.
.Mallett 78 H. Seddon 77i, C. Salter
75; Pass G. Bedford 74,,R. Lamport
73 M Rowe 72; R. W;itwe,r, 71, M.
Scek,, 71 F., Hartleib, 70y 6/1 !GXadman
6/, .It S,ta'thatm .65,', F. Nos-ry' 63, F.
Harvey 61
Sr i -Honors, M. Ford 81, E. Haul
-der, 77 R. 'Davis 77; Pass, :4 I.3isset'f'
72 0 Webster 68, L. Brimacombe 68
H Dignan .66, G. McMahon 65, ` F.
Hearn= 60
No on roll 36; average attendance 33.
la'. M. Kinsinran, teacher
'Claes a—Senors, 'J,, Barr 81; T.
13Ioq.mfield 80; M, Berney 79, B.
Northeottt79; E Kuntz 78; A. Ache•
son.18; X,ijelson 77;r1C. Acheson 175;
kava. la,. Walters 71; E. Saunders"67;
A, Willard 65,
Class 2 Honors, L., Sne 1, 89ter. Stew*
art 87; G. Sanders. 85; K. Stanbpry
85, 4v , !Collingwood .:x2;. L. McDonald
17; F� Scotts.77; 1. Lamport 70; Hass
E. Horny 74; D. Bedford 66; (eVi.
Spencer 65; Eoxunkin 65.
plass 1-11onors, aid Iernesst 85; a.
Creech. 78; C, Mitchell 78; W. Vons
Waselsski 77; Baas, E. !Mallett 64;
R. Elworthy 61; H. West 61; Gs
Beaver 60 Number enrolled 38; +av-
erage latteodance 36.8..
E, Class -Marlon. Bissett 100; Ethel
Vincent 100; OswaldlTrown''09; Rarry
Nelson 88; 'Ray Fanson 83; Tomo
Mitchell 79; Elmore Northcott 66;
Rased Bloomfield 63.
D. '.Class Harry HartIelb 98; Lloyd
MacDonald 92,•' Edna Russell and. Jean
431oorstfield equal, 91; Verne Roul-
atop 90; Mildred M'u enby 87; Hazel
iSanders'84; George ,Webster 73.;
HCl.. Clava -=Ila Lane 100; oda Mt.
97; Orville Beaver `79;'2taigaret
Joh ns and Delete Salter equal„,65, Marr
jorie OIaxk 64..
Pass—Alice Willard 100; Herman
Gower •95; Grant iCollingwood 91;
$lorrie'West 69; john Knrstz $64
A. (Class •Gladya Sanderson Bei, E.
Walters .69; 75I'argaret Axt 64
Jur..tor Class—Bob G'ambriel 81; M.
Seaver 63; Clifford Lamport 62;i Eliz..
,beth Minna 60.
Number'on (roll 51; average'Att.l 47.
Anna L.: .Dow.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
respcnsibiiity of enforcing the Cana-
da Temperance Act has been placed
an Provincial Governments by the
Privy Council and the Ontario Gov-
ernmena has accepted the responsibil-
ity by adding to the Ontario Liquor
Ac` special clauses which enable them
to have the saw strictly enforced.
Clause 14( of the Ontario Act 'Rivas
the County. Councils power to ap-
point officers to enforce or assist in
enforcing the act, and at their last
meeting the matter was discussed and
the following resolution passed, and
copie, of it ihatiie beers mailed to the
County Constables of Huron,—"That
all County Constables be required to
do al. in their rpaw,er, to assist the in-
spectors in the enforcement of she
Canada Temperance Act." County
Constables resident in Exeter ,tre, Jos,
Davis. W. A. Balkwill, C„ S. Sanders
and W J Bissett.
Mr W J. (Dickson of Walton spent
a few flays this week with his broth-
er, Mr Thos. W. Dickson of Pine
Grove Paan. -Mr. and Mrs. W4 E. of
Lumley visited their son George A.
it bein the first time Mr. Glenn has
been to Brucefield since his accident:
last June.—The Brucefield Methodist
congregation were very much pleased
with Mr 'De Witt Cousins Sunday
afternoon—Mrs. Jarvis Horton has re-
turned home from a week -end visit
with her parents Mr. and iNfrs. J.
Many cars of suger beets; are being
shipped from here.—.Mfrs. John Car-
mi.chae! and son John, are visiting in
Stratford.—Mrs. Graham of Lang,Sask
has )leen visiting her uncle Andretw
Johnson.—Miss McAllister has return-
ed frau, a visit in Michigan.— Mrs.
Henry has moved to Hensall: to live
hill her sister Mrs, Geo: Case.—The
claw of Miss Wattle Ellis gave a Hal-
lowe'en party in the basement off Car-
mel church riday everting.—Dr. Jan
Bell has retti;t ned to Harrisburg' to re-
sume his dental practice.—Miss Helen
Fisher is improving from her recent
operation for appendicitis.—Mr. W'. H
Reynolds and daughter Miss lmy
have returned after a visit in Port
Dover.—Miss Flossie Bonthron spent
a few days with friends in Essex.
-Carmel church is voting on church
union these . Sundays. -Mr. HC Arnold
of London, visited here last week.
Mrs. E, Ronnie was called to Cal-
edonit last week to attend the fun-
eral o'f •cher cousin Mr.'Monroe,—Rev.
Irvine 6 cKielvey, a-teone time junior
pastor of �t$•e, Methedist chua•cle here,
preached herb''Siitiday morning and
evening. The pas`to'r was at Clinton.
Francis Carlin, w!ho for many years
kept anc, hotel at S�ta.ffa, but had been
a resident -off Hensall for some years,
t'i'ed on Friday. He had suffered
from the effects of a series of par -j
alytic strokes for about two years.
He was a popular hotelkeeper and' he
leave, a neither of grown up sons
and daughters.
What They Cured
Here's the remarkable experience of
a Nova Scotian:—
"I was once a terrible sufferer with
kidney and bladder troubles, and at
times I would lose the use of my legs,
and could not go away from home with-
out some one with rue. I was treated
by different doctors fb. 3 years, and only
got temporary rely My son advised
me to take Gin Pills,slnd,after taking the
first 2 or 3 doses I soil relief. I confirm-,
ed to take them until I got completely
cured.: I owe my Weep Gin Pills.
't ,-::' Tours very truly
18., , . P. M. xBMTON
Port Medway a .
GIN PIr,I,S are 50c. a box or 6 boxes for
$2.50 at all druggists. Sample treatment"free'
if requested.
National. Drag & Chenarean Co, of Cauda
• Linitiede d*Iadato
Wm Drover is all smiles, A yohi gi
daughter has arrived,—Mrs. Sproat
of ?Seaferth spent tb eweek end with
her sister Mra, F. Sprigg..Mra, Jas.
River; of Seaforth has been the gue,t
Of her daughter here for the pi. i+
week.—Rev” McKelvey took the pas-
tor's work here Sun14y afternoon.
Mr. ano Mrs. Wm. Sinclaiii have ;one
to Seaforth to reside„—Mr. end Mrs
Mannar v'isi'ted friends rzeer Whalen
$100 REWARD, $1,00.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages,and
that is catarrh, Catarrh being greatly
influenced by c onstitutional condign=
requires constitutional treatment.
Hell's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts through the Mood on the
Mucous Surfaces of the System there-
by destroying the foundation of 'he
disease giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith
in, the curative powers of Hall's Cat-
dred'.Cure that they offer One Hun-
dred Dollars for any case That Raids
to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address—F. J. CHENEY & Ca., To-
Iedo Qhio. Sold by all Druggists, 7$c.
Miss Myrtle Dirk of i irkton .worth
spen' last week with relatives around
here.—Mrs Sutherby returned borne
Saturday after a pleasant visit with
her children in London.—'Mr, and Mrs.
Nathaniel .Ogden and Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Gunning spent . Sunday at
Granton the guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Harry Parkinson.—Mr. John Parkinson
has moved to Granton and his '.on,
Frank has taken possession of she
farm.—Mrs Wm. Lingard of Sarnia
has been visiting here with,: her moth-
ers. Messrs. John and Frank Morley,
—Rev Findlay preached a very inter-
esting and Inspiring here on Sunday.
Next Sabbath will be Sacrament Sun-
day.—Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Gunning and.
Mr. and Mrs. David Johnston spent
Monday with relatives in London,—
Robt Smythe of Granton is digging
a ;well for Jahn Morley on their new
Brock ;farm,—Mr. and lefrs, 'Hector
Taylor spent Sunday with the latter's
parents at Lucan,—efr. Jas'. Shipley,
who has bean a resident of these parts.
for imam- years, died at bis home in
Kirktoe, on Monday and was buried
on Wednesday.—An auto load from
—here 'took in the wrestling match
in London on Tuesday evening.
SCHOOL REPORT of No. :1 Ste-
phen ,for October. Names in nrder
of rrnerit,—Jr. 4, 0. Stephan, A.Blake
E. Lafond; Sr. 3, G. Hobbs, honors,
Myrtle Willert, 14I, Willert; Jr. 3, L.
Greb ;A. Moir, A. Stephan, G.Willert
S. Adams E. Greb, A. Lafond; Sr. 2
W Adams Jr. 2; 14f: Willert, R.Wil-
lert, R Willett', C. Link; Cl, 1, Pearl
Lafond and H. Greb equal, 13. Willert
Primer B. E. Willem; C. Adams; Pri
me- A. Anna Stephan, 6f.Willert, L.
ladams, K !v, Genre, 'teacher,
Spanking do -es not cure children of
bedwetting, There isa constitutional
cause foe this trouble. Mr.:, al.Sum-
peers Box W., 840, Windsor, .)nt.,.
will send free to any mother her s;,tc-
cessfut borne treatment with full in-
structions. Send no money but write
her to -day if your children trouole
Pan in this way. Don't blame :Ile
child the chances axe it can't aelp it.
This treatment also cures adults end
age,.! people troubled with urine dif-
ficulties by day or night.
11Tr, and firs, Geo. Clausius attend-
ed the fueerai of a relative in Tavis-
tock last week,—Our school-hiidren
colitributed $30 toward. the Red Cross
fund. --Herb, Desjardine accompanied
by Geo Brock of Hensall are deer
hunting in Muskoka, --The wedding of
Miss Amanda daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Alex t.'siousseau to Mr. Melvin Smith
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.Smith took
place last Wednesday, la he presence
of a large number of guests, Rev.
Brown officiating.—Mr. and Mfrs. Wm.
Bassow ,of 'the Bronson line returned
last week from a visit in Michigan.—
Mr. and Mrs. Louis 7, Kraft are now
settled at their new home in the
south end,
PURE essence of fine
soap in flakes --and
most economical of all
washing preparations ---
dissolves readily in hot
water, forming a smooth,
cream -like lather that can-
IOW fabrics
or thedaintiesthands, 1,UX
preserves the original soft -
nese and Seecineas of all
woollen garments, Try LUX.
At all grocers 10c.
it (ir
r►tt�f �E���� .i ili�"
i 't . ,P
Made in Canada by Lever
Brothers Limited! Toronto
Bread, Cakes, Pies, Buns—
anything made fro m
• flour .-- is best made from
More Bread and Better Bread
Ford Touring Car',
Price $53Q
Ford Runabout
Price $480
Ford Town Car
Price $780
The above prises f.o.b. Ford, Ont.,
affective Aug. 2, 1915. No specdoari-
. eter included in this year's equip-
ment otherwise cars fully equipped.
Cars on display and sale at