HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-10-28, Page 8EXETER MARKETS. CII<ANGED E.LOU WEDNESDAY 70 to 92 10 50 85 100 150 1400 2 80 175 82 80 8 80 2000 25 New Borley •, Buekwireat..., ,., Potatoes, per bag I aye, erton,.,...,..,,w Flour. per cwt., fanedy Flour, low gradepar ow .Sutter... . .......... Creamery Bgga, . VIM hoes. per t*wt.,,,• SbOrtsPer r,0att ..,,,. Brag, per tow •...a,.aa.a 130 00 24 29 MARRIAGE S tISSUED c ARRIt1:GE LICENSES b3 CII Sanders :.t tate Advocate Of fe .e. Strictly contidenttial no witness. JONES & MAY'S for £sue few mange or. Bedroom and Parlor :rapers with cut out Borders. BOY WANTED. -Good s eaze boy greeted at once to learn printing. Ap- ply at this office. HORSE CLIPPING—•Horse elipraug lona litozsaptsy and well at H. Be ir- l=ng"s stables Exeter North. MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye Sight Specialist ,will be at the Central Ho- tel Exeter Saturday, Oct. 39th from 9 neat to r pan. BOARDERS wanted and zlso one furnished xoom to rent.—Mrs. A Cor- nish north of milt. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C li Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice strictly confidential; no witness' GRAIN BAGS FOR SALE.— Sev- eral hundred grain bags used only on- ce. Good as new et ZOc, each, At tiie Canning Factory.__ ]3L:LBS FOR PLANTING AND POTTING—Hyacinth, Narcissus, Tu- ',ps, Ferns Cyclamen, Primroses; also Lettuce: L DAY sf SON, at; Thursday, October 2Sth The Dore:;;end Company .of -Toronto, Ltae. Canada's l;trremoet hairgoods desieecre end fstataufeeturers will dis- play :eel demo,tstrate�a sample stoclr of ,ed°;es quality hair goods and , deniers toupees and wigs at rhe Central Hoag.. Exeter. A gree ;1m- ( any style is available to aeyene 'interested. EIE PER AI -iL EJG ] 1E, TUEJRUIlA 1 UC1UEBR 28 1E115 iiipycNririrpircvl LOCAL DOING'S. 11 11 Hy dre zsten are busy erecting poles on the streets of Exeter. The telephone .gang left• last Week for Hens -all .to do some nook.. • The Cason Presbyterian Church hold their anniversary next Sunday. Don't ,forget Alf Pause Sale on Saturday next. 100 choice cattle will be Bold dr Tilos. Hempen, London Road south. last week placed a new boiler in his cider nail and turning factory. Na }woman is entitled to the ballet who at this season of the year cannot supply her husband with nice, ;leen, rich pumpicin Pie. - \Vill Snell, son of. per. Eli .Snell, far :taken a position with the Tele- p`hone Company to assist in the gen- eras out -doer wort: of the company. Co-operative egg and poultry mar - 'tine associations aro being ergeniz- e:t it various parts of the Dominion wit;• the aid of Government expert$ A. number of extra poen being lead- er: for the 34th battalion, which .r#t London- last week for the irant, and volunteers being called for Pte. John Hogarth os erre of the- other battalions volunteered in order to get to she front sooner and left with the 14th Dr. Roy Fanner and Goldie' Caehrane also went with then 34th. The alegladery vs. Smith :ase, the latteM a resident of Grand Bend, tieing hanged with being drunk, and which ,vas tried here 'hefore Magistrates W. l Sanders and John efoir last week, was argued last Friday afternoon !ty Crown Attorney Seager for the pro ecutior: and L K Dickson for the defence. and the case dismissed, The Western University at London le reapine the adcarttage of the extra thousands of dollars that are being pu' into its organization every year. Instead of having to face a very large redaction in the number def students Mr, Rebt Wilcox is back behind the counter as grocery clerk with ?ones & May lir. Alt Paul is selling 100 •_hoice cattle se Itirkton, en Saturday, Oct- ober .34te Dr. Browning is having his drug ore refloored and the interuior oth- lir Jack Crooks was a visitor in. town this week,. Mr Reg Elliot of Norwich is- vis- iting isiting relatives here, ,.'air S C. "Hanna was in "Toronto this week on bueiness. errs A. E. Wood of Regina has jellied her husband in Exeter. erwise improved. lir, Fred. Elliot of fl'aileybury is In ffutirre the ,barbers of Exeter visiting relatives here for a few days. will charge for hair cut 25e.. 'haver Mrs. W. F. May of ;Mitchell is vis•- iDe. b z eele shave Sc., and will .also ' iting persons and other relatives 'fere close 'their shops every night of the Douglas Stewart left last week to week except Saturdays at 8 .o'clock. join the 33rd Battalion' for overseas :fir J. C. Snell's little sot, had a service band caaglpt in the coast of a fanning per an tiers. E. Treble and lir, twill at thee- home ortl the znd of Us- and Mrs. James Lawson wer4 in Lon- nie salouday, bruising it consider-- don a few days this week, ay and pax& o€ one finger was taken Mrs. `Jas _Jewell was called -to bl off Sarnia last .a -eek owing teethe illness The two plays to be put on Fri" of her daughter, ars. efeAllister. day nn=ght by local talent .ander the Mr H Humeston, superintendent of auspices of the Soldiers' Aid Society the London Street Railway, spent "Fascinating Fanny Brown,' and 'The Sunday with lir Geo. Geddes, Hay. Kleptomaniac" will give the people of • Private Leon Treble was home from this conanrnunity a full evening of fun London Sunday. Hiss regiment, the an no one should miss it. The prices 33rd will shortly leave for England. iworthy one. irs. James Fergusonn was called to are popular and the cause a most Chatham .on Thursday on account of the illness of her daughter Miss Celia. FRANK T!�ifLQR 'he range with pure white enamelled steel reservoir stamped from , one piece. The "Ida reservoir is seamless and clean to use cooking, e x ou n %.n and preserving. See #die-McClary deafer. Sold by T, Hawkins & Sola > rBOOK ci e hundred Seventy and, at_ Ess Blanche Ford,"who has been Earl Closing one hundred mouth washes and Coen- Y presses were sent to London px�e r n n Last :UCTIONER �.-isitinb' her parents + �1Tz an firs ,seer: b5 the Boot, Club to be `or W m F rd has rn d D r tt. werdeca as hospital supplies. Thea Club : Airs John Westlake of Usborne purposes sending parcels to our Ex- is moving this week to Stratford eter boys at the front for Christmas. where she intends making her feature illia o s situ • e to et o' Wine PREDICTS 25 SEVERE WINThRS `Airs A I. Handford and son of —The world's raise cycle, beginning in Renfrew are visiting relatives here, at 1902.. which the French meteorological the home of Air. ands Mrs. Silas Hand - authority Abbe Moreaux predicted .s ford 1 tlrr: result of his study of the inn's face is now ended. He forecasts a FIRE, AT BELGRAVE, series though not perhaps quite an Bel rave Oct, 23.—Last night lire broken oof 25 hard winters, eeginnin„ g presentyearbroke out in the grist mill belonging ° to G Jordan here. The neighbors all in their power to save the NY RAGS QR PAPERS rQ-DAY, buildin4, but the blaze ,was eeyand The Soldiers' Aid Society wishes control. The mill was completely de- all householders to look up tags, old strayed. The insurance carried will newspapers and magazines and to save not coves' the loss on machinery«nd then- read} Saturday, October Kith contents 1 as the ease in other univlersiticas, th registration this fall is equal ' to We, the unttersigned, hereby egree to close our places of business each evening ;during the week at six o'clock sharp, hvitb the exception of Saturday evening, beginning Novem- ber 1etl, 6yd. Davis J. A. Stewart W. 'SVS Tappan Gr. R. Bedford Peter Frayne 8, 'Martin & Son 'Gr1 J', Beer .Tones & 14fay. Grigg Stationers Co, Win, Rivers E, W. F. (Beavers T. i awkins l on W" J,• Eeeznan R. Na Rowe Jas. Beverley F. Begg For Huron and Middlesex, Moderate rates Write or ynhorte him "at ' Ct•eda-• iton Prompt attention given. C W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER ANI' t'ALUATOR for Counties of Hurorn. Perth Middlesex and Ox or . Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at, Cockshutt Wareroorns, next door to. Centra: Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Charges moderate and. satistackion is• guaranteed Tea & Coffee enuine store I when they will be collected. Rags must be in sacks or tied in, secure -" bundles newspapers and magazines D.L.&W. tied in separate bundles convenient �'th;• hips. water mark of last year, +ho many others have been prevented HOUSE FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering ..or ;ale in the Village of Centralia an ight- roorneo Brick house, modern improve. ments• hard and soft water; wood - house an commodious stables; ce- ment walks; 2 acres of land. School chur+.l• and station convenient. This ,t a ver desirable property and ,will be Gale fat below Cost, RICHARD QUINTON, Centralia New Butcher Having opened up a outcher 1.us- lac es h. Exeter, I would 'invite .hc general public to give us a call, :o =.s to he convinced of the qualities cf our meats. We take and deliver orders to :.II parts os: the town. Give as a call. F. Begg Z ANTED NOW Reliable salesman to act as agent in Huron PAYWEEKLY Outfit free, exclusive territory and moue'_ making specialties. . Our agencies are the best in the eusi- ness for we sell the highest grade al. stock at 'poet reasonable prices and guarantee deliveries in first class conditioe. Nersery stock is selling. well phis year and good money can be made in -this die- district. For particulars write Sales Manager., - PELHAM NURSERY CO. TORONTO, ONT. IeIp! Help!!. irons attending owing to the unusual 1 for handling. It will save time tf ev- conditiens olf the present time. leryone wilt have their contribution Great eettefeel Evening on Nov. ready tied and placed on, the verand- ti �t Ch h, -o r t a! earl} in the morning of the 30th. I5tlt sit Jatu,s Street urc herr •. P nonmed by lar -,,c chorus of 40 oic- Ir to hoped that everyone will do their r', -©n. rifier.0 chairs of Exeter; bas- to make ibis a success, Coun- n. dizferent forms of Piano ad L c- 'try people ,rho have anythea to rio•- .ten; played on two pianos b) vnc #e this way will kindly leave .:ami ed pupils or lair. R. Phillips, L. A. B., at the Town Hall, Exeter.. .A L C. AL, also several songs by the Mra McAlister returned 'tome on Tenor Soloist of ..Metropolitan Church Tuesday everting. Toronto. Good musie with rots of variety wil fill the programme, which 'hcula please all in the audience. 0 r Sunday afternoon last a arge number of people congregated ---at +it. tfarme' whexe a grand send off was hemi' giver Rev, Fr. IcCarthy, who ha- since gone to London as ,:hap- lain o an overseas battalion, Addres- se.t were given by Reeve Morgan of Ailsa Craig Reeve Elliott of Stephen Reeve McIntyre of iileGillivray nd others, and a. program of music ren- dered Fr. McCarthy was presented Sunda. with Mr. Geo, Geddes, Hay. with a handsome sum of Haney by both. Catholic and Protestant .riends, _Airs Hector Heywood has returned. from a vsit in London. Miss Pridhasn of Goderich spent the week end with her sister here. Capt Barclay of London was here yesterday making an inspection of tits armory Airs. R. Hunter was. called to ,Lon- don last week owing to. the ,llness of her daughter, Ars. Griffith. Crystal City (Mn.) Courier r --"Mr. C Birney of Exeter Ont., visited Mr. and Mrs. John Cud�more for a ''ew da} s this ,r. tear" MI . and Mrs, S. Sanders, Huron St, and MT. and Mrs, Josh. Heywood ee- Representin Exeter Oddfellows compani.ed Mr. D B, Sanders on en Lodge .Messrs. T. Boyle, W. W. Ta- auto, trip to Woodstock for the week man, Bert Rivers and R. N. Creech end attended the reception and banquet Mr Lee Blatehford, who ens been given in honor of the Grand ,Taster under operation and treatment in one Bro. Cooper of Belleville, by, Fidelityo; the London hospitals for some Lodge Seaforth on Friday night, tine, has sufficiently recovered as to The gathering was a notable one in be abl • to return to his home here point of large number present, and ou Friday last, high officers in attendance. Over one Hundred members of Seaforth and surrounding lodges enjoyed the pro - gran and excellent banquet, ..vbile, in additior. to Grand Master Cooper the Grand Lodge was represented by • Pas" Grand Masters Copeland of St. clary s and Poplestone of Blyth, end o half dozen present and past Dis- trict Deputy Grand Masters. Or: Friday night Iast per. Powell, temperance organizer for Huron -eoun- ty ,wa: coming up from Stratford cn PRICES $23 to $35. the late train when he espied three alleged drunks get on the Mitchell station He went to the conductor and ordered that the mien be put a>ff. The conductor said the mete had tick- et.. tc. Seaforth, and he would have to carry them there. "All light," said '_11r Powell, "if you do I will hay you and the three men arraigned ,before the Peace 'Magistrate next Morning ; ;the men fir 1?slnd drunkin rex Crhirsclullas, Etc, a dry district, a.d you for ,,;ringing thern., vu,," The Conductor had no ae } PRIDES $17 to $30 sire to pass thtrough such an` eldest LADIES AND GENTS TAILORING A Ful: Line of Ladies' Suitings Gaberdines, Broadcloths, Vicunas Poplins. African Brown, Russian, and Laure" Green, Etc. CO ATS Coat Season is here, and with it some of the most becoming :and at- tractive models of the day. Every garmen the newest in its Class ;— Tweeds Flushes, Beavers, Persia .and ordered •tire men from the train, --- 1 -Mitchell Advocate. Come in and help us unload onir:j tutteture as we have e tame stock• ,, HIGH SCHOOL '-'AT tdOME". which must be sold. We also have the best furniture polish even made; and a polish for your cars and buggies equal to none, See our display of KIRSCH' :ur- tautrods. the neatest and simplest rod on the market. N. ROWE Embalmer Etc. Phone 20a, Choice Delaware Potatoes R. G. Seldon Phone .2 -he "At Horne" given by the .Exeter High School in. the Asset -11)1a riall of the school on Friday evening . last was a very pleasing and successful af- fair The room was nicely decorated. withleaves and branches of the Ina- pie and other trees, and( a large num- ber of pupils, ex -pupils and _relatives attended by invitation. Besides the proaettades a program, presided .vii be Mr R. N, Rotwe, was rendered as folloes,-School Chorus and School Yell • Instrumental duet by Misses Jean and Marjorie Seldon; Vocal solo' by Miss Agnes Fenwick; Reading by Miss Vera Muxworthy; Vocal duet by' Misses Thelma and play Ford; In- strumental solo by Miss Margaret Mux *worthy. Between the first and 'sec- ond parts off the promenades a 'ight luncl, 01 sandwiches, cake and .:affee: was served SALE OF 'CATTLE.— .100 _.hoice cattle ,will besold at Mr. Alf Paul's sale on Saturday, October 30th .Cows springing to cat,f; 2 -yr old steers and heifers; ,yearling steers ands heifers. A11 good Durham stuff. PIANO FOR SALE OR TO RENT Apply at The Advocate Office , MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye Sight Specialist, will be at the Central Ho- tel Exeter Saturday, Oct. 30th from 4" a.in to -8 ` p,m. At JONES '` & MAY'S' we offer our'Entire Stock o,f Velvet and Tap- estry Rugs and Linoleutns ,t ast. year's prices. It will pay anyone to buy these now. - t A FINE ASSORTMENT of MIEN'S SUITINGS & OVERCOAT - INGS at reasonable, prices. GIVE US A CALL N. Sheere THE HIGH CLASS TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel. WEAK, AILING CHILD Made Strong By Delicious Vixtol Lakeport, N. H.—"Our little girl 8 years of age was in a debilitated, run trail 1111 - down condition and bad a stubborn cougb so site was weak and ailing ail kJ the time Nothing helped her until live Your House or Store. Wired Now we tried Vinol. Then her appetite increased and she is strong and well, and I wish other parents of weak,/�delicate children would try Vivol, —G40, A. COLLINS. This is because Vinol contains the tissue building, strengthening cod liver elements and the tonic tron witch a weak and run-down system. needs. W S. Cole, Druggist; Exeter, Ont. We do wiring which we guarantee the Hydro power will connect with when it, comes. Give us a chance to go over your ,job and give you an estimate on it; only the latest approved wire, con- duit, steel cut-out bodes, and other electricial supplies us- ed eer 86 Davis: Agents 1'or British Americ- an Oil Co. 11 Bowe For l3ie choicest groceries, ruits,. spices,. teas, coffee and every' thing 1n the grocery line.. Call and see us. 4S. trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange' Jas. Gould Opposite Electric light Plant JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 82 SANFORD'S CELEBRATED CLOTHING We have been ±ortunate •erough, to place into stock direct from the ,factory an extra fine range of „'Men's and Boys' Overco ats and suits at the old prices. 'I heprice o r all these Wellen Goods is rapidly going up, but us long as out present stock lasts we offer them at no advance{ on the, prices of former years... Men's overcoats These compose all that Ls nee iu Shawl Collars, Balmacans and Military weaves in Browes, Greys and mixed patterns—all sizes, 34 to 46, Boys' Overcoats Always hard to aet in patterns rod• the small boy. We have and can show you some real new stuff in smart belted designs for the coldest weather. Collars in. Beautiful paid special attention• toy this line, and lined throughout heavy enough Men's Suits We never before ,lad .such a big and nifty selection of Tweeds. 'Worsteds and Navy' and Black Serges. We can surely suit .any taste and any purse in these, goods, Buy them now and get int on low pieces. Boys' Suits We have them in ;great quantities and in a great range of colors at very low good all wool cloths. You will do well to looki over these ;nits sight pow,;. Men's Odd Pants 300 pair to choose from a rices; and the are from $2.00 to 13.50 a pair. Also Men's heavy" winter' genie. Hats and • Shoes S .CAPS We are c•ertairaly ,eade•rsin these this season—NEW FEDORAS. GHRISTIES, NEW 4 No need to introduce sucl: Sarnou...lines as SLATER SHOES for men, EMPRESS AND CLAS: SIC for Woanen, and the CLASSIC Shoe for Children. Also the Celebrated- LIFEBUOY' R1LT KERS arid' RUBBER- BOOTS .Loral, 'tire ;family. There is no Rubberlike Lifebuoy for wear.. J 0NES Headquarters for the celebrated W.E, Sanfoucd Clothing „