HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1915-10-28, Page 5LEGAL
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com-
n21ssdoners, Solicitors for Coe Molsons
Sank, ete.
ltt;oney to Loan at lowest rates of interest
Offices--•Madn-St., Exeter
1. B. Carling, B.A. L. Ii, Dickson
We have a large amou. t of private
funds to loan on farm and village Prop—
erties at low rates of interest.
f3avriaters, Solicitors. Exeter.
Dr. Q. lr'. ROLILSTON. L.D,S., D.D.S..
Member of the R.C.D.S, of Ontario and
Honor Ora4uate of 'Toronto Univerelty.
Office—Over Dickson & Carling's law
•ofrtce. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
OR. A R. KINS:r1AN, L.D.S., D.D.5.,
Honor Graduate or Toronto Universit7
i'eeth extracted without pain, or any
tad effects, Office over Madrona &
fitannury'a Office, Ilan Street, Peter,
THE sole head of a family, or ,:try
emal::'over18 years old, may homestead
a quarter -section of available i)omin
ion' land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta The applicant must appear.
in perso eat the Dominion Lands Ag-
ency of Sub -Agency for the Dis-
trict. Entry may be made at any
Dominion Lands Agency (but not
Sub -Agency) on certain conditions.
Duties—Six mapths} residence upon
and cultivation of the land in each of
three; years. A homesteader 'shay live
within nine miles of hiss homestead en
a fof at least 80 acres, on certain
conditions. A habitable house is re-
clui ed in every case, except when re-
sidence is performed in the vicinity.
In certain districts a homesteader in
good standing may pre-empt a quarter
section alan,gside his homestead. Price
$3 per acre. Duties—Six months resi-
dende in each of three years after
earning homestead patent; also 50
acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption
patent may be obtained as soon as
homestead patent, on certain condi-
A settler who has exhausted his
'homestead eight may take a purchas-
•ed homestead in certain districts.
Price $3 per acre. Duties—Must re-
side 6 months in each, of 3 years, cu-
ttivato 50 acres, and erect a house
worth $300.
The area ,of cultivation is subject
to reduction in case of rough, scrult-
by or stony land, Live stock may be
substituted for cultivation under cer-
tain conditions,
W. W. CORY, C.M.G.
Deputy of the Mintriter of the Interior
N.B.—Unautivarized publication olr
this advertisement Will not be pa'd for.
' Christian college -home,
. valthful situation.
b to ; •
sectusaxidterins,wr1te the Principal
3,-,r,., ser,M.A.,D.D.,St. Thomas, Ont.
Our instructors are experienced.
Pupils get individual attention and
graduates are placed in positions. We
are receiving applications we cannot
meet. Students may enter any time,
Send for our free catalogue and see
if it interests you.
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
gloating Pill for Women. $5 a box or threefor
$10. Sold. at all D,rug stores, or niatled•to any
address onreceiptof price...Taa 8coBsLL Dana
Co., St. Catharinee, Ontario.
Vim ann
Vtality;for NOrveand.Brain; Increases "grey
matter"; a $onto—will build you up. $5 a box; or
two for. $5, et drug stores, or by -mall on receipt
of price, • Ws SCOBELL Dams CO., St. Catharines,
Douple Track all the Way.
For Chicag `a
Leave. Toronto 8 am, 6. p,m. and
11.45 p.m. daily
For • Montreal
Leave'. Toronto 9 a.m., 8.30 n.m. and
"11 p.m. daily
.Equipment the' . finest on all' trains
Reduced h,ares ..to
Angeles -„an
San Francisco, Lastd ":,an.
Fol' particulars and birth reserva-
tion op application to Agents.
N. J. DORE, Exeter
There will the sold by Public Auc-
tion on 'Lot 4, Con. 7, Usborne, 1%
miles South 'of EElinlville, on
WEDNESDAY, \NOV, 3, 1915,
at 12 o'clock sharp, the following:—
ollowing:,-HorsesBrood mare, •A riculturaI,in
foal (Glasnick) ; horse 5 years cold,
Agric, be Lord Sharp; mare 4 yrs.
old, Agric„ ,by Lord Sharp; 2 -year
old filly by Pacific.
Cattle -21 head of pure bred ; eg-
istereci Shorthorns, ,consisting of one
cewv with 'heifer calf at foot; 1 -ow
with bull calf at foot; 5 cows with
calf, heifer 2 years old with :alf ; 2
heifers 1.year old, 3 heifer calves.
Bulls—Stock bull, Victorian, 87808,
roan..calved Dec. 17, 19 11, bred by
Cargill & Sons. This bull headed the
herd of Capt. T. E, Robson, and was
purchased at his dispersion sale; Bull
21 months sired by Royal Commodore
770,54; Bull 17 months old, sired by
Victorian; Bull 12 months old, sired
by Victorian; 2 Bulls 6 months old,
Grade Cattle -2 cows, freshened; 1
cow due to calve Jan. 22; 2 heifers
24 months old; 3 beautiful roan heif-
ers 12 months old; 1 steer 2 years
old; 2 yearling steers, 3 young calves.
Pigs -1 pure bred Yorkshire sow
—with litter.
Bens—A number of young Barred
Rock hens and several cockerels.
Implements—McCormick binder, e-
ft cut; Maxwell mower; Success ma-
nure spreader cultivator, Massey -Har.
ris fertilizer drill, 11 hoe, nearly ilex;
Maxon seed drill, with grass seeder
attachtnent; hay rake; hay tedd,er,
land roller disc harrow+, two furrow
Plow, 3 stalking plows; 1 gang ulow,
2 set harrows, scuffler, Clinton fan-
ning milt De Level cream separator,
nearly new; 2000 lb. scales, bag *ruck
'grass seeder; gasoline tank, water
trough lumber wagon, hand -made,
o selected timber, with double box
and sprinf. seat, truck wagon, with box
and spring seat, 2 gravel boxes, heavy
stock rack hog rack, Daisy 'burn,
grind Stone, hay rack, pair bobsleighs
cutter . new oak stone boat, hay fork
150 ft, rope sling ropes and nu legs
2 set a heavy harness, set single har-
ness. whiffletrees, neckyokes, forks,
hoes, ladders, new oak gasoline barrel
2 craimscut saws, 2)6 acres enangolds
and quantity corn in stook; also 'Many
articles to. numerous to mention.'
Terms—$10 and under cash; ever
that amount 12 months' credit will be
greet, on furnishing approved ioint
notes with 4 per cent, off for 'ash
an credit amounts.
Ali cattle will be catalogued and
catalogue: will be scut on applrcation
Positively no reserve as the propri-
etor has sold his farm.
Buyers from a distance are re-
quested to bring their bank qualifica.
thane with them.
Auction Sale
err, Thos. ,Cameron has received In-
structions 'from the undersigned to
self by public auction at the•24IET{RO--
t4ATU1tDA1, t'lOV•EITBER 6th, at one
o'clock sharp the following,
PATTLE-4 •cows 'with calves at foot
8:cows due in ;November, • December,
and. January; 3 farrow cows; 20 two
year old steers; 6 two year old hei-
fers; 1 pure-bred Berefordeteifer, two
years old, in ie'alf ,to Hereford bull; 10
one year old steers; 5 one year old
heifers, 7 calves.
HOGS—'Geo: Armstrong will have 0
flows and 20 sucking pigs ready ,to
wean, to sell 1st the kale.,
Terms -10 months' credit on fur-
nishing approved joint 'notes pt six
per 'cent. • per :annum.
The story of Jack the Giant -Killer
has always fascinated. One small boy
destroyed a great menace. So it is
with the wonderful TAKAKE, which
unaidec destroys the Giant Pain.
Headaches, Rheumatism, Sciatica,
Neuralgia Sleeplessness ,and all ner-
vous affections fly before it to ,heir
utter destruction.
Because you have used all other re-
medies without results is the best
reason for using TAKAKE which
gives quick and permanent relief in
to most chronic cases. One of its
many attractions is its absolute free -
don from any habit-forming drug.
Use one box and the ,result will
show you that, like little Jack, you
can live happy ever after.
Gel TAKAKE. There is nothing
the same or;- just as good. SOc, at
your druggist's, or 45c. by mail. from
Georgian Mfg. Co., Collingwood,
Then you realize the utter weakness
that robs ambition, destroys appetite,
and makes work a burden.
is so essential, nothing has ever equaled
or compared -with Scott's' Emulsion' be-
cause its strength -sustaining nourish-
ment invigorates the blood ,to distribute
energy throughout the body while its tonic
value sharpens the appetite and restores
health iii a natural, permanent way.'
If yds} are run down, tired, nervous,
overworked or lack strength, get, Scott's
Emulsion to -day." At any drug store. -
Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont,
College in Session', t l'st to July.
Catalogue Free.: 'c. Enter any time.
J. W. Westervelt, Principal
Auction Sale
There will he Sold by Public Auc-
tion 4n Il;uron S't`reet`,' Exeter), on
SATURDAY, OCT. 30th, 1915,
At 2 o'clock, sharp, . the following—
The property owned by Wm. Balk -
will, Sr. ,Humin Street, being a cott-
age of 5 rooms, Pantry and summer
kitchen; also a good little stable and
Range .coal or wood`, nearly new.;
cupboard chest of drawers, enclosed
'stand 2 tables. white enamel` bedstead
springs. and mattress, bedstead, dress-
er, wash stand, springs and mattress,
sideboard, wheelbarrow, 'nearly new;
a few tools,
Term;; Cash.
Wm. Balkwill Sr. B. S. Phillips,
Proprietor Auctioneer
Auction Sale e
There svill be sold by t ublic auw-
tion on Lot 16, Con. 14, l ibbert, en
TUESDAY, NOV. 2nd, 1915
At one o'clock sharp, the failo vies
Horses—Brood mare 4 yrs, agric,;
gelding. 6 yrs. agric.;' gelding s yrs
agric,; filly, 2 yrs, agric,; sucking colt
"Cattle—Cow due in Dec„ cow dole
in Jan; 6 cows due ilt; /arch and Ap-
ril, 5 heifers 2 yrs old; 8 steers and
heifers 1 yr, old ; '7 spring calves;
pure-bred Rolled Angus hull, 2 yrs.1
Hoge 8t Poultry—Brood sow due in
Nov. a number hens, pullets and
Implements—Lumber wagon and box
complete; truck wagon, top buggy,
open ,buggy, pair sleighs, cutter, bin-
der, mower steel hay rake, 2000 lb.
scales single plass,, new two --furrow
Maple Leaf plow with rolling colter,
disc, cultivator, seeder and drill, new
steel land roller, set iron harrows,
scuffler. pulpes, fanning mill, bag
truck- hag holder, grain bags, hay
rack gravel box, wheelbarrow, grind-
stone, set team harness, set work
harness set single harness, whiffletrees
neckyokes, two iron kettles, ;50 ,eet
ca • rope set slings, forks, shovels, etc
1 new cream separator, grass seed
sower. quantity of straw, quantity of
ensilage acre turnips, about '20 tons
hay 150 bush barley, '700 bush oats
mos' of which are fit for seed.
Positively no reserve as the piop-
rietot has rented his farm;
Terms—$5 and under cash; over
that amount 12 months credit on ap-
proved joint notes, 5 per cent off
for cash
Auction Sale
ori Con. 1, Usborne, 1-4 mile•south
of Exeter, on
at 3. o'clock, the following;,
Horses -1 good driving mare, ear-
; riage; , Percheron colt, rising 3 yrs.
old, gelding. sired by Victor; 1. filly
rising 2 years, sired by Storm King;
1. Eel colt rising 3; gelding; 1 Eel
colt rising 2, filly; those colts are
sired .by March Eel with dam 'Clear
Grit, and they should be speedy.
Cattle—I. now newly calved; 1 cow
due in November; 1 cow due; in Var.;
6 two-year old steers; 4 one-year old
steers; 4 beef -ring heifers; 4 1 -year
old heifers; 1 heifer calf.
Implements,—Seed drill; gang plow,
root pulper; bobsleigh; cutter, light
wagon water trough, 1200 lb. scales;
new Canada Carriage buggy, auto seat
2 used, buggies; 1 set double harness
2 set single harness; 1 Royal Oak side
board' 1 Daisy churn; and numerous
other articles.
Terms—$5 and under cash; over
that amount 6 months credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint
notes. 5 per ct. per ann. off for cash
Everything will be sold as,' the pro-
prietor has givens up farming.
D. WOOD, Prop.
C W. ROBINSON, Auct. '
Auction Sale of
There will 'be sold in Crediton on
SATURDAY, `OCT. 30th, 1915
At one o'clock, the following1,-10
choice cows, due to ,calve in Febru-
ary and March. The balance ale year-
lings and 'two year olds; 1 Durham
ban, bull .coming two years' old.
These are an exceptionally choice
to', of Durham cattle.
Terms -6 months credit on furnish-
ing approved joint 'notes with 6 per.
cent interest. l
Lawson & Nicholson, Frank Taylor
Proprietors Auctioneer
,AYFIELD—Two weddings were
celebrated here recently. Charlotte,
daughter of dvlr. and Mrs. Wm Ster-
ling, to Mr. Hugh D. McLaren, a well-
known merchant of Port Elgin; and
Margaret C., daughter of Mr. and Mrs
John: ,C Faulkner to Mr. Wmt Green
of Colborne Tp —_
CLINTON—Christopher H. Chant,
father of Mr. H,•. B. Chant of town
passed away at' his home! at Unionville.
on Thursday, ,after an illness, -extend-
ing over several months'. . The late
Mr Chant was born at Somerset,
England • ,but ` came to thiscountry
with his:. parents when about, six years
of age
SEAFORTH-John McDonogh, ag-
ed 75 years, although ailing , for a
number of weeks died 'suddenly on
Oct 20 at ,the .home, of his daughter
Mrs .Sydney •Dolmage, near here. A
hemorrhage of the brain was the im-
mediate cause: Fottr daughters and
-four sons survive. • He was buried. at
BRUCEFIELD .-Harry,,Llttle has dim
posed.' of his farm- juste west -Of the
„village ;to- ,Mr. , Arthur "Wouldy of
Clinton, tot $7,600.. This, is a splen -
die, .farm. with fine. residence and good °'
buildings. M. Little intends: remove%
ing with his family to Gaderich, where
his son recently purchased a barbering
business. -John S. Cameron, one of
the pioneers of Brucefield section,
departed this *life Sunday, in his 85th
Rev. Father McCarthy, assistant t
priest at hIt. Carrnel, has been :select- ;
ed as Chaplain to the, overseas foaces,
Fr. McCarthy left Sunday evening, for
Londe!, from which place he:Will
leave for the front.
16.40. ,71.6=
MITCHELL --Louis Steinbech, aged
23, ,while helping to thresh at the
farm of Charles ,Pfeffer on Saturday
jumped from the mote to the top of
the machine, breaking his beg. One
let; went through into they blower and
the upper hart of it was badly torn,
SEAFORTH--John Henderson, the
caretaker of the Dominion Bank here
died on Oct. 21 at the age of 73 years
One soli John resides in Saginaw,
BRUSSELS—William McMurray of
Morris Township, slipped while et
work at a wood -sawing bee 4nd he
was thrown against the saw. One
arm was cut to the bone and she won-
der was that it wast not severed.
ST. MARYS—Timothy j. Maloney,
a farmer near here, went to Detroit
to help his son out of trouble, but
got hit on the heady with a brick and
was ro'hbea of $50. Whereupon he
wisely hiked for home.
Fred ieicherr, who has been visit -
ml;, relatives and friends here, .eft on
Wednesday .for his home in Cavalier,
N Da.,- Miss Nora Smith has gone to
to Berlin where she expects to zee
main fo a time.—Rev. Mr. ....Jensen of
Conestoga conducted the servi.::s in
the Lutheran church last Sunday • t
both services.—Mr, Henry i,a'ehltr
and sons attended the funeral of the
late Chris Neberlin held at Sebring-
ville,—Mr; Henry Seibert and wife of
Canada, State of Kansas, were' visiting
at the home of Mr. W. LI, Seibert,
—It is estimated that no less than
one hundred and forty tons of sett
onion; were grown in the district
surrounding Zurich the past season.
Nearly 100 Ions have been 'shipped
to large warehouses in Manitoba,
where they will be stored over winter,
.Mr Geo Geoffrey who lives north
of Lrysdale has purchased the 70
acre farm of Mr. Louis Durand. loos..
session to be given Nov. 1st, next.
Mr. Geoffrey now owns one -hundred'.
and seventy acres on the Sauble line.
—Word was received here of the
death ,of Chris, Neberlin, a wealthy'
farmer living near Sebringville. Pe-
ase(' passed away very suddenly, on
Friday from an attack of heart dis-
ease He was a brother-in-law of
Henry Koehler of the Goshen
line and has visited here frequently.—
Mrs A Faust of Naperville, 111, vis-
ited 'friends and relatives here.
tris.: Clarissa Mitchell has return
ed from a pleasant trip of a number
V month.: with relatives and friends
in Manitoba Saskatchewan, Dakota,
' Alberta and other sections,—Miss Rob
I sou, has returned to Hensall, after vis-
iting in London and other places for
several weeks,—Miss Floss Bonthron
is home from Barrie visiting her par -
I tints,—Miss Mabel Sparks, daughter of
Mrs. Jas Sparks, was recently married
to 0 McIntyre of Port Stanley, where
the happy couple will reside. The
marriage took place at London.—Mr5.
Tas Bonthron and daughter, Jean, tett
last week fir Pittsburg, Penn., ,where
they intens visiiting for seireral weeks
with Mrs Bonthclt'n's sister, 'qrs. flail
—A ,very pretty but quiet wedding
too.. place at the home of efr, and
'Mrs. Walter J. Fee, Hensall, on Oct.
19th. when their eldest daughter,
Mary Emily was married to Tohn 3.
Wallace of Buffalo, by Rev. W. J.
Doherty. The ,wredding march was
played by Mrs. Oliver Fee,, After
the ceremony and congratulations the
guests repaired to the dining room,
where a sumptuous repast was served.
Later the happy couple left for De-
troit. Cleveland and' Buffalo. The
bride travelled in a nay y blue Suit,
with velvet hat to match. -'Mn Geo.
Wm Fee and his sisters recently me-
ceivecl a telegram advising them of
the death of their sister -in -claw, the
widow of their lake brother, Or. Teo.
Fee, who only died afew, weeks ago.
—Mr Geo ' Beach, who( has been a
resident of our village for a couple
or prose years, left here this week
for Sar Diego, ;Cal., where one of his
marries sons is living.
Perhaps Your
are out, ocorder. Make the doctor's
test: Examine your urine. It should
be a light straw color—if it is highly
colored, reddish or deep orange -if the
odor is strong or unusual—if "brick
dust" or mucus is present, loqk to the
kidneys. They are out of order.
Get GIN PILLS at once, and take
them regularly.
Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago,
pain in the back, groin or hips—all
point to weakness in the kidney or
bladder action, and the pressing neces-
sity for GIN PILLS.
Gin Pills are worth their weight in
gold because they drive these pains
clean out of the system. They only'
cost so cents a box, with the absolute
guarantee of satisfaction or your money
back. Six boxes for $2.so, or a free
treatment if you write to
National Drug & Chemical
Co., of Canada, Limited
Toronto Out. 14
am a woman.
I known woman's trials,
I know iter need of sympathy and
I£ you, my sister, are unhappy bee„:., of ill.
health, and feel unfit for household cloths. ',,einl
pleasures, ordaiyl daily employment, write and ten die
Just Stow you suffer, and ask for my free ten cloys'
trial of a home treatment suite$ to your nee.'s;
with references to Chadian iadics,'a ho gladly tell
how they have regained health, a th, nod
happiness by its use. I 'want to tell y , t en about.
tins successful method of home treat: t far
yourself, my reader, faryourdauyhte v M„t:r,
or your mother. I want to tell you l , t a cure
yourselves at home at trifling cost, and without
aid from anyone. I5en cannot understand women's
Sufferings; what we women know from exper
fence, we know better than ono, doctor ; and
thousands have proved there is he-: even for the
hopeless in ray method of home tr a -:lent. If you
suffer from pain in the head, b ck, or b wets,
feeling of weight and dragging down sensatlans,
falling or displacement of internal organs, tladder
irritation with frequent urination, obstinate
constipation or piles, pain in the riles regularly
r?t irritgalariy, :bloating or unnatural enlargementts, attarrixat conditions, .dyspetr ia, extreme
nervousness, depressed spirits. melancholy, desire to cry, fear of something evil about to
happen, creeping feeling up the spine, palpitation, hot flashes,weariness,sallow c,mplcxian,
with dark Circles under the eyes, pain in the left breast ora general feeling thrt life is not
worth living, I invite you to send today for my complete ten days' treatment ,entirely fres and
postpaid,, to prove to yourself that these ailments can be easilyaudsurely conquered aquas own
home, without the expense of hospital treatment, or the dangers of an operation. women
everywhere are escaping the surgeon's knife by knowing of my simple method of home
treatment, and when you are cured, my sister, I shalt only, ask you to pass the good word along
to some other sufferer. Sty home treatment is for all,—youngorold. To Mothers ofPaughters,
I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures gree.- eizaeas
(cloross), irregularities, headaches, and lassitude in youngwomen, and restores tem to
plumpness. and health, Te me if you are worried about your daughter. Remember it costa Yea
nothing to give my method of home treatment a complete ten day's trial, and if you wish to
continue, it costs only a few cents a week to do so, and it does rot interfere withone's dairywork.
is health worth asking for P Then accept my generous offer. write for the. tree treatmexit suited
toyeur needs, and I will send it in plain wrapper by return mail, To save time yon can cut out
tins offer, mark the places that tett your feelings, and return to me. Write and ask for the free
treatment to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address. t
The hist quality of Purity Flour comes from
First—The selected wheat we use.
Second—This wheat, Mined to .a rigid
stand .rd under the closest superiCon of
miller and chemist.
!bre Bread aBetter Br
Doronwend's Display of
Artistic Hair -Goods
Should be seen by every .man and wyo-
male ,who would keep attractive Ind
LADIES who have not suffici,:nt
hair 'to do justice to their appearan: ee
come to
When yet, canhave a FREE DEMON STRATION of the style 'that will
answer your demands.
LADIES,—Switches, Braids, ,Tran sformations Pompadours, Waves and
many other hair -goods creations of the finest quality hair.
Hy -genic toupees and wigs which
ar indetectable, featherweight and are
wort by over a quarter million men.
See what a benefit it is to
'Ford Touring Car
Price $530
Ford Runabout
Price $480
Ford Town Car
Price _ $ 780
The above prices f.o.b. Ford, Ont.,
effective .Aug., 2, 1915. No speedom-
eter included in this year's equip-
ment otherwise cars fully equipped.
Cars on display and sale at